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synced 2025-03-06 08:51:01 +00:00
* Preserves the original return to center feel more accurately as original algorithm can't directly translate to pitch. If we ever get rid of Build's horizon throughout the games, this can go on the chopping block then as a necessity.
410 lines
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410 lines
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Copyright (C) 2019 Christoph Oelckers
Copyright (C) 2020 Mitchell Richters
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "gamecontrol.h"
#include "gameinput.h"
#include "gamestruct.h"
#include "serializer.h"
CVARD(Bool, invertmousex, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG, "invert horizontal mouse movement")
CVARD(Bool, invertmouse, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG, "invert vertical mouse movement")
// code fron gameexec/conrun
int getincangle(int a, int na)
a &= 2047;
na &= 2047;
if(abs(a-na) >= 1024)
if(na > 1024) na -= 2048;
if(a > 1024) a -= 2048;
return na-a;
double getincanglef(double a, double na)
a = fmod(a, 2048.);
na = fmod(na, 2048.);
if(fabs(a-na) >= 1024)
if(na > 1024) na -= 2048;
if(a > 1024) a -= 2048;
return na-a;
fixed_t getincangleq16(fixed_t a, fixed_t na)
a &= 0x7FFFFFF;
na &= 0x7FFFFFF;
if(abs(a-na) >= IntToFixed(1024))
if(na > IntToFixed(1024)) na -= IntToFixed(2048);
if(a > IntToFixed(1024)) a -= IntToFixed(2048);
return na-a;
lookangle getincanglebam(binangle a, binangle na)
int64_t cura = a.asbam() & 0xFFFFFFFF;
int64_t newa = na.asbam() & 0xFFFFFFFF;
if(abs(cura-newa) >= BAngToBAM(1024))
if(newa > BAngToBAM(1024)) newa -= BAngToBAM(2048);
if(cura > BAngToBAM(1024)) cura -= BAngToBAM(2048);
return bamlook(newa-cura);
// Player's movement function, called from game's ticker or from gi->GetInput() as required.
// Running speed.
Blood: 92 / 4 * 2 * 30 = 1380;
Duke: 15 * 2 * 2 * 30 = 1800;
SW: 28 * 1.40625 * 40 = 1575; // Precisely, ((((28 * 12) + ((28 * 12) / 4)) * 3) / 32) * 40
Average: 1585.;
// Normal speed.
Blood: 92 / 4 * 30 = 690;
Duke: 15 * 2 * 30 = 900;
SW: 18 * 1.40625 * 40 = 1012.5; // Precisely, (((((12 + 6) * 12) + (((12 + 6) * 12) / 4)) * 3) / 32) * 40
Average: 867.5;
// Preamble.
Blood: N/A;
Duke: 5 * 2 * 30 = 300;
SW: 3 * 1.40625 * 40 = 168.75; // Precisely, ((((3 * 12) + ((3 * 12) / 4)) * 3) / 32) * 40
Average: 234.375;
Ratio: 867.5 / 234.375 = (2776. / 750.);
// Turbo turn time.
Blood: 24 * 30 = 720;
Duke: 128 / 8 * 30 = 450;
SW: 128 / 8 * 40 = 600;
Average: 590.;
void processMovement(InputPacket* currInput, InputPacket* inputBuffer, ControlInfo* const hidInput, double const scaleAdjust, int const drink_amt, bool const allowstrafe, double const turnscale)
// set up variables
int const running = !!(inputBuffer->actions & SB_RUN);
int const keymove = gi->playerKeyMove() << running;
int const cntrlvelscale = g_gameType & GAMEFLAG_PSEXHUMED ? 8 : 1;
float const mousevelscale = keymove / 160.f;
double const angtodegscale = 360. / 2048.;
double const hidspeed = ((running ? 1585. : 867.5) / GameTicRate) * angtodegscale;
// process mouse and initial controller input.
