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// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available->
// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip-> All rights reserved->
// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except
// in compliance with the License-> You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://opensource->org/licenses/MIT
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied-> See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License->
#include "document.h"
#include "pointer.h"
#include "stringbuffer.h"
#include "error/en.h"
#include "uri.h"
#include <cmath> // abs, floor
#if !RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_USE_INTERNALREGEX && defined(RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_USE_STDREGEX) && (__cplusplus >=201103L || (defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1800))
#include "internal/regex.h"
#include <regex>
#if defined(__GNUC__)
#ifdef __clang__
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(4512) // assignment operator could not be generated
// Verbose Utilities
namespace internal {
inline void PrintInvalidKeywordData(const char* keyword) {
printf(" Fail keyword: '%s'\n", keyword);
inline void PrintInvalidKeywordData(const wchar_t* keyword) {
wprintf(L" Fail keyword: '%ls'\n", keyword);
inline void PrintInvalidDocumentData(const char* document) {
printf(" Fail document: '%s'\n", document);
inline void PrintInvalidDocumentData(const wchar_t* document) {
wprintf(L" Fail document: '%ls'\n", document);
inline void PrintValidatorPointersData(const char* s, const char* d, unsigned depth) {
printf(" Sch: %*s'%s'\n Doc: %*s'%s'\n", depth * 4, " ", s, depth * 4, " ", d);
inline void PrintValidatorPointersData(const wchar_t* s, const wchar_t* d, unsigned depth) {
wprintf(L" Sch: %*ls'%ls'\n Doc: %*ls'%ls'\n", depth * 4, L" ", s, depth * 4, L" ", d);
inline void PrintSchemaIdsData(const char* base, const char* local, const char* resolved) {
printf(" Resolving id: Base: '%s', Local: '%s', Resolved: '%s'\n", base, local, resolved);
inline void PrintSchemaIdsData(const wchar_t* base, const wchar_t* local, const wchar_t* resolved) {
wprintf(L" Resolving id: Base: '%ls', Local: '%ls', Resolved: '%ls'\n", base, local, resolved);
inline void PrintMethodData(const char* method) {
printf("%s\n", method);
inline void PrintMethodData(const char* method, bool b) {
printf("%s, Data: '%s'\n", method, b ? "true" : "false");
inline void PrintMethodData(const char* method, int64_t i) {
printf("%s, Data: '%" PRId64 "'\n", method, i);
inline void PrintMethodData(const char* method, uint64_t u) {
printf("%s, Data: '%" PRIu64 "'\n", method, u);
inline void PrintMethodData(const char* method, double d) {
printf("%s, Data: '%lf'\n", method, d);
inline void PrintMethodData(const char* method, const char* s) {
printf("%s, Data: '%s'\n", method, s);
inline void PrintMethodData(const char* method, const wchar_t* s) {
wprintf(L"%hs, Data: '%ls'\n", method, s);
inline void PrintMethodData(const char* method, const char* s1, const char* s2) {
printf("%s, Data: '%s', '%s'\n", method, s1, s2);
inline void PrintMethodData(const char* method, const wchar_t* s1, const wchar_t* s2) {
wprintf(L"%hs, Data: '%ls', '%ls'\n", method, s1, s2);
} // namespace internal
#define RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_PRINT(name, ...) internal::Print##name##Data(__VA_ARGS__)
#define RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_PRINT(name, ...)
context.invalidCode = code;\
context.invalidKeyword = SchemaType::GetValidateErrorKeyword(code).GetString();\
RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_PRINT(InvalidKeyword, context.invalidKeyword);\
return false;\
// ValidateFlag
\brief User-defined kValidateDefaultFlags definition.
User can define this as any \c ValidateFlag combinations.
//! Combination of validate flags
/*! \see
enum ValidateFlag {
kValidateNoFlags = 0, //!< No flags are set.
kValidateContinueOnErrorFlag = 1, //!< Don't stop after first validation error.
kValidateReadFlag = 2, //!< Validation is for a read semantic.
kValidateWriteFlag = 4, //!< Validation is for a write semantic.
kValidateDefaultFlags = RAPIDJSON_VALIDATE_DEFAULT_FLAGS //!< Default validate flags. Can be customized by defining RAPIDJSON_VALIDATE_DEFAULT_FLAGS
// Specification
enum SchemaDraft {
kDraftUnknown = -1,
kDraftNone = 0,
kDraft03 = 3,
kDraftMin = 4, //!< Current minimum supported draft
kDraft04 = 4,
kDraft05 = 5,
kDraftMax = 5, //!< Current maximum supported draft
kDraft06 = 6,
kDraft07 = 7,
kDraft2019_09 = 8,
kDraft2020_12 = 9
enum OpenApiVersion {
kVersionUnknown = -1,
kVersionNone = 0,
kVersionMin = 2, //!< Current minimum supported version
kVersion20 = 2,
kVersion30 = 3,
kVersionMax = 3, //!< Current maximum supported version
kVersion31 = 4,
struct Specification {
Specification(SchemaDraft d) : draft(d), oapi(kVersionNone) {}
Specification(OpenApiVersion o) : oapi(o) {
if (oapi == kVersion20) draft = kDraft04;
else if (oapi == kVersion30) draft = kDraft05;
else if (oapi == kVersion31) draft = kDraft2020_12;
else draft = kDraft04;
~Specification() {}
bool IsSupported() const {
return ((draft >= kDraftMin && draft <= kDraftMax) && ((oapi == kVersionNone) || (oapi >= kVersionMin && oapi <= kVersionMax)));
SchemaDraft draft;
OpenApiVersion oapi;
// Forward declarations
template <typename ValueType, typename Allocator>
class GenericSchemaDocument;
namespace internal {
template <typename SchemaDocumentType>
class Schema;
// ISchemaValidator
class ISchemaValidator {
virtual ~ISchemaValidator() {}
virtual bool IsValid() const = 0;
virtual void SetValidateFlags(unsigned flags) = 0;
virtual unsigned GetValidateFlags() const = 0;
// ISchemaStateFactory
template <typename SchemaType>
class ISchemaStateFactory {
virtual ~ISchemaStateFactory() {}
virtual ISchemaValidator* CreateSchemaValidator(const SchemaType&, const bool inheritContinueOnErrors) = 0;
virtual void DestroySchemaValidator(ISchemaValidator* validator) = 0;
virtual void* CreateHasher() = 0;
virtual uint64_t GetHashCode(void* hasher) = 0;
virtual void DestroryHasher(void* hasher) = 0;
virtual void* MallocState(size_t size) = 0;
virtual void FreeState(void* p) = 0;
// IValidationErrorHandler
template <typename SchemaType>
class IValidationErrorHandler {
typedef typename SchemaType::Ch Ch;
typedef typename SchemaType::SValue SValue;
virtual ~IValidationErrorHandler() {}
virtual void NotMultipleOf(int64_t actual, const SValue& expected) = 0;
virtual void NotMultipleOf(uint64_t actual, const SValue& expected) = 0;
virtual void NotMultipleOf(double actual, const SValue& expected) = 0;
virtual void AboveMaximum(int64_t actual, const SValue& expected, bool exclusive) = 0;
virtual void AboveMaximum(uint64_t actual, const SValue& expected, bool exclusive) = 0;
virtual void AboveMaximum(double actual, const SValue& expected, bool exclusive) = 0;
virtual void BelowMinimum(int64_t actual, const SValue& expected, bool exclusive) = 0;
virtual void BelowMinimum(uint64_t actual, const SValue& expected, bool exclusive) = 0;
virtual void BelowMinimum(double actual, const SValue& expected, bool exclusive) = 0;
virtual void TooLong(const Ch* str, SizeType length, SizeType expected) = 0;
virtual void TooShort(const Ch* str, SizeType length, SizeType expected) = 0;
virtual void DoesNotMatch(const Ch* str, SizeType length) = 0;
virtual void DisallowedItem(SizeType index) = 0;
virtual void TooFewItems(SizeType actualCount, SizeType expectedCount) = 0;
virtual void TooManyItems(SizeType actualCount, SizeType expectedCount) = 0;
virtual void DuplicateItems(SizeType index1, SizeType index2) = 0;
virtual void TooManyProperties(SizeType actualCount, SizeType expectedCount) = 0;
virtual void TooFewProperties(SizeType actualCount, SizeType expectedCount) = 0;
virtual void StartMissingProperties() = 0;
virtual void AddMissingProperty(const SValue& name) = 0;
virtual bool EndMissingProperties() = 0;
virtual void PropertyViolations(ISchemaValidator** subvalidators, SizeType count) = 0;
virtual void DisallowedProperty(const Ch* name, SizeType length) = 0;
virtual void StartDependencyErrors() = 0;
virtual void StartMissingDependentProperties() = 0;
virtual void AddMissingDependentProperty(const SValue& targetName) = 0;
virtual void EndMissingDependentProperties(const SValue& sourceName) = 0;
virtual void AddDependencySchemaError(const SValue& souceName, ISchemaValidator* subvalidator) = 0;
virtual bool EndDependencyErrors() = 0;
virtual void DisallowedValue(const ValidateErrorCode code) = 0;
virtual void StartDisallowedType() = 0;
virtual void AddExpectedType(const typename SchemaType::ValueType& expectedType) = 0;
virtual void EndDisallowedType(const typename SchemaType::ValueType& actualType) = 0;
virtual void NotAllOf(ISchemaValidator** subvalidators, SizeType count) = 0;
virtual void NoneOf(ISchemaValidator** subvalidators, SizeType count) = 0;
virtual void NotOneOf(ISchemaValidator** subvalidators, SizeType count) = 0;
virtual void MultipleOneOf(SizeType index1, SizeType index2) = 0;
virtual void Disallowed() = 0;
virtual void DisallowedWhenWriting() = 0;
virtual void DisallowedWhenReading() = 0;
// Hasher
// For comparison of compound value
template<typename Encoding, typename Allocator>
class Hasher {
typedef typename Encoding::Ch Ch;
Hasher(Allocator* allocator = 0, size_t stackCapacity = kDefaultSize) : stack_(allocator, stackCapacity) {}
bool Null() { return WriteType(kNullType); }
bool Bool(bool b) { return WriteType(b ? kTrueType : kFalseType); }
bool Int(int i) { Number n; n.u.i = i; n.d = static_cast<double>(i); return WriteNumber(n); }
bool Uint(unsigned u) { Number n; n.u.u = u; n.d = static_cast<double>(u); return WriteNumber(n); }
bool Int64(int64_t i) { Number n; n.u.i = i; n.d = static_cast<double>(i); return WriteNumber(n); }
bool Uint64(uint64_t u) { Number n; n.u.u = u; n.d = static_cast<double>(u); return WriteNumber(n); }
bool Double(double d) {
Number n;
if (d < 0) n.u.i = static_cast<int64_t>(d);
else n.u.u = static_cast<uint64_t>(d);
n.d = d;
return WriteNumber(n);
bool RawNumber(const Ch* str, SizeType len, bool) {
WriteBuffer(kNumberType, str, len * sizeof(Ch));
return true;
bool String(const Ch* str, SizeType len, bool) {
WriteBuffer(kStringType, str, len * sizeof(Ch));
return true;
bool StartObject() { return true; }
bool Key(const Ch* str, SizeType len, bool copy) { return String(str, len, copy); }
bool EndObject(SizeType memberCount) {
uint64_t h = Hash(0, kObjectType);
uint64_t* kv = stack_.template Pop<uint64_t>(memberCount * 2);
for (SizeType i = 0; i < memberCount; i++)
h ^= Hash(kv[i * 2], kv[i * 2 + 1]); // Use xor to achieve member order insensitive
*stack_.template Push<uint64_t>() = h;
return true;
bool StartArray() { return true; }
bool EndArray(SizeType elementCount) {
uint64_t h = Hash(0, kArrayType);
uint64_t* e = stack_.template Pop<uint64_t>(elementCount);
for (SizeType i = 0; i < elementCount; i++)
h = Hash(h, e[i]); // Use hash to achieve element order sensitive
*stack_.template Push<uint64_t>() = h;
return true;
bool IsValid() const { return stack_.GetSize() == sizeof(uint64_t); }
uint64_t GetHashCode() const {
return *stack_.template Top<uint64_t>();
static const size_t kDefaultSize = 256;
struct Number {
union U {
uint64_t u;
int64_t i;
double d;
bool WriteType(Type type) { return WriteBuffer(type, 0, 0); }
bool WriteNumber(const Number& n) { return WriteBuffer(kNumberType, &n, sizeof(n)); }
bool WriteBuffer(Type type, const void* data, size_t len) {
// FNV-1a from http://isthe.com/chongo/tech/comp/fnv/
uint64_t h = Hash(RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x84222325, 0xcbf29ce4), type);
const unsigned char* d = static_cast<const unsigned char*>(data);
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
h = Hash(h, d[i]);
*stack_.template Push<uint64_t>() = h;
return true;
static uint64_t Hash(uint64_t h, uint64_t d) {
static const uint64_t kPrime = RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x00000100, 0x000001b3);
h ^= d;
h *= kPrime;
return h;
Stack<Allocator> stack_;
// SchemaValidationContext
template <typename SchemaDocumentType>
struct SchemaValidationContext {
typedef Schema<SchemaDocumentType> SchemaType;
typedef ISchemaStateFactory<SchemaType> SchemaValidatorFactoryType;
typedef IValidationErrorHandler<SchemaType> ErrorHandlerType;
typedef typename SchemaType::ValueType ValueType;
typedef typename ValueType::Ch Ch;
enum PatternValidatorType {
SchemaValidationContext(SchemaValidatorFactoryType& f, ErrorHandlerType& eh, const SchemaType* s, unsigned fl = 0) :
~SchemaValidationContext() {
if (hasher)
if (validators) {
for (SizeType i = 0; i < validatorCount; i++) {
if (validators[i]) {
if (patternPropertiesValidators) {
for (SizeType i = 0; i < patternPropertiesValidatorCount; i++) {
if (patternPropertiesValidators[i]) {
if (patternPropertiesSchemas)
if (propertyExist)
SchemaValidatorFactoryType& factory;
ErrorHandlerType& error_handler;
const SchemaType* schema;
unsigned flags;
const SchemaType* valueSchema;
const Ch* invalidKeyword;
ValidateErrorCode invalidCode;
void* hasher; // Only validator access
void* arrayElementHashCodes; // Only validator access this
ISchemaValidator** validators;
SizeType validatorCount;
ISchemaValidator** patternPropertiesValidators;
SizeType patternPropertiesValidatorCount;
const SchemaType** patternPropertiesSchemas;
SizeType patternPropertiesSchemaCount;
PatternValidatorType valuePatternValidatorType;
PatternValidatorType objectPatternValidatorType;
SizeType arrayElementIndex;
bool* propertyExist;
bool inArray;
bool valueUniqueness;
bool arrayUniqueness;
// Schema
template <typename SchemaDocumentType>
class Schema {
typedef typename SchemaDocumentType::ValueType ValueType;
typedef typename SchemaDocumentType::AllocatorType AllocatorType;
typedef typename SchemaDocumentType::PointerType PointerType;
typedef typename ValueType::EncodingType EncodingType;
typedef typename EncodingType::Ch Ch;
typedef SchemaValidationContext<SchemaDocumentType> Context;
typedef Schema<SchemaDocumentType> SchemaType;
typedef GenericValue<EncodingType, AllocatorType> SValue;
typedef IValidationErrorHandler<Schema> ErrorHandler;
typedef GenericUri<ValueType, AllocatorType> UriType;
friend class GenericSchemaDocument<ValueType, AllocatorType>;
Schema(SchemaDocumentType* schemaDocument, const PointerType& p, const ValueType& value, const ValueType& document, AllocatorType* allocator, const UriType& id = UriType()) :
uri_(schemaDocument->GetURI(), *allocator),
id_(id, allocator),
pointer_(p, allocator),
type_((1 << kTotalSchemaType) - 1), // typeless
GenericStringBuffer<EncodingType> sb;
RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_PRINT(Method, "Schema::Schema", sb.GetString(), id.GetString());
typedef typename ValueType::ConstValueIterator ConstValueIterator;
typedef typename ValueType::ConstMemberIterator ConstMemberIterator;
// PR #1393
// Early add this Schema and its $ref(s) in schemaDocument's map to avoid infinite
// recursion (with recursive schemas), since schemaDocument->getSchema() is always
// checked before creating a new one. Don't cache typeless_, though.
