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synced 2025-03-05 00:11:07 +00:00
730 lines
14 KiB
730 lines
14 KiB
Copyright (C) 2010-2019 EDuke32 developers and contributors
Copyright (C) 2019 Nuke.YKT
This file is part of NBlood.
NBlood is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#pragma once
#include "build.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include "misc.h"
#include "printf.h"
#include "v_text.h"
#include "seqcb.h"
#include "coreactor.h"
#include "vectors.h"
void QuitGame(void);
kMagicOwner = 16383,
kMaxTiles = MAXTILES,
kMaxStatus = MAXSTATUS,
kMaxPlayers = 8,
kMaxVoxels = MAXVOXELS,
kTicRate = 120,
kTicsPerFrame = 4,
kTicsPerSec = (kTicRate / kTicsPerFrame),
kExplodeMax = 8,
kLensSize = 80,
kViewEffectMax = 20,
kNoTile = -1,
//= = = = // = defined = by = NoOne:
//= = = = // = -------------------------------
kMaxPAL = 5,
kUserPLUStart = 15,
kDmgFall = 0,
kDmgBurn = 1,
kDmgBullet = 2,
kDmgExplode = 3,
kDmgChoke = 4,
kDmgSpirit = 5,
kDmgElectric = 6,
kDmgMax = 7,
// MEDIUM /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
enum {
kMediumNormal = 0,
kMediumWater = 1,
kMediumGoo = 2,
// STATNUMS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
enum {
kStatDecoration = 0,
kStatFX = 1,
kStatExplosion = 2,
kStatItem = 3,
kStatThing = 4,
kStatProjectile = 5,
kStatDude = 6,
kStatInactive = 7, // inactive (ambush) dudes
kStatRespawn = 8,
kStatPurge = 9,
kStatMarker = 10,
kStatTraps = 11,
kStatAmbience = 12,
kStatSpares = 13,
kStatFlare = 14,
kStatDebris = 15,
kStatPathMarker = 16,
kStatFree = 1024,
// POWERUPS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
enum {
kPwUpFeatherFall = 12,
kPwUpShadowCloak = 13,
kPwUpDeathMask = 14,
kPwUpJumpBoots = 15,
kPwUpTwoGuns = 17,
kPwUpDivingSuit = 18,
kPwUpGasMask = 19,
kPwUpCrystalBall = 21,
kPwUpDoppleganger = 23,
kPwUpReflectShots = 24,
kPwUpBeastVision = 25,
kPwUpShadowCloakUseless = 26,
kPwUpDeliriumShroom = 28,
kPwUpGrowShroom = 29,
kPwUpShrinkShroom = 30,
kPwUpDeathMaskUseless = 31,
kPwUpAsbestArmor = 39,
kMaxPowerUps = 51,
enum {
kExplosionSmall = 0,
kExplosionStandard = 1,
kExplosionLarge = 2,
kExplosionFireball = 3,
kExplosionSpray = 4,
kExplosion5 = 5,
kExplosion6 = 6,
kExplosionNapalm = 7,
kExplosionMax = 8
// SPRITE TYPES /////////////////////////////////////////////////
enum {
kSpriteDecoration = 0,
// markers
kMarkerSPStart = 1,
kMarkerMPStart = 2,
kMarkerOff = 3,
kMarkerOn = 4,
kMarkerAxis = 5,
kMarkerLowLink = 6,
kMarkerUpLink = 7,
kMarkerWarpDest = 8,
kMarkerUpWater = 9,
kMarkerLowWater = 10,
kMarkerUpStack = 11,
kMarkerLowStack = 12,
kMarkerUpGoo = 13,
kMarkerLowGoo = 14,
kMarkerPath = 15,
kMarkerDudeSpawn = 18,
kMarkerEarthQuake = 19,
// switches
kSwitchBase = 20,
kSwitchToggle = 20,
kSwitchOneWay = 21,
kSwitchCombo = 22,
kSwitchPadlock = 23,
kSwitchMax = 24,
// decorations
kDecorationTorch = 30,
kDecorationCandle = 32,
// (weapons)
kItemWeaponBase = 40,
kItemWeaponRandom = kItemWeaponBase,
kItemWeaponSawedoff = 41,
kItemWeaponTommygun = 42,
kItemWeaponFlarePistol = 43,
kItemWeaponVoodooDoll = 44,
kItemWeaponTeslaCannon = 45,
kItemWeaponNapalmLauncher = 46,
kItemWeaponPitchfork = 47,
kItemWeaponSprayCan = 48,
kItemWeaponTNT = 49,
kItemWeaponLifeLeech = 50,
kItemWeaponMax = 51,
