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589 lines
16 KiB
class WHStatusBar : RazeStatusBar
TextureID healthfont[10];
TextureID potionfont[10];
TextureID scorefont[10];
int displaytime;
override void Init()
for (int i = 0;i < 10;i++)
healthfont[i] = TexMan.CheckForTexture(String.Format("SHEALTHFONT%d", i), TexMan.TYPE_ANY);
potionfont[i] = TexMan.CheckForTexture(String.Format("SPOTIONFONT%d", i), TexMan.TYPE_ANY);
scorefont[i] = TexMan.CheckForTexture(String.Format("SSCOREFONT%d", i), TexMan.TYPE_ANY);
displaytime = -1;
int tileHeight(String tex)
let img = TexMan.CheckForTexture(tex, TexMan.TYPE_Any);
let siz = TexMan.GetScaledSize(img);
return int(siz.Y);
int tileWidth(String tex)
let img = TexMan.CheckForTexture(tex, TexMan.TYPE_Any);
let siz = TexMan.GetScaledSize(img);
return int(siz.X);
void drawHealthText(double x, double y, String text, int shade = 0, int pal = 0, bool shadow = true)
for (int i = 0; i < text.Length(); i++)
int c = text.ByteAt(i);
if (c < "0" || c > "9")
x += 4;
let tex = healthfont[c - 48];
DrawTexture(tex, (x+1, y+1), DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP, 0.5, col:0xff000000);
DrawTexture(tex, (x, y), DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP, col:Raze.shadeToLight(shade), Translation.MakeID(Translation_Remap, pal));
let siz = TexMan.GetScaledSize(tex);
x += siz.X;
void drawPotionText(double x, double y, String text, int shade = 0, int pal = 0, bool shadow = true)
for (int i = 0; i < text.Length(); i++)
int c = text.ByteAt(i);
if (c < "0" || c > "9")
x += 4;
let tex = potionfont[c - 48];
DrawTexture(tex, (x+1, y+1), DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP, 0.5, col:0xff000000);
DrawTexture(tex, (x, y), DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP, col:Raze.shadeToLight(shade), Translation.MakeID(Translation_Remap, pal));
let siz = TexMan.GetScaledSize(tex);
x += siz.X;
void drawScoreText(double x, double y, String text, int shade = 0, int pal = 0, bool shadow = true)
for (int i = 0; i < text.Length(); i++)
int c = text.ByteAt(i);
if (c < "0" || c > "9")
x += 4;
let tex = scorefont[c - 48];
DrawTexture(tex, (x+1, y+1), DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP, 0.5, col:0xff000000);
DrawTexture(tex, (x, y), DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP, col:Raze.shadeToLight(shade), Translation.MakeID(Translation_Remap, pal));
let siz = TexMan.GetScaledSize(tex);
x += siz.X;
void levelpic(WhPlayer plr, double x, double y)
String format;
if (plr.selectedgun == 6)
format = String.Format("%d", plr.ammo[6]);
DrawImage("SARROWS", (x, y), DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP); // GDX uses 1916 for WH2.
drawScoreText(x + 36, y + 5, format);
else if (plr.selectedgun == 7 && plr.weapon[7] == 2)
format = String.Format("%d", plr.ammo[7]);
DrawImage("SPIKES", (x, y), DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP);
drawScoreText(x + 36, y + 5, format);
format = "SPLAYERLVL1";// .. (plr.lvl - 1); // GDX uses 1917 + lvl for WH2
DrawImage(format, (x, y), DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP);
void drawscore(WhPlayer plr, double x, double y)
String format = String.Format("%d", plr.score);
drawScoreText(x + 55, y + 4, format);
void drawscore2(WhPlayer plr, double x, double y)
String format = String.Format("%d", plr.score);
drawHealthText(x + 8, y + 5, format);
void drawarmor(WhPlayer plr, double x, double y, bool drawbg = true)
String format = String.Format("%d", plr.armor);
if (drawbg) DrawImage("SHEALTHBACK", (x, y), DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP);
drawHealthText(x + 8, y + 5, format);
void drawhealth(WhPlayer plr, double x, double y, bool drawbg = true)
String format = String.Format("%d", plr.health);
double alpha = 1;
if (plr.poisoned == 1) alpha = sin((10 * 360. / 2048.) * PlayClock) * 0.5 + 0.5;
if (drawbg) DrawImage("SHEALTHBACK", (x, y), DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP);