if (this != typeless_) {
typedef typename SchemaDocumentType::SchemaEntry SchemaEntry;
SchemaEntry *entry = schemaDocument->schemaMap_.template Push<SchemaEntry>();
new (entry) SchemaEntry(pointer_, this, true, allocator_);
if (!value.IsObject())
// If we have an id property, resolve it with the in-scope id
// Not supported for open api 2.0 or 3.0
if (spec_.oapi != kVersion20 && spec_.oapi != kVersion30)
if (const ValueType* v = GetMember(value, GetIdString())) {
if (v->IsString()) {
UriType local(*v, allocator);
id_ = local.Resolve(id_, allocator);
RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_PRINT(SchemaIds, id.GetString(), v->GetString(), id_.GetString());
if (const ValueType* v = GetMember(value, GetTypeString())) {
type_ = 0;
if (v->IsString())
else if (v->IsArray())
for (ConstValueIterator itr = v->Begin(); itr != v->End(); ++itr)
if (const ValueType* v = GetMember(value, GetEnumString())) {
if (v->IsArray() && v->Size() > 0) {
enum_ = static_cast<uint64_t*>(allocator_->Malloc(sizeof(uint64_t) * v->Size()));
for (ConstValueIterator itr = v->Begin(); itr != v->End(); ++itr) {
typedef Hasher<EncodingType, MemoryPoolAllocator<AllocatorType> > EnumHasherType;
char buffer[256u + 24];
MemoryPoolAllocator<AllocatorType> hasherAllocator(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
EnumHasherType h(&hasherAllocator, 256);
enum_[enumCount_++] = h.GetHashCode();
if (schemaDocument)
AssignIfExist(allOf_, *schemaDocument, p, value, GetAllOfString(), document);
// AnyOf, OneOf, Not not supported for open api 2.0
if (schemaDocument && spec_.oapi != kVersion20) {
AssignIfExist(anyOf_, *schemaDocument, p, value, GetAnyOfString(), document);
AssignIfExist(oneOf_, *schemaDocument, p, value, GetOneOfString(), document);
if (const ValueType* v = GetMember(value, GetNotString())) {
schemaDocument->CreateSchema(¬_, p.Append(GetNotString(), allocator_), *v, document, id_);
notValidatorIndex_ = validatorCount_;
// Object
const ValueType* properties = GetMember(value, GetPropertiesString());
const ValueType* required = GetMember(value, GetRequiredString());
const ValueType* dependencies = GetMember(value, GetDependenciesString());
// Gather properties from properties/required/dependencies
SValue allProperties(kArrayType);
if (properties && properties->IsObject())
for (ConstMemberIterator itr = properties->MemberBegin(); itr != properties->MemberEnd(); ++itr)
AddUniqueElement(allProperties, itr->name);
if (required && required->IsArray())
for (ConstValueIterator itr = required->Begin(); itr != required->End(); ++itr)
if (itr->IsString())
AddUniqueElement(allProperties, *itr);
// Dependencies not supported for open api 2.0 and 3.0
if (spec_.oapi != kVersion20 && spec_.oapi != kVersion30)
if (dependencies && dependencies->IsObject())
for (ConstMemberIterator itr = dependencies->MemberBegin(); itr != dependencies->MemberEnd(); ++itr) {
AddUniqueElement(allProperties, itr->name);
if (itr->value.IsArray())
for (ConstValueIterator i = itr->value.Begin(); i != itr->value.End(); ++i)
if (i->IsString())
AddUniqueElement(allProperties, *i);
if (allProperties.Size() > 0) {
propertyCount_ = allProperties.Size();
properties_ = static_cast<Property*>(allocator_->Malloc(sizeof(Property) * propertyCount_));
for (SizeType i = 0; i < propertyCount_; i++) {
new (&properties_[i]) Property();
properties_[i].name = allProperties[i];
properties_[i].schema = typeless_;
if (properties && properties->IsObject()) {
PointerType q = p.Append(GetPropertiesString(), allocator_);
for (ConstMemberIterator itr = properties->MemberBegin(); itr != properties->MemberEnd(); ++itr) {
SizeType index;
if (FindPropertyIndex(itr->name, &index))
schemaDocument->CreateSchema(&properties_[index].schema, q.Append(itr->name, allocator_), itr->value, document, id_);
// PatternProperties not supported for open api 2.0 and 3.0
if (spec_.oapi != kVersion20 && spec_.oapi != kVersion30)
if (const ValueType* v = GetMember(value, GetPatternPropertiesString())) {
PointerType q = p.Append(GetPatternPropertiesString(), allocator_);
patternProperties_ = static_cast<PatternProperty*>(allocator_->Malloc(sizeof(PatternProperty) * v->MemberCount()));
patternPropertyCount_ = 0;
for (ConstMemberIterator itr = v->MemberBegin(); itr != v->MemberEnd(); ++itr) {
new (&patternProperties_[patternPropertyCount_]) PatternProperty();
PointerType r = q.Append(itr->name, allocator_);
patternProperties_[patternPropertyCount_].pattern = CreatePattern(itr->name, schemaDocument, r);
schemaDocument->CreateSchema(&patternProperties_[patternPropertyCount_].schema, r, itr->value, document, id_);
if (required && required->IsArray())
for (ConstValueIterator itr = required->Begin(); itr != required->End(); ++itr)
if (itr->IsString()) {
SizeType index;
if (FindPropertyIndex(*itr, &index)) {
properties_[index].required = true;
hasRequired_ = true;
// Dependencies not supported for open api 2.0 and 3.0
if (spec_.oapi != kVersion20 && spec_.oapi != kVersion30)
if (dependencies && dependencies->IsObject()) {
PointerType q = p.Append(GetDependenciesString(), allocator_);
hasDependencies_ = true;
for (ConstMemberIterator itr = dependencies->MemberBegin(); itr != dependencies->MemberEnd(); ++itr) {
SizeType sourceIndex;
if (FindPropertyIndex(itr->name, &sourceIndex)) {
if (itr->value.IsArray()) {
properties_[sourceIndex].dependencies = static_cast<bool*>(allocator_->Malloc(sizeof(bool) * propertyCount_));
std::memset(properties_[sourceIndex].dependencies, 0, sizeof(bool)* propertyCount_);
for (ConstValueIterator targetItr = itr->value.Begin(); targetItr != itr->value.End(); ++targetItr) {
SizeType targetIndex;
if (FindPropertyIndex(*targetItr, &targetIndex))
properties_[sourceIndex].dependencies[targetIndex] = true;
else if (itr->value.IsObject()) {
hasSchemaDependencies_ = true;
schemaDocument->CreateSchema(&properties_[sourceIndex].dependenciesSchema, q.Append(itr->name, allocator_), itr->value, document, id_);
properties_[sourceIndex].dependenciesValidatorIndex = validatorCount_;
if (const ValueType* v = GetMember(value, GetAdditionalPropertiesString())) {
if (v->IsBool())
additionalProperties_ = v->GetBool();
else if (v->IsObject())
schemaDocument->CreateSchema(&additionalPropertiesSchema_, p.Append(GetAdditionalPropertiesString(), allocator_), *v, document, id_);
AssignIfExist(minProperties_, value, GetMinPropertiesString());
AssignIfExist(maxProperties_, value, GetMaxPropertiesString());
// Array
if (const ValueType* v = GetMember(value, GetItemsString())) {
PointerType q = p.Append(GetItemsString(), allocator_);
if (v->IsObject()) // List validation
schemaDocument->CreateSchema(&itemsList_, q, *v, document, id_);
else if (v->IsArray()) { // Tuple validation
itemsTuple_ = static_cast<const Schema**>(allocator_->Malloc(sizeof(const Schema*) * v->Size()));
SizeType index = 0;
for (ConstValueIterator itr = v->Begin(); itr != v->End(); ++itr, index++)
schemaDocument->CreateSchema(&itemsTuple_[itemsTupleCount_++], q.Append(index, allocator_), *itr, document, id_);
AssignIfExist(minItems_, value, GetMinItemsString());
AssignIfExist(maxItems_, value, GetMaxItemsString());
// AdditionalItems not supported for openapi 2.0 and 3.0
if (spec_.oapi != kVersion20 && spec_.oapi != kVersion30)
if (const ValueType* v = GetMember(value, GetAdditionalItemsString())) {
if (v->IsBool())
additionalItems_ = v->GetBool();
else if (v->IsObject())
schemaDocument->CreateSchema(&additionalItemsSchema_, p.Append(GetAdditionalItemsString(), allocator_), *v, document, id_);
AssignIfExist(uniqueItems_, value, GetUniqueItemsString());
// String
AssignIfExist(minLength_, value, GetMinLengthString());
AssignIfExist(maxLength_, value, GetMaxLengthString());
if (const ValueType* v = GetMember(value, GetPatternString()))
pattern_ = CreatePattern(*v, schemaDocument, p.Append(GetPatternString(), allocator_));
// Number
if (const ValueType* v = GetMember(value, GetMinimumString()))
if (v->IsNumber())
minimum_.CopyFrom(*v, *allocator_);
if (const ValueType* v = GetMember(value, GetMaximumString()))
if (v->IsNumber())
maximum_.CopyFrom(*v, *allocator_);
AssignIfExist(exclusiveMinimum_, value, GetExclusiveMinimumString());
AssignIfExist(exclusiveMaximum_, value, GetExclusiveMaximumString());
if (const ValueType* v = GetMember(value, GetMultipleOfString()))
if (v->IsNumber() && v->GetDouble() > 0.0)
multipleOf_.CopyFrom(*v, *allocator_);
// Default
if (const ValueType* v = GetMember(value, GetDefaultValueString()))
if (v->IsString())
defaultValueLength_ = v->GetStringLength();
// ReadOnly - open api only (until draft 7 supported)
// WriteOnly - open api 3 only (until draft 7 supported)
// Both can't be true
if (spec_.oapi != kVersionNone)
AssignIfExist(readOnly_, value, GetReadOnlyString());
if (spec_.oapi >= kVersion30)
AssignIfExist(writeOnly_, value, GetWriteOnlyString());
if (readOnly_ && writeOnly_)
schemaDocument->SchemaError(kSchemaErrorReadOnlyAndWriteOnly, p);
// Nullable - open api 3 only
// If true add 'null' as allowable type
if (spec_.oapi >= kVersion30) {
AssignIfExist(nullable_, value, GetNullableString());
if (nullable_)
~Schema() {
if (properties_) {
for (SizeType i = 0; i < propertyCount_; i++)
if (patternProperties_) {
for (SizeType i = 0; i < patternPropertyCount_; i++)
if (pattern_) {
const SValue& GetURI() const {
return uri_;
const UriType& GetId() const {
return id_;
const Specification& GetSpecification() const {
return spec_;
const PointerType& GetPointer() const {
return pointer_;
bool BeginValue(Context& context) const {
RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_PRINT(Method, "Schema::BeginValue");
if (context.inArray) {
if (uniqueItems_)
context.valueUniqueness = true;
if (itemsList_)
context.valueSchema = itemsList_;
else if (itemsTuple_) {
if (context.arrayElementIndex < itemsTupleCount_)
context.valueSchema = itemsTuple_[context.arrayElementIndex];
else if (additionalItemsSchema_)
context.valueSchema = additionalItemsSchema_;
else if (additionalItems_)
context.valueSchema = typeless_;
else {
// Must set valueSchema for when kValidateContinueOnErrorFlag is set, else reports spurious type error
context.valueSchema = typeless_;
// Must bump arrayElementIndex for when kValidateContinueOnErrorFlag is set
context.valueSchema = typeless_;
return true;
RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE bool EndValue(Context& context) const {
RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_PRINT(Method, "Schema::EndValue");
// Only check pattern properties if we have validators
if (context.patternPropertiesValidatorCount > 0) {
bool otherValid = false;
SizeType count = context.patternPropertiesValidatorCount;
if (context.objectPatternValidatorType != Context::kPatternValidatorOnly)
otherValid = context.patternPropertiesValidators[--count]->IsValid();
bool patternValid = true;
for (SizeType i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (!context.patternPropertiesValidators[i]->IsValid()) {
patternValid = false;
if (context.objectPatternValidatorType == Context::kPatternValidatorOnly) {
if (!patternValid) {
context.error_handler.PropertyViolations(context.patternPropertiesValidators, count);
else if (context.objectPatternValidatorType == Context::kPatternValidatorWithProperty) {
if (!patternValid || !otherValid) {
context.error_handler.PropertyViolations(context.patternPropertiesValidators, count + 1);
else if (!patternValid && !otherValid) { // kPatternValidatorWithAdditionalProperty)
context.error_handler.PropertyViolations(context.patternPropertiesValidators, count + 1);
// For enums only check if we have a hasher
if (enum_ && context.hasher) {
const uint64_t h = context.factory.GetHashCode(context.hasher);
for (SizeType i = 0; i < enumCount_; i++)
if (enum_[i] == h)
goto foundEnum;
// Only check allOf etc if we have validators
if (context.validatorCount > 0) {
if (allOf_.schemas)
for (SizeType i = allOf_.begin; i < allOf_.begin + allOf_.count; i++)
if (!context.validators[i]->IsValid()) {
context.error_handler.NotAllOf(&context.validators[allOf_.begin], allOf_.count);
if (anyOf_.schemas) {
for (SizeType i = anyOf_.begin; i < anyOf_.begin + anyOf_.count; i++)
if (context.validators[i]->IsValid())
goto foundAny;
context.error_handler.NoneOf(&context.validators[anyOf_.begin], anyOf_.count);
if (oneOf_.schemas) {
bool oneValid = false;
SizeType firstMatch = 0;
for (SizeType i = oneOf_.begin; i < oneOf_.begin + oneOf_.count; i++)
if (context.validators[i]->IsValid()) {
if (oneValid) {
context.error_handler.MultipleOneOf(firstMatch, i - oneOf_.begin);
} else {
oneValid = true;
firstMatch = i - oneOf_.begin;
if (!oneValid) {
context.error_handler.NotOneOf(&context.validators[oneOf_.begin], oneOf_.count);
if (not_ && context.validators[notValidatorIndex_]->IsValid()) {
return true;
bool Null(Context& context) const {
RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_PRINT(Method, "Schema::Null");
if (!(type_ & (1 << kNullSchemaType))) {
DisallowedType(context, GetNullString());
return CreateParallelValidator(context);
bool Bool(Context& context, bool b) const {
RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_PRINT(Method, "Schema::Bool", b);
if (!CheckBool(context, b))
return false;
return CreateParallelValidator(context);
bool Int(Context& context, int i) const {
RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_PRINT(Method, "Schema::Int", (int64_t)i);
if (!CheckInt(context, i))
return false;
return CreateParallelValidator(context);
bool Uint(Context& context, unsigned u) const {
RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_PRINT(Method, "Schema::Uint", (uint64_t)u);
if (!CheckUint(context, u))
return false;
return CreateParallelValidator(context);
bool Int64(Context& context, int64_t i) const {
RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_PRINT(Method, "Schema::Int64", i);
if (!CheckInt(context, i))
return false;
return CreateParallelValidator(context);
bool Uint64(Context& context, uint64_t u) const {
RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_PRINT(Method, "Schema::Uint64", u);
if (!CheckUint(context, u))
return false;
return CreateParallelValidator(context);
bool Double(Context& context, double d) const {
RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_PRINT(Method, "Schema::Double", d);
if (!(type_ & (1 << kNumberSchemaType))) {
DisallowedType(context, GetNumberString());
if (!minimum_.IsNull() && !CheckDoubleMinimum(context, d))
return false;
if (!maximum_.IsNull() && !CheckDoubleMaximum(context, d))
return false;
if (!multipleOf_.IsNull() && !CheckDoubleMultipleOf(context, d))
return false;
return CreateParallelValidator(context);
bool String(Context& context, const Ch* str, SizeType length, bool) const {
RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_PRINT(Method, "Schema::String", str);
if (!(type_ & (1 << kStringSchemaType))) {
DisallowedType(context, GetStringString());
if (minLength_ != 0 || maxLength_ != SizeType(~0)) {
SizeType count;
if (internal::CountStringCodePoint<EncodingType>(str, length, &count)) {
if (count < minLength_) {
context.error_handler.TooShort(str, length, minLength_);
if (count > maxLength_) {
