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1432 lines
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1432 lines
34 KiB
Reads wad files, builds nodes, and saves new wad files.
Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Randy Heit
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include "processor.h"
//#include "rejectbuilder.h"
extern void ShowView (FLevel *level);
// Thing numbers used in Hexen maps
// Thing numbers used in Doom and Heretic maps
FLevel::FLevel ()
memset (this, 0, sizeof(*this));
FLevel::~FLevel ()
if (Things) delete[] Things;
if (Lines) delete[] Lines;
if (Vertices) delete[] Vertices;
if (Sides) delete[] Sides;
if (Sectors) delete[] Sectors;
if (Subsectors) delete[] Subsectors;
if (Segs) delete[] Segs;
if (Nodes) delete[] Nodes;
if (Blockmap) delete[] Blockmap;
if (Reject) delete[] Reject;
if (GLSubsectors) delete[] GLSubsectors;
if (GLSegs) delete[] GLSegs;
if (GLNodes) delete[] GLNodes;
if (GLPVS) delete[] GLPVS;
if (OrgSectorMap) delete[] OrgSectorMap;
FProcessor::FProcessor (FWadReader &inwad, int lump)
Wad (inwad), Lump (lump)
printf ("----%s----\n", Wad.LumpName (Lump));
Extended = Wad.MapHasBehavior (lump);
LoadThings ();
LoadVertices ();
LoadLines ();
LoadSides ();
LoadSectors ();
if (Level.NumLines == 0 || Level.NumVertices == 0 || Level.NumSides == 0 || Level.NumSectors == 0)
printf (" Map is incomplete\n");
// Removing extra vertices is done by the node builder.
Level.RemoveExtraLines ();
if (!NoPrune)
Level.RemoveExtraSides ();
Level.RemoveExtraSectors ();
if (BuildNodes)
GetPolySpots ();
Level.FindMapBounds ();
void FProcessor::LoadThings ()
if (Extended)
ReadMapLump<MapThing2> (Wad, "THINGS", Lump, Level.Things, Level.NumThings);
for (int i = 0; i < Level.NumThings; ++i)
Level.Things[i].x = LittleShort(Level.Things[i].x);
Level.Things[i].y = LittleShort(Level.Things[i].y);
Level.Things[i].angle = LittleShort(Level.Things[i].angle);
Level.Things[i].type = LittleShort(Level.Things[i].type);
Level.Things[i].flags = LittleShort(Level.Things[i].flags);
MapThing *mt;
ReadMapLump<MapThing> (Wad, "THINGS", Lump, mt, Level.NumThings);
Level.Things = new MapThing2[Level.NumThings];
memset (Level.Things, 0, sizeof(*Level.Things)*Level.NumThings);
for (int i = 0; i < Level.NumThings; ++i)
Level.Things[i].x = LittleShort(mt[i].x);
Level.Things[i].y = LittleShort(mt[i].y);
Level.Things[i].angle = LittleShort(mt[i].angle);
Level.Things[i].type = LittleShort(mt[i].type);
Level.Things[i].flags = LittleShort(mt[i].flags);
delete[] mt;
void FProcessor::LoadLines ()
if (Extended)
ReadMapLump<MapLineDef2> (Wad, "LINEDEFS", Lump, Level.Lines, Level.NumLines);
for (int i = 0; i < Level.NumLines; ++i)
Level.Lines[i].v1 = LittleShort(Level.Lines[i].v1);
Level.Lines[i].v2 = LittleShort(Level.Lines[i].v2);
Level.Lines[i].flags = LittleShort(Level.Lines[i].flags);
Level.Lines[i].sidenum[0] = LittleShort(Level.Lines[i].sidenum[0]);
Level.Lines[i].sidenum[1] = LittleShort(Level.Lines[i].sidenum[1]);
MapLineDef *ml;
ReadMapLump<MapLineDef> (Wad, "LINEDEFS", Lump, ml, Level.NumLines);
Level.Lines = new MapLineDef2[Level.NumLines];
memset (Level.Lines, 0, sizeof(*Level.Lines)*Level.NumLines);
for (int i = 0; i < Level.NumLines; ++i)
Level.Lines[i].v1 = LittleShort(ml[i].v1);
Level.Lines[i].v2 = LittleShort(ml[i].v2);
Level.Lines[i].flags = LittleShort(ml[i].flags);
