- Fixed a bug of DMX frequency, accidentally ported from DMX
- Removed the useless adlmidi_sequencer.cpp file
- Synchronize all files of chipset with OPL3-BE
Fixed an incorrect timer processing when using a real-time interface.
This bug does directly affect the case of ZMusic which does use of RealTime API of both libraries.
## 1.5.0 2020-09-28
* Drum note length expanding is now supported in real-time mode (Thanks to [Jean Pierre Cimalando](https://github.com/jpcima) for a work!)
* Channels manager has been improved (Thanks to [Jean Pierre Cimalando](https://github.com/jpcima) for a work!)
* Nuked OPL3 1.8 emulator got some optimizations ported from 1.7 where they are was applied previously (Thanks to [Jean Pierre Cimalando](https://github.com/jpcima) for a work!)
* Reworked rhythm-mode percussions system, WOPL banks with rhythm-mode percussions
* Added Public Domain Opal OPL3 emulator made by Reality (a team who originally made the Reality Adlib Tracker) (Thanks to [Jean Pierre Cimalando](https://github.com/jpcima) for a work!)
* Added LGPL licensed JavaOPL3 emulator made by Robson Cozendey in Java and later rewritten into C++ for GZDoom (Thanks to [Jean Pierre Cimalando](https://github.com/jpcima) for a work!)
* Fully rewritten an embedded bank database format, embedded banks now supports a wider set (more than 127:127 instruments in one bank)
* Improved accuracy of the DMX volume model, include the buggy AM interpretation
* Improved accuracy of Apogee volume model, include the bug of AM instruments
* Improved accuracy of the Win9X volume model
* Removed C++ extras. C++-bounded instruments tester is useless since a real-time MIDI API can completely replace it
* Added AIL volume model
* Added Generic FM variant of Win9X volume model
* Fixed an incorrect work of CC-121 (See https://github.com/Wohlstand/libADLMIDI/issues/227 for details)
* Added HMI volume model (Thanks to [Alexey Khokholov](https://github.com/nukeykt) for help with research!)
* Added frequency models, assigned to every volume model: AIL, HMI, DMX, Apogee, 9X, and the Generic formula