context.error_handler.TooLong(str, length, maxLength_);
if (pattern_ && !IsPatternMatch(pattern_, str, length)) {
context.error_handler.DoesNotMatch(str, length);
return CreateParallelValidator(context);
bool StartObject(Context& context) const {
RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_PRINT(Method, "Schema::StartObject");
if (!(type_ & (1 << kObjectSchemaType))) {
DisallowedType(context, GetObjectString());
if (hasDependencies_ || hasRequired_) {
context.propertyExist = static_cast<bool*>(context.factory.MallocState(sizeof(bool) * propertyCount_));
std::memset(context.propertyExist, 0, sizeof(bool) * propertyCount_);
if (patternProperties_) { // pre-allocate schema array
SizeType count = patternPropertyCount_ + 1; // extra for valuePatternValidatorType
context.patternPropertiesSchemas = static_cast<const SchemaType**>(context.factory.MallocState(sizeof(const SchemaType*) * count));
context.patternPropertiesSchemaCount = 0;
std::memset(context.patternPropertiesSchemas, 0, sizeof(SchemaType*) * count);
return CreateParallelValidator(context);
bool Key(Context& context, const Ch* str, SizeType len, bool) const {
RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_PRINT(Method, "Schema::Key", str);
if (patternProperties_) {
context.patternPropertiesSchemaCount = 0;
for (SizeType i = 0; i < patternPropertyCount_; i++)
if (patternProperties_[i].pattern && IsPatternMatch(patternProperties_[i].pattern, str, len)) {
context.patternPropertiesSchemas[context.patternPropertiesSchemaCount++] = patternProperties_[i].schema;
context.valueSchema = typeless_;
SizeType index = 0;
if (FindPropertyIndex(ValueType(str, len).Move(), &index)) {
if (context.patternPropertiesSchemaCount > 0) {
context.patternPropertiesSchemas[context.patternPropertiesSchemaCount++] = properties_[index].schema;
context.valueSchema = typeless_;
context.valuePatternValidatorType = Context::kPatternValidatorWithProperty;
context.valueSchema = properties_[index].schema;
if (context.propertyExist)
context.propertyExist[index] = true;
return true;
if (additionalPropertiesSchema_) {
if (context.patternPropertiesSchemaCount > 0) {
context.patternPropertiesSchemas[context.patternPropertiesSchemaCount++] = additionalPropertiesSchema_;
context.valueSchema = typeless_;
context.valuePatternValidatorType = Context::kPatternValidatorWithAdditionalProperty;
context.valueSchema = additionalPropertiesSchema_;
return true;
else if (additionalProperties_) {
context.valueSchema = typeless_;
return true;
if (context.patternPropertiesSchemaCount == 0) { // patternProperties are not additional properties
// Must set valueSchema for when kValidateContinueOnErrorFlag is set, else reports spurious type error
context.valueSchema = typeless_;
context.error_handler.DisallowedProperty(str, len);
return true;
bool EndObject(Context& context, SizeType memberCount) const {
RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_PRINT(Method, "Schema::EndObject");
if (hasRequired_) {
for (SizeType index = 0; index < propertyCount_; index++)
if (properties_[index].required && !context.propertyExist[index])
if (properties_[index].schema->defaultValueLength_ == 0 )
if (context.error_handler.EndMissingProperties())
if (memberCount < minProperties_) {
context.error_handler.TooFewProperties(memberCount, minProperties_);
if (memberCount > maxProperties_) {
context.error_handler.TooManyProperties(memberCount, maxProperties_);
if (hasDependencies_) {
for (SizeType sourceIndex = 0; sourceIndex < propertyCount_; sourceIndex++) {
const Property& source = properties_[sourceIndex];
if (context.propertyExist[sourceIndex]) {
if (source.dependencies) {
for (SizeType targetIndex = 0; targetIndex < propertyCount_; targetIndex++)
if (source.dependencies[targetIndex] && !context.propertyExist[targetIndex])
else if (source.dependenciesSchema) {
ISchemaValidator* dependenciesValidator = context.validators[source.dependenciesValidatorIndex];
if (!dependenciesValidator->IsValid())
context.error_handler.AddDependencySchemaError(source.name, dependenciesValidator);
if (context.error_handler.EndDependencyErrors())
return true;
bool StartArray(Context& context) const {
RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_PRINT(Method, "Schema::StartArray");
context.arrayElementIndex = 0;
context.inArray = true; // Ensure we note that we are in an array
if (!(type_ & (1 << kArraySchemaType))) {
DisallowedType(context, GetArrayString());
return CreateParallelValidator(context);
bool EndArray(Context& context, SizeType elementCount) const {
RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_PRINT(Method, "Schema::EndArray");
context.inArray = false;
if (elementCount < minItems_) {
context.error_handler.TooFewItems(elementCount, minItems_);
if (elementCount > maxItems_) {
context.error_handler.TooManyItems(elementCount, maxItems_);
return true;
static const ValueType& GetValidateErrorKeyword(ValidateErrorCode validateErrorCode) {
switch (validateErrorCode) {
case kValidateErrorMultipleOf: return GetMultipleOfString();
case kValidateErrorMaximum: return GetMaximumString();
case kValidateErrorExclusiveMaximum: return GetMaximumString(); // Same
case kValidateErrorMinimum: return GetMinimumString();
case kValidateErrorExclusiveMinimum: return GetMinimumString(); // Same
case kValidateErrorMaxLength: return GetMaxLengthString();
case kValidateErrorMinLength: return GetMinLengthString();
case kValidateErrorPattern: return GetPatternString();
case kValidateErrorMaxItems: return GetMaxItemsString();
case kValidateErrorMinItems: return GetMinItemsString();
case kValidateErrorUniqueItems: return GetUniqueItemsString();
case kValidateErrorAdditionalItems: return GetAdditionalItemsString();
case kValidateErrorMaxProperties: return GetMaxPropertiesString();
case kValidateErrorMinProperties: return GetMinPropertiesString();
case kValidateErrorRequired: return GetRequiredString();
case kValidateErrorAdditionalProperties: return GetAdditionalPropertiesString();
case kValidateErrorPatternProperties: return GetPatternPropertiesString();
case kValidateErrorDependencies: return GetDependenciesString();
case kValidateErrorEnum: return GetEnumString();
case kValidateErrorType: return GetTypeString();
case kValidateErrorOneOf: return GetOneOfString();
case kValidateErrorOneOfMatch: return GetOneOfString(); // Same
case kValidateErrorAllOf: return GetAllOfString();
case kValidateErrorAnyOf: return GetAnyOfString();
case kValidateErrorNot: return GetNotString();
case kValidateErrorReadOnly: return GetReadOnlyString();
case kValidateErrorWriteOnly: return GetWriteOnlyString();
default: return GetNullString();
// Generate functions for string literal according to Ch
#define RAPIDJSON_STRING_(name, ...) \
static const ValueType& Get##name##String() {\
static const Ch s[] = { __VA_ARGS__, '\0' };\
static const ValueType v(s, static_cast<SizeType>(sizeof(s) / sizeof(Ch) - 1));\
return v;\
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Null, 'n', 'u', 'l', 'l')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Boolean, 'b', 'o', 'o', 'l', 'e', 'a', 'n')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Object, 'o', 'b', 'j', 'e', 'c', 't')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Array, 'a', 'r', 'r', 'a', 'y')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(String, 's', 't', 'r', 'i', 'n', 'g')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Number, 'n', 'u', 'm', 'b', 'e', 'r')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Integer, 'i', 'n', 't', 'e', 'g', 'e', 'r')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Type, 't', 'y', 'p', 'e')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Enum, 'e', 'n', 'u', 'm')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(AllOf, 'a', 'l', 'l', 'O', 'f')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(AnyOf, 'a', 'n', 'y', 'O', 'f')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(OneOf, 'o', 'n', 'e', 'O', 'f')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Not, 'n', 'o', 't')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Properties, 'p', 'r', 'o', 'p', 'e', 'r', 't', 'i', 'e', 's')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Required, 'r', 'e', 'q', 'u', 'i', 'r', 'e', 'd')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Dependencies, 'd', 'e', 'p', 'e', 'n', 'd', 'e', 'n', 'c', 'i', 'e', 's')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(PatternProperties, 'p', 'a', 't', 't', 'e', 'r', 'n', 'P', 'r', 'o', 'p', 'e', 'r', 't', 'i', 'e', 's')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(AdditionalProperties, 'a', 'd', 'd', 'i', 't', 'i', 'o', 'n', 'a', 'l', 'P', 'r', 'o', 'p', 'e', 'r', 't', 'i', 'e', 's')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(MinProperties, 'm', 'i', 'n', 'P', 'r', 'o', 'p', 'e', 'r', 't', 'i', 'e', 's')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(MaxProperties, 'm', 'a', 'x', 'P', 'r', 'o', 'p', 'e', 'r', 't', 'i', 'e', 's')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Items, 'i', 't', 'e', 'm', 's')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(MinItems, 'm', 'i', 'n', 'I', 't', 'e', 'm', 's')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(MaxItems, 'm', 'a', 'x', 'I', 't', 'e', 'm', 's')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(AdditionalItems, 'a', 'd', 'd', 'i', 't', 'i', 'o', 'n', 'a', 'l', 'I', 't', 'e', 'm', 's')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(UniqueItems, 'u', 'n', 'i', 'q', 'u', 'e', 'I', 't', 'e', 'm', 's')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(MinLength, 'm', 'i', 'n', 'L', 'e', 'n', 'g', 't', 'h')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(MaxLength, 'm', 'a', 'x', 'L', 'e', 'n', 'g', 't', 'h')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Pattern, 'p', 'a', 't', 't', 'e', 'r', 'n')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Minimum, 'm', 'i', 'n', 'i', 'm', 'u', 'm')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Maximum, 'm', 'a', 'x', 'i', 'm', 'u', 'm')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(ExclusiveMinimum, 'e', 'x', 'c', 'l', 'u', 's', 'i', 'v', 'e', 'M', 'i', 'n', 'i', 'm', 'u', 'm')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(ExclusiveMaximum, 'e', 'x', 'c', 'l', 'u', 's', 'i', 'v', 'e', 'M', 'a', 'x', 'i', 'm', 'u', 'm')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(MultipleOf, 'm', 'u', 'l', 't', 'i', 'p', 'l', 'e', 'O', 'f')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(DefaultValue, 'd', 'e', 'f', 'a', 'u', 'l', 't')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Schema, '$', 's', 'c', 'h', 'e', 'm', 'a')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Ref, '$', 'r', 'e', 'f')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Swagger, 's', 'w', 'a', 'g', 'g', 'e', 'r')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(OpenApi, 'o', 'p', 'e', 'n', 'a', 'p', 'i')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(ReadOnly, 'r', 'e', 'a', 'd', 'O', 'n', 'l', 'y')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(WriteOnly, 'w', 'r', 'i', 't', 'e', 'O', 'n', 'l', 'y')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Nullable, 'n', 'u', 'l', 'l', 'a', 'b', 'l', 'e')
enum SchemaValueType {
typedef internal::GenericRegex<EncodingType, AllocatorType> RegexType;
typedef std::basic_regex<Ch> RegexType;
typedef char RegexType;
struct SchemaArray {
SchemaArray() : schemas(), count() {}
~SchemaArray() { AllocatorType::Free(schemas); }
const SchemaType** schemas;
SizeType begin; // begin index of context.validators
SizeType count;
template <typename V1, typename V2>
void AddUniqueElement(V1& a, const V2& v) {
for (typename V1::ConstValueIterator itr = a.Begin(); itr != a.End(); ++itr)
if (*itr == v)
V1 c(v, *allocator_);
a.PushBack(c, *allocator_);
static const ValueType* GetMember(const ValueType& value, const ValueType& name) {
typename ValueType::ConstMemberIterator itr = value.FindMember(name);
return itr != value.MemberEnd() ? &(itr->value) : 0;
static void AssignIfExist(bool& out, const ValueType& value, const ValueType& name) {
if (const ValueType* v = GetMember(value, name))
if (v->IsBool())
out = v->GetBool();
static void AssignIfExist(SizeType& out, const ValueType& value, const ValueType& name) {
if (const ValueType* v = GetMember(value, name))
if (v->IsUint64() && v->GetUint64() <= SizeType(~0))
out = static_cast<SizeType>(v->GetUint64());
void AssignIfExist(SchemaArray& out, SchemaDocumentType& schemaDocument, const PointerType& p, const ValueType& value, const ValueType& name, const ValueType& document) {
if (const ValueType* v = GetMember(value, name)) {
if (v->IsArray() && v->Size() > 0) {
PointerType q = p.Append(name, allocator_);
out.count = v->Size();
out.schemas = static_cast<const Schema**>(allocator_->Malloc(out.count * sizeof(const Schema*)));
memset(out.schemas, 0, sizeof(Schema*)* out.count);
for (SizeType i = 0; i < out.count; i++)
schemaDocument.CreateSchema(&out.schemas[i], q.Append(i, allocator_), (*v)[i], document, id_);
out.begin = validatorCount_;
validatorCount_ += out.count;
template <typename ValueType>
RegexType* CreatePattern(const ValueType& value, SchemaDocumentType* sd, const PointerType& p) {
if (value.IsString()) {
RegexType* r = new (allocator_->Malloc(sizeof(RegexType))) RegexType(value.GetString(), allocator_);
if (!r->IsValid()) {
sd->SchemaErrorValue(kSchemaErrorRegexInvalid, p, value.GetString(), value.GetStringLength());
r = 0;
return r;
return 0;
static bool IsPatternMatch(const RegexType* pattern, const Ch *str, SizeType) {
GenericRegexSearch<RegexType> rs(*pattern);
return rs.Search(str);
template <typename ValueType>
RegexType* CreatePattern(const ValueType& value, SchemaDocumentType* sd, const PointerType& p) {
if (value.IsString()) {
RegexType *r = static_cast<RegexType*>(allocator_->Malloc(sizeof(RegexType)));
try {
return new (r) RegexType(value.GetString(), std::size_t(value.GetStringLength()), std::regex_constants::ECMAScript);
catch (const std::regex_error& e) {
sd->SchemaErrorValue(kSchemaErrorRegexInvalid, p, value.GetString(), value.GetStringLength());
return 0;
static bool IsPatternMatch(const RegexType* pattern, const Ch *str, SizeType length) {
std::match_results<const Ch*> r;
return std::regex_search(str, str + length, r, *pattern);
template <typename ValueType>
RegexType* CreatePattern(const ValueType&) {
return 0;
static bool IsPatternMatch(const RegexType*, const Ch *, SizeType) { return true; }
void AddType(const ValueType& type) {
if (type == GetNullString() ) type_ |= 1 << kNullSchemaType;
else if (type == GetBooleanString()) type_ |= 1 << kBooleanSchemaType;
else if (type == GetObjectString() ) type_ |= 1 << kObjectSchemaType;
else if (type == GetArrayString() ) type_ |= 1 << kArraySchemaType;
else if (type == GetStringString() ) type_ |= 1 << kStringSchemaType;
else if (type == GetIntegerString()) type_ |= 1 << kIntegerSchemaType;
else if (type == GetNumberString() ) type_ |= (1 << kNumberSchemaType) | (1 << kIntegerSchemaType);
// Creates parallel validators for allOf, anyOf, oneOf, not and schema dependencies, if required.