// items (ammos)
kItemAmmoBase = 60,
kItemAmmoSprayCan = kItemAmmoBase,
kItemAmmoTNTBundle = 62,
kItemAmmoTNTBox = 63,
kItemAmmoProxBombBundle = 64,
kItemAmmoRemoteBombBundle = 65,
kItemAmmoTrappedSoul = 66,
kItemAmmoSawedoffFew = 67,
kItemAmmoSawedoffBox = 68,
kItemAmmoTommygunFew = 69,
kItemAmmoVoodooDoll = 70,
kItemAmmoTommygunDrum = 72,
kItemAmmoTeslaCharge = 73,
kItemAmmoFlares = 76,
kItemAmmoGasolineCan = 79,
kItemAmmoMax = 81,
kItemBase = 100,
// items (keys)
kItemKeyBase = kItemBase,
kItemKeySkull = kItemKeyBase,
kItemKeyEye = 101,
kItemKeyFire = 102,
kItemKeyDagger = 103,
kItemKeySpider = 104,
kItemKeyMoon = 105,
kItemKeyKey7 = 106,
kItemKeyMax = 107,
// items (health)
kItemHealthDoctorBag = 107,
kItemHealthMedPouch = 108,
kItemHealthLifeEssense = 109,
kItemHealthLifeSeed = 110,
kItemHealthRedPotion = 111,
// items (misc)
kItemFeatherFall = 112,
kItemShadowCloak = 113, // ltdInvisibility
kItemDeathMask = 114, // invulnerability
kItemJumpBoots = 115,
kItemTwoGuns = 117,
kItemDivingSuit = 118,
kItemGasMask = 119,
kItemCrystalBall = 121,
kItemReflectShots = 124,
kItemBeastVision = 125,
kItemShroomDelirium = 128,
kItemArmorAsbest = 139,
kItemArmorBasic = 140,
kItemArmorBody = 141,
kItemArmorFire = 142,
kItemArmorSpirit = 143,
kItemArmorSuper = 144,
kItemFlagABase = 145,
kItemFlagBBase = 146,
kItemFlagA = 147,
kItemFlagB = 148,
kItemMax = 151,
// dudes
kDudeBase = 200,
kDudeCultistTommy = 201,
kDudeCultistShotgun = 202,
kDudeZombieAxeNormal = 203,
kDudeZombieButcher = 204,
kDudeZombieAxeBuried = 205,
kDudeGargoyleFlesh = 206,
kDudeGargoyleStone = 207,
kDudeGargoyleStatueFlesh = 208,
kDudeGargoyleStatueStone = 209,
kDudePhantasm = 210,
kDudeHellHound = 211,
kDudeHand = 212,
kDudeSpiderBrown = 213,
kDudeSpiderRed = 214,
kDudeSpiderBlack = 215,
kDudeSpiderMother = 216,
kDudeGillBeast = 217,
kDudeBoneEel = 218,
kDudeBat = 219,
kDudeRat = 220,
kDudePodGreen = 221,
kDudeTentacleGreen = 222,
kDudePodFire = 223,
kDudeTentacleFire = 224,
kDudePodMother = 225,
kDudeTentacleMother = 226,
kDudeCerberusTwoHead = 227,
kDudeCerberusOneHead = 228,
kDudeTchernobog = 229,
kDudeCultistTommyProne = 230,
kDudePlayer1 = 231,
kDudePlayer2 = 232,
kDudePlayer3 = 233,
kDudePlayer4 = 234,
kDudePlayer5 = 235,
kDudePlayer6 = 236,
kDudePlayer7 = 237,
kDudePlayer8 = 238,
kDudeBurningInnocent = 239,
kDudeBurningCultist = 240,
kDudeBurningZombieAxe = 241,
kDudeBurningZombieButcher = 242,
kDudeCultistReserved = 243, // unused
kDudeZombieAxeLaying = 244,
kDudeInnocent = 245,
kDudeCultistShotgunProne = 246,
kDudeCultistTesla = 247,
kDudeCultistTNT = 248,
kDudeCultistBeast = 249,
kDudeTinyCaleb = 250,
kDudeBeast = 251,
kDudeBurningTinyCaleb = 252,
kDudeBurningBeast = 253,
kDudeVanillaMax = 254,
kDudeMax = 256,
kMissileBase = 300,
kMissileButcherKnife = kMissileBase,
kMissileFlareRegular = 301,
kMissileTeslaAlt = 302,
kMissileFlareAlt = 303,
kMissileFlameSpray = 304,
kMissileFireball = 305,
kMissileTeslaRegular = 306,
kMissileEctoSkull = 307,
kMissileFlameHound = 308,
kMissilePukeGreen = 309,
kMissileUnused = 310,
kMissileArcGargoyle = 311,
kMissileFireballNapalm = 312,
kMissileFireballCerberus = 313,
kMissileFireballTchernobog = 314,
kMissileLifeLeechRegular = 315,
kMissileLifeLeechAltNormal = 316,
