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synced 2025-03-02 23:11:51 +00:00
This is a template allowing to run any task on a set of walls with equivalent start point. Code was redesigned from scratch to be more clear than the existing variants. The idea here is to reuse the base algorithm for other things that need to operate on the equivalent set of a given wall's start point.
432 lines
13 KiB
432 lines
13 KiB
Copyright (C) 2021 Christoph Oelckers & Mitchell Richters
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "gamefuncs.h"
#include "gamestruct.h"
#include "intvec.h"
#include "coreactor.h"
#include "interpolate.h"
// Unified chasecam function for all games.
int cameradist, cameraclock;
bool calcChaseCamPos(int* px, int* py, int* pz, DCoreActor* act, sectortype** psect, binangle ang, fixedhoriz horiz, double const smoothratio)
HitInfoBase hitinfo;
binangle daang;
int newdist;
if (!*psect) return false;
// Calculate new pos to shoot backwards, using averaged values from the big three.
int nx = gi->chaseCamX(ang);
int ny = gi->chaseCamY(ang);
int nz = gi->chaseCamZ(horiz);
auto bakcstat = act->spr.cstat;
act->spr.cstat &= ~CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL;
updatesectorz(*px, *py, *pz, psect);
hitscan({ *px, *py, *pz }, *psect, { nx, ny, nz }, hitinfo, CLIPMASK1);
act->spr.cstat = bakcstat;
int hx = hitinfo.hitpos.X - *px;
int hy = hitinfo.hitpos.Y - *py;
if (*psect == nullptr)
return false;
// If something is in the way, make pp->camera_dist lower if necessary
if (abs(nx) + abs(ny) > abs(hx) + abs(hy))
if (hitinfo.hitWall != nullptr)
// Push you a little bit off the wall
*psect = hitinfo.hitSector;
daang = bvectangbam(hitinfo.hitWall->point2Wall()->pos.X - hitinfo.hitWall->pos.X,
hitinfo.hitWall->point2Wall()->pos.Y - hitinfo.hitWall->pos.Y);
newdist = nx * daang.bsin() + ny * -daang.bcos();
if (abs(nx) > abs(ny))
hx -= MulScale(nx, newdist, 28);
hy -= MulScale(ny, newdist, 28);
else if (hitinfo.hitActor == nullptr)
// Push you off the ceiling/floor
*psect = hitinfo.hitSector;
if (abs(nx) > abs(ny))
hx -= (nx >> 5);
hy -= (ny >> 5);
// If you hit a sprite that's not a wall sprite - try again.
auto hit = hitinfo.hitActor;
if (!(hit->spr.cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_ALIGNMENT_WALL))
bakcstat = hit->spr.cstat;
calcChaseCamPos(px, py, pz, act, psect, ang, horiz, smoothratio);
hit->spr.cstat = bakcstat;
return false;
// same as wall calculation.
daang = buildang(act->spr.ang - 512);
newdist = nx * daang.bsin() + ny * -daang.bcos();
if (abs(nx) > abs(ny))
hx -= MulScale(nx, newdist, 28);
hy -= MulScale(ny, newdist, 28);
if (abs(nx) > abs(ny))
newdist = DivScale(hx, nx, 16);
newdist = DivScale(hy, ny, 16);
if (newdist < cameradist)
cameradist = newdist;
// Actually move you! (Camerdist is 65536 if nothing is in the way)
*px += MulScale(nx, cameradist, 16);
*py += MulScale(ny, cameradist, 16);
*pz += MulScale(nz, cameradist, 16);
// Caculate clock using GameTicRate so it increases the same rate on all speed computers.
int myclock = PlayClock + MulScale(120 / GameTicRate, int(smoothratio), 16);
if (cameraclock == INT_MIN)
// Third person view was just started.
cameraclock = myclock;
// Slowly increase cameradist until it reaches 65536.
cameradist = min(cameradist + ((myclock - cameraclock) << 10), 65536);
cameraclock = myclock;
// Make sure psectnum is correct.