// Also creates a hasher for enums and array uniqueness, if required.
// Also a useful place to add type-independent error checks.
bool CreateParallelValidator(Context& context) const {
if (enum_ || context.arrayUniqueness)
context.hasher = context.factory.CreateHasher();
if (validatorCount_) {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(context.validators == 0);
context.validators = static_cast<ISchemaValidator**>(context.factory.MallocState(sizeof(ISchemaValidator*) * validatorCount_));
std::memset(context.validators, 0, sizeof(ISchemaValidator*) * validatorCount_);
context.validatorCount = validatorCount_;
// Always return after first failure for these sub-validators
if (allOf_.schemas)
CreateSchemaValidators(context, allOf_, false);
if (anyOf_.schemas)
CreateSchemaValidators(context, anyOf_, false);
if (oneOf_.schemas)
CreateSchemaValidators(context, oneOf_, false);
if (not_)
context.validators[notValidatorIndex_] = context.factory.CreateSchemaValidator(*not_, false);
if (hasSchemaDependencies_) {
for (SizeType i = 0; i < propertyCount_; i++)
if (properties_[i].dependenciesSchema)
context.validators[properties_[i].dependenciesValidatorIndex] = context.factory.CreateSchemaValidator(*properties_[i].dependenciesSchema, false);
// Add any other type-independent checks here
if (readOnly_ && (context.flags & kValidateWriteFlag)) {
if (writeOnly_ && (context.flags & kValidateReadFlag)) {
return true;
void CreateSchemaValidators(Context& context, const SchemaArray& schemas, const bool inheritContinueOnErrors) const {
for (SizeType i = 0; i < schemas.count; i++)
context.validators[schemas.begin + i] = context.factory.CreateSchemaValidator(*schemas.schemas[i], inheritContinueOnErrors);
// O(n)
bool FindPropertyIndex(const ValueType& name, SizeType* outIndex) const {
SizeType len = name.GetStringLength();
const Ch* str = name.GetString();
for (SizeType index = 0; index < propertyCount_; index++)
if (properties_[index].name.GetStringLength() == len &&
(std::memcmp(properties_[index].name.GetString(), str, sizeof(Ch) * len) == 0))
*outIndex = index;
return true;
return false;
bool CheckBool(Context& context, bool) const {
if (!(type_ & (1 << kBooleanSchemaType))) {
DisallowedType(context, GetBooleanString());
return true;
bool CheckInt(Context& context, int64_t i) const {
if (!(type_ & ((1 << kIntegerSchemaType) | (1 << kNumberSchemaType)))) {
DisallowedType(context, GetIntegerString());
if (!minimum_.IsNull()) {
if (minimum_.IsInt64()) {
if (exclusiveMinimum_ ? i <= minimum_.GetInt64() : i < minimum_.GetInt64()) {
context.error_handler.BelowMinimum(i, minimum_, exclusiveMinimum_);
RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(exclusiveMinimum_ ? kValidateErrorExclusiveMinimum : kValidateErrorMinimum);
else if (minimum_.IsUint64()) {
context.error_handler.BelowMinimum(i, minimum_, exclusiveMinimum_);
RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(exclusiveMinimum_ ? kValidateErrorExclusiveMinimum : kValidateErrorMinimum); // i <= max(int64_t) < minimum.GetUint64()
else if (!CheckDoubleMinimum(context, static_cast<double>(i)))
return false;
if (!maximum_.IsNull()) {
if (maximum_.IsInt64()) {
if (exclusiveMaximum_ ? i >= maximum_.GetInt64() : i > maximum_.GetInt64()) {
context.error_handler.AboveMaximum(i, maximum_, exclusiveMaximum_);
RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(exclusiveMaximum_ ? kValidateErrorExclusiveMaximum : kValidateErrorMaximum);
else if (maximum_.IsUint64()) { }
/* do nothing */ // i <= max(int64_t) < maximum_.GetUint64()
else if (!CheckDoubleMaximum(context, static_cast<double>(i)))
return false;
if (!multipleOf_.IsNull()) {
if (multipleOf_.IsUint64()) {
if (static_cast<uint64_t>(i >= 0 ? i : -i) % multipleOf_.GetUint64() != 0) {
context.error_handler.NotMultipleOf(i, multipleOf_);
else if (!CheckDoubleMultipleOf(context, static_cast<double>(i)))
return false;
return true;
bool CheckUint(Context& context, uint64_t i) const {
if (!(type_ & ((1 << kIntegerSchemaType) | (1 << kNumberSchemaType)))) {
DisallowedType(context, GetIntegerString());
if (!minimum_.IsNull()) {
if (minimum_.IsUint64()) {
if (exclusiveMinimum_ ? i <= minimum_.GetUint64() : i < minimum_.GetUint64()) {
context.error_handler.BelowMinimum(i, minimum_, exclusiveMinimum_);
RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(exclusiveMinimum_ ? kValidateErrorExclusiveMinimum : kValidateErrorMinimum);
else if (minimum_.IsInt64())
/* do nothing */; // i >= 0 > minimum.Getint64()
else if (!CheckDoubleMinimum(context, static_cast<double>(i)))
return false;
if (!maximum_.IsNull()) {
if (maximum_.IsUint64()) {
if (exclusiveMaximum_ ? i >= maximum_.GetUint64() : i > maximum_.GetUint64()) {
context.error_handler.AboveMaximum(i, maximum_, exclusiveMaximum_);
RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(exclusiveMaximum_ ? kValidateErrorExclusiveMaximum : kValidateErrorMaximum);
else if (maximum_.IsInt64()) {
context.error_handler.AboveMaximum(i, maximum_, exclusiveMaximum_);
RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(exclusiveMaximum_ ? kValidateErrorExclusiveMaximum : kValidateErrorMaximum); // i >= 0 > maximum_
else if (!CheckDoubleMaximum(context, static_cast<double>(i)))
return false;
if (!multipleOf_.IsNull()) {
if (multipleOf_.IsUint64()) {
if (i % multipleOf_.GetUint64() != 0) {
context.error_handler.NotMultipleOf(i, multipleOf_);
else if (!CheckDoubleMultipleOf(context, static_cast<double>(i)))
return false;
return true;
bool CheckDoubleMinimum(Context& context, double d) const {
if (exclusiveMinimum_ ? d <= minimum_.GetDouble() : d < minimum_.GetDouble()) {
context.error_handler.BelowMinimum(d, minimum_, exclusiveMinimum_);
RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(exclusiveMinimum_ ? kValidateErrorExclusiveMinimum : kValidateErrorMinimum);
return true;
bool CheckDoubleMaximum(Context& context, double d) const {
if (exclusiveMaximum_ ? d >= maximum_.GetDouble() : d > maximum_.GetDouble()) {
context.error_handler.AboveMaximum(d, maximum_, exclusiveMaximum_);
RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(exclusiveMaximum_ ? kValidateErrorExclusiveMaximum : kValidateErrorMaximum);
return true;
bool CheckDoubleMultipleOf(Context& context, double d) const {
double a = std::abs(d), b = std::abs(multipleOf_.GetDouble());
double q = std::floor(a / b);
double r = a - q * b;
if (r > 0.0) {
context.error_handler.NotMultipleOf(d, multipleOf_);
return true;
void DisallowedType(Context& context, const ValueType& actualType) const {
ErrorHandler& eh = context.error_handler;
if (type_ & (1 << kNullSchemaType)) eh.AddExpectedType(GetNullString());
if (type_ & (1 << kBooleanSchemaType)) eh.AddExpectedType(GetBooleanString());
if (type_ & (1 << kObjectSchemaType)) eh.AddExpectedType(GetObjectString());
if (type_ & (1 << kArraySchemaType)) eh.AddExpectedType(GetArrayString());
if (type_ & (1 << kStringSchemaType)) eh.AddExpectedType(GetStringString());
if (type_ & (1 << kNumberSchemaType)) eh.AddExpectedType(GetNumberString());
else if (type_ & (1 << kIntegerSchemaType)) eh.AddExpectedType(GetIntegerString());
struct Property {
Property() : schema(), dependenciesSchema(), dependenciesValidatorIndex(), dependencies(), required(false) {}
~Property() { AllocatorType::Free(dependencies); }
SValue name;
const SchemaType* schema;
const SchemaType* dependenciesSchema;
SizeType dependenciesValidatorIndex;
bool* dependencies;
bool required;
struct PatternProperty {
PatternProperty() : schema(), pattern() {}
~PatternProperty() {
if (pattern) {
const SchemaType* schema;
RegexType* pattern;
AllocatorType* allocator_;
SValue uri_;
UriType id_;
Specification spec_;
PointerType pointer_;
const SchemaType* typeless_;
uint64_t* enum_;
SizeType enumCount_;
SchemaArray allOf_;
SchemaArray anyOf_;
SchemaArray oneOf_;
const SchemaType* not_;
unsigned type_; // bitmask of kSchemaType
SizeType validatorCount_;
SizeType notValidatorIndex_;
Property* properties_;
const SchemaType* additionalPropertiesSchema_;
PatternProperty* patternProperties_;
SizeType patternPropertyCount_;
SizeType propertyCount_;
SizeType minProperties_;
SizeType maxProperties_;
bool additionalProperties_;
bool hasDependencies_;
bool hasRequired_;
bool hasSchemaDependencies_;
const SchemaType* additionalItemsSchema_;
const SchemaType* itemsList_;
const SchemaType** itemsTuple_;
SizeType itemsTupleCount_;
SizeType minItems_;
SizeType maxItems_;
bool additionalItems_;
bool uniqueItems_;
RegexType* pattern_;
SizeType minLength_;
SizeType maxLength_;
SValue minimum_;
SValue maximum_;
SValue multipleOf_;
bool exclusiveMinimum_;
bool exclusiveMaximum_;
SizeType defaultValueLength_;
bool readOnly_;
bool writeOnly_;
bool nullable_;
template<typename Stack, typename Ch>
struct TokenHelper {
RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE static void AppendIndexToken(Stack& documentStack, SizeType index) {
*documentStack.template Push<Ch>() = '/';
char buffer[21];
size_t length = static_cast<size_t>((sizeof(SizeType) == 4 ? u32toa(index, buffer) : u64toa(index, buffer)) - buffer);
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++)
*documentStack.template Push<Ch>() = static_cast<Ch>(buffer[i]);
// Partial specialized version for char to prevent buffer copying.
template <typename Stack>
struct TokenHelper<Stack, char> {
RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE static void AppendIndexToken(Stack& documentStack, SizeType index) {
if (sizeof(SizeType) == 4) {
char *buffer = documentStack.template Push<char>(1 + 10); // '/' + uint
*buffer++ = '/';
const char* end = internal::u32toa(index, buffer);
documentStack.template Pop<char>(static_cast<size_t>(10 - (end - buffer)));
else {
char *buffer = documentStack.template Push<char>(1 + 20); // '/' + uint64
*buffer++ = '/';
const char* end = internal::u64toa(index, buffer);
documentStack.template Pop<char>(static_cast<size_t>(20 - (end - buffer)));
} // namespace internal
// IGenericRemoteSchemaDocumentProvider
template <typename SchemaDocumentType>
class IGenericRemoteSchemaDocumentProvider {
typedef typename SchemaDocumentType::Ch Ch;
typedef typename SchemaDocumentType::ValueType ValueType;
typedef typename SchemaDocumentType::AllocatorType AllocatorType;
virtual ~IGenericRemoteSchemaDocumentProvider() {}
virtual const SchemaDocumentType* GetRemoteDocument(const Ch* uri, SizeType length) = 0;
virtual const SchemaDocumentType* GetRemoteDocument(const GenericUri<ValueType, AllocatorType> uri, Specification& spec) {
// Default implementation just calls through for compatibility
// Following line suppresses unused parameter warning
// printf("GetRemoteDocument: %d %d\n", spec.draft, spec.oapi);
return GetRemoteDocument(uri.GetBaseString(), uri.GetBaseStringLength());
// GenericSchemaDocument
//! JSON schema document.
A JSON schema document is a compiled version of a JSON schema.
It is basically a tree of internal::Schema.
\note This is an immutable class (i.e. its instance cannot be modified after construction).
\tparam ValueT Type of JSON value (e.g. \c Value ), which also determine the encoding.