Level.Lines[i].sidenum[0] = LittleShort(ml[i].sidenum[0]);
Level.Lines[i].sidenum[1] = LittleShort(ml[i].sidenum[1]);
// Store the special and tag in the args array so we don't lose them
short t = LittleShort(ml[i].special);
Level.Lines[i].args[2] = t & 255;
Level.Lines[i].args[3] = t >> 8;
t = LittleShort(ml[i].tag);
Level.Lines[i].args[0] = t & 255;
Level.Lines[i].args[1] = t >> 8;
delete[] ml;
void FProcessor::LoadVertices ()
MapVertex *verts;
ReadMapLump<MapVertex> (Wad, "VERTEXES", Lump, verts, Level.NumVertices);
Level.Vertices = new WideVertex[Level.NumVertices];
for (int i = 0; i < Level.NumVertices; ++i)
Level.Vertices[i].x = LittleShort(verts[i].x) << FRACBITS;
Level.Vertices[i].y = LittleShort(verts[i].y) << FRACBITS;
void FProcessor::LoadSides ()
ReadMapLump<MapSideDef> (Wad, "SIDEDEFS", Lump, Level.Sides, Level.NumSides);
for (int i = 0; i < Level.NumSides; ++i)
Level.Sides[i].sector = LittleShort(Level.Sides[i].sector);
void FProcessor::LoadSectors ()
ReadMapLump<MapSector> (Wad, "SECTORS", Lump, Level.Sectors, Level.NumSectors);
void FLevel::FindMapBounds ()
fixed_t minx, maxx, miny, maxy;
minx = maxx = Vertices[0].x;
miny = maxy = Vertices[0].y;
for (int i = 1; i < NumVertices; ++i)
if (Vertices[i].x < minx) minx = Vertices[i].x;
else if (Vertices[i].x > maxx) maxx = Vertices[i].x;
if (Vertices[i].y < miny) miny = Vertices[i].y;
else if (Vertices[i].y > maxy) maxy = Vertices[i].y;
MinX = minx;
MinY = miny;
MaxX = maxx;
MaxY = maxy;
void FLevel::RemoveExtraLines ()
int i, newNumLines;
// Extra lines are those with 0 length. Collision detection against
// one of those could cause a divide by 0, so it's best to remove them.
for (i = newNumLines = 0; i < NumLines; ++i)
if (Vertices[Lines[i].v1].x != Vertices[Lines[i].v2].x ||
Vertices[Lines[i].v1].y != Vertices[Lines[i].v2].y)
if (i != newNumLines)
Lines[newNumLines] = Lines[i];
if (newNumLines < NumLines)
int diff = NumLines - newNumLines;
printf (" Removed %d line%s with 0 length.\n", diff, diff > 1 ? "s" : "");
NumLines = newNumLines;
void FLevel::RemoveExtraSides ()
BYTE *used;
WORD *remap;
int i, newNumSides;
// Extra sides are those that aren't referenced by any lines.
// They just waste space, so get rid of them.
used = new BYTE[NumSides];
memset (used, 0, NumSides*sizeof(*used));
remap = new WORD[NumSides];
// Mark all used sides
for (i = 0; i < NumLines; ++i)
if (Lines[i].sidenum[0] != NO_INDEX)
used[Lines[i].sidenum[0]] = 1;
printf (" Line %d needs a front sidedef before it will run with ZDoom.\n", i);
if (Lines[i].sidenum[1] != NO_INDEX)
used[Lines[i].sidenum[1]] = 1;
// Shift out any unused sides
for (i = newNumSides = 0; i < NumSides; ++i)
if (used[i])
if (i != newNumSides)
Sides[newNumSides] = Sides[i];
remap[i] = newNumSides++;
remap[i] = NO_INDEX;
if (newNumSides < NumSides)
int diff = NumSides - newNumSides;
printf (" Removed %d unused sidedef%s.\n", diff, diff > 1 ? "s" : "");
NumSides = newNumSides;
// Renumber side references in lines
for (i = 0; i < NumLines; ++i)
if (Lines[i].sidenum[0] != NO_INDEX)
Lines[i].sidenum[0] = remap[Lines[i].sidenum[0]];
if (Lines[i].sidenum[1] != NO_INDEX)
Lines[i].sidenum[1] = remap[Lines[i].sidenum[1]];
delete[] used;
delete[] remap;
void FLevel::RemoveExtraSectors ()
BYTE *used;
WORD *remap;
int i, newNumSectors;
// Extra sectors are those that aren't referenced by any sides.
// They just waste space, so get rid of them.
