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synced 2025-03-03 15:31:07 +00:00
For Duke Nukem and its direct offspring (Nam, WW2GI and Redneck Rampage) the ramp is not a linear fade from 0 to 1, it needs to be a little darker than that. Unfortunately the proper factor needed here must be set manually, this cannot really be calculated from the lookup tables.
417 lines
9.6 KiB
417 lines
9.6 KiB
#pragma once
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include "gl_samplers.h"
#include "gl_hwtexture.h"
#include "gl_renderstate.h"
#include "matrix.h"
#include "palentry.h"
class FSamplerManager;
class FShader;
class PolymostShader;
class SurfaceShader;
class FTexture;
class GLInstance;
struct PaletteData
int32_t crc32;
PalEntry colors[256];
bool shadesdone;
int whiteindex, blackindex;
FHardwareTexture* paltexture;
struct PalShade
int palindex;
float mulshade, addshade;
struct PalswapData
int32_t crc32;
const uint8_t *lookup; // points to the original data. This is static so no need to copy
FHardwareTexture* swaptexture;
PalEntry fadeColor;
class PaletteManager
// The current engine limit is 256 palettes and 256 palswaps.
uint32_t palettemap[256] = {};
uint32_t palswapmap[256] = {};
float addshade[256] = {};
float mulshade[256] = {};
uint32_t lastindex = ~0u;
uint32_t lastsindex = ~0u;
int numshades = 1;
// All data is being stored in contiguous blocks that can be used as uniform buffers as-is.
TArray<PaletteData> palettes;
TArray<PalswapData> palswaps;
TMap<int, int> swappedpalmap;
FHardwareTexture* palswapTexture = nullptr;
GLInstance* const inst;
//OpenGLRenderer::GLDataBuffer* palswapBuffer = nullptr;
unsigned FindPalette(const uint8_t* paldata);
unsigned FindPalswap(const uint8_t* paldata);
PaletteManager(GLInstance *inst_) : inst(inst_)
void DeleteAll();
void SetPalette(int index, const uint8_t *data);
void SetPalswapData(int index, const uint8_t* data, int numshades);
void BindPalette(int index);
void BindPalswap(int index);
int ActivePalswap() const { return lastsindex; }
int LookupPalette(int palette, int palswap, bool brightmap);
const PalEntry *GetPaletteData(int palid) const { return palettes[palid].colors; }
struct glinfo_t {
const char* vendor;
const char* renderer;
const char* version;
const char* extensions;
float maxanisotropy;
char bufferstorage;
char dumped;
struct BaseVertex
float x, y, z;
float u, v;
void SetVertex(float _x, float _y, float _z = 0)
x = _x;
y = _y;
z = _z;
void SetTexCoord(float _u = 0, float _v = 0)
u = _u;
v = _v;
void Set(float _x, float _y, float _z = 0, float _u = 0, float _v = 0)
x = _x;
y = _y;
z = _z;
u = _u;
v = _v;
enum EDrawType
enum EMatrixType
// These are the only ones being used.
enum ECull
enum EDepthFunc
enum ERenderAlpha
STYLEALPHA_Zero, // Blend factor is 0.0
STYLEALPHA_One, // Blend factor is 1.0
STYLEALPHA_Src, // Blend factor is alpha
STYLEALPHA_InvSrc, // Blend factor is 1.0 - alpha
STYLEALPHA_SrcCol, // Blend factor is color (HWR only)
STYLEALPHA_InvSrcCol, // Blend factor is 1.0 - color (HWR only)
STYLEALPHA_DstCol, // Blend factor is dest. color (HWR only)
STYLEALPHA_InvDstCol, // Blend factor is 1.0 - dest. color (HWR only)
STYLEALPHA_Dst, // Blend factor is dest. alpha
STYLEALPHA_InvDst, // Blend factor is 1.0 - dest. alpha
enum ERenderOp
STYLEOP_Add, // Add source to destination
STYLEOP_Sub, // Subtract source from destination
STYLEOP_RevSub, // Subtract destination from source
enum EWinding
enum ETexType
class GLInstance
MAX_TEXTURES = 15, // slot 15 is used internally and not available.
std::vector<BaseVertex> Buffer; // cheap-ass implementation. The primary purpose is to get the GL accesses out of polymost.cpp, not writing something performant right away.