kMissileLifeLeechAltSmall = 317,
kMissileMax = 318,
// things
kThingBase = 400,
kThingTNTBarrel = 400,
kThingArmedProxBomb = 401,
kThingArmedRemoteBomb = 402,
kThingCrateFace = 405,
kThingGlassWindow = 406,
kThingFluorescent = 407,
kThingWallCrack = 408,
kThingSpiderWeb = 410,
kThingMetalGrate = 411,
kThingFlammableTree = 412,
kTrapMachinegun = 413, // not really a thing, should be in traps instead
kThingFallingRock = 414,
kThingKickablePail = 415,
kThingObjectGib = 416,
kThingObjectExplode = 417,
kThingArmedTNTStick = 418,
kThingArmedTNTBundle = 419,
kThingArmedSpray = 420,
kThingBone = 421,
kThingDripWater = 423,
kThingDripBlood = 424,
kThingBloodBits = 425,
kThingBloodChunks = 426,
kThingZombieHead = 427,
kThingNapalmBall = 428,
kThingPodFireBall = 429,
kThingPodGreenBall = 430,
kThingDroppedLifeLeech = 431,
kThingVoodooHead = 432, // unused
kThingMax = 436,
// traps
kTrapFlame = 452,
kTrapSawCircular = 454,
kTrapZapSwitchable = 456,
kTrapExploder = 459,
// generators
kGenTrigger = 700,
kGenDripWater = 701,
kGenDripBlood = 702,
kGenMissileFireball = 703,
kGenMissileEctoSkull = 704,
kGenDart = 705,
kGenBubble = 706,
kGenBubbleMulti = 707,
// sound sprites
kGenSound = 708,
kSoundSector = 709,
kSoundPlayer = 711,
// WALL TYPES /////////////////////////////////////////////////
enum {
kWallBase = 500,
kWallStack = 501,
kWallGib = 511,
kWallMax = 512,
// SECTOR TYPES /////////////////////////////////////////////////
enum {
kSectorBase = 600,
kSectorZMotion = 600,
kSectorZMotionSprite = 602,
kSectorTeleport = 604,
kSectorPath = 612,
kSectorRotateStep = 613,
kSectorSlideMarked = 614,
kSectorRotateMarked = 615,
kSectorSlide = 616,
kSectorRotate = 617,
kSectorDamage = 618,
kSectorCounter = 619,
kSectorMax = 620,
// ai state types
enum {
kAiStateOther = -1,
kAiStateIdle = 0,
kAiStateGenIdle = 1,
kAiStateMove = 2,
kAiStateSearch = 3,
kAiStateChase = 4,
kAiStateRecoil = 5,
kAiStateAttack = 6,
kAiStatePatrolBase = 7,
kAiStatePatrolWaitL = kAiStatePatrolBase,
// sprite attributes
kHitagAutoAim = 0x0008,
kHitagRespawn = 0x0010,
kHitagFree = 0x0020,
kHitagSmoke = 0x0100,
// sprite physics attributes
kPhysMove = 0x0001, // affected by movement physics
kPhysGravity = 0x0002, // affected by gravity
kPhysFalling = 0x0004, // currently in z-motion
// sector cstat
kSecCParallax = 0x01,
kSecCSloped = 0x02,
kSecCSwapXY = 0x04,
kSecCExpand = 0x08,
kSecCFlipX = 0x10,
kSecCFlipY = 0x20,
kSecCFlipMask = 0x34,
kSecCRelAlign = 0x40,
kSecCFloorShade = 0x8000,
kAng5 = 28,
kAng15 = 85,
kAng30 = 170,
kAng45 = 256,
kAng60 = 341,
kAng90 = 512,
kAng120 = 682,
kAng180 = 1024,
kAng360 = 2048,
// Weapon numbers
kWeapNone = 0,
kWeapPitchFork = 1,
kWeapFlareGun = 2,
kWeapShotgun = 3,
kWeapTommyGun = 4,
kWeapNapalm = 5,
kWeapDynamite = 6,
kWeapSpraycan = 7,
kWeapTeslaCannon = 8,
kWeapLifeLeech = 9,
kWeapVoodooDoll = 10,
kWeapProximity = 11,
kWeapRemote = 12,
kWeapBeast = 13,
kWeapMax = 14,
// -------------------------------
#pragma pack(push,1)
struct LOCATION {
int x, y, z;
int ang;
using POINT2D = vec2_t;
using POINT3D = vec3_t;
struct VECTOR2D {
int dx, dy;
struct Aim {
int dx, dy, dz;
#pragma pack(pop)
inline int ClipLow(int a, int b)
if (a < b)
return b;
return a;
inline int ClipHigh(int a, int b)