NumOrgSectors = NumSectors;
used = new BYTE[NumSectors];
memset (used, 0, NumSectors*sizeof(*used));
remap = new WORD[NumSectors];
// Mark all used sectors
for (i = 0; i < NumSides; ++i)
if (Sides[i].sector != NO_INDEX)
used[Sides[i].sector] = 1;
printf (" Sidedef %d needs a front sector before it will run with ZDoom.\n", i);
// Shift out any unused sides
for (i = newNumSectors = 0; i < NumSectors; ++i)
if (used[i])
if (i != newNumSectors)
Sectors[newNumSectors] = Sectors[i];
remap[i] = newNumSectors++;
remap[i] = NO_INDEX;
if (newNumSectors < NumSectors)
int diff = NumSectors - newNumSectors;
printf (" Removed %d unused sector%s.\n", diff, diff > 1 ? "s" : "");
// Renumber sector references in sides
for (i = 0; i < NumSides; ++i)
if (Sides[i].sector != NO_INDEX)
Sides[i].sector = remap[Sides[i].sector];
// Make a reverse map for fixing reject lumps
OrgSectorMap = new WORD[newNumSectors];
for (i = 0; i < NumSectors; ++i)
OrgSectorMap[remap[i]] = i;
NumSectors = newNumSectors;
delete[] used;
delete[] remap;
void FProcessor::GetPolySpots ()
if (Extended && CheckPolyobjs)
int spot1, spot2, anchor, i;
// Determine if this is a Hexen map by looking for things of type 3000
// Only Hexen maps use them, and they are the polyobject anchors
for (i = 0; i < Level.NumThings; ++i)
if (Level.Things[i].type == PO_HEX_ANCHOR_TYPE)
if (i < Level.NumThings)
spot1 = PO_SPAWN_TYPE;
anchor = PO_ANCHOR_TYPE;
for (i = 0; i < Level.NumThings; ++i)
if (Level.Things[i].type == spot1 ||
Level.Things[i].type == spot2 ||
Level.Things[i].type == anchor)
FNodeBuilder::FPolyStart newvert;
newvert.x = Level.Things[i].x << FRACBITS;
newvert.y = Level.Things[i].y << FRACBITS;
newvert.polynum = Level.Things[i].angle;
if (Level.Things[i].type == anchor)
PolyAnchors.Push (newvert);
PolyStarts.Push (newvert);
void FProcessor::Write (FWadWriter &out)
if (Level.NumLines == 0 || Level.NumSides == 0 || Level.NumSectors == 0 || Level.NumVertices == 0)
// Map is empty, so just copy it as-is
out.CopyLump (Wad, Lump);
out.CopyLump (Wad, Wad.FindMapLump ("THINGS", Lump));
out.CopyLump (Wad, Wad.FindMapLump ("LINEDEFS", Lump));
out.CopyLump (Wad, Wad.FindMapLump ("SIDEDEFS", Lump));
out.CopyLump (Wad, Wad.FindMapLump ("VERTEXES", Lump));
out.CreateLabel ("SEGS");
out.CreateLabel ("SSECTORS");
out.CreateLabel ("NODES");
out.CopyLump (Wad, Wad.FindMapLump ("SECTORS", Lump));
out.CreateLabel ("REJECT");
out.CreateLabel ("BLOCKMAP");
if (Extended)
out.CopyLump (Wad, Wad.FindMapLump ("BEHAVIOR", Lump));
out.CopyLump (Wad, Wad.FindMapLump ("SCRIPTS", Lump));
bool compress, compressGL, gl5;
int size;
BYTE *blockmap;
ReadLump<BYTE> (Wad, Wad.FindMapLump ("BLOCKMAP", Lump), blockmap, size);
if (blockmap)
FILE *f = fopen ("blockmap.lmp", "wb");
if (f)
fwrite (blockmap, 1, size, f);
fclose (f);
delete[] blockmap;
if (BuildNodes)
FNodeBuilder *builder = NULL;
builder = new FNodeBuilder (Level, PolyStarts, PolyAnchors, Wad.LumpName (Lump), BuildGLNodes, HaveSSE2);
if (builder == NULL)
throw std::runtime_error(" Not enough memory to build nodes!");
delete[] Level.Vertices;
builder->GetVertices (Level.Vertices, Level.NumVertices);
if (ConformNodes)
// When the nodes are "conformed", the normal and GL nodes use the same
// basic information. This creates normal nodes that are less "good" than
// possible, but it makes it easier to compare the two sets of nodes to
// determine the correctness of the GL nodes.
builder->GetNodes (Level.Nodes, Level.NumNodes,
Level.Segs, Level.NumSegs,
Level.Subsectors, Level.NumSubsectors);
builder->GetVertices (Level.GLVertices, Level.NumGLVertices);
builder->GetGLNodes (Level.GLNodes, Level.NumGLNodes,
Level.GLSegs, Level.NumGLSegs,
Level.GLSubsectors, Level.NumGLSubsectors);
if (BuildGLNodes)
builder->GetVertices (Level.GLVertices, Level.NumGLVertices);
builder->GetGLNodes (Level.GLNodes, Level.NumGLNodes,
Level.GLSegs, Level.NumGLSegs,
Level.GLSubsectors, Level.NumGLSubsectors);
if (!GLOnly)
// Now repeat the process to obtain regular nodes
delete builder;
builder = new FNodeBuilder (Level, PolyStarts, PolyAnchors, Wad.LumpName (Lump), false, HaveSSE2);
if (builder == NULL)
throw std::runtime_error(" Not enough memory to build regular nodes!");
delete[] Level.Vertices;
builder->GetVertices (Level.Vertices, Level.NumVertices);
if (!GLOnly)
builder->GetNodes (Level.Nodes, Level.NumNodes,
Level.Segs, Level.NumSegs,
Level.Subsectors, Level.NumSubsectors);
delete builder;
builder = NULL;
catch (...)
