mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 06:41:39 +00:00
* Fixed: Polyobject detection was disabled for UDMF maps due to an incorrect namespace check. * Fixed: The polyobject spawn type PO_SPAWNHURT_TYPE (9303) was not recognized as a valid spawn spot, so split avoidance would not be enabled for any polyobjects that used them. * Added a -c (--comments) command line option to write entity numbers in comments next to each entity in UDMF maps (ala the upcoming Doom Builder 2). SVN r1702 (trunk)
1578 lines
37 KiB
1578 lines
37 KiB
Reads wad files, builds nodes, and saves new wad files.
Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Randy Heit
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include "processor.h"
//#include "rejectbuilder.h"
extern void ShowView (FLevel *level);
// Thing numbers used in Hexen maps
// Thing numbers used in Doom and Heretic maps
FLevel::FLevel ()
memset (this, 0, sizeof(*this));
FLevel::~FLevel ()
if (Vertices) delete[] Vertices;
if (Subsectors) delete[] Subsectors;
if (Segs) delete[] Segs;
if (Nodes) delete[] Nodes;
if (Blockmap) delete[] Blockmap;
if (Reject) delete[] Reject;
if (GLSubsectors) delete[] GLSubsectors;
if (GLSegs) delete[] GLSegs;
if (GLNodes) delete[] GLNodes;
if (GLPVS) delete[] GLPVS;
if (OrgSectorMap) delete[] OrgSectorMap;
FProcessor::FProcessor (FWadReader &inwad, int lump)
Wad (inwad), Lump (lump)
printf ("----%s----\n", Wad.LumpName (Lump));
isUDMF = Wad.isUDMF(lump);
if (isUDMF)
Extended = false;
Extended = Wad.MapHasBehavior (lump);
LoadThings ();
LoadVertices ();
LoadLines ();
LoadSides ();
LoadSectors ();
if (Level.NumLines() == 0 || Level.NumVertices == 0 || Level.NumSides() == 0 || Level.NumSectors() == 0)
printf (" Map is incomplete\n");
// Removing extra vertices is done by the node builder.
Level.RemoveExtraLines ();
if (!NoPrune)
Level.RemoveExtraSides ();
Level.RemoveExtraSectors ();
if (BuildNodes)
GetPolySpots ();
Level.FindMapBounds ();
void FProcessor::LoadThings ()
int NumThings;
if (Extended)
MapThing2 *Things;
ReadMapLump<MapThing2> (Wad, "THINGS", Lump, Things, NumThings);
for (int i = 0; i < NumThings; ++i)
Level.Things[i].thingid = Things[i].thingid;
Level.Things[i].x = LittleShort(Things[i].x) << FRACBITS;
Level.Things[i].y = LittleShort(Things[i].y) << FRACBITS;
Level.Things[i].z = LittleShort(Things[i].z);
Level.Things[i].angle = LittleShort(Things[i].angle);
Level.Things[i].type = LittleShort(Things[i].type);
Level.Things[i].flags = LittleShort(Things[i].flags);
Level.Things[i].special = Things[i].special;
Level.Things[i].args[0] = Things[i].args[0];
Level.Things[i].args[1] = Things[i].args[1];
Level.Things[i].args[2] = Things[i].args[2];
Level.Things[i].args[3] = Things[i].args[3];
Level.Things[i].args[4] = Things[i].args[4];
delete[] Things;
MapThing *mt;
ReadMapLump<MapThing> (Wad, "THINGS", Lump, mt, NumThings);
for (int i = 0; i < NumThings; ++i)
Level.Things[i].x = LittleShort(mt[i].x) << FRACBITS;
Level.Things[i].y = LittleShort(mt[i].y) << FRACBITS;
Level.Things[i].angle = LittleShort(mt[i].angle);
Level.Things[i].type = LittleShort(mt[i].type);
Level.Things[i].flags = LittleShort(mt[i].flags);
Level.Things[i].z = 0;
Level.Things[i].special = 0;
Level.Things[i].args[0] = 0;
Level.Things[i].args[1] = 0;
Level.Things[i].args[2] = 0;
Level.Things[i].args[3] = 0;
Level.Things[i].args[4] = 0;
delete[] mt;
void FProcessor::LoadLines ()
int NumLines;
if (Extended)
MapLineDef2 *Lines;
ReadMapLump<MapLineDef2> (Wad, "LINEDEFS", Lump, Lines, NumLines);
for (int i = 0; i < NumLines; ++i)
Level.Lines[i].special = Lines[i].special;
Level.Lines[i].args[0] = Lines[i].args[0];
Level.Lines[i].args[1] = Lines[i].args[1];
Level.Lines[i].args[2] = Lines[i].args[2];
Level.Lines[i].args[3] = Lines[i].args[3];
Level.Lines[i].args[4] = Lines[i].args[4];
Level.Lines[i].v1 = LittleShort(Lines[i].v1);
Level.Lines[i].v2 = LittleShort(Lines[i].v2);
Level.Lines[i].flags = LittleShort(Lines[i].flags);
Level.Lines[i].sidenum[0] = LittleShort(Lines[i].sidenum[0]);
Level.Lines[i].sidenum[1] = LittleShort(Lines[i].sidenum[1]);
if (Level.Lines[i].sidenum[0] == NO_MAP_INDEX) Level.Lines[i].sidenum[0] = NO_INDEX;
if (Level.Lines[i].sidenum[1] == NO_MAP_INDEX) Level.Lines[i].sidenum[1] = NO_INDEX;
delete[] Lines;
