this fixes the following error when configuring linux dynamic dependencies jobs
CMake Error at /usr/local/share/cmake-3.31/Modules/FindPkgConfig.cmake:938 (message):
None of the required 'glib-2.0' found
Call Stack (most recent call first):
thirdparty/fluidsynth/src/CMakeLists.txt:158 (pkg_search_module)
* Added an ability to disable the automatical arpeggio
* Updated the GENS chip emulator from the 2.10 into GS/II (thanks to @freq-mod for the help)
* Added an ability to set number of loops
* Added an ability to disable/enable playing of selected MIDI channels
* Fixed memory damages and crashes while playing XMI files
* Added the chip channels allocation mode option
* Fixed the playback of multi-song XMI files
* Added an ability to switch the XMI song on the fly
And also:
* Fixed the work on big endian processors
* Fixed ARM64 build on some platforms
* Improved support of the EA-MUS files (Thanks to [dashodanger](
* Fixed crash on attempt to change the volume of a blank note
* Added an ability to disable the automatical arpeggio
* Added an ability to set the count of loops (how many times to play the song)
* Added an ability to disable/enable playing of selected MIDI channels
* Fixed memory damages and crashes while playing XMI files
* Added bank-specific MT32 defaults (to don't confuse XMI playback between different games, works for AIL and IBK only, and for WOPL if set at the header)
* Added the chip channels allocation mode option
* Fixed the playback of multi-song XMI files
* Added an ability to switch the XMI song on the fly
ALSO (future updates)
* Fixed the work on big endian processors
* Fixed ARM64 build on some platforms
* Improved support of the EA-MUS files (Thanks to [dashodanger](
* Fixed crash on attempt to change the volume of a blank note
The primary reason for this is to avoid dealing with FluidSynth's rather messy compile setup.
This also protects us from breaking API/ABI changes like between version 1 and 2.
This still needs work for Linux/macOS to deal with glib. Windows works fine.