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2021-10-28 21:26:53 +00:00
// Copyright (C) 2002-2005 3Dlabs Inc. Ltd.
// Copyright (C) 2012-2013 LunarG, Inc.
// Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Google, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
// are met:
// Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
// disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
// with the distribution.
// Neither the name of 3Dlabs Inc. Ltd. nor the names of its
// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
// from this software without specific prior written permission.
// This header defines a two-level parse-helper hierarchy, derived from
// TParseVersions:
// - TParseContextBase: sharable across multiple parsers
// - TParseContext: GLSL specific helper
#include <cstdarg>
#include <functional>
#include "parseVersions.h"
#include "../Include/ShHandle.h"
#include "SymbolTable.h"
#include "localintermediate.h"
#include "Scan.h"
#include "attribute.h"
namespace glslang {
struct TPragma {
TPragma(bool o, bool d) : optimize(o), debug(d) { }
bool optimize;
bool debug;
TPragmaTable pragmaTable;
class TScanContext;
class TPpContext;
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typedef std::set<long long> TIdSetType;
typedef std::map<const TTypeList*, std::map<size_t, const TTypeList*>> TStructRecord;
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// Sharable code (as well as what's in TParseVersions) across
// parse helpers.
class TParseContextBase : public TParseVersions {
TParseContextBase(TSymbolTable& symbolTable, TIntermediate& interm, bool parsingBuiltins, int version,
EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvVersion, EShLanguage language,
TInfoSink& infoSink, bool forwardCompatible, EShMessages messages,
const TString* entryPoint = nullptr)
: TParseVersions(interm, version, profile, spvVersion, language, infoSink, forwardCompatible, messages),
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statementNestingLevel(0), loopNestingLevel(0), structNestingLevel(0), blockNestingLevel(0), controlFlowNestingLevel(0),
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contextPragma(true, false),
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beginInvocationInterlockCount(0), endInvocationInterlockCount(0),
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parsingBuiltins(parsingBuiltins), scanContext(nullptr), ppContext(nullptr),
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if (entryPoint != nullptr)
sourceEntryPointName = *entryPoint;
virtual ~TParseContextBase() { }
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#if !defined(GLSLANG_WEB) || defined(GLSLANG_WEB_DEVEL)
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virtual void C_DECL error(const TSourceLoc&, const char* szReason, const char* szToken,
const char* szExtraInfoFormat, ...);
virtual void C_DECL warn(const TSourceLoc&, const char* szReason, const char* szToken,
const char* szExtraInfoFormat, ...);
virtual void C_DECL ppError(const TSourceLoc&, const char* szReason, const char* szToken,
const char* szExtraInfoFormat, ...);
virtual void C_DECL ppWarn(const TSourceLoc&, const char* szReason, const char* szToken,
const char* szExtraInfoFormat, ...);
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virtual void setLimits(const TBuiltInResource&) = 0;
void checkIndex(const TSourceLoc&, const TType&, int& index);
EShLanguage getLanguage() const { return language; }
void setScanContext(TScanContext* c) { scanContext = c; }
TScanContext* getScanContext() const { return scanContext; }
void setPpContext(TPpContext* c) { ppContext = c; }
TPpContext* getPpContext() const { return ppContext; }
virtual void setLineCallback(const std::function<void(int, int, bool, int, const char*)>& func) { lineCallback = func; }
virtual void setExtensionCallback(const std::function<void(int, const char*, const char*)>& func) { extensionCallback = func; }
virtual void setVersionCallback(const std::function<void(int, int, const char*)>& func) { versionCallback = func; }
virtual void setPragmaCallback(const std::function<void(int, const TVector<TString>&)>& func) { pragmaCallback = func; }