if (builder != NULL)
delete builder;
FBlockmapBuilder bbuilder (Level);
WORD *blocks = bbuilder.GetBlockmap (Level.BlockmapSize);
Level.Blockmap = new WORD[Level.BlockmapSize];
memcpy (Level.Blockmap, blocks, Level.BlockmapSize*sizeof(WORD));
Level.RejectSize = (Level.NumSectors*Level.NumSectors + 7) / 8;
Level.Reject = NULL;
switch (RejectMode)
case ERM_Rebuild:
//FRejectBuilder reject (Level);
//Level.Reject = reject.GetReject ();
printf (" Rebuilding the reject is unsupported.\n");
// Intentional fall-through
case ERM_DontTouch:
int lump = Wad.FindMapLump ("REJECT", Lump);
if (lump >= 0)
ReadLump<BYTE> (Wad, lump, Level.Reject, Level.RejectSize);
if (Level.RejectSize != (Level.NumOrgSectors*Level.NumOrgSectors + 7) / 8)
// If the reject is the wrong size, don't use it.
delete[] Level.Reject;
Level.Reject = NULL;
if (Level.RejectSize != 0)
{ // Do not warn about 0-length rejects
printf (" REJECT is the wrong size, so it will be removed.\n");
Level.RejectSize = 0;
else if (Level.NumOrgSectors != Level.NumSectors)
// Some sectors have been removed, so fix the reject.
BYTE *newreject = FixReject (Level.Reject);
delete[] Level.Reject;
Level.Reject = newreject;
Level.RejectSize = (Level.NumSectors * Level.NumSectors + 7) / 8;
case ERM_Create0:
case ERM_CreateZeroes:
Level.Reject = new BYTE[Level.RejectSize];
memset (Level.Reject, 0, Level.RejectSize);
if (ShowMap)
ShowView (&Level);
puts(" ERROR: You can't view the nodes (-v) if you don't build them! (-N).");
puts (" This version of ZDBSP was not compiled with the map viewer enabled.");
if (Level.GLNodes != NULL )
gl5 = V5GLNodes ||
(Level.NumGLVertices > 32767) ||
(Level.NumGLSegs > 65534) ||
(Level.NumGLNodes > 32767) ||
(Level.NumGLSubsectors > 32767);
compressGL = CompressGLNodes || (Level.NumVertices > 32767);
compressGL = false;
// If the GL nodes are compressed, then the regular nodes must also be compressed.
compress = CompressNodes || compressGL ||
(Level.NumVertices > 65535) ||
(Level.NumSegs > 65535) ||
(Level.NumSubsectors > 32767) ||
(Level.NumNodes > 32767);
out.CopyLump (Wad, Lump);
out.CopyLump (Wad, Wad.FindMapLump ("THINGS", Lump));
WriteLines (out);
WriteSides (out);
WriteVertices (out, compress || GLOnly ? Level.NumOrgVerts : Level.NumVertices);
if (BuildNodes)
if (!compress)
if (!GLOnly)
WriteSegs (out);
WriteSSectors (out);
WriteNodes (out);
out.CreateLabel ("SEGS");
out.CreateLabel ("SSECTORS");
out.CreateLabel ("NODES");
out.CreateLabel ("SEGS");
if (compressGL)
WriteGLBSPZ (out, "SSECTORS");
out.CreateLabel ("SSECTORS");
if (!GLOnly)
WriteBSPZ (out, "NODES");
out.CreateLabel ("NODES");
out.CopyLump (Wad, Wad.FindMapLump ("SEGS", Lump));
out.CopyLump (Wad, Wad.FindMapLump ("SSECTORS", Lump));
out.CopyLump (Wad, Wad.FindMapLump ("NODES", Lump));
WriteSectors (out);
WriteReject (out);
WriteBlockmap (out);
if (Extended)
out.CopyLump (Wad, Wad.FindMapLump ("BEHAVIOR", Lump));
out.CopyLump (Wad, Wad.FindMapLump ("SCRIPTS", Lump));
if (Level.GLNodes != NULL && !compressGL)
char glname[9];
glname[0] = 'G';
glname[1] = 'L';
glname[2] = '_';
glname[8] = 0;
strncpy (glname+3, Wad.LumpName (Lump), 5);
out.CreateLabel (glname);
WriteGLVertices (out, gl5);
WriteGLSegs (out, gl5);
WriteGLSSect (out, gl5);
WriteGLNodes (out, gl5);
BYTE *FProcessor::FixReject (const BYTE *oldreject)
int x, y, ox, oy, pnum, opnum;
int rejectSize = (Level.NumSectors*Level.NumSectors + 7) / 8;
BYTE *newreject = new BYTE[rejectSize];
memset (newreject, 0, rejectSize);
for (y = 0; y < Level.NumSectors; ++y)
oy = Level.OrgSectorMap[y];