drawHealthText(x + 4, y + 5, format, numshades - (numshades * alpha));
void captureflagpic()
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if( teaminplay[i] ) { XXX
overwritesprite(((int) sflag[i].x << 1) + 6, (int) sflag[i].y + 8, STHEFLAG, 0, 0, (int) sflag[i].z);
String format = String.Format("%d", teamscore[i],tempchar);
fancyfont(((int) sflag[i].x << 1) + 16, (int) sflag[i].y + 16, SPOTIONFONT - 26, tempchar, 0);
void fragspic(WhPlayer plr)
if (whcfg.gViewSize == 320) {
int x = windowx2 / 2 + 200;
int y = windowy2 - 94;
overwritesprite(x, y, SPOTIONBACKPIC, 0, 0, 0);
// Bitoa(teamscore[pyrn],tempchar); XXX
game.getFont(2).drawText(x + 10, y + 10, tempchar, 0, 0, TextAlign.Left, 0, false);
void keyspic(WhPlayer plr, double x, double y)
static const String keypics[] = { "SKEYBRASS", "SKEYBLACK", "SKEYGLASS", "SKEYIVORY"};
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
DrawImage(plr.treasure[Witchaven.TBRASSKEY + i]? keypics[i] : "SKEYBLANK", (x, y), DI_ITEM_RELCENTER );
y += 22;
void potionpic(WhPlayer plr, int currentpotion, double x, double y, bool drawbg = true)
static const String potionpic[] = { "SFLASKBLUE", "SFLASKGREEN", "SFLASKOCHRE", "SFLASKRED", "SFLASKTAN"};
if (drawbg) DrawImage("SPOTIONBACKPIC", (x, y), DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP);
DrawImage("SPOTIONARROW" .. currentpotion, (x - 4, y - 7), DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP);
x += 4;
for(int i = 0; i < Witchaven.MAXPOTIONS; i++)
if(plr.potion[i] < 0) plr.potion[i] = 0;
if(plr.potion[i] > 0)
DrawImage(potionpic[i], (x + i*20, y + 19), DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP);
drawPotionText(x + 7 + i*20, y + 7, String.Format("%d", plr.potion[i]));
else DrawImage("SFLASKBLACK", (x + i*20, y + 19), DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP);
void orbpic(WhPlayer plr, int currentorb)
if (plr.orbammo[currentorb] < 0)
plr.orbammo[currentorb] = 0;
String format = String.Format("%d", plr.orbammo[currentorb]);
int bookpic = plr.spellbook;
if (plr.spellbookflip == 0) bookpic = 8;
let spellbookanim = plr.GetSpellBookAnim();
if (spellbookanim != null && (plr.orbammo[plr.currentorb] > 0 || plr.currweaponfired == 4))
int y = 382;// was 389 originally.
if (currentorb == 2) y = 381;
if (currentorb == 3) y = 383;
if (currentorb == 6) y = 383;
if (currentorb == 7) y = 380;
plr.spellbookframe = spellbookanim.daweaponframe;
DrawImage(String.Format("#%05d", plr.spellbookframe), (320 + spellbookanim.currx, y + spellbookanim.curry), DI_ITEM_RELCENTER);
drawScoreText(320 + 126, 439, String.Format("%d", plr.orbammo[currentorb]));
/* original placement for comparison
let spellbookpage = sspellbookanim[currentorb][8].daweaponframe;
DrawTexture(spellbookpage, (320 + 121, y), DI_ITEM_RELCENTER);
void updatepics(WhPlayer plr)
drawscore(plr, 6,480 -85);
if (netgame)
//if (game.nNetMode == NetMode.Multiplayer) captureflagpic(scale);
//else fragspic(plr, scale);
else potionpic(plr, plr.currentpotion, 320 + 200, 480 - 94);
levelpic(plr, 6,480 -46);
drawhealth(plr, 320 - 171, 480 -75);
drawarmor(plr, 401, 480 -75);
keyspic(plr, 320 + 180, 480 - 85);
orbpic(plr, plr.currentOrb);
// this is a bit different than originally due to competing screen space with
// other elements.
void displayStatus(WhPlayer plr)
string s;
if (plr.potion[0] == 0 && plr.health > 0 && plr.health < 21)
s = StringTable.Localize("$health critical");
if (displaytime > 0)
displaytime -= Witchaven.TICSPERFRAME;
if (displaytime <= 0)
if (plr.manatime > 0)
if (plr.manatime < 512)
if ((plr.manatime % 64) > 32)
else if (plr.poisoned == 1)
s = "$POISONED";
else if (plr.orbactive[5] > 0)
if (plr.orbactive[5] < 512)
if ((plr.orbactive[5] % 64) > 32)
s = "$FLYING";
} else if (plr.vampiretime > 0)
if (s.length() > 0)
let siz = SmallFont.StringWidth(s);
