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2020-02-17 18:40:32 +01:00

866 lines
20 KiB

#ifndef __M_MENU_MENU_H__
#define __M_MENU_MENU_H__
#include "c_cvars.h"
#include "v_font.h"
#include "version.h"
#include "textures.h"
#include "zstring.h"
#include "baselayer.h"
EXTERN_CVAR(Float, snd_menuvolume)
EXTERN_CVAR(Int, m_use_mouse);
enum EMax
// These get filled in by the map definition parsers of the front ends.
extern FString gSkillNames[MAXSKILLS];
extern FString gVolumeNames[MAXVOLUMES];
extern FString gVolumeSubtitles[MAXVOLUMES];
extern int32_t gVolumeFlags[MAXVOLUMES];
extern int gDefaultVolume, gDefaultSkill;
const int MENU_TICRATE = 30;
extern bool help_disabled, credits_disabled;
extern int g_currentMenu;
enum MenuTransitionType
{ // Note: This enum is for logical categories, not visual types.
class DMenu;
struct MenuTransition
DMenu* previous;
DMenu* current;
int32_t start;
int32_t length;
int32_t dir;
bool StartTransition(DMenu* from, DMenu* to, MenuTransitionType animtype);
bool Draw();
enum MenuGameplayEntryFlags
MGE_Locked = 1u << 0u,
MGE_Hidden = 1u << 1u,
MGE_UserContent = 1u << 2u,
typedef struct MenuGameplayEntry
char name[64];
uint8_t flags;
bool isValid() const { return name[0] != '\0'; }
} MenuGameplayEntry;
typedef struct MenuGameplayStemEntry
MenuGameplayEntry entry;
MenuGameplayEntry subentries[MAXMENUGAMEPLAYENTRIES];
} MenuGameplayStemEntry;
extern MenuGameplayStemEntry g_MenuGameplayEntries[MAXMENUGAMEPLAYENTRIES];
enum EMenuState : int
MENU_Off, // Menu is closed
MENU_On, // Menu is opened
MENU_WaitKey, // Menu is opened and waiting for a key in the controls menu
MENU_OnNoPause, // Menu is opened but does not pause the game
enum EMenuSounds : int
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, menu_sounds)
struct event_t;
class FTexture;
class FFont;
enum EColorRange : int;
class FPlayerClass;
class FKeyBindings;
enum EMenuKey
//----------------- Keys past here do not repeat.
MKEY_Back, // Back to previous menu
MKEY_Clear, // Clear keybinding/flip player sprite preview
// These are not buttons but events sent from other menus
MKEY_Input, // Sent when input is confirmed
MKEY_Abort, // Input aborted
enum ENativeFontValues
NIT_ActiveColor = -1,
NIT_InactiveColor = -2,
NIT_SelectedColor = -3,
NIT_ActiveState = 1,
NIT_InactiveState = 2,
NIT_SelectedState = 3
// positive values for color are direct palswap indices.