virtual void setErrorCallback(const std::function<void(int, const char*)>& func) { errorCallback = func; }
virtual void reservedPpErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const char* name, const char* op) = 0;
virtual bool lineContinuationCheck(const TSourceLoc&, bool endOfComment) = 0;
virtual bool lineDirectiveShouldSetNextLine() const = 0;
virtual void handlePragma(const TSourceLoc&, const TVector<TString>&) = 0;
virtual bool parseShaderStrings(TPpContext&, TInputScanner& input, bool versionWillBeError = false) = 0;
virtual void notifyVersion(int line, int version, const char* type_string)
if (versionCallback)
versionCallback(line, version, type_string);
virtual void notifyErrorDirective(int line, const char* error_message)
if (errorCallback)
errorCallback(line, error_message);
virtual void notifyLineDirective(int curLineNo, int newLineNo, bool hasSource, int sourceNum, const char* sourceName)
if (lineCallback)
lineCallback(curLineNo, newLineNo, hasSource, sourceNum, sourceName);
virtual void notifyExtensionDirective(int line, const char* extension, const char* behavior)
if (extensionCallback)
extensionCallback(line, extension, behavior);
// Manage the global uniform block (default uniforms in GLSL, $Global in HLSL)
virtual void growGlobalUniformBlock(const TSourceLoc&, TType&, const TString& memberName, TTypeList* typeList = nullptr);
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// Manage global buffer (used for backing atomic counters in GLSL when using relaxed Vulkan semantics)
virtual void growAtomicCounterBlock(int binding, const TSourceLoc&, TType&, const TString& memberName, TTypeList* typeList = nullptr);
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// Potentially rename shader entry point function
void renameShaderFunction(TString*& name) const
// Replace the entry point name given in the shader with the real entry point name,
// if there is a substitution.
if (name != nullptr && *name == sourceEntryPointName && intermediate.getEntryPointName().size() > 0)
name = NewPoolTString(intermediate.getEntryPointName().c_str());
virtual bool lValueErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const char* op, TIntermTyped*);
virtual void rValueErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const char* op, TIntermTyped*);
const char* const scopeMangler;
// Basic parsing state, easily accessible to the grammar
TSymbolTable& symbolTable; // symbol table that goes with the current language, version, and profile
int statementNestingLevel; // 0 if outside all flow control or compound statements
int loopNestingLevel; // 0 if outside all loops
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int structNestingLevel; // 0 if outside structures
int blockNestingLevel; // 0 if outside blocks
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int controlFlowNestingLevel; // 0 if outside all flow control
const TType* currentFunctionType; // the return type of the function that's currently being parsed
bool functionReturnsValue; // true if a non-void function has a return
// if inside a function, true if the function is the entry point and this is after a return statement
bool postEntryPointReturn;
// case, node, case, case, node, ...; ensure only one node between cases; stack of them for nesting
TList<TIntermSequence*> switchSequenceStack;
// the statementNestingLevel the current switch statement is at, which must match the level of its case statements
TList<int> switchLevel;
struct TPragma contextPragma;
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int beginInvocationInterlockCount;
int endInvocationInterlockCount;
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TParseContextBase& operator=(TParseContextBase&);
const bool parsingBuiltins; // true if parsing built-in symbols/functions
TVector<TSymbol*> linkageSymbols; // will be transferred to 'linkage', after all editing is done, order preserving
TScanContext* scanContext;
TPpContext* ppContext;
TBuiltInResource resources;
TLimits& limits;
TString sourceEntryPointName;
// These, if set, will be called when a line, pragma ... is preprocessed.
// They will be called with any parameters to the original directive.
