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synced 2025-03-09 02:11:25 +00:00
Make lunatic/test/gamearray.con run in C-CON, too. git-svn-id: https://svn.eduke32.com/eduke32@5238 1a8010ca-5511-0410-912e-c29ae57300e0
152 lines
3.2 KiB
152 lines
3.2 KiB
// Test for gamearrays / their persistence.
define QWESZ 10
define ASDSZ 12
define MAXTILES 30720 // XXX
gamearray qwe QWESZ
gamearray asd ASDSZ
define NEWQWESZ 9
define NEWASDSZ 14
gamearray qwe1 1 // should auto-resize when reading in
gamearray asd1 NEWASDSZ
gamevar qwesz 0 0
gamevar asdsz 0 0
// Test gamevars that are named like Lua keywords.
gamevar local 0 0
gamevar i 0 0
gamevar tmp 0 0
define Q_qwe_fn 400
define Q_asd_fn 401
definequote Q_qwe_fn LTEST_QWE_ARRAY.bin
definequote Q_asd_fn LTEST_ASD_ARRAY.bin
// Wouldn't run in C-CON otherwise; redefinequote/qsprintf errors out when
// passed a non-allocated quote as destination.
definequote 500 TEMP
definequote 501 TEMP
definequote 505 tile y sizes: 0:%d 1:%d 2:%d 3:%d 4:%d 5:%d 6:%d 7:%d 8:%d
definequote 506 1: 0x0a0a0d0d==168430861 ? %d
definequote 507 2: 0x0a0a0d0d==168430861 ? %d
gamevar MINUSONE -1 0
state error
setactor[MINUSONE].cstat 0
// This doesn't work in C-CON:
// setactor[-1].cstat 0
// source/lunatic/test/gamearray.con: In state `error':
// source/lunatic/test/gamearray.con:36: error: symbol `1' is not a game variable.
setvar i 0
whilevarn i QWESZ
setarray qwe[i] i
addvar i 1
// Test nested array syntax:
setarray qwe[qwe[5]] 0
// qwe[] now:
// 0 1 2 3 4 0 6 7 8 9
setvar i 0
whilevarn i ASDSZ
setvarvar tmp i
addvar tmp 100
setarray asd[i] tmp
setvarvar local tmp
addvar i 1
copy qwe[4] /*->*/ asd[3] 3
setarray asd[4] 0x0a0a0d0d
// asd[] now:
// 100 101 102 4 0x0a0a0d0d 6 106 107 108 109 110 111
qsprintf 506 506 asd[4]
userquote 506
resizearray qwe NEWQWESZ // shrink
resizearray asd NEWASDSZ // grow
ifvarn qwe[4] 4 state error
ifvarn asd[4] 0x0a0a0d0d state error
writearraytofile qwe Q_qwe_fn
writearraytofile asd Q_asd_fn
readarrayfromfile qwe1 Q_qwe_fn
readarrayfromfile asd1 Q_asd_fn
qsprintf 507 507 asd[4]
userquote 507
ifvarn asd[4] 0x0a0a0d0d state error
// test array sizes
getarraysize qwe qwesz
getarraysize asd asdsz
ifvarn qwesz NEWQWESZ state error
ifvarn asdsz NEWASDSZ state error
// test array sizes with *1 arrays
getarraysize qwe1 qwesz
getarraysize asd1 asdsz
ifvarn qwesz NEWQWESZ state error
ifvarn asdsz NEWASDSZ state error
redefinequote 500 [%d]: qwe=%d, qwe1=%d, asd=%d, asd1=%d
redefinequote 501 Because C-CON can't qsprintf into an uninitialized one
setvar i 0
whilevarvarn i -1
ifvarl i NEWQWESZ
qsprintf 501 500 i qwe[i] qwe1[i] asd[i] asd1[i]
qsprintf 501 500 i -1 -1 asd[i] asd1[i]
userquote 501
addvar i 1
ifvare i NEWASDSZ
setvar i -1
redefinequote 500 MUST REACH
userquote 500
setvar i 120
modvar i 25
addlogvar i
//// Test system gamearrays
getarraysize tilesizx qwesz
ifvarn qwesz MAXTILES state error
copy tilesizy[0] /*->*/ qwe[0] 9
qsprintf 505 505 qwe[0] qwe[1] qwe[2] qwe[3] qwe[4] qwe[5] qwe[6] qwe[7] qwe[8]
userquote 505
// Must give a translation error:
// resizearray tilesizy 100