extern FGameStartup GameStartupInfo;
extern EMenuState menuactive;
// menu descriptor. This is created from the menu definition lump
// Items must be inserted in the order they are cycled through with the cursor
enum EMenuDescriptorType
struct FMenuDescriptor
FName mMenuName;
FString mNetgameMessage;
int mType;
FName mClass;
virtual ~FMenuDescriptor() {}
class FListMenuItem;
class FOptionMenuItem;
enum ListMenuFlags
LMF_Centered = 1,
LMF_DontSpace = 2,
LMF_Animate = 4,
struct FListMenuDescriptor : public FMenuDescriptor
TDeletingArray<FListMenuItem *> mItems;
FString mCaption;
int mSelectedItem;
int mSelectOfsX;
int mSelectOfsY;
FTexture *mSelector;
int mDisplayTop;
int mXpos, mYpos, mYbotton;
int mWLeft, mWRight;
int mLinespacing; // needs to be stored for dynamically created menus
int mAutoselect; // this can only be set by internal menu creation functions
int mScriptId;
int mSecondaryId;
int mNativeFontNum, mNativePalNum;
float mNativeFontScale;
FFont *mFont;
EColorRange mFontColor;
EColorRange mFontColor2;
FMenuDescriptor *mRedirect; // used to redirect overlong skill and episode menus to option menu based alternatives
int mFlags;
int mSpacing;
void Reset()
// Reset the default settings (ignore all other values in the struct)
mSelectOfsX = 0;
mSelectOfsY = 0;
mSelector = nullptr;
mDisplayTop = 0;
mXpos = 0;
mYpos = 0;
mLinespacing = 0;
mNetgameMessage = "";
mFont = NULL;
mScriptId = -1;
mSecondaryId = 0;
mNativeFontNum = NIT_BigFont;
mNativePalNum = NIT_ActiveColor;
mNativeFontScale = 1.f;
mFlags = 0;
mSpacing = 0;
struct FOptionMenuSettings
EColorRange mTitleColor;
EColorRange mFontColor;
EColorRange mFontColorValue;
EColorRange mFontColorMore;
EColorRange mFontColorHeader;
EColorRange mFontColorHighlight;
EColorRange mFontColorSelection;
int mLinespacing;
struct FOptionMenuDescriptor : public FMenuDescriptor
TDeletingArray<FOptionMenuItem *> mItems;
FString mTitle;
int mSelectedItem;
int mDrawTop;
int mScrollTop;
int mScrollPos;
int mIndent;
int mPosition;
bool mDontDim;
void CalcIndent();
FOptionMenuItem *GetItem(FName name);
void Reset()
// Reset the default settings (ignore all other values in the struct)
mPosition = 0;
mScrollTop = 0;
mIndent = 0;
mDontDim = 0;
struct FImageScrollerDescriptor : public FMenuDescriptor
struct ScrollerItem
int type; // 0: fullscreen image; 1: centered text
int scriptID;
FString text;
int mFlags = 0;
TArray<ScrollerItem> mItems;
typedef TMap<FName, FMenuDescriptor *> MenuDescriptorList;
extern FOptionMenuSettings OptionSettings;
extern MenuDescriptorList MenuDescriptors;
#define CURSORSPACE (14 * CleanXfac_1)
struct FMenuRect
int x, y;
int width, height;
void set(int _x, int _y, int _w, int _h)
x = _x;
y = _y;
width = _w;
height = _h;
bool inside(int _x, int _y)
return _x >= x && _x < x+width && _y >= y && _y < y+height;
class DMenu
bool mMouseCapture;
bool mBackbuttonSelected;
static DMenu *CurrentMenu;
static int MenuTime;
DMenu *mParentMenu;
DVector2 origin = { 0,0 };
int scriptID = INT_MAX;
bool canAnimate = false;
DMenu(DMenu *parent = NULL);
virtual ~DMenu() = default;
virtual bool Responder (event_t *ev);
virtual bool MenuEvent (int mkey, bool fromcontroller);
virtual void Ticker ();
virtual void PreDraw() {}
virtual void PostDraw() {}
virtual void Drawer ();
virtual bool DimAllowed ();
virtual bool TranslateKeyboardEvents();
virtual void Close();
virtual bool MouseEvent(int type, int x, int y);
virtual void Destroy() {}
bool MouseEventBack(int type, int x, int y);
void SetCapture();
void ReleaseCapture();
void SetOrigin();
bool HasCapture()
