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synced 2024-12-16 15:41:16 +00:00
First, there's a new script for the generation of highpalookup images. Python 2.6, NumPy and PIL are required. Next, the map corruption checker has been ported to C. This is so that Mapster32 will be able to take decisions more cleverly based on the corruptness of the map. It also catches a few more issues like inconsistent nextwall/nextsector tags now. Finally, link the executables with --large-address-aware on Windows. This gives a gig more private virtual memory on XP when booting with /3GB. YMMV, but I can play IW2 with Polymer now. git-svn-id: https://svn.eduke32.com/eduke32@1751 1a8010ca-5511-0410-912e-c29ae57300e0
250 lines
5.5 KiB
Executable file
250 lines
5.5 KiB
Executable file
import sys;
from numpy import array, zeros, ones, arange
from numpy import vstack, hstack, hsplit, dstack, dsplit
from PIL.Image import frombuffer
NBITS = 7;
### target hues
green = .39; # 11, 22
yellow = .17; # 23
red = .04; # 21
def genbasepal():
"Generate base palette for highpalookup system. \
All other palettes must be based on this one."
imint = zeros([DIM, DIM, DIM], 'uint32');
for i in range(DIM):
for j in range(DIM):
for k in range(DIM):
imint[i,j,k] = ((i<<16)|(k<<8)|j)<<RESIDBITS;
imint = hstack(dsplit(imint, DIM));
imbyte = zeros([DIM, DIM*DIM, 3], 'uint8');
for i in range(3):
imbyte[:,:,i] = (imint[:,:,0]>>(i*8))&255;
return imbyte;
def getdispimg(im):
"Get a reshaped version of the palette image IM suitable for viewing."
# 2^NBITS x 2^NBITS*2^NBITS --> 2^(NBITS + NBITS/2) x 2^NBITS*2^(NBITS - NBITS/2)
if (im.shape != (DIM, DIM*DIM, 3)):
raise ValueError("image must have shape (DIM, DIM*DIM, 3)");
dimfactor = 1<<(NBITS/2);
return vstack(hsplit(im, dimfactor));
def getPILimg(im):
sz = im.shape;
return frombuffer("RGB", [sz[1], sz[0]], im, "raw", "RGB", 0, 1);
def saveimage(im, filename):
def showpalimg(im):
### utility functions
## port of Octave's rbg2hsv
def rgb2hsv(im):
im = imitof(im);
r, g, b = im[..., 0], im[..., 1], im[..., 2];
s, v = im.min(2), im.max(2);
dif = v-s;
colored = (s != v);
h = zeros(r.shape, im.dtype);
# blue hue
idx = ((v==b) & colored);
h[idx] = 2./3 + 1./6*(r[idx]-g[idx])/dif[idx];
# green hue
idx = ((v==g) & colored);
h[idx] = 1./3 + 1./6*(b[idx]-r[idx])/dif[idx];
# red hue
idx = ((v==r) & colored);
h[idx] = 1./6*(g[idx]-b[idx])/dif[idx];
h[idx] %= 1;
s[~colored] = 0;
s[colored] = 1.0 - s[colored]/v[colored];
return dstack((h,s,v));
## port of Octave's hsv2rbg
def hsv2rgb(imh):
imh[imh<0] = 0;
imh[imh>1] = 1;
h, s, v = imh[..., 0], imh[..., 1], imh[..., 2];
rgb = v*(1.0-s);
rgb = dstack((rgb, rgb, rgb));
hue = dstack((h-2./3, h, h-1./3))%1;
f = s*v;
f = dstack((f, f, f));
rgb += f * (6.0 * (hue < 1./6)*hue
+ ((hue >= 1./6) & (hue < 1./2))
+ ((hue >= 1./2) & (hue < 2./3))*(4.0 - 6.0*hue));
return imftoi(rgb);
def imftoi(im):
im[im>255] = 255;
return im.astype('uint8');
def imitof(im):
return im.astype('float32')/CONVFACT;
def genpal(basepal, basepalhsv, pal):
"Generate a highpalookup image for palette number PAL. \
BASEPALHSV should the precomputed HSV representation of BASEPAL."
if (basepal.dtype != 'uint8'):
raise TypeError('BASEPAL should be uint8.');
if (pal==0):
return basepal;
bph = basepalhsv;
h,s,v = bph[..., 0], bph[..., 1], bph[..., 2];
bluemask = (h>0.52) & (h<0.8) & (s>0.2);
# all true mask will be used unless overridden
mask = ones(h.shape, 'bool');
# plagman:
if (pal==1):
h[:] = 0.66;
elif (pal==6):
h[:] = 0.33;
v = 1.0 - v;
elif (pal==20):
m1 = ((h>0.6) & (h<0.7));
m2 = ((h>0.04) & (h<0.13));
m3 = ((h>0.7) & (h<0.9));
m4 = ((h>0.3) & (h<0.36));
mask = m1 | m2 | m3 | m4;
# blue to gray by removing all saturation
h[m1] = 0.0;
# orange and brown to blue
h[m2] = 0.66;
# purple and reddish to blue
h[m3] = 0.66
# green to blue
h[m4] = 0.66;
# helixhorned:
elif (pal==11):
mask = bluemask;
h[:] = green;
s += 0.1;
elif (pal==12):
mask = bluemask;
h[:] = 0.0;
s[:] = 0.0;
elif (pal==13):
mask = bluemask;
h[:] = 0.0;
s[:] = 0.0;
v *= 0.7;
elif (pal==16):
mask = bluemask;
s += 0.1;
v -= 0.1;
elif (pal==21):
mask = bluemask;
h[:] = red;
s += 0.3;
elif (pal==23):
mask = bluemask;
h[:] = yellow;
s += 0.12;
v *= 1.15;
# user:
# ...
raise ValueError("unknown pal {0}!".format(pal));
# ---
newrgb = hsv2rgb(dstack((h, s, v)));
r = mask*newrgb[:,:,0] + (~mask)*basepal[:,:,0];
g = mask*newrgb[:,:,1] + (~mask)*basepal[:,:,1];
b = mask*newrgb[:,:,2] + (~mask)*basepal[:,:,2];
# PIL doesn't seem to like views/shallow copies
return dstack((r, g, b)).copy();
## main
if (__name__ == "__main__"):
argc = len(sys.argv);
if (argc == 1):
print "Usage: python prhighpal.py <palnum>"
elif (argc > 2):
print "There's a weird bug when passing more than one palnum; \
processing only the first one.\n"
print "Generating base palette..."
bp = genbasepal();
bph = rgb2hsv(bp);
for i in [1]: #xrange(1, argc):
palnum = int(sys.argv[i]);
filename = "hipal{0}_gen.png".format(palnum);
print "Generating palnum", palnum, "image ...";
palimg = genpal(bp, bph, palnum);
print "Writing", filename, "...";
saveimage(palimg, filename);
print "\nDEF code:\n"
for i in xrange(1, argc):
palnum = int(sys.argv[i]);
if (palnum==0):
filename = "hipal{0}_gen.png".format(palnum);
print "highpalookup { pal", palnum, "file", filename, "}";