unsigned int LastBoundTextures[MAX_TEXTURES];
unsigned TextureHandleCache[THCACHESIZE];
int currentindex = THCACHESIZE;
int maxTextureSize;
PaletteManager palmanager;
int lastPalswapIndex = -1;
FHardwareTexture* texv;
FTexture* currentTexture = nullptr;
int TextureType;
int MatrixChange = 0;
VSMatrix matrices[NUMMATRICES];
PolymostRenderState renderState;
FShader* activeShader;
PolymostShader* polymostShader;
SurfaceShader* surfaceShader;
FShader* vpxShader;
glinfo_t glinfo;
FSamplerManager *mSamplers;
void Init();
void InitGLState(int fogmode, int multisample);
void LoadPolymostShader();
void LoadSurfaceShader();
void LoadVPXShader();
void Deinit();
static int GetTexDimension(int value)
//if (value > gl.max_texturesize) return gl.max_texturesize;
return value;
std::pair<size_t, BaseVertex *> AllocVertices(size_t num);
void Draw(EDrawType type, size_t start, size_t count);
int GetTextureID();
FHardwareTexture* NewTexture();
void BindTexture(int texunit, FHardwareTexture *texid, int sampler = NoSampler);
void UnbindTexture(int texunit);
void UnbindAllTextures();
void EnableBlend(bool on);
void EnableAlphaTest(bool on);
void EnableDepthTest(bool on);
const VSMatrix &GetMatrix(int num)
return matrices[num];
void SetMatrix(int num, const VSMatrix *mat );
void SetMatrix(int num, const float *mat)
SetMatrix(num, reinterpret_cast<const VSMatrix*>(mat));
void SetCull(int type, int winding = Winding_CCW);
void EnableStencilWrite(int value);
void EnableStencilTest(int value);
void DisableStencil();
void SetColor(float r, float g, float b, float a = 1.f);
void SetColorub(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a = 255)
SetColor(r * (1 / 255.f), g * (1 / 255.f), b * (1 / 255.f), a * (1 / 255.f));
void SetDepthFunc(int func);
void SetColorMask(bool on);
void SetDepthMask(bool on);
void SetBlendFunc(int src, int dst);
void SetBlendOp(int op);
void ClearScreen(float r, float g, float b, bool depth);
void ClearDepth();
void SetViewport(int x, int y, int w, int h);
void SetAlphaThreshold(float al);
void SetWireframe(bool on);
void SetPolymostShader();
void SetSurfaceShader();
void SetVPXShader();
void SetPalette(int palette);
bool ApplyTextureProps(FTexture *tex, int pal);
void RestoreTextureProps();
void ReadPixels(int w, int h, uint8_t* buffer);
void SetPaletteData(int index, const uint8_t* data)
palmanager.SetPalette(index, data);
void SetPalswapData(int index, const uint8_t* data, int numshades)
palmanager.SetPalswapData(index, data, numshades);
void SetPalswap(int index);
int GetClamp()
return 0;// int(renderState.Clamp[0] + 2 * renderState.Clamp[1]);
void SetClamp(int clamp)
// This option is totally pointless and should be removed.
//renderState.Clamp[0] = clamp & 1;
//renderState.Clamp[1] = !!(clamp & 2);
void SetShade(int32_t shade, int numshades)
renderState.Shade = shade;
renderState.NumShades = numshades;
void SetShadeDiv(int value)
renderState.ShadeDiv = 1.f / value; // There's 3 values here: Blood uses 62 with numShades = 64, Ion Fury uses 30 with NumShades = 32, the other games use 26 with NumShades = 32.
void SetVisibility(float visibility, float fviewingrange)
renderState.VisFactor = visibility* fviewingrange* (1.f / (64.f * 65536.f));
void UseColorOnly(bool yes)
if (yes) renderState.Flags |= RF_ColorOnly;
else renderState.Flags &= ~RF_ColorOnly;
void UseDetailMapping(bool yes)
if (yes) renderState.Flags |= RF_DetailMapping;
else renderState.Flags &= ~RF_DetailMapping;
void UseGlowMapping(bool yes)
if (yes) renderState.Flags |= RF_GlowMapping;
else renderState.Flags &= ~RF_GlowMapping;
void UseBrightmaps(bool yes)
if (yes) renderState.Flags |= RF_Brightmapping;
else renderState.Flags &= ~RF_Brightmapping;
void SetNpotEmulation(bool yes, float factor, float xOffset)
if (yes)
renderState.Flags |= RF_NPOTEmulation;
renderState.NPOTEmulationFactor = factor;
renderState.NPOTEmulationXOffset = xOffset;
else renderState.Flags &= ~RF_NPOTEmulation;
void SetShadeInterpolate(int32_t yes)
if (yes) renderState.Flags |= RF_ShadeInterpolate;
else renderState.Flags &= ~RF_ShadeInterpolate;
void SetFadeColor(PalEntry color)
renderState.FogColor = color;
void SetFadeDisable(bool yes)
if (yes) renderState.Flags |= RF_FogDisabled;
else renderState.Flags &= ~RF_FogDisabled;
void SetBrightness(int brightness)
renderState.Brightness = 8.f / (brightness + 8.f);
void SetTinting(int flags, PalEntry color, PalEntry modulateColor)
// not yet implemented.
void SetBasepalTint(PalEntry color)
// not yet implemented - only relevant for hires replacements.
FHardwareTexture* CreateIndexedTexture(FTexture* tex);
FHardwareTexture* CreateTrueColorTexture(FTexture* tex, int palid, bool checkfulltransparency = false, bool rgb8bit = false);
FHardwareTexture *LoadTexture(FTexture* tex, int texturetype, int palid);
bool SetTextureInternal(int globalpicnum, FTexture* tex, int palette, int method, int sampleroverride, float xpanning, float ypanning, FTexture *det, float detscale, FTexture *glow);
bool SetTexture(int globalpicnum, FTexture* tex, int palette, int method, int sampleroverride)
return SetTextureInternal(globalpicnum, tex, palette, method, sampleroverride, 0, 0, nullptr, 1, nullptr);
bool SetModelTexture(FTexture *tex, int palette, float xpanning, float ypanning, FTexture *det, float detscale, FTexture *glow)
return SetTextureInternal(-1, tex, palette, 8/*DAMETH_MODEL*/, -1, xpanning, ypanning, det, detscale, glow);
extern GLInstance GLInterface;