MapLineDef *ml;
ReadMapLump<MapLineDef> (Wad, "LINEDEFS", Lump, ml, NumLines);
for (int i = 0; i < NumLines; ++i)
Level.Lines[i].v1 = LittleShort(ml[i].v1);
Level.Lines[i].v2 = LittleShort(ml[i].v2);
Level.Lines[i].flags = LittleShort(ml[i].flags);
Level.Lines[i].sidenum[0] = LittleShort(ml[i].sidenum[0]);
Level.Lines[i].sidenum[1] = LittleShort(ml[i].sidenum[1]);
if (Level.Lines[i].sidenum[0] == NO_MAP_INDEX) Level.Lines[i].sidenum[0] = NO_INDEX;
if (Level.Lines[i].sidenum[1] == NO_MAP_INDEX) Level.Lines[i].sidenum[1] = NO_INDEX;
// Store the special and tag in the args array so we don't lose them
Level.Lines[i].special = 0;
Level.Lines[i].args[0] = LittleShort(ml[i].special);
Level.Lines[i].args[1] = LittleShort(ml[i].tag);
delete[] ml;
void FProcessor::LoadVertices ()
MapVertex *verts;
ReadMapLump<MapVertex> (Wad, "VERTEXES", Lump, verts, Level.NumVertices);
Level.Vertices = new WideVertex[Level.NumVertices];
for (int i = 0; i < Level.NumVertices; ++i)
Level.Vertices[i].x = LittleShort(verts[i].x) << FRACBITS;
Level.Vertices[i].y = LittleShort(verts[i].y) << FRACBITS;
Level.Vertices[i].index = 0; // we don't need this value for non-UDMF maps
void FProcessor::LoadSides ()
MapSideDef *Sides;
int NumSides;
ReadMapLump<MapSideDef> (Wad, "SIDEDEFS", Lump, Sides, NumSides);
for (int i = 0; i < NumSides; ++i)
Level.Sides[i].textureoffset = Sides[i].textureoffset;
Level.Sides[i].rowoffset = Sides[i].rowoffset;
memcpy(Level.Sides[i].toptexture, Sides[i].toptexture, 8);
memcpy(Level.Sides[i].bottomtexture, Sides[i].bottomtexture, 8);
memcpy(Level.Sides[i].midtexture, Sides[i].midtexture, 8);
Level.Sides[i].sector = LittleShort(Sides[i].sector);
if (Level.Sides[i].sector == NO_MAP_INDEX) Level.Sides[i].sector = NO_INDEX;
delete [] Sides;
void FProcessor::LoadSectors ()
MapSector *Sectors;
int NumSectors;
ReadMapLump<MapSector> (Wad, "SECTORS", Lump, Sectors, NumSectors);
for (int i = 0; i < NumSectors; ++i)
Level.Sectors[i].data = Sectors[i];
void FLevel::FindMapBounds ()
fixed_t minx, maxx, miny, maxy;
minx = maxx = Vertices[0].x;
miny = maxy = Vertices[0].y;
for (int i = 1; i < NumVertices; ++i)
if (Vertices[i].x < minx) minx = Vertices[i].x;
else if (Vertices[i].x > maxx) maxx = Vertices[i].x;
if (Vertices[i].y < miny) miny = Vertices[i].y;
else if (Vertices[i].y > maxy) maxy = Vertices[i].y;
MinX = minx;
MinY = miny;
MaxX = maxx;
MaxY = maxy;
void FLevel::RemoveExtraLines ()
int i, newNumLines;
// Extra lines are those with 0 length. Collision detection against
// one of those could cause a divide by 0, so it's best to remove them.
for (i = newNumLines = 0; i < NumLines(); ++i)
if (Vertices[Lines[i].v1].x != Vertices[Lines[i].v2].x ||
Vertices[Lines[i].v1].y != Vertices[Lines[i].v2].y)
if (i != newNumLines)
Lines[newNumLines] = Lines[i];
if (newNumLines < NumLines())
int diff = NumLines() - newNumLines;
printf (" Removed %d line%s with 0 length.\n", diff, diff > 1 ? "s" : "");
void FLevel::RemoveExtraSides ()
BYTE *used;
int *remap;
int i, newNumSides;
// Extra sides are those that aren't referenced by any lines.
// They just waste space, so get rid of them.
int NumSides = this->NumSides();
used = new BYTE[NumSides];
memset (used, 0, NumSides*sizeof(*used));
remap = new int[NumSides];
// Mark all used sides
for (i = 0; i < NumLines(); ++i)
if (Lines[i].sidenum[0] != NO_INDEX)
used[Lines[i].sidenum[0]] = 1;
printf (" Line %d needs a front sidedef before it will run with ZDoom.\n", i);
if (Lines[i].sidenum[1] != NO_INDEX)
used[Lines[i].sidenum[1]] = 1;
// Shift out any unused sides
for (i = newNumSides = 0; i < NumSides; ++i)
if (used[i])
if (i != newNumSides)
Sides[newNumSides] = Sides[i];
remap[i] = newNumSides++;
remap[i] = NO_INDEX;
if (newNumSides < NumSides)
int diff = NumSides - newNumSides;
printf (" Removed %d unused sidedef%s.\n", diff, diff > 1 ? "s" : "");
// Renumber side references in lines
for (i = 0; i < NumLines(); ++i)
if (Lines[i].sidenum[0] != NO_INDEX)
Lines[i].sidenum[0] = remap[Lines[i].sidenum[0]];
if (Lines[i].sidenum[1] != NO_INDEX)
Lines[i].sidenum[1] = remap[Lines[i].sidenum[1]];
delete[] used;
delete[] remap;
void FLevel::RemoveExtraSectors ()
BYTE *used;
DWORD *remap;
int i, newNumSectors;
// Extra sectors are those that aren't referenced by any sides.