return mMouseCapture;
// base class for menu items
class DListMenu;
class FListMenuItem
int mXpos, mYpos;
int mHeight;
FName mAction;
bool mEnabled, mHidden;
FListMenuItem(int xpos = 0, int ypos = 0, FName action = NAME_None)
mXpos = xpos;
mYpos = ypos;
mAction = action;
mEnabled = true;
mHidden = false;
virtual ~FListMenuItem();
virtual bool CheckCoordinate(int x, int y);
virtual void Ticker();
virtual void Drawer(DListMenu *menu, const DVector2& origin, bool selected);
virtual bool Selectable();
virtual bool Activate(FName caller);
virtual FName GetAction(int *pparam);
virtual bool SetString(int i, const char *s);
virtual bool GetString(int i, char *s, int len);
virtual bool SetValue(int i, int value);
virtual bool GetValue(int i, int *pvalue);
virtual void Enable(bool on);
virtual bool MenuEvent (int mkey, bool fromcontroller);
virtual bool MouseEvent(int type, int x, int y);
virtual bool CheckHotkey(int c);
virtual int GetWidth();
virtual void DrawSelector(int xofs, int yofs, FTexture *tex);
void OffsetPositionY(int ydelta) { mYpos += ydelta; }
int GetY() { return mYpos; }
int GetX() { return mXpos; }
void SetX(int x) { mXpos = x; }
void SetY(int x) { mYpos = x; }
void SetHeight(int x) { mHeight = x; }
void SetAction(FName action) { mAction = action; }
class FListMenuItemStaticPatch : public FListMenuItem
FTexture *mTexture;
bool mCentered;
FListMenuItemStaticPatch(int x, int y, FTexture *patch, bool centered);
void Drawer(DListMenu* menu, const DVector2& origin, bool selected);
class FListMenuItemStaticText : public FListMenuItem
const char *mText;
FFont *mFont;
EColorRange mColor;
bool mCentered;
FListMenuItemStaticText(int x, int y, const char *text, FFont *font, EColorRange color, bool centered);
void Drawer(DListMenu* menu, const DVector2& origin, bool selected) override;
class FListMenuItemNativeStaticText : public FListMenuItem
FString mText;
int mFontnum;
int mPalnum;
bool mCentered;
FListMenuItemNativeStaticText(int x, int y, const FString & text, int fontnum, int palnum, bool centered);
void Drawer(DListMenu* menu, const DVector2& origin, bool selected) override;
// selectable items
class FListMenuItemSelectable : public FListMenuItem
int mHotkey;
int mParam;
FListMenuItemSelectable(int x, int y, int height, FName childmenu, int mParam = -1);
bool CheckCoordinate(int x, int y) override;
bool Selectable() override;
bool CheckHotkey(int c) override;
bool Activate(FName caller) override;
bool MouseEvent(int type, int x, int y) override;
FName GetAction(int *pparam) override;
class FListMenuItemText : public FListMenuItemSelectable
FString mText;
FFont *mFont;
EColorRange mColor;
EColorRange mColorSelected;
FListMenuItemText(int x, int y, int height, int hotkey, const FString &text, FFont *font, EColorRange color, EColorRange color2, FName child, int param = 0);
void Drawer(DListMenu* menu, const DVector2& origin, bool selected) override;
int GetWidth() override;
class FListMenuItemNativeText : public FListMenuItemSelectable
// This draws the item with the game frontend's native text drawer and uses a front end defined font, it takes only symbolic constants as parameters.
FString mText;
int mFontnum;
int mPalnum;
float mFontscale;
FListMenuItemNativeText(int x, int y, int height, int hotkey, const FString& text, int fontnum, int palnum, float fontscale, FName child, int param = 0);
void Drawer(DListMenu* menu, const DVector2& origin, bool selected) override;
int GetWidth() override;
void DrawSelector(int xofs, int yofs, FTexture* tex) override { } // The text drawer handles this itself.
