/* * libADLMIDI is a free Software MIDI synthesizer library with OPL3 emulation * * Original ADLMIDI code: Copyright (c) 2010-2014 Joel Yliluoma * ADLMIDI Library API: Copyright (c) 2015-2022 Vitaly Novichkov * * Library is based on the ADLMIDI, a MIDI player for Linux and Windows with OPL3 emulation: * http://iki.fi/bisqwit/source/adlmidi.html * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "adlmidi_midiplay.hpp" #include "adlmidi_opl3.hpp" #include "adlmidi_private.hpp" #include "adlmidi_cvt.hpp" #include "file_reader.hpp" #ifndef ADLMIDI_DISABLE_MIDI_SEQUENCER #include "midi_sequencer.hpp" #endif #include "wopl/wopl_file.h" bool MIDIplay::LoadBank(const std::string &filename) { FileAndMemReader file; file.openFile(filename.c_str()); return LoadBank(file); } bool MIDIplay::LoadBank(const void *data, size_t size) { FileAndMemReader file; file.openData(data, size); return LoadBank(file); } void cvt_ADLI_to_FMIns(OplInstMeta &ins, const ADL_Instrument &in) { return cvt_generic_to_FMIns(ins, in); } void cvt_FMIns_to_ADLI(ADL_Instrument &ins, const OplInstMeta &in) { cvt_FMIns_to_generic(ins, in); } bool MIDIplay::LoadBank(FileAndMemReader &fr) { int err = 0; WOPLFile *wopl = NULL; char *raw_file_data = NULL; size_t fsize; if(!fr.isValid()) { errorStringOut = "Custom bank: Invalid data stream!"; return false; } // Read complete bank file into the memory fsize = fr.fileSize(); fr.seek(0, FileAndMemReader::SET); // Allocate necessary memory block raw_file_data = (char*)malloc(fsize); if(!raw_file_data) { errorStringOut = "Custom bank: Out of memory before of read!"; return false; } fr.read(raw_file_data, 1, fsize); // Parse bank file from the memory wopl = WOPL_LoadBankFromMem((void*)raw_file_data, fsize, &err); //Free the buffer no more needed free(raw_file_data); // Check for any erros if(!wopl) { switch(err) { case WOPL_ERR_BAD_MAGIC: errorStringOut = "Custom bank: Invalid magic!"; return false; case WOPL_ERR_UNEXPECTED_ENDING: errorStringOut = "Custom bank: Unexpected ending!"; return false; case WOPL_ERR_INVALID_BANKS_COUNT: errorStringOut = "Custom bank: Invalid banks count!"; return false; case WOPL_ERR_NEWER_VERSION: errorStringOut = "Custom bank: Version is newer than supported by this library!"; return false; case WOPL_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY: errorStringOut = "Custom bank: Out of memory!"; return false; default: errorStringOut = "Custom bank: Unknown error!"; return false; } } Synth &synth = *m_synth; synth.setEmbeddedBank(m_setup.bankId); synth.m_insBankSetup.scaleModulators = false; synth.m_insBankSetup.deepTremolo = (wopl->opl_flags & WOPL_FLAG_DEEP_TREMOLO) != 0; synth.m_insBankSetup.deepVibrato = (wopl->opl_flags & WOPL_FLAG_DEEP_VIBRATO) != 0; synth.m_insBankSetup.mt32defaults = (wopl->opl_flags & WOPL_FLAG_MT32) != 0; synth.m_insBankSetup.volumeModel = wopl->volume_model; m_setup.deepTremoloMode = -1; m_setup.deepVibratoMode = -1; m_setup.volumeScaleModel = ADLMIDI_VolumeModel_AUTO; uint16_t slots_counts[2] = {wopl->banks_count_melodic, wopl->banks_count_percussion}; WOPLBank *slots_src_ins[2] = { wopl->banks_melodic, wopl->banks_percussive }; for(size_t ss = 0; ss < 2; ss++) { for(size_t i = 0; i < slots_counts[ss]; i++) { size_t bankno = (slots_src_ins[ss][i].bank_midi_msb * 256) + (slots_src_ins[ss][i].bank_midi_lsb) + (ss ? size_t(Synth::PercussionTag) : 0); Synth::Bank &bank = synth.m_insBanks[bankno]; for(int j = 0; j < 128; j++) { OplInstMeta &ins = bank.ins[j]; std::memset(&ins, 0, sizeof(OplInstMeta)); WOPLInstrument &inIns = slots_src_ins[ss][i].ins[j]; cvt_generic_to_FMIns(ins, inIns); } } } synth.m_embeddedBank = Synth::CustomBankTag; // Use dynamic banks! //Percussion offset is count of instruments multipled to count of melodic banks applySetup(); WOPL_Free(wopl); return true; } #ifndef ADLMIDI_DISABLE_MIDI_SEQUENCER bool MIDIplay::LoadMIDI_pre() { #ifdef DISABLE_EMBEDDED_BANKS Synth &synth = *m_synth; if((synth.m_embeddedBank != Synth::CustomBankTag) || synth.m_insBanks.empty()) { errorStringOut = "Bank is not