/* Routines for building a Doom map's BLOCKMAP lump. Copyright (C) 2002 Randy Heit This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include "zdbsp.h" #include "templates.h" #include "tarray.h" #include "blockmapbuilder.h" #undef BLOCK_TEST FBlockmapBuilder::FBlockmapBuilder (FLevel &level) : Level (level) { BuildBlockmap (); } #ifdef BLOCK_TEST inline int PointOnSide (int x, int y, int x1, int y1, int dx, int dy) { int foo = DMulScale32 ((y-y1) << 16, dx<<16, (x1-x)<<16, (dy)<<16); //return abs(foo) < 4 ? 0 : foo; return foo > 0; } int BoxOnSide (int bx1, int by1, int bx2, int by2, int lx1, int ly1, int lx2, int ly2) { int p1; int p2; if (ly1 == ly2) { p1 = by1 > ly1; p2 = by2 > ly1; } else if (lx1 == lx2) { p1 = bx2 < lx1; p2 = bx1 < lx1; } else if (((ly2-ly1) ^ (lx2-lx1)) >= 0) { p1 = PointOnSide (bx1, by1, lx1, ly1, lx2-lx1, ly2-ly1); p2 = PointOnSide (bx2, by2, lx1, ly1, lx2-lx1, ly2-ly1); } else { p1 = PointOnSide (bx2, by1, lx1, ly1, lx2-lx1, ly2-ly1); p2 = PointOnSide (bx1, by2, lx1, ly1, lx2-lx1, ly2-ly1); } return (p1 == p2) ? 0 : 1; } #endif WORD *FBlockmapBuilder::GetBlockmap (int &size) { #ifdef BLOCK_TEST FILE *f = fopen ("blockmap.lmp", "rb"); if (f) { size_t fsize; fseek (f, 0, SEEK_END); fsize = ftell (f); fseek (f, 0, SEEK_SET); short *stuff = (short *)alloca (fsize); fread (stuff, 2, fsize/2, f); fclose (f); if ((WORD)stuff[0] != BlockMap[0] || (WORD)stuff[1] != BlockMap[1] || (WORD)stuff[2] != BlockMap[2] || (WORD)stuff[3] != BlockMap[3]) { printf ("different blockmap sizes\n"); goto notest; } int i, x, y; for (i = 0; i < stuff[2] * stuff[3]; ++i) { WORD i1, i2; i1 = stuff[4+i] + 1; while (stuff[i1] != -1) { i2 = BlockMap[4+i] + 1; while (BlockMap[i2] != 0xffff) { if (BlockMap[i2] == stuff[i1]) break; i2++; } if (BlockMap[i2] == 0xffff) { y = i / stuff[2]; x = i - y * stuff[2]; int l = stuff[i1]; // If a diagonal line passed near a block (within 2 or 4 units, I think), // it could be considered in the block even if it's really outside it, // so if things differ, see if DoomBSP was at fault. if (BoxOnSide ( stuff[0] + 128*x, stuff[1] + 128*y, stuff[0] + 128*x + 127, stuff[1] + 128*y + 127, Vertices[Lines[l].v1].x, Vertices[Lines[l].v1].y, Vertices[Lines[l].v2].x, Vertices[Lines[l].v2].y)) { printf ("not in cell %4d: line %4d [%2d,%2d] : (%5d,%5d)-(%5d,%5d)\n", i, stuff[i1], x, y, stuff[0] + 128*x, stuff[1] + 128*y, stuff[0] + 128*x + 127, stuff[1] + 128*y + 127 ); } } i1 ++; } i1 = BlockMap[4+i] + 1; while (BlockMap[i1] != 0xffff) { i2 = stuff[4+i] + 1; while (stuff[i2] != -1) { if ((WORD)stuff[i2] == BlockMap[i1]) break; i2++; } if (stuff[i2] == -1) { y = i / BlockMap[2]; x = i - y * BlockMap[2]; int l = BlockMap[i1]; if (!BoxOnSide ( (short)BlockMap[0] + 128*x, (short)BlockMap[1] + 128*y, (short)BlockMap[0] + 128*x + 127, (short)BlockMap[1] + 128*y + 127, Vertices[Lines[l].v1].x, Vertices[Lines[l].v1].y, Vertices[Lines[l].v2].x, Vertices[Lines[l].v2].y)) { printf ("EXT in cell %4d: line %4d [%2d,%2d] : (%5d,%5d)-(%5d,%5d)\n", i, (short)BlockMap[i1], x, y, (short)BlockMap[0] + 128*x, (short)BlockMap[1] + 128*y, (short)BlockMap[0] + 128*x + 127, (short)BlockMap[1] + 128*y + 127 ); } } i1 ++; } } } notest: #endif size = BlockMap.Size(); return &BlockMap[0]; } void FBlockmapBuilder::BuildBlockmap () { TArray *BlockLists, *block, *endblock; WORD adder; int bmapwidth, bmapheight; int minx, maxx, miny, maxy; WORD line; if (Level.NumVertices <= 0) return; // Get map extents for the blockmap minx = Level.MinX >> FRACBITS; miny = Level.MinY >> FRACBITS; maxx = Level.MaxX >> FRACBITS; maxy = Level.MaxY >> FRACBITS; /* // DoomBSP did this to give the map a margin when drawing it // in a window on NeXT machines. It's not necessary, but // it lets me verify my output against DoomBSP's for correctness. minx -= 8; miny -= 8; maxx += 8; maxy += 8; // And DeepBSP seems to do this. minx &= ~7; miny &= ~7; */ bmapwidth = ((maxx - minx) >> BLOCKBITS) + 1; bmapheight = ((maxy - miny) >> BLOCKBITS) + 1; adder = WORD(minx); BlockMap.Push (adder); adder = WORD(miny); BlockMap.Push (adder); adder = WORD(bmapwidth); BlockMap.Push (adder); adder = WORD(bmapheight); BlockMap.Push (adder); BlockLists = new TArray[bmapwidth * bmapheight]; for (line = 0; line < Level.NumLines; ++line) { int x1 = Level.Vertices[Level.Lines[line].v1].x >> FRACBITS; int y1 = Level.Vertices[Level.Lines[line].v1].y >> FRACBITS; int x2 = Level.Vertices[Level.Lines[line].v2].x >> FRACBITS; int y2 = Level.Vertices[Level.Lines[line].v2].y >> FRACBITS; int dx = x2 - x1; int dy = y2 - y1; int bx = (x1 - minx) >> BLOCKBITS; int by = (y1 - miny) >> BLOCKBITS; int bx2 = (x2 - minx) >> BLOCKBITS; int by2 = (y2 - miny) >> BLOCKBITS; block = &BlockLists[bx + by * bmapwidth]; endblock = &BlockLists[bx2 + by2 * bmapwidth]; if (block == endblock) // Single block { block->Push (line); } else if (by == by2) // Horizontal line { if (bx > bx2) { swap (block, endblock); } do { block->Push (line); block += 1; } while (block <= endblock); } else if (bx == bx2) // Vertical line { if (by > by2) { swap (block, endblock); } do { block->Push (line); block += bmapwidth; } while (block <= endblock); } else // Diagonal line { int xchange = (dx < 0) ? -1 : 1; int ychange = (dy < 0) ? -1 : 1; int ymove = ychange * bmapwidth; int adx = abs (dx); int ady = abs (dy); if (adx == ady) // 45 degrees { int xb = (x1 - minx) & (BLOCKSIZE-1); int yb = (y1 - miny) & (BLOCKSIZE-1); if (dx < 0) { xb = BLOCKSIZE-xb; } if (dy < 0) { yb = BLOCKSIZE-yb; } if (xb < yb) adx--; } if (adx >= ady) // X-major { int yadd = dy < 0 ? -1 : BLOCKSIZE; do { int stop = (Scale ((by << BLOCKBITS) + yadd - (y1 - miny), dx, dy) + (x1 - minx)) >> BLOCKBITS; while (bx != stop) { block->Push (line); block += xchange; bx += xchange; } block->Push (line); block += ymove; by += ychange; } while (by != by2); while (block != endblock) { block->Push (line); block += xchange; } block->Push (line); } else // Y-major { int xadd = dx < 0 ? -1 : BLOCKSIZE; do { int stop = (Scale ((bx << BLOCKBITS) + xadd - (x1 - minx), dy, dx) + (y1 - miny)) >> BLOCKBITS; while (by != stop) { block->Push (line); block += ymove; by += ychange; } block->Push (line); block += xchange; bx += xchange; } while (bx != bx2); while (block != endblock) { block->Push (line); block += ymove; } block->Push (line); } } } BlockMap.Reserve (bmapwidth * bmapheight); CreatePackedBlockmap (BlockLists, bmapwidth, bmapheight); delete[] BlockLists; } void FBlockmapBuilder::CreateUnpackedBlockmap (TArray *blocks, int bmapwidth, int bmapheight) { TArray *block; WORD zero = 0; WORD terminator = 0xffff; for (int i = 0; i < bmapwidth * bmapheight; ++i) { BlockMap[4+i] = WORD(BlockMap.Size()); BlockMap.Push (zero); block = &blocks[i]; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < block->Size(); ++j) { BlockMap.Push ((*block)[j]); } BlockMap.Push (terminator); } } static unsigned int BlockHash (TArray *block) { int hash = 0; WORD *ar = &(*block)[0]; for (size_t i = 0; i < block->Size(); ++i) { hash = hash * 12235 + ar[i]; } return hash & 0x7fffffff; } static bool BlockCompare (TArray *block1, TArray *block2) { size_t size = block1->Size(); if (size != block2->Size()) { return false; } if (size == 0) { return true; } WORD *ar1 = &(*block1)[0]; WORD *ar2 = &(*block2)[0]; for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (ar1[i] != ar2[i]) { return false; } } return true; } void FBlockmapBuilder::CreatePackedBlockmap (TArray *blocks, int bmapwidth, int bmapheight) { WORD buckets[4096]; WORD *hashes, hashblock; TArray *block; WORD zero = 0; WORD terminator = 0xffff; WORD *array; int i, hash; int hashed = 0, nothashed = 0; hashes = new WORD[bmapwidth * bmapheight]; memset (hashes, 0xff, sizeof(WORD)*bmapwidth*bmapheight); memset (buckets, 0xff, sizeof(buckets)); for (i = 0; i < bmapwidth * bmapheight; ++i) { block = &blocks[i]; hash = BlockHash (block) % 4096; hashblock = buckets[hash]; while (hashblock != 0xffff) { if (BlockCompare (block, &blocks[hashblock])) { break; } hashblock = hashes[hashblock]; } if (hashblock != 0xffff) { BlockMap[4+i] = BlockMap[4+hashblock]; hashed++; } else { hashes[i] = buckets[hash]; buckets[hash] = WORD(i); BlockMap[4+i] = WORD(BlockMap.Size()); BlockMap.Push (zero); array = &(*block)[0]; for (size_t j = 0; j < block->Size(); ++j) { BlockMap.Push (array[j]); } BlockMap.Push (terminator); nothashed++; } } delete[] hashes; // printf ("%d blocks written, %d blocks saved\n", nothashed, hashed); }