std::function<void(int, int, bool, int, const char*)> lineCallback;
std::function<void(int, const TVector<TString>&)> pragmaCallback;
std::function<void(int, int, const char*)> versionCallback;
std::function<void(int, const char*, const char*)> extensionCallback;
std::function<void(int, const char*)> errorCallback;
// see implementation for detail
const TFunction* selectFunction(const TVector<const TFunction*>, const TFunction&,
std::function<bool(const TType&, const TType&, TOperator, int arg)>,
std::function<bool(const TType&, const TType&, const TType&)>,
/* output */ bool& tie);
virtual void parseSwizzleSelector(const TSourceLoc&, const TString&, int size,
// Manage the global uniform block (default uniforms in GLSL, $Global in HLSL)
TVariable* globalUniformBlock; // the actual block, inserted into the symbol table
unsigned int globalUniformBinding; // the block's binding number
unsigned int globalUniformSet; // the block's set number
int firstNewMember; // the index of the first member not yet inserted into the symbol table
// override this to set the language-specific name
virtual const char* getGlobalUniformBlockName() const { return ""; }
virtual void setUniformBlockDefaults(TType&) const { }
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virtual void finalizeGlobalUniformBlockLayout(TVariable&) {}
// Manage the atomic counter block (used for atomic_uints with Vulkan-Relaxed)
TMap<int, TVariable*> atomicCounterBuffers;
unsigned int atomicCounterBlockSet;
TMap<int, int> atomicCounterBlockFirstNewMember;
// override this to set the language-specific name
virtual const char* getAtomicCounterBlockName() const { return ""; }
virtual void setAtomicCounterBlockDefaults(TType&) const {}
virtual void setInvariant(const TSourceLoc& loc, const char* builtin) {}
virtual void finalizeAtomicCounterBlockLayout(TVariable&) {}
bool isAtomicCounterBlock(const TSymbol& symbol) {
const TVariable* var = symbol.getAsVariable();
if (!var)
return false;
const auto& at = atomicCounterBuffers.find(var->getType().getQualifier().layoutBinding);
return (at != atomicCounterBuffers.end() && (*at).second->getType() == var->getType());
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virtual void outputMessage(const TSourceLoc&, const char* szReason, const char* szToken,
const char* szExtraInfoFormat, TPrefixType prefix,
va_list args);
virtual void trackLinkage(TSymbol& symbol);
virtual void makeEditable(TSymbol*&);
virtual TVariable* getEditableVariable(const char* name);
virtual void finish();
// Manage the state for when to respect precision qualifiers and when to warn about
// the defaults being different than might be expected.
class TPrecisionManager {
TPrecisionManager() : obey(false), warn(false), explicitIntDefault(false), explicitFloatDefault(false){ }
virtual ~TPrecisionManager() {}
void respectPrecisionQualifiers() { obey = true; }
bool respectingPrecisionQualifiers() const { return obey; }
bool shouldWarnAboutDefaults() const { return warn; }
void defaultWarningGiven() { warn = false; }
void warnAboutDefaults() { warn = true; }
void explicitIntDefaultSeen()
explicitIntDefault = true;
if (explicitFloatDefault)
warn = false;
void explicitFloatDefaultSeen()
explicitFloatDefault = true;
if (explicitIntDefault)
warn = false;
bool obey; // respect precision qualifiers
bool warn; // need to give a warning about the defaults
bool explicitIntDefault; // user set the default for int/uint
bool explicitFloatDefault; // user set the default for float
// GLSL-specific parse helper. Should have GLSL in the name, but that's
// too big of a change for comparing branches at the moment, and perhaps
// impacts downstream consumers as well.
class TParseContext : public TParseContextBase {
TParseContext(TSymbolTable&, TIntermediate&, bool parsingBuiltins, int version, EProfile, const SpvVersion& spvVersion, EShLanguage, TInfoSink&,
bool forwardCompatible = false, EShMessages messages = EShMsgDefault,
const TString* entryPoint = nullptr);
virtual ~TParseContext();
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bool obeyPrecisionQualifiers() const { return precisionManager.respectingPrecisionQualifiers(); }
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void setPrecisionDefaults();
void setLimits(const TBuiltInResource&) override;
bool parseShaderStrings(TPpContext&, TInputScanner& input, bool versionWillBeError = false) override;
void parserError(const char* s); // for bison's yyerror
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virtual void growGlobalUniformBlock(const TSourceLoc&, TType&, const TString& memberName, TTypeList* typeList = nullptr) override;
virtual void growAtomicCounterBlock(int binding, const TSourceLoc&, TType&, const TString& memberName, TTypeList* typeList = nullptr) override;