for (x = 0; x < Level.NumSectors; ++x)
ox = Level.OrgSectorMap[x];
pnum = y*Level.NumSectors + x;
opnum = oy*Level.NumSectors + ox;
if (oldreject[opnum >> 3] & (1 << (opnum & 7)))
newreject[pnum >> 3] |= 1 << (pnum & 7);
return newreject;
MapNodeEx *FProcessor::NodesToEx (const MapNode *nodes, int count)
if (count == 0)
return NULL;
MapNodeEx *Nodes = new MapNodeEx[Level.NumNodes];
int x;
for (x = 0; x < count; ++x)
WORD child;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 4+2*4; ++i)
*((WORD *)&Nodes[x] + i) = LittleShort(*((WORD *)&nodes[x] + i));
for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
child = LittleShort(nodes[x].children[i]);
if (child & NF_SUBSECTOR)
Nodes[x].children[i] = child + (NFX_SUBSECTOR - NF_SUBSECTOR);
Nodes[x].children[i] = child;
return Nodes;
MapSubsectorEx *FProcessor::SubsectorsToEx (const MapSubsector *ssec, int count)
if (count == 0)
return NULL;
MapSubsectorEx *out = new MapSubsectorEx[Level.NumSubsectors];
int x;
for (x = 0; x < count; ++x)
out[x].numlines = LittleShort(ssec[x].numlines);
out[x].firstline = LittleShort(ssec[x].firstline);
return out;
MapSegGLEx *FProcessor::SegGLsToEx (const MapSegGL *segs, int count)
if (count == 0)
return NULL;
MapSegGLEx *out = new MapSegGLEx[count];
int x;
for (x = 0; x < count; ++x)
out[x].v1 = LittleShort(segs[x].v1);
out[x].v2 = LittleShort(segs[x].v2);
out[x].linedef = LittleShort(segs[x].linedef);
out[x].side = LittleShort(segs[x].side);
out[x].partner = LittleShort(segs[x].partner);
return out;
void FProcessor::WriteVertices (FWadWriter &out, int count)
int i;
fixed_t *vertdata = (fixed_t *)Level.Vertices;
count *= 2;
short *verts = new short[count];
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
verts[i] = LittleShort(vertdata[i] >> FRACBITS);
out.WriteLump ("VERTEXES", verts, sizeof(*verts)*count);
delete[] verts;
if (count >= 65536)
printf (" VERTEXES is past the normal limit. (%d vertices)\n", count/2);
void FProcessor::WriteLines (FWadWriter &out)
int i;
if (Extended)
for (i = 0; i < Level.NumLines; ++i)
Level.Lines[i].v1 = LittleShort(Level.Lines[i].v1);
Level.Lines[i].v2 = LittleShort(Level.Lines[i].v2);
Level.Lines[i].flags = LittleShort(Level.Lines[i].flags);
Level.Lines[i].sidenum[0] = LittleShort(Level.Lines[i].sidenum[0]);
Level.Lines[i].sidenum[1] = LittleShort(Level.Lines[i].sidenum[1]);
out.WriteLump ("LINEDEFS", Level.Lines, Level.NumLines*sizeof(*Level.Lines));
MapLineDef *ld = new MapLineDef[Level.NumLines];
for (i = 0; i < Level.NumLines; ++i)
short t;
ld[i].v1 = LittleShort(Level.Lines[i].v1);
ld[i].v2 = LittleShort(Level.Lines[i].v2);
ld[i].flags = LittleShort(Level.Lines[i].flags);
ld[i].sidenum[0] = LittleShort(Level.Lines[i].sidenum[0]);
ld[i].sidenum[1] = LittleShort(Level.Lines[i].sidenum[1]);
t = Level.Lines[i].args[2] + (Level.Lines[i].args[3]<<8);
ld[i].special = LittleShort(t);
t = Level.Lines[i].args[0] + (Level.Lines[i].args[1]<<8);
ld[i].tag = LittleShort(t);
out.WriteLump ("LINEDEFS", ld, Level.NumLines*sizeof(*ld));
delete[] ld;
void FProcessor::WriteSides (FWadWriter &out)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < Level.NumSides; ++i)
Level.Sides[i].sector = LittleShort(Level.Sides[i].sector);
out.WriteLump ("SIDEDEFS", Level.Sides, Level.NumSides*sizeof(*Level.Sides));
void FProcessor::WriteSectors (FWadWriter &out)
out.WriteLump ("SECTORS", Level.Sectors, Level.NumSectors*sizeof(*Level.Sectors));
void FProcessor::WriteSegs (FWadWriter &out)
int i, count;
short *segdata;
segdata = (short *)Level.Segs;
count = Level.NumSegs*sizeof(MapSeg)/sizeof(*segdata);
