mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 00:11:07 +00:00
# Conflicts: # source/core/gamecontrol.h # source/duke3d/src/game.cpp # source/exhumed/src/exhumed.cpp # source/rr/src/game.cpp
3812 lines
123 KiB
3812 lines
123 KiB
Copyright (C) 2010-2019 EDuke32 developers and contributors
Copyright (C) 2019 Nuke.YKT
This file is part of NBlood.
NBlood is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "ns.h" // Must come before everything else!
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "compat.h"
#include "build.h"
#include "pragmas.h"
#include "mmulti.h"
#include "osd.h"
#include "common_game.h"
#include "aihand.h"
#include "blood.h"
#include "choke.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "db.h"
#include "endgame.h"
#include "gamemenu.h"
#include "gameutil.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "levels.h"
#include "loadsave.h"
#include "map2d.h"
#include "messages.h"
#include "gamemenu.h"
#include "mirrors.h"
#include "network.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "replace.h"
#include "screen.h"
#include "screentext.h"
#include "sectorfx.h"
#include "tile.h"
#include "trig.h"
#include "view.h"
#include "warp.h"
#include "weapon.h"
#include "nnexts.h"
#include "zstring.h"
#include "menu/menu.h"
#include "gstrings.h"
#include "v_2ddrawer.h"
#include "v_video.h"
#include "glbackend/glbackend.h"
CVARD(Bool, hud_powerupduration, true, CVAR_ARCHIVE/*|CVAR_FRONTEND_BLOOD*/, "enable/disable displaying the remaining seconds for power-ups")
struct VIEW {
int at0;
int at4;
int at8; // bob height
int atc; // bob width
int at10;
int at14;
int at18; // bob sway y
int at1c; // bob sway x
fix16_t at20;
fix16_t at24; // horiz
int at28; // horizoff
int at2c;
fix16_t at30; // angle
int at34; // weapon z
int at38; // view z
int at3c;
int at40;
int at44;
int at48; // posture
int at4c; // spin
int at50; // x
int at54; // y
int at58; // z
int at5c; //xvel
int at60; //yvel
int at64; //zvel
short at68; // sectnum
unsigned int at6a; // floordist
char at6e; // look center
char at6f;
char at70; // run
char at71; // jump
char at72; // underwater
short at73; // sprite flags
VIEW gPrevView[kMaxPlayers];
int gViewIndex;
void *pointer;
int value;
int value2;
int pcBackground;
int gViewMode = 3;
int gViewSize = 2;
bool gPrediction = true;
VIEW predict, predictOld;
VIEW predictFifo[256];
int gInterpolate;
int nInterpolations;
char gInterpolateSprite[(kMaxSprites+7)>>3];
char gInterpolateWall[(kMaxWalls+7)>>3];
char gInterpolateSector[(kMaxSectors+7)>>3];
#define kMaxInterpolations 16384
INTERPOLATE gInterpolation[kMaxInterpolations];
int gViewXCenter, gViewYCenter;
int gViewX0, gViewY0, gViewX1, gViewY1;
int gViewX0S, gViewY0S, gViewX1S, gViewY1S;
int xscale, xscalecorrect, yscale, xstep, ystep;
int gScreenTilt;
CGameMessageMgr gGameMessageMgr;
bool bLoadScreenCrcMatch = false;
void RotateYZ(int *pX, int *pY, int *pZ, int ang)
int oY, oZ, angSin, angCos;
oY = *pY;
oZ = *pZ;
angSin = Sin(ang);
angCos = Cos(ang);
*pY = dmulscale30r(oY,angCos,oZ,-angSin);
*pZ = dmulscale30r(oY,angSin,oZ,angCos);
void RotateXZ(int *pX, int *pY, int *pZ, int ang)
int oX, oZ, angSin, angCos;
oX = *pX;
oZ = *pZ;
angSin = Sin(ang);
angCos = Cos(ang);
*pX = dmulscale30r(oX,angCos,oZ,-angSin);
*pZ = dmulscale30r(oX,angSin,oZ,angCos);
void RotateXY(int *pX, int *pY, int *pZ, int ang)
int oX, oY, angSin, angCos;
oX = *pX;
oY = *pY;
angSin = Sin(ang);
angCos = Cos(ang);
*pX = dmulscale30r(oX,angCos,oY,-angSin);
*pY = dmulscale30r(oX,angSin,oY,angCos);
FONT gFont[kFontNum];
void FontSet(int id, int tile, int space)
if (id < 0 || id >= kFontNum || tile < 0 || tile >= kMaxTiles)
FONT *pFont = &gFont[id];
int xSize = 0;
int ySize = 0;
pFont->tile = tile;
for (int i = 0; i < 96; i++)
if (tilesiz[tile+i].x > xSize)
xSize = tilesiz[tile+i].x;
if (tilesiz[tile+i].y > ySize)
ySize = tilesiz[tile+i].y;
pFont->xSize = xSize;
pFont->ySize = ySize;
pFont->space = space;
void viewGetFontInfo(int id, const char *unk1, int *pXSize, int *pYSize)
if (id < 0 || id >= kFontNum)
FONT *pFont = &gFont[id];
if (!unk1)
if (pXSize)
*pXSize = pFont->xSize;
if (pYSize)
*pYSize = pFont->ySize;
int width = -pFont->space;
for (const char *pBuf = unk1; *pBuf != 0; pBuf++)
int tile = ((*pBuf-32)&127)+pFont->tile;
if (tilesiz[tile].x != 0 && tilesiz[tile].y != 0)
width += tilesiz[tile].x+pFont->space;
if (pXSize)
*pXSize = width;
if (pYSize)
*pYSize = pFont->ySize;
void viewUpdatePages(void)
pcBackground = numpages;
void viewToggle(int viewMode)
if (viewMode == 3)
gViewMode = 4;
gViewMode = 3;
void viewInitializePrediction(void)
predict.at30 = gMe->q16ang;
predict.at20 = gMe->q16look;
predict.at24 = gMe->q16horiz;
predict.at28 = gMe->q16slopehoriz;
predict.at2c = gMe->slope;
predict.at6f = gMe->cantJump;
predict.at70 = gMe->isRunning;
predict.at72 = gMe->isUnderwater;
predict.at71 = gMe->input.buttonFlags.jump;
predict.at50 = gMe->pSprite->x;
predict.at54 = gMe->pSprite->y;
predict.at58 = gMe->pSprite->z;
predict.at68 = gMe->pSprite->sectnum;
predict.at73 = gMe->pSprite->flags;
predict.at5c = xvel[gMe->pSprite->index];
predict.at60 = yvel[gMe->pSprite->index];
predict.at64 = zvel[gMe->pSprite->index];
predict.at6a = gMe->pXSprite->height;
predict.at48 = gMe->posture;
predict.at4c = gMe->spin;
predict.at6e = gMe->input.keyFlags.lookCenter;
predict.at0 = gMe->bobPhase;
predict.at4 = gMe->bobAmp;
predict.at8 = gMe->bobHeight;
predict.atc = gMe->bobWidth;
predict.at10 = gMe->swayPhase;
predict.at14 = gMe->swayAmp;
predict.at18 = gMe->swayHeight;
predict.at1c = gMe->swayWidth;
predict.at34 = gMe->zWeapon-gMe->zView-(12<<8);
predict.at38 = gMe->zView;
predict.at3c = gMe->zViewVel;
predict.at40 = gMe->zWeapon;
predict.at44 = gMe->zWeaponVel;
predictOld = predict;
if (numplayers != 1)
gViewAngle = predict.at30;
gViewLook = predict.at20;
void viewUpdatePrediction(GINPUT *pInput)
predictOld = predict;
short bakCstat = gMe->pSprite->cstat;
gMe->pSprite->cstat = 0;
fakePlayerProcess(gMe, pInput);
gMe->pSprite->cstat = bakCstat;
predictFifo[gPredictTail&255] = predict;
if (numplayers != 1)
gViewAngle = predict.at30;
gViewLook = predict.at20;
void sub_158B4(PLAYER *pPlayer)
predict.at38 = predict.at58 - pPlayer->pPosture[pPlayer->lifeMode][predict.at48].eyeAboveZ;
predict.at40 = predict.at58 - pPlayer->pPosture[pPlayer->lifeMode][predict.at48].weaponAboveZ;
void fakeProcessInput(PLAYER *pPlayer, GINPUT *pInput)
POSTURE *pPosture = &pPlayer->pPosture[pPlayer->lifeMode][predict.at48];
if (numplayers > 1 && gPrediction)
gViewAngleAdjust = 0.f;
gViewLookRecenter = false;
gViewLookAdjust = 0.f;
predict.at70 = pInput->syncFlags.run;
predict.at70 = 0;
predict.at71 = pInput->buttonFlags.jump;
if (predict.at48 == 1)
int x = Cos(fix16_to_int(predict.at30));
int y = Sin(fix16_to_int(predict.at30));
if (pInput->forward)
int forward = pInput->forward;
if (forward > 0)
forward = mulscale8(pPosture->frontAccel, forward);
forward = mulscale8(pPosture->backAccel, forward);
predict.at5c += mulscale30(forward, x);
predict.at60 += mulscale30(forward, y);
if (pInput->strafe)
int strafe = pInput->strafe;
strafe = mulscale8(pPosture->sideAccel, strafe);
predict.at5c += mulscale30(strafe, y);
predict.at60 -= mulscale30(strafe, x);
else if (predict.at6a < 0x100)
int speed = 0x10000;
if (predict.at6a > 0)
speed -= divscale16(predict.at6a, 0x100);
int x = Cos(fix16_to_int(predict.at30));
int y = Sin(fix16_to_int(predict.at30));
if (pInput->forward)
int forward = pInput->forward;
if (forward > 0)
forward = mulscale8(pPosture->frontAccel, forward);
forward = mulscale8(pPosture->backAccel, forward);
if (predict.at6a)
forward = mulscale16(forward, speed);
predict.at5c += mulscale30(forward, x);
predict.at60 += mulscale30(forward, y);
if (pInput->strafe)
int strafe = pInput->strafe;
strafe = mulscale8(pPosture->sideAccel, strafe);
if (predict.at6a)
strafe = mulscale16(strafe, speed);
predict.at5c += mulscale30(strafe, y);
predict.at60 -= mulscale30(strafe, x);
if (pInput->q16turn)
predict.at30 = (predict.at30+pInput->q16turn)&0x7ffffff;
if (pInput->keyFlags.spin180)
if (!predict.at4c)
predict.at4c = -1024;
if (predict.at4c < 0)
int speed;
if (predict.at48 == 1)
speed = 64;
speed = 128;
predict.at4c = min(predict.at4c+speed, 0);
predict.at30 += fix16_from_int(speed);
if (numplayers > 1 && gPrediction)
gViewAngleAdjust += float(speed);
if (!predict.at71)
predict.at6f = 0;
switch (predict.at48)
case 1:
if (predict.at71)
predict.at64 -= pPosture->normalJumpZ;//0x5b05;
if (pInput->buttonFlags.crouch)
predict.at64 += pPosture->normalJumpZ;//0x5b05;
case 2:
if (!pInput->buttonFlags.crouch)
predict.at48 = 0;
if (!predict.at6f && predict.at71 && predict.at6a == 0) {
if (packItemActive(pPlayer, 4)) predict.at64 = pPosture->pwupJumpZ;//-0x175555;
else predict.at64 = pPosture->normalJumpZ;//-0xbaaaa;
predict.at6f = 1;
if (pInput->buttonFlags.crouch)
predict.at48 = 2;
#if 0
if (predict.at6e && !pInput->buttonFlags.lookUp && !pInput->buttonFlags.lookDown)
if (predict.at20 < 0)
predict.at20 = fix16_min(predict.at20+fix16_from_int(4), fix16_from_int(0));
if (predict.at20 > 0)
predict.at20 = fix16_max(predict.at20-fix16_from_int(4), fix16_from_int(0));
if (predict.at20 == 0)
predict.at6e = 0;
if (pInput->buttonFlags.lookUp)
predict.at20 = fix16_min(predict.at20+fix16_from_int(4), fix16_from_int(60));
if (pInput->buttonFlags.lookDown)
predict.at20 = fix16_max(predict.at20-fix16_from_int(4), fix16_from_int(-60));
predict.at20 = fix16_clamp(predict.at20+pInput->q16mlook, fix16_from_int(-60), fix16_from_int(60));
if (predict.at20 > 0)
predict.at24 = mulscale30(fix16_from_int(120), Sin(fix16_to_int(predict.at20<<3)));
else if (predict.at20 < 0)
predict.at24 = mulscale30(fix16_from_int(180), Sin(fix16_to_int(predict.at20<<3)));
predict.at24 = 0;
int upAngle = 289;
int downAngle = -347;
double lookStepUp = 4.0*upAngle/60.0;
double lookStepDown = -4.0*downAngle/60.0;
if (predict.at6e && !pInput->buttonFlags.lookUp && !pInput->buttonFlags.lookDown)
if (predict.at20 < 0)
predict.at20 = fix16_min(predict.at20+fix16_from_dbl(lookStepDown), fix16_from_int(0));
if (predict.at20 > 0)
predict.at20 = fix16_max(predict.at20-fix16_from_dbl(lookStepUp), fix16_from_int(0));
if (predict.at20 == 0)
predict.at6e = 0;
if (pInput->buttonFlags.lookUp)
predict.at20 = fix16_min(predict.at20+fix16_from_dbl(lookStepUp), fix16_from_int(upAngle));
if (pInput->buttonFlags.lookDown)
predict.at20 = fix16_max(predict.at20-fix16_from_dbl(lookStepDown), fix16_from_int(downAngle));
if (numplayers > 1 && gPrediction)
if (pInput->buttonFlags.lookUp)
gViewLookAdjust += float(lookStepUp);
if (pInput->buttonFlags.lookDown)
gViewLookAdjust -= float(lookStepDown);
gViewLookRecenter = predict.at6e && !pInput->buttonFlags.lookUp && !pInput->buttonFlags.lookDown;
predict.at20 = fix16_clamp(predict.at20+(pInput->q16mlook<<3), fix16_from_int(downAngle), fix16_from_int(upAngle));
predict.at24 = fix16_from_float(100.f*tanf(fix16_to_float(predict.at20)*fPI/1024.f));
int nSector = predict.at68;
int florhit = predict.at75.florhit & 0xc000;
char va;
if (predict.at6a < 16 && (florhit == 0x4000 || florhit == 0))
va = 1;
va = 0;
if (va && (sector[nSector].floorstat&2) != 0)
int z1 = getflorzofslope(nSector, predict.at50, predict.at54);
int x2 = predict.at50+mulscale30(64, Cos(fix16_to_int(predict.at30)));
int y2 = predict.at54+mulscale30(64, Sin(fix16_to_int(predict.at30)));
short nSector2 = nSector;
updatesector(x2, y2, &nSector2);
if (nSector2 == nSector)
int z2 = getflorzofslope(nSector2, x2, y2);
predict.at28 = interpolate(predict.at28, fix16_from_int(z1-z2)>>3, 0x4000);
predict.at28 = interpolate(predict.at28, 0, 0x4000);
if (klabs(predict.at28) < 4)
predict.at28 = 0;
predict.at2c = (-fix16_to_int(predict.at24))<<7;
void fakePlayerProcess(PLAYER *pPlayer, GINPUT *pInput)
spritetype *pSprite = pPlayer->pSprite;
XSPRITE *pXSprite = pPlayer->pXSprite;
POSTURE* pPosture = &pPlayer->pPosture[pPlayer->lifeMode][predict.at48];
int top, bottom;
GetSpriteExtents(pSprite, &top, &bottom);
top += predict.at58-pSprite->z;
bottom += predict.at58-pSprite->z;
int dzb = (bottom-predict.at58)/4;
int dzt = (predict.at58-top)/4;
int dw = pSprite->clipdist<<2;
short nSector = predict.at68;
if (!gNoClip)
pushmove_old((int32_t*)&predict.at50, (int32_t*)&predict.at54, (int32_t*)&predict.at58, &predict.at68, dw, dzt, dzb, CLIPMASK0);
if (predict.at68 == -1)
predict.at68 = nSector;
fakeProcessInput(pPlayer, pInput);
int nSpeed = approxDist(predict.at5c, predict.at60);
predict.at3c = interpolate(predict.at3c, predict.at64, 0x7000);
int dz = predict.at58-pPosture->eyeAboveZ-predict.at38;
if (dz > 0)
predict.at3c += mulscale16(dz<<8, 0xa000);
predict.at3c += mulscale16(dz<<8, 0x1800);
predict.at38 += predict.at3c>>8;
predict.at44 = interpolate(predict.at44, predict.at64, 0x5000);
dz = predict.at58-pPosture->weaponAboveZ-predict.at40;
if (dz > 0)
predict.at44 += mulscale16(dz<<8, 0x8000);
predict.at44 += mulscale16(dz<<8, 0xc00);
predict.at40 += predict.at44>>8;
predict.at34 = predict.at40 - predict.at38 - (12<<8);
predict.at0 = ClipLow(predict.at0-4, 0);
nSpeed >>= 16;
if (predict.at48 == 1)
predict.at4 = (predict.at4+17)&2047;
predict.at14 = (predict.at14+17)&2047;
predict.at8 = mulscale30(10*pPosture->bobV,Sin(predict.at4*2));
predict.atc = mulscale30(predict.at0*pPosture->bobH,Sin(predict.at4-256));
predict.at18 = mulscale30(predict.at0*pPosture->swayV,Sin(predict.at14*2));
predict.at1c = mulscale30(predict.at0*pPosture->swayH,Sin(predict.at14-0x155));
if (pXSprite->height < 256)
predict.at4 = (predict.at4+(pPosture->pace[predict.at70]*4))&2047;
predict.at14 = (predict.at14+(pPosture->pace[predict.at70]*4)/2)&2047;
if (predict.at70)
if (predict.at0 < 60)
predict.at0 = ClipHigh(predict.at0 + nSpeed, 60);
if (predict.at0 < 30)
predict.at0 = ClipHigh(predict.at0 + nSpeed, 30);
predict.at8 = mulscale30(predict.at0*pPosture->bobV,Sin(predict.at4*2));
predict.atc = mulscale30(predict.at0*pPosture->bobH,Sin(predict.at4-256));
predict.at18 = mulscale30(predict.at0*pPosture->swayV,Sin(predict.at14*2));
predict.at1c = mulscale30(predict.at0*pPosture->swayH,Sin(predict.at14-0x155));
if (!pXSprite->health)
predict.at72 = 0;
if (predict.at48 == 1)
predict.at72 = 1;
int nSector = predict.at68;
int nLink = gLowerLink[nSector];
if (nLink > 0 && (sprite[nLink].type == kMarkerLowGoo || sprite[nLink].type == kMarkerLowWater))
if (getceilzofslope(nSector, predict.at50, predict.at54) > predict.at38)
predict.at72 = 0;
void fakeMoveDude(spritetype *pSprite)
PLAYER *pPlayer = NULL;
int bottom, top;
if (IsPlayerSprite(pSprite))
pPlayer = &gPlayer[pSprite->type-kDudePlayer1];
dassert(pSprite->type >= kDudeBase && pSprite->type < kDudeMax);
GetSpriteExtents(pSprite, &top, &bottom);
top += predict.at58 - pSprite->z;
bottom += predict.at58 - pSprite->z;
int bz = (bottom-predict.at58)/4;
int tz = (predict.at58-top)/4;
int wd = pSprite->clipdist*4;
int nSector = predict.at68;
dassert(nSector >= 0 && nSector < kMaxSectors);
if (predict.at5c || predict.at60)
if (pPlayer && gNoClip)
predict.at50 += predict.at5c>>12;
predict.at54 += predict.at60>>12;
if (!FindSector(predict.at50, predict.at54, &nSector))
nSector = predict.at68;
short bakCstat = pSprite->cstat;
pSprite->cstat &= ~257;
predict.at75.hit = ClipMove(&predict.at50, &predict.at54, &predict.at58, &nSector, predict.at5c >> 12, predict.at60 >> 12, wd, tz, bz, CLIPMASK0);
if (nSector == -1)
nSector = predict.at68;
if (sector[nSector].type >= kSectorPath && sector[nSector].type <= kSectorRotate)
short nSector2 = nSector;
pushmove_old((int32_t*)&predict.at50, (int32_t*)&predict.at54, (int32_t*)&predict.at58, &nSector2, wd, tz, bz, CLIPMASK0);
if (nSector2 != -1)
nSector = nSector2;
dassert(nSector >= 0);
pSprite->cstat = bakCstat;
switch (predict.at75.hit&0xc000)
case 0x8000:
int nHitWall = predict.at75.hit&0x3fff;
walltype *pHitWall = &wall[nHitWall];
if (pHitWall->nextsector != -1)
sectortype *pHitSector = §or[pHitWall->nextsector];
if (top < pHitSector->ceilingz || bottom > pHitSector->floorz)
// ???
