/* * libADLMIDI is a free Software MIDI synthesizer library with OPL3 emulation * * Original ADLMIDI code: Copyright (c) 2010-2014 Joel Yliluoma * ADLMIDI Library API: Copyright (c) 2015-2022 Vitaly Novichkov * * Library is based on the ADLMIDI, a MIDI player for Linux and Windows with OPL3 emulation: * http://iki.fi/bisqwit/source/adlmidi.html * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "adlmidi_midiplay.hpp" #include "adlmidi_opl3.hpp" #include "adlmidi_private.hpp" #include "wopl/wopl_file.h" std::string ADLMIDI_ErrorString; // Generator callback on audio rate ticks #if defined(ADLMIDI_AUDIO_TICK_HANDLER) void adl_audioTickHandler(void *instance, uint32_t chipId, uint32_t rate) { reinterpret_cast(instance)->AudioTick(chipId, rate); } #endif int adlCalculateFourOpChannels(MIDIplay *play, bool silent) { Synth &synth = *play->m_synth; size_t n_fourop[2] = {0, 0}, n_total[2] = {0, 0}; bool rhythmModeNeeded = false; size_t numFourOps = 0; //Automatically calculate how much 4-operator channels is necessary { //For custom bank Synth::BankMap::iterator it = synth.m_insBanks.begin(); Synth::BankMap::iterator end = synth.m_insBanks.end(); for(; it != end; ++it) { size_t bank = it->first; size_t div = (bank & Synth::PercussionTag) ? 1 : 0; for(size_t i = 0; i < 128; ++i) { OplInstMeta &ins = it->second.ins[i]; if(ins.flags & OplInstMeta::Flag_NoSound) continue; if((ins.flags & OplInstMeta::Flag_Real4op) != 0) ++n_fourop[div]; ++n_total[div]; if(div && ((ins.flags & OplInstMeta::Mask_RhythmMode) != 0)) rhythmModeNeeded = true; } } } // All 2ops (no 4ops) if((n_fourop[0] == 0) && (n_fourop[1] == 0)) numFourOps = 0; // All 2op melodics and Some (or All) 4op drums else if((n_fourop[0] == 0) && (n_fourop[1] > 0)) numFourOps = 2; // Many 4op melodics else if((n_fourop[0] >= (n_total[0] * 7) / 8)) numFourOps = 6; // Few 4op melodics else if(n_fourop[0] > 0) numFourOps = 4; synth.m_numFourOps = static_cast(numFourOps * synth.m_numChips); // Update channel categories and set up four-operator channels if(!silent) synth.updateChannelCategories(); // Set rhythm mode when it needed synth.m_rhythmMode = rhythmModeNeeded; return 0; } #ifndef DISABLE_EMBEDDED_BANKS void adlFromInstrument(const BanksDump::InstrumentEntry &instIn, OplInstMeta &instOut) { instOut.voice2_fine_tune = 0.0; if(instIn.secondVoiceDetune != 0) instOut.voice2_fine_tune = (double)((((int)instIn.secondVoiceDetune + 128) >> 1) - 64) / 32.0; instOut.midiVelocityOffset = instIn.midiVelocityOffset; instOut.drumTone = instIn.percussionKeyNumber; instOut.flags = (instIn.instFlags & WOPL_Ins_4op) && (instIn.instFlags & WOPL_Ins_Pseudo4op) ? OplInstMeta::Flag_Pseudo4op : 0; instOut.flags|= (instIn.instFlags & WOPL_Ins_4op) && ((instIn.instFlags & WOPL_Ins_Pseudo4op) == 0) ? OplInstMeta::Flag_Real4op : 0; instOut.flags|= (instIn.instFlags & WOPL_Ins_IsBlank) ? OplInstMeta::Flag_NoSound : 0; instOut.flags|= instIn.instFlags & WOPL_RhythmModeMask; for(size_t op = 0; op < 2; op++) { if((instIn.ops[(op * 2) + 0] < 0) || (instIn.ops[(op * 2) + 1] < 0)) break; const BanksDump::Operator &op1 = g_embeddedBanksOperators[instIn.ops[(op * 2) + 0]]; const BanksDump::Operator &op2 = g_embeddedBanksOperators[instIn.ops[(op * 2) + 1]]; instOut.op[op].modulator_E862 = op1.d_E862; instOut.op[op].modulator_40 = op1.d_40; instOut.op[op].carrier_E862 = op2.d_E862; instOut.op[op].carrier_40 = op2.d_40; instOut.op[op].feedconn = (instIn.fbConn >> (op * 8)) & 0xFF; instOut.op[op].noteOffset = static_cast(op == 0 ? instIn.noteOffset1 : instIn.noteOffset2); } instOut.soundKeyOnMs = instIn.delay_on_ms; instOut.soundKeyOffMs = instIn.delay_off_ms; } #endif