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
segdata[i] = LittleShort(segdata[i]);
out.WriteLump ("SEGS", segdata, sizeof(*segdata)*count);
count /= sizeof(MapSeg)/sizeof(*segdata);
if (count >= 65536)
printf (" SEGS is too big for any port. (%d segs)\n", count);
else if (count >= 32768)
printf (" SEGS is too big for vanilla Doom and most ports. (%d segs)\n", count);
void FProcessor::WriteSSectors (FWadWriter &out) const
WriteSSectors2 (out, "SSECTORS", Level.Subsectors, Level.NumSubsectors);
void FProcessor::WriteSSectors2 (FWadWriter &out, const char *name, const MapSubsectorEx *subs, int count) const
int i;
MapSubsector *ssec;
ssec = new MapSubsector[count];
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
ssec[i].firstline = LittleShort((WORD)subs[i].firstline);
ssec[i].numlines = LittleShort((WORD)subs[i].numlines);
out.WriteLump (name, ssec, sizeof(*ssec)*count);
delete[] ssec;
if (count >= 65536)
printf (" %s is too big. (%d subsectors)\n", name, count);
void FProcessor::WriteSSectors5 (FWadWriter &out, const char *name, const MapSubsectorEx *subs, int count) const
int i;
MapSubsectorEx *ssec;
ssec = new MapSubsectorEx[count];
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
ssec[i].firstline = LittleLong(subs[i].firstline);
ssec[i].numlines = LittleLong(subs[i].numlines);
out.WriteLump (name, ssec, sizeof(*ssec)*count);
delete[] ssec;
void FProcessor::WriteNodes (FWadWriter &out) const
WriteNodes2 (out, "NODES", Level.Nodes, Level.NumNodes);
void FProcessor::WriteNodes2 (FWadWriter &out, const char *name, const MapNodeEx *zaNodes, int count) const
int i, j;
short *onodes, *nodes;
nodes = onodes = new short[count * sizeof(MapNode)/2];
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
short *inodes = (short *)&zaNodes[i];
for (j = 0; j < 4+2*4; ++j)
nodes[j] = LittleShort(inodes[j]);
nodes += j;
for (j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
DWORD child = zaNodes[i].children[j];
if (child & NFX_SUBSECTOR)
*nodes++ = LittleShort(WORD(child - (NFX_SUBSECTOR + NF_SUBSECTOR)));
*nodes++ = LittleShort((WORD)child);
out.WriteLump (name, onodes, count * sizeof(MapNode));
delete[] onodes;
if (count >= 32768)
printf (" %s is too big. (%d nodes)\n", name, count);
void FProcessor::WriteNodes5 (FWadWriter &out, const char *name, const MapNodeEx *zaNodes, int count) const
int i, j;
MapNodeEx *const nodes = new MapNodeEx[count * sizeof(MapNodeEx)];
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
const short *inodes = &zaNodes[i].x;
short *coord = &nodes[i].x;
for (j = 0; j < 4+2*4; ++j)
coord[j] = LittleShort(inodes[j]);
for (j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
nodes[i].children[j] = LittleLong(zaNodes[i].children[j]);
out.WriteLump (name, nodes, count * sizeof(MapNodeEx));
delete[] nodes;
void FProcessor::WriteBlockmap (FWadWriter &out)
if (BlockmapMode == EBM_Create0)
out.CreateLabel ("BLOCKMAP");
size_t i, count;
WORD *blocks;
count = Level.BlockmapSize;
blocks = Level.Blockmap;
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
blocks[i] = LittleShort(blocks[i]);
out.WriteLump ("BLOCKMAP", blocks, int(sizeof(*blocks)*count));
FILE *f = fopen ("blockmap.lm2", "wb");
if (f)
fwrite (blocks, count, sizeof(*blocks), f);
fclose (f);
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
blocks[i] = LittleShort(blocks[i]);
if (count >= 65536)
printf (" BLOCKMAP is so big that ports will have to recreate it.\n"
" Vanilla Doom cannot handle it at all. If this map is for ZDoom 2+,\n"
" you should use the -b switch to save space in the wad.\n");
