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// SFML - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library
// Copyright (C) 2007-2018 Laurent Gomila (laurent@sfml-dev.org)
// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
// In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely,
// subject to the following restrictions:
// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented;
// you must not claim that you wrote the original software.
// If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
// in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such,
// and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
// Headers
#include <SFML/Graphics/Export.hpp>
#include <SFML/Graphics/Rect.hpp>
#include <SFML/Graphics/Transform.hpp>
#include <SFML/System/Vector2.hpp>
namespace sf
/// \brief 2D camera that defines what region is shown on screen
/// \brief Default constructor
/// This constructor creates a default view of (0, 0, 1000, 1000)
/// \brief Construct the view from a rectangle
/// \param rectangle Rectangle defining the zone to display
explicit View(const FloatRect& rectangle);
/// \brief Construct the view from its center and size
/// \param center Center of the zone to display
/// \param size Size of zone to display
View(const Vector2f& center, const Vector2f& size);
/// \brief Set the center of the view
/// \param x X coordinate of the new center
/// \param y Y coordinate of the new center
/// \see setSize, getCenter
void setCenter(float x, float y);
/// \brief Set the center of the view
/// \param center New center
/// \see setSize, getCenter
void setCenter(const Vector2f& center);
/// \brief Set the size of the view
/// \param width New width of the view
/// \param height New height of the view
/// \see setCenter, getCenter
void setSize(float width, float height);
/// \brief Set the size of the view
/// \param size New size
/// \see setCenter, getCenter
void setSize(const Vector2f& size);
/// \brief Set the orientation of the view
/// The default rotation of a view is 0 degree.
/// \param angle New angle, in degrees
/// \see getRotation
void setRotation(float angle);
/// \brief Set the target viewport
/// The viewport is the rectangle into which the contents of the
/// view are displayed, expressed as a factor (between 0 and 1)
/// of the size of the RenderTarget to which the view is applied.
/// For example, a view which takes the left side of the target would
/// be defined with View.setViewport(sf::FloatRect(0, 0, 0.5, 1)).
/// By default, a view has a viewport which covers the entire target.
/// \param viewport New viewport rectangle
/// \see getViewport
void setViewport(const FloatRect& viewport);
/// \brief Reset the view to the given rectangle
/// Note that this function resets the rotation angle to 0.
/// \param rectangle Rectangle defining the zone to display
/// \see setCenter, setSize, setRotation
void reset(const FloatRect& rectangle);
/// \brief Get the center of the view
/// \return Center of the view
/// \see getSize, setCenter
const Vector2f& getCenter() const;
/// \brief Get the size of the view
/// \return Size of the view
/// \see getCenter, setSize
const Vector2f& getSize() const;
/// \brief Get the current orientation of the view
/// \return Rotation angle of the view, in degrees
/// \see setRotation
float getRotation() const;
/// \brief Get the target viewport rectangle of the view
/// \return Viewport rectangle, expressed as a factor of the target size
/// \see setViewport
const FloatRect& getViewport() const;
/// \brief Move the view relatively to its current position
/// \param offsetX X coordinate of the move offset
/// \param offsetY Y coordinate of the move offset
/// \see setCenter, rotate, zoom
void move(float offsetX, float offsetY);
/// \brief Move the view relatively to its current position
/// \param offset Move offset
/// \see setCenter, rotate, zoom
void move(const Vector2f& offset);
/// \brief Rotate the view relatively to its current orientation
/// \param angle Angle to rotate, in degrees
/// \see setRotation, move, zoom
void rotate(float angle);
/// \brief Resize the view rectangle relatively to its current size
/// Resizing the view simulates a zoom, as the zone displayed on
/// screen grows or shrinks.
/// \a factor is a multiplier:
/// \li 1 keeps the size unchanged
/// \li > 1 makes the view bigger (objects appear smaller)
/// \li < 1 makes the view smaller (objects appear bigger)
/// \param factor Zoom factor to apply
/// \see setSize, move, rotate
void zoom(float factor);
/// \brief Get the projection transform of the view
/// This function is meant for internal use only.
/// \return Projection transform defining the view
/// \see getInverseTransform
const Transform& getTransform() const;
/// \brief Get the inverse projection transform of the view
/// This function is meant for internal use only.
/// \return Inverse of the projection transform defining the view
/// \see getTransform
const Transform& getInverseTransform() const;
// Member data
Vector2f m_center; ///< Center of the view, in scene coordinates
Vector2f m_size; ///< Size of the view, in scene coordinates
float m_rotation; ///< Angle of rotation of the view rectangle, in degrees
FloatRect m_viewport; ///< Viewport rectangle, expressed as a factor of the render-target's size
mutable Transform m_transform; ///< Precomputed projection transform corresponding to the view
mutable Transform m_inverseTransform; ///< Precomputed inverse projection transform corresponding to the view
mutable bool m_transformUpdated; ///< Internal state telling if the transform needs to be updated
mutable bool m_invTransformUpdated; ///< Internal state telling if the inverse transform needs to be updated
} // namespace sf
#endif // SFML_VIEW_HPP
/// \class sf::View
/// \ingroup graphics
/// sf::View defines a camera in the 2D scene. This is a
/// very powerful concept: you can scroll, rotate or zoom
/// the entire scene without altering the way that your
/// drawable objects are drawn.
/// A view is composed of a source rectangle, which defines
/// what part of the 2D scene is shown, and a target viewport,
/// which defines where the contents of the source rectangle
/// will be displayed on the render target (window or texture).
/// The viewport allows to map the scene to a custom part
/// of the render target, and can be used for split-screen
/// or for displaying a minimap, for example. If the source
/// rectangle doesn't have the same size as the viewport, its
/// contents will be stretched to fit in.
/// To apply a view, you have to assign it to the render target.
/// Then, objects drawn in this render target will be
/// affected by the view until you use another view.
/// Usage example:
/// \code
/// sf::RenderWindow window;
/// sf::View view;
/// // Initialize the view to a rectangle located at (100, 100) and with a size of 400x200
/// view.reset(sf::FloatRect(100, 100, 400, 200));
/// // Rotate it by 45 degrees
/// view.rotate(45);
/// // Set its target viewport to be half of the window
/// view.setViewport(sf::FloatRect(0.f, 0.f, 0.5f, 1.f));
/// // Apply it
/// window.setView(view);
/// // Render stuff
/// window.draw(someSprite);
/// // Set the default view back
/// window.setView(window.getDefaultView());
/// // Render stuff not affected by the view
/// window.draw(someText);
/// \endcode
/// See also the note on coordinates and undistorted rendering in sf::Transformable.
/// \see sf::RenderWindow, sf::RenderTexture