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2018-06-02 16:12:00 +00:00
JavaScript for "Artodia: Mobile" phpBB style.
Created by Vjacheslav Trushkin (Arty)
This script resizes large images and adds JS events to drop down menus.
Check http://www.phpbbmobile.com/ for latest version.
var phpBBMobile = {
// Resize images
opResizeImages: true,
// Resize images inside links (ignored if previous option is false)
opResizeImagesInLinks: true,
// Apply function to each item
each: function(selector, callback)
var items = document.querySelectorAll(selector),
total = items.length;
for (var i=0; i<total; i++)
callback.call(items[i], i);
return items;
// Check if element has certain class
hasClass: function(element, className)
var match = ' ' + className + ' ';
return (element.className && (' ' + element.className + ' ').indexOf(match) > -1);
// Add class to element
addClass: function(element, className)
if (phpBBMobile.hasClass(element, className))
element.className += ((element.className.length > 0) ? ' ' : '') + className;
return element.className;
// Remove class from element
removeClass: function(element, className)
if (!element.className.length)
element.className = (element.className == className) ? '' : (' ' + element.className + ' ').replace(' ' + className + ' ', ' ').replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, '');
return element.className;
// Toggle class
toggleClass: function(element, className)
if (phpBBMobile.hasClass(element, className))
return phpBBMobile.removeClass(element, className);
return phpBBMobile.addClass(element, className);
// Get computed style
getStyle: function(item, prop)
if (typeof (item.currentStyle) == 'function')
return item.currentStyle(prop);
else if (window.getComputedStyle)
return document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(item, null).getPropertyValue(prop);
return false;
// Get left+right sides
getSidesStyle: function(item, prop)
var left = phpBBMobile.getStyle(item, prop + '-left'),
right = phpBBMobile.getStyle(item, prop + '-right');
if (left === false || right === false)
return false;
left = parseInt(left);
right = parseInt(right);
return (isNaN(left) || isNaN(right)) ? false : left + right;
// Get element width
getClientWidth: function(item)
var diff = 0;
// Get display mode
switch (phpBBMobile.getStyle(item, 'display'))
case 'block':
var width = parseInt(item.clientWidth);
return (isNaN(width) || !width) ? false : width;
case 'inline-block':
var margin = phpBBMobile.getSidesStyle(item, 'margin');
if (margin === false)
return false;
diff += margin;
case 'inline':
var padding = phpBBMobile.getSidesStyle(item, 'padding');
if (padding === false)
return false;
diff += padding;
if (!item.parentNode)
return false;
var width = phpBBMobile.getClientWidth(item.parentNode);
if (!width)
return false;
width += diff;
return width;
return false;
// Check image size
checkImage: function()
var maxWidth = phpBBMobile.getClientWidth(this.parentNode);
if (maxWidth < 10)
maxWidth -= 10;
if (this.width > maxWidth)
phpBBMobile.resizeImage.call(this, maxWidth);
// Resize image
resizeImage: function(width)
var wrapper = document.createElement('span');
wrapper.className = 'zoom-container';
this.parentNode.replaceChild(wrapper, this);
var img = wrapper.firstChild;
img.setAttribute('data-max-width', width);
img.style.maxWidth = width + 'px';
img.style.cursor = 'pointer';
phpBBMobile.addClass(img, 'zoom');
img.addEventListener('click', phpBBMobile.imageClicked);
var span = document.createElement('span');
span.className = 'zoom-image';
span.addEventListener('click', phpBBMobile.zoomClicked);
// Image was clicked
imageClicked: function()
if (phpBBMobile.hasClass(this, 'zoomed-in'))
phpBBMobile.removeClass(this, 'zoomed-in');
this.style.maxWidth = this.getAttribute('data-max-width') + 'px';
phpBBMobile.addClass(this, 'zoomed-in');
this.style.maxWidth = '';
// Zoom icon near image was clicked
zoomClicked: function(event)
phpBBMobile.imageClicked.apply(this.parentNode.querySelector('img'), arguments);
// Hide all popup menus
hideMenus: function()
phpBBMobile.each('.sub-hover', function() {
phpBBMobile.removeClass(this, 'sub-hover');
phpBBMobile.each('.menu-hover', function() {
phpBBMobile.removeClass(this, 'menu-hover');
// Popup menu
setupMenu: function(element, menuTrigger, menuItem)
menuTrigger.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
var hasClass = phpBBMobile.hasClass(menuItem, 'sub-hover');
if (!hasClass)
phpBBMobile.addClass(menuItem, 'sub-hover');
phpBBMobile.addClass(element, 'menu-hover');
return false;
}, false);
var listItem = document.createElement('li'),
closeLink = document.createElement('a');
closeLink.addEventListener('click', phpBBMobile.hideMenus, false);
closeLink.style.textAlign = 'right';
closeLink.innerHTML = 'X';
// Initialise stuff
__construct: function()
// Swap .nojs for .hasjs for html element
phpBBMobile.each('html', function() {
phpBBMobile.addClass(this, 'hasjs');
phpBBMobile.removeClass(this, 'nojs');
if (navigator && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Opera Mini') > 0)
phpBBMobile.addClass(this, 'operaMini');
if (phpBBMobile.opResizeImages)
if (!phpBBMobile.opResizeImagesInLinks)
// Mark all images inside links as non-resizable
phpBBMobile.each('a img', function() {
phpBBMobile.addClass(this, 'non-resizable');
// Resize all images inside posts
phpBBMobile.each('.postbody img', function() {
if (phpBBMobile.hasClass(this, 'non-resizable'))
if (this.complete)
this.addEventListener('load', phpBBMobile.checkImage, false);
// Set up header/footer popups
phpBBMobile.each('#page-header-start > li, #page-header-menu > li, #page-footer-menu > li', function() {
var element = this,
menuTrigger = element.querySelector('.menu-link'),
menuItem = element.querySelector('.sub');
if (!menuTrigger || !menuItem)
phpBBMobile.setupMenu(element, menuTrigger, menuItem);
// Set up tabs and user profile popups
phpBBMobile.each('.post-author, .tabs-list', function() {
var element = this,
menuTrigger = element.querySelector('a'),
menuItem = element.querySelector('.sub');
if (!menuTrigger || !menuItem)
menuTrigger.setAttribute('href', 'javascript:void(0);');
if (this.className.indexOf('settings') < 0)
menuTrigger.innerHTML += '<span class="arrow-up">&uarr;</span><span class="arrow-down">&darr;</span>';
phpBBMobile.setupMenu(element, menuTrigger, menuItem);
if (document.addEventListener && document.querySelectorAll)
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', phpBBMobile.__construct, false);