/* TiMidity++ -- MIDI to WAVE converter and player Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Masanao Izumo Copyright (C) 1995 Tuukka Toivonen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA instrum.h */ #ifndef ___INSTRUM_H_ #define ___INSTRUM_H_ #include #include "common.h" #include "sysdep.h" #include "sffile.h" #include "sflayer.h" #include "sfitem.h" #include "../../../source/zmusic/fileio.h" namespace TimidityPlus { using timidity_file = MusicIO::FileInterface; enum { READ_CONFIG_SUCCESS = 0, READ_CONFIG_ERROR = 1, READ_CONFIG_RECURSION = 2, /* Too much recursion */ READ_CONFIG_FILE_NOT_FOUND = 3, /* Returned only w. allow_missing_file */ }; struct Sample { splen_t loop_start, loop_end, data_length; int32_t sample_rate, low_freq, high_freq, root_freq; int8_t panning, note_to_use; int32_t envelope_rate[6], envelope_offset[6], modenv_rate[6], modenv_offset[6]; double volume; sample_t *data; int32_t tremolo_sweep_increment, tremolo_phase_increment, vibrato_sweep_increment, vibrato_control_ratio; int16_t tremolo_depth; int16_t vibrato_depth; uint8_t modes, data_alloced, low_vel, high_vel; int32_t cutoff_freq; /* in Hz, [1, 20000] */ int16_t resonance; /* in centibels, [0, 960] */ /* in cents, [-12000, 12000] */ int16_t tremolo_to_pitch, tremolo_to_fc, modenv_to_pitch, modenv_to_fc, envelope_keyf[6], envelope_velf[6], modenv_keyf[6], modenv_velf[6], vel_to_fc, key_to_fc; int16_t vel_to_resonance; /* in centibels, [-960, 960] */ int8_t envelope_velf_bpo, modenv_velf_bpo, key_to_fc_bpo, vel_to_fc_threshold; /* in notes */ int32_t vibrato_delay, tremolo_delay, envelope_delay, modenv_delay; /* in samples */ int16_t scale_freq; /* in notes */ int16_t scale_factor; /* in 1024divs/key */ int8_t inst_type; int32_t sf_sample_index, sf_sample_link; /* for stereo SoundFont */ uint16_t sample_type; /* 1 = Mono, 2 = Right, 4 = Left, 8 = Linked, $8000 = ROM */ double root_freq_detected; /* root freq from pitch detection */ int transpose_detected; /* note offset from detected root */ int chord; /* type of chord for detected pitch */ }; /* Bits in modes: */ enum { MODES_16BIT = (1 << 0), MODES_UNSIGNED = (1 << 1), MODES_LOOPING = (1 << 2), MODES_PINGPONG = (1 << 3), MODES_REVERSE = (1 << 4), MODES_SUSTAIN = (1 << 5), MODES_ENVELOPE = (1 << 6), MODES_CLAMPED = (1 << 7), /* ?? (for last envelope??) */ INST_GUS = 0, INST_SF2 = 1, INST_MOD = 2, INST_PCM = 3, /* %sample */ /* sfSampleType */ SF_SAMPLETYPE_MONO = 1, SF_SAMPLETYPE_RIGHT = 2, SF_SAMPLETYPE_LEFT = 4, SF_SAMPLETYPE_LINKED = 8, SF_SAMPLETYPE_ROM = 0x8000, }; struct Instrument { int type; int samples; Sample *sample; char *instname; }; struct ToneBankElement { char *name; char *comment; Instrument *instrument; int8_t note, pan, strip_loop, strip_envelope, strip_tail, loop_timeout, font_preset, font_keynote, legato, tva_level, play_note, damper_mode; uint8_t font_bank; uint8_t instype; /* 0: Normal 1: %font 2: %sample 3-255: reserved */ int16_t amp; int16_t rnddelay; int tunenum; float *tune; int sclnotenum; int16_t *sclnote; int scltunenum; int16_t *scltune; int fcnum; int16_t *fc; int resonum; int16_t *reso; int trempitchnum, tremfcnum, modpitchnum, modfcnum; int16_t *trempitch, *tremfc, *modpitch, *modfc; int envratenum, envofsnum; int **envrate, **envofs; int modenvratenum, modenvofsnum; int **modenvrate, **modenvofs; int envvelfnum, envkeyfnum; int **envvelf, **envkeyf; int modenvvelfnum, modenvkeyfnum; int **modenvvelf, **modenvkeyf; int tremnum, vibnum; struct Quantity_ **trem, **vib; int16_t vel_to_fc, key_to_fc, vel_to_resonance; int8_t reverb_send, chorus_send, delay_send; }; /* A hack to delay instrument loading until after reading the entire MIDI file. */ #define MAGIC_LOAD_INSTRUMENT ((Instrument *)(-1)) #define MAGIC_ERROR_INSTRUMENT ((Instrument *)(-2)) #define IS_MAGIC_INSTRUMENT(ip) ((ip) == MAGIC_LOAD_INSTRUMENT || (ip) == MAGIC_ERROR_INSTRUMENT) #define DYNAMIC_INSTRUMENT_NAME "" struct AlternateAssign { /* 128 bit vector: * bits[(note >> 5) & 0x3] & (1 << (note & 0x1F)) */ uint32_t bits[4]; AlternateAssign* next; }; struct ToneBank { ToneBankElement tone[128]; AlternateAssign *alt; }; struct SpecialPatch /* To be used MIDI Module play mode */ { int type; int samples; Sample *sample; char *name; int32_t sample_offset; }; enum instrument_mapID { INST_NO_MAP = 0, SC_55_TONE_MAP, SC_55_DRUM_MAP, SC_88_TONE_MAP, SC_88_DRUM_MAP, SC_88PRO_TONE_MAP, SC_88PRO_DRUM_MAP, SC_8850_TONE_MAP, SC_8850_DRUM_MAP, XG_NORMAL_MAP, XG_SFX64_MAP, XG_SFX126_MAP, XG_DRUM_MAP, GM2_TONE_MAP, GM2_DRUM_MAP, NUM_INST_MAP }; enum { MAP_BANK_COUNT = 256, NSPECIAL_PATCH = 256, SPECIAL_PROGRAM = -1, MAX_MREL = 5000, DEFAULT_MREL = 800, }; struct SFInsts; struct InstList; struct SampleList; struct AIFFCommonChunk; struct AIFFSoundDataChunk; struct SampleImporter; class Instruments { std::string configFileName; MusicIO::SoundFontReaderInterface *sfreader; ToneBank standard_tonebank, standard_drumset; enum { INSTRUMENT_HASH_SIZE = 128, }; struct InstrumentCache { char *name; int panning, amp, note_to_use, strip_loop, strip_envelope, strip_tail; Instrument *ip; InstrumentCache *next; }; InstrumentCache *instrument_cache[INSTRUMENT_HASH_SIZE] = { nullptr }; /* bank mapping (mapped bank) */ struct bank_map_elem { int16_t used = 0, mapid = 0; int bankno = 0; }; bank_map_elem map_bank[MAP_BANK_COUNT], map_drumset[MAP_BANK_COUNT]; int map_bank_counter = 0; struct inst_map_elem { int set, elem, mapped; }; inst_map_elem *inst_map_table[NUM_INST_MAP][128] = { { nullptr} }; struct UserInstrument { int8_t bank; int8_t prog; int8_t source_map; int8_t source_bank; int8_t source_prog; int8_t vibrato_rate; int8_t vibrato_depth; int8_t cutoff_freq; int8_t resonance; int8_t env_attack; int8_t env_decay; int8_t env_release; int8_t vibrato_delay; UserInstrument *next; }; UserInstrument *userinst_first = (UserInstrument *)NULL; UserInstrument *userinst_last = (UserInstrument *)NULL; struct UserDrumset { int8_t bank; int8_t prog; int8_t play_note; int8_t level; int8_t assign_group; int8_t pan; int8_t reverb_send_level; int8_t chorus_send_level; int8_t rx_note_off; int8_t rx_note_on; int8_t delay_send_level; int8_t source_map; int8_t source_prog; int8_t source_note; UserDrumset *next; }; struct SFBags { int nbags; uint16_t *bag; int ngens; SFGenRec *gen; }; SFBags prbags, inbags; UserDrumset *userdrum_first = (UserDrumset *)NULL; UserDrumset *userdrum_last = (UserDrumset *)NULL; AlternateAssign alt[2]; /* Some functions get aggravated if not even the standard banks are available. */ ToneBank *tonebank[128 + MAP_BANK_COUNT] = { &standard_tonebank }, *drumset[128 + MAP_BANK_COUNT] = { &standard_drumset }; Instrument *default_instrument = 0; SpecialPatch *special_patch[NSPECIAL_PATCH] = { nullptr }; int default_program[MAX_CHANNELS] = { 0 }; /* This is only used for tracks that don't specify a program */ char *default_instrument_name = nullptr; int progbase = 0; int32_t modify_release = 0; bool opt_sf_close_each_file = true; char def_instr_name[256] = { '\0' }; SFInsts *sfrecs = nullptr; SFInsts *current_sfrec = nullptr; int last_sample_type = 0; int last_sample_instrument = 0; int last_sample_keyrange = 0; SampleList *last_sample_list = nullptr; LayerItem layer_items[SF_EOF]; /* convert from 8bit value to fractional offset (15.15) */ int32_t to_offset_22(int offset) { return (int32_t)offset << (7 + 15); } int32_t calc_rate_i(int diff, double msec); int32_t convert_envelope_rate(uint8_t rate); int32_t convert_envelope_offset(uint8_t offset); int32_t convert_tremolo_sweep(uint8_t sweep); int32_t convert_vibrato_sweep(uint8_t sweep, int32_t vib_control_ratio); int32_t convert_tremolo_rate(uint8_t rate); int32_t convert_vibrato_rate(uint8_t rate); void reverse_data(int16_t *sp, int32_t ls, int32_t le); int name_hash(char *name); Instrument *search_instrument_cache(char *name, int panning, int amp, int note_to_use, int strip_loop, int