Christoph Oelckers 3fee8f3c4e - replaced dragpoint (both the generic and the Blood variant) with a newly written vertexscan function.
This is a template allowing to run any task on a set of walls with equivalent start point.
Code was redesigned from scratch to be more clear than the existing variants.

The idea here is to reuse the base algorithm for other things that need to operate on the equivalent set of a given wall's start point.
2021-12-30 09:58:15 +01:00

849 lines
22 KiB

// "Build Engine & Tools" Copyright (c) 1993-1997 Ken Silverman
// "Build Engine & Tools" Copyright (c) 1993-1997 Ken Silverman
// Ken Silverman's official web site: "http://www.advsys.net/ken"
// See the included license file "BUILDLIC.TXT" for license info.
// This file has been modified from Ken Silverman's original release
// by Jonathon Fowler (jf@jonof.id.au)
// by the EDuke32 team (development@voidpoint.com)
#define engine_c_
#include "gl_load.h"
#include "build.h"
#include "automap.h"
#include "imagehelpers.h"
#include "engine_priv.h"
#include "palette.h"
#include "gamecvars.h"
#include "c_console.h"
#include "v_2ddrawer.h"
#include "v_draw.h"
#include "stats.h"
#include "razemenu.h"
#include "version.h"
#include "earcut.hpp"
#include "gamestate.h"
#include "inputstate.h"
#include "printf.h"
#include "gamecontrol.h"
#include "render.h"
#include "gamefuncs.h"
#include "hw_voxels.h"
#include "coreactor.h"
# include "mdsprite.h"
# include "polymost.h"
#include "v_video.h"
#include "../../glbackend/glbackend.h"
#include "gl_renderer.h"
int32_t mdtims, omdtims;
float fcosglobalang, fsinglobalang;
float fydimen, fviewingrange;
uint8_t globalr = 255, globalg = 255, globalb = 255;
int16_t pskybits_override = -1;
static int16_t radarang[1280];
// adapted from build.c
static void getclosestpointonwall_internal(vec2_t const p, int32_t const dawall, vec2_t *const closest)
vec2_t const w = wall[dawall].pos;
vec2_t const w2 = wall[dawall].point2Wall()->pos;
vec2_t const d = { w2.X - w.X, w2.Y - w.Y };
int64_t i = d.X * ((int64_t)p.X - w.X) + d.Y * ((int64_t)p.Y - w.Y);
if (i <= 0)
*closest = w;
int64_t const j = (int64_t)d.X * d.X + (int64_t)d.Y * d.Y;
if (i >= j)
*closest = w2;
i = ((i << 15) / j) << 15;
*closest = { (int32_t)(w.X + ((d.X * i) >> 30)), (int32_t)(w.Y + ((d.Y * i) >> 30)) };
int32_t xdimen = -1, xdimenscale, xdimscale;
float fxdimen = -1.f;
int32_t ydimen;
int32_t globalposx, globalposy, globalposz;
fixed_t qglobalhoriz;
float fglobalposx, fglobalposy, fglobalposz;
int16_t globalang, globalcursectnum;
fixed_t qglobalang;
int32_t globalpal, globalfloorpal, cosglobalang, singlobalang;
int32_t cosviewingrangeglobalang, sinviewingrangeglobalang;
int32_t viewingrangerecip;
int32_t globalshade, globalorientation;
int16_t globalpicnum;
static int32_t globaly1, globalx2;
int16_t pointhighlight=-1, linehighlight=-1, highlightcnt=0;
static int16_t numhits;
// Internal Engine Functions
int qanimateoffs(int a1, int a2);
// animateoffs (internal)
int32_t animateoffs(int const tilenum, int fakevar)
if (isBlood())
return Blood::qanimateoffs(tilenum, fakevar);
int const animnum = picanm[tilenum].num;
if (animnum <= 0)
return 0;
int const i = (int) I_GetBuildTime() >> (picanm[tilenum].sf & PICANM_ANIMSPEED_MASK);
int offs = 0;
switch (picanm[tilenum].sf & PICANM_ANIMTYPE_MASK)
int k = (i % (animnum << 1));
offs = (k < animnum) ? k : (animnum << 1) - k;
case PICANM_ANIMTYPE_FWD: offs = i % (animnum + 1); break;
case PICANM_ANIMTYPE_BACK: offs = -(i % (animnum + 1)); break;
return offs;
static int32_t engineLoadTables(void)
static char tablesloaded = 0;
if (tablesloaded == 0)
int32_t i;
for (i=0; i<=512; i++)
sintable[i] = int(sin(i * BAngRadian) * +SINTABLEUNIT);
for (i=513; i<1024; i++)
sintable[i] = sintable[1024-i];
for (i=1024; i<2048; i++)
sintable[i] = -sintable[i-1024];
for (i=0; i<640; i++)
radarang[i] = atan((639.5 - i) / 160.) * (-64. / BAngRadian);
for (i=0; i<640; i++)
radarang[1279-i] = -radarang[i];
tablesloaded = 1;
return 0;