actWallBounceVector(&predict.at5c, &predict.at60, nHitWall, 0);
if (predict.at68 != nSector)
dassert(nSector >= 0 && nSector < kMaxSectors);
predict.at68 = nSector;
char bUnderwater = 0;
char bDepth = 0;
int nXSector = sector[nSector].extra;
if (nXSector > 0)
XSECTOR *pXSector = &xsector[nXSector];
if (pXSector->Underwater)
bUnderwater = 1;
if (pXSector->Depth)
bDepth = 1;
int nUpperLink = gUpperLink[nSector];
int nLowerLink = gLowerLink[nSector];
if (nUpperLink >= 0 && (sprite[nUpperLink].type == kMarkerUpWater || sprite[nUpperLink].type == kMarkerUpGoo))
bDepth = 1;
if (nLowerLink >= 0 && (sprite[nLowerLink].type == kMarkerLowWater || sprite[nLowerLink].type == kMarkerLowGoo))
bDepth = 1;
if (pPlayer)
wd += 16;
if (predict.at64)
predict.at58 += predict.at64 >> 8;
spritetype pSpriteBak = *pSprite;
spritetype *pTempSprite = pSprite;
pTempSprite->x = predict.at50;
pTempSprite->y = predict.at54;
pTempSprite->z = predict.at58;
pTempSprite->sectnum = predict.at68;
int ceilZ, ceilHit, floorZ, floorHit;
GetZRange(pTempSprite, &ceilZ, &ceilHit, &floorZ, &floorHit, wd, CLIPMASK0);
GetSpriteExtents(pTempSprite, &top, &bottom);
if (predict.at73 & 2)
int vc = 58254;
if (bDepth)
if (bUnderwater)
int cz = getceilzofslope(nSector, predict.at50, predict.at54);
if (cz > top)
vc += ((bottom-cz)*-80099) / (bottom-top);
vc = 0;
int fz = getflorzofslope(nSector, predict.at50, predict.at54);
if (fz < bottom)
vc += ((bottom-fz)*-80099) / (bottom-top);
if (bUnderwater)
vc = 0;
else if (bottom >= floorZ)
vc = 0;
if (vc)
predict.at58 += ((vc*4)/2)>>8;
predict.at64 += vc;
GetSpriteExtents(pTempSprite, &top, &bottom);
if (bottom >= floorZ)
int floorZ2 = floorZ;
int floorHit2 = floorHit;
GetZRange(pTempSprite, &ceilZ, &ceilHit, &floorZ, &floorHit, pSprite->clipdist<<2, CLIPMASK0, PARALLAXCLIP_CEILING|PARALLAXCLIP_FLOOR);
if (bottom <= floorZ && predict.at58-floorZ2 < bz)
floorZ = floorZ2;
floorHit = floorHit2;
if (floorZ <= bottom)
predict.at75.florhit = floorHit;
predict.at58 += floorZ-bottom;
int var44 = predict.at64-velFloor[predict.at68];
if (var44 > 0)
actFloorBounceVector(&predict.at5c, &predict.at60, &var44, predict.at68, 0);
predict.at64 = var44;
if (klabs(predict.at64) < 0x10000)
predict.at64 = velFloor[predict.at68];
predict.at73 &= ~4;
predict.at73 |= 4;
else if (predict.at64 == 0)
predict.at73 &= ~4;
predict.at75.florhit = 0;
if (predict.at73 & 2)
predict.at73 |= 4;
if (top <= ceilZ)
predict.at75.ceilhit = ceilHit;
predict.at58 += ClipLow(ceilZ-top, 0);
if (predict.at64 <= 0 && (predict.at73&4))
predict.at64 = mulscale16(-predict.at64, 0x2000);
predict.at75.ceilhit = 0;
GetSpriteExtents(pTempSprite, &top, &bottom);
*pSprite = pSpriteBak;
predict.at6a = ClipLow(floorZ-bottom, 0)>>8;
if (predict.at5c || predict.at60)
if ((floorHit & 0xc000) == 0xc000)
int nHitSprite = floorHit & 0x3fff;
if ((sprite[nHitSprite].cstat & 0x30) == 0)
predict.at5c += mulscale(4, predict.at50 - sprite[nHitSprite].x, 2);
predict.at60 += mulscale(4, predict.at54 - sprite[nHitSprite].y, 2);
int nXSector = sector[pSprite->sectnum].extra;
if (nXSector > 0 && xsector[nXSector].Underwater)
if (predict.at6a >= 0x100)
int nDrag = gDudeDrag;
if (predict.at6a > 0)
nDrag -= scale(gDudeDrag, predict.at6a, 0x100);
predict.at5c -= mulscale16r(predict.at5c, nDrag);
predict.at60 -= mulscale16r(predict.at60, nDrag);
if (approxDist(predict.at5c, predict.at60) < 0x1000)
predict.at5c = predict.at60 = 0;
void fakeActAirDrag(spritetype *pSprite, int num)
int xvec = 0;
int yvec = 0;
int nSector = predict.at68;
dassert(nSector >= 0 && nSector < kMaxSectors);
sectortype *pSector = §or[nSector];
int nXSector = pSector->extra;
if (nXSector > 0)
dassert(nXSector < kMaxXSectors);
XSECTOR *pXSector = &xsector[nXSector];
if (pXSector->windVel && (pXSector->windAlways || pXSector->busy))
int vel = pXSector->windVel<<12;
if (!pXSector->windAlways && pXSector->busy)
vel = mulscale16(vel, pXSector->busy);
xvec = mulscale30(vel, Cos(pXSector->windAng));
yvec = mulscale30(vel, Sin(pXSector->windAng));
predict.at5c += mulscale16(xvec-predict.at5c, num);
predict.at60 += mulscale16(yvec-predict.at60, num);
predict.at64 -= mulscale16(predict.at64, num);
void fakeActProcessSprites(void)
spritetype *pSprite = gMe->pSprite;
if (pSprite->statnum == kStatDude)
int nXSprite = pSprite->extra;
dassert(nXSprite > 0 && nXSprite < kMaxXSprites);
int nSector = predict.at68;
int nXSector = sector[nSector].extra;
if (nXSector > 0)
dassert(nXSector > 0 && nXSector < kMaxXSectors);
dassert(xsector[nXSector].reference == nSector);
pXSector = &xsector[nXSector];
if (pXSector)
int top, bottom;
GetSpriteExtents(pSprite, &top, &bottom);
top += predict.at58 - pSprite->z;
bottom += predict.at58 - pSprite->z;
if (getflorzofslope(nSector, predict.at50, predict.at54) < bottom)
int angle = pXSector->panAngle;
int speed = 0;
if (pXSector->panAlways || pXSector->state || pXSector->busy)
speed = pXSector->panVel << 9;
if (!pXSector->panAlways && pXSector->busy)
speed = mulscale16(speed, pXSector->busy);
if (sector[nSector].floorstat&64)
angle = (GetWallAngle(sector[nSector].wallptr)+512)&2047;
predict.at5c += mulscale30(speed,Cos(angle));
predict.at60 += mulscale30(speed,Sin(angle));
if (pXSector && pXSector->Underwater)
fakeActAirDrag(pSprite, 5376);
fakeActAirDrag(pSprite, 128);
if ((predict.at73 & 4) != 0 || predict.at5c != 0 || predict.at60 != 0 || predict.at64 != 0 || velFloor[predict.at68] != 0 || velCeil[predict.at68] != 0)
void viewCorrectPrediction(void)
if (numplayers == 1)
gViewLook = gMe->q16look;
gViewAngle = gMe->q16ang;
spritetype *pSprite = gMe->pSprite;
VIEW *pView = &predictFifo[(gNetFifoTail-1)&255];
if (gMe->q16ang != pView->at30 || pView->at24 != gMe->q16horiz || pView->at50 != pSprite->x || pView->at54 != pSprite->y || pView->at58 != pSprite->z)
predictOld = gPrevView[myconnectindex];
gPredictTail = gNetFifoTail;
while (gPredictTail < gNetFifoHead[myconnectindex])
void viewBackupView(int nPlayer)
PLAYER *pPlayer = &gPlayer[nPlayer];
VIEW *pView = &gPrevView[nPlayer];
pView->at30 = pPlayer->q16ang;
pView->at50 = pPlayer->pSprite->x;
pView->at54 = pPlayer->pSprite->y;
pView->at38 = pPlayer->zView;
pView->at34 = pPlayer->zWeapon-pPlayer->zView-0xc00;
pView->at24 = pPlayer->q16horiz;
pView->at28 = pPlayer->q16slopehoriz;
pView->at2c = pPlayer->slope;
pView->at8 = pPlayer->bobHeight;
pView->atc = pPlayer->bobWidth;
pView->at18 = pPlayer->swayHeight;
pView->at1c = pPlayer->swayWidth;
void viewCorrectViewOffsets(int nPlayer, vec3_t const *oldpos)
PLAYER *pPlayer = &gPlayer[nPlayer];
VIEW *pView = &gPrevView[nPlayer];
pView->at50 += pPlayer->pSprite->x-oldpos->x;
pView->at54 += pPlayer->pSprite->y-oldpos->y;
pView->at38 += pPlayer->pSprite->z-oldpos->z;
void viewClearInterpolations(void)
nInterpolations = 0;
memset(gInterpolateSprite, 0, sizeof(gInterpolateSprite));
memset(gInterpolateWall, 0, sizeof(gInterpolateWall));
memset(gInterpolateSector, 0, sizeof(gInterpolateSector));
void viewAddInterpolation(void *data, INTERPOLATE_TYPE type)
if (nInterpolations == kMaxInterpolations)
ThrowError("Too many interpolations");
INTERPOLATE *pInterpolate = &gInterpolation[nInterpolations++];
pInterpolate->pointer = data;
pInterpolate->type = type;
switch (type)
pInterpolate->value = *((int*)data);
pInterpolate->value = *((short*)data);
void CalcInterpolations(void)
int i;
INTERPOLATE *pInterpolate = gInterpolation;
for (i = 0; i < nInterpolations; i++, pInterpolate++)
switch (pInterpolate->type)
pInterpolate->value2 = *((int*)pInterpolate->pointer);
int newValue = interpolate(pInterpolate->value, *((int*)pInterpolate->pointer), gInterpolate);
*((int*)pInterpolate->pointer) = newValue;
pInterpolate->value2 = *((short*)pInterpolate->pointer);
int newValue = interpolate(pInterpolate->value, *((short*)pInterpolate->pointer), gInterpolate);
*((short*)pInterpolate->pointer) = newValue;
void RestoreInterpolations(void)
int i;
INTERPOLATE *pInterpolate = gInterpolation;
for (i = 0; i < nInterpolations; i++, pInterpolate++)
switch (pInterpolate->type)
*((int*)pInterpolate->pointer) = pInterpolate->value2;
*((short*)pInterpolate->pointer) = pInterpolate->value2;
void viewDrawText(int nFont, const char *pString, int x, int y, int nShade, int nPalette, int position, char shadow, unsigned int nStat, uint8_t alpha)
if (nFont < 0 || nFont >= kFontNum || !pString) return;
FONT *pFont = &gFont[nFont];
switch (position)
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
nFlags |= TEXT_XRIGHT;
if (shadow)
G_ScreenText(pFont->tile, x + 1, y + 1, 65536, 0, 0, pString, 127, nPalette, 2|8|16|nStat, alpha, 0, 0, pFont->space, 0, nFlags, 0, 0, xdim-1, ydim-1);
G_ScreenText(pFont->tile, x, y, 65536, 0, 0, pString, nShade, nPalette, 2|8|16|nStat, alpha, 0, 0, pFont->space, 0, nFlags, 0, 0, xdim-1, ydim-1);
void viewTileSprite(int nTile, int nShade, int nPalette, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
Rect rect1 = Rect(x1, y1, x2, y2);
Rect rect2 = Rect(0, 0, xdim, ydim);
rect1 &= rect2;
if (!rect1)
dassert(nTile >= 0 && nTile < kMaxTiles);
int width = tilesiz[nTile].x;
int height = tilesiz[nTile].y;
int bx1 = DecBy(rect1.x0+1, width);
int by1 = DecBy(rect1.y0+1, height);
int bx2 = IncBy(rect1.x1-1, width);
int by2 = IncBy(rect1.y1-1, height);
for (int x = bx1; x < bx2; x += width)
for (int y = by1; y < by2; y += height)
rotatesprite(x<<16, y<<16, 65536, 0, nTile, nShade, nPalette, 64+16+8, x1, y1, x2-1, y2-1);
void InitStatusBar(void)
void DrawStatSprite(int nTile, int x, int y, int nShade, int nPalette, unsigned int nStat, int nScale)
rotatesprite(x<<16, y<<16, nScale, 0, nTile, nShade, nPalette, nStat | 74, 0, 0, xdim-1, ydim-1);
void DrawStatMaskedSprite(int nTile, int x, int y, int nShade, int nPalette, unsigned int nStat, int nScale)
rotatesprite(x<<16, y<<16, nScale, 0, nTile, nShade, nPalette, nStat | 10, 0, 0, xdim-1, ydim-1);
void DrawStatNumber(const char *pFormat, int nNumber, int nTile, int x, int y, int nShade, int nPalette, unsigned int nStat, int nScale)
char tempbuf[80];
sprintf(tempbuf, pFormat, nNumber);
G_ScreenText(nTile, x<<16, y<<16, nScale, 0, 0, tempbuf, nShade, nPalette, 2|8|ROTATESPRITE_FULL16|nStat, 0, tilesiz[nTile].x * nScale, 0, 1<<16, 0, TEXT_DIGITALNUMBER, 0, 0, xdim-1, ydim-1);
//int width = tilesiz[nTile].x+1;
//x <<= 16;
//for (unsigned int i = 0; i < strlen(tempbuf); i++, x += width*nScale)
// if (tempbuf[i] == ' ') continue;
// rotatesprite(x, y<<16, nScale, 0, nTile+tempbuf[i]-'0', nShade, nPalette, nStat | 10, 0, 0, xdim-1, ydim-1);
void TileHGauge(int nTile, int x, int y, int nMult, int nDiv, int nStat, int nScale)
int bx = scale(mulscale16(tilesiz[nTile].x,nScale),nMult,nDiv)+x;
int sbx;
switch (nStat&(512+256))
case 256:
sbx = mulscale16(bx, xscalecorrect)-1;
case 512:
bx -= 320;
sbx = xdim+mulscale16(bx, xscalecorrect)-1;
bx -= 160;
sbx = (xdim>>1)+mulscale16(bx, xscalecorrect)-1;
rotatesprite(x<<16, y<<16, nScale, 0, nTile, 0, 0, nStat|90, 0, 0, sbx, ydim-1);
int gPackIcons[5] = {
2569, 2564, 2566, 2568, 2560
struct PACKICON2 {