\tparam Allocator Allocator type for allocating memory of this document.
template <typename ValueT, typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
class GenericSchemaDocument {
typedef ValueT ValueType;
typedef IGenericRemoteSchemaDocumentProvider<GenericSchemaDocument> IRemoteSchemaDocumentProviderType;
typedef Allocator AllocatorType;
typedef typename ValueType::EncodingType EncodingType;
typedef typename EncodingType::Ch Ch;
typedef internal::Schema<GenericSchemaDocument> SchemaType;
typedef GenericPointer<ValueType, Allocator> PointerType;
typedef GenericValue<EncodingType, AllocatorType> GValue;
typedef GenericUri<ValueType, Allocator> UriType;
typedef GenericStringRef<Ch> StringRefType;
friend class internal::Schema<GenericSchemaDocument>;
template <typename, typename, typename>
friend class GenericSchemaValidator;
//! Constructor.
Compile a JSON document into schema document.
\param document A JSON document as source.
\param uri The base URI of this schema document for purposes of violation reporting.
\param uriLength Length of \c name, in code points.
\param remoteProvider An optional remote schema document provider for resolving remote reference. Can be null.
\param allocator An optional allocator instance for allocating memory. Can be null.
\param pointer An optional JSON pointer to the start of the schema document
\param spec Optional schema draft or OpenAPI version. Used if no specification in document. Defaults to draft-04.
explicit GenericSchemaDocument(const ValueType& document, const Ch* uri = 0, SizeType uriLength = 0,
IRemoteSchemaDocumentProviderType* remoteProvider = 0, Allocator* allocator = 0,
const PointerType& pointer = PointerType(), // PR #1393
const Specification& spec = Specification(kDraft04)) :
schemaMap_(allocator, kInitialSchemaMapSize),
schemaRef_(allocator, kInitialSchemaRefSize),
RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_PRINT(Method, "GenericSchemaDocument::GenericSchemaDocument");
if (!allocator_)
ownAllocator_ = allocator_ = RAPIDJSON_NEW(Allocator)();
Ch noUri[1] = {0};
uri_.SetString(uri ? uri : noUri, uriLength, *allocator_);
docId_ = UriType(uri_, allocator_);
typeless_ = static_cast<SchemaType*>(allocator_->Malloc(sizeof(SchemaType)));
new (typeless_) SchemaType(this, PointerType(), ValueType(kObjectType).Move(), ValueType(kObjectType).Move(), allocator_, docId_);
// Establish the schema draft or open api version.
// We only ever look for '$schema' or 'swagger' or 'openapi' at the root of the document.
// Generate root schema, it will call CreateSchema() to create sub-schemas,
// And call HandleRefSchema() if there are $ref.
// PR #1393 use input pointer if supplied
root_ = typeless_;
if (pointer.GetTokenCount() == 0) {
CreateSchemaRecursive(&root_, pointer, document, document, docId_);
else if (const ValueType* v = pointer.Get(document)) {
CreateSchema(&root_, pointer, *v, document, docId_);
else {
GenericStringBuffer<EncodingType> sb;
SchemaErrorValue(kSchemaErrorStartUnknown, PointerType(), sb.GetString(), static_cast<SizeType>(sb.GetSize() / sizeof(Ch)));
schemaRef_.ShrinkToFit(); // Deallocate all memory for ref
//! Move constructor in C++11
GenericSchemaDocument(GenericSchemaDocument&& rhs) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT :
rhs.remoteProvider_ = 0;
rhs.allocator_ = 0;
rhs.ownAllocator_ = 0;
rhs.typeless_ = 0;
//! Destructor
~GenericSchemaDocument() {
while (!schemaMap_.Empty())
schemaMap_.template Pop<SchemaEntry>(1)->~SchemaEntry();
if (typeless_) {
// these may contain some allocator data so clear before deleting ownAllocator_
const GValue& GetURI() const { return uri_; }
const Specification& GetSpecification() const { return spec_; }
bool IsSupportedSpecification() const { return spec_.IsSupported(); }
//! Static method to get the specification of any schema document
// Returns kDraftNone if document is silent
static const Specification GetSpecification(const ValueType& document) {
SchemaDraft draft = GetSchemaDraft(document);
if (draft != kDraftNone)
return Specification(draft);
else {
OpenApiVersion oapi = GetOpenApiVersion(document);
if (oapi != kVersionNone)
return Specification(oapi);
return Specification(kDraftNone);
//! Get the root schema.
const SchemaType& GetRoot() const { return *root_; }
//! Gets the error object.
GValue& GetError() { return error_; }
const GValue& GetError() const { return error_; }
static const StringRefType& GetSchemaErrorKeyword(SchemaErrorCode schemaErrorCode) {
switch (schemaErrorCode) {
case kSchemaErrorStartUnknown: return GetStartUnknownString();
case kSchemaErrorRefPlainName: return GetRefPlainNameString();
case kSchemaErrorRefInvalid: return GetRefInvalidString();
case kSchemaErrorRefPointerInvalid: return GetRefPointerInvalidString();
case kSchemaErrorRefUnknown: return GetRefUnknownString();
case kSchemaErrorRefCyclical: return GetRefCyclicalString();
case kSchemaErrorRefNoRemoteProvider: return GetRefNoRemoteProviderString();
case kSchemaErrorRefNoRemoteSchema: return GetRefNoRemoteSchemaString();
case kSchemaErrorRegexInvalid: return GetRegexInvalidString();
case kSchemaErrorSpecUnknown: return GetSpecUnknownString();
case kSchemaErrorSpecUnsupported: return GetSpecUnsupportedString();
case kSchemaErrorSpecIllegal: return GetSpecIllegalString();
case kSchemaErrorReadOnlyAndWriteOnly: return GetReadOnlyAndWriteOnlyString();
default: return GetNullString();
//! Default error method
void SchemaError(const SchemaErrorCode code, const PointerType& location) {
currentError_ = GValue(kObjectType);
AddCurrentError(code, location);
//! Method for error with single string value insert
void SchemaErrorValue(const SchemaErrorCode code, const PointerType& location, const Ch* value, SizeType length) {
currentError_ = GValue(kObjectType);
currentError_.AddMember(GetValueString(), GValue(value, length, *allocator_).Move(), *allocator_);
AddCurrentError(code, location);
//! Method for error with invalid pointer
void SchemaErrorPointer(const SchemaErrorCode code, const PointerType& location, const Ch* value, SizeType length, const PointerType& pointer) {
currentError_ = GValue(kObjectType);
currentError_.AddMember(GetValueString(), GValue(value, length, *allocator_).Move(), *allocator_);
currentError_.AddMember(GetOffsetString(), static_cast<SizeType>(pointer.GetParseErrorOffset() / sizeof(Ch)), *allocator_);
AddCurrentError(code, location);
//! Prohibit copying
GenericSchemaDocument(const GenericSchemaDocument&);
//! Prohibit assignment
GenericSchemaDocument& operator=(const GenericSchemaDocument&);
typedef const PointerType* SchemaRefPtr; // PR #1393
struct SchemaEntry {
SchemaEntry(const PointerType& p, SchemaType* s, bool o, Allocator* allocator) : pointer(p, allocator), schema(s), owned(o) {}
~SchemaEntry() {
if (owned) {
PointerType pointer;
SchemaType* schema;
bool owned;
void AddErrorInstanceLocation(GValue& result, const PointerType& location) {
GenericStringBuffer<EncodingType> sb;
GValue instanceRef(sb.GetString(), static_cast<SizeType>(sb.GetSize() / sizeof(Ch)), *allocator_);
result.AddMember(GetInstanceRefString(), instanceRef, *allocator_);
void AddError(GValue& keyword, GValue& error) {
typename GValue::MemberIterator member = error_.FindMember(keyword);
if (member == error_.MemberEnd())
error_.AddMember(keyword, error, *allocator_);
else {
if (member->value.IsObject()) {
GValue errors(kArrayType);
errors.PushBack(member->value, *allocator_);
member->value = errors;
member->value.PushBack(error, *allocator_);
void AddCurrentError(const SchemaErrorCode code, const PointerType& location) {
RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_PRINT(InvalidKeyword, GetSchemaErrorKeyword(code));
currentError_.AddMember(GetErrorCodeString(), code, *allocator_);
AddErrorInstanceLocation(currentError_, location);
AddError(GValue(GetSchemaErrorKeyword(code)).Move(), currentError_);
#define RAPIDJSON_STRING_(name, ...) \
static const StringRefType& Get##name##String() {\
static const Ch s[] = { __VA_ARGS__, '\0' };\
static const StringRefType v(s, static_cast<SizeType>(sizeof(s) / sizeof(Ch) - 1)); \
return v;\
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(InstanceRef, 'i', 'n', 's', 't', 'a', 'n', 'c', 'e', 'R', 'e', 'f')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(ErrorCode, 'e', 'r', 'r', 'o', 'r', 'C', 'o', 'd', 'e')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Value, 'v', 'a', 'l', 'u', 'e')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Offset, 'o', 'f', 'f', 's', 'e', 't')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Null, 'n', 'u', 'l', 'l')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(SpecUnknown, 'S', 'p', 'e', 'c', 'U', 'n', 'k', 'n', 'o', 'w', 'n')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(SpecUnsupported, 'S', 'p', 'e', 'c', 'U', 'n', 's', 'u', 'p', 'p', 'o', 'r', 't', 'e', 'd')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(SpecIllegal, 'S', 'p', 'e', 'c', 'I', 'l', 'l', 'e', 'g', 'a', 'l')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(StartUnknown, 'S', 't', 'a', 'r', 't', 'U', 'n', 'k', 'n', 'o', 'w', 'n')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(RefPlainName, 'R', 'e', 'f', 'P', 'l', 'a', 'i', 'n', 'N', 'a', 'm', 'e')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(RefInvalid, 'R', 'e', 'f', 'I', 'n', 'v', 'a', 'l', 'i', 'd')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(RefPointerInvalid, 'R', 'e', 'f', 'P', 'o', 'i', 'n', 't', 'e', 'r', 'I', 'n', 'v', 'a', 'l', 'i', 'd')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(RefUnknown, 'R', 'e', 'f', 'U', 'n', 'k', 'n', 'o', 'w', 'n')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(RefCyclical, 'R', 'e', 'f', 'C', 'y', 'c', 'l', 'i', 'c', 'a', 'l')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(RefNoRemoteProvider, 'R', 'e', 'f', 'N', 'o', 'R', 'e', 'm', 'o', 't', 'e', 'P', 'r', 'o', 'v', 'i', 'd', 'e', 'r')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(RefNoRemoteSchema, 'R', 'e', 'f', 'N', 'o', 'R', 'e', 'm', 'o', 't', 'e', 'S', 'c', 'h', 'e', 'm', 'a')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(ReadOnlyAndWriteOnly, 'R', 'e', 'a', 'd', 'O', 'n', 'l', 'y', 'A', 'n', 'd', 'W', 'r', 'i', 't', 'e', 'O', 'n', 'l', 'y')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(RegexInvalid, 'R', 'e', 'g', 'e', 'x', 'I', 'n', 'v', 'a', 'l', 'i', 'd')
// Static method to get schema draft of any schema document
static SchemaDraft GetSchemaDraft(const ValueType& document) {
static const Ch kDraft03String[] = { 'h', 't', 't', 'p', ':', '/', '/', 'j', 's', 'o', 'n', '-', 's', 'c', 'h', 'e', 'm', 'a', '.', 'o', 'r', 'g', '/', 'd', 'r', 'a', 'f', 't', '-', '0', '3', '/', 's', 'c', 'h', 'e', 'm', 'a', '#', '\0' };
static const Ch kDraft04String[] = { 'h', 't', 't', 'p', ':', '/', '/', 'j', 's', 'o', 'n', '-', 's', 'c', 'h', 'e', 'm', 'a', '.', 'o', 'r', 'g', '/', 'd', 'r', 'a', 'f', 't', '-', '0', '4', '/', 's', 'c', 'h', 'e', 'm', 'a', '#', '\0' };
static const Ch kDraft05String[] = { 'h', 't', 't', 'p', ':', '/', '/', 'j', 's', 'o', 'n', '-', 's', 'c', 'h', 'e', 'm', 'a', '.', 'o', 'r', 'g', '/', 'd', 'r', 'a', 'f', 't', '-', '0', '5', '/', 's', 'c', 'h', 'e', 'm', 'a', '#', '\0' };
static const Ch kDraft06String[] = { 'h', 't', 't', 'p', ':', '/', '/', 'j', 's', 'o', 'n', '-', 's', 'c', 'h', 'e', 'm', 'a', '.', 'o', 'r', 'g', '/', 'd', 'r', 'a', 'f', 't', '-', '0', '6', '/', 's', 'c', 'h', 'e', 'm', 'a', '#', '\0' };
static const Ch kDraft07String[] = { 'h', 't', 't', 'p', ':', '/', '/', 'j', 's', 'o', 'n', '-', 's', 'c', 'h', 'e', 'm', 'a', '.', 'o', 'r', 'g', '/', 'd', 'r', 'a', 'f', 't', '-', '0', '7', '/', 's', 'c', 'h', 'e', 'm', 'a', '#', '\0' };
static const Ch kDraft2019_09String[] = { 'h', 't', 't', 'p', 's', ':', '/', '/', 'j', 's', 'o', 'n', '-', 's', 'c', 'h', 'e', 'm', 'a', '.', 'o', 'r', 'g', '/', 'd', 'r', 'a', 'f', 't', '/', '2', '0', '1', '9', '-', '0', '9', '/', 's', 'c', 'h', 'e', 'm', 'a', '\0' };
static const Ch kDraft2020_12String[] = { 'h', 't', 't', 'p', 's', ':', '/', '/', 'j', 's', 'o', 'n', '-', 's', 'c', 'h', 'e', 'm', 'a', '.', 'o', 'r', 'g', '/', 'd', 'r', 'a', 'f', 't', '/', '2', '0', '2', '0', '-', '1', '2', '/', 's', 'c', 'h', 'e', 'm', 'a', '\0' };
if (!document.IsObject()) {
return kDraftNone;
// Get the schema draft from the $schema keyword at the supplied location
typename ValueType::ConstMemberIterator itr = document.FindMember(SchemaType::GetSchemaString());
if (itr != document.MemberEnd()) {
if (!itr->value.IsString()) return kDraftUnknown;
const UriType draftUri(itr->value);
// Check base uri for match
if (draftUri.Match(UriType(kDraft04String), false)) return kDraft04;
if (draftUri.Match(UriType(kDraft05String), false)) return kDraft05;
if (draftUri.Match(UriType(kDraft06String), false)) return kDraft06;
if (draftUri.Match(UriType(kDraft07String), false)) return kDraft07;
if (draftUri.Match(UriType(kDraft03String), false)) return kDraft03;
if (draftUri.Match(UriType(kDraft2019_09String), false)) return kDraft2019_09;
if (draftUri.Match(UriType(kDraft2020_12String), false)) return kDraft2020_12;
return kDraftUnknown;
// $schema not found
return kDraftNone;
// Get open api version of any schema document
static OpenApiVersion GetOpenApiVersion(const ValueType& document) {
static const Ch kVersion20String[] = { '2', '.', '0', '\0' };
static const Ch kVersion30String[] = { '3', '.', '0', '.', '\0' }; // ignore patch level
static const Ch kVersion31String[] = { '3', '.', '1', '.', '\0' }; // ignore patch level
static SizeType len = internal::StrLen<Ch>(kVersion30String);
if (!document.IsObject()) {
return kVersionNone;
// Get the open api version from the swagger / openapi keyword at the supplied location
typename ValueType::ConstMemberIterator itr = document.FindMember(SchemaType::GetSwaggerString());
if (itr == document.MemberEnd()) itr = document.FindMember(SchemaType::GetOpenApiString());
if (itr != document.MemberEnd()) {
if (!itr->value.IsString()) return kVersionUnknown;
const ValueType kVersion20Value(kVersion20String);
if (kVersion20Value == itr->value) return kVersion20; // must match 2.0 exactly
const ValueType kVersion30Value(kVersion30String);
if (itr->value.GetStringLength() > len && kVersion30Value == ValueType(itr->value.GetString(), len)) return kVersion30; // must match 3.0.x
const ValueType kVersion31Value(kVersion31String);
if (itr->value.GetStringLength() > len && kVersion31Value == ValueType(itr->value.GetString(), len)) return kVersion31; // must match 3.1.x
return kVersionUnknown;
// swagger or openapi not found
return kVersionNone;
// Get the draft of the schema or the open api version (which implies the draft).