strip_envelope, int strip_tail); void store_instrument_cache(Instrument *ip, char *name, int panning, int amp, int note_to_use, int strip_loop, int strip_envelope, int strip_tail); int32_t to_rate(int rate); void apply_bank_parameter(Instrument *ip, ToneBankElement *tone); Instrument *load_gus_instrument(char *name, ToneBank *bank, int dr, int prog); int fill_bank(int dr, int b, int *rc); void free_tone_bank_list(ToneBank *tb[]); void free_tone_bank(void); void free_instrument_map(void); int set_default_instrument(char *name); void *safe_memdup(void *s, size_t size); void MarkInstrument(int banknum, int percussion, int instr); //smplfile.c Instrument *extract_sample_file(char *); int32_t convert_envelope_rate_s(uint8_t rate); void initialize_sample(Instrument *inst, int frames, int sample_bits, int sample_rate); int get_importers(const char *sample_file, int limit, SampleImporter **importers); int get_next_importer(char *sample_file, int start, int count, SampleImporter **importers); int import_wave_discriminant(char *sample_file); int import_wave_load(char *sample_file, Instrument *inst); int import_aiff_discriminant(char *sample_file); int import_aiff_load(char *sample_file, Instrument *inst); int read_AIFFCommonChunk(timidity_file *tf, AIFFCommonChunk *comm, int csize, int compressed); int read_AIFFSoundData(timidity_file *tf, Instrument *inst, AIFFCommonChunk *common); int read_AIFFSoundDataChunk(timidity_file *tf, AIFFSoundDataChunk *sound, int csize, int mode); // sndfont.cpp SFInsts *find_soundfont(char *sf_file); SFInsts *new_soundfont(char *sf_file); void init_sf(SFInsts *rec); void end_soundfont(SFInsts *rec); Instrument *try_load_soundfont(SFInsts *rec, int order, int bank, int preset, int keynote); Instrument *load_from_file(SFInsts *rec, InstList *ip); int is_excluded(SFInsts *rec, int bank, int preset, int keynote); int is_ordered(SFInsts *rec, int bank, int preset, int keynote); int load_font(SFInfo *sf, int pridx); int parse_layer(SFInfo *sf, int pridx, LayerTable *tbl, int level); int is_global(SFGenLayer *layer); void clear_table(LayerTable *tbl); void set_to_table(SFInfo *sf, LayerTable *tbl, SFGenLayer *lay, int level); void add_item_to_table(LayerTable *tbl, int oper, int amount, int level); void merge_table(SFInfo *sf, LayerTable *dst, LayerTable *src); void init_and_merge_table(SFInfo *sf, LayerTable *dst, LayerTable *src); int sanity_range(LayerTable *tbl); int make_patch(SFInfo *sf, int pridx, LayerTable *tbl); void make_info(SFInfo *sf, SampleList *vp, LayerTable *tbl); double calc_volume(LayerTable *tbl); void set_sample_info(SFInfo *sf, SampleList *vp, LayerTable *tbl); void set_init_info(SFInfo *sf, SampleList *vp, LayerTable *tbl); void reset_last_sample_info(void); int abscent_to_Hz(int abscents); void set_rootkey(SFInfo *sf, SampleList *vp, LayerTable *tbl); void set_rootfreq(SampleList *vp); int32_t to_offset(int32_t offset); int32_t to_rate(int32_t diff, int timecent); int32_t calc_rate(int32_t diff, double msec); double to_msec(int timecent); int32_t calc_sustain(int sust_cB); void convert_volume_envelope(SampleList *vp, LayerTable *tbl); void convert_tremolo(SampleList *vp, LayerTable *tbl); void convert_vibrato(SampleList *vp, LayerTable *tbl); void set_envelope_parameters(SampleList *vp); // configfile int set_patchconf(const char *name, int line, ToneBank *bank, char *w[], int dr, int mapid, int bankmapfrom, int bankno); int strip_trailing_comment(char *string, int next_token_index); char *expand_variables(char *string, MBlockList *varbuf, const char *basedir); int set_gus_patchconf(const char *name, int line, ToneBankElement *tone, char *pat, char **opts); void reinit_tone_bank_element(ToneBankElement *tone); int set_gus_patchconf_opts(const char *name, int line, char *opts, ToneBankElement *tone); int copymap(int mapto, int mapfrom, int isdrum); void copybank(ToneBank *to, ToneBank *from, int mapid, int bankmapfrom, int bankno); // sffile.cpp