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synced 2025-03-05 00:11:07 +00:00
The main bulk of this is the new start screen code. To make this work in Raze some more work on the startup procedure is needed. What this does provide is support for the DOS end-of-game text screens in Duke and SW on non-Windows systems.
331 lines
11 KiB
331 lines
11 KiB
#pragma once
#include "v_2ddrawer.h"
#include "c_cvars.h"
#include "intrect.h"
// TagItem definitions for DrawTexture. As far as I know, tag lists
// originated on the Amiga.
// Think of TagItems as an array of the following structure:
// struct TagItem {
// uint32_t ti_Tag;
// uint32_t ti_Data;
// };
enum tags : uint32_t
TAG_DONE = (0), /* Used to indicate the end of the Tag list */
TAG_END = (0), /* Ditto */
/* list pointed to in ti_Data */
TAG_USER = ((uint32_t)(1u << 30))
FSMode_None = 0,
FSMode_ScaleToFit = 1,
FSMode_ScaleToFill = 2,
FSMode_ScaleToFit43 = 3,
FSMode_ScaleToScreen = 4,
FSMode_ScaleToFit43Top = 5,
FSMode_ScaleToFit43Bottom = 6,
FSMode_ScaleToHeight = 7,
// These all use ScaleToFit43, their purpose is to cut down on verbosity because they imply the virtual screen size.
FSMode_Predefined = 1000,
FSMode_Fit320x200 = 1000,
DTA_Base = TAG_USER + 5000,
DTA_DestWidth, // width of area to draw to
DTA_DestHeight, // height of area to draw to
DTA_Alpha, // alpha value for translucency
DTA_FillColor, // color to stencil onto the destination
DTA_TranslationIndex, // translation table to recolor the source
DTA_AlphaChannel, // bool: the source is an alpha channel; used with DTA_FillColor
DTA_Clean, // bool: scale texture size and position by CleanXfac and CleanYfac
DTA_320x200, // bool: scale texture size and position to fit on a virtual 320x200 screen
DTA_Bottom320x200, // bool: same as DTA_320x200 but centers virtual screen on bottom for 1280x1024 targets
DTA_CleanNoMove, // bool: like DTA_Clean but does not reposition output position
DTA_CleanNoMove_1, // bool: like DTA_CleanNoMove, but uses Clean[XY]fac_1 instead
DTA_FlipX, // bool: flip image horizontally //FIXME: Does not work with DTA_Window(Left|Right)
DTA_ShadowColor, // color of shadow
DTA_ShadowAlpha, // alpha of shadow
DTA_Shadow, // set shadow color and alphas to defaults
DTA_VirtualWidth, // pretend the canvas is this wide
DTA_VirtualHeight, // pretend the canvas is this tall
DTA_TopOffset, // override texture's top offset
DTA_LeftOffset, // override texture's left offset
DTA_CenterOffset, // bool: override texture's left and top offsets and set them for the texture's middle
DTA_CenterBottomOffset,// bool: override texture's left and top offsets and set them for the texture's bottom middle
DTA_WindowLeft, // don't draw anything left of this column (on source, not dest)
DTA_WindowRight, // don't draw anything at or to the right of this column (on source, not dest)
DTA_ClipTop, // don't draw anything above this row (on dest, not source)
DTA_ClipBottom, // don't draw anything at or below this row (on dest, not source)
DTA_ClipLeft, // don't draw anything to the left of this column (on dest, not source)
DTA_ClipRight, // don't draw anything at or to the right of this column (on dest, not source)
DTA_Masked, // true(default)=use masks from texture, false=ignore masks
DTA_HUDRules, // use fullscreen HUD rules to position and size textures
DTA_HUDRulesC, // only used internally for marking HUD_HorizCenter
DTA_KeepRatio, // doesn't adjust screen size for DTA_Virtual* if the aspect ratio is not 4:3
DTA_RenderStyle, // same as render style for actors
DTA_ColorOverlay, // uint32_t: ARGB to overlay on top of image; limited to black for software
DTA_BilinearFilter, // bool: apply bilinear filtering to the image
DTA_SpecialColormap,// pointer to FSpecialColormapParameters
DTA_Desaturate, // explicit desaturation factor (does not do anything in Legacy OpenGL)
DTA_Fullscreen, // Draw image fullscreen (same as DTA_VirtualWidth/Height with graphics size.)