// They just waste space, so get rid of them.
NumOrgSectors = NumSectors();
used = new BYTE[NumSectors()];
memset (used, 0, NumSectors()*sizeof(*used));
remap = new DWORD[NumSectors()];
// Mark all used sectors
for (i = 0; i < NumSides(); ++i)
if ((DWORD)Sides[i].sector != NO_INDEX)
used[Sides[i].sector] = 1;
printf (" Sidedef %d needs a front sector before it will run with ZDoom.\n", i);
// Shift out any unused sides
for (i = newNumSectors = 0; i < NumSectors(); ++i)
if (used[i])
if (i != newNumSectors)
Sectors[newNumSectors] = Sectors[i];
remap[i] = newNumSectors++;
remap[i] = NO_INDEX;
if (newNumSectors < NumSectors())
int diff = NumSectors() - newNumSectors;
printf (" Removed %d unused sector%s.\n", diff, diff > 1 ? "s" : "");
// Renumber sector references in sides
for (i = 0; i < NumSides(); ++i)
if ((DWORD)Sides[i].sector != NO_INDEX)
Sides[i].sector = remap[Sides[i].sector];
// Make a reverse map for fixing reject lumps
OrgSectorMap = new DWORD[newNumSectors];
for (i = 0; i < NumSectors(); ++i)
if (remap[i] != NO_INDEX)
OrgSectorMap[remap[i]] = i;
delete[] used;
delete[] remap;
void FProcessor::GetPolySpots ()
if (Extended && CheckPolyobjs)
int spot1, spot2, anchor, i;
// Determine if this is a Hexen map by looking for things of type 3000
// Only Hexen maps use them, and they are the polyobject anchors
for (i = 0; i < Level.NumThings(); ++i)
if (Level.Things[i].type == PO_HEX_ANCHOR_TYPE)
if (i < Level.NumThings())
spot1 = PO_SPAWN_TYPE;
anchor = PO_ANCHOR_TYPE;
for (i = 0; i < Level.NumThings(); ++i)
if (Level.Things[i].type == spot1 ||
Level.Things[i].type == spot2 ||
Level.Things[i].type == PO_SPAWNHURT_TYPE ||
Level.Things[i].type == anchor)
FNodeBuilder::FPolyStart newvert;
newvert.x = Level.Things[i].x;
newvert.y = Level.Things[i].y;
newvert.polynum = Level.Things[i].angle;
if (Level.Things[i].type == anchor)
PolyAnchors.Push (newvert);
PolyStarts.Push (newvert);
void FProcessor::Write (FWadWriter &out)
if (Level.NumLines() == 0 || Level.NumSides() == 0 || Level.NumSectors() == 0 || Level.NumVertices == 0)
if (!isUDMF)
// Map is empty, so just copy it as-is
out.CopyLump (Wad, Lump);
out.CopyLump (Wad, Wad.FindMapLump ("THINGS", Lump));
out.CopyLump (Wad, Wad.FindMapLump ("LINEDEFS", Lump));
out.CopyLump (Wad, Wad.FindMapLump ("SIDEDEFS", Lump));
out.CopyLump (Wad, Wad.FindMapLump ("VERTEXES", Lump));
out.CreateLabel ("SEGS");
out.CreateLabel ("SSECTORS");
out.CreateLabel ("NODES");
out.CopyLump (Wad, Wad.FindMapLump ("SECTORS", Lump));
out.CreateLabel ("REJECT");
out.CreateLabel ("BLOCKMAP");
if (Extended)
out.CopyLump (Wad, Wad.FindMapLump ("BEHAVIOR", Lump));
out.CopyLump (Wad, Wad.FindMapLump ("SCRIPTS", Lump));
for(int i=Lump; stricmp(Wad.LumpName(i), "ENDMAP") && i < Wad.NumLumps(); i++)
out.CopyLump(Wad, i);
bool compress, compressGL, gl5 = false;
int size;
BYTE *blockmap;
ReadLump<BYTE> (Wad, Wad.FindMapLump ("BLOCKMAP", Lump), blockmap, size);
if (blockmap)
FILE *f = fopen ("blockmap.lmp", "wb");
if (f)
fwrite (blockmap, 1, size, f);
fclose (f);
delete[] blockmap;
if (BuildNodes)
FNodeBuilder *builder = NULL;
// ZDoom's UDMF spec requires compressed GL nodes.