else if (count >= 32768)
printf (" BLOCKMAP is too big for vanilla Doom.\n");
void FProcessor::WriteReject (FWadWriter &out)
if (RejectMode == ERM_Create0 || Level.Reject == NULL)
out.CreateLabel ("REJECT");
out.WriteLump ("REJECT", Level.Reject, Level.RejectSize);
void FProcessor::WriteGLVertices (FWadWriter &out, bool v5)
int i, count = (Level.NumGLVertices - Level.NumOrgVerts) * 2;
fixed_t *vertdata = (fixed_t *)Level.GLVertices + Level.NumOrgVerts * 2;
fixed_t *verts = new fixed_t[count+1];
char *magic = (char *)verts;
magic[0] = 'g';
magic[1] = 'N';
magic[2] = 'd';
magic[3] = v5 ? '5' : '2';
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
verts[i+1] = LittleLong(vertdata[i]);
out.WriteLump ("GL_VERT", verts, sizeof(*verts)*(count+1));
delete[] verts;
if (count > 65536)
printf (" GL_VERT is too big. (%d GL vertices)\n", count/2);
void FProcessor::WriteGLSegs (FWadWriter &out, bool v5)
if (v5)
WriteGLSegs5 (out);
int i, count;
MapSegGL *segdata;
count = Level.NumGLSegs;
segdata = new MapSegGL[count];
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
if (Level.GLSegs[i].v1 < (DWORD)Level.NumOrgVerts)
segdata[i].v1 = LittleShort((WORD)Level.GLSegs[i].v1);
segdata[i].v1 = LittleShort(0x8000 | (WORD)(Level.GLSegs[i].v1 - Level.NumOrgVerts));
if (Level.GLSegs[i].v2 < (DWORD)Level.NumOrgVerts)
segdata[i].v2 = (WORD)LittleShort(Level.GLSegs[i].v2);
segdata[i].v2 = LittleShort(0x8000 | (WORD)(Level.GLSegs[i].v2 - Level.NumOrgVerts));
segdata[i].linedef = LittleShort(Level.GLSegs[i].linedef);
segdata[i].side = LittleShort(Level.GLSegs[i].side);
segdata[i].partner = LittleShort((WORD)Level.GLSegs[i].partner);
out.WriteLump ("GL_SEGS", segdata, sizeof(MapSegGL)*count);
delete[] segdata;
if (count >= 65536)
printf (" GL_SEGS is too big for any port. (%d GL segs)\n", count);
else if (count >= 32768)
printf (" GL_SEGS is too big for some ports. (%d GL segs)\n", count);
void FProcessor::WriteGLSegs5 (FWadWriter &out)
int i, count;
MapSegGLEx *segdata;
count = Level.NumGLSegs;
segdata = new MapSegGLEx[count];
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
if (Level.GLSegs[i].v1 < (DWORD)Level.NumOrgVerts)
segdata[i].v1 = LittleLong(Level.GLSegs[i].v1);
segdata[i].v1 = LittleLong(0x80000000u | ((int)Level.GLSegs[i].v1 - Level.NumOrgVerts));
if (Level.GLSegs[i].v2 < (DWORD)Level.NumOrgVerts)
segdata[i].v2 = LittleLong(Level.GLSegs[i].v2);
segdata[i].v2 = LittleLong(0x80000000u | ((int)Level.GLSegs[i].v2 - Level.NumOrgVerts));
segdata[i].linedef = LittleShort(Level.GLSegs[i].linedef);
segdata[i].side = LittleShort(Level.GLSegs[i].side);
segdata[i].partner = LittleLong(Level.GLSegs[i].partner);
out.WriteLump ("GL_SEGS", segdata, sizeof(MapSegGLEx)*count);
delete[] segdata;
void FProcessor::WriteGLSSect (FWadWriter &out, bool v5)
if (!v5)
WriteSSectors2 (out, "GL_SSECT", Level.GLSubsectors, Level.NumGLSubsectors);
WriteSSectors5 (out, "GL_SSECT", Level.GLSubsectors, Level.NumGLSubsectors);
void FProcessor::WriteGLNodes (FWadWriter &out, bool v5)
if (!v5)
WriteNodes2 (out, "GL_NODES", Level.GLNodes, Level.NumGLNodes);
WriteNodes5 (out, "GL_NODES", Level.GLNodes, Level.NumGLNodes);
void FProcessor::WriteBSPZ (FWadWriter &out, const char *label)
ZLibOut zout (out);
if (!CompressNodes)
printf (" Nodes are so big that compression has been forced.\n");
out.StartWritingLump (label);
out.AddToLump ("ZNOD", 4);
WriteVerticesZ (zout, &Level.Vertices[Level.NumOrgVerts], Level.NumOrgVerts, Level.NumVertices - Level.NumOrgVerts);
WriteSubsectorsZ (zout, Level.Subsectors, Level.NumSubsectors);