// Report an error if schema draft or open api version not supported or not recognized, or both in document, and carry on.
void SetSchemaSpecification(const ValueType& document) {
// Look for '$schema', 'swagger' or 'openapi' keyword at document root
SchemaDraft docDraft = GetSchemaDraft(document);
OpenApiVersion docOapi = GetOpenApiVersion(document);
// Error if both in document
if (docDraft != kDraftNone && docOapi != kVersionNone)
SchemaError(kSchemaErrorSpecIllegal, PointerType());
// Use document draft or open api version if present or use spec from constructor
if (docDraft != kDraftNone)
spec_ = Specification(docDraft);
else if (docOapi != kVersionNone)
spec_ = Specification(docOapi);
// Error if draft or version unknown
if (spec_.draft == kDraftUnknown || spec_.oapi == kVersionUnknown)
SchemaError(kSchemaErrorSpecUnknown, PointerType());
else if (!spec_.IsSupported())
SchemaError(kSchemaErrorSpecUnsupported, PointerType());
// Changed by PR #1393
void CreateSchemaRecursive(const SchemaType** schema, const PointerType& pointer, const ValueType& v, const ValueType& document, const UriType& id) {
if (v.GetType() == kObjectType) {
UriType newid = UriType(CreateSchema(schema, pointer, v, document, id), allocator_);
for (typename ValueType::ConstMemberIterator itr = v.MemberBegin(); itr != v.MemberEnd(); ++itr)
CreateSchemaRecursive(0, pointer.Append(itr->name, allocator_), itr->value, document, newid);
else if (v.GetType() == kArrayType)
for (SizeType i = 0; i < v.Size(); i++)
CreateSchemaRecursive(0, pointer.Append(i, allocator_), v[i], document, id);
// Changed by PR #1393
const UriType& CreateSchema(const SchemaType** schema, const PointerType& pointer, const ValueType& v, const ValueType& document, const UriType& id) {
GenericStringBuffer<EncodingType> sb;
RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_PRINT(Method, "GenericSchemaDocument::CreateSchema", sb.GetString(), id.GetString());
if (v.IsObject()) {
if (const SchemaType* sc = GetSchema(pointer)) {
if (schema)
*schema = sc;
else if (!HandleRefSchema(pointer, schema, v, document, id)) {
// The new schema constructor adds itself and its $ref(s) to schemaMap_
SchemaType* s = new (allocator_->Malloc(sizeof(SchemaType))) SchemaType(this, pointer, v, document, allocator_, id);
if (schema)
*schema = s;
return s->GetId();
else {
if (schema)
*schema = typeless_;
return id;
// Changed by PR #1393
// TODO should this return a UriType& ?
bool HandleRefSchema(const PointerType& source, const SchemaType** schema, const ValueType& v, const ValueType& document, const UriType& id) {
typename ValueType::ConstMemberIterator itr = v.FindMember(SchemaType::GetRefString());
if (itr == v.MemberEnd())
return false;
GenericStringBuffer<EncodingType> sb;
RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_PRINT(Method, "GenericSchemaDocument::HandleRefSchema", sb.GetString(), id.GetString());
// Resolve the source pointer to the $ref'ed schema (finally)
new (schemaRef_.template Push<SchemaRefPtr>()) SchemaRefPtr(&source);
if (itr->value.IsString()) {
SizeType len = itr->value.GetStringLength();
if (len == 0)
SchemaError(kSchemaErrorRefInvalid, source);
else {
// First resolve $ref against the in-scope id
UriType scopeId = UriType(id, allocator_);
UriType ref = UriType(itr->value, allocator_).Resolve(scopeId, allocator_);
RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_PRINT(SchemaIds, id.GetString(), itr->value.GetString(), ref.GetString());
// See if the resolved $ref minus the fragment matches a resolved id in this document
// Search from the root. Returns the subschema in the document and its absolute JSON pointer.
PointerType basePointer = PointerType();
const ValueType *base = FindId(document, ref, basePointer, docId_, false);
if (!base) {
// Remote reference - call the remote document provider
if (!remoteProvider_)
SchemaError(kSchemaErrorRefNoRemoteProvider, source);
else {
if (const GenericSchemaDocument* remoteDocument = remoteProvider_->GetRemoteDocument(ref, spec_)) {
const Ch* s = ref.GetFragString();
len = ref.GetFragStringLength();
if (len <= 1 || s[1] == '/') {
// JSON pointer fragment, absolute in the remote schema
const PointerType pointer(s, len, allocator_);
if (!pointer.IsValid())
SchemaErrorPointer(kSchemaErrorRefPointerInvalid, source, s, len, pointer);
else {
// Get the subschema
if (const SchemaType *sc = remoteDocument->GetSchema(pointer)) {
if (schema)
*schema = sc;
AddSchemaRefs(const_cast<SchemaType *>(sc));
return true;
} else
SchemaErrorValue(kSchemaErrorRefUnknown, source, ref.GetString(), ref.GetStringLength());
} else
// Plain name fragment, not allowed in remote schema
SchemaErrorValue(kSchemaErrorRefPlainName, source, s, len);
} else
SchemaErrorValue(kSchemaErrorRefNoRemoteSchema, source, ref.GetString(), ref.GetStringLength());
else { // Local reference
const Ch* s = ref.GetFragString();
len = ref.GetFragStringLength();
if (len <= 1 || s[1] == '/') {
// JSON pointer fragment, relative to the resolved URI
const PointerType relPointer(s, len, allocator_);
if (!relPointer.IsValid())
SchemaErrorPointer(kSchemaErrorRefPointerInvalid, source, s, len, relPointer);
else {
// Get the subschema
if (const ValueType *pv = relPointer.Get(*base)) {
// Now get the absolute JSON pointer by adding relative to base
PointerType pointer(basePointer, allocator_);
for (SizeType i = 0; i < relPointer.GetTokenCount(); i++)
pointer = pointer.Append(relPointer.GetTokens()[i], allocator_);
if (IsCyclicRef(pointer))
SchemaErrorValue(kSchemaErrorRefCyclical, source, ref.GetString(), ref.GetStringLength());
else {
// Call CreateSchema recursively, but first compute the in-scope id for the $ref target as we have jumped there
// TODO: cache pointer <-> id mapping
size_t unresolvedTokenIndex;
scopeId = pointer.GetUri(document, docId_, &unresolvedTokenIndex, allocator_);
CreateSchema(schema, pointer, *pv, document, scopeId);
return true;
} else
SchemaErrorValue(kSchemaErrorRefUnknown, source, ref.GetString(), ref.GetStringLength());
} else {
// Plain name fragment, relative to the resolved URI
// Not supported in open api 2.0 and 3.0
PointerType pointer(allocator_);
if (spec_.oapi == kVersion20 || spec_.oapi == kVersion30)
SchemaErrorValue(kSchemaErrorRefPlainName, source, s, len);
// See if the fragment matches an id in this document.
// Search from the base we just established. Returns the subschema in the document and its absolute JSON pointer.
else if (const ValueType *pv = FindId(*base, ref, pointer, UriType(ref.GetBaseString(), ref.GetBaseStringLength(), allocator_), true, basePointer)) {
if (IsCyclicRef(pointer))
SchemaErrorValue(kSchemaErrorRefCyclical, source, ref.GetString(), ref.GetStringLength());
else {
// Call CreateSchema recursively, but first compute the in-scope id for the $ref target as we have jumped there
// TODO: cache pointer <-> id mapping
size_t unresolvedTokenIndex;
scopeId = pointer.GetUri(document, docId_, &unresolvedTokenIndex, allocator_);
CreateSchema(schema, pointer, *pv, document, scopeId);
return true;
} else
SchemaErrorValue(kSchemaErrorRefUnknown, source, ref.GetString(), ref.GetStringLength());
// Invalid/Unknown $ref
if (schema)
*schema = typeless_;
return true;
//! Find the first subschema with a resolved 'id' that matches the specified URI.
// If full specified use all URI else ignore fragment.
// If found, return a pointer to the subschema and its JSON pointer.
// TODO cache pointer <-> id mapping
ValueType* FindId(const ValueType& doc, const UriType& finduri, PointerType& resptr, const UriType& baseuri, bool full, const PointerType& here = PointerType()) const {
SizeType i = 0;
ValueType* resval = 0;
UriType tempuri = UriType(finduri, allocator_);
UriType localuri = UriType(baseuri, allocator_);
if (doc.GetType() == kObjectType) {
// Establish the base URI of this object
typename ValueType::ConstMemberIterator m = doc.FindMember(SchemaType::GetIdString());
if (m != doc.MemberEnd() && m->value.GetType() == kStringType) {
localuri = UriType(m->value, allocator_).Resolve(baseuri, allocator_);
// See if it matches
if (localuri.Match(finduri, full)) {
RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_PRINT(Method, "GenericSchemaDocument::FindId (match)", full ? localuri.GetString() : localuri.GetBaseString());
resval = const_cast<ValueType *>(&doc);
resptr = here;
return resval;
// No match, continue looking
for (m = doc.MemberBegin(); m != doc.MemberEnd(); ++m) {
if (m->value.GetType() == kObjectType || m->value.GetType() == kArrayType) {
resval = FindId(m->value, finduri, resptr, localuri, full, here.Append(m->name.GetString(), m->name.GetStringLength(), allocator_));
if (resval) break;
} else if (doc.GetType() == kArrayType) {
// Continue looking
for (typename ValueType::ConstValueIterator v = doc.Begin(); v != doc.End(); ++v) {
if (v->GetType() == kObjectType || v->GetType() == kArrayType) {
resval = FindId(*v, finduri, resptr, localuri, full, here.Append(i, allocator_));
if (resval) break;
return resval;
// Added by PR #1393
void AddSchemaRefs(SchemaType* schema) {
RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_PRINT(Method, "GenericSchemaDocument::AddSchemaRefs");
while (!schemaRef_.Empty()) {
SchemaRefPtr *ref = schemaRef_.template Pop<SchemaRefPtr>(1);
SchemaEntry *entry = schemaMap_.template Push<SchemaEntry>();
new (entry) SchemaEntry(**ref, schema, false, allocator_);
// Added by PR #1393
bool IsCyclicRef(const PointerType& pointer) const {
for (const SchemaRefPtr* ref = schemaRef_.template Bottom<SchemaRefPtr>(); ref != schemaRef_.template End<SchemaRefPtr>(); ++ref)
if (pointer == **ref)
return true;
return false;
const SchemaType* GetSchema(const PointerType& pointer) const {
for (const SchemaEntry* target = schemaMap_.template Bottom<SchemaEntry>(); target != schemaMap_.template End<SchemaEntry>(); ++target)
if (pointer == target->pointer)
return target->schema;
return 0;
PointerType GetPointer(const SchemaType* schema) const {
for (const SchemaEntry* target = schemaMap_.template Bottom<SchemaEntry>(); target != schemaMap_.template End<SchemaEntry>(); ++target)
if (schema == target->schema)
return target->pointer;
return PointerType();
const SchemaType* GetTypeless() const { return typeless_; }
static const size_t kInitialSchemaMapSize = 64;
static const size_t kInitialSchemaRefSize = 64;
IRemoteSchemaDocumentProviderType* remoteProvider_;
Allocator *allocator_;
Allocator *ownAllocator_;
const SchemaType* root_; //!< Root schema.
SchemaType* typeless_;
internal::Stack<Allocator> schemaMap_; // Stores created Pointer -> Schemas
internal::Stack<Allocator> schemaRef_; // Stores Pointer(s) from $ref(s) until resolved
GValue uri_; // Schema document URI
UriType docId_;
Specification spec_;
GValue error_;
GValue currentError_;
//! GenericSchemaDocument using Value type.
typedef GenericSchemaDocument<Value> SchemaDocument;
//! IGenericRemoteSchemaDocumentProvider using SchemaDocument.
typedef IGenericRemoteSchemaDocumentProvider<SchemaDocument> IRemoteSchemaDocumentProvider;
// GenericSchemaValidator
//! JSON Schema Validator.
A SAX style JSON schema validator.
It uses a \c GenericSchemaDocument to validate SAX events.
It delegates the incoming SAX events to an output handler.
The default output handler does nothing.
It can be reused multiple times by calling \c Reset().
\tparam SchemaDocumentType Type of schema document.
\tparam OutputHandler Type of output handler. Default handler does nothing.
\tparam StateAllocator Allocator for storing the internal validation states.
template <
typename SchemaDocumentType,
typename OutputHandler = BaseReaderHandler<typename SchemaDocumentType::SchemaType::EncodingType>,
typename StateAllocator = CrtAllocator>
class GenericSchemaValidator :
public internal::ISchemaStateFactory<typename SchemaDocumentType::SchemaType>,
public internal::ISchemaValidator,
public internal::IValidationErrorHandler<typename SchemaDocumentType::SchemaType> {
typedef typename SchemaDocumentType::SchemaType SchemaType;
typedef typename SchemaDocumentType::PointerType PointerType;
typedef typename SchemaType::EncodingType EncodingType;
typedef typename SchemaType::SValue SValue;
typedef typename EncodingType::Ch Ch;
typedef GenericStringRef<Ch> StringRefType;
typedef GenericValue<EncodingType, StateAllocator> ValueType;
//! Constructor without output handler.
\param schemaDocument The schema document to conform to.
\param allocator Optional allocator for storing internal validation states.
\param schemaStackCapacity Optional initial capacity of schema path stack.