short nTile;
int nScale;
int nYOffs;
PACKICON2 gPackIcons2[] = {
{ 519, (int)(65536*0.5), 0 },
{ 830, (int)(65536*0.3), 0 },
{ 760, (int)(65536*0.6), 0 },
{ 839, (int)(65536*0.5), -4 },
{ 827, (int)(65536*0.4), 0 },
struct AMMOICON {
short nTile;
int nScale;
int nYOffs;
AMMOICON gAmmoIcons[] = {
{ -1, 0, 0 },
{ 816, (int)(65536 * 0.5), 0 },
{ 619, (int)(65536 * 0.8), 0 },
{ 817, (int)(65536 * 0.7), 3 },
{ 801, (int)(65536 * 0.5), -6 },
{ 589, (int)(65536 * 0.7), 2 },
{ 618, (int)(65536 * 0.5), 4 },
{ 548, (int)(65536 * 0.3), -6 },
{ 820, (int)(65536 * 0.3), -6 },
{ 525, (int)(65536 * 0.6), -6 },
{ 811, (int)(65536 * 0.5), 2 },
{ 810, (int)(65536 * 0.45), 2 },
short nTile;
char zOffset;
WEAPONICON gWeaponIcon[] = {
{ -1, 0 },
{ -1, 0 }, // 1: pitchfork
{ 524, 6 }, // 2: flare gun
{ 559, 6 }, // 3: shotgun
{ 558, 8 }, // 4: tommy gun
{ 526, 6 }, // 5: napalm launcher
{ 589, 11 }, // 6: dynamite
{ 618, 11 }, // 7: spray can
{ 539, 6 }, // 8: tesla gun
{ 800, 0 }, // 9: life leech
{ 525, 11 }, // 10: voodoo doll
{ 811, 11 }, // 11: proxy bomb
{ 810, 11 }, // 12: remote bomb
{ -1, 0 },
int dword_14C508;
void viewDrawStats(PLAYER *pPlayer, int x, int y)
const int nFont = 3;
char buffer[128];
if (!hud_stats)
int nHeight;
viewGetFontInfo(nFont, NULL, NULL, &nHeight);
sprintf(buffer, "T:%d:%02d.%02d",
viewDrawText(3, buffer, x, y, 20, 0, 0, true, 256);
y += nHeight+1;
if (gGameOptions.nGameType != 3)
sprintf(buffer, "K:%d/%d", gKillMgr.at4, gKillMgr.at0);
sprintf(buffer, "F:%d", pPlayer->fragCount);
viewDrawText(3, buffer, x, y, 20, 0, 0, true, 256);
y += nHeight+1;
sprintf(buffer, "S:%d/%d", gSecretMgr.at4+gSecretMgr.at8, gSecretMgr.at0);
viewDrawText(3, buffer, x, y, 20, 0, 0, true, 256);
GameStats GameInterface::getStats()
return { gKillMgr.at4, gKillMgr.at0, gSecretMgr.at4, gSecretMgr.at0, gLevelTime / kTicsPerSec, gPlayer[myconnectindex].fragCount };
#define kSBarNumberHealth 9220
#define kSBarNumberAmmo 9230
#define kSBarNumberInv 9240
#define kSBarNumberArmor1 9250
#define kSBarNumberArmor2 9260
#define kSBarNumberArmor3 9270
int nTile;
float nScaleRatio;
int yOffset;
int remainingDuration;
void sortPowerUps(POWERUPDISPLAY* powerups) {
for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 5-i; j++)
if (powerups[j].remainingDuration > powerups[j+1].remainingDuration)
POWERUPDISPLAY temp = powerups[j];
powerups[j] = powerups[j+1];
powerups[j+1] = temp;
void viewDrawPowerUps(PLAYER* pPlayer)
if (!hud_powerupduration)
// NoOne to author: the following powerups can be safely added in this list:
// kPwUpFeatherFall - (used in some user addons, makes player immune to fall damage)
// kPwUpGasMask - (used in some user addons, makes player immune to choke damage)
// kPwUpDoppleganger - (works in multiplayer, it swaps player's team colors, so enemy team player thinks it's a team mate)
// kPwUpAsbestArmor - (used in some user addons, makes player immune to fire damage and draws hud)
// kPwUpGrowShroom - (grows player size, works only if gModernMap == true)
// kPwUpShrinkShroom - (shrinks player size, works only if gModernMap == true)
powerups[0] = { gPowerUpInfo[kPwUpShadowCloak].picnum, 0.4f, 0, pPlayer->pwUpTime[kPwUpShadowCloak] }; // invisibility
powerups[1] = { gPowerUpInfo[kPwUpReflectShots].picnum, 0.4f, 5, pPlayer->pwUpTime[kPwUpReflectShots] };
powerups[2] = { gPowerUpInfo[kPwUpDeathMask].picnum, 0.3f, 9, pPlayer->pwUpTime[kPwUpDeathMask] }; // invulnerability
powerups[3] = { gPowerUpInfo[kPwUpTwoGuns].picnum, 0.3f, 5, pPlayer->pwUpTime[kPwUpTwoGuns] };
// does nothing, only appears at near the end of Cryptic Passage's Lost Monastery (CP04)
powerups[4] = { gPowerUpInfo[kPwUpShadowCloakUseless].picnum, 0.4f, 9, pPlayer->pwUpTime[kPwUpShadowCloakUseless] };
const int warningTime = 5;
const int x = 15;
int y = 50;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
if (powerups[i].remainingDuration)
int remainingSeconds = powerups[i].remainingDuration / 100;
if (remainingSeconds > warningTime || ((int)totalclock & 32))
DrawStatMaskedSprite(powerups[i].nTile, x, y + powerups[i].yOffset, 0, 0, 256, (int)(65536 * powerups[i].nScaleRatio));
DrawStatNumber("%d", remainingSeconds, kSBarNumberInv, x + 15, y, 0, remainingSeconds > warningTime ? 0 : 2, 256, 65536 * 0.5);
y += 20;
void viewDrawMapTitle(void)
if (!hud_showmapname || M_Active())
int const fadeStartTic = int((videoGetRenderMode() == REND_CLASSIC ? 1.25f : 1.f)*kTicsPerSec);
int const fadeEndTic = int(1.5f*kTicsPerSec);
if (gLevelTime > fadeEndTic)
uint8_t const alpha = clamp((gLevelTime-fadeStartTic)*255/(fadeEndTic-fadeStartTic), 0, 255);
if (alpha != 255)
viewDrawText(1, levelGetTitle(), 160, 50, -128, 0, 1, 1, 0, alpha);
void viewDrawAimedPlayerName(void)
if (!cl_idplayers || (gView->aim.dx == 0 && gView->aim.dy == 0))
int hit = HitScan(gView->pSprite, gView->pSprite->z, gView->aim.dx, gView->aim.dy, gView->aim.dz, CLIPMASK0, 512);
if (hit == 3)
spritetype* pSprite = &sprite[gHitInfo.hitsprite];
if (IsPlayerSprite(pSprite))
char nPlayer = pSprite->type-kDudePlayer1;
char* szName = gProfile[nPlayer].name;
int nPalette = (gPlayer[nPlayer].teamId&3)+11;
viewDrawText(4, szName, 160, 125, -128, nPalette, 1, 1);
void viewDrawPack(PLAYER *pPlayer, int x, int y)
int packs[5];
if (pPlayer->packItemTime)
int nPacks = 0;
int width = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
if (pPlayer->packSlots[i].curAmount)
packs[nPacks++] = i;
width += tilesiz[gPackIcons[i]].x + 1;
width /= 2;
x -= width;
for (int i = 0; i < nPacks; i++)
int nPack = packs[i];
DrawStatSprite(2568, x+1, y-8);
DrawStatSprite(2568, x+1, y-6);
DrawStatSprite(gPackIcons[nPack], x+1, y+1);
if (nPack == pPlayer->packItemId)
DrawStatMaskedSprite(2559, x+1, y+1);
int nShade;
if (pPlayer->packSlots[nPack].isActive)
nShade = 4;
nShade = 24;
DrawStatNumber("%3d", pPlayer->packSlots[nPack].curAmount, 2250, x-4, y-13, nShade, 0);
x += tilesiz[gPackIcons[nPack]].x + 1;
if (pPlayer->packItemTime != dword_14C508)
dword_14C508 = pPlayer->packItemTime;
void DrawPackItemInStatusBar(PLAYER *pPlayer, int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int nStat)
if (pPlayer->packItemId < 0) return;
DrawStatSprite(gPackIcons[pPlayer->packItemId], x, y, 0, 0, nStat);
DrawStatNumber("%3d", pPlayer->packSlots[pPlayer->packItemId].curAmount, 2250, x2, y2, 0, 0, nStat);
void DrawPackItemInStatusBar2(PLAYER *pPlayer, int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int nStat, int nScale)
if (pPlayer->packItemId < 0) return;
DrawStatMaskedSprite(gPackIcons2[pPlayer->packItemId].nTile, x, y+gPackIcons2[pPlayer->packItemId].nYOffs, 0, 0, nStat, gPackIcons2[pPlayer->packItemId].nScale);
DrawStatNumber("%3d", pPlayer->packSlots[pPlayer->packItemId].curAmount, kSBarNumberInv, x2, y2, 0, 0, nStat, nScale);
void viewDrawPlayerSlots(void)
for (int nRows = (gNetPlayers - 1) / 4; nRows >= 0; nRows--)
for (int nCol = 0; nCol < 4; nCol++)
DrawStatSprite(2229, 40 + nCol * 80, 4 + nRows * 9, 16);
void viewDrawPlayerFrags(void)
FString gTempStr;
for (int i = 0, p = connecthead; p >= 0; i++, p = connectpoint2[p])
int x = 80 * (i & 3);
int y = 9 * (i / 4);
int col = gPlayer[p].teamId & 3;
char* name = gProfile[p].name;
if (gProfile[p].skill == 2)
gTempStr.Format("%s", name);
gTempStr.Format("%s [%d]", name, gProfile[p].skill);
viewDrawText(4, gTempStr, x + 4, y + 1, -128, 11 + col, 0, 0);
gTempStr.Format("%2d", gPlayer[p].fragCount);
viewDrawText(4, gTempStr, x + 76, y + 1, -128, 11 + col, 2, 0);
void viewDrawPlayerFlags(void)
FString gTempStr;
for (int i = 0, p = connecthead; p >= 0; i++, p = connectpoint2[p])
int x = 80 * (i & 3);
int y = 9 * (i / 4);
int col = gPlayer[p].teamId & 3;
char* name = gProfile[p].name;
if (gProfile[p].skill == 2)
gTempStr.Format("%s", name);
gTempStr.Format("%s [%d]", name, gProfile[p].skill);
viewDrawText(4, gTempStr, x + 4, y + 1, -128, 11 + col, 0, 0);
x += 76;
if (gPlayer[p].hasFlag & 2)
viewDrawText(4, gTempStr, x, y + 1, -128, 12, 2, 0);
x -= 6;
if (gPlayer[p].hasFlag & 1)
viewDrawText(4, gTempStr, x, y + 1, -128, 11, 2, 0);
void viewDrawCtfHudVanilla(ClockTicks arg)
FString gTempStr;
int x = 1, y = 1;
if (dword_21EFD0[0] == 0 || ((int)totalclock & 8))
viewDrawText(0, GStrings("TXT_COLOR_BLUE"), x, y, -128, 10, 0, 0, 256);
dword_21EFD0[0] = dword_21EFD0[0] - arg;
if (dword_21EFD0[0] < 0)
dword_21EFD0[0] = 0;
gTempStr.Format("%-3d", dword_21EFB0[0]);
viewDrawText(0, gTempStr, x, y + 10, -128, 10, 0, 0, 256);
x = 319;
if (dword_21EFD0[1] == 0 || ((int)totalclock & 8))
viewDrawText(0, GStrings("TXT_COLOR_RED"), x, y, -128, 7, 2, 0, 512);
dword_21EFD0[1] = dword_21EFD0[1] - arg;
if (dword_21EFD0[1] < 0)
dword_21EFD0[1] = 0;
gTempStr.Format("%3d", dword_21EFB0[1]);
viewDrawText(0, gTempStr, x, y + 10, -128, 7, 2, 0, 512);
void flashTeamScore(ClockTicks arg, int team, bool show)
dassert(0 == team || 1 == team); // 0: blue, 1: red
if (dword_21EFD0[team] == 0 || ((int)totalclock & 8))
dword_21EFD0[team] = dword_21EFD0[team] - arg;
if (dword_21EFD0[team] < 0)
dword_21EFD0[team] = 0;
if (show)
DrawStatNumber("%d", dword_21EFB0[team], kSBarNumberInv, 290, team ? 125 : 90, 0, team ? 2 : 10, 512, 65536 * 0.75);
void viewDrawCtfHud(ClockTicks arg)
if (0 == gViewSize)
flashTeamScore(arg, 0, false);
flashTeamScore(arg, 1, false);
bool blueFlagTaken = false;
bool redFlagTaken = false;
int blueFlagCarrierColor = 0;
int redFlagCarrierColor = 0;
for (int i = 0, p = connecthead; p >= 0; i++, p = connectpoint2[p])
if ((gPlayer[p].hasFlag & 1) != 0)
blueFlagTaken = true;
blueFlagCarrierColor = gPlayer[p].teamId & 3;
if ((gPlayer[p].hasFlag & 2) != 0)
redFlagTaken = true;
redFlagCarrierColor = gPlayer[p].teamId & 3;
bool meHaveBlueFlag = gMe->hasFlag & 1;
DrawStatMaskedSprite(meHaveBlueFlag ? 3558 : 3559, 320, 75, 0, 10, 512, 65536 * 0.35);
if (gBlueFlagDropped)
DrawStatMaskedSprite(2332, 305, 83, 0, 10, 512, 65536);
else if (blueFlagTaken)
DrawStatMaskedSprite(4097, 307, 77, 0, blueFlagCarrierColor ? 2 : 10, 512, 65536);
flashTeamScore(arg, 0, true);
bool meHaveRedFlag = gMe->hasFlag & 2;
DrawStatMaskedSprite(meHaveRedFlag ? 3558 : 3559, 320, 110, 0, 2, 512, 65536 * 0.35);
if (gRedFlagDropped)
DrawStatMaskedSprite(2332, 305, 117, 0, 2, 512, 65536);
else if (redFlagTaken)
DrawStatMaskedSprite(4097, 307, 111, 0, redFlagCarrierColor ? 2 : 10, 512, 65536);
flashTeamScore(arg, 1, true);
void UpdateStatusBar(ClockTicks arg)
PLAYER *pPlayer = gView;
XSPRITE *pXSprite = pPlayer->pXSprite;
int nPalette = 0;
if (gGameOptions.nGameType == 3)
if (pPlayer->teamId & 1)
nPalette = 7;
nPalette = 10;
if (gViewSize < 0) return;
if (gViewSize == 1)
DrawStatMaskedSprite(2169, 12, 195, 0, 0, 256, (int)(65536*0.56));
DrawStatNumber("%d", pXSprite->health>>4, kSBarNumberHealth, 28, 187, 0, 0, 256);
if (pPlayer->armor[1])
DrawStatMaskedSprite(2578, 70, 186, 0, 0, 256, (int)(65536*0.5));
DrawStatNumber("%3d", pPlayer->armor[1]>>4, kSBarNumberArmor2, 83, 187, 0, 0, 256, (int)(65536*0.65));
if (pPlayer->armor[0])
DrawStatMaskedSprite(2586, 112, 195, 0, 0, 256, (int)(65536*0.5));