class FListMenuItemPatch : public FListMenuItemSelectable
FTexture* mTexture;
FListMenuItemPatch(int x, int y, int height, int hotkey, FTexture* patch, FName child, int param = 0);
void Drawer(DListMenu* menu, const DVector2& origin, bool selected) override;
int GetWidth() override;
// list menu class runs a menu described by a FListMenuDescriptor
class DListMenu : public DMenu
typedef DMenu Super;
FListMenuDescriptor *mDesc = nullptr;
FListMenuItem *mFocusControl = nullptr;
DListMenu(DMenu *parent = NULL, FListMenuDescriptor *desc = NULL);
virtual void Init(DMenu *parent = NULL, FListMenuDescriptor *desc = NULL);
FListMenuItem *GetItem(FName name);
bool Responder (event_t *ev) override;
bool MenuEvent (int mkey, bool fromcontroller) override;
bool MouseEvent(int type, int x, int y) override;
void Ticker () override;
void Drawer () override;
void PreDraw() override;
virtual void SelectionChanged() {}
void SetFocus(FListMenuItem *fc)
mFocusControl = fc;
bool CheckFocus(FListMenuItem *fc)
return mFocusControl == fc;
void ReleaseFocus()
mFocusControl = NULL;
const FListMenuDescriptor* Descriptor() const
return mDesc;
// base class for menu items
class FOptionMenuItem : public FListMenuItem
FString mLabel;
bool mCentered = false;
void drawText(int x, int y, int color, const char * text, bool grayed = false);
int drawLabel(int indent, int y, EColorRange color, bool grayed = false);
void drawValue(int indent, int y, int color, const char *text, bool grayed = false);
int CursorSpace();
FOptionMenuItem(const char *text, FName action = NAME_None, bool center = false)
: FListMenuItem(0, 0, action)
mLabel = text;
mCentered = center;
virtual int Draw(FOptionMenuDescriptor *desc, int y, int indent, bool selected);
virtual bool Selectable();
virtual int GetIndent();
virtual bool MouseEvent(int type, int x, int y);
struct FOptionValues
struct Pair
double Value;
FString TextValue;
FString Text;
TArray<Pair> mValues;
typedef TMap< FName, FOptionValues* > FOptionMap;
extern FOptionMap OptionValues;
// Option menu class runs a menu described by a FOptionMenuDescriptor
class DOptionMenu : public DMenu
using Super = DMenu;
bool CanScrollUp;
bool CanScrollDown;
int VisBottom;
FOptionMenuItem *mFocusControl;
FOptionMenuDescriptor *mDesc;
int GetPosition();
FOptionMenuItem *GetItem(FName name);
DOptionMenu(DMenu *parent = NULL, FOptionMenuDescriptor *desc = NULL);
virtual void Init(DMenu *parent = NULL, FOptionMenuDescriptor *desc = NULL);
int FirstSelectable();
bool Responder (event_t *ev);
bool MenuEvent (int mkey, bool fromcontroller);
bool MouseEvent(int type, int x, int y);
void Ticker ();
void Drawer ();
virtual int GetIndent();
const FOptionMenuDescriptor *GetDescriptor() const { return mDesc; }
void SetFocus(FOptionMenuItem *fc)
mFocusControl = fc;
bool CheckFocus(FOptionMenuItem *fc)
return mFocusControl == fc;
void ReleaseFocus()
mFocusControl = NULL;
FFont *OptionFont();
int OptionHeight();
int OptionWidth(const char * s);
void DrawOptionText(int x, int y, int color, const char *text, bool grayed = false);
// ImageScroller
class ImageScreen;
class DImageScrollerMenu : public DMenu
DMenu* mCurrent = nullptr;
FImageScrollerDescriptor* mDesc = nullptr;
int index = 0;
MenuTransition pageTransition = {};
virtual ImageScreen* newImageScreen(FImageScrollerDescriptor::ScrollerItem* desc);
void Init(DMenu* parent = nullptr, FImageScrollerDescriptor* desc = nullptr);
bool MenuEvent(int mkey, bool fromcontroller);