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe) && allowstrafe)
currInput->svel -= xs_CRoundToInt((hidInput->mousemovex * mousevelscale) + (scaleAdjust * (hidInput->dyaw / 60) * keymove * cntrlvelscale));
currInput->avel += hidInput->mouseturnx + (scaleAdjust * hidInput->dyaw * hidspeed * turnscale);
if (!(inputBuffer->actions & SB_AIMMODE))
currInput->horz -= hidInput->mouseturny;
currInput->fvel -= xs_CRoundToInt(hidInput->mousemovey * mousevelscale);
if (invertmouse)
currInput->horz = -currInput->horz;
if (invertmousex)
currInput->avel = -currInput->avel;
// process remaining controller input.
currInput->horz -= scaleAdjust * hidInput->dpitch * hidspeed;
currInput->svel += xs_CRoundToInt(scaleAdjust * hidInput->dx * keymove * cntrlvelscale);
currInput->fvel += xs_CRoundToInt(scaleAdjust * hidInput->dz * keymove * cntrlvelscale);
// process keyboard turning keys.
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe) && allowstrafe)
if (abs(inputBuffer->svel) < keymove)
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Turn_Left))
currInput->svel += keymove;
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Turn_Right))
currInput->svel -= keymove;
static double turnheldtime;
int const turnheldamt = 120 / GameTicRate;
double const turboturntime = 590. / GameTicRate;
double turnamount = hidspeed * turnscale;
double preambleturn = turnamount * (750. / 2776.);
// allow Exhumed to use its legacy values given the drastic difference from the other games.
if ((g_gameType & GAMEFLAG_PSEXHUMED) && cl_exhumedoldturn)
preambleturn = turnamount = (running ? 12 : 8) * angtodegscale;
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Turn_Left) || (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe_Left) && !allowstrafe))
turnheldtime += scaleAdjust * turnheldamt;
currInput->avel -= scaleAdjust * (turnheldtime >= turboturntime ? turnamount : preambleturn);
else if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Turn_Right) || (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe_Right) && !allowstrafe))
turnheldtime += scaleAdjust * turnheldamt;
currInput->avel += scaleAdjust * (turnheldtime >= turboturntime ? turnamount : preambleturn);
turnheldtime = 0;
// process keyboard forward/side velocity keys.
if (abs(inputBuffer->svel) < keymove)
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe_Left) && allowstrafe)
currInput->svel += keymove;
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe_Right) && allowstrafe)
currInput->svel -= keymove;
if (abs(inputBuffer->fvel) < keymove)
if (isRR() && drink_amt >= 66 && drink_amt <= 87)
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Move_Forward))
currInput->fvel += keymove;
if (drink_amt & 1)
currInput->svel += keymove;
currInput->svel -= keymove;
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Move_Backward))
currInput->fvel -= keymove;
if (drink_amt & 1)
currInput->svel -= keymove;
currInput->svel += keymove;
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Move_Forward))
currInput->fvel += keymove;
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Move_Backward))
currInput->fvel -= keymove;
// add collected input to game's local input accumulation packet.
inputBuffer->fvel = clamp(inputBuffer->fvel + currInput->fvel, -keymove, keymove);
inputBuffer->svel = clamp(inputBuffer->svel + currInput->svel, -keymove, keymove);
inputBuffer->avel += currInput->avel;
inputBuffer->horz += currInput->horz;
// Player's horizon function, called from game's ticker or from gi->GetInput() as required.
void sethorizon(fixedhoriz* horiz, float const horz, ESyncBits* actions, double const scaleAdjust)
// Store current horizon as true pitch.
double pitch = horiz->aspitch();
if (horz)
*actions &= ~SB_CENTERVIEW;
pitch += horz;
// this is the locked type
if (*actions & (SB_AIM_UP|SB_AIM_DOWN))
*actions &= ~SB_CENTERVIEW;
double const amount = HorizToPitch(250. / GameTicRate);
if (*actions & SB_AIM_DOWN)
pitch -= scaleAdjust * amount;
if (*actions & SB_AIM_UP)
pitch += scaleAdjust * amount;
// this is the unlocked type
if (*actions & (SB_LOOK_UP|SB_LOOK_DOWN))
*actions |= SB_CENTERVIEW;
double const amount = HorizToPitch(500. / GameTicRate);
if (*actions & SB_LOOK_DOWN)
pitch -= scaleAdjust * amount;
if (*actions & SB_LOOK_UP)
pitch += scaleAdjust * amount;
// clamp before converting back to horizon
*horiz = q16horiz(clamp(PitchToHoriz(pitch), gi->playerHorizMin(), gi->playerHorizMax()));
// return to center if conditions met.