DrawStatNumber("%3d", pPlayer->armor[0]>>4, kSBarNumberArmor1, 125, 187, 0, 0, 256, (int)(65536*0.65));
if (pPlayer->armor[2])
DrawStatMaskedSprite(2602, 155, 196, 0, 0, 256, (int)(65536*0.5));
DrawStatNumber("%3d", pPlayer->armor[2]>>4, kSBarNumberArmor3, 170, 187, 0, 0, 256, (int)(65536*0.65));
DrawPackItemInStatusBar2(pPlayer, 225, 194, 240, 187, 512, (int)(65536*0.7));
if (pPlayer->curWeapon && pPlayer->weaponAmmo != -1)
int num = pPlayer->ammoCount[pPlayer->weaponAmmo];
if (pPlayer->weaponAmmo == 6)
num /= 10;
if ((unsigned int)gAmmoIcons[pPlayer->weaponAmmo].nTile < kMaxTiles)
DrawStatMaskedSprite(gAmmoIcons[pPlayer->weaponAmmo].nTile, 304, 192+gAmmoIcons[pPlayer->weaponAmmo].nYOffs,
0, 0, 512, gAmmoIcons[pPlayer->weaponAmmo].nScale);
DrawStatNumber("%3d", num, kSBarNumberAmmo, 267, 187, 0, 0, 512);
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
if (pPlayer->hasKey[i+1])
DrawStatMaskedSprite(2552+i, 260+10*i, 170, 0, 0, 512, (int)(65536*0.25));
if (pPlayer->throwPower)
TileHGauge(2260, 124, 175-10, pPlayer->throwPower, 65536);
viewDrawPack(pPlayer, 166, 200-tilesiz[2201].y/2-30);
viewDrawStats(pPlayer, 2, 140);
else if (gViewSize <= 2)
if (pPlayer->throwPower)
TileHGauge(2260, 124, 175, pPlayer->throwPower, 65536);
viewDrawPack(pPlayer, 166, 200-tilesiz[2201].y/2);
if (gViewSize == 2)
DrawStatSprite(2201, 34, 187, 16, nPalette, 256);
if (pXSprite->health >= 16 || ((int)totalclock&16) || pXSprite->health == 0)
DrawStatNumber("%3d", pXSprite->health>>4, 2190, 8, 183, 0, 0, 256);
if (pPlayer->curWeapon && pPlayer->weaponAmmo != -1)
int num = pPlayer->ammoCount[pPlayer->weaponAmmo];
if (pPlayer->weaponAmmo == 6)
num /= 10;
DrawStatNumber("%3d", num, 2240, 42, 183, 0, 0, 256);
DrawStatSprite(2173, 284, 187, 16, nPalette, 512);
if (pPlayer->armor[1])
TileHGauge(2207, 250, 175, pPlayer->armor[1], 3200, 512);
DrawStatNumber("%3d", pPlayer->armor[1]>>4, 2230, 255, 178, 0, 0, 512);
if (pPlayer->armor[0])
TileHGauge(2209, 250, 183, pPlayer->armor[0], 3200, 512);
DrawStatNumber("%3d", pPlayer->armor[0]>>4, 2230, 255, 186, 0, 0, 512);
if (pPlayer->armor[2])
TileHGauge(2208, 250, 191, pPlayer->armor[2], 3200, 512);
DrawStatNumber("%3d", pPlayer->armor[2]>>4, 2230, 255, 194, 0, 0, 512);
DrawPackItemInStatusBar(pPlayer, 286, 186, 302, 183, 512);
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
int nTile = 2220+i;
int x, nStat = 0;
int y = 200-6;
if (i&1)
x = 320-(78+(i>>1)*10);
nStat |= 512;
x = 73+(i>>1)*10;
nStat |= 256;
if (pPlayer->hasKey[i+1])
DrawStatSprite(nTile, x, y, 0, 0, nStat);
#if 0
DrawStatSprite(nTile, x, y, 40, 5, nStat);
viewDrawStats(pPlayer, 2, 140);
else if (gViewSize > 2)
viewDrawPack(pPlayer, 160, 200-tilesiz[2200].y);
DrawStatMaskedSprite(2200, 160, 172, 16, nPalette);
DrawPackItemInStatusBar(pPlayer, 265, 186, 260, 172);
if (pXSprite->health >= 16 || ((int)totalclock&16) || pXSprite->health == 0)
DrawStatNumber("%3d", pXSprite->health>>4, 2190, 86, 183, 0, 0);
if (pPlayer->curWeapon && pPlayer->weaponAmmo != -1)
int num = pPlayer->ammoCount[pPlayer->weaponAmmo];
if (pPlayer->weaponAmmo == 6)
num /= 10;
DrawStatNumber("%3d", num, 2240, 216, 183, 0, 0);
for (int i = 9; i >= 1; i--)
int x = 135+((i-1)/3)*23;
int y = 182+((i-1)%3)*6;
int num = pPlayer->ammoCount[i];
if (i == 6)
num /= 10;
if (i == pPlayer->weaponAmmo)
DrawStatNumber("%3d", num, 2230, x, y, -128, 10);
DrawStatNumber("%3d", num, 2230, x, y, 32, 10);
if (pPlayer->weaponAmmo == 10)
DrawStatNumber("%2d", pPlayer->ammoCount[10], 2230, 291, 194, -128, 10);
DrawStatNumber("%2d", pPlayer->ammoCount[10], 2230, 291, 194, 32, 10);
if (pPlayer->weaponAmmo == 11)
DrawStatNumber("%2d", pPlayer->ammoCount[11], 2230, 309, 194, -128, 10);
DrawStatNumber("%2d", pPlayer->ammoCount[11], 2230, 309, 194, 32, 10);
if (pPlayer->armor[1])
TileHGauge(2207, 44, 174, pPlayer->armor[1], 3200);
DrawStatNumber("%3d", pPlayer->armor[1]>>4, 2230, 50, 177, 0, 0);
if (pPlayer->armor[0])
TileHGauge(2209, 44, 182, pPlayer->armor[0], 3200);
DrawStatNumber("%3d", pPlayer->armor[0]>>4, 2230, 50, 185, 0, 0);
if (pPlayer->armor[2])
TileHGauge(2208, 44, 190, pPlayer->armor[2], 3200);
DrawStatNumber("%3d", pPlayer->armor[2]>>4, 2230, 50, 193, 0, 0);
//FString gTempStr;
//gTempStr.Format("v%s", GetVersionString());
//viewDrawText(3, gTempStr, 20, 191, 32, 0, 1, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
int nTile = 2220+i;
int x = 73+(i&1)*173;
int y = 171+(i>>1)*11;
if (pPlayer->hasKey[i+1])
DrawStatSprite(nTile, x, y);
DrawStatSprite(nTile, x, y, 40, 5);
DrawStatMaskedSprite(2202, 118, 185, pPlayer->isRunning ? 16 : 40);
DrawStatMaskedSprite(2202, 201, 185, pPlayer->isRunning ? 16 : 40);
if (pPlayer->throwPower)
TileHGauge(2260, 124, 175, pPlayer->throwPower, 65536);
viewDrawStats(pPlayer, 2, 140);
if (gGameOptions.nGameType < 1) return;
if (gGameOptions.nGameType == 3)
if (VanillaMode())
void viewPrecacheTiles(void)
tilePrecacheTile(2173, 0);
tilePrecacheTile(2200, 0);
tilePrecacheTile(2201, 0);
tilePrecacheTile(2202, 0);
tilePrecacheTile(2207, 0);
tilePrecacheTile(2208, 0);
tilePrecacheTile(2209, 0);
tilePrecacheTile(2229, 0);
tilePrecacheTile(2260, 0);
tilePrecacheTile(2559, 0);
tilePrecacheTile(2169, 0);
tilePrecacheTile(2578, 0);
tilePrecacheTile(2586, 0);
tilePrecacheTile(2602, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
tilePrecacheTile(2190 + i, 0);
tilePrecacheTile(2230 + i, 0);
tilePrecacheTile(2240 + i, 0);
tilePrecacheTile(2250 + i, 0);
tilePrecacheTile(kSBarNumberHealth + i, 0);
tilePrecacheTile(kSBarNumberAmmo + i, 0);
tilePrecacheTile(kSBarNumberInv + i, 0);
tilePrecacheTile(kSBarNumberArmor1 + i, 0);
tilePrecacheTile(kSBarNumberArmor2 + i, 0);
tilePrecacheTile(kSBarNumberArmor3 + i, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
tilePrecacheTile(gPackIcons[i], 0);
tilePrecacheTile(gPackIcons2[i].nTile, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
tilePrecacheTile(2220 + i, 0);
tilePrecacheTile(2552 + i, 0);
static TArray<uint8_t> lensdata;
int *lensTable;
int gZoom = 1024;
int dword_172CE0[16][3];
void viewInit(void)
Printf("Initializing status bar\n");
FontSet(0, 4096, 0);
FontSet(1, 4192, 1);
FontSet(2, 4288, 1);
FontSet(3, 4384, 1);
FontSet(4, 4480, 0);
lensdata = fileSystem.LoadFile("lens.dat");
dassert(lensdata.Size() == kLensSize * kLensSize * sizeof(int));
lensTable = (int*)lensdata.Data();
#if B_BIG_ENDIAN == 1
for (int i = 0; i < kLensSize*kLensSize; i++)
lensTable[i] = B_LITTLE32(lensTable[i]);
uint8_t *data = tileAllocTile(4077, kLensSize, kLensSize);
memset(data, TRANSPARENT_INDEX, kLensSize*kLensSize);
gGameMessageMgr.SetCoordinates(1, 1);
char nFont;
if (gMessageFont == 0)
nFont = 3;
nFont = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
dword_172CE0[i][0] = mulscale16(wrand(), 2048);
dword_172CE0[i][1] = mulscale16(wrand(), 2048);
dword_172CE0[i][2] = mulscale16(wrand(), 2048);
gViewMap.sub_25C38(0, 0, gZoom, 0, gFollowMap);
bLoadScreenCrcMatch = tileGetCRC32(kLoadScreen) == kLoadScreenCRC;
void viewResizeView(int size)
int xdimcorrect = ClipHigh(scale(ydim, 4, 3), xdim);
gViewXCenter = xdim-xdim/2;
gViewYCenter = ydim-ydim/2;
xscale = divscale16(xdim, 320);
xscalecorrect = divscale16(xdimcorrect, 320);
yscale = divscale16(ydim, 200);
xstep = divscale16(320, xdim);
ystep = divscale16(200, ydim);
gViewSize = ClipRange(size, 0, 7);
if (gViewSize <= 2)
gViewX0 = 0;
gViewX1 = xdim-1;
gViewY0 = 0;
gViewY1 = ydim-1;
if (gGameOptions.nGameType > 0 && gGameOptions.nGameType <= 3)
gViewY0 = (tilesiz[2229].y*ydim*((gNetPlayers+3)/4))/200;
gViewX0S = divscale16(gViewX0, xscalecorrect);
gViewY0S = divscale16(gViewY0, yscale);
gViewX1S = divscale16(gViewX1, xscalecorrect);
gViewY1S = divscale16(gViewY1, yscale);
gViewX0 = 0;
gViewY0 = 0;
gViewX1 = xdim-1;
gViewY1 = ydim-1-(25*ydim)/200;
if (gGameOptions.nGameType > 0 && gGameOptions.nGameType <= 3)
gViewY0 = (tilesiz[2229].y*ydim*((gNetPlayers+3)/4))/200;
int height = gViewY1-gViewY0;
gViewX0 += mulscale16(xdim*(gViewSize-3),4096);
gViewX1 -= mulscale16(xdim*(gViewSize-3),4096);
gViewY0 += mulscale16(height*(gViewSize-3),4096);
gViewY1 -= mulscale16(height*(gViewSize-3),4096);
gViewX0S = divscale16(gViewX0, xscalecorrect);
gViewY0S = divscale16(gViewY0, yscale);
gViewX1S = divscale16(gViewX1, xscalecorrect);
gViewY1S = divscale16(gViewY1, yscale);
videoSetViewableArea(gViewX0, gViewY0, gViewX1, gViewY1);
gGameMessageMgr.SetCoordinates(gViewX0S + 1, gViewY0S + 1);
#define kBackTile 253
void UpdateFrame(void)
viewTileSprite(kBackTile, 0, 0, 0, 0, xdim, gViewY0-3);
viewTileSprite(kBackTile, 0, 0, 0, gViewY1+4, xdim, ydim);
viewTileSprite(kBackTile, 0, 0, 0, gViewY0-3, gViewX0-3, gViewY1+4);
viewTileSprite(kBackTile, 0, 0, gViewX1+4, gViewY0-3, xdim, gViewY1+4);
viewTileSprite(kBackTile, 20, 0, gViewX0-3, gViewY0-3, gViewX0, gViewY1+1);
viewTileSprite(kBackTile, 20, 0, gViewX0, gViewY0-3, gViewX1+4, gViewY0);
viewTileSprite(kBackTile, 10, 1, gViewX1+1, gViewY0, gViewX1+4, gViewY1+4);
viewTileSprite(kBackTile, 10, 1, gViewX0-3, gViewY1+1, gViewX1+1, gViewY1+4);
void viewDrawInterface(ClockTicks arg)
if (gViewMode == 3/* && gViewSize >= 3*/ && (pcBackground != 0 || videoGetRenderMode() >= REND_POLYMOST))
static fix16_t gCameraAng;
template<typename T> tspritetype* viewInsertTSprite(int nSector, int nStatnum, T const * const pSprite)
int nTSprite = spritesortcnt;
tspritetype *pTSprite = &tsprite[nTSprite];
memset(pTSprite, 0, sizeof(tspritetype));
pTSprite->cstat = 128;
pTSprite->xrepeat = 64;
pTSprite->yrepeat = 64;
pTSprite->owner = -1;
pTSprite->extra = -1;
pTSprite->type = -spritesortcnt;
pTSprite->statnum = nStatnum;
pTSprite->sectnum = nSector;
if (pSprite)
pTSprite->x = pSprite->x;
pTSprite->y = pSprite->y;
pTSprite->z = pSprite->z;
pTSprite->owner = pSprite->owner;
pTSprite->ang = pSprite->ang;
if (videoGetRenderMode() >= REND_POLYMOST)
pTSprite->x += Cos(gCameraAng)>>25;
pTSprite->y += Sin(gCameraAng)>>25;
return pTSprite;
int effectDetail[] = {
4, 4, 4, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 4, 4, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0
tspritetype *viewAddEffect(int nTSprite, VIEW_EFFECT nViewEffect)
dassert(nViewEffect >= 0 && nViewEffect < kViewEffectMax);
auto pTSprite = &tsprite[nTSprite];
if (gDetail < effectDetail[nViewEffect] || nTSprite >= kMaxViewSprites) return NULL;
switch (nViewEffect)
case VIEW_EFFECT_18:
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
auto pNSprite = viewInsertTSprite(pTSprite->sectnum, 32767, pTSprite);
int ang = ((int)gFrameClock*2048)/120;
int nRand1 = dword_172CE0[i][0];
int nRand2 = dword_172CE0[i][1];
int nRand3 = dword_172CE0[i][2];
ang += nRand3;
int x = mulscale30(512, Cos(ang));
int y = mulscale30(512, Sin(ang));
int z = 0;
RotateYZ(&x, &y, &z, nRand1);
RotateXZ(&x, &y, &z, nRand2);
pNSprite->x = pTSprite->x + x;
pNSprite->y = pTSprite->y + y;
pNSprite->z = pTSprite->z + (z<<4);
pNSprite->picnum = 1720;
pNSprite->shade = -128;
case VIEW_EFFECT_16:
case VIEW_EFFECT_17:
int top, bottom;
GetSpriteExtents(pTSprite, &top, &bottom);