int chunkid(char *id); int process_list(int size, SFInfo *sf, timidity_file *fd); int process_info(int size, SFInfo *sf, timidity_file *fd); int process_sdta(int size, SFInfo *sf, timidity_file *fd); int process_pdta(int size, SFInfo *sf, timidity_file *fd); void load_sample_names(int size, SFInfo *sf, timidity_file *fd); void load_preset_header(int size, SFInfo *sf, timidity_file *fd); void load_inst_header(int size, SFInfo *sf, timidity_file *fd); void load_bag(int size, SFBags *bagp, timidity_file *fd); void load_gen(int size, SFBags *bagp, timidity_file *fd); void load_sample_info(int size, SFInfo *sf, timidity_file *fd); void convert_layers(SFInfo *sf); void generate_layers(SFHeader *hdr, SFHeader *next, SFBags *bags); void free_layer(SFHeader *hdr); int load_soundfont(SFInfo *sf, timidity_file *fd); void free_soundfont(SFInfo *sf); void correct_samples(SFInfo *sf); public: Instruments(); bool load(MusicIO::SoundFontReaderInterface *); ~Instruments(); const ToneBank *toneBank(int i) const { return tonebank[i]; } int defaultProgram(int i) const { return default_program[i]; } const ToneBank *drumSet(int i) const { return drumset[i]; } const SpecialPatch *specialPatch(int i) const { return special_patch[i]; } void setSpecialPatchOffset(int i, int32_t ofs) { special_patch[i]->sample_offset = ofs; } Instrument *defaultInstrument() const { return default_instrument; } /* instrum.c */ int load_missing_instruments(int *rc); void free_instruments(int reload_default_inst); void free_special_patch(int id); void clear_magic_instruments(void); Instrument *load_instrument(int dr, int b, int prog); int find_instrument_map_bank(int dr, int map, int bk); int alloc_instrument_map_bank(int dr, int map, int bk); void alloc_instrument_bank(int dr, int bankset); int instrument_map(int mapID, int *set_in_out, int *elem_in_out) const; void set_instrument_map(int mapID, int set_from, int elem_from, int set_to, int elem_to); AlternateAssign *add_altassign_string(AlternateAssign *old, char **params, int n); AlternateAssign *find_altassign(AlternateAssign *altassign, int note); void copy_tone_bank_element(ToneBankElement *elm, const ToneBankElement *src); void free_tone_bank_element(ToneBankElement *elm); void free_instrument(Instrument *ip); void squash_sample_16to8(Sample *sp); Instrument *play_midi_load_instrument(int dr, int bk, int prog, bool *pLoad_success); void recompute_userinst(int bank, int prog); Instrument *recompute_userdrum(int bank, int prog); UserInstrument *get_userinst(int bank, int prog); UserDrumset *get_userdrum(int bank, int prog); void recompute_userdrum_altassign(int bank, int group); /*! initialize GS user drumset. */ void init_userdrum(); void free_userdrum(); void init_userinst() { free_userinst(); } void free_userinst(); void mark_instrument(int newbank, int newprog) { if (!(tonebank[newbank]->tone[newprog].instrument)) tonebank[newbank]->tone[newprog].instrument = MAGIC_LOAD_INSTRUMENT; } void mark_drumset(int newbank, int newprog) { if (!(drumset[newbank]->tone[newprog].instrument)) drumset[newbank]->tone[newprog].instrument = MAGIC_LOAD_INSTRUMENT; } /* sndfont.c */ void add_soundfont(char *sf_file, int sf_order, int cutoff_allowed, int resonance_allowed, int amp); void remove_soundfont(char *sf_file); void init_load_soundfont(void); Instrument *load_soundfont_inst(int order, int bank, int preset, int keynote); Instrument *extract_soundfont(char *sf_file, int bank, int preset, int keynote); int exclude_soundfont(int bank, int preset, int keynote); int order_soundfont(int bank, int preset, int keynote, int order); char *soundfont_preset_name(int bank, int preset, int keynote, char **sndfile); void free_soundfonts(void); void PrecacheInstruments(const uint16_t *instruments, int count); int read_config_file(const char *name, int self, int allow_missing_file); void set_default_instrument() { set_default_instrument(def_instr_name); } }; } #endif /* ___INSTRUM_H_ */