// No other UDMF spec has defined anything regarding nodes yet.
if (isUDMF)
BuildGLNodes = true;
ConformNodes = false;
GLOnly = true;
CompressGLNodes = true;
int ssetype;
if (HaveSSE2)
ssetype = 2;
else if (HaveSSE1)
ssetype = 1;
ssetype = 0;
builder = new FNodeBuilder (Level, PolyStarts, PolyAnchors, Wad.LumpName (Lump), BuildGLNodes, ssetype);
if (builder == NULL)
throw std::runtime_error(" Not enough memory to build nodes!");
delete[] Level.Vertices;
builder->GetVertices (Level.Vertices, Level.NumVertices);
if (ConformNodes)
// When the nodes are "conformed", the normal and GL nodes use the same
// basic information. This creates normal nodes that are less "good" than
// possible, but it makes it easier to compare the two sets of nodes to
// determine the correctness of the GL nodes.
builder->GetNodes (Level.Nodes, Level.NumNodes,
Level.Segs, Level.NumSegs,
Level.Subsectors, Level.NumSubsectors);
builder->GetVertices (Level.GLVertices, Level.NumGLVertices);
builder->GetGLNodes (Level.GLNodes, Level.NumGLNodes,
Level.GLSegs, Level.NumGLSegs,
Level.GLSubsectors, Level.NumGLSubsectors);
if (BuildGLNodes)
builder->GetVertices (Level.GLVertices, Level.NumGLVertices);
builder->GetGLNodes (Level.GLNodes, Level.NumGLNodes,
Level.GLSegs, Level.NumGLSegs,
Level.GLSubsectors, Level.NumGLSubsectors);
if (!GLOnly)
// Now repeat the process to obtain regular nodes
delete builder;
builder = new FNodeBuilder (Level, PolyStarts, PolyAnchors, Wad.LumpName (Lump), false, ssetype);
if (builder == NULL)
throw std::runtime_error(" Not enough memory to build regular nodes!");
delete[] Level.Vertices;
builder->GetVertices (Level.Vertices, Level.NumVertices);
if (!GLOnly)
builder->GetNodes (Level.Nodes, Level.NumNodes,
Level.Segs, Level.NumSegs,
Level.Subsectors, Level.NumSubsectors);
delete builder;
builder = NULL;
catch (...)
if (builder != NULL)
delete builder;
if (!isUDMF)
FBlockmapBuilder bbuilder (Level);
WORD *blocks = bbuilder.GetBlockmap (Level.BlockmapSize);
Level.Blockmap = new WORD[Level.BlockmapSize];
memcpy (Level.Blockmap, blocks, Level.BlockmapSize*sizeof(WORD));
Level.RejectSize = (Level.NumSectors()*Level.NumSectors() + 7) / 8;
Level.Reject = NULL;
switch (RejectMode)
case ERM_Rebuild:
//FRejectBuilder reject (Level);
//Level.Reject = reject.GetReject ();
printf (" Rebuilding the reject is unsupported.\n");
// Intentional fall-through
case ERM_DontTouch:
int lump = Wad.FindMapLump ("REJECT", Lump);
if (lump >= 0)
ReadLump<BYTE> (Wad, lump, Level.Reject, Level.RejectSize);
if (Level.RejectSize != (Level.NumOrgSectors*Level.NumOrgSectors + 7) / 8)
// If the reject is the wrong size, don't use it.
delete[] Level.Reject;
Level.Reject = NULL;
if (Level.RejectSize != 0)
{ // Do not warn about 0-length rejects
printf (" REJECT is the wrong size, so it will be removed.\n");
Level.RejectSize = 0;
else if (Level.NumOrgSectors != Level.NumSectors())
// Some sectors have been removed, so fix the reject.
BYTE *newreject = FixReject (Level.Reject);
delete[] Level.Reject;
Level.Reject = newreject;
Level.RejectSize = (Level.NumSectors() * Level.NumSectors() + 7) / 8;
case ERM_Create0:
case ERM_CreateZeroes:
Level.Reject = new BYTE[Level.RejectSize];
memset (Level.Reject, 0, Level.RejectSize);
if (ShowMap)
ShowView (&Level);
puts(" ERROR: You can't view the nodes (-v) if you don't build them! (-N).");
puts (" This version of ZDBSP was not compiled with the map viewer enabled.");
if (!isUDMF)
if (Level.GLNodes != NULL )
gl5 = V5GLNodes ||
(Level.NumGLVertices > 32767) ||
(Level.NumGLSegs > 65534) ||
(Level.NumGLNodes > 32767) ||
(Level.NumGLSubsectors > 32767);
compressGL = CompressGLNodes || (Level.NumVertices > 32767);
compressGL = false;
// If the GL nodes are compressed, then the regular nodes must also be compressed.
