# # Helper module to build macOS version of various source ports # Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Alexey Lysiuk # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # import copy import os import re import shutil import subprocess import typing from distutils.version import StrictVersion from pathlib import Path from platform import machine from ..state import BuildState from ..utility import ( OS_VERSION_ARM64, OS_VERSION_X86_64, CommandLineOptions, symlink_directory, ) class Target: DESTINATION_DEPS = 0 DESTINATION_OUTPUT = 1 def __init__(self, name=None): self.name = name self.destination = self.DESTINATION_DEPS self.multi_platform = False self.unsupported_architectures = () def prepare_source(self, state: BuildState): pass def detect(self, state: BuildState) -> bool: return False def configure(self, state: BuildState): pass def build(self, state: BuildState): pass def post_build(self, state: BuildState): pass class BuildTarget(Target): def __init__(self, name=None): super().__init__(name) self.src_root = '' self.multi_platform = True self.os_version = dict() self.os_version['x86_64'] = OS_VERSION_X86_64 self.os_version['arm64'] = OS_VERSION_ARM64 self.sdk_version = dict() self.sdk_version['x86_64'] = OS_VERSION_X86_64 self.sdk_version['arm64'] = OS_VERSION_ARM64 def configure(self, state: BuildState): os_version = state.os_version() if os_version and os_version < self.os_version[state.architecture()]: raise RuntimeError('Minimum OS version requirement is not met') if sdk_version := state.sdk_version(): if sdk_version < self.sdk_version[state.architecture()]: raise RuntimeError('Minimum SDK version requirement is not met') os.makedirs(state.build_path, exist_ok=True) env = state.environment env['PATH'] = os.pathsep.join([ str(state.bin_path), env['PATH'], ]) if state.xcode: return if c_compiler := state.c_compiler(): env['CC'] = str(c_compiler) if cxx_compiler := state.cxx_compiler(): env['CXX'] = str(cxx_compiler) for prefix in ('CPP', 'C', 'CXX', 'OBJC', 'OBJCXX'): var_name = f'{prefix}FLAGS' state.update_environment(var_name, f'-I{state.include_path}') state.set_sdk(var_name) state.set_os_version(var_name) ldflags = 'LDFLAGS' state.update_environment(ldflags, f'-L{state.lib_path}') state.set_sdk(ldflags) state.set_os_version(ldflags) def install(self, state: BuildState, options: CommandLineOptions = None, tool: str = 'gmake'): if state.xcode: return if state.install_path.exists(): shutil.rmtree(state.install_path) args = [tool, 'install'] args += options and options.to_list() or [] subprocess.check_call(args, cwd=state.build_path, env=state.environment) self.update_pc_files(state) @staticmethod def update_text_file(path: Path, processor: typing.Callable = None): with open(path, 'r') as f: content = f.readlines() patched_content = [] for line in content: patched_line = processor(line) if processor else line if patched_line: patched_content.append(patched_line) with open(path, 'w') as f: f.writelines(patched_content) @staticmethod def _update_variables_file(path: Path, prefix_value: str, processor: typing.Callable = None, quotes: bool = True): prefix = 'prefix=' exec_prefix = 'exec_prefix=' includedir = 'includedir=' libdir = 'libdir=' def quote(value: str) -> str: return f'"{value}"' if quotes else value def patch_proc(line: str) -> str: patched_line = line if line.startswith(prefix): patched_line = prefix + quote(prefix_value) + os.linesep elif line.startswith(exec_prefix): patched_line = exec_prefix + quote('${prefix}') + os.linesep elif line.startswith(includedir): patched_line = includedir + quote('${prefix}/include') + os.linesep elif line.startswith(libdir): patched_line = libdir + quote('${exec_prefix}/lib') + os.linesep if processor: patched_line = processor(path, patched_line) return patched_line BuildTarget.update_text_file(path, patch_proc) @staticmethod def update_config_script(path: Path, processor: typing.Callable = None): BuildTarget._update_variables_file(path, r'$(cd "${0%/*}/.."; pwd)', processor) @staticmethod def update_pc_file(path: Path, processor: typing.Callable = None): BuildTarget._update_variables_file(path, '', processor, quotes=False) def