set! Please load any instruments bank by using of adl_openBankFile() or adl_openBankData() functions!"; return false; } #endif /**** Set all properties BEFORE starting of actial file reading! ****/ resetMIDI(); applySetup(); return true; } bool MIDIplay::LoadMIDI_post() { Synth &synth = *m_synth; MidiSequencer &seq = *m_sequencer; MidiSequencer::FileFormat format = seq.getFormat(); if(format == MidiSequencer::Format_CMF) { const std::vector &instruments = seq.getRawCmfInstruments(); synth.m_insBanks.clear();//Clean up old banks uint16_t ins_count = static_cast(instruments.size()); for(uint16_t i = 0; i < ins_count; ++i) { const uint8_t *insData = instruments[i].data; size_t bank = i / 256; bank = ((bank & 127) + ((bank >> 7) << 8)); if(bank > 127 + (127 << 8)) break; bank += (i % 256 < 128) ? 0 : size_t(Synth::PercussionTag); /*std::printf("Ins %3u: %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X\n", i, InsData[0],InsData[1],InsData[2],InsData[3], InsData[4],InsData[5],InsData[6],InsData[7], InsData[8],InsData[9],InsData[10],InsData[11], InsData[12],InsData[13],InsData[14],InsData[15]);*/ OplInstMeta &adlins = synth.m_insBanks[bank].ins[i % 128]; OplTimbre adl; adl.modulator_E862 = ((static_cast(insData[8] & 0x07) << 24) & 0xFF000000) //WaveForm | ((static_cast(insData[6]) << 16) & 0x00FF0000) //Sustain/Release | ((static_cast(insData[4]) << 8) & 0x0000FF00) //Attack/Decay | ((static_cast(insData[0]) << 0) & 0x000000FF); //MultKEVA adl.carrier_E862 = ((static_cast(insData[9] & 0x07) << 24) & 0xFF000000) //WaveForm | ((static_cast(insData[7]) << 16) & 0x00FF0000) //Sustain/Release | ((static_cast(insData[5]) << 8) & 0x0000FF00) //Attack/Decay | ((static_cast(insData[1]) << 0) & 0x000000FF); //MultKEVA adl.modulator_40 = insData[2]; adl.carrier_40 = insData[3]; adl.feedconn = insData[10] & 0x0F; adl.noteOffset = 0; adlins.op[0] = adl; adlins.op[1] = adl; adlins.soundKeyOnMs = 1000; adlins.soundKeyOffMs = 500; adlins.drumTone = 0; adlins.flags = 0; adlins.voice2_fine_tune = 0.0; } synth.m_embeddedBank = Synth::CustomBankTag; // Ignore AdlBank number, use dynamic banks instead //std::printf("CMF deltas %u ticks %u, basictempo = %u\n", deltas, ticks, basictempo); synth.m_rhythmMode = true; synth.m_musicMode = Synth::MODE_CMF; synth.m_volumeScale = Synth::VOLUME_NATIVE; synth.m_numChips = 1; synth.m_numFourOps = 0; } else if(format == MidiSequencer::Format_RSXX) { //opl.CartoonersVolumes = true; synth.m_musicMode = Synth::MODE_RSXX; synth.m_volumeScale = Synth::VOLUME_NATIVE; synth.m_numChips = 1; synth.m_numFourOps = 0; } else if(format == MidiSequencer::Format_IMF) { //std::fprintf(stderr, "Done reading IMF file\n"); synth.m_numFourOps = 0; //Don't use 4-operator channels for IMF playing! synth.m_rhythmMode = false;//Don't enforce rhythm-mode when it's unneeded synth.m_musicMode = Synth::MODE_IMF; synth.m_numChips = 1; synth.m_numFourOps = 0; } else { if(format == MidiSequencer::Format_XMIDI) synth.m_musicMode = Synth::MODE_XMIDI; synth.m_numChips = m_setup.numChips; if(m_setup.numFourOps < 0) adlCalculateFourOpChannels(this, true); } resetMIDIDefaults(); m_setup.tick_skip_samples_delay = 0; synth.reset(m_setup.emulator, m_setup.PCM_RATE, this); // Reset OPL3 chip //opl.Reset(); // ...twice (just in case someone misprogrammed OPL3 previously) m_chipChannels.clear(); m_chipChannels.resize(synth.m_numChannels); return true; } bool MIDIplay::LoadMIDI(const std::string &filename) { FileAndMemReader file; file.openFile(filename.c_str()); if(!LoadMIDI_pre()) return false; MidiSequencer &seq = *m_sequencer; if(!seq.loadMIDI(file)) { errorStringOut = seq.getErrorString(); return false; } if(!LoadMIDI_post()) return false; return true; } bool MIDIplay::LoadMIDI(const void *data, size_t size) { FileAndMemReader file; file.openData(data, size); if(!LoadMIDI_pre()) return false; MidiSequencer &seq = *m_sequencer; if(!seq.loadMIDI(file)) { errorStringOut = seq.getErrorString(); return false; } if(!LoadMIDI_post()) return false; return true; } #endif /* ADLMIDI_DISABLE_MIDI_SEQUENCER */