compress = CompressNodes || compressGL ||
(Level.NumVertices > 65535) ||
(Level.NumSegs > 65535) ||
(Level.NumSubsectors > 32767) ||
(Level.NumNodes > 32767);
out.CopyLump (Wad, Lump);
out.CopyLump (Wad, Wad.FindMapLump ("THINGS", Lump));
WriteLines (out);
WriteSides (out);
WriteVertices (out, compress || GLOnly ? Level.NumOrgVerts : Level.NumVertices);
if (BuildNodes)
if (!compress)
if (!GLOnly)
WriteSegs (out);
WriteSSectors (out);
WriteNodes (out);
out.CreateLabel ("SEGS");
out.CreateLabel ("SSECTORS");
out.CreateLabel ("NODES");
out.CreateLabel ("SEGS");
if (compressGL)
WriteGLBSPZ (out, "SSECTORS");
out.CreateLabel ("SSECTORS");
if (!GLOnly)
WriteBSPZ (out, "NODES");
out.CreateLabel ("NODES");
out.CopyLump (Wad, Wad.FindMapLump ("SEGS", Lump));
out.CopyLump (Wad, Wad.FindMapLump ("SSECTORS", Lump));
out.CopyLump (Wad, Wad.FindMapLump ("NODES", Lump));
WriteSectors (out);
WriteReject (out);
WriteBlockmap (out);
if (Extended)
out.CopyLump (Wad, Wad.FindMapLump ("BEHAVIOR", Lump));
out.CopyLump (Wad, Wad.FindMapLump ("SCRIPTS", Lump));
if (Level.GLNodes != NULL && !compressGL)
char glname[9];
glname[0] = 'G';
glname[1] = 'L';
glname[2] = '_';
glname[8] = 0;
strncpy (glname+3, Wad.LumpName (Lump), 5);
out.CreateLabel (glname);
WriteGLVertices (out, gl5);
WriteGLSegs (out, gl5);
WriteGLSSect (out, gl5);
WriteGLNodes (out, gl5);
BYTE *FProcessor::FixReject (const BYTE *oldreject)
int x, y, ox, oy, pnum, opnum;
int rejectSize = (Level.NumSectors()*Level.NumSectors() + 7) / 8;
BYTE *newreject = new BYTE[rejectSize];
memset (newreject, 0, rejectSize);
for (y = 0; y < Level.NumSectors(); ++y)
oy = Level.OrgSectorMap[y];
for (x = 0; x < Level.NumSectors(); ++x)
ox = Level.OrgSectorMap[x];
pnum = y*Level.NumSectors() + x;
opnum = oy*Level.NumSectors() + ox;
if (oldreject[opnum >> 3] & (1 << (opnum & 7)))
newreject[pnum >> 3] |= 1 << (pnum & 7);
return newreject;
MapNodeEx *FProcessor::NodesToEx (const MapNode *nodes, int count)
if (count == 0)
return NULL;
MapNodeEx *Nodes = new MapNodeEx[Level.NumNodes];
int x;
for (x = 0; x < count; ++x)
WORD child;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 4+2*4; ++i)
*((WORD *)&Nodes[x] + i) = LittleShort(*((WORD *)&nodes[x] + i));
for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
child = LittleShort(nodes[x].children[i]);
if (child & NF_SUBSECTOR)
Nodes[x].children[i] = child + (NFX_SUBSECTOR - NF_SUBSECTOR);
Nodes[x].children[i] = child;
return Nodes;
MapSubsectorEx *FProcessor::SubsectorsToEx (const MapSubsector *ssec, int count)
if (count == 0)
return NULL;
MapSubsectorEx *out = new MapSubsectorEx[Level.NumSubsectors];
int x;
for (x = 0; x < count; ++x)
out[x].numlines = LittleShort(ssec[x].numlines);
out[x].firstline = LittleShort(ssec[x].firstline);
return out;
MapSegGLEx *FProcessor::SegGLsToEx (const MapSegGL *segs, int count)
if (count == 0)
return NULL;
MapSegGLEx *out = new MapSegGLEx[count];
int x;
for (x = 0; x < count; ++x)
out[x].v1 = LittleShort(segs[x].v1);
out[x].v2 = LittleShort(segs[x].v2);
out[x].linedef = LittleShort(segs[x].linedef);
out[x].side = LittleShort(segs[x].side);
out[x].partner = LittleShort(segs[x].partner);
return out;
void FProcessor::WriteVertices (FWadWriter &out, int count)
int i;
WideVertex *vertdata = Level.Vertices;
short *verts = new short[count * 2];
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
verts[i*2] = LittleShort(vertdata[i].x >> FRACBITS);
verts[i*2+1] = LittleShort(vertdata[i].y >> FRACBITS);
out.WriteLump ("VERTEXES", verts, sizeof(*verts)*count*2);
delete[] verts;
if (count >= 32768)
printf (" VERTEXES is past the normal limit. (%d vertices)\n", count);
void FProcessor::WriteLines (FWadWriter &out)
int i;
if (Extended)
MapLineDef2 *Lines = new MapLineDef2[Level.NumLines()];
for (i = 0; i < Level.NumLines(); ++i)
Lines[i].special = Level.Lines[i].special;
Lines[i].args[0] = Level.Lines[i].args[0];
Lines[i].args[1] = Level.Lines[i].args[1];
Lines[i].args[2] = Level.Lines[i].args[2];
Lines[i].args[3] = Level.Lines[i].args[3];
Lines[i].args[4] = Level.Lines[i].args[4];
Lines[i].v1 = LittleShort(WORD(Level.Lines[i].v1));
Lines[i].v2 = LittleShort(WORD(Level.Lines[i].v2));
Lines[i].flags = LittleShort(WORD(Level.Lines[i].flags));