update_pc_files(self, state: BuildState): for root, _, files in os.walk(state.install_path, followlinks=True): for filename in files: if filename.endswith('.pc'): file_path = Path(root) / filename BuildTarget.update_pc_file(file_path, self._process_pkg_config) @staticmethod def _process_pkg_config(pcfile: Path, line: str) -> str: assert pcfile return line def write_pc_file(self, state: BuildState, filename=None, name=None, description=None, version='', requires='', requires_private='', libs='', libs_private='', cflags=''): pkgconfig_path = state.install_path / 'lib/pkgconfig' os.makedirs(pkgconfig_path, exist_ok=True) if not filename: filename = self.name + '.pc' if not name: name = self.name if not description: description = self.name if not libs: libs = '-l' + self.name pc_content = f'''prefix= exec_prefix=${{prefix}} libdir=${{exec_prefix}}/lib includedir=${{prefix}}/include Name: {name} Description: {description} Version: {version} Requires: {requires} Requires.private: {requires_private} Libs: -L${{libdir}} {libs} Libs.private: {libs_private} Cflags: -I${{includedir}} {cflags} ''' with open(pkgconfig_path / filename, 'w') as f: f.write(pc_content) @staticmethod def make_platform_header(state: BuildState, header: str): include_path = state.install_path / 'include' header_parts = header.rsplit(os.sep, 1) if len(header_parts) == 1: header_parts.insert(0, '') common_header = include_path / header platform_header = include_path / header_parts[0] / f'_aedi_{state.architecture()}_{header_parts[1]}' shutil.move(common_header, platform_header) with open(common_header, 'w') as f: f.write(f''' #pragma once #if defined(__x86_64__) # include "_aedi_x86_64_{header_parts[1]}" #elif defined(__aarch64__) # include "_aedi_arm64_{header_parts[1]}" #else # error Unknown architecture #endif ''') def copy_to_bin(self, state: BuildState, filename: str = None, new_filename: str = None): bin_path = state.install_path / 'bin' os.makedirs(bin_path, exist_ok=True) if not filename: filename = self.name if not new_filename: new_filename = filename src_path = state.build_path / filename dst_path = bin_path / new_filename shutil.copy(src_path, dst_path) class MakeTarget(BuildTarget): def __init__(self, name=None): super().__init__(name) self.tool = 'gmake' def configure(self, state: BuildState): super().configure(state) symlink_directory(state.source, state.build_path) def build(self, state: BuildState): assert not state.xcode args = [ self.tool, '-j', state.jobs, ] if c_compiler := state.c_compiler(): args.append(f'CC={c_compiler}') if cxx_compiler := state.cxx_compiler(): args.append(f'CXX={cxx_compiler}') args += state.options.to_list() work_path = state.build_path / self.src_root subprocess.check_call(args, cwd=work_path, env=state.environment) class ConfigureMakeTarget(MakeTarget): def __init__(self, name=None): super().__init__(name) def configure(self, state: BuildState): super().configure(state) work_path = state.build_path / self.src_root configure_path = work_path / 'configure' common_args = [ configure_path, f'--prefix={state.install_path}', ] common_args += state.options.to_list() disable_dependency_tracking = '--disable-dependency-tracking' host = '--host=' + state.host() args = copy.copy(common_args) args.append(host) args.append(disable_dependency_tracking) try: # Try with host and disabled dependency tracking first subprocess.check_call(args, cwd=work_path, env=state.environment) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: # If it fails, try with disabled dependency tracking only args = copy.copy(common_args) args.append(disable_dependency_tracking) try: subprocess.check_call(args, cwd=work_path, env=state.environment) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: # Use only common command line arguments subprocess.check_call(common_args, cwd=work_path, env=state.environment) def build(self, state: BuildState): # Clear configure script options state.options = CommandLineOptions() super().build(state) class CMakeTarget(BuildTarget): cached_project_name = None def __init__(self, name=None): super().