#ifndef __DOOMDATA_H__ #define __DOOMDATA_H__ #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma once #endif #include "tarray.h" enum { BOXTOP, BOXBOTTOM, BOXLEFT, BOXRIGHT }; struct UDMFKey { const char *key; const char *value; }; struct MapVertex { short x, y; }; struct WideVertex { fixed_t x, y; int index; }; struct MapSideDef { short textureoffset; short rowoffset; char toptexture[8]; char bottomtexture[8]; char midtexture[8]; WORD sector; }; struct IntSideDef { // the first 5 values are only used for binary format maps short textureoffset; short rowoffset; char toptexture[8]; char bottomtexture[8]; char midtexture[8]; int sector; TArray props; }; struct MapLineDef { WORD v1; WORD v2; short flags; short special; short tag; WORD sidenum[2]; }; struct MapLineDef2 { WORD v1; WORD v2; short flags; unsigned char special; unsigned char args[5]; WORD sidenum[2]; }; struct IntLineDef { DWORD v1; DWORD v2; int flags; int special; int args[5]; DWORD sidenum[2]; TArray props; }; struct MapSector { short floorheight; short ceilingheight; char floorpic[8]; char ceilingpic[8]; short lightlevel; short special; short tag; }; struct IntSector { // none of the sector properties are used by the node builder // so there's no need to store them in their expanded form for // UDMF. Just storing the UDMF keys and leaving the binary fields // empty is enough MapSector data; TArray props; }; struct MapSubsector { WORD numlines; WORD firstline; }; struct MapSubsectorEx { DWORD numlines; DWORD firstline; }; struct MapSeg { WORD v1; WORD v2; WORD angle; WORD linedef; short side; short offset; }; struct MapSegGL { WORD v1; WORD v2; WORD linedef; WORD side; WORD partner; }; struct MapSegGLEx { DWORD v1; DWORD v2; DWORD linedef; WORD side; DWORD partner; }; #define NF_SUBSECTOR 0x8000 #define NFX_SUBSECTOR 0x80000000 struct MapNode { short x,y,dx,dy; short bbox[2][4]; WORD children[2]; }; struct MapNodeEx { short x,y,dx,dy; short bbox[2][4]; DWORD children[2]; }; struct MapThing { short x; short y; short angle; short type; short flags; }; struct MapThing2 { unsigned short thingid; short x; short y; short z; short angle; short type; short flags; char special; char args[5]; }; struct IntThing { unsigned short thingid; fixed_t x; // full precision coordinates for UDMF support fixed_t y; // everything else is not needed or has no extended form in UDMF short z; short angle; short type; short flags; char special; char args[5]; TArray props; }; struct IntVertex { TArray props; }; struct FLevel { FLevel (); ~FLevel (); WideVertex *Vertices; int NumVertices; TArray VertexProps; TArray Sides; TArray Lines; TArray Sectors; TArray Things; MapSubsectorEx *Subsectors; int NumSubsectors; MapSeg *Segs; int NumSegs; MapNodeEx *Nodes; int NumNodes; WORD *Blockmap; int BlockmapSize; BYTE *Reject; int RejectSize; MapSubsectorEx *GLSubsectors; int NumGLSubsectors; MapSegGLEx *GLSegs; int NumGLSegs; MapNodeEx *GLNodes; int NumGLNodes; WideVertex *GLVertices; int NumGLVertices; BYTE *GLPVS; int GLPVSSize; int NumOrgVerts; DWORD *OrgSectorMap; int NumOrgSectors; fixed_t MinX, MinY, MaxX, MaxY; TArray props; void FindMapBounds (); void RemoveExtraLines (); void RemoveExtraSides (); void RemoveExtraSectors (); int NumSides() const { return Sides.Size(); } int NumLines() const { return Lines.Size(); } int NumSectors() const { return Sectors.Size(); } int NumThings() const { return Things.Size(); } }; const int BLOCKSIZE = 128; const int BLOCKFRACSIZE = BLOCKSIZE<