Lines[i].sidenum[0] = LittleShort(WORD(Level.Lines[i].sidenum[0]));
Lines[i].sidenum[1] = LittleShort(WORD(Level.Lines[i].sidenum[1]));
out.WriteLump ("LINEDEFS", Lines, Level.NumLines()*sizeof(*Lines));
delete[] Lines;
MapLineDef *ld = new MapLineDef[Level.NumLines()];
for (i = 0; i < Level.NumLines(); ++i)
ld[i].v1 = LittleShort(WORD(Level.Lines[i].v1));
ld[i].v2 = LittleShort(WORD(Level.Lines[i].v2));
ld[i].flags = LittleShort(WORD(Level.Lines[i].flags));
ld[i].sidenum[0] = LittleShort(WORD(Level.Lines[i].sidenum[0]));
ld[i].sidenum[1] = LittleShort(WORD(Level.Lines[i].sidenum[1]));
ld[i].special = LittleShort(WORD(Level.Lines[i].args[0]));
ld[i].tag = LittleShort(WORD(Level.Lines[i].args[1]));
out.WriteLump ("LINEDEFS", ld, Level.NumLines()*sizeof(*ld));
delete[] ld;
void FProcessor::WriteSides (FWadWriter &out)
int i;
MapSideDef *Sides = new MapSideDef[Level.NumSides()];
for (i = 0; i < Level.NumSides(); ++i)
Sides[i].textureoffset = Level.Sides[i].textureoffset;
Sides[i].rowoffset = Level.Sides[i].rowoffset;
memcpy(Sides[i].toptexture, Level.Sides[i].toptexture, 8);
memcpy(Sides[i].bottomtexture, Level.Sides[i].bottomtexture, 8);
memcpy(Sides[i].midtexture, Level.Sides[i].midtexture, 8);
Sides[i].sector = LittleShort(Level.Sides[i].sector);
out.WriteLump ("SIDEDEFS", Sides, Level.NumSides()*sizeof(*Sides));
delete[] Sides;
void FProcessor::WriteSectors (FWadWriter &out)
int i;
MapSector *Sectors = new MapSector[Level.NumSectors()];
for (i = 0; i < Level.NumSectors(); ++i)
Sectors[i] = Level.Sectors[i].data;
out.WriteLump ("SECTORS", Sectors, Level.NumSectors()*sizeof(*Sectors));
void FProcessor::WriteSegs (FWadWriter &out)
int i, count;
short *segdata;
segdata = (short *)Level.Segs;
count = Level.NumSegs*sizeof(MapSeg)/sizeof(*segdata);
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
segdata[i] = LittleShort(segdata[i]);
out.WriteLump ("SEGS", segdata, sizeof(*segdata)*count);
count /= sizeof(MapSeg)/sizeof(*segdata);
if (count >= 65536)
printf (" SEGS is too big for any port. (%d segs)\n", count);
else if (count >= 32768)
printf (" SEGS is too big for vanilla Doom and most ports. (%d segs)\n", count);
void FProcessor::WriteSSectors (FWadWriter &out) const
WriteSSectors2 (out, "SSECTORS", Level.Subsectors, Level.NumSubsectors);
void FProcessor::WriteSSectors2 (FWadWriter &out, const char *name, const MapSubsectorEx *subs, int count) const
int i;
MapSubsector *ssec;
ssec = new MapSubsector[count];
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
ssec[i].firstline = LittleShort((WORD)subs[i].firstline);
ssec[i].numlines = LittleShort((WORD)subs[i].numlines);
out.WriteLump (name, ssec, sizeof(*ssec)*count);
delete[] ssec;
if (count >= 65536)
printf (" %s is too big. (%d subsectors)\n", name, count);
void FProcessor::WriteSSectors5 (FWadWriter &out, const char *name, const MapSubsectorEx *subs, int count) const
int i;
MapSubsectorEx *ssec;
ssec = new MapSubsectorEx[count];
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
ssec[i].firstline = LittleLong(subs[i].firstline);
ssec[i].numlines = LittleLong(subs[i].numlines);
out.WriteLump (name, ssec, sizeof(*ssec)*count);
delete[] ssec;
void FProcessor::WriteNodes (FWadWriter &out) const
WriteNodes2 (out, "NODES", Level.Nodes, Level.NumNodes);
void FProcessor::WriteNodes2 (FWadWriter &out, const char *name, const MapNodeEx *zaNodes, int count) const
int i, j;
short *onodes, *nodes;
nodes = onodes = new short[count * sizeof(MapNode)/2];
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
short *inodes = (short *)&zaNodes[i];
for (j = 0; j < 4+2*4; ++j)
nodes[j] = LittleShort(inodes[j]);
nodes += j;
for (j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
DWORD child = zaNodes[i].children[j];
if (child & NFX_SUBSECTOR)
*nodes++ = LittleShort(WORD(child - (NFX_SUBSECTOR + NF_SUBSECTOR)));
*nodes++ = LittleShort((WORD)child);
out.WriteLump (name, onodes, count * sizeof(MapNode));
delete[] onodes;
if (count >= 32768)
printf (" %s is too big. (%d nodes)\n", name, count);
void FProcessor::WriteNodes5 (FWadWriter &out, const char *name, const MapNodeEx *zaNodes, int count) const
int i, j;
MapNodeEx *const nodes = new MapNodeEx[count * sizeof(MapNodeEx)];