WriteSegsZ (zout, Level.Segs, Level.NumSegs);
WriteNodesZ (zout, Level.Nodes, Level.NumNodes);
void FProcessor::WriteGLBSPZ (FWadWriter &out, const char *label)
ZLibOut zout (out);
if (!CompressGLNodes)
printf (" GL Nodes are so big that compression has been forced.\n");
out.StartWritingLump (label);
out.AddToLump ("ZGLN", 4);
WriteVerticesZ (zout, &Level.GLVertices[Level.NumOrgVerts], Level.NumOrgVerts, Level.NumGLVertices - Level.NumOrgVerts);
WriteSubsectorsZ (zout, Level.GLSubsectors, Level.NumGLSubsectors);
WriteGLSegsZ (zout, Level.GLSegs, Level.NumGLSegs);
WriteNodesZ (zout, Level.GLNodes, Level.NumGLNodes);
void FProcessor::WriteVerticesZ (ZLibOut &out, const WideVertex *verts, int orgverts, int newverts)
out << (DWORD)orgverts << (DWORD)newverts;
for (int i = 0; i < newverts; ++i)
out << verts[i].x << verts[i].y;
void FProcessor::WriteSubsectorsZ (ZLibOut &out, const MapSubsectorEx *subs, int numsubs)
out << (DWORD)numsubs;
for (int i = 0; i < numsubs; ++i)
out << (DWORD)subs[i].numlines;
void FProcessor::WriteSegsZ (ZLibOut &out, const MapSeg *segs, int numsegs)
out << (DWORD)numsegs;
for (int i = 0; i < numsegs; ++i)
out << (DWORD)segs[i].v1
<< (DWORD)segs[i].v2
<< (WORD)segs[i].linedef
<< (BYTE)segs[i].side;
void FProcessor::WriteGLSegsZ (ZLibOut &out, const MapSegGLEx *segs, int numsegs)
out << (DWORD)numsegs;
for (int i = 0; i < numsegs; ++i)
out << (DWORD)segs[i].v1
<< (DWORD)segs[i].partner
<< (WORD)segs[i].linedef
<< (BYTE)segs[i].side;
void FProcessor::WriteNodesZ (ZLibOut &out, const MapNodeEx *nodes, int numnodes)
out << (DWORD)numnodes;
for (int i = 0; i < numnodes; ++i)
out << (SWORD)nodes[i].x
<< (SWORD)nodes[i].y
<< (SWORD)nodes[i].dx
<< (SWORD)nodes[i].dy;
for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k)
out << (SWORD)nodes[i].bbox[j][k];
out << (DWORD)nodes[i].children[0]
<< (DWORD)nodes[i].children[1];
// zlib lump writer ---------------------------------------------------------
ZLibOut::ZLibOut (FWadWriter &out)
: Out (out)
int err;
Stream.next_in = Z_NULL;
Stream.avail_in = 0;
Stream.zalloc = Z_NULL;
Stream.zfree = Z_NULL;
err = deflateInit (&Stream, 9);
if (err != Z_OK)
throw std::runtime_error("Could not initialize deflate buffer.");
Stream.next_out = Buffer;
Stream.avail_out = BUFFER_SIZE;
ZLibOut::~ZLibOut ()
int err;
for (;;)
err = deflate (&Stream, Z_FINISH);
if (err != Z_OK)
if (Stream.avail_out == 0)
Out.AddToLump (Buffer, BUFFER_SIZE);
Stream.next_out = Buffer;
Stream.avail_out = BUFFER_SIZE;
deflateEnd (&Stream);
if (err != Z_STREAM_END)
throw std::runtime_error("Error deflating data.");
Out.AddToLump (Buffer, BUFFER_SIZE - Stream.avail_out);
void ZLibOut::Write (BYTE *data, int len)
int err;
Stream.next_in = data;
Stream.avail_in = len;
err = deflate (&Stream, 0);
while (Stream.avail_out == 0 && err == Z_OK)
Out.AddToLump (Buffer, BUFFER_SIZE);
Stream.next_out = Buffer;
Stream.avail_out = BUFFER_SIZE;
if (Stream.avail_in != 0)
err = deflate (&Stream, 0);
if (err != Z_OK)
throw std::runtime_error("Error deflating data.");
ZLibOut &ZLibOut::operator << (BYTE val)
Write (&val, 1);
return *this;
ZLibOut &ZLibOut::operator << (WORD val)
val = LittleShort(val);
Write ((BYTE *)&val, 2);
return *this;
ZLibOut &ZLibOut::operator << (SWORD val)
val = LittleShort(val);
Write ((BYTE *)&val, 2);
return *this;
ZLibOut &ZLibOut::operator << (DWORD val)
val = LittleLong(val);
Write ((BYTE *)&val, 4);
return *this;
ZLibOut &ZLibOut::operator << (fixed_t val)
val = LittleLong(val);
Write ((BYTE *)&val, 4);
return *this;