include_guard(DIRECTORY) include(CheckFunctionExists) # BEGIN: Variables set(COMPILER_ID_GNU_COMPATIBLE "AppleClang;Clang;GNU") # Replacement variables for a possible long list of C/C++ compilers compatible with GCC if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID IN_LIST COMPILER_ID_GNU_COMPATIBLE) set(COMPILER_IS_GNUC_COMPATIBLE TRUE) else() set(COMPILER_IS_GNUC_COMPATIBLE FALSE) endif() if(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID IN_LIST COMPILER_ID_GNU_COMPATIBLE) set(COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX_COMPATIBLE TRUE) else() set(COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX_COMPATIBLE FALSE) endif() # BEGIN: Functions function(determine_package_config_dependency) # Don't need to worry about this when building shared libraries if(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) return() endif() set(Dest "${ARGV0}") cmake_parse_arguments(PARSE_ARGV 1 ARG "" "TARGET;MODULE" "") if(TARGET ${ARG_TARGET}) get_property(TgtImported TARGET ${ARG_TARGET} PROPERTY IMPORTED) if(TgtImported) list(APPEND "${Dest}" "${ARG_MODULE}") endif() endif() set("${Dest}" "${${Dest}}" CACHE INTERNAL "") endfunction() # Adds private links to a given target, but any OBJECT or INTERFACE library will # be hidden from install(EXPORT). function(target_link_libraries_hidden Tgt) set(Links ${ARGV}) list(REMOVE_AT Links 0) get_property(TgtType TARGET "${Tgt}" PROPERTY TYPE) foreach(Link IN LISTS Links) if(TARGET "${Link}") get_property(LinkImported TARGET "${Link}" PROPERTY IMPORTED) get_property(LinkType TARGET "${Link}" PROPERTY TYPE) if(NOT LinkImported AND (LinkType STREQUAL "OBJECT_LIBRARY" OR LinkType STREQUAL "INTERFACE_LIBRARY")) target_link_libraries("${Tgt}" PRIVATE "$") # Since we're potentially hiding usage requirements from the # exported targets, we need to do this recursively. if(TgtType STREQUAL "STATIC_LIBRARY") get_property(TransitiveLinks TARGET "${Link}" PROPERTY INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES) target_link_libraries_hidden("${Tgt}" ${TransitiveLinks}) endif() else() target_link_libraries("${Tgt}" PRIVATE "${Link}") endif() else() target_link_libraries("${Tgt}" PRIVATE "${Link}") endif() endforeach() endfunction() # For a given subdirectory, set all configs to release. function(make_release_only) if(CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES) set(ConfigTypes ${CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES}) list(REMOVE_ITEM ConfigTypes "Release") else() set(ConfigTypes "Debug;MinSizeRel;RelWithDebInfo") endif() foreach(Config IN LISTS ConfigTypes) string(TOUPPER "${Config}" ConfigUpper) set("CMAKE_C_FLAGS_${ConfigUpper}" "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE}" PARENT_SCOPE) endforeach() endfunction() # As documented, OBJECT libraries in INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES are treated as if # they were INTERFACE libraries. So if we want to have an INTERFACE library # which links to OBJECT libraries we need to copy those objects into the # INTERFACE_SOURCES. # # This function should only be used on INTERFACE_LIBRARY targets. function(propagate_object_links Tgt) get_property(Links TARGET "${Tgt}" PROPERTY INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES) foreach(Link IN LISTS Links) if(TARGET "${Link}") get_property(LinkType TARGET "${Link}" PROPERTY TYPE) if(LinkType STREQUAL "OBJECT_LIBRARY") target_sources("${Tgt}" INTERFACE $) endif() endif() endforeach() endfunction() function(require_stricmp Tgt Visibility) check_function_exists(stricmp STRICMP_EXISTS) if(NOT STRICMP_EXISTS) target_compile_definitions(${Tgt} ${Visibility} stricmp=strcasecmp) endif() endfunction() function(require_strnicmp Tgt Visibility) check_function_exists(strnicmp STRNICMP_EXISTS) if(NOT STRNICMP_EXISTS) target_compile_definitions(${Tgt} ${Visibility} strnicmp=strncasecmp) endif() endfunction() function(use_fast_math Tgt) if(MSVC) set_property( TARGET "${Tgt}" APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_OPTIONS "/fp:fast" ) elseif(ZD_CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX_COMPATIBLE) set_property( TARGET "${Tgt}" APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_OPTIONS "-ffast-math" "-ffp-contract=fast" ) endif() endfunction()