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
const short *inodes = &zaNodes[i].x;
short *coord = &nodes[i].x;
for (j = 0; j < 4+2*4; ++j)
coord[j] = LittleShort(inodes[j]);
for (j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
nodes[i].children[j] = LittleLong(zaNodes[i].children[j]);
out.WriteLump (name, nodes, count * sizeof(MapNodeEx));
delete[] nodes;
void FProcessor::WriteBlockmap (FWadWriter &out)
if (BlockmapMode == EBM_Create0)
out.CreateLabel ("BLOCKMAP");
size_t i, count;
WORD *blocks;
count = Level.BlockmapSize;
blocks = Level.Blockmap;
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
blocks[i] = LittleShort(blocks[i]);
out.WriteLump ("BLOCKMAP", blocks, int(sizeof(*blocks)*count));
FILE *f = fopen ("blockmap.lm2", "wb");
if (f)
fwrite (blocks, count, sizeof(*blocks), f);
fclose (f);
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
blocks[i] = LittleShort(blocks[i]);
if (count >= 65536)
printf (" BLOCKMAP is so big that ports will have to recreate it.\n"
" Vanilla Doom cannot handle it at all. If this map is for ZDoom 2+,\n"
" you should use the -b switch to save space in the wad.\n");
else if (count >= 32768)
printf (" BLOCKMAP is too big for vanilla Doom.\n");
void FProcessor::WriteReject (FWadWriter &out)
if (RejectMode == ERM_Create0 || Level.Reject == NULL)
out.CreateLabel ("REJECT");
out.WriteLump ("REJECT", Level.Reject, Level.RejectSize);
void FProcessor::WriteGLVertices (FWadWriter &out, bool v5)
int i, count = (Level.NumGLVertices - Level.NumOrgVerts) * 2;
fixed_t *vertdata = (fixed_t *)Level.GLVertices + Level.NumOrgVerts * 2;
fixed_t *verts = new fixed_t[count+1];
char *magic = (char *)verts;
magic[0] = 'g';
magic[1] = 'N';
magic[2] = 'd';
magic[3] = v5 ? '5' : '2';
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
verts[i+1] = LittleLong(vertdata[i]);
out.WriteLump ("GL_VERT", verts, sizeof(*verts)*(count+1));
delete[] verts;
if (count > 65536)
printf (" GL_VERT is too big. (%d GL vertices)\n", count/2);
void FProcessor::WriteGLSegs (FWadWriter &out, bool v5)
if (v5)
WriteGLSegs5 (out);
int i, count;
MapSegGL *segdata;
count = Level.NumGLSegs;
segdata = new MapSegGL[count];
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
if (Level.GLSegs[i].v1 < (DWORD)Level.NumOrgVerts)
segdata[i].v1 = LittleShort((WORD)Level.GLSegs[i].v1);
segdata[i].v1 = LittleShort(0x8000 | (WORD)(Level.GLSegs[i].v1 - Level.NumOrgVerts));
if (Level.GLSegs[i].v2 < (DWORD)Level.NumOrgVerts)
segdata[i].v2 = (WORD)LittleShort(Level.GLSegs[i].v2);
segdata[i].v2 = LittleShort(0x8000 | (WORD)(Level.GLSegs[i].v2 - Level.NumOrgVerts));
segdata[i].linedef = LittleShort((WORD)Level.GLSegs[i].linedef);
segdata[i].side = LittleShort(Level.GLSegs[i].side);
segdata[i].partner = LittleShort((WORD)Level.GLSegs[i].partner);
out.WriteLump ("GL_SEGS", segdata, sizeof(MapSegGL)*count);
delete[] segdata;
if (count >= 65536)
printf (" GL_SEGS is too big for any port. (%d GL segs)\n", count);
else if (count >= 32768)
printf (" GL_SEGS is too big for some ports. (%d GL segs)\n", count);
void FProcessor::WriteGLSegs5 (FWadWriter &out)
int i, count;
MapSegGLEx *segdata;
count = Level.NumGLSegs;
segdata = new MapSegGLEx[count];
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
if (Level.GLSegs[i].v1 < (DWORD)Level.NumOrgVerts)
segdata[i].v1 = LittleLong(Level.GLSegs[i].v1);
segdata[i].v1 = LittleLong(0x80000000u | ((int)Level.GLSegs[i].v1 - Level.NumOrgVerts));
if (Level.GLSegs[i].v2 < (DWORD)Level.NumOrgVerts)
segdata[i].v2 = LittleLong(Level.GLSegs[i].v2);
segdata[i].v2 = LittleLong(0x80000000u | ((int)Level.GLSegs[i].v2 - Level.NumOrgVerts));
segdata[i].linedef = LittleShort(Level.GLSegs[i].linedef);
segdata[i].side = LittleShort(Level.GLSegs[i].side);
segdata[i].partner = LittleLong(Level.GLSegs[i].partner);
out.WriteLump ("GL_SEGS", segdata, sizeof(MapSegGLEx)*count);
delete[] segdata;
void FProcessor::WriteGLSSect (FWadWriter &out, bool v5)
if (!v5)
WriteSSectors2 (out, "GL_SSECT", Level.GLSubsectors, Level.NumGLSubsectors);
WriteSSectors5 (out, "GL_SSECT", Level.GLSubsectors, Level.NumGLSubsectors);
void FProcessor::WriteGLNodes (FWadWriter &out, bool v5)
if (!v5)
WriteNodes2 (out, "GL_NODES", Level.GLNodes, Level.NumGLNodes);