auto pNSprite = viewInsertTSprite(pTSprite->sectnum, 32767, pTSprite);
pNSprite->shade = -128;
pNSprite->pal = 0;
pNSprite->z = top;
if (nViewEffect == VIEW_EFFECT_16)
pNSprite->xrepeat = pNSprite->yrepeat = 24;
pNSprite->xrepeat = pNSprite->yrepeat = 64;
pNSprite->picnum = 3558;
return pNSprite;
case VIEW_EFFECT_15:
auto pNSprite = viewInsertTSprite(pTSprite->sectnum, 32767, pTSprite);
pNSprite->z = pTSprite->z;
pNSprite->cstat |= 2;
pNSprite->shade = -128;
pNSprite->xrepeat = pTSprite->xrepeat;
pNSprite->yrepeat = pTSprite->yrepeat;
pNSprite->picnum = 2135;
case VIEW_EFFECT_14:
auto pNSprite = viewInsertTSprite(pTSprite->sectnum, 32767, pTSprite);
pNSprite->shade = -128;
pNSprite->pal = 0;
pNSprite->xrepeat = pNSprite->yrepeat = 64;
pNSprite->picnum = 2605;
return pNSprite;
case VIEW_EFFECT_13:
auto pNSprite = viewInsertTSprite(pTSprite->sectnum, 32767, pTSprite);
pNSprite->shade = 26;
pNSprite->pal = 0;
pNSprite->cstat |= 2;
pNSprite->xrepeat = pNSprite->yrepeat = 64;
pNSprite->picnum = 2089;
case VIEW_EFFECT_11:
auto pNSprite = viewInsertTSprite(pTSprite->sectnum, 32767, pTSprite);
int top, bottom;
GetSpriteExtents(pTSprite, &top, &bottom);
pNSprite->shade = 26;
pNSprite->pal = 0;
pNSprite->cstat |= 2;
pNSprite->xrepeat = pNSprite->yrepeat = 24;
pNSprite->picnum = 626;
pNSprite->z = top;
case VIEW_EFFECT_10:
int nAng = pTSprite->ang;
if (pTSprite->cstat & 16)
nAng = (nAng+512)&2047;
nAng = (nAng+1024)&2047;
for (int i = 0; i < 5 && spritesortcnt < kMaxViewSprites; i++)
int nSector = pTSprite->sectnum;
auto pNSprite = viewInsertTSprite<tspritetype>(nSector, 32767, NULL);
int nLen = 128+(i<<7);
int x = mulscale30(nLen, Cos(nAng));
pNSprite->x = pTSprite->x + x;
int y = mulscale30(nLen, Sin(nAng));
pNSprite->y = pTSprite->y + y;
pNSprite->z = pTSprite->z;
dassert(nSector >= 0 && nSector < kMaxSectors);
FindSector(pNSprite->x, pNSprite->y, pNSprite->z, &nSector);
pNSprite->sectnum = nSector;
pNSprite->owner = pTSprite->owner;
pNSprite->picnum = pTSprite->picnum;
pNSprite->cstat |= 2;
if (i < 2)
pNSprite->cstat |= 514;
pNSprite->shade = ClipLow(pTSprite->shade-16, -128);
pNSprite->xrepeat = pTSprite->xrepeat;
pNSprite->yrepeat = pTSprite->yrepeat;
pNSprite->picnum = pTSprite->picnum;
auto pNSprite = viewInsertTSprite(pTSprite->sectnum, 32767, pTSprite);
pNSprite->shade = -128;
pNSprite->z = pTSprite->z;
pNSprite->picnum = 908;
pNSprite->statnum = kStatDecoration;
pNSprite->xrepeat = pNSprite->yrepeat = (tilesiz[pTSprite->picnum].x*pTSprite->xrepeat)/64;
auto pNSprite = viewInsertTSprite(pTSprite->sectnum, 32767, pTSprite);
int top, bottom;
GetSpriteExtents(pTSprite, &top, &bottom);
pNSprite->z = top;
if (IsDudeSprite(pTSprite))
pNSprite->picnum = 672;
pNSprite->picnum = 754;
pNSprite->cstat |= 2;
pNSprite->shade = 8;
pNSprite->xrepeat = pTSprite->xrepeat;
pNSprite->yrepeat = pTSprite->yrepeat;
auto pNSprite = viewInsertTSprite(pTSprite->sectnum, 32767, pTSprite);
int top, bottom;
GetSpriteExtents(pTSprite, &top, &bottom);
pNSprite->z = bottom;
if (pTSprite->type >= kDudeBase && pTSprite->type < kDudeMax)
pNSprite->picnum = 672;
pNSprite->picnum = 754;
pNSprite->cstat |= 2;
pNSprite->shade = 8;
pNSprite->xrepeat = pTSprite->xrepeat;
pNSprite->yrepeat = pTSprite->yrepeat;
auto pNSprite = viewInsertTSprite(pTSprite->sectnum, 32767, pTSprite);
int top, bottom;
GetSpriteExtents(pTSprite, &top, &bottom);
pNSprite->z = top;
pNSprite->picnum = 2101;
pNSprite->shade = -128;
pNSprite->xrepeat = pNSprite->yrepeat = (tilesiz[pTSprite->picnum].x*pTSprite->xrepeat)/32;
auto pNSprite = viewInsertTSprite(pTSprite->sectnum, 32767, pTSprite);
int top, bottom;
GetSpriteExtents(pTSprite, &top, &bottom);
pNSprite->z = bottom;
pNSprite->picnum = 2101;
pNSprite->shade = -128;
pNSprite->xrepeat = pNSprite->yrepeat = (tilesiz[pTSprite->picnum].x*pTSprite->xrepeat)/32;
auto pNSprite = viewInsertTSprite(pTSprite->sectnum, 32767, pTSprite);
pNSprite->z = getflorzofslope(pTSprite->sectnum, pNSprite->x, pNSprite->y);
pNSprite->shade = 127;
pNSprite->cstat |= 2;
pNSprite->xrepeat = pTSprite->xrepeat;
pNSprite->yrepeat = pTSprite->yrepeat>>2;
pNSprite->picnum = pTSprite->picnum;
pNSprite->pal = 5;
int height = tilesiz[pNSprite->picnum].y;
int center = height / 2 + tileTopOffset(pNSprite->picnum);
pNSprite->z -= (pNSprite->yrepeat<<2)*(height-center);
auto pNSprite = viewInsertTSprite(pTSprite->sectnum, 32767, pTSprite);
pNSprite->shade = -128;
pNSprite->pal = 2;
pNSprite->cstat |= 2;
pNSprite->z = pTSprite->z;
pNSprite->xrepeat = pTSprite->xrepeat;
pNSprite->yrepeat = pTSprite->yrepeat;
pNSprite->picnum = 2427;
auto pNSprite = viewInsertTSprite(pTSprite->sectnum, 32767, pTSprite);
sectortype *pSector = §or[pTSprite->sectnum];
pNSprite->x = pTSprite->x;
pNSprite->y = pTSprite->y;
pNSprite->z = pSector->ceilingz;
pNSprite->picnum = 624;
pNSprite->shade = ((pTSprite->z-pSector->ceilingz)>>8)-64;
pNSprite->pal = 2;
pNSprite->xrepeat = pNSprite->yrepeat = 64;
pNSprite->cstat |= 106;
pNSprite->ang = pTSprite->ang;
pNSprite->owner = pTSprite->owner;
auto pNSprite = viewInsertTSprite(pTSprite->sectnum, 32767, pTSprite);
sectortype *pSector = §or[pTSprite->sectnum];
pNSprite->x = pTSprite->x;
pNSprite->y = pTSprite->y;
pNSprite->z = pSector->floorz;
pNSprite->picnum = 624;
char nShade = (pSector->floorz-pTSprite->z)>>8;
pNSprite->shade = nShade-32;
pNSprite->pal = 2;
pNSprite->xrepeat = pNSprite->yrepeat = nShade;
pNSprite->cstat |= 98;
pNSprite->ang = pTSprite->ang;
pNSprite->owner = pTSprite->owner;
auto pNSprite = viewInsertTSprite(pTSprite->sectnum, 32767, pTSprite);
pNSprite->z = pTSprite->z;
if (gDetail > 1)
pNSprite->cstat |= 514;
pNSprite->shade = ClipLow(pTSprite->shade-32, -128);
pNSprite->xrepeat = pTSprite->xrepeat;
pNSprite->yrepeat = 64;
pNSprite->picnum = 775;
case VIEW_EFFECT_12:
dassert(pTSprite->type >= kDudePlayer1 && pTSprite->type <= kDudePlayer8);
PLAYER *pPlayer = &gPlayer[pTSprite->type-kDudePlayer1];
WEAPONICON weaponIcon = gWeaponIcon[pPlayer->curWeapon];
const int nTile = weaponIcon.nTile;
if (nTile < 0) break;
auto pNSprite = viewInsertTSprite(pTSprite->sectnum, 32767, pTSprite);
pNSprite->x = pTSprite->x;
pNSprite->y = pTSprite->y;
pNSprite->z = pTSprite->z-(32<<8);
pNSprite->picnum = nTile;
pNSprite->shade = pTSprite->shade;
pNSprite->xrepeat = 32;
pNSprite->yrepeat = 32;
const int nVoxel = voxelIndex[nTile];
if (cl_showweapon == 2 && r_voxels && gDetail >= 4 && videoGetRenderMode() != REND_POLYMER && nVoxel != -1)
pNSprite->cstat |= 48;
pNSprite->cstat &= ~8;
pNSprite->picnum = nVoxel;
pNSprite->z -= weaponIcon.zOffset<<8;
const int lifeLeech = 9;
if (pPlayer->curWeapon == lifeLeech)
pNSprite->x -= mulscale30(128, Cos(pNSprite->ang));
pNSprite->y -= mulscale30(128, Sin(pNSprite->ang));
return NULL;
LOCATION gPrevSpriteLoc[kMaxSprites];
static void viewApplyDefaultPal(tspritetype *pTSprite, sectortype const *pSector)
int const nXSector = pSector->extra;
XSECTOR const *pXSector = nXSector >= 0 ? &xsector[nXSector] : NULL;
if (pXSector && pXSector->color && (VanillaMode() || pSector->floorpal != 0))
pTSprite->pal = pSector->floorpal;
void viewProcessSprites(int32_t cX, int32_t cY, int32_t cZ, int32_t cA, int32_t smooth)
dassert(spritesortcnt <= kMaxViewSprites);
gCameraAng = cA;
int nViewSprites = spritesortcnt;
for (int nTSprite = spritesortcnt-1; nTSprite >= 0; nTSprite--)
tspritetype *pTSprite = &tsprite[nTSprite];
//int nXSprite = pTSprite->extra;
int nXSprite = sprite[pTSprite->owner].extra;
if (qsprite_filler[pTSprite->owner] > gDetail)
pTSprite->xrepeat = 0;
if (nXSprite > 0)
pTXSprite = &xsprite[nXSprite];
int nTile = pTSprite->picnum;
if (nTile < 0 || nTile >= kMaxTiles)
int nSprite = pTSprite->owner;
if (cl_interpolate && TestBitString(gInterpolateSprite, nSprite) && !(pTSprite->flags&512))
LOCATION *pPrevLoc = &gPrevSpriteLoc[nSprite];
pTSprite->x = interpolate(pPrevLoc->x, pTSprite->x, gInterpolate);
pTSprite->y = interpolate(pPrevLoc->y, pTSprite->y, gInterpolate);
pTSprite->z = interpolate(pPrevLoc->z, pTSprite->z, gInterpolate);
pTSprite->ang = pPrevLoc->ang+mulscale16(((pTSprite->ang-pPrevLoc->ang+1024)&2047)-1024, gInterpolate);
int nAnim = 0;
switch (picanm[nTile].extra & 7) {
case 0:
//dassert(nXSprite > 0 && nXSprite < kMaxXSprites);
if (nXSprite <= 0 || nXSprite >= kMaxXSprites) break;
switch (pTSprite->type) {
case kSwitchToggle:
case kSwitchOneWay:
if (xsprite[nXSprite].state) nAnim = 1;
case kSwitchCombo:
nAnim = xsprite[nXSprite].data1;
case 1:
if (tilehasmodelorvoxel(pTSprite->picnum, pTSprite->pal) && !(spriteext[nSprite].flags&SPREXT_NOTMD))
pTSprite->cstat &= ~4;
int dX = cX - pTSprite->x;
int dY = cY - pTSprite->y;
RotateVector(&dX, &dY, 128-pTSprite->ang);
nAnim = GetOctant(dX, dY);
if (nAnim <= 4)
pTSprite->cstat &= ~4;
nAnim = 8 - nAnim;
pTSprite->cstat |= 4;
case 2:
if (tilehasmodelorvoxel(pTSprite->picnum, pTSprite->pal) && !(spriteext[nSprite].flags&SPREXT_NOTMD))
pTSprite->cstat &= ~4;
int dX = cX - pTSprite->x;
int dY = cY - pTSprite->y;
RotateVector(&dX, &dY, 128-pTSprite->ang);
nAnim = GetOctant(dX, dY);
case 3:
if (nXSprite > 0)
if (gSpriteHit[nXSprite].florhit == 0)
nAnim = 1;
int top, bottom;
GetSpriteExtents(pTSprite, &top, &bottom);
if (getflorzofslope(pTSprite->sectnum, pTSprite->x, pTSprite->y) > bottom)
nAnim = 1;
case 6:
case 7:
if (videoGetRenderMode() >= REND_POLYMOST && hw_models && md_tilehasmodel(pTSprite->picnum, pTSprite->pal) >= 0 && !(spriteext[nSprite].flags&SPREXT_NOTMD))
// Can be overridden by def script
if (r_voxels && gDetail >= 4 && videoGetRenderMode() != REND_POLYMER && tiletovox[pTSprite->picnum] == -1 && voxelIndex[pTSprite->picnum] != -1 && !(spriteext[nSprite].flags&SPREXT_NOTMD))
if ((pTSprite->flags&kHitagRespawn) == 0)
pTSprite->cstat |= 48;
pTSprite->cstat &= ~(4|8);
pTSprite->yoffset += tileTopOffset(pTSprite->picnum);
pTSprite->picnum = voxelIndex[pTSprite->picnum];
if (!voxoff[pTSprite->picnum])
if ((picanm[nTile].extra&7) == 7)
pTSprite->ang = ((int)totalclock<<3)&2047;
while (nAnim > 0)
pTSprite->picnum += picanm[pTSprite->picnum].num+1;
if ((pTSprite->cstat&48) != 48 && r_voxels && videoGetRenderMode() != REND_POLYMER && !(spriteext[nSprite].flags&SPREXT_NOTMD))
int const nRootTile = pTSprite->picnum;
int nAnimTile = pTSprite->picnum + animateoffs_replace(pTSprite->picnum, 32768+pTSprite->owner);
#if 0
if (tiletovox[nAnimTile] != -1)
pTSprite->yoffset += tileTopOffset(nAnimTile);
pTSprite->xoffset += tileLeftOffset(nAnimTile);
int const nVoxel = tiletovox[pTSprite->picnum];
if (nVoxel != -1 && ((voxrotate[nVoxel>>3]&pow2char[nVoxel&7]) != 0 || (picanm[nRootTile].extra&7) == 7))
pTSprite->ang = (pTSprite->ang+((int)totalclock<<3))&2047;
if ((pTSprite->cstat&48) != 48 && hw_models && !(spriteext[nSprite].flags&SPREXT_NOTMD))
int const nRootTile = pTSprite->picnum;
int nAnimTile = pTSprite->picnum + animateoffs_replace(pTSprite->picnum, 32768+pTSprite->owner);
if (tile2model[Ptile2tile(nAnimTile, pTSprite->pal)].modelid >= 0 &&
tile2model[Ptile2tile(nAnimTile, pTSprite->pal)].framenum >= 0)