updatesectorz(*px, *py, *pz, psect);
return true;
// consolidated slope calculation
void calcSlope(const sectortype* sec, float xpos, float ypos, float* pceilz, float* pflorz)
int bits = 0;
if (pceilz)
bits |= sec->ceilingstat;
*pceilz = float(sec->ceilingz);
if (pflorz)
bits |= sec->floorstat;
*pflorz = float(sec->floorz);
auto wal = sec->firstWall();
int len = wal->Length();
if (len != 0)
float fac = (wal->deltax() * (float(ypos - wal->pos.Y)) - wal->deltay() * (float(xpos - wal->pos.X))) * (1.f / 256.f) / len;
if (pceilz && sec->ceilingstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SLOPE) *pceilz += (sec->ceilingheinum * fac);
if (pflorz && sec->floorstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SLOPE) *pflorz += (sec->floorheinum * fac);
// for the renderer (Polymost variants are in polymost.cpp)
void PlanesAtPoint(const sectortype* sec, float dax, float day, float* pceilz, float* pflorz)
calcSlope(sec, dax, day, pceilz, pflorz);
if (pceilz) *pceilz *= -(1 / 256.f);
if (pflorz) *pflorz *= -(1 / 256.f);
// for the games (these are not inlined so that they can inline calcSlope)
int32_t getceilzofslopeptr(usectorptr_t sec, int32_t dax, int32_t day)
float z;
calcSlope(sec, dax, day, &z, nullptr);
return int(z);
int32_t getflorzofslopeptr(usectorptr_t sec, int32_t dax, int32_t day)
float z;
calcSlope(sec, dax, day, nullptr, &z);
return int(z);
void getzsofslopeptr(usectorptr_t sec, int32_t dax, int32_t day, int32_t* ceilz, int32_t* florz)
float c, f;
calcSlope(sec, dax, day, &c, &f);
*ceilz = int(c);
*florz = int(f);
int getslopeval(sectortype* sect, int x, int y, int z, int basez)
auto wal = sect->firstWall();
auto delta = wal->delta();
int i = (y - wal->pos.Y) * delta.X - (x - wal->pos.X) * delta.Y;
return i == 0? 0 : Scale((z - basez) << 8, wal->Length(), i);
// Calculate the position of a wall sprite in the world
void GetWallSpritePosition(const tspritetype* spr, vec2_t pos, vec2_t* out, bool render)
auto tex = tileGetTexture(spr->picnum);
int width, leftofs;
if (render && hw_hightile && TileFiles.tiledata[spr->picnum].hiofs.xsize)
width = TileFiles.tiledata[spr->picnum].hiofs.xsize;
leftofs = (TileFiles.tiledata[spr->picnum].hiofs.xoffs + spr->xoffset);
width = (int)tex->GetDisplayWidth();
leftofs = ((int)tex->GetDisplayLeftOffset() + spr->xoffset);
int x = bsin(spr->ang) * spr->xrepeat;
int y = -bcos(spr->ang) * spr->xrepeat;
int xoff = leftofs;
if (spr->cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_XFLIP) xoff = -xoff;
int origin = (width >> 1) + xoff;
out[0].X = pos.X - MulScale(x, origin, 16);
out[0].Y = pos.Y - MulScale(y, origin, 16);
out[1].X = out[0].X + MulScale(x, width, 16);
out[1].Y = out[0].Y + MulScale(y, width, 16);
// Calculate the position of a wall sprite in the world
void TGetFlatSpritePosition(const spritetypebase* spr, vec2_t pos, vec2_t* out, int* outz, int heinum, bool render)
auto tex = tileGetTexture(spr->picnum);
int width, height, leftofs, topofs;
int ratio = ksqrt(heinum * heinum + 4096 * 4096);
if (render && hw_hightile && TileFiles.tiledata[spr->picnum].hiofs.xsize)
width = TileFiles.tiledata[spr->picnum].hiofs.xsize * spr->xrepeat;
height = TileFiles.tiledata[spr->picnum].hiofs.ysize * spr->yrepeat;
leftofs = (TileFiles.tiledata[spr->picnum].hiofs.xoffs + spr->xoffset) * spr->xrepeat;