WriteNodes5 (out, "GL_NODES", Level.GLNodes, Level.NumGLNodes);
void FProcessor::WriteBSPZ (FWadWriter &out, const char *label)
ZLibOut zout (out);
if (!CompressNodes)
printf (" Nodes are so big that compression has been forced.\n");
out.StartWritingLump (label);
out.AddToLump ("ZNOD", 4);
WriteVerticesZ (zout, &Level.Vertices[Level.NumOrgVerts], Level.NumOrgVerts, Level.NumVertices - Level.NumOrgVerts);
WriteSubsectorsZ (zout, Level.Subsectors, Level.NumSubsectors);
WriteSegsZ (zout, Level.Segs, Level.NumSegs);
WriteNodesZ (zout, Level.Nodes, Level.NumNodes);
void FProcessor::WriteGLBSPZ (FWadWriter &out, const char *label)
ZLibOut zout (out);
if (!CompressGLNodes)
printf (" GL Nodes are so big that compression has been forced.\n");
out.StartWritingLump (label);
if (Level.NumLines() < 65535)
out.AddToLump ("ZGLN", 4);
out.AddToLump ("ZGL2", 4);
WriteVerticesZ (zout, &Level.GLVertices[Level.NumOrgVerts], Level.NumOrgVerts, Level.NumGLVertices - Level.NumOrgVerts);
WriteSubsectorsZ (zout, Level.GLSubsectors, Level.NumGLSubsectors);
WriteGLSegsZ (zout, Level.GLSegs, Level.NumGLSegs);
WriteNodesZ (zout, Level.GLNodes, Level.NumGLNodes);
void FProcessor::WriteVerticesZ (ZLibOut &out, const WideVertex *verts, int orgverts, int newverts)
out << (DWORD)orgverts << (DWORD)newverts;
for (int i = 0; i < newverts; ++i)
out << verts[i].x << verts[i].y;
void FProcessor::WriteSubsectorsZ (ZLibOut &out, const MapSubsectorEx *subs, int numsubs)
out << (DWORD)numsubs;
for (int i = 0; i < numsubs; ++i)
out << (DWORD)subs[i].numlines;
void FProcessor::WriteSegsZ (ZLibOut &out, const MapSeg *segs, int numsegs)
out << (DWORD)numsegs;
for (int i = 0; i < numsegs; ++i)
out << (DWORD)segs[i].v1
<< (DWORD)segs[i].v2
<< (WORD)segs[i].linedef
<< (BYTE)segs[i].side;
void FProcessor::WriteGLSegsZ (ZLibOut &out, const MapSegGLEx *segs, int numsegs)
out << (DWORD)numsegs;
if (Level.NumLines() < 65535)
for (int i = 0; i < numsegs; ++i)
out << (DWORD)segs[i].v1
<< (DWORD)segs[i].partner
<< (WORD)segs[i].linedef
<< (BYTE)segs[i].side;
for (int i = 0; i < numsegs; ++i)
out << (DWORD)segs[i].v1
<< (DWORD)segs[i].partner
<< (DWORD)segs[i].linedef
<< (BYTE)segs[i].side;
void FProcessor::WriteNodesZ (ZLibOut &out, const MapNodeEx *nodes, int numnodes)
out << (DWORD)numnodes;
for (int i = 0; i < numnodes; ++i)
out << (SWORD)nodes[i].x
<< (SWORD)nodes[i].y
<< (SWORD)nodes[i].dx
<< (SWORD)nodes[i].dy;
for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k)
out << (SWORD)nodes[i].bbox[j][k];
out << (DWORD)nodes[i].children[0]
<< (DWORD)nodes[i].children[1];
// zlib lump writer ---------------------------------------------------------
ZLibOut::ZLibOut (FWadWriter &out)
: Out (out)
int err;
Stream.next_in = Z_NULL;
Stream.avail_in = 0;
Stream.zalloc = Z_NULL;
Stream.zfree = Z_NULL;
err = deflateInit (&Stream, 9);
if (err != Z_OK)
throw std::runtime_error("Could not initialize deflate buffer.");
Stream.next_out = Buffer;
Stream.avail_out = BUFFER_SIZE;
ZLibOut::~ZLibOut ()
int err;
for (;;)
err = deflate (&Stream, Z_FINISH);
if (err != Z_OK)
if (Stream.avail_out == 0)
Out.AddToLump (Buffer, BUFFER_SIZE);
Stream.next_out = Buffer;
Stream.avail_out = BUFFER_SIZE;
deflateEnd (&Stream);
if (err != Z_STREAM_END)
throw std::runtime_error("Error deflating data.");
Out.AddToLump (Buffer, BUFFER_SIZE - Stream.avail_out);
void ZLibOut::Write (BYTE *data, int len)
int err;
Stream.next_in = data;
Stream.avail_in = len;
err = deflate (&Stream, 0);
while (Stream.avail_out == 0 && err == Z_OK)
Out.AddToLump (Buffer, BUFFER_SIZE);
Stream.next_out = Buffer;
Stream.avail_out = BUFFER_SIZE;
if (Stream.avail_in != 0)
err = deflate (&Stream, 0);
if (err != Z_OK)
throw std::runtime_error("Error deflating data.");
ZLibOut &ZLibOut::operator << (BYTE val)
Write (&val, 1);
return *this;
ZLibOut &ZLibOut::operator << (WORD val)
val = LittleShort(val);
Write ((BYTE *)&val, 2);
return *this;
ZLibOut &ZLibOut::operator << (SWORD val)
val = LittleShort(val);
Write ((BYTE *)&val, 2);
return *this;
ZLibOut &ZLibOut::operator << (DWORD val)
val = LittleLong(val);
Write ((BYTE *)&val, 4);
return *this;
ZLibOut &ZLibOut::operator << (fixed_t val)
val = LittleLong(val);
Write ((BYTE *)&val, 4);
return *this;