if (a >= b)
return b;
return a;
inline int ClipRange(int a, int b, int c)
if (a < b)
return b;
if (a > c)
return c;
return a;
inline uint8_t Chance(int a1)
return wrand() < (a1 >> 1);
inline unsigned int Random(int a1)
return MulScale(wrand(), a1, 15);
inline DAngle RandomAngle(int base = 2048)
return DAngle::fromBuild(MulScale(wrand(), base, 15));
inline int Random2(int a1)
return MulScale(wrand(), a1, 14) - a1;
inline double Random2F(int a1)
return FixedToFloat(MulScale(wrand(), a1, 14) - a1);
inline int Random3(int a1)
return MulScale(wrand() + wrand(), a1, 15) - a1;
inline unsigned int QRandom(int a1)
return MulScale(qrand(), a1, 15);
inline int QRandom2(int a1)
return MulScale(qrand(), a1, 14) - a1;
inline double QRandom2F(double a1)
return MulScaleF(qrand(), a1, 14) - a1;
inline int scale(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5)
return a4 + (a5 - a4) * (a1 - a2) / (a3 - a2);
inline int mulscale16r(int a, int b)
int64_t acc = 1 << (16 - 1);
acc += ((int64_t)a) * b;
return (int)(acc >> 16);
inline int mulscale30r(int a, int b)
int64_t acc = 1 << (30 - 1);
acc += ((int64_t)a) * b;
return (int)(acc >> 30);
inline int dmulscale30r(int a, int b, int c, int d)
int64_t acc = 1 << (30 - 1);
acc += ((int64_t)a) * b;
acc += ((int64_t)c) * d;
return (int)(acc >> 30);
inline int approxDist(int dx, int dy)
dx = abs(dx);
dy = abs(dy);
if (dx > dy)
dy = (3 * dy) >> 3;
dx = (3 * dx) >> 3;
return dx + dy;
// this is merely a refactoring aid to allow partial upgrading of certain functions.
inline int approxDist(const DVector2& vect)
return int(vect.Length() * worldtoint);
class Rect {
int x0, y0, x1, y1;
Rect(int _x0, int _y0, int _x1, int _y1)
x0 = _x0; y0 = _y0; x1 = _x1; y1 = _y1;
bool isValid(void) const
return x0 < x1&& y0 < y1;
bool isEmpty(void) const
return !isValid();
bool operator!(void) const
return isEmpty();
Rect& operator&=(Rect& pOther)
x0 = ClipLow(x0, pOther.x0);
y0 = ClipLow(y0, pOther.y0);
x1 = ClipHigh(x1, pOther.x1);
y1 = ClipHigh(y1, pOther.y1);
return *this;
void offset(int dx, int dy)
x0 += dx;
y0 += dy;
x1 += dx;
y1 += dy;
int height()
return y1 - y0;
int width()
return x1 - x0;
bool inside(Rect& other)
return (x0 <= other.x0 && x1 >= other.x1 && y0 <= other.y0 && y1 >= other.y1);
bool inside(int x, int y)
return (x0 <= x && x1 > x && y0 <= y && y1 > y);
class BitReader {
int nBitPos;
int nSize;
uint8_t* pBuffer;
BitReader(uint8_t* _pBuffer, int _nSize, int _nBitPos) { pBuffer = _pBuffer; nSize = _nSize; nBitPos = _nBitPos; nSize -= nBitPos >> 3; }
BitReader(uint8_t* _pBuffer, int _nSize) { pBuffer = _pBuffer; nSize = _nSize; nBitPos = 0; }
int readBit()
if (nSize <= 0)
I_Error("Buffer overflow in BitReader");
int bit = ((*pBuffer) >> nBitPos) & 1;
if (++nBitPos >= 8)
nBitPos = 0;
return bit;
void skipBits(int nBits)
nBitPos += nBits;
pBuffer += nBitPos >> 3;
nSize -= nBitPos >> 3;
nBitPos &= 7;
if ((nSize == 0 && nBitPos > 0) || nSize < 0)
I_Error("Buffer overflow in BitReader");
unsigned int readUnsigned(int nBits)
unsigned int n = 0;
assert(nBits <= 32);
for (int i = 0; i < nBits; i++)
n += readBit() << i;
return n;
int readSigned(int nBits)
assert(nBits <= 32);
int n = (int)readUnsigned(nBits);
n <<= 32 - nBits;
n >>= 32 - nBits;
return n;