# - Find lame # Find the native lame includes and libraries # # MP3LAME_INCLUDE_DIRS - where to find lame.h, etc. # MP3LAME_LIBRARIES - List of libraries when using lame. # MP3LAME_FOUND - True if Lame found. if (MP3LAME_INCLUDE_DIR) # Already in cache, be silent set(MP3LAME_FIND_QUIETLY TRUE) endif () find_path (MP3LAME_INCLUDE_DIR lame/lame.h HINTS ${LAME_ROOT} ) # MSVC built lame may be named mp3lame_static. # The provided project files name the library with the lib prefix. find_library (MP3LAME_LIBRARY NAMES mp3lame mp3lame_static libmp3lame libmp3lame_static libmp3lame-static HINTS ${MP3LAME_ROOT} ) find_library (MP3LAME_HIP_LIBRARY NAMES mpghip-static libmpghip-static HINTS ${MP3LAME_ROOT} ) # Handle the QUIETLY and REQUIRED arguments and set LAME_FOUND # to TRUE if all listed variables are TRUE. include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_package_handle_standard_args (mp3lame REQUIRED_VARS MP3LAME_LIBRARY MP3LAME_INCLUDE_DIR ) if (MP3LAME_FOUND) set (MP3LAME_LIBRARIES ${MP3LAME_LIBRARY} ${MP3LAME_HIP_LIBRARY}) set (MP3LAME_INCLUDE_DIRS ${MP3LAME_INCLUDE_DIR}) if (NOT TARGET mp3lame::mp3lame) add_library (mp3lame::mp3lame UNKNOWN IMPORTED) set_target_properties (mp3lame::mp3lame PROPERTIES INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${MP3LAME_INCLUDE_DIRS}" IMPORTED_LOCATION "${MP3LAME_LIBRARY}" ) if (MP3LAME_HIP_LIBRARY AND (NOT TARGET mp3lame::mpghip)) add_library (mp3lame::mpghip STATIC IMPORTED) set_property (mp3lame::mpghip PROPERTY IMPORTED_LOCATION "${MP3LAME_HIP_LIBRARY}") set_property (TARGET mp3lame::mp3lame PROPERTY INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES "mp3lame::mpghip") endif () endif () endif () mark_as_advanced(MP3LAME_INCLUDE_DIR MP3LAME_LIBRARY MP3LAME_HIP_LIBRARY)