pTSprite->yoffset += tileTopOffset(nAnimTile);
pTSprite->xoffset += tileLeftOffset(nAnimTile);
if ((picanm[nRootTile].extra&7) == 7)
pTSprite->ang = (pTSprite->ang+((int)totalclock<<3))&2047;
sectortype *pSector = §or[pTSprite->sectnum];
XSECTOR *pXSector;
int nShade = pTSprite->shade;
if (pSector->extra > 0)
pXSector = &xsector[pSector->extra];
pXSector = NULL;
if ((pSector->ceilingstat&1) && (pSector->floorstat&32768) == 0)
nShade += tileShade[pSector->ceilingpicnum]+pSector->ceilingshade;
nShade += tileShade[pSector->floorpicnum]+pSector->floorshade;
nShade += tileShade[pTSprite->picnum];
pTSprite->shade = ClipRange(nShade, -128, 127);
if ((pTSprite->flags&kHitagRespawn) && sprite[pTSprite->owner].owner == 3)
dassert(pTXSprite != NULL);
pTSprite->xrepeat = 48;
pTSprite->yrepeat = 48;
pTSprite->shade = -128;
pTSprite->picnum = 2272 + 2*pTXSprite->respawnPending;
pTSprite->cstat &= ~514;
if (((IsItemSprite(pTSprite) || IsAmmoSprite(pTSprite)) && gGameOptions.nItemSettings == 2)
|| (IsWeaponSprite(pTSprite) && gGameOptions.nWeaponSettings == 3))
pTSprite->xrepeat = pTSprite->yrepeat = 48;
pTSprite->xrepeat = pTSprite->yrepeat = 0;
if (spritesortcnt >= kMaxViewSprites) continue;
if (pTXSprite && pTXSprite->burnTime > 0)
pTSprite->shade = ClipRange(pTSprite->shade-16-QRandom(8), -128, 127);
if (pTSprite->flags&256)
viewAddEffect(nTSprite, VIEW_EFFECT_6);
if (pTSprite->flags&1024)
pTSprite->cstat |= 4;
if (pTSprite->flags&2048)
pTSprite->cstat |= 8;
switch (pTSprite->statnum) {
case kStatDecoration: {
switch (pTSprite->type) {
case kDecorationCandle:
if (!pTXSprite || pTXSprite->state == 1) {
pTSprite->shade = -128;
viewAddEffect(nTSprite, VIEW_EFFECT_11);
} else {
pTSprite->shade = -8;
case kDecorationTorch:
if (!pTXSprite || pTXSprite->state == 1) {
viewAddEffect(nTSprite, VIEW_EFFECT_4);
} else {
viewAddEffect(nTSprite, VIEW_EFFECT_6);
viewApplyDefaultPal(pTSprite, pSector);
case kStatItem: {
switch (pTSprite->type) {
case kItemFlagABase:
if (pTXSprite && pTXSprite->state > 0 && gGameOptions.nGameType == 3) {
auto pNTSprite = viewAddEffect(nTSprite, VIEW_EFFECT_17);
if (pNTSprite) pNTSprite->pal = 10;
case kItemFlagBBase:
if (pTXSprite && pTXSprite->state > 0 && gGameOptions.nGameType == 3) {
auto pNTSprite = viewAddEffect(nTSprite, VIEW_EFFECT_17);
if (pNTSprite) pNTSprite->pal = 7;
case kItemFlagA:
pTSprite->pal = 10;
pTSprite->cstat |= 1024;
case kItemFlagB:
pTSprite->pal = 7;
pTSprite->cstat |= 1024;
if (pTSprite->type >= kItemKeySkull && pTSprite->type < kItemKeyMax)
pTSprite->shade = -128;
viewApplyDefaultPal(pTSprite, pSector);
case kStatProjectile: {
switch (pTSprite->type) {
case kMissileTeslaAlt:
pTSprite->yrepeat = 128;
pTSprite->cstat |= 32;
case kMissileTeslaRegular:
viewAddEffect(nTSprite, VIEW_EFFECT_15);
case kMissileButcherKnife:
viewAddEffect(nTSprite, VIEW_EFFECT_10);
case kMissileFlareRegular:
case kMissileFlareAlt:
if (pTSprite->statnum == kStatFlare) {
dassert(pTXSprite != NULL);
if (pTXSprite->target == gView->nSprite) {
pTSprite->xrepeat = 0;
viewAddEffect(nTSprite, VIEW_EFFECT_1);
if (pTSprite->type != kMissileFlareRegular) break;
sectortype *pSector = §or[pTSprite->sectnum];
int zDiff = (pTSprite->z - pSector->ceilingz) >> 8;
if ((pSector->ceilingstat&1) == 0 && zDiff < 64) {
viewAddEffect(nTSprite, VIEW_EFFECT_2);
zDiff = (pSector->floorz - pTSprite->z) >> 8;
if ((pSector->floorstat&1) == 0 && zDiff < 64) {
viewAddEffect(nTSprite, VIEW_EFFECT_3);
case kStatDude:
if (pTSprite->type == kDudeHand && pTXSprite->aiState == &hand13A3B4)
spritetype *pTTarget = &sprite[pTXSprite->target];
dassert(pTXSprite != NULL && pTTarget != NULL);
if (IsPlayerSprite(pTTarget))
pTSprite->xrepeat = 0;
if (pXSector && pXSector->color) pTSprite->pal = pSector->floorpal;
if (powerupCheck(gView, kPwUpBeastVision) > 0) pTSprite->shade = -128;
if (IsPlayerSprite(pTSprite)) {
PLAYER *pPlayer = &gPlayer[pTSprite->type-kDudePlayer1];
if (powerupCheck(pPlayer, kPwUpShadowCloak) && !powerupCheck(gView, kPwUpBeastVision)) {
pTSprite->cstat |= 2;
pTSprite->pal = 5;
} else if (powerupCheck(pPlayer, kPwUpDeathMask)) {
pTSprite->shade = -128;
pTSprite->pal = 5;
} else if (powerupCheck(pPlayer, kPwUpDoppleganger)) {
pTSprite->pal = 11+(gView->teamId&3);
if (powerupCheck(pPlayer, kPwUpReflectShots)) {
viewAddEffect(nTSprite, VIEW_EFFECT_13);
if (cl_showweapon && gGameOptions.nGameType > 0 && gView) {
viewAddEffect(nTSprite, VIEW_EFFECT_12);
if (pPlayer->flashEffect && (gView != pPlayer || gViewPos != VIEWPOS_0)) {
auto pNTSprite = viewAddEffect(nTSprite, VIEW_EFFECT_14);
if (pNTSprite) {
POSTURE *pPosture = &pPlayer->pPosture[pPlayer->lifeMode][pPlayer->posture];
pNTSprite->x += mulscale28(pPosture->zOffset, Cos(pTSprite->ang));
pNTSprite->y += mulscale28(pPosture->zOffset, Sin(pTSprite->ang));
pNTSprite->z = pPlayer->pSprite->z-pPosture->xOffset;
if (pPlayer->hasFlag > 0 && gGameOptions.nGameType == 3) {
if (pPlayer->hasFlag&1) {
auto pNTSprite = viewAddEffect(nTSprite, VIEW_EFFECT_16);
if (pNTSprite)
pNTSprite->pal = 10;
pNTSprite->cstat |= 4;
if (pPlayer->hasFlag&2) {
auto pNTSprite = viewAddEffect(nTSprite, VIEW_EFFECT_16);
if (pNTSprite)
pNTSprite->pal = 7;
pNTSprite->cstat |= 4;
if (pTSprite->owner != gView->pSprite->index || gViewPos != VIEWPOS_0) {
if (getflorzofslope(pTSprite->sectnum, pTSprite->x, pTSprite->y) >= cZ)
viewAddEffect(nTSprite, VIEW_EFFECT_0);
case kStatTraps: {
if (pTSprite->type == kTrapSawCircular) {
if (pTXSprite->state) {
if (pTXSprite->data1) {
pTSprite->picnum = 772;
if (pTXSprite->data2)
viewAddEffect(nTSprite, VIEW_EFFECT_9);
else if (pTXSprite->data1) pTSprite->picnum = 773;
else pTSprite->picnum = 656;
case kStatThing: {
viewApplyDefaultPal(pTSprite, pSector);
if (pTSprite->type < kThingBase || pTSprite->type >= kThingMax || !gSpriteHit[nXSprite].florhit) {
if ((pTSprite->flags & kPhysMove) && getflorzofslope(pTSprite->sectnum, pTSprite->x, pTSprite->y) >= cZ)
viewAddEffect(nTSprite, VIEW_EFFECT_0);
for (int nTSprite = spritesortcnt-1; nTSprite >= nViewSprites; nTSprite--)
tspritetype *pTSprite = &tsprite[nTSprite];
int nAnim = 0;
switch (picanm[pTSprite->picnum].extra&7)
case 1:
int dX = cX - pTSprite->x;
int dY = cY - pTSprite->y;
RotateVector(&dX, &dY, 128-pTSprite->ang);
nAnim = GetOctant(dX, dY);
if (nAnim <= 4)
pTSprite->cstat &= ~4;
nAnim = 8 - nAnim;
pTSprite->cstat |= 4;
case 2:
int dX = cX - pTSprite->x;
int dY = cY - pTSprite->y;
RotateVector(&dX, &dY, 128-pTSprite->ang);
nAnim = GetOctant(dX, dY);
while (nAnim > 0)
pTSprite->picnum += picanm[pTSprite->picnum].num+1;
int othercameradist = 1280;
int cameradist = -1;
int othercameraclock, cameraclock;
void CalcOtherPosition(spritetype *pSprite, int *pX, int *pY, int *pZ, int *vsectnum, int nAng, fix16_t zm)
int vX = mulscale30(-Cos(nAng), 1280);
int vY = mulscale30(-Sin(nAng), 1280);
int vZ = fix16_to_int(mulscale(zm, 1280, 3))-(16<<8);
int bakCstat = pSprite->cstat;
pSprite->cstat &= ~256;
dassert(*vsectnum >= 0 && *vsectnum < kMaxSectors);
FindSector(*pX, *pY, *pZ, vsectnum);
short nHSector;
int hX, hY;
vec3_t pos = {*pX, *pY, *pZ};
hitdata_t hitdata;
hitscan(&pos, *vsectnum, vX, vY, vZ, &hitdata, CLIPMASK1);
nHSector = hitdata.sect;
hX = hitdata.pos.x;
hY = hitdata.pos.y;
int dX = hX-*pX;
int dY = hY-*pY;
if (klabs(vX)+klabs(vY) > klabs(dX)+klabs(dY))
*vsectnum = nHSector;
dX -= ksgn(vX)<<6;
dY -= ksgn(vY)<<6;
int nDist;
if (klabs(vX) > klabs(vY))
nDist = ClipHigh(divscale16(dX,vX), othercameradist);
nDist = ClipHigh(divscale16(dY,vY), othercameradist);
othercameradist = nDist;
*pX += mulscale16(vX, othercameradist);
*pY += mulscale16(vY, othercameradist);
*pZ += mulscale16(vZ, othercameradist);
othercameradist = ClipHigh(othercameradist+(((int)(totalclock-othercameraclock))<<10), 65536);
othercameraclock = (int)totalclock;
dassert(*vsectnum >= 0 && *vsectnum < kMaxSectors);
FindSector(*pX, *pY, *pZ, vsectnum);
pSprite->cstat = bakCstat;
void CalcPosition(spritetype *pSprite, int *pX, int *pY, int *pZ, int *vsectnum, int nAng, fix16_t zm)
int vX = mulscale30(-Cos(nAng), 1280);
int vY = mulscale30(-Sin(nAng), 1280);
int vZ = fix16_to_int(mulscale(zm, 1280, 3))-(16<<8);
int bakCstat = pSprite->cstat;
pSprite->cstat &= ~256;
dassert(*vsectnum >= 0 && *vsectnum < kMaxSectors);
FindSector(*pX, *pY, *pZ, vsectnum);
short nHSector;
int hX, hY;
hitscangoal.x = hitscangoal.y = 0x1fffffff;
vec3_t pos = { *pX, *pY, *pZ };
hitdata_t hitdata;
hitscan(&pos, *vsectnum, vX, vY, vZ, &hitdata, CLIPMASK1);
nHSector = hitdata.sect;
hX = hitdata.pos.x;
hY = hitdata.pos.y;
int dX = hX-*pX;
int dY = hY-*pY;
if (klabs(vX)+klabs(vY) > klabs(dX)+klabs(dY))
*vsectnum = nHSector;
dX -= ksgn(vX)<<6;
dY -= ksgn(vY)<<6;
int nDist;
if (klabs(vX) > klabs(vY))
nDist = ClipHigh(divscale16(dX,vX), cameradist);
nDist = ClipHigh(divscale16(dY,vY), cameradist);
cameradist = nDist;
*pX += mulscale16(vX, cameradist);
*pY += mulscale16(vY, cameradist);
*pZ += mulscale16(vZ, cameradist);
cameradist = ClipHigh(cameradist+(((int)(totalclock-cameraclock))<<10), 65536);
cameraclock = (int)totalclock;
dassert(*vsectnum >= 0 && *vsectnum < kMaxSectors);
FindSector(*pX, *pY, *pZ, vsectnum);
pSprite->cstat = bakCstat;
struct {
short nTile;
unsigned char nStat;
unsigned char nPal;
int nScale;
short nX, nY;
} burnTable[9] = {
{ 2101, 2, 0, 118784, 10, 220 },
{ 2101, 2, 0, 110592, 40, 220 },
{ 2101, 2, 0, 81920, 85, 220 },
{ 2101, 2, 0, 69632, 120, 220 },
{ 2101, 2, 0, 61440, 160, 220 },
{ 2101, 2, 0, 73728, 200, 220 },
{ 2101, 2, 0, 77824, 235, 220 },
{ 2101, 2, 0, 110592, 275, 220 },
{ 2101, 2, 0, 122880, 310, 220 }
void viewBurnTime(int gScale)
if (!gScale) return;
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
int nTile = burnTable[i].nTile+qanimateoffs(burnTable[i].nTile,32768+i);
int nScale = burnTable[i].nScale;
if (gScale < 600)
nScale = scale(nScale, gScale, 600);
rotatesprite(burnTable[i].nX<<16, burnTable[i].nY<<16, nScale, 0, nTile,
0, burnTable[i].nPal, burnTable[i].nStat, windowxy1.x, windowxy1.y, windowxy2.x, windowxy2.y);
// by NoOne: show warning msgs in game instead of throwing errors (in some cases)
void viewSetSystemMessage(const char* pMessage, ...) {
char buffer[1024]; va_list args; va_start(args, pMessage);
vsprintf(buffer, pMessage, args);
Printf(PRINT_HIGH | PRINT_NOTIFY, "%s\n", buffer); // print it also in console
gGameMessageMgr.Add(buffer, 15, 7, MESSAGE_PRIORITY_NORMAL);
void viewSetMessage(const char *pMessage, const int pal, const MESSAGE_PRIORITY priority)
int printlevel = priority < 0 ? PRINT_LOW : priority < MESSAGE_PRIORITY_SYSTEM ? PRINT_MEDIUM : PRINT_HIGH;
Printf(printlevel|PRINT_NOTIFY, "%s\n", pMessage);
gGameMessageMgr.Add(pMessage, 15, pal, priority);
void GameInterface::DoPrintMessage(int prio, const char*msg)
void viewDisplayMessage(void)
char errMsg[256];
void viewSetErrorMessage(const char *pMessage)
if (!pMessage)
strcpy(errMsg, "");
strcpy(errMsg, pMessage);
void DoLensEffect(void)
// To investigate whether this can be implemented as a shader effect.