// floating point duplicates of some of the above:
// For DrawText calls:
DTA_TextLen, // stop after this many characters, even if \0 not hit
DTA_CellX, // horizontal size of character cell
DTA_CellY, // vertical size of character cell
// New additions.
DTA_FlipY, // bool: flip image vertically
DTA_SrcX, // specify a source rectangle (this supersedes the poorly implemented DTA_WindowLeft/Right
DTA_LegacyRenderStyle, // takes an old-style STYLE_* constant instead of an FRenderStyle
DTA_Burn, // activates the burn shader for this element
DTA_Spacing, // Strings only: Additional spacing between characters
DTA_Monospace, // Fonts only: Use a fixed distance between characters.
DTA_ViewportX, // Defines the viewport on the screen that should be rendered to.
DTA_CenterOffsetRel, // Apply texture offsets relative to center, instead of top left. This is standard alignment for Build's 2D content.
DTA_TopLeft, // always align to top left. Added to have a boolean condition for this alignment.
DTA_Pin, // Pin a non-widescreen image to the left/right edge of the screen.
DTA_FlipOffsets, // Flips offsets when using DTA_FlipX and DTA_FlipY, this cannot be automatic due to unexpected behavior with unoffsetted graphics.
DTA_Indexed, // Use an indexed texture combined with the given translation.
DTA_CleanTop, // Like DTA_Clean but aligns to the top of the screen instead of the center.
DTA_NoOffset, // Ignore 2D drawer's offset.
enum EMonospacing : int
Off = 0,
CellLeft = 1,
CellCenter = 2,
CellRight = 3
class FFont;
struct FRemapTable;
class player_t;
typedef uint32_t angle_t;
struct DrawParms
double x, y;
double texwidth;
double texheight;
double destwidth;
double destheight;
double virtWidth;
double virtHeight;
double windowleft;
double windowright;
int cleanmode;
int dclip;
int uclip;
int lclip;
int rclip;
double top;
double left;
float Alpha;
PalEntry fillcolor;
int TranslationId;
PalEntry colorOverlay;
PalEntry color;
int alphaChannel;
int flipX;
int flipY;
//float shadowAlpha;
int shadowColor;
int keepratio;
int masked;
int bilinear;
FRenderStyle style;
struct FSpecialColormap *specialcolormap;
int desaturate;
int scalex, scaley;
int cellx, celly;
int monospace;
int spacing;
int maxstrlen;
bool fortext;
bool virtBottom;
bool burn;
bool flipoffsets;
bool indexed;
bool nooffset;
int8_t fsscalemode;
double srcx, srcy;
double srcwidth, srcheight;
double patchscalex, patchscaley;
double rotateangle;
IntRect viewport;
bool vertexColorChange(const DrawParms& other) {
this->Alpha != other.Alpha ||
this->fillcolor != other.fillcolor ||
this->colorOverlay != other.colorOverlay ||
this->color != other.color ||
this->style.Flags != other.style.Flags ||
this->style.BlendOp != other.style.BlendOp ||
this->desaturate != other.desaturate;
struct Va_List
va_list list;
struct VMVa_List
VMValue *args;
int curindex;
int numargs;
const uint8_t *reginfo;
float ActiveRatio (int width, int height, float *trueratio = NULL);
inline double ActiveRatio (double width, double height) { return ActiveRatio(int(width), int(height)); }
int AspectBaseWidth(float aspect);
int AspectBaseHeight(float aspect);
double AspectPspriteOffset(float aspect);
int AspectMultiplier(float aspect);
bool AspectTallerThanWide(float aspect);
extern F2DDrawer* twod;
int GetUIScale(F2DDrawer* drawer, int altval);
int GetConScale(F2DDrawer* drawer, int altval);
EXTERN_CVAR(Int, uiscale);
inline int active_con_scale(F2DDrawer *drawer)
// this sets the threshold for upscaling the console font to 2560 x 1440.
