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// Copyright(C) 2005-2016 Christoph Oelckers
// All rights reserved.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
** models.cpp
** MD2/DMD model format code
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "model_md2.h"
#include "texturemanager.h"
#include "modelrenderer.h"
#include "printf.h"
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable:4244) // warning C4244: conversion from 'double' to 'float', possible loss of data
enum { VX, VZ, VY };
static float avertexnormals[NUMVERTEXNORMALS][3] = {
#include "tab_anorms.h"
// UnpackVector
// Packed: pppppppy yyyyyyyy. Yaw is on the XY plane.
static void UnpackVector(unsigned short packed, float vec[3])
float yaw = (packed & 511) / 512.0f * 2 * M_PI;
float pitch = ((packed >> 9) / 127.0f - 0.5f) * M_PI;
float cosp = (float) cos(pitch);
vec[VX] = (float) cos(yaw) * cosp;
vec[VY] = (float) sin(yaw) * cosp;
vec[VZ] = (float) sin(pitch);
// DMD file structure
struct dmd_chunk_t
int type;
int length; // Next chunk follows...
#pragma pack(1)
struct dmd_packedVertex_t
uint8_t vertex[3];
unsigned short normal; // Yaw and pitch.
struct dmd_packedFrame_t
float scale[3];
float translate[3];
char name[16];
dmd_packedVertex_t vertices[1];
#pragma pack()
// Chunk types.
DMC_END, // Must be the last chunk.
DMC_INFO // Required; will be expected to exist.
// FDMDModel::Load
bool FDMDModel::Load(const char * path, int lumpnum, const char * buffer, int length)
dmd_chunk_t * chunk = (dmd_chunk_t*)(buffer + 12);
char *temp;
ModelFrame *frame;
int i;
int fileoffset = 12 + sizeof(dmd_chunk_t);
chunk->type = LittleLong(chunk->type);
while (chunk->type != DMC_END)
switch (chunk->type)
case DMC_INFO: // Standard DMD information chunk.
memcpy(&info, buffer + fileoffset, LittleLong(chunk->length));
info.skinWidth = LittleLong(info.skinWidth);
info.skinHeight = LittleLong(info.skinHeight);
info.frameSize = LittleLong(info.frameSize);
info.numSkins = LittleLong(info.numSkins);
info.numVertices = LittleLong(info.numVertices);
info.numTexCoords = LittleLong(info.numTexCoords);
info.numFrames = LittleLong(info.numFrames);
info.numLODs = LittleLong(info.numLODs);
info.offsetSkins = LittleLong(info.offsetSkins);
info.offsetTexCoords = LittleLong(info.offsetTexCoords);
info.offsetFrames = LittleLong(info.offsetFrames);
info.offsetLODs = LittleLong(info.offsetLODs);
info.offsetEnd = LittleLong(info.offsetEnd);
fileoffset += chunk->length;
// Just skip all unknown chunks.
fileoffset += chunk->length;
// Read the next chunk header.
chunk = (dmd_chunk_t*)(buffer + fileoffset);
chunk->type = LittleLong(chunk->type);
fileoffset += sizeof(dmd_chunk_t);
// Allocate and load in the data.
skins = new FTextureID[info.numSkins];
for (i = 0; i < info.numSkins; i++)
skins[i] = LoadSkin(path, buffer + info.offsetSkins + i * 64);
temp = (char*)buffer + info.offsetFrames;
frames = new ModelFrame[info.numFrames];
for (i = 0, frame = frames; i < info.numFrames; i++, frame++)
dmd_packedFrame_t *pfr = (dmd_packedFrame_t *)(temp + info.frameSize * i);
memcpy(frame->name, pfr->name, sizeof(pfr->name));
frame->vindex = UINT_MAX;
mLumpNum = lumpnum;
return true;
// FDMDModel::LoadGeometry
void FDMDModel::LoadGeometry()
static int axis[3] = { VX, VY, VZ };
FileData lumpdata = fileSystem.ReadFile(mLumpNum);
const char *buffer = (const char *)lumpdata.GetMem();
texCoords = new FTexCoord[info.numTexCoords];
memcpy(texCoords, buffer + info.offsetTexCoords, info.numTexCoords * sizeof(FTexCoord));
const char *temp = buffer + info.offsetFrames;
framevtx= new ModelFrameVertexData[info.numFrames];
ModelFrameVertexData *framev;
int i, k, c;
for(i = 0, framev = framevtx; i < info.numFrames; i++, framev++)
dmd_packedFrame_t *pfr = (dmd_packedFrame_t *) (temp + info.frameSize * i);
dmd_packedVertex_t *pVtx;
framev->vertices = new DMDModelVertex[info.numVertices];
framev->normals = new DMDModelVertex[info.numVertices];
// Translate each vertex.