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void reservedErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const TString&);
void reservedPpErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const char* name, const char* op) override;
bool lineContinuationCheck(const TSourceLoc&, bool endOfComment) override;
bool lineDirectiveShouldSetNextLine() const override;
bool builtInName(const TString&);
void handlePragma(const TSourceLoc&, const TVector<TString>&) override;
TIntermTyped* handleVariable(const TSourceLoc&, TSymbol* symbol, const TString* string);
TIntermTyped* handleBracketDereference(const TSourceLoc&, TIntermTyped* base, TIntermTyped* index);
void handleIndexLimits(const TSourceLoc&, TIntermTyped* base, TIntermTyped* index);
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void makeEditable(TSymbol*&) override;
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void ioArrayCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const TType&, const TString& identifier);
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bool isIoResizeArray(const TType&) const;
void fixIoArraySize(const TSourceLoc&, TType&);
void handleIoResizeArrayAccess(const TSourceLoc&, TIntermTyped* base);
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void checkIoArraysConsistency(const TSourceLoc&, bool tailOnly = false);
int getIoArrayImplicitSize(const TQualifier&, TString* featureString = nullptr) const;
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void checkIoArrayConsistency(const TSourceLoc&, int requiredSize, const char* feature, TType&, const TString&);
TIntermTyped* handleBinaryMath(const TSourceLoc&, const char* str, TOperator op, TIntermTyped* left, TIntermTyped* right);
TIntermTyped* handleUnaryMath(const TSourceLoc&, const char* str, TOperator op, TIntermTyped* childNode);
TIntermTyped* handleDotDereference(const TSourceLoc&, TIntermTyped* base, const TString& field);
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TIntermTyped* handleDotSwizzle(const TSourceLoc&, TIntermTyped* base, const TString& field);
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void blockMemberExtensionCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const TIntermTyped* base, int member, const TString& memberName);
TFunction* handleFunctionDeclarator(const TSourceLoc&, TFunction& function, bool prototype);
TIntermAggregate* handleFunctionDefinition(const TSourceLoc&, TFunction&);
TIntermTyped* handleFunctionCall(const TSourceLoc&, TFunction*, TIntermNode*);
TIntermTyped* handleBuiltInFunctionCall(TSourceLoc, TIntermNode* arguments, const TFunction& function);
void computeBuiltinPrecisions(TIntermTyped&, const TFunction&);
TIntermNode* handleReturnValue(const TSourceLoc&, TIntermTyped*);
void checkLocation(const TSourceLoc&, TOperator);
TIntermTyped* handleLengthMethod(const TSourceLoc&, TFunction*, TIntermNode*);
void addInputArgumentConversions(const TFunction&, TIntermNode*&) const;
TIntermTyped* addOutputArgumentConversions(const TFunction&, TIntermAggregate&) const;
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TIntermTyped* addAssign(const TSourceLoc&, TOperator op, TIntermTyped* left, TIntermTyped* right);
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void builtInOpCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const TFunction&, TIntermOperator&);
void nonOpBuiltInCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const TFunction&, TIntermAggregate&);
void userFunctionCallCheck(const TSourceLoc&, TIntermAggregate&);
void samplerConstructorLocationCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const char* token, TIntermNode*);
TFunction* handleConstructorCall(const TSourceLoc&, const TPublicType&);
void handlePrecisionQualifier(const TSourceLoc&, TQualifier&, TPrecisionQualifier);
void checkPrecisionQualifier(const TSourceLoc&, TPrecisionQualifier);
void memorySemanticsCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const TFunction&, const TIntermOperator& callNode);
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TIntermTyped* vkRelaxedRemapFunctionCall(const TSourceLoc&, TFunction*, TIntermNode*);
// returns true if the variable was remapped to something else
bool vkRelaxedRemapUniformVariable(const TSourceLoc&, TString&, const TPublicType&, TArraySizes*, TIntermTyped*, TType&);
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void assignError(const TSourceLoc&, const char* op, TString left, TString right);
void unaryOpError(const TSourceLoc&, const char* op, TString operand);
void binaryOpError(const TSourceLoc&, const char* op, TString left, TString right);
void variableCheck(TIntermTyped*& nodePtr);
bool lValueErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const char* op, TIntermTyped*) override;
void rValueErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const char* op, TIntermTyped*) override;
void constantValueCheck(TIntermTyped* node, const char* token);
void integerCheck(const TIntermTyped* node, const char* token);
void globalCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const char* token);
bool constructorError(const TSourceLoc&, TIntermNode*, TFunction&, TOperator, TType&);
bool constructorTextureSamplerError(const TSourceLoc&, const TFunction&);
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void arraySizeCheck(const TSourceLoc&, TIntermTyped* expr, TArraySize&, const char *sizeType);
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bool arrayQualifierError(const TSourceLoc&, const TQualifier&);
bool arrayError(const TSourceLoc&, const TType&);
void arraySizeRequiredCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const TArraySizes&);
void structArrayCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const TType& structure);
void arraySizesCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const TQualifier&, TArraySizes*, const TIntermTyped* initializer, bool lastMember);
void arrayOfArrayVersionCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const TArraySizes*);
bool voidErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const TString&, TBasicType);
void boolCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const TIntermTyped*);
void boolCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const TPublicType&);
void samplerCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const TType&, const TString& identifier, TIntermTyped* initializer);
void atomicUintCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const TType&, const TString& identifier);
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void accStructCheck(const TSourceLoc & loc, const TType & type, const TString & identifier);
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void transparentOpaqueCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const TType&, const TString& identifier);
void memberQualifierCheck(glslang::TPublicType&);
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void globalQualifierFixCheck(const TSourceLoc&, TQualifier&, bool isMemberCheck = false);
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void globalQualifierTypeCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const TQualifier&, const TPublicType&);
bool structQualifierErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const TPublicType& pType);
void mergeQualifiers(const TSourceLoc&, TQualifier& dst, const TQualifier& src, bool force);
void setDefaultPrecision(const TSourceLoc&, TPublicType&, TPrecisionQualifier);
int computeSamplerTypeIndex(TSampler&);
TPrecisionQualifier getDefaultPrecision(TPublicType&);
void precisionQualifierCheck(const TSourceLoc&, TBasicType, TQualifier&);
void parameterTypeCheck(const TSourceLoc&, TStorageQualifier qualifier, const TType& type);
bool containsFieldWithBasicType(const TType& type ,TBasicType basicType);
TSymbol* redeclareBuiltinVariable(const TSourceLoc&, const TString&, const TQualifier&, const TShaderQualifiers&);
void redeclareBuiltinBlock(const TSourceLoc&, TTypeList& typeList, const TString& blockName, const TString* instanceName, TArraySizes* arraySizes);
void paramCheckFixStorage(const TSourceLoc&, const TStorageQualifier&, TType& type);
void paramCheckFix(const TSourceLoc&, const TQualifier&, TType& type);
void nestedBlockCheck(const TSourceLoc&);
void nestedStructCheck(const TSourceLoc&);
void arrayObjectCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const TType&, const char* op);
void opaqueCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const TType&, const char* op);
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void referenceCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const TType&, const char* op);
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void storage16BitAssignmentCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const TType&, const char* op);
void specializationCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const TType&, const char* op);
void structTypeCheck(const TSourceLoc&, TPublicType&);
void inductiveLoopCheck(const TSourceLoc&, TIntermNode* init, TIntermLoop* loop);
void arrayLimitCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const TString&, int size);
void limitCheck(const TSourceLoc&, int value, const char* limit, const char* feature);
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void inductiveLoopBodyCheck(TIntermNode*, long long loopIndexId, TSymbolTable&);
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void constantIndexExpressionCheck(TIntermNode*);