topofs = (TileFiles.tiledata[spr->picnum].hiofs.yoffs + spr->yoffset) * spr->yrepeat;
width = (int)tex->GetDisplayWidth() * spr->xrepeat;
height = (int)tex->GetDisplayHeight() * spr->yrepeat;
leftofs = ((int)tex->GetDisplayLeftOffset() + spr->xoffset) * spr->xrepeat;
topofs = ((int)tex->GetDisplayTopOffset() + spr->yoffset) * spr->yrepeat;
if (spr->cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_XFLIP) leftofs = -leftofs;
if (spr->cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_YFLIP) topofs = -topofs;
int sprcenterx = (width >> 1) + leftofs;
int sprcentery = (height >> 1) + topofs;
int cosang = bcos(spr->ang);
int sinang = bsin(spr->ang);
int cosangslope = DivScale(cosang, ratio, 12);
int sinangslope = DivScale(sinang, ratio, 12);
out[0].X = pos.X + DMulScale(sinang, sprcenterx, cosangslope, sprcentery, 16);
out[0].Y = pos.Y + DMulScale(sinangslope, sprcentery, -cosang, sprcenterx, 16);
out[1].X = out[0].X - MulScale(sinang, width, 16);
out[1].Y = out[0].Y + MulScale(cosang, width, 16);
vec2_t sub = { MulScale(cosangslope, height, 16), MulScale(sinangslope, height, 16) };
out[2] = out[1] - sub;
out[3] = out[0] - sub;
if (outz)
if (!heinum) outz[3] = outz[2] = outz[1] = outz[0] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
int spos = DMulScale(-sinang, out[i].Y - spr->pos.Y, -cosang, out[i].X - spr->pos.X, 4);
outz[i] = MulScale(heinum, spos, 18);
void GetFlatSpritePosition(const spritetype* spr, vec2_t pos, vec2_t* out, bool render)
TGetFlatSpritePosition(spr, pos, out, nullptr, spriteGetSlope(spr), render);
void GetFlatSpritePosition(const tspritetype* spr, vec2_t pos, vec2_t* out, int* outz, bool render)
TGetFlatSpritePosition(spr, pos, out, outz, tspriteGetSlope(spr), render);
// Check if some walls are set to use rotated textures.
// Ideally this should just have been done with texture rotation,
// but the effects on the render code would be too severe due to the alignment mess.
void checkRotatedWalls()
for (auto& w : wall)
if (w.cstat & CSTAT_WALL_ROTATE_90)
auto& tile = RotTile(w.picnum + animateoffs(w.picnum, 16384));
if (tile.newtile == -1 && tile.owner == -1)
auto owner = w.picnum + animateoffs(w.picnum, 16384);
tile.newtile = TileFiles.tileCreateRotated(owner);
assert(tile.newtile != -1);
RotTile(tile.newtile).owner = w.picnum + animateoffs(w.picnum, 16384);
// check if two sectors share a wall connection
bool sectorsConnected(int sect1, int sect2)
for (auto& wal : wallsofsector(sect1))
if (wal.nextsector == sect2) return true;
return false;
void dragpoint(walltype* startwall, int newx, int newy)
vertexscan(startwall, [&](walltype* wal)
wal->move(newx, newy);
// vector serializers
FSerializer& Serialize(FSerializer& arc, const char* key, vec2_t& c, vec2_t* def)
if (arc.isWriting() && def && !memcmp(&c, def, sizeof(c))) return arc;
if (arc.BeginObject(key))
arc("x", c.X, def ? &def->X : nullptr)
("y", c.Y, def ? &def->Y : nullptr)
return arc;
FSerializer& Serialize(FSerializer& arc, const char* key, vec3_t& c, vec3_t* def)
if (arc.isWriting() && def && !memcmp(&c, def, sizeof(c))) return arc;
if (arc.BeginObject(key))
arc("x", c.X, def ? &def->X : nullptr)
("y", c.Y, def ? &def->Y : nullptr)
("z", c.Z, def ? &def->Z : nullptr)
return arc;