for(k = 0, pVtx = pfr->vertices; k < info.numVertices; k++, pVtx++)
UnpackVector((unsigned short)(pVtx->normal), framev->normals[k].xyz);
for(c = 0; c < 3; c++)
framev->vertices[k].xyz[axis[c]] =
(pVtx->vertex[c] * float(pfr->scale[c]) + float(pfr->translate[c]));
memcpy(lodInfo, buffer+info.offsetLODs, info.numLODs * sizeof(DMDLoDInfo));
for(i = 0; i < info.numLODs; i++)
lodInfo[i].numTriangles = LittleLong(lodInfo[i].numTriangles);
lodInfo[i].offsetTriangles = LittleLong(lodInfo[i].offsetTriangles);
if (lodInfo[i].numTriangles > 0)
lods[i].triangles = new FTriangle[lodInfo[i].numTriangles];
memcpy(lods[i].triangles, buffer + lodInfo[i].offsetTriangles, lodInfo[i].numTriangles * sizeof(FTriangle));
for (int j = 0; j < lodInfo[i].numTriangles; j++)
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
lods[i].triangles[j].textureIndices[k] = LittleShort(lods[i].triangles[j].textureIndices[k]);
lods[i].triangles[j].vertexIndices[k] = LittleShort(lods[i].triangles[j].vertexIndices[k]);
// Deletes everything that's no longer needed after building the vertex buffer
void FDMDModel::UnloadGeometry()
int i;
if (framevtx != NULL)
for (i=0;i<info.numFrames;i++)
if (framevtx[i].vertices != NULL) delete [] framevtx[i].vertices;
if (framevtx[i].normals != NULL) delete [] framevtx[i].normals;
framevtx[i].vertices = NULL;
framevtx[i].normals = NULL;
delete[] framevtx;
framevtx = NULL;
for(i = 0; i < info.numLODs; i++)
if (lods[i].triangles != NULL) delete[] lods[i].triangles;
lods[i].triangles = NULL;
if (texCoords != NULL) delete[] texCoords;
texCoords = NULL;
// skins are managed by the texture manager so they must not be deleted here.
if (skins != NULL) delete [] skins;
if (frames != NULL) delete [] frames;
void FDMDModel::BuildVertexBuffer(FModelRenderer *renderer)
if (!GetVertexBuffer(renderer->GetType()))
int VertexBufferSize = info.numFrames * lodInfo[0].numTriangles * 3;
unsigned int vindex = 0;
auto vbuf = renderer->CreateVertexBuffer(false, info.numFrames == 1);
SetVertexBuffer(renderer->GetType(), vbuf);
FModelVertex *vertptr = vbuf->LockVertexBuffer(VertexBufferSize);
for (int i = 0; i < info.numFrames; i++)
DMDModelVertex *vert = framevtx[i].vertices;
DMDModelVertex *norm = framevtx[i].normals;
frames[i].vindex = vindex;
FTriangle *tri = lods[0].triangles;
for (int i = 0; i < lodInfo[0].numTriangles; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
int ti = tri->textureIndices[j];
int vi = tri->vertexIndices[j];
FModelVertex *bvert = &vertptr[vindex++];
bvert->Set(vert[vi].xyz[0], vert[vi].xyz[1], vert[vi].xyz[2], (float)texCoords[ti].s / info.skinWidth, (float)texCoords[ti].t / info.skinHeight);
bvert->SetNormal(norm[vi].xyz[0], norm[vi].xyz[1], norm[vi].xyz[2]);
// for skin precaching
void FDMDModel::AddSkins(uint8_t *hitlist)
for (int i = 0; i < info.numSkins; i++)
if (skins[i].isValid())
hitlist[skins[i].GetIndex()] |= FTextureManager::HIT_Flat;
// FDMDModel::FindFrame
int FDMDModel::FindFrame(const char * name)
for (int i=0;i<info.numFrames;i++)
if (!stricmp(name, frames[i].name)) return i;
return -1;
void FDMDModel::RenderFrame(FModelRenderer *renderer, FGameTexture * skin, int frameno, int frameno2, double inter, int translation)
if (frameno >= info.numFrames || frameno2 >= info.numFrames) return;
if (!skin)
if (info.numSkins == 0 || !skins[0].isValid()) return;
skin = TexMan.GetGameTexture(skins[0], true);
if (!skin) return;
renderer->SetMaterial(skin, false, translation);
renderer->SetupFrame(this, frames[frameno].vindex, frames[frameno2].vindex, lodInfo[0].numTriangles * 3);
renderer->DrawArrays(0, lodInfo[0].numTriangles * 3);
// Internal data structures of MD2 files - only used during loading
struct md2_header_t
int magic;
int version;
int skinWidth;
int skinHeight;
int frameSize;
int numSkins;
int numVertices;
int numTexCoords;
int numTriangles;
int numGlCommands;
int numFrames;
int offsetSkins;
int offsetTexCoords;
int offsetTriangles;
int offsetFrames;
int offsetGlCommands;
int offsetEnd;
struct md2_triangleVertex_t
uint8_t vertex[3];
uint8_t lightNormalIndex;
struct md2_packedFrame_t
float scale[3];
float translate[3];
char name[16];
md2_triangleVertex_t vertices[1];
// FMD2Model::Load
bool FMD2Model::Load(const char * path, int lumpnum, const char * buffer, int length)
md2_header_t * md2header = (md2_header_t *)buffer;
ModelFrame *frame;
uint8_t *md2_frames;
int i;
// Convert it to DMD.