void setLayoutQualifier(const TSourceLoc&, TPublicType&, TString&);
void setLayoutQualifier(const TSourceLoc&, TPublicType&, TString&, const TIntermTyped*);
void mergeObjectLayoutQualifiers(TQualifier& dest, const TQualifier& src, bool inheritOnly);
void layoutObjectCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const TSymbol&);
void layoutMemberLocationArrayCheck(const TSourceLoc&, bool memberWithLocation, TArraySizes* arraySizes);
void layoutTypeCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const TType&);
void layoutQualifierCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const TQualifier&);
void checkNoShaderLayouts(const TSourceLoc&, const TShaderQualifiers&);
void fixOffset(const TSourceLoc&, TSymbol&);
const TFunction* findFunction(const TSourceLoc& loc, const TFunction& call, bool& builtIn);
const TFunction* findFunctionExact(const TSourceLoc& loc, const TFunction& call, bool& builtIn);
const TFunction* findFunction120(const TSourceLoc& loc, const TFunction& call, bool& builtIn);
const TFunction* findFunction400(const TSourceLoc& loc, const TFunction& call, bool& builtIn);
const TFunction* findFunctionExplicitTypes(const TSourceLoc& loc, const TFunction& call, bool& builtIn);
void declareTypeDefaults(const TSourceLoc&, const TPublicType&);
TIntermNode* declareVariable(const TSourceLoc&, TString& identifier, const TPublicType&, TArraySizes* typeArray = 0, TIntermTyped* initializer = 0);
TIntermTyped* addConstructor(const TSourceLoc&, TIntermNode*, const TType&);
TIntermTyped* constructAggregate(TIntermNode*, const TType&, int, const TSourceLoc&);
TIntermTyped* constructBuiltIn(const TType&, TOperator, TIntermTyped*, const TSourceLoc&, bool subset);
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void inheritMemoryQualifiers(const TQualifier& from, TQualifier& to);
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void declareBlock(const TSourceLoc&, TTypeList& typeList, const TString* instanceName = 0, TArraySizes* arraySizes = 0);
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void blockStorageRemap(const TSourceLoc&, const TString*, TQualifier&);
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void blockStageIoCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const TQualifier&);
void blockQualifierCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const TQualifier&, bool instanceName);
void fixBlockLocations(const TSourceLoc&, TQualifier&, TTypeList&, bool memberWithLocation, bool memberWithoutLocation);
void fixXfbOffsets(TQualifier&, TTypeList&);
void fixBlockUniformOffsets(TQualifier&, TTypeList&);
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void fixBlockUniformLayoutMatrix(TQualifier&, TTypeList*, TTypeList*);
void fixBlockUniformLayoutPacking(TQualifier&, TTypeList*, TTypeList*);
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void addQualifierToExisting(const TSourceLoc&, TQualifier, const TString& identifier);
void addQualifierToExisting(const TSourceLoc&, TQualifier, TIdentifierList&);
void invariantCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const TQualifier&);
void updateStandaloneQualifierDefaults(const TSourceLoc&, const TPublicType&);
void wrapupSwitchSubsequence(TIntermAggregate* statements, TIntermNode* branchNode);
TIntermNode* addSwitch(const TSourceLoc&, TIntermTyped* expression, TIntermAggregate* body);
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const TTypeList* recordStructCopy(TStructRecord&, const TType*, const TType*);
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TAttributeType attributeFromName(const TString& name) const;
TAttributes* makeAttributes(const TString& identifier) const;
TAttributes* makeAttributes(const TString& identifier, TIntermNode* node) const;
TAttributes* mergeAttributes(TAttributes*, TAttributes*) const;
// Determine selection control from attributes
void handleSelectionAttributes(const TAttributes& attributes, TIntermNode*);
void handleSwitchAttributes(const TAttributes& attributes, TIntermNode*);
// Determine loop control from attributes
void handleLoopAttributes(const TAttributes& attributes, TIntermNode*);
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// Function attributes
void handleFunctionAttributes(const TSourceLoc&, const TAttributes&, TFunction*);
// GL_EXT_spirv_intrinsics
TSpirvRequirement* makeSpirvRequirement(const TSourceLoc& loc, const TString& name,
const TIntermAggregate* extensions, const TIntermAggregate* capabilities);
TSpirvRequirement* mergeSpirvRequirements(const TSourceLoc& loc, TSpirvRequirement* spirvReq1,
TSpirvRequirement* spirvReq2);
TSpirvTypeParameters* makeSpirvTypeParameters(const TSourceLoc& loc, const TIntermConstantUnion* constant);
TSpirvTypeParameters* makeSpirvTypeParameters(const TPublicType& type);