auto d = tileData(4077);
dassert(d != NULL);
auto s = tilePtr(4079);
dassert(s != NULL);
for (int i = 0; i < kLensSize*kLensSize; i++, d++)
if (lensTable[i] >= 0)
*d = s[lensTable[i]];
tileInvalidate(4077, -1, -1);
void UpdateDacs(int nPalette, bool bNoTint)
static RGB newDAC[256];
static int oldPalette;
if (oldPalette != nPalette)
oldPalette = nPalette;
if (videoGetRenderMode() >= REND_POLYMOST)
gLastPal = 0;
auto &tint = lookups.tables[MAXPALOOKUPS-1];
int nRed = 0;
int nGreen = 0;
int nBlue = 0;
tint.tintFlags = 0;
switch (nPalette)
case 0:
tint.tintColor.r = 255;
tint.tintColor.g = 255;
tint.tintColor.b = 255;
case 1:
tint.tintColor.r = 132;
tint.tintColor.g = 164;
tint.tintColor.b = 255;
case 2:
tint.tintColor.r = 255;
tint.tintColor.g = 126;
tint.tintColor.b = 105;
case 3:
tint.tintColor.r = 162;
tint.tintColor.g = 186;
tint.tintColor.b = 15;
case 4:
tint.tintColor.r = 255;
tint.tintColor.g = 255;
tint.tintColor.b = 255;
if (!bNoTint)
nRed += gView->pickupEffect;
nGreen += gView->pickupEffect;
nBlue -= gView->pickupEffect;
nRed += ClipHigh(gView->painEffect, 85)*2;
nGreen -= ClipHigh(gView->painEffect, 85)*3;
nBlue -= ClipHigh(gView->painEffect, 85)*3;
nRed -= gView->blindEffect;
nGreen -= gView->blindEffect;
nBlue -= gView->blindEffect;
nRed -= gView->chokeEffect>>6;
nGreen -= gView->chokeEffect>>5;
nBlue -= gView->chokeEffect>>6;
nRed = ClipRange(nRed, -255, 255);
nGreen = ClipRange(nGreen, -255, 255);
nBlue = ClipRange(nBlue, -255, 255);
videoSetPalette(0, nPalette, 0);
videoTintBlood(nRed, nGreen, nBlue);
char otherMirrorGotpic[2];
char bakMirrorGotpic[2];
// int gVisibility;
int deliriumTilt, deliriumTurn, deliriumPitch;
int gScreenTiltO, deliriumTurnO, deliriumPitchO;
int gShowFrameRate = 1;
void viewUpdateDelirium(void)
gScreenTiltO = gScreenTilt;
deliriumTurnO = deliriumTurn;
deliriumPitchO = deliriumPitch;
int powerCount;
if ((powerCount = powerupCheck(gView, kPwUpDeliriumShroom)) != 0)
int tilt1 = 170, tilt2 = 170, pitch = 20;
int timer = (int)gFrameClock*4;
if (powerCount < 512)
int powerScale = (powerCount<<16) / 512;
tilt1 = mulscale16(tilt1, powerScale);
tilt2 = mulscale16(tilt2, powerScale);
pitch = mulscale16(pitch, powerScale);
int sin2 = costable[(2*timer-512)&2047] / 2;
int sin3 = costable[(3*timer-512)&2047] / 2;
gScreenTilt = mulscale30(sin2+sin3,tilt1);
int sin4 = costable[(4*timer-512)&2047] / 2;
deliriumTurn = mulscale30(sin3+sin4,tilt2);
int sin5 = costable[(5*timer-512)&2047] / 2;
deliriumPitch = mulscale30(sin4+sin5,pitch);
gScreenTilt = ((gScreenTilt+1024)&2047)-1024;
if (gScreenTilt > 0)
gScreenTilt -= 8;
if (gScreenTilt < 0)
gScreenTilt = 0;
else if (gScreenTilt < 0)
gScreenTilt += 8;
if (gScreenTilt >= 0)
gScreenTilt = 0;
int shakeHoriz, shakeAngle, shakeX, shakeY, shakeZ, shakeBobX, shakeBobY;
void viewUpdateShake(void)
shakeHoriz = 0;
shakeAngle = 0;
shakeX = 0;
shakeY = 0;
shakeZ = 0;
shakeBobX = 0;
shakeBobY = 0;
if (gView->flickerEffect)
int nValue = ClipHigh(gView->flickerEffect * 8, 2000);
shakeHoriz += QRandom2(nValue >> 8);
shakeAngle += QRandom2(nValue >> 8);
shakeX += QRandom2(nValue >> 4);
shakeY += QRandom2(nValue >> 4);
shakeZ += QRandom2(nValue);
shakeBobX += QRandom2(nValue);
shakeBobY += QRandom2(nValue);
if (gView->quakeEffect)
int nValue = ClipHigh(gView->quakeEffect * 8, 2000);
shakeHoriz += QRandom2(nValue >> 8);
shakeAngle += QRandom2(nValue >> 8);
shakeX += QRandom2(nValue >> 4);
shakeY += QRandom2(nValue >> 4);
shakeZ += QRandom2(nValue);
shakeBobX += QRandom2(nValue);
shakeBobY += QRandom2(nValue);
int gLastPal = 0;
int32_t g_frameRate;
void viewDrawScreen(bool sceneonly)
int nPalette = 0;
static ClockTicks lastUpdate;
int defaultHoriz = r_horizcenter ? 100 : 90;
polymostcenterhoriz = defaultHoriz;
ClockTicks delta = totalclock - lastUpdate;
if (delta < 0)
delta = 0;
lastUpdate = totalclock;
if (!paused && (!M_Active() || gGameOptions.nGameType != 0))
gInterpolate = ((totalclock-gNetFifoClock)+4).toScale16()/4;
if (gInterpolate < 0 || gInterpolate > 65536)
gInterpolate = ClipRange(gInterpolate, 0, 65536);
if (cl_interpolate)
if (gViewMode == 3 || gViewMode == 4 || gOverlayMap)
if (gViewMode == 3 || gOverlayMap)
int yxAspect = yxaspect;
int viewingRange = viewingrange;
if (r_usenewaspect)
newaspect_enable = 1;
int v1 = Blrintf(double(viewingrange) * tan(r_fov * (PI / 360.)));
renderSetAspect(v1, yxaspect);
int cX = gView->pSprite->x;
int cY = gView->pSprite->y;
int cZ = gView->zView;
int zDelta = gView->zWeapon - gView->zView - (12 << 8);
fix16_t cA = gView->q16ang;
fix16_t q16horiz = gView->q16horiz;
fix16_t q16slopehoriz = gView->q16slopehoriz;
int v74 = gView->bobWidth;
int v8c = gView->bobHeight;
int v4c = gView->swayWidth;
int v48 = gView->swayHeight;
int nSectnum = gView->pSprite->sectnum;
if (cl_interpolate)
if (numplayers > 1 && gView == gMe && gPrediction && gMe->pXSprite->health > 0)
nSectnum = predict.at68;
cX = interpolate(predictOld.at50, predict.at50, gInterpolate);
cY = interpolate(predictOld.at54, predict.at54, gInterpolate);
cZ = interpolate(predictOld.at38, predict.at38, gInterpolate);
zDelta = interpolate(predictOld.at34, predict.at34, gInterpolate);
cA = interpolateangfix16(predictOld.at30, predict.at30, gInterpolate);
q16horiz = interpolate(predictOld.at24, predict.at24, gInterpolate);
q16slopehoriz = interpolate(predictOld.at28, predict.at28, gInterpolate);
v74 = interpolate(predictOld.atc, predict.atc, gInterpolate);
v8c = interpolate(predictOld.at8, predict.at8, gInterpolate);
v4c = interpolate(predictOld.at1c, predict.at1c, gInterpolate);
v48 = interpolate(predictOld.at18, predict.at18, gInterpolate);
VIEW* pView = &gPrevView[gViewIndex];
cX = interpolate(pView->at50, cX, gInterpolate);
cY = interpolate(pView->at54, cY, gInterpolate);
cZ = interpolate(pView->at38, cZ, gInterpolate);
zDelta = interpolate(pView->at34, zDelta, gInterpolate);
cA = interpolateangfix16(pView->at30, cA, gInterpolate);
q16horiz = interpolate(pView->at24, q16horiz, gInterpolate);
q16slopehoriz = interpolate(pView->at28, q16slopehoriz, gInterpolate);
v74 = interpolate(pView->atc, v74, gInterpolate);
v8c = interpolate(pView->at8, v8c, gInterpolate);
v4c = interpolate(pView->at1c, v4c, gInterpolate);
v48 = interpolate(pView->at18, v48, gInterpolate);
if (gView == gMe && (numplayers <= 1 || gPrediction) && gView->pXSprite->health != 0 && !VanillaMode())
int upAngle = 289;
int downAngle = -347;
fix16_t q16look;
cA = gViewAngle;
q16look = gViewLook;
q16horiz = fix16_from_float(100.f * tanf(fix16_to_float(q16look) * fPI / 1024.f));
q16horiz += fix16_from_int(shakeHoriz);
cA += fix16_from_int(shakeAngle);
cX += shakeX;
cY += shakeY;
cZ += shakeZ;
v4c += shakeBobX;
v48 += shakeBobY;
q16horiz += fix16_from_int(mulscale30(0x40000000 - Cos(gView->tiltEffect << 2), 30));
if (gViewPos == 0)
if (cl_viewhbob)
cX -= mulscale30(v74, Sin(fix16_to_int(cA))) >> 4;
cY += mulscale30(v74, Cos(fix16_to_int(cA))) >> 4;
if (cl_viewvbob)
cZ += v8c;
if (cl_slopetilting)
q16horiz += q16slopehoriz;
cZ += fix16_to_int(q16horiz * 10);
cameradist = -1;
cameraclock = (int)totalclock;
CalcPosition(gView->pSprite, (int*)&cX, (int*)&cY, (int*)&cZ, &nSectnum, fix16_to_int(cA), q16horiz);
CheckLink((int*)&cX, (int*)&cY, (int*)&cZ, &nSectnum);
int v78 = interpolateang(gScreenTiltO, gScreenTilt, gInterpolate);
char v14 = 0;
char v10 = 0;
bool bDelirium = powerupCheck(gView, kPwUpDeliriumShroom) > 0;
static bool bDeliriumOld = false;
//int tiltcs, tiltdim;
char v4 = powerupCheck(gView, kPwUpCrystalBall) > 0;
if (v78 || bDelirium)
else if (v4 && gNetPlayers > 1)
#if 0 // needs to be redone for pure hardware rendering.
int tmp = ((int)totalclock / 240) % (gNetPlayers - 1);
int i = connecthead;
while (1)
if (i == gViewIndex)
i = connectpoint2[i];
if (tmp == 0)
i = connectpoint2[i];
PLAYER* pOther = &gPlayer[i];
//othercameraclock = gGameClock;
if (!tileData(4079))
tileAllocTile(4079, 128, 128);
r enderSetTarget(4079, 128, 128);
renderSetAspect(65536, 78643);
int vd8 = pOther->pSprite->x;
int vd4 = pOther->pSprite->y;
int vd0 = pOther->zView;
int vcc = pOther->pSprite->sectnum;
int v50 = pOther->pSprite->ang;
int v54 = 0;
if (pOther->flickerEffect)
int nValue = ClipHigh(pOther->flickerEffect * 8, 2000);
v54 += QRandom2(nValue >> 8);
v50 += QRandom2(nValue >> 8);
vd8 += QRandom2(nValue >> 4);
vd4 += QRandom2(nValue >> 4);
vd0 += QRandom2(nValue);
if (pOther->quakeEffect)
int nValue = ClipHigh(pOther->quakeEffect * 8, 2000);
v54 += QRandom2(nValue >> 8);
v50 += QRandom2(nValue >> 8);
vd8 += QRandom2(nValue >> 4);
vd4 += QRandom2(nValue >> 4);
vd0 += QRandom2(nValue);
CalcOtherPosition(pOther->pSprite, &vd8, &vd4, &vd0, &vcc, v50, 0);
CheckLink(&vd8, &vd4, &vd0, &vcc);
if (IsUnderwaterSector(vcc))
v14 = 10;
memcpy(bakMirrorGotpic, gotpic + 510, 2);
memcpy(gotpic + 510, otherMirrorGotpic, 2);
g_visibility = (int32_t)(ClipLow(gVisibility - 32 * pOther->visibility, 0) * (numplayers > 1 ? 1.f : r_ambientlightrecip));
int vc4, vc8;
getzsofslope(vcc, vd8, vd4, &vc8, &vc4);
if (vd0 >= vc4)
vd0 = vc4 - (gUpperLink[vcc] >= 0 ? 0 : (8 << 8));
if (vd0 <= vc8)
vd0 = vc8 + (gLowerLink[vcc] >= 0 ? 0 : (8 << 8));
v54 = ClipRange(v54, -200, 200);
int ror_status[16];
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
ror_status[i] = TestBitString(gotpic, 4080 + i);
DrawMirrors(vd8, vd4, vd0, fix16_from_int(v50), fix16_from_int(v54 + defaultHoriz), gInterpolate, -1);
drawrooms(vd8, vd4, vd0, v50, v54 + defaultHoriz, vcc);
yax_drawrooms(viewProcessSprites, vcc, 0, gInterpolate);
bool do_ror_hack = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
if (ror_status[i] != TestBitString(gotpic, 4080 + i))
do_ror_hack = true;
if (do_ror_hack)
spritesortcnt = 0;
memcpy(otherMirrorGotpic, gotpic+510, 2);
memcpy(gotpic+510, bakMirrorGotpic, 2);
viewProcessSprites(vd8, vd4, vd0, v50, gInterpolate);
othercameraclock = (int)totalclock;
if (!bDelirium)
deliriumTilt = 0;
deliriumTurn = 0;
deliriumPitch = 0;
int nSprite = headspritestat[kStatExplosion];
int unk = 0;
while (nSprite >= 0)
spritetype* pSprite = &sprite[nSprite];
int nXSprite = pSprite->extra;
dassert(nXSprite > 0 && nXSprite < kMaxXSprites);
XSPRITE* pXSprite = &xsprite[nXSprite];
if (TestBitString(gotsector, pSprite->sectnum))
unk += pXSprite->data3 * 32;
nSprite = nextspritestat[nSprite];
nSprite = headspritestat[kStatProjectile];
while (nSprite >= 0) {
spritetype* pSprite = &sprite[nSprite];
switch (pSprite->type) {
case kMissileFlareRegular:
case kMissileTeslaAlt:
case kMissileFlareAlt:
case kMissileTeslaRegular:
if (TestBitString(gotsector, pSprite->sectnum)) unk += 256;
nSprite = nextspritestat[nSprite];
g_visibility = (int32_t)(ClipLow(gVisibility - 32 * gView->visibility - unk, 0) * (numplayers > 1 ? 1.f : r_ambientlightrecip));
cA = (cA + interpolateangfix16(fix16_from_int(deliriumTurnO), fix16_from_int(deliriumTurn), gInterpolate)) & 0x7ffffff;
int vfc, vf8;
getzsofslope(nSectnum, cX, cY, &vfc, &vf8);
if (cZ >= vf8)
cZ = vf8 - (gUpperLink[nSectnum] >= 0 ? 0 : (8 << 8));
if (cZ <= vfc)
cZ = vfc + (gLowerLink[nSectnum] >= 0 ? 0 : (8 << 8));
q16horiz = ClipRange(q16horiz, fix16_from_int(-200), fix16_from_int(200));
int ror_status[16];
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
ror_status[i] = TestBitString(gotpic, 4080 + i);
fix16_t deliriumPitchI = interpolate(fix16_from_int(deliriumPitchO), fix16_from_int(deliriumPitch), gInterpolate);
DrawMirrors(cX, cY, cZ, cA, q16horiz + fix16_from_int(defaultHoriz) + deliriumPitchI, gInterpolate, gViewIndex);
int bakCstat = gView->pSprite->cstat;
if (gViewPos == 0)
gView->pSprite->cstat |= 32768;
gView->pSprite->cstat |= 514;
#ifdef POLYMER
if (videoGetRenderMode() == REND_POLYMER)
polymer_setanimatesprites(viewProcessSprites, cX, cY, cZ, fix16_to_int(cA), gInterpolate);
renderDrawRoomsQ16(cX, cY, cZ, cA, q16horiz + fix16_from_int(defaultHoriz) + deliriumPitchI, nSectnum);
yax_drawrooms(viewProcessSprites, nSectnum, 0, gInterpolate);
viewProcessSprites(cX, cY, cZ, fix16_to_int(cA), gInterpolate);
bool do_ror_hack = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
if (ror_status[i] != TestBitString(gotpic, 4080 + i))
do_ror_hack = true;
if (do_ror_hack)
gView->pSprite->cstat = bakCstat;
spritesortcnt = 0;
int nSpriteSortCnt = spritesortcnt;
spritesortcnt = nSpriteSortCnt;
sub_557C4(cX, cY, gInterpolate);
gView->pSprite->cstat = bakCstat;
if ((v78 || bDelirium) && !sceneonly)
if (videoGetRenderMode() == REND_POLYMOST && gDeliriumBlur)
// todo: Implement using modern techniques instead of relying on deprecated old stuff that isn't well supported anymore.