__init__(name) def detect(self, state: BuildState) -> bool: if CMakeTarget.cached_project_name: project_name = CMakeTarget.cached_project_name else: cmakelists_path = state.source / self.src_root / 'CMakeLists.txt' if not cmakelists_path.exists(): return False for line in open(cmakelists_path).readlines(): project_name = CMakeTarget._extract_project_name(line) if project_name: project_name = project_name.lower() project_name = project_name.replace(' ', '-') break else: return False if project_name.startswith('lib'): project_name = project_name[3:] CMakeTarget.cached_project_name = project_name return project_name == self.name @staticmethod def _extract_project_name(line: str): project_name = None # Try to get project name without whitespaces in it match = re.search(r'^\s*project\s*\(\s*(\w[\w-]+)', line, re.IGNORECASE) if not match: # Try to get project name that contains whitespaces match = re.search(r'^\s*project\s*\(\s*"?(\w[\s\w-]+)"?', line, re.IGNORECASE) if match: project_name = match.group(1) return project_name def configure(self, state: BuildState): super().configure(state) args = [ 'cmake', '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release', f'-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-ffile-prefix-map={state.source}/="', f'-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-ffile-prefix-map={state.source}/="', f'-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX={state.install_path}', f'-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH={state.prefix_path}', ] if state.xcode: args.append('-GXcode') else: args.append('-GUnix Makefiles') if c_compiler := state.c_compiler(): args.append(f'-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER={c_compiler}') if cxx_compiler := state.cxx_compiler(): args.append(f'-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER={cxx_compiler}') architecture = state.architecture() if architecture != machine(): args.append('-DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=Darwin') args.append('-DCMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR=' + 'aarch64' if architecture == 'arm64' else architecture) os_version = state.os_version() if os_version: args.append('-DCMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=' + str(os_version)) sdk_path = state.sdk_path() if sdk_path: args.append(f'-DCMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT={sdk_path}') args += state.options.to_list(CommandLineOptions.CMAKE_RULES) args.append(state.source / self.src_root) subprocess.check_call(args, cwd=state.build_path, env=state.environment) def build(self, state: BuildState): if state.xcode: args = ['cmake', '--open', '.'] else: args = ['gmake', '-j', state.jobs] if state.verbose: args.append('VERBOSE=1') subprocess.check_call(args, cwd=state.build_path, env=state.environment) class ConfigureMakeDependencyTarget(ConfigureMakeTarget): def __init__(self, name=None): super().__init__(name) def post_build(self, state: BuildState): self.install(state) class ConfigureMakeStaticDependencyTarget(ConfigureMakeDependencyTarget): def __init__(self, name=None): super().__init__(name) def configure(self, state: BuildState): state.options['--enable-shared'] = 'no' super().configure(state) class CMakeStaticDependencyTarget(CMakeTarget): def __init__(self, name=None): super().__init__(name) def configure(self, state: BuildState): state.options['BUILD_SHARED_LIBS'] = 'NO' super().configure(state) def post_build(self, state: BuildState): self.install(state) def keep_module_target(self, state: BuildState, target: str): import_patterns = ( r'list\s*\(APPEND\s+_IMPORT_CHECK_TARGETS\s+(?P\w+::[\w-]+)[\s)]', r'list\s*\(APPEND\s+_IMPORT_CHECK_FILES_FOR_(?P\w+::[\w-]+)\s', ) import_regexes = [re.compile(regex, re.IGNORECASE) for regex in import_patterns] def _keep_target(line: str): for regex in import_regexes: match = regex.match(line) if match and match.group('target') != target: return None return line module = 'targets-release.cmake' for probe_module in (module, self.name + module): module_path = state.install_path / 'lib' / 'cmake' / self.name / probe_module if module_path.exists(): self.update_text_file(module_path, _keep_target)