TSpirvTypeParameters* mergeSpirvTypeParameters(TSpirvTypeParameters* spirvTypeParams1,
TSpirvTypeParameters* spirvTypeParams2);
TSpirvInstruction* makeSpirvInstruction(const TSourceLoc& loc, const TString& name, const TString& value);
TSpirvInstruction* makeSpirvInstruction(const TSourceLoc& loc, const TString& name, int value);
TSpirvInstruction* mergeSpirvInstruction(const TSourceLoc& loc, TSpirvInstruction* spirvInst1,
TSpirvInstruction* spirvInst2);
void checkAndResizeMeshViewDim(const TSourceLoc&, TType&, bool isBlockMember);
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void nonInitConstCheck(const TSourceLoc&, TString& identifier, TType& type);
void inheritGlobalDefaults(TQualifier& dst) const;
TVariable* makeInternalVariable(const char* name, const TType&) const;
TVariable* declareNonArray(const TSourceLoc&, const TString& identifier, const TType&);
void declareArray(const TSourceLoc&, const TString& identifier, const TType&, TSymbol*&);
void checkRuntimeSizable(const TSourceLoc&, const TIntermTyped&);
bool isRuntimeLength(const TIntermTyped&) const;
TIntermNode* executeInitializer(const TSourceLoc&, TIntermTyped* initializer, TVariable* variable);
TIntermTyped* convertInitializerList(const TSourceLoc&, const TType&, TIntermTyped* initializer);
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void finish() override;
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virtual const char* getGlobalUniformBlockName() const override;
virtual void finalizeGlobalUniformBlockLayout(TVariable&) override;
virtual void setUniformBlockDefaults(TType& block) const override;
virtual const char* getAtomicCounterBlockName() const override;
virtual void finalizeAtomicCounterBlockLayout(TVariable&) override;
virtual void setAtomicCounterBlockDefaults(TType& block) const override;
virtual void setInvariant(const TSourceLoc& loc, const char* builtin) override;
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// Generally, bison productions, the scanner, and the PP need read/write access to these; just give them direct access
// Current state of parsing
bool inMain; // if inside a function, true if the function is main
const TString* blockName;
TQualifier currentBlockQualifier;
TPrecisionQualifier defaultPrecision[EbtNumTypes];
TBuiltInResource resources;
TLimits& limits;
TParseContext& operator=(TParseContext&);
static const int maxSamplerIndex = EsdNumDims * (EbtNumTypes * (2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2)); // see computeSamplerTypeIndex()
TPrecisionQualifier defaultSamplerPrecision[maxSamplerIndex];
TPrecisionManager precisionManager;
TQualifier globalBufferDefaults;
TQualifier globalUniformDefaults;
TQualifier globalInputDefaults;
TQualifier globalOutputDefaults;
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TQualifier globalSharedDefaults;
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TString currentCaller; // name of last function body entered (not valid when at global scope)
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int* atomicUintOffsets; // to become an array of the right size to hold an offset per binding point
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bool anyIndexLimits;
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TIdSetType inductiveLoopIds;
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TVector<TIntermTyped*> needsIndexLimitationChecking;
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TStructRecord matrixFixRecord;
TStructRecord packingFixRecord;
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// Geometry shader input arrays:
// - array sizing is based on input primitive and/or explicit size
// Tessellation control output arrays:
// - array sizing is based on output layout(vertices=...) and/or explicit size
// Both:
// - array sizing is retroactive
// - built-in block redeclarations interact with this
// Design:
// - use a per-context "resize-list", a list of symbols whose array sizes
// can be fixed
// - the resize-list starts empty at beginning of user-shader compilation, it does
// not have built-ins in it
// - on built-in array use: copyUp() symbol and add it to the resize-list
// - on user array declaration: add it to the resize-list
// - on block redeclaration: copyUp() symbol and add it to the resize-list
// * note, that appropriately gives an error if redeclaring a block that
// was already used and hence already copied-up
// - on seeing a layout declaration that sizes the array, fix everything in the
// resize-list, giving errors for mismatch
// - on seeing an array size declaration, give errors on mismatch between it and previous
// array-sizing declarations
TVector<TSymbol*> ioArraySymbolResizeList;
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} // end namespace glslang