Screen.DrawText(SmallFont, Font.CR_NATIVEPAL, 320-siz/2, 40, s, DTA_FullscreenScale, FSMode_Fit640x400, DTA_TranslationIndex, Translation.MakeID(Translation_Remap, 7));
void drawOverlays(WhPlayer plr)
if (plr.justwarpedfx > 0)
DrawImage("ANNIHILATE", (0,0), DI_ITEM_RELCENTER|DI_SCREEN_CENTER, scale:(plr.justwarpedcnt/128., plr.justwarpedcnt/128.));
double pwpos = 0;
if (plr.helmettime > 0)
pwpos += tileHeight("Helmet") / 4;
DrawImage("Helmet", (-20, pwpos), DI_ITEM_RELCENTER, scale:(0.25, 0.25));
pwpos += 10;
if(plr.vampiretime > 0)
pwpos += tileHeight("THEHORN") / 4;
DrawImage("THEHORN", (-20, pwpos), DI_ITEM_RELCENTER, scale:(0.25, 0.25));
pwpos += 10;
if(plr.orbactive[5] > 0)
pwpos += tileHeight("SCROLLFLY") / 4;
DrawImage("SCROLLFLY", (-20, pwpos), DI_ITEM_RELCENTER, scale:(0.25, 0.25));
pwpos += 10;
if(plr.shadowtime > 0)
pwpos += tileHeight("SCROLLSCARE") / 4;
DrawImage("SCROLLSCARE", (-20, pwpos), DI_ITEM_RELCENTER, scale:(0.25, 0.25));
pwpos += 10;
if(plr.nightglowtime > 0)
pwpos += tileHeight("SCROLLSCARE") / 4;
DrawImage("SCROLLSCARE", (-20, pwpos), DI_ITEM_RELCENTER, scale:(0.25, 0.25));
pwpos += 10;
int amposx = 10;
int amposy = Raze.GetMessageBottomY();
if(plr.treasure[Witchaven.TONYXRING] != 0)
DrawImage("ONYXRING", (amposx, amposy), DI_ITEM_RELCENTER, scale:(0.25, 0.25));
amposx += 20;
if(plr.treasure[Witchaven.TAMULETOFTHEMIST] != 0 && plr.invisibletime > 0)
DrawImage("AMULETOFTHEMIST", (amposx, amposy), DI_ITEM_RELCENTER, scale:(0.25, 0.25));
amposx += 20;
if(plr.treasure[Witchaven.TADAMANTINERING] != 0)
DrawImage("ADAMANTINERING", (amposx, amposy), DI_ITEM_RELCENTER, scale:(0.25, 0.25));
amposx += 20;
if(plr.treasure[Witchaven.TBLUESCEPTER] != 0)
DrawImage("BLUESCEPTER", (amposx, amposy), DI_ITEM_RELCENTER, scale:(0.25, 0.25));
amposx += 20;
if(plr.treasure[Witchaven.TYELLOWSCEPTER] != 0)
DrawImage("YELLOWSCEPTER", (amposx, amposy), DI_ITEM_RELCENTER, scale:(0.25, 0.25));
amposx += 20;
// Statistics output
void DoLevelStats(int bottomy, SummaryInfo info)
StatsPrintInfo stats;
stats.fontscale = 1;
stats.spacing = ConFont.GetHeight() + 1;
stats.screenbottomspace = bottomy;
stats.statfont = ConFont;
if (automapMode == am_full)
stats.letterColor = Font.TEXTCOLOR_DARKRED;
stats.standardColor = Font.TEXTCOLOR_TAN;
PrintAutomapInfo(stats, true);
// JBF 20040124: display level stats in screen corner
else if (hud_stats && !(netgame /*|| numplayers > 1*/))
stats.letterColor = Font.TEXTCOLOR_DARKRED;
stats.standardColor = Font.TEXTCOLOR_TAN;
stats.completeColor = Font.TEXTCOLOR_RED;
PrintLevelStats(stats, info);
void DrawStatusBar(WhPlayer plr, SummaryInfo info)
BeginStatusBar(false, 640, 480, tileHeight("SSTATUSBAR"));
if (hud_size == Hud_StbarOverlay) Set43ClipRect();
int bottomy = tileHeight("SSTATUSBAR") * 200 / 480;
DoLevelStats(bottomy, info);
void DrawHud1(WhPlayer plr, SummaryInfo info)
BeginHUD(1, false, 640, 480);
levelpic(plr, 3, -40);
drawscore(plr, 3, -80);
drawhealth(plr, 130, -75);
drawarmor(plr, 215, -75);
if (!netgame) potionpic(plr, plr.currentpotion, -180, -80);
keyspic(plr, -30, -85);
DoLevelStats(90 * 200 / 480, info);
void DrawHud2(WhPlayer plr, SummaryInfo info)
BeginHUD(1, false, 640, 480);
drawhealth(plr, 30, -50, false);
DrawImage("CHAINMAIL", (120, -3), DI_ITEM_LEFT_BOTTOM|DI_DONTANIMATE, scale:(0.5, 0.5));
drawarmor(plr, 170, -50, false);
DrawImage("#00513" /*"HORNYSKULL4"*/, (260, -3), DI_ITEM_LEFT_BOTTOM|DI_DONTANIMATE, scale:(1.5, 1.5)); // something's wrong with the names...
drawscore2(plr, 320, -50);
//drawscore(plr, 260, -40);
levelpic(plr, -320, -40);
if (!netgame) potionpic(plr, plr.currentpotion, -180, -80, false);
keyspic(plr, -30, -85);
DoLevelStats(60 * 200 / 480, info);
override void UpdateStatusBar(SummaryInfo info)
let plr = Witchaven.GetViewPlayer();
if (hud_size == Hud_Nothing)
DoLevelStats(2, info);
else if (hud_size == Hud_full)
DrawHUD2(plr, info);
else if (hud_size == Hud_Mini)
DrawHUD1(plr, info);
DrawStatusBar(plr, info);