bool MouseEvent(int type, int x, int y);
void Ticker();
void Drawer();
// Input some text
class DTextEnterMenu : public DMenu
using Super = DMenu;
FString mEnterString;
int mEnterSize;
bool mInputGridOkay;
int InputGridX;
int InputGridY;
int CursorSize;
bool AllowColors;
FFont *displayFont;
void AppendChar(int ch);
// [TP] Added allowcolors
DTextEnterMenu(DMenu *parent, FFont *dpf, FString textbuffer, int maxlen, bool showgrid, bool allowcolors = false);
void Drawer ();
bool MenuEvent (int mkey, bool fromcontroller);
bool Responder(event_t *ev);
bool TranslateKeyboardEvents();
bool MouseEvent(int type, int x, int y);
const char* GetText() { return mEnterString.GetChars(); }
// Show a fullscreen image / centered text screen for an image scroller
class ImageScreen : public DMenu
const FImageScrollerDescriptor::ScrollerItem* mDesc;
ImageScreen(const FImageScrollerDescriptor::ScrollerItem* it)
mDesc = it;
void Drawer() override;
struct event_t;
void M_EnableMenu (bool on) ;
bool M_Responder (event_t *ev);
void M_Ticker (void);
void M_Drawer (void);
void M_PreviousMenu();
void M_Init (void);
void M_CreateMenus();
void M_ActivateMenu(DMenu *menu);
void M_ClearMenus (bool final = false);
void M_ParseMenuDefs();
void M_StartupSkillMenu(FGameStartup *gs);
int M_GetDefaultSkill();
void M_StartControlPanel (bool makeSound);
bool M_SetMenu(FName menu, int param = -1, FName callingMenu = NAME_None);
void M_NotifyNewSave (const char *file, const char *title, bool okForQuicksave);
void M_StartMessage(const char *message, int messagemode, int scriptId, FName action = NAME_None);
void M_UnhideCustomMenu(int menu, int itemmask);
void M_MenuSound(EMenuSounds snd);
void M_Autosave();
bool M_Active();
void M_DeinitMenus();
void M_UnpauseSound();
void I_SetMouseCapture();
void I_ReleaseMouseCapture();
struct MenuClassDescriptor;
extern TArray<MenuClassDescriptor*> menuClasses;
using hFunc = std::function<void(bool)>;
DMenu* CreateMessageBoxMenu(DMenu* parent, const char* message, int messagemode, int scriptID, bool playsound, FName action = NAME_None, hFunc handler = nullptr);
struct MenuClassDescriptor
FName mName;
MenuClassDescriptor(const char* name) : mName(name)
virtual DMenu* CreateNew() = 0;
template<class Menu> struct TMenuClassDescriptor : public MenuClassDescriptor
TMenuClassDescriptor(const char* name) : MenuClassDescriptor(name)
DMenu* CreateNew()
return new Menu;
struct FSavegameManager
TArray<FSaveGameNode*> SaveGames;
FSaveGameNode NewSaveNode;
int LastSaved = -1;
int LastAccessed = -1;
TArray<char> SavePicData;
FTexture *SavePic = nullptr;
int WindowSize = 0;
FString SaveCommentString;
FSaveGameNode *quickSaveSlot = nullptr;
int InsertSaveNode(FSaveGameNode *node);
void NotifyNewSave(const FString &file, const FString &title, bool okForQuicksave, bool forceQuicksave);
void ClearSaveGames();
void ReadSaveStrings();
void UnloadSaveData();
int RemoveSaveSlot(int index);
void LoadSavegame(int Selected);
void DoSave(int Selected, const char *savegamestring);
unsigned ExtractSaveData(int index);
void ClearSaveStuff();
bool DrawSavePic(int x, int y, int w, int h);
void DrawSaveComment(FFont *font, int cr, int x, int y, int scalefactor);
void SetFileInfo(int Selected);
unsigned SavegameCount();
FSaveGameNode *GetSavegame(int i);
void InsertNewSaveNode();
bool RemoveNewSaveNode();
void LoadGame(FSaveGameNode* node);
void SaveGame(FSaveGameNode* node, bool ok4q, bool forceq);
extern FSavegameManager savegameManager;