int vscale = drawer->GetHeight() / 720;
int hscale = drawer->GetWidth() / 1280;
return max(1, min(vscale, hscale));
#ifdef DrawText
#undef DrawText // See WinUser.h for the definition of DrawText as a macro
template<class T>
bool ParseDrawTextureTags(F2DDrawer *drawer, FGameTexture* img, double x, double y, uint32_t tag, T& tags, DrawParms* parms, bool fortext);
template<class T>
void DrawTextCommon(F2DDrawer *drawer, FFont* font, int normalcolor, double x, double y, const T* string, DrawParms& parms);
bool SetTextureParms(F2DDrawer *drawer, DrawParms* parms, FGameTexture* img, double x, double y);
void GetFullscreenRect(double width, double height, int fsmode, DoubleRect* rect);
void DrawText(F2DDrawer* drawer, FFont* font, int normalcolor, double x, double y, const char* string, int tag_first, ...);
void DrawText(F2DDrawer* drawer, FFont* font, int normalcolor, double x, double y, const char32_t* string, int tag_first, ...);
void DrawChar(F2DDrawer* drawer, FFont* font, int normalcolor, double x, double y, int character, int tag_first, ...);
void DrawTexture(F2DDrawer* drawer, FGameTexture* img, double x, double y, int tags_first, ...);
void DoDim(F2DDrawer* drawer, PalEntry color, float amount, int x1, int y1, int w, int h, FRenderStyle* style = nullptr);
void Dim(F2DDrawer* drawer, PalEntry color, float damount, int x1, int y1, int w, int h, FRenderStyle* style = nullptr);
void DrawBorder(F2DDrawer* drawer, FTextureID, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
void DrawFrame(F2DDrawer* twod, PalEntry color, int left, int top, int width, int height, int thickness);
// Set an area to a specified color
void ClearRect(F2DDrawer* drawer, int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int palcolor, uint32_t color);
void VirtualToRealCoords(F2DDrawer* drawer, double& x, double& y, double& w, double& h, double vwidth, double vheight, bool vbottom = false, bool handleaspect = true);
// Code that uses these (i.e. SBARINFO) should probably be evaluated for using doubles all around instead.
void VirtualToRealCoordsInt(F2DDrawer* drawer, int& x, int& y, int& w, int& h, int vwidth, int vheight, bool vbottom = false, bool handleaspect = true);
extern int CleanWidth, CleanHeight, CleanXfac, CleanYfac;
extern int CleanWidth_1, CleanHeight_1, CleanXfac_1, CleanYfac_1;
void V_CalcCleanFacs(int designwidth, int designheight, int realwidth, int realheight, int* cleanx, int* cleany, int* cx1 = NULL, int* cx2 = NULL);
class ScaleOverrider
int savedxfac, savedyfac, savedwidth, savedheight;
// This is to allow certain elements to use an optimal fullscreen scale which for the menu would be too large.
// The old code contained far too much mess to compensate for the menus which negatively affected everything else.
// However, for compatibility reasons the currently used variables cannot be changed so they have to be overridden temporarily.
// This class provides a safe interface for this because it ensures that the values get restored afterward.
// Currently, the intermission and the level summary screen use this.
ScaleOverrider(F2DDrawer *drawer)
savedxfac = CleanXfac;
savedyfac = CleanYfac;
savedwidth = CleanWidth;
savedheight = CleanHeight;
if (drawer)
V_CalcCleanFacs(320, 200, drawer->GetWidth(), drawer->GetHeight(), &CleanXfac, &CleanYfac);
CleanWidth = drawer->GetWidth() / CleanXfac;
CleanHeight = drawer->GetHeight() / CleanYfac;
CleanXfac = savedxfac;
CleanYfac = savedyfac;
CleanWidth = savedwidth;
CleanHeight = savedheight;
void Draw2D(F2DDrawer* drawer, FRenderState& state);