\param documentStackCapacity Optional initial capacity of document path stack.
const SchemaDocumentType& schemaDocument,
StateAllocator* allocator = 0,
size_t schemaStackCapacity = kDefaultSchemaStackCapacity,
size_t documentStackCapacity = kDefaultDocumentStackCapacity)
schemaStack_(allocator, schemaStackCapacity),
documentStack_(allocator, documentStackCapacity),
RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_PRINT(Method, "GenericSchemaValidator::GenericSchemaValidator");
//! Constructor with output handler.
\param schemaDocument The schema document to conform to.
\param allocator Optional allocator for storing internal validation states.
\param schemaStackCapacity Optional initial capacity of schema path stack.
\param documentStackCapacity Optional initial capacity of document path stack.
const SchemaDocumentType& schemaDocument,
OutputHandler& outputHandler,
StateAllocator* allocator = 0,
size_t schemaStackCapacity = kDefaultSchemaStackCapacity,
size_t documentStackCapacity = kDefaultDocumentStackCapacity)
schemaStack_(allocator, schemaStackCapacity),
documentStack_(allocator, documentStackCapacity),
RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_PRINT(Method, "GenericSchemaValidator::GenericSchemaValidator (output handler)");
//! Destructor.
~GenericSchemaValidator() {
//! Reset the internal states.
void Reset() {
while (!schemaStack_.Empty())
//! Reset the error state.
void ResetError() {
valid_ = true;
//! Implementation of ISchemaValidator
void SetValidateFlags(unsigned flags) {
flags_ = flags;
virtual unsigned GetValidateFlags() const {
return flags_;
virtual bool IsValid() const {
if (!valid_) return false;
if (GetContinueOnErrors() && !error_.ObjectEmpty()) return false;
return true;
//! End of Implementation of ISchemaValidator
//! Gets the error object.
ValueType& GetError() { return error_; }
const ValueType& GetError() const { return error_; }
//! Gets the JSON pointer pointed to the invalid schema.
// If reporting all errors, the stack will be empty.
PointerType GetInvalidSchemaPointer() const {
return schemaStack_.Empty() ? PointerType() : CurrentSchema().GetPointer();
//! Gets the keyword of invalid schema.
// If reporting all errors, the stack will be empty, so return "errors".
const Ch* GetInvalidSchemaKeyword() const {
if (!schemaStack_.Empty()) return CurrentContext().invalidKeyword;
if (GetContinueOnErrors() && !error_.ObjectEmpty()) return (const Ch*)GetErrorsString();
return 0;
//! Gets the error code of invalid schema.
// If reporting all errors, the stack will be empty, so return kValidateErrors.
ValidateErrorCode GetInvalidSchemaCode() const {
if (!schemaStack_.Empty()) return CurrentContext().invalidCode;
if (GetContinueOnErrors() && !error_.ObjectEmpty()) return kValidateErrors;
return kValidateErrorNone;
//! Gets the JSON pointer pointed to the invalid value.
// If reporting all errors, the stack will be empty.
PointerType GetInvalidDocumentPointer() const {
if (documentStack_.Empty()) {
return PointerType();
else {
return PointerType(documentStack_.template Bottom<Ch>(), documentStack_.GetSize() / sizeof(Ch));
void NotMultipleOf(int64_t actual, const SValue& expected) {
AddNumberError(kValidateErrorMultipleOf, ValueType(actual).Move(), expected);
void NotMultipleOf(uint64_t actual, const SValue& expected) {
AddNumberError(kValidateErrorMultipleOf, ValueType(actual).Move(), expected);
void NotMultipleOf(double actual, const SValue& expected) {
AddNumberError(kValidateErrorMultipleOf, ValueType(actual).Move(), expected);
void AboveMaximum(int64_t actual, const SValue& expected, bool exclusive) {
AddNumberError(exclusive ? kValidateErrorExclusiveMaximum : kValidateErrorMaximum, ValueType(actual).Move(), expected,
exclusive ? &SchemaType::GetExclusiveMaximumString : 0);
void AboveMaximum(uint64_t actual, const SValue& expected, bool exclusive) {
AddNumberError(exclusive ? kValidateErrorExclusiveMaximum : kValidateErrorMaximum, ValueType(actual).Move(), expected,
exclusive ? &SchemaType::GetExclusiveMaximumString : 0);
void AboveMaximum(double actual, const SValue& expected, bool exclusive) {
AddNumberError(exclusive ? kValidateErrorExclusiveMaximum : kValidateErrorMaximum, ValueType(actual).Move(), expected,
exclusive ? &SchemaType::GetExclusiveMaximumString : 0);
void BelowMinimum(int64_t actual, const SValue& expected, bool exclusive) {
AddNumberError(exclusive ? kValidateErrorExclusiveMinimum : kValidateErrorMinimum, ValueType(actual).Move(), expected,
exclusive ? &SchemaType::GetExclusiveMinimumString : 0);
void BelowMinimum(uint64_t actual, const SValue& expected, bool exclusive) {
AddNumberError(exclusive ? kValidateErrorExclusiveMinimum : kValidateErrorMinimum, ValueType(actual).Move(), expected,
exclusive ? &SchemaType::GetExclusiveMinimumString : 0);
void BelowMinimum(double actual, const SValue& expected, bool exclusive) {
AddNumberError(exclusive ? kValidateErrorExclusiveMinimum : kValidateErrorMinimum, ValueType(actual).Move(), expected,
exclusive ? &SchemaType::GetExclusiveMinimumString : 0);
void TooLong(const Ch* str, SizeType length, SizeType expected) {
ValueType(str, length, GetStateAllocator()).Move(), SValue(expected).Move());
void TooShort(const Ch* str, SizeType length, SizeType expected) {
ValueType(str, length, GetStateAllocator()).Move(), SValue(expected).Move());
void DoesNotMatch(const Ch* str, SizeType length) {
currentError_.AddMember(GetActualString(), ValueType(str, length, GetStateAllocator()).Move(), GetStateAllocator());
void DisallowedItem(SizeType index) {
currentError_.AddMember(GetDisallowedString(), ValueType(index).Move(), GetStateAllocator());
AddCurrentError(kValidateErrorAdditionalItems, true);
void TooFewItems(SizeType actualCount, SizeType expectedCount) {
ValueType(actualCount).Move(), SValue(expectedCount).Move());
void TooManyItems(SizeType actualCount, SizeType expectedCount) {
ValueType(actualCount).Move(), SValue(expectedCount).Move());
void DuplicateItems(SizeType index1, SizeType index2) {
ValueType duplicates(kArrayType);
duplicates.PushBack(index1, GetStateAllocator());
duplicates.PushBack(index2, GetStateAllocator());
currentError_.AddMember(GetDuplicatesString(), duplicates, GetStateAllocator());
AddCurrentError(kValidateErrorUniqueItems, true);
void TooManyProperties(SizeType actualCount, SizeType expectedCount) {
ValueType(actualCount).Move(), SValue(expectedCount).Move());
void TooFewProperties(SizeType actualCount, SizeType expectedCount) {
ValueType(actualCount).Move(), SValue(expectedCount).Move());
void StartMissingProperties() {
void AddMissingProperty(const SValue& name) {
currentError_.PushBack(ValueType(name, GetStateAllocator()).Move(), GetStateAllocator());
bool EndMissingProperties() {
if (currentError_.Empty())
return false;
ValueType error(kObjectType);
error.AddMember(GetMissingString(), currentError_, GetStateAllocator());
currentError_ = error;
return true;
void PropertyViolations(ISchemaValidator** subvalidators, SizeType count) {
for (SizeType i = 0; i < count; ++i)
void DisallowedProperty(const Ch* name, SizeType length) {
currentError_.AddMember(GetDisallowedString(), ValueType(name, length, GetStateAllocator()).Move(), GetStateAllocator());
AddCurrentError(kValidateErrorAdditionalProperties, true);
void StartDependencyErrors() {
void StartMissingDependentProperties() {
void AddMissingDependentProperty(const SValue& targetName) {
missingDependents_.PushBack(ValueType(targetName, GetStateAllocator()).Move(), GetStateAllocator());
void EndMissingDependentProperties(const SValue& sourceName) {
if (!missingDependents_.Empty()) {
// Create equivalent 'required' error
ValueType error(kObjectType);
ValidateErrorCode code = kValidateErrorRequired;
error.AddMember(GetMissingString(), missingDependents_.Move(), GetStateAllocator());
AddErrorCode(error, code);
AddErrorInstanceLocation(error, false);
// When appending to a pointer ensure its allocator is used
PointerType schemaRef = GetInvalidSchemaPointer().Append(SchemaType::GetValidateErrorKeyword(kValidateErrorDependencies), &GetInvalidSchemaPointer().GetAllocator());
AddErrorSchemaLocation(error, schemaRef.Append(sourceName.GetString(), sourceName.GetStringLength(), &GetInvalidSchemaPointer().GetAllocator()));
ValueType wrapper(kObjectType);
wrapper.AddMember(ValueType(SchemaType::GetValidateErrorKeyword(code), GetStateAllocator()).Move(), error, GetStateAllocator());
currentError_.AddMember(ValueType(sourceName, GetStateAllocator()).Move(), wrapper, GetStateAllocator());
void AddDependencySchemaError(const SValue& sourceName, ISchemaValidator* subvalidator) {
currentError_.AddMember(ValueType(sourceName, GetStateAllocator()).Move(),
static_cast<GenericSchemaValidator*>(subvalidator)->GetError(), GetStateAllocator());
bool EndDependencyErrors() {
if (currentError_.ObjectEmpty())
return false;
ValueType error(kObjectType);
error.AddMember(GetErrorsString(), currentError_, GetStateAllocator());
currentError_ = error;
return true;
void DisallowedValue(const ValidateErrorCode code = kValidateErrorEnum) {
void StartDisallowedType() {
void AddExpectedType(const typename SchemaType::ValueType& expectedType) {
currentError_.PushBack(ValueType(expectedType, GetStateAllocator()).Move(), GetStateAllocator());
void EndDisallowedType(const typename SchemaType::ValueType& actualType) {
ValueType error(kObjectType);
error.AddMember(GetExpectedString(), currentError_, GetStateAllocator());
error.AddMember(GetActualString(), ValueType(actualType, GetStateAllocator()).Move(), GetStateAllocator());
currentError_ = error;
void NotAllOf(ISchemaValidator** subvalidators, SizeType count) {
// Treat allOf like oneOf and anyOf to match https://rapidjson.org/md_doc_schema.html#allOf-anyOf-oneOf
AddErrorArray(kValidateErrorAllOf, subvalidators, count);
//for (SizeType i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
// MergeError(static_cast<GenericSchemaValidator*>(subvalidators[i])->GetError());
void NoneOf(ISchemaValidator** subvalidators, SizeType count) {
AddErrorArray(kValidateErrorAnyOf, subvalidators, count);
void NotOneOf(ISchemaValidator** subvalidators, SizeType count) {
AddErrorArray(kValidateErrorOneOf, subvalidators, count);
void MultipleOneOf(SizeType index1, SizeType index2) {
ValueType matches(kArrayType);
matches.PushBack(index1, GetStateAllocator());
matches.PushBack(index2, GetStateAllocator());
currentError_.AddMember(GetMatchesString(), matches, GetStateAllocator());
void Disallowed() {
void DisallowedWhenWriting() {
void DisallowedWhenReading() {
#define RAPIDJSON_STRING_(name, ...) \
static const StringRefType& Get##name##String() {\
static const Ch s[] = { __VA_ARGS__, '\0' };\
static const StringRefType v(s, static_cast<SizeType>(sizeof(s) / sizeof(Ch) - 1)); \
return v;\
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(InstanceRef, 'i', 'n', 's', 't', 'a', 'n', 'c', 'e', 'R', 'e', 'f')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(SchemaRef, 's', 'c', 'h', 'e', 'm', 'a', 'R', 'e', 'f')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Expected, 'e', 'x', 'p', 'e', 'c', 't', 'e', 'd')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Actual, 'a', 'c', 't', 'u', 'a', 'l')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Disallowed, 'd', 'i', 's', 'a', 'l', 'l', 'o', 'w', 'e', 'd')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Missing, 'm', 'i', 's', 's', 'i', 'n', 'g')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Errors, 'e', 'r', 'r', 'o', 'r', 's')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(ErrorCode, 'e', 'r', 'r', 'o', 'r', 'C', 'o', 'd', 'e')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(ErrorMessage, 'e', 'r', 'r', 'o', 'r', 'M', 'e', 's', 's', 'a', 'g', 'e')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Duplicates, 'd', 'u', 'p', 'l', 'i', 'c', 'a', 't', 'e', 's')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Matches, 'm', 'a', 't', 'c', 'h', 'e', 's')
#define RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_BEGIN_(method, arg1)\
if (!valid_) return false; \
if ((!BeginValue() && !GetContinueOnErrors()) || (!CurrentSchema().method arg1 && !GetContinueOnErrors())) {\
*documentStack_.template Push<Ch>() = '\0';\
documentStack_.template Pop<Ch>(1);\
RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_PRINT(InvalidDocument, documentStack_.template Bottom<Ch>());\
valid_ = false;\
return valid_;\
for (Context* context = schemaStack_.template Bottom<Context>(); context != schemaStack_.template End<Context>(); context++) {\
if (context->hasher)\
static_cast<HasherType*>(context->hasher)->method arg2;\
if (context->validators)\
for (SizeType i_ = 0; i_ < context->validatorCount; i_++)\
static_cast<GenericSchemaValidator*>(context->validators[i_])->method arg2;\
if (context->patternPropertiesValidators)\
for (SizeType i_ = 0; i_ < context->patternPropertiesValidatorCount; i_++)\
static_cast<GenericSchemaValidator*>(context->patternPropertiesValidators[i_])->method arg2;\
#define RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_END_(method, arg2)\
valid_ = (EndValue() || GetContinueOnErrors()) && (!outputHandler_ || outputHandler_->method arg2);\
return valid_;
#define RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_VALUE_(method, arg1, arg2) \
bool Null() { RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_VALUE_(Null, (CurrentContext()), ( )); }
bool Bool(bool b) { RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_VALUE_(Bool, (CurrentContext(), b), (b)); }
bool Int(int i) { RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_VALUE_(Int, (CurrentContext(), i), (i)); }
bool Uint(unsigned u) { RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_VALUE_(Uint, (CurrentContext(), u), (u)); }
bool Int64(int64_t i) { RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_VALUE_(Int64, (CurrentContext(), i), (i)); }
bool Uint64(uint64_t u) { RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_VALUE_(Uint64, (CurrentContext(), u), (u)); }
bool Double(double d) { RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_VALUE_(Double, (CurrentContext(), d), (d)); }
bool RawNumber(const Ch* str, SizeType length, bool copy)
{ RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_VALUE_(String, (CurrentContext(), str, length, copy), (str, length, copy)); }
bool String(const Ch* str, SizeType length, bool copy)
{ RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_VALUE_(String, (CurrentContext(), str, length, copy), (str, length, copy)); }
bool StartObject() {
RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_PRINT(Method, "GenericSchemaValidator::StartObject");
RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_BEGIN_(StartObject, (CurrentContext()));
valid_ = !outputHandler_ || outputHandler_->StartObject();
return valid_;
bool Key(const Ch* str, SizeType len, bool copy) {
RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_PRINT(Method, "GenericSchemaValidator::Key", str);
if (!valid_) return false;
AppendToken(str, len);
if (!CurrentSchema().Key(CurrentContext(), str, len, copy) && !GetContinueOnErrors()) {
valid_ = false;
return valid_;
valid_ = !outputHandler_ || outputHandler_->Key(str, len, copy);
return valid_;
bool EndObject(SizeType memberCount) {
RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_PRINT(Method, "GenericSchemaValidator::EndObject");
if (!valid_) return false;
if (!CurrentSchema().EndObject(CurrentContext(), memberCount) && !GetContinueOnErrors()) {
valid_ = false;
return valid_;
RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_END_(EndObject, (memberCount));
bool StartArray() {
RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_PRINT(Method, "GenericSchemaValidator::StartArray");
RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_BEGIN_(StartArray, (CurrentContext()));
valid_ = !outputHandler_ || outputHandler_->StartArray();
return valid_;
bool EndArray(SizeType elementCount) {
RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_PRINT(Method, "GenericSchemaValidator::EndArray");
if (!valid_) return false;
if (!CurrentSchema().EndArray(CurrentContext(), elementCount) && !GetContinueOnErrors()) {
valid_ = false;
return valid_;
RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_END_(EndArray, (elementCount));
// Implementation of ISchemaStateFactory<SchemaType>
virtual ISchemaValidator* CreateSchemaValidator(const SchemaType& root, const bool inheritContinueOnErrors) {
*documentStack_.template Push<Ch>() = '\0';
documentStack_.template Pop<Ch>(1);
ISchemaValidator* sv = new (GetStateAllocator().Malloc(sizeof(GenericSchemaValidator))) GenericSchemaValidator(*schemaDocument_, root, documentStack_.template Bottom<char>(), documentStack_.GetSize(),
depth_ + 1,
sv->SetValidateFlags(inheritContinueOnErrors ? GetValidateFlags() : GetValidateFlags() & ~(unsigned)kValidateContinueOnErrorFlag);
return sv;
virtual void DestroySchemaValidator(ISchemaValidator* validator) {
GenericSchemaValidator* v = static_cast<GenericSchemaValidator*>(validator);
virtual void* CreateHasher() {
return new (GetStateAllocator().Malloc(sizeof(HasherType))) HasherType(&GetStateAllocator());
virtual uint64_t GetHashCode(void* hasher) {
return static_cast<HasherType*>(hasher)->GetHashCode();
virtual void DestroryHasher(void* hasher) {
HasherType* h = static_cast<HasherType*>(hasher);
virtual void* MallocState(size_t size) {
return GetStateAllocator().Malloc(size);
virtual void FreeState(void* p) {
// End of implementation of ISchemaStateFactory<SchemaType>
typedef typename SchemaType::Context Context;
typedef GenericValue<UTF8<>, StateAllocator> HashCodeArray;
typedef internal::Hasher<EncodingType, StateAllocator> HasherType;
const SchemaDocumentType& schemaDocument,
const SchemaType& root,
const char* basePath, size_t basePathSize,
unsigned depth,
StateAllocator* allocator = 0,
size_t schemaStackCapacity = kDefaultSchemaStackCapacity,
size_t documentStackCapacity = kDefaultDocumentStackCapacity)
schemaStack_(allocator, schemaStackCapacity),
documentStack_(allocator, documentStackCapacity),
RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_PRINT(Method, "GenericSchemaValidator::GenericSchemaValidator (internal)", basePath && basePathSize ? basePath : "");
if (basePath && basePathSize)
memcpy(documentStack_.template Push<char>(basePathSize), basePath, basePathSize);
StateAllocator& GetStateAllocator() {
if (!stateAllocator_)
stateAllocator_ = ownStateAllocator_ = RAPIDJSON_NEW(StateAllocator)();
return *stateAllocator_;
bool GetContinueOnErrors() const {
return flags_ & kValidateContinueOnErrorFlag;
bool BeginValue() {
RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_PRINT(Method, "GenericSchemaValidator::BeginValue");
if (schemaStack_.Empty())
else {
if (CurrentContext().inArray)
internal::TokenHelper<internal::Stack<StateAllocator>, Ch>::AppendIndexToken(documentStack_, CurrentContext().arrayElementIndex);
if (!CurrentSchema().BeginValue(CurrentContext()) && !GetContinueOnErrors())
return false;
SizeType count = CurrentContext().patternPropertiesSchemaCount;
const SchemaType** sa = CurrentContext().patternPropertiesSchemas;
typename Context::PatternValidatorType patternValidatorType = CurrentContext().valuePatternValidatorType;
bool valueUniqueness = CurrentContext().valueUniqueness;
if (count > 0) {
CurrentContext().objectPatternValidatorType = patternValidatorType;
ISchemaValidator**& va = CurrentContext().patternPropertiesValidators;
SizeType& validatorCount = CurrentContext().patternPropertiesValidatorCount;
va = static_cast<ISchemaValidator**>(MallocState(sizeof(ISchemaValidator*) * count));
std::memset(va, 0, sizeof(ISchemaValidator*) * count);
for (SizeType i = 0; i < count; i++)
va[validatorCount++] = CreateSchemaValidator(*sa[i], true); // Inherit continueOnError
CurrentContext().arrayUniqueness = valueUniqueness;
return true;
bool EndValue() {
RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_PRINT(Method, "GenericSchemaValidator::EndValue");
if (!CurrentSchema().EndValue(CurrentContext()) && !GetContinueOnErrors())
return false;
GenericStringBuffer<EncodingType> sb;
*documentStack_.template Push<Ch>() = '\0';
documentStack_.template Pop<Ch>(1);
RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_PRINT(ValidatorPointers, sb.GetString(), documentStack_.template Bottom<Ch>(), depth_);
void* hasher = CurrentContext().hasher;
uint64_t h = hasher && CurrentContext().arrayUniqueness ? static_cast<HasherType*>(hasher)->GetHashCode() : 0;
if (!schemaStack_.Empty()) {
Context& context = CurrentContext();
// Only check uniqueness if there is a hasher
if (hasher && context.valueUniqueness) {
HashCodeArray* a = static_cast<HashCodeArray*>(context.arrayElementHashCodes);
if (!a)
CurrentContext().arrayElementHashCodes = a = new (GetStateAllocator().Malloc(sizeof(HashCodeArray))) HashCodeArray(kArrayType);
for (typename HashCodeArray::ConstValueIterator itr = a->Begin(); itr != a->End(); ++itr)
if (itr->GetUint64() == h) {
DuplicateItems(static_cast<SizeType>(itr - a->Begin()), a->Size());
// Cleanup before returning if continuing
if (GetContinueOnErrors()) {
a->PushBack(h, GetStateAllocator());
while (!documentStack_.Empty() && *documentStack_.template Pop<Ch>(1) != '/');
a->PushBack(h, GetStateAllocator());
// Remove the last token of document pointer
while (!documentStack_.Empty() && *documentStack_.template Pop<Ch>(1) != '/')
return true;
void AppendToken(const Ch* str, SizeType len) {
documentStack_.template Reserve<Ch>(1 + len * 2); // worst case all characters are escaped as two characters
*documentStack_.template PushUnsafe<Ch>() = '/';
for (SizeType i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (str[i] == '~') {
*documentStack_.template PushUnsafe<Ch>() = '~';
*documentStack_.template PushUnsafe<Ch>() = '0';
else if (str[i] == '/') {
*documentStack_.template PushUnsafe<Ch>() = '~';
*documentStack_.template PushUnsafe<Ch>() = '1';
*documentStack_.template PushUnsafe<Ch>() = str[i];
RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE void PushSchema(const SchemaType& schema) { new (schemaStack_.template Push<Context>()) Context(*this, *this, &schema, flags_); }
Context* c = schemaStack_.template Pop<Context>(1);
if (HashCodeArray* a = static_cast<HashCodeArray*>(c->arrayElementHashCodes)) {
void AddErrorInstanceLocation(ValueType& result, bool parent) {
GenericStringBuffer<EncodingType> sb;
PointerType instancePointer = GetInvalidDocumentPointer();
((parent && instancePointer.GetTokenCount() > 0)
? PointerType(instancePointer.GetTokens(), instancePointer.GetTokenCount() - 1)
: instancePointer).StringifyUriFragment(sb);
ValueType instanceRef(sb.GetString(), static_cast<SizeType>(sb.GetSize() / sizeof(Ch)),
result.AddMember(GetInstanceRefString(), instanceRef, GetStateAllocator());
void AddErrorSchemaLocation(ValueType& result, PointerType schema = PointerType()) {
GenericStringBuffer<EncodingType> sb;
SizeType len = CurrentSchema().GetURI().GetStringLength();
if (len) memcpy(sb.Push(len), CurrentSchema().GetURI().GetString(), len * sizeof(Ch));
if (schema.GetTokenCount()) schema.StringifyUriFragment(sb);
else GetInvalidSchemaPointer().StringifyUriFragment(sb);
ValueType schemaRef(sb.GetString(), static_cast<SizeType>(sb.GetSize() / sizeof(Ch)),
result.AddMember(GetSchemaRefString(), schemaRef, GetStateAllocator());
void AddErrorCode(ValueType& result, const ValidateErrorCode code) {
result.AddMember(GetErrorCodeString(), code, GetStateAllocator());
void AddError(ValueType& keyword, ValueType& error) {
typename ValueType::MemberIterator member = error_.FindMember(keyword);
if (member == error_.MemberEnd())
error_.AddMember(keyword, error, GetStateAllocator());
else {
if (member->value.IsObject()) {
ValueType errors(kArrayType);
errors.PushBack(member->value, GetStateAllocator());
member->value = errors;
member->value.PushBack(error, GetStateAllocator());
void AddCurrentError(const ValidateErrorCode code, bool parent = false) {
AddErrorCode(currentError_, code);
AddErrorInstanceLocation(currentError_, parent);
AddError(ValueType(SchemaType::GetValidateErrorKeyword(code), GetStateAllocator(), false).Move(), currentError_);
void MergeError(ValueType& other) {
for (typename ValueType::MemberIterator it = other.MemberBegin(), end = other.MemberEnd(); it != end; ++it) {
AddError(it->name, it->value);
void AddNumberError(const ValidateErrorCode code, ValueType& actual, const SValue& expected,
const typename SchemaType::ValueType& (*exclusive)() = 0) {
currentError_.AddMember(GetActualString(), actual, GetStateAllocator());
currentError_.AddMember(GetExpectedString(), ValueType(expected, GetStateAllocator()).Move(), GetStateAllocator());
if (exclusive)
currentError_.AddMember(ValueType(exclusive(), GetStateAllocator()).Move(), true, GetStateAllocator());
void AddErrorArray(const ValidateErrorCode code,
ISchemaValidator** subvalidators, SizeType count) {
ValueType errors(kArrayType);
for (SizeType i = 0; i < count; ++i)
errors.PushBack(static_cast<GenericSchemaValidator*>(subvalidators[i])->GetError(), GetStateAllocator());
currentError_.AddMember(GetErrorsString(), errors, GetStateAllocator());
const SchemaType& CurrentSchema() const { return *schemaStack_.template Top<Context>()->schema; }
Context& CurrentContext() { return *schemaStack_.template Top<Context>(); }
const Context& CurrentContext() const { return *schemaStack_.template Top<Context>(); }
static const size_t kDefaultSchemaStackCapacity = 1024;
static const size_t kDefaultDocumentStackCapacity = 256;
const SchemaDocumentType* schemaDocument_;
const SchemaType& root_;
StateAllocator* stateAllocator_;
StateAllocator* ownStateAllocator_;
internal::Stack<StateAllocator> schemaStack_; //!< stack to store the current path of schema (BaseSchemaType *)
internal::Stack<StateAllocator> documentStack_; //!< stack to store the current path of validating document (Ch)
OutputHandler* outputHandler_;
ValueType error_;
ValueType currentError_;
ValueType missingDependents_;
bool valid_;
unsigned flags_;
unsigned depth_;
typedef GenericSchemaValidator<SchemaDocument> SchemaValidator;
// SchemaValidatingReader
//! A helper class for parsing with validation.
This helper class is a functor, designed as a parameter of \ref GenericDocument::Populate().
\tparam parseFlags Combination of \ref ParseFlag.
\tparam InputStream Type of input stream, implementing Stream concept.
\tparam SourceEncoding Encoding of the input stream.
\tparam SchemaDocumentType Type of schema document.
\tparam StackAllocator Allocator type for stack.
template <
unsigned parseFlags,
typename InputStream,
typename SourceEncoding,
typename SchemaDocumentType = SchemaDocument,
typename StackAllocator = CrtAllocator>
class SchemaValidatingReader {
typedef typename SchemaDocumentType::PointerType PointerType;
typedef typename InputStream::Ch Ch;
typedef GenericValue<SourceEncoding, StackAllocator> ValueType;
//! Constructor
\param is Input stream.
\param sd Schema document.
SchemaValidatingReader(InputStream& is, const SchemaDocumentType& sd) : is_(is), sd_(sd), invalidSchemaKeyword_(), invalidSchemaCode_(kValidateErrorNone), error_(kObjectType), isValid_(true) {}
template <typename Handler>
bool operator()(Handler& handler) {
GenericReader<SourceEncoding, typename SchemaDocumentType::EncodingType, StackAllocator> reader;
GenericSchemaValidator<SchemaDocumentType, Handler> validator(sd_, handler);
parseResult_ = reader.template Parse<parseFlags>(is_, validator);
isValid_ = validator.IsValid();
if (isValid_) {
invalidSchemaPointer_ = PointerType();
invalidSchemaKeyword_ = 0;
invalidDocumentPointer_ = PointerType();
else {
invalidSchemaPointer_ = validator.GetInvalidSchemaPointer();
invalidSchemaKeyword_ = validator.GetInvalidSchemaKeyword();
invalidSchemaCode_ = validator.GetInvalidSchemaCode();
invalidDocumentPointer_ = validator.GetInvalidDocumentPointer();
error_.CopyFrom(validator.GetError(), allocator_);
return parseResult_;
const ParseResult& GetParseResult() const { return parseResult_; }
bool IsValid() const { return isValid_; }
const PointerType& GetInvalidSchemaPointer() const { return invalidSchemaPointer_; }
const Ch* GetInvalidSchemaKeyword() const { return invalidSchemaKeyword_; }
const PointerType& GetInvalidDocumentPointer() const { return invalidDocumentPointer_; }
const ValueType& GetError() const { return error_; }
ValidateErrorCode GetInvalidSchemaCode() const { return invalidSchemaCode_; }
InputStream& is_;
const SchemaDocumentType& sd_;
ParseResult parseResult_;
PointerType invalidSchemaPointer_;
const Ch* invalidSchemaKeyword_;
PointerType invalidDocumentPointer_;
ValidateErrorCode invalidSchemaCode_;
StackAllocator allocator_;
ValueType error_;
bool isValid_;