/* names broken up so that searching for GL keywords won't find them anymore
if (!bDeliriumOld)
g lAccum(GL_LOAD, 1.f);
const float fBlur = pow(1.f/3.f, 30.f/g_frameRate);
g lAccum(GL _MULT, fBlur);
g lAccum(GL _ACCUM, 1.f-fBlur);
g lAccum(GL _RETURN, 1.f);
bDeliriumOld = bDelirium && gDeliriumBlur;
if (r_usenewaspect)
newaspect_enable = 0;
renderSetAspect(viewingRange, yxAspect);
int nClipDist = gView->pSprite->clipdist << 2;
int ve8, vec, vf0, vf4;
GetZRange(gView->pSprite, &vf4, &vf0, &vec, &ve8, nClipDist, 0);
if (sceneonly) return;
#if 0
int tmpSect = nSectnum;
if ((vf0 & 0xc000) == 0x4000)
tmpSect = vf0 & (kMaxWalls - 1);
int v8 = byte_1CE5C2 > 0 && (sector[tmpSect].ceilingstat & 1);
if (gWeather.at12d8 > 0 || v8)
gWeather.Draw(cX, cY, cZ, cA, q16horiz + defaultHoriz + deliriumPitch, gWeather.at12d8);
if (v8)
gWeather.at12d8 = ClipRange(delta * 8 + gWeather.at12d8, 0, 4095);
gWeather.at12d8 = ClipRange(gWeather.at12d8 - delta * 64, 0, 4095);
PspTwoDSetter p2set;
if (gViewPos == 0)
if (cl_crosshair)
rotatesprite(160<<16, defaultHoriz<<16, 65536, 0, kCrosshairTile, 0, 0, 2, gViewX0, gViewY0, gViewX1, gViewY1);
cX = (v4c >> 8) + 160;
cY = (v48 >> 8) + 220 + (zDelta >> 7);
int nShade = sector[nSectnum].floorshade; int nPalette = 0;
if (sector[gView->pSprite->sectnum].extra > 0) {
sectortype* pSector = §or[gView->pSprite->sectnum];
XSECTOR* pXSector = &xsector[pSector->extra];
if (pXSector->color)
nPalette = pSector->floorpal;
if (gView->sceneQav < 0) WeaponDraw(gView, nShade, cX, cY, nPalette);
else if (gView->pXSprite->health > 0) playerQavSceneDraw(gView, nShade, cX, cY, nPalette);
else {
gView->sceneQav = gView->weaponQav = -1;
gView->weaponTimer = gView->curWeapon = 0;
WeaponDraw(gView, nShade, cX, cY, nPalette);
if (gViewPos == 0 && gView->pXSprite->burnTime > 60)
if (packItemActive(gView, 1))
rotatesprite(0, 0, 65536, 0, 2344, 0, 0, 256 + 18, gViewX0, gViewY0, gViewX1, gViewY1);
rotatesprite(320 << 16, 0, 65536, 1024, 2344, 0, 0, 512 + 22, gViewX0, gViewY0, gViewX1, gViewY1);
rotatesprite(0, 200 << 16, 65536, 0, 2344, 0, 0, 256 + 22, gViewX0, gViewY0, gViewX1, gViewY1);
rotatesprite(320 << 16, 200 << 16, 65536, 1024, 2344, 0, 0, 512 + 18, gViewX0, gViewY0, gViewX1, gViewY1);
if (gDetail >= 4)
rotatesprite(15 << 16, 3 << 16, 65536, 0, 2346, 32, 0, 256 + 19, gViewX0, gViewY0, gViewX1, gViewY1);
rotatesprite(212 << 16, 77 << 16, 65536, 0, 2347, 32, 0, 512 + 19, gViewX0, gViewY0, gViewX1, gViewY1);
if (powerupCheck(gView, kPwUpAsbestArmor) > 0)
rotatesprite(0, 200 << 16, 65536, 0, 2358, 0, 0, 256 + 22, gViewX0, gViewY0, gViewX1, gViewY1);
rotatesprite(320 << 16, 200 << 16, 65536, 1024, 2358, 0, 0, 512 + 18, gViewX0, gViewY0, gViewX1, gViewY1);
if (v4 && gNetPlayers > 1)
viewingRange = viewingrange;
yxAspect = yxaspect;
renderSetAspect(65536, 54613);
rotatesprite(280 << 16, 35 << 16, 53248, 512, 4077, v10, v14, 512 + 6, gViewX0, gViewY0, gViewX1, gViewY1);
rotatesprite(280 << 16, 35 << 16, 53248, 0, 1683, v10, 0, 512 + 35, gViewX0, gViewY0, gViewX1, gViewY1);
renderSetAspect(viewingRange, yxAspect);
if (powerupCheck(gView, kPwUpDeathMask) > 0) nPalette = 4;
else if (powerupCheck(gView, kPwUpReflectShots) > 0) nPalette = 1;
else if (gView->isUnderwater) {
if (gView->nWaterPal) nPalette = gView->nWaterPal;
else {
if (gView->pXSprite->medium == kMediumWater) nPalette = 1;
else if (gView->pXSprite->medium == kMediumGoo) nPalette = 3;
else nPalette = 2;
if (gViewMode == 4)
int zn = ((gView->zWeapon-gView->zView-(12<<8))>>7)+220;
PLAYER *pPSprite = &gPlayer[gMe->pSprite->type-kDudePlayer1];
if (IsPlayerSprite(gMe->pSprite) && pPSprite->hand == 1)
//static int lastClock;
gChoke.sub_84110(160, zn);
//if ((gGameClock % 5) == 0 && gGameClock != lastClock)
// gChoke.swayV(pPSprite);
//lastClock = gGameClock;
if (byte_1A76C6)
DrawStatSprite(2048, xdim-15, 20);
if (paused)
viewDrawText(1, GStrings("TXTB_PAUSED"), 160, 10, 0, 0, 1, 0);
else if (gView != gMe)
FStringf gTempStr("] %s [", gProfile[gView->nPlayer].name);
viewDrawText(0, gTempStr, 160, 10, 0, 0, 1, 0);
if (errMsg[0])
viewDrawText(0, errMsg, 160, 20, 0, 0, 1, 0);
if (cl_interpolate)
bool GameInterface::GenerateSavePic()
return true;
int nLoadingScreenTile;
char pzLoadingScreenText1[256], pzLoadingScreenText2[256], pzLoadingScreenText3[256];
void viewLoadingScreenWide(void)
if ((blood_globalflags&BLOOD_FORCE_WIDELOADSCREEN) || (bLoadScreenCrcMatch && !(hw_hightile && h_xsize[kLoadScreen])))
if ((blood_globalflags&BLOOD_FORCE_WIDELOADSCREEN) || bLoadScreenCrcMatch)
if (yxaspect >= 65536)
rotatesprite(160<<16, 100<<16, 65536, 0, kLoadScreen, 0, 0, 1024+64+8+2, 0, 0, xdim-1, ydim-1);
int width = roundscale(xdim, 240, ydim);
int nCount = (width+kLoadScreenWideBackWidth-1)/kLoadScreenWideBackWidth;
for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
rotatesprite_fs((i*kLoadScreenWideBackWidth)<<16, 0, 65536, 0, kLoadScreenWideBack, 0, 0, 256+64+16+8+2);
rotatesprite_fs((kLoadScreenWideSideWidth>>1)<<16, 200<<15, 65536, 0, kLoadScreenWideLeft, 0, 0, 256+8+2);
rotatesprite_fs((320-(kLoadScreenWideSideWidth>>1))<<16, 200<<15, 65536, 0, kLoadScreenWideRight, 0, 0, 512+8+2);
rotatesprite_fs(320<<15, 200<<15, 65536, 0, kLoadScreenWideMiddle, 0, 0, 8+2);
rotatesprite(160<<16, 100<<16, 65536, 0, kLoadScreen, 0, 0, 64+8+2, 0, 0, xdim-1, ydim-1);
void viewLoadingScreenUpdate(const char *pzText4, int nPercent)
int vc;
viewGetFontInfo(1, NULL, NULL, &vc);
if (nLoadingScreenTile == kLoadScreen)
else if (nLoadingScreenTile)
rotatesprite(160<<16, 100<<16, 65536, 0, nLoadingScreenTile, 0, 0, 74, 0, 0, xdim-1, ydim-1);
if (pzLoadingScreenText1[0])
rotatesprite(160<<16, 20<<16, 65536, 0, 2038, -128, 0, 78, 0, 0, xdim-1, ydim-1);
viewDrawText(1, pzLoadingScreenText1, 160, 20-vc/2, -128, 0, 1, 1);
if (pzLoadingScreenText2[0])
viewDrawText(1, pzLoadingScreenText2, 160, 50, -128, 0, 1, 1);
if (pzLoadingScreenText3[0])
viewDrawText(1, pzLoadingScreenText3, 160, 70, -128, 0, 1, 1);
if (pzText4)
viewDrawText(3, pzText4, 160, 124, -128, 0, 1, 1);
if (nPercent != -1)
TileHGauge(2260, 86, 110, nPercent, 100, 0, 131072);
viewDrawText(3, GStrings("TXTB_PLSWAIT"), 160, 134, -128, 0, 1, 1);
void viewLoadingScreen(int nTile, const char *pText, const char *pText2, const char *pText3)
UpdateDacs(0, true);
nLoadingScreenTile = nTile;
if (pText)
strncpy(pzLoadingScreenText1, pText, 256);
pzLoadingScreenText1[0] = 0;
if (pText2)
strncpy(pzLoadingScreenText2, pText2, 256);
pzLoadingScreenText2[0] = 0;
if (pText3)
strncpy(pzLoadingScreenText3, pText3, 256);
pzLoadingScreenText3[0] = 0;
viewLoadingScreenUpdate(NULL, -1);
#define LOW_FPS 60
#define SLOW_FRAME_TIME 20
#if defined GEKKO
# define FPS_YOFFSET 16
# define FPS_YOFFSET 0
FString GameInterface::statFPS(void)
FString output;
static int32_t frameCount;
static double cumulativeFrameDelay;
static double lastFrameTime;
static float lastFPS, minFPS = FLT_MAX, maxFPS;
static double minGameUpdate = DBL_MAX, maxGameUpdate;
double frameTime = timerGetHiTicks();
double frameDelay = frameTime - lastFrameTime;
cumulativeFrameDelay += frameDelay;
if (frameDelay >= 0)
int32_t x = (xdim <= 640);
//if (r_showfps)
output.AppendFormat("%.1f ms, %5.1f fps\n", frameDelay, lastFPS);
if (r_showfps > 1)
output.AppendFormat("max: %5.1f fps\n", maxFPS);
output.AppendFormat("min: %5.1f fps\n", minFPS);
if (r_showfps > 2)
if (g_gameUpdateTime > maxGameUpdate) maxGameUpdate = g_gameUpdateTime;
if (g_gameUpdateTime < minGameUpdate) minGameUpdate = g_gameUpdateTime;
output.AppendFormat("Game Update: %2.2f ms + draw: %2.2f ms\n", g_gameUpdateTime, g_gameUpdateAndDrawTime - g_gameUpdateTime);
output.AppendFormat("GU min/max/avg: %5.2f/%5.2f/%5.2f ms\n", minGameUpdate, maxGameUpdate, g_gameUpdateAvgTime);
output.AppendFormat("bufferjitter: %i\n", gBufferJitter);
#if 0
output.AppendFormat("G_MoveActors(): %.3f ms\n", g_moveActorsTime);
output.AppendFormat("G_MoveWorld(): %.3f ms\n", g_moveWorldTime);
#if 0
// lag meter
if (g_netClientPeer)
output.AppendFormat("%d +- %d ms\n", (g_netClientPeer->lastRoundTripTime + g_netClientPeer->roundTripTime)/2,
(g_netClientPeer->lastRoundTripTimeVariance + g_netClientPeer->roundTripTimeVariance)/2);
if (cumulativeFrameDelay >= 1000.0)
lastFPS = 1000.f * frameCount / cumulativeFrameDelay;
g_frameRate = Blrintf(lastFPS);
frameCount = 0;
cumulativeFrameDelay = 0.0;
if (r_showfps > 1)
if (lastFPS > maxFPS) maxFPS = lastFPS;
if (lastFPS < minFPS) minFPS = lastFPS;
static int secondCounter;
if (++secondCounter >= r_showfpsperiod)
maxFPS = (lastFPS + maxFPS) * .5f;
minFPS = (lastFPS + minFPS) * .5f;
maxGameUpdate = (g_gameUpdateTime + maxGameUpdate) * 0.5;
minGameUpdate = (g_gameUpdateTime + minGameUpdate) * 0.5;
secondCounter = 0;
lastFrameTime = frameTime;
return output;
FString GameInterface::GetCoordString()
return "Player pos is unknown"; // todo: output at least something useful.
class ViewLoadSave : public LoadSave {
void Load(void);
void Save(void);
static ViewLoadSave *myLoadSave;
static int messageTime;
static char message[256];
void ViewLoadSave::Load(void)
Read(&messageTime, sizeof(messageTime));
Read(message, sizeof(message));
Read(otherMirrorGotpic, sizeof(otherMirrorGotpic));
Read(bakMirrorGotpic, sizeof(bakMirrorGotpic));
Read(&gScreenTilt, sizeof(gScreenTilt));
Read(&deliriumTilt, sizeof(deliriumTilt));
Read(&deliriumTurn, sizeof(deliriumTurn));
Read(&deliriumPitch, sizeof(deliriumPitch));
void ViewLoadSave::Save(void)
Write(&messageTime, sizeof(messageTime));
Write(message, sizeof(message));
Write(otherMirrorGotpic, sizeof(otherMirrorGotpic));
Write(bakMirrorGotpic, sizeof(bakMirrorGotpic));
Write(&gScreenTilt, sizeof(gScreenTilt));
Write(&deliriumTilt, sizeof(deliriumTilt));
Write(&deliriumTurn, sizeof(deliriumTurn));
Write(&deliriumPitch, sizeof(deliriumPitch));
void ViewLoadSaveConstruct(void)
myLoadSave = new ViewLoadSave();