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May 20, 2003
- Removed the used of the SP, SLT, SECT, etc macros because the debugger
doesn't understand them and will not automatically show the values of the
associated variables.
May 17, 2003
- Fixed the problem with multiplayer: My attempt to reformat getpackets() had
some braces in the wrong places, so the only player whose movements would
be received was player 0. However, it dies when SIMULATEERRORS is non-zero,
and I can't get the original Build packet code to work anymore. This
simulates a *very* bad network however, so I don't know how well I should
expect it to fare in a real network.
- Tried rewriting the code in mmulti.c to be a combination of the Doom and
Build connection systems. Actually playing a network game still doesn't work,
but the problems are the same as before, so I don't think mmulti.c is at
fault. The new code produces smaller packets, so unless I can't find the
problem elsewhere, I'm going to keep it in place.
May 16, 2003
- Ported the UDP driver from ZDoom. Since both Duke3D and Doom abstract the
network interface to an external program, this was relatively simple.
Unfortunately, networking doesn't really work yet. I can get as far entering
a level, and then it gets stuck.
May 14, 2003
- Added a real startup console viewer. Now I don't need to allocate a console
and hack the Visual C++ CRT to redirect stdio to it. This is even an
improvement over ZDoom's current workings, because if something goes wrong
and the game crashes, I can show the window so the user has a better idea
of where it happened.
- Removed the pause after the name of the current config file gets printed
during startup.
- Changed the CON compiler to use a binary search for identifying keywords.
May 12, 2003
- Changed playing sound tracking to use a linked list of the currently playing
sounds instead of storing this information with the sounds themselves.
- Reimplemented the RTS taunts for the new sound code.
- Added in-game resolution switching.
May 10, 2003
- Integrated the quote system with the console notify system.
May 9, 2003
- Added cvars for the shift, alt, and ctrl keys and the cond command so that
the function keys are fully bindable.
May 8, 2003
- Added EAX reverb support for hardware channels. On EAX3 cards, it uses the
sewer pipe preset as a base, and all other cards use the generic preset as a
base. Testing with my Audigy and nForce2, I think the sewer pipe sounds much
better on the Audigy than the nForce2, which is why I decided to do two
different types of reverb for EAX2 and EAX3 cards.
- Changed stopsound to be the same as stopenvsound so that you actually have
to specify which sprite's sound you want to stop. Now that you can have more
than one sprite emitting the sound at the time, this is needed. Removed
stopenvsound since it's now redundant.
May 7, 2003
- Changed some sounds that are effectively looping sounds (e.g. player jetpack
and just about anything played by a MUSICANDSFX sprite) so that they are
proper looping sounds even if the con doesn't define them as such.
- Simplified the FX_ layer so that it is now a very thin wrapper on top of
- Added the ASS "reverb" effect for software mixing.
May 6, 2003
- More 3D sound tweaking. Duke sounds have to travel a long distance before
they start being attenuated, and then they drop off to silence rapidly after
that--they're full volume for nearly half their audible range!
May 5, 2003
- Decided to not try to graft my ZDoom SFX code into Duke. The two games treat
sounds too differently. Instead, I have opted to take some of the backend
sound code that talks to FMOD directly and use it to fashion an ASS-like
layer for Duke to use. Now my only problem seems to be setting the min sound
distance and rolloff factors to best simulate Duke's sound.
May 3, 2003
- Got sounds working, after a fashion. Music is fine, but SFX still need work.
May 1, 2003
- Replaced as many spritetype::cstat, walltype::cstat, sectortype::floortype,
and sectortype::ceilingtype numeric constants I could find with symbolic
April 28, 2003
- Removed the sound reduction associated with 8250 UARTs.
- Added ONELEVELDEMO detection. Since I don't actually have this version, I
tested it by taking the shareware duke3d.grp and removing all the maps
past E1L1.
April 27, 2003
- Implemented console output, so now I can use it without typing blindly.
April 26, 2003
- Implemented more stuff: Key bindings, shareware (and presumably full version
1.3D) support, key input during dobonus, and console input. As the console is
currently invisible, I'm temporarily redirecting its output to stdout.
April 17, 2003
- Started moving the input code to use Doom's responder system. Duke handles
keyboard input quite differently from Doom. It uses an interrupt routine to
grab keyboard input as it happens and fill buffers. So to check if a key is
pressed or not, the game just looks at that key's entry in an array. The
keyboard interrupt routine also fills a queue for those times when the game
needs buffered keyboard input. There is no centralized event collection and
dispatch system. The simple keyboard handler I did on the 15th is no more,
but the menus and cheats work again.
April 16, 2003
- Fixed the various fade ins and outs so that they are actually visible.
- Ported my vlinetallasm4 routine back to the BUILD engine.
- Fixed BUILD engine bug: parascan() would draw one column past dax2.
April 15, 2003
- Added simple keyboard handler so I can start a game and enter cheats. Still no
April 14, 2003
- Fixed demo playback for v1.15 demos.
April 12, 2003
- First time I get the game to link and run, albeit there are no controls or sounds.