header.magic = MD2_MAGIC;
header.version = 8;
header.flags = 0;
info.skinWidth = LittleLong(md2header->skinWidth);
info.skinHeight = LittleLong(md2header->skinHeight);
info.frameSize = LittleLong(md2header->frameSize);
info.numLODs = 1;
info.numSkins = LittleLong(md2header->numSkins);
info.numTexCoords = LittleLong(md2header->numTexCoords);
info.numVertices = LittleLong(md2header->numVertices);
info.numFrames = LittleLong(md2header->numFrames);
info.offsetSkins = LittleLong(md2header->offsetSkins);
info.offsetTexCoords = LittleLong(md2header->offsetTexCoords);
info.offsetFrames = LittleLong(md2header->offsetFrames);
info.offsetLODs = LittleLong(md2header->offsetEnd); // Doesn't exist.
lodInfo[0].numTriangles = LittleLong(md2header->numTriangles);
lodInfo[0].numGlCommands = LittleLong(md2header->numGlCommands);
lodInfo[0].offsetTriangles = LittleLong(md2header->offsetTriangles);
lodInfo[0].offsetGlCommands = LittleLong(md2header->offsetGlCommands);
info.offsetEnd = LittleLong(md2header->offsetEnd);
if (info.offsetFrames + info.frameSize * info.numFrames > length)
Printf("LoadModel: Model '%s' file too short\n", path);
return false;
if (lodInfo[0].numGlCommands <= 0)
Printf("LoadModel: Model '%s' invalid NumGLCommands\n", path);
return false;
skins = new FTextureID[info.numSkins];
for (i = 0; i < info.numSkins; i++)
skins[i] = LoadSkin(path, buffer + info.offsetSkins + i * 64);
// The frames need to be unpacked.
md2_frames = (uint8_t*)buffer + info.offsetFrames;
frames = new ModelFrame[info.numFrames];
for (i = 0, frame = frames; i < info.numFrames; i++, frame++)
md2_packedFrame_t *pfr = (md2_packedFrame_t *)(md2_frames + info.frameSize * i);
memcpy(frame->name, pfr->name, sizeof(pfr->name));
frame->vindex = UINT_MAX;
mLumpNum = lumpnum;
return true;
// FMD2Model::LoadGeometry
void FMD2Model::LoadGeometry()
static int axis[3] = { VX, VY, VZ };
uint8_t *md2_frames;
FileData lumpdata = fileSystem.ReadFile(mLumpNum);
const char *buffer = (const char *)lumpdata.GetMem();
texCoords = new FTexCoord[info.numTexCoords];
memcpy(texCoords, (uint8_t*)buffer + info.offsetTexCoords, info.numTexCoords * sizeof(FTexCoord));
md2_frames = (uint8_t*)buffer + info.offsetFrames;
framevtx = new ModelFrameVertexData[info.numFrames];
ModelFrameVertexData *framev;
int i, k, c;
for(i = 0, framev = framevtx; i < info.numFrames; i++, framev++)
md2_packedFrame_t *pfr = (md2_packedFrame_t *) (md2_frames + info.frameSize * i);
md2_triangleVertex_t *pVtx;
framev->vertices = new DMDModelVertex[info.numVertices];
framev->normals = new DMDModelVertex[info.numVertices];
// Translate each vertex.
for(k = 0, pVtx = pfr->vertices; k < info.numVertices; k++, pVtx++)
avertexnormals[pVtx->lightNormalIndex], sizeof(float) * 3);
for(c = 0; c < 3; c++)
framev->vertices[k].xyz[axis[c]] =
(pVtx->vertex[c] * pfr->scale[c] + pfr->translate[c]);
lods[0].triangles = new FTriangle[lodInfo[0].numTriangles];
int cnt = lodInfo[0].numTriangles;
memcpy(lods[0].triangles, buffer + lodInfo[0].offsetTriangles, sizeof(FTriangle) * cnt);
for (int j = 0; j < cnt; j++)
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
lods[0].triangles[j].textureIndices[k] = LittleShort(lods[0].triangles[j].textureIndices[k]);
lods[0].triangles[j].vertexIndices[k] = LittleShort(lods[0].triangles[j].vertexIndices[k]);