#include #include "doomdata.h" #include "workdata.h" #include "tarray.h" struct FEventInfo { int Vertex; DWORD FrontSeg; }; struct FEvent { FEvent *Parent, *Left, *Right; double Distance; FEventInfo Info; }; class FEventTree { public: FEventTree (); ~FEventTree (); FEvent *GetMinimum (); FEvent *GetSuccessor (FEvent *event) const { FEvent *node = Successor(event); return node == &Nil ? NULL : node; } FEvent *GetPredecessor (FEvent *event) const { FEvent *node = Predecessor(event); return node == &Nil ? NULL : node; } FEvent *GetNewNode (); void Insert (FEvent *event); FEvent *FindEvent (double distance) const; void DeleteAll (); void PrintTree () const { PrintTree (Root); } private: FEvent Nil; FEvent *Root; FEvent *Spare; void DeletionTraverser (FEvent *event); FEvent *Successor (FEvent *event) const; FEvent *Predecessor (FEvent *event) const; void PrintTree (const FEvent *event) const; }; class FNodeBuilder { struct FPrivSeg { int v1, v2; int sidedef; int linedef; int frontsector; int backsector; DWORD next; DWORD nextforvert; DWORD nextforvert2; int loopnum; // loop number for split avoidance (0 means splitting is okay) DWORD partner; // seg on back side DWORD storedseg; // seg # in the GL_SEGS lump angle_t angle; fixed_t offset; int planenum; bool planefront; FPrivSeg *hashnext; }; struct FPrivVert { fixed_t x, y; DWORD segs; // segs that use this vertex as v1 DWORD segs2; // segs that use this vertex as v2 bool operator== (const FPrivVert &other) { return x == other.x && y == other.y; } }; struct FSimpleLine { fixed_t x, y, dx, dy; }; union USegPtr { DWORD SegNum; FPrivSeg *SegPtr; }; struct FSplitSharer { double Distance; DWORD Seg; bool Forward; }; // Like a blockmap, but for vertices instead of lines class FVertexMap { public: FVertexMap (FNodeBuilder &builder, fixed_t minx, fixed_t miny, fixed_t maxx, fixed_t maxy); ~FVertexMap (); int SelectVertexExact (FPrivVert &vert); int SelectVertexClose (FPrivVert &vert); private: FNodeBuilder &MyBuilder; TArray *VertexGrid; fixed_t MinX, MinY, MaxX, MaxY; int BlocksWide, BlocksTall; enum { BLOCK_SHIFT = 8 + FRACBITS }; enum { BLOCK_SIZE = 1 << BLOCK_SHIFT }; int InsertVertex (FPrivVert &vert); inline int GetBlock (fixed_t x, fixed_t y) { assert (x >= MinX); assert (y >= MinY); assert (x <= MaxX); assert (y <= MaxY); return (unsigned(x - MinX) >> BLOCK_SHIFT) + (unsigned(y - MinY) >> BLOCK_SHIFT) * BlocksWide; } }; friend class FVertexMap; public: struct FPolyStart { int polynum; fixed_t x, y; }; FNodeBuilder (FLevel &level, TArray &polyspots, TArray &anchors, const char *name, bool makeGLnodes, BYTE sselevel); ~FNodeBuilder (); void GetVertices (WideVertex *&verts, int &count); void GetNodes (MapNodeEx *&nodes, int &nodeCount, MapSeg *&segs, int &segCount, MapSubsectorEx *&ssecs, int &subCount); void GetGLNodes (MapNodeEx *&nodes, int &nodeCount, MapSegGLEx *&segs, int &segCount, MapSubsectorEx *&ssecs, int &subCount); // < 0 : in front of line // == 0 : on line // > 0 : behind line static inline int PointOnSide (int x, int y, int x1, int y1, int dx, int dy); private: FVertexMap *VertexMap; TArray Nodes; TArray Subsectors; TArray SubsectorSets; TArray Segs; TArray Vertices; TArray SegList; TArray PlaneChecked; TArray Planes; size_t InitialVertices; // Number of vertices in a map that are connected to linedefs TArray Touched; // Loops a splitter touches on a vertex TArray Colinear; // Loops with edges colinear to a splitter FEventTree Events; // Vertices intersected by the current splitter TArray SplitSharers; // Segs collinear with the current splitter DWORD HackSeg; // Seg to force to back of splitter DWORD HackMate; // Seg to use in front of hack seg FLevel &Level; bool GLNodes; int SSELevel; // Progress meter stuff int SegsStuffed; const char *MapName; void FindUsedVertices (WideVertex *vertices, int max); void BuildTree (); void MakeSegsFromSides (); int CreateSeg (int linenum, int sidenum); void GroupSegPlanes (); void FindPolyContainers (TArray &spots, TArray &anchors); bool GetPolyExtents (int polynum, fixed_t bbox[4]); int MarkLoop (DWORD firstseg, int loopnum); void AddSegToBBox (fixed_t bbox[4], const FPrivSeg *seg); DWORD CreateNode (DWORD set, fixed_t bbox[4]); DWORD CreateSubsector (DWORD set, fixed_t bbox[4]); void CreateSubsectorsForReal (); bool CheckSubsector (DWORD set, node_t &node, DWORD &splitseg, int setsize); bool CheckSubsectorOverlappingSegs (DWORD set, node_t &node, DWORD &splitseg); bool ShoveSegBehind (DWORD set, node_t &node, DWORD seg, DWORD mate); int SelectSplitter (DWORD set, node_t &node, DWORD &splitseg, int step, bool nosplit); void SplitSegs (DWORD set, node_t &node, DWORD splitseg, DWORD &outset0, DWORD &outset1); DWORD SplitSeg (DWORD segnum, int splitvert, int v1InFront); int Heuristic (node_t &node, DWORD set, bool honorNoSplit); int CountSegs (DWORD set) const; // Returns: // 0 = seg is in front // 1 = seg is in back // -1 = seg cuts the node inline int ClassifyLine (node_t &node, const FPrivSeg *seg, int &sidev1, int &sidev2); int ClassifyLine2 (node_t &node, const FPrivSeg *seg, int &sidev1, int &sidev2); #ifndef DISABLE_SSE int ClassifyLineSSE1 (node_t &node, const FPrivSeg *seg, int &sidev1, int &sidev2); int ClassifyLineSSE2 (node_t &node, const FPrivSeg *seg, int &sidev1, int &sidev2); #if defined(_WIN32) && defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(DISABLE_BACKPATCH) int ClassifyLineBackpatch (node_t &node, const FPrivSeg *seg, int &sidev1, int &sidev2) __attribute__((noinline)); #endif #endif void FixSplitSharers (); double AddIntersection (const node_t &node, int vertex); void AddMinisegs (const node_t &node, DWORD splitseg, DWORD &fset, DWORD &rset); DWORD CheckLoopStart (fixed_t dx, fixed_t dy, int vertex1, int vertex2); DWORD CheckLoopEnd (fixed_t dx, fixed_t dy, int vertex2); void RemoveSegFromVert1 (DWORD segnum, int vertnum); void RemoveSegFromVert2 (DWORD segnum, int vertnum); DWORD AddMiniseg (int v1, int v2, DWORD partner, DWORD seg1, DWORD splitseg); void SetNodeFromSeg (node_t &node, const FPrivSeg *pseg) const; int RemoveMinisegs (MapNodeEx *nodes, TArray &segs, MapSubsectorEx *subs, int node, short bbox[4]); int StripMinisegs (TArray &segs, int subsector, short bbox[4]); void AddSegToShortBBox (short bbox[4], const FPrivSeg *seg); int CloseSubsector (TArray &segs, int subsector); DWORD PushGLSeg (TArray &segs, const FPrivSeg *seg); void PushConnectingGLSeg (int subsector, TArray &segs, int v1, int v2); int OutputDegenerateSubsector (TArray &segs, int subsector, bool bForward, double lastdot, FPrivSeg *&prev); static int SortSegs (const void *a, const void *b); double InterceptVector (const node_t &splitter, const FPrivSeg &seg); void PrintSet (int l, DWORD set); }; // Points within this distance of a line will be considered on the line. // Units are in fixed_ts. const double SIDE_EPSILON = 6.5536; inline int FNodeBuilder::PointOnSide (int x, int y, int x1, int y1, int dx, int dy) { // For most cases, a simple dot product is enough. double d_dx = double(dx); double d_dy = double(dy); double d_x = double(x); double d_y = double(y); double d_x1 = double(x1); double d_y1 = double(y1); double s_num = (d_y1-d_y)*d_dx - (d_x1-d_x)*d_dy; if (fabs(s_num) < 17179869184.f) // 4<<32 { // Either the point is very near the line, or the segment defining // the line is very short: Do a more expensive test to determine // just how far from the line the point is. double l = d_dx*d_dx + d_dy*d_dy; // double l = sqrt(d_dx*d_dx+d_dy*d_dy); double dist = s_num * s_num / l; // double dist = fabs(s_num)/l; if (dist < SIDE_EPSILON*SIDE_EPSILON) // if (dist < SIDE_EPSILON) { return 0; } } return s_num > 0.0 ? -1 : 1; } inline int FNodeBuilder::ClassifyLine (node_t &node, const FPrivSeg *seg, int &sidev1, int &sidev2) { #ifdef DISABLE_SSE return ClassifyLine2 (node, seg, sidev1, sidev2); #else #if defined(__SSE2__) || defined(_M_IX64) // If compiling with SSE2 support everywhere, just use the SSE2 version. return ClassifyLineSSE2 (node, seg, sidev1, sidev2); #elif defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1300 // VC 6 does not support SSE optimizations. return ClassifyLine2 (node, seg, sidev1, sidev2); #else // Select the routine based on our flag. #if defined(_WIN32) && defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(DISABLE_BACKPATCH) return ClassifyLineBackpatch (node, seg, sidev1, sidev2); #else if (SSELevel == 2) return ClassifyLineSSE2 (node, seg, sidev1, sidev2); else if (SSELevel == 1) return ClassifyLineSSE1 (node, seg, sidev1, sidev2); else return ClassifyLine2 (node, seg, sidev1, sidev2); #endif #endif #endif }