if ((*actions & SB_CENTERVIEW) && !(*actions & (SB_LOOK_UP|SB_LOOK_DOWN)))
if (abs(horiz->asq16()) > FloatToFixed(0.25))
// move horiz back to 0
*horiz -= q16horiz(xs_CRoundToInt(scaleAdjust * horiz->asq16() * (10. / GameTicRate)));
// not looking anymore because horiz is back at 0
*horiz = q16horiz(0);
*actions &= ~SB_CENTERVIEW;
// Player's angle function, called from game's ticker or from gi->GetInput() as required.
void applylook(PlayerAngle* angle, float const avel, ESyncBits* actions, double const scaleAdjust)
// return q16rotscrnang to 0 and set to 0 if less than a quarter of a unit
angle->rotscrnang -= bamlook(xs_CRoundToInt(scaleAdjust * angle->rotscrnang.asbam() * (15. / GameTicRate)));
if (abs(angle->rotscrnang.asbam()) < (BAMUNIT >> 2)) angle->rotscrnang = bamlook(0);
// return q16look_ang to 0 and set to 0 if less than a quarter of a unit
angle->look_ang -= bamlook(xs_CRoundToInt(scaleAdjust * angle->look_ang.asbam() * (7.5 / GameTicRate)));
if (abs(angle->look_ang.asbam()) < (BAMUNIT >> 2)) angle->look_ang = bamlook(0);
if (*actions & SB_LOOK_LEFT)
// start looking left
angle->look_ang -= bamlook(xs_CRoundToInt(scaleAdjust * (4560. / GameTicRate) * BAMUNIT));
angle->rotscrnang += bamlook(xs_CRoundToInt(scaleAdjust * (720. / GameTicRate) * BAMUNIT));
if (*actions & SB_LOOK_RIGHT)
// start looking right
angle->look_ang += bamlook(xs_CRoundToInt(scaleAdjust * (4560. / GameTicRate) * BAMUNIT));
angle->rotscrnang -= bamlook(xs_CRoundToInt(scaleAdjust * (720. / GameTicRate) * BAMUNIT));
if (*actions & SB_TURNAROUND)
if (angle->spin.asbam() == 0)
// currently not spinning, so start a spin
angle->spin = buildlook(-1024);
*actions &= ~SB_TURNAROUND;
if (angle->spin.asbam() < 0)
// return spin to 0
lookangle add = bamlook(xs_CRoundToUInt(scaleAdjust * ((!(*actions & SB_CROUCH) ? 3840. : 1920.) / GameTicRate) * BAMUNIT));
angle->spin += add;
if (angle->spin.asbam() > 0)
// Don't overshoot our target. With variable factor this is possible.
add -= angle->spin;
angle->spin = bamlook(0);
angle->ang += bamang(add.asbam());
if (avel)
// add player's input
angle->ang += degang(avel);
FSerializer& Serialize(FSerializer& arc, const char* keyname, PlayerAngle& w, PlayerAngle* def)
if (arc.BeginObject(keyname))
arc("ang", w.ang)
("lookang", w.look_ang)
("rotscrnang", w.rotscrnang)
("spin", w.spin)
if (arc.isReading())
w.oang = w.ang;
w.olook_ang = w.look_ang;
w.orotscrnang = w.rotscrnang;
return arc;
FSerializer& Serialize(FSerializer& arc, const char* keyname, PlayerHorizon& w, PlayerHorizon* def)
if (arc.BeginObject(keyname))
arc("horiz", w.horiz)
("horizoff", w.horizoff)
if (arc.isReading())
w.ohoriz = w.horiz;
w.ohorizoff = w.horizoff;
return arc;