// lintersect (internal)
int32_t lintersect(const int32_t originX, const int32_t originY, const int32_t originZ,
const int32_t destX, const int32_t destY, const int32_t destZ,
const int32_t lineStartX, const int32_t lineStartY, const int32_t lineEndX, const int32_t lineEndY,
int32_t *intersectionX, int32_t *intersectionY, int32_t *intersectionZ)
const vec2_t ray = { destX-originX,
destY-originY };
const vec2_t lineVec = { lineEndX-lineStartX,
lineEndY-lineStartY };
const vec2_t originDiff = { lineStartX-originX,
lineStartY-originY };
const int32_t rayCrossLineVec = ray.X*lineVec.Y - ray.Y*lineVec.X;
const int32_t originDiffCrossRay = originDiff.X*ray.Y - originDiff.Y*ray.X;
if (rayCrossLineVec == 0)
if (originDiffCrossRay != 0 || enginecompatibility_mode != ENGINECOMPATIBILITY_NONE)
// line segments are parallel
return 0;
// line segments are collinear
const int32_t rayLengthSquared = ray.X*ray.X + ray.Y*ray.Y;
const int32_t rayDotOriginDiff = ray.X*originDiff.X + ray.Y*originDiff.Y;
const int32_t rayDotLineEndDiff = rayDotOriginDiff + ray.X*lineVec.X + ray.Y*lineVec.Y;
int64_t t = min(rayDotOriginDiff, rayDotLineEndDiff);
if (rayDotOriginDiff < 0)
if (rayDotLineEndDiff < 0)
return 0;
t = 0;
else if (rayDotOriginDiff > rayLengthSquared)
if (rayDotLineEndDiff > rayLengthSquared)
return 0;
t = rayDotLineEndDiff;
t = (t << 24) / rayLengthSquared;
*intersectionX = originX + MulScale(ray.X, t, 24);
*intersectionY = originY + MulScale(ray.Y, t, 24);
*intersectionZ = originZ + MulScale(destZ-originZ, t, 24);
return 1;
const int32_t originDiffCrossLineVec = originDiff.X*lineVec.Y - originDiff.Y*lineVec.X;
static const int32_t signBit = 1u<<31u;
// Any point on either line can be expressed as p+t*r and q+u*s
// The two line segments intersect when we can find a t & u such that p+t*r = q+u*s
// If the point is outside of the bounds of the line segment, we know we don't have an intersection.
// t is < 0 if (originDiffCrossLineVec^rayCrossLineVec) & signBit)
// u is < 0 if (originDiffCrossRay^rayCrossLineVec) & signBit
// t is > 1 if abs(originDiffCrossLineVec) > abs(rayCrossLineVec)
// u is > 1 if abs(originDiffCrossRay) > abs(rayCrossLineVec)
// where int32_t u = tabledivide64(((int64_t) originDiffCrossRay) << 24L, rayCrossLineVec);
if (((originDiffCrossLineVec^rayCrossLineVec) & signBit) ||
((originDiffCrossRay^rayCrossLineVec) & signBit) ||
abs(originDiffCrossLineVec) > abs(rayCrossLineVec) ||
abs(originDiffCrossRay) > abs(rayCrossLineVec))
// line segments do not overlap
return 0;
int64_t t = (int64_t(originDiffCrossLineVec) << 24) / rayCrossLineVec;
// For sake of completeness/readability, alternative to the above approach for an early out & avoidance of an extra division:
*intersectionX = originX + MulScale(ray.X, t, 24);
*intersectionY = originY + MulScale(ray.Y, t, 24);
*intersectionZ = originZ + MulScale(destZ-originZ, t, 24);
return 1;
// rintersect (internal)
// returns: -1 if didn't intersect, coefficient (x3--x4 fraction)<<16 else
int32_t rintersect(int32_t x1, int32_t y1, int32_t z1,
int32_t vx, int32_t vy, int32_t vz,
int32_t x3, int32_t y3, int32_t x4, int32_t y4,
int32_t *intx, int32_t *inty, int32_t *intz)
//p1 towards p2 is a ray
int64_t const x34=x3-x4, y34=y3-y4;
int64_t const x31=x3-x1, y31=y3-y1;
int64_t const bot = vx*y34 - vy*x34;
int64_t const topt = x31*y34 - y31*x34;
if (bot == 0)
return -1;
int64_t const topu = vx*y31 - vy*x31;
if (bot > 0 && (topt < 0 || topu < 0 || topu >= bot))
return -1;
else if (bot < 0 && (topt > 0 || topu > 0 || topu <= bot))
return -1;
int64_t t = (topt << 16) / bot;
*intx = x1 + ((vx*t) >> 16);
*inty = y1 + ((vy*t) >> 16);
*intz = z1 + ((vz*t) >> 16);
t = (topu << 16) / bot;
assert((unsigned)t < 65536);
return t;
// multi-pskies
psky_t * tileSetupSky(int32_t const tilenum)
for (auto& sky : multipskies)
if (tilenum == sky.tilenum)
return &sky;
multipskies.Last() = {};
multipskies.Last().tilenum = tilenum;
multipskies.Last().yscale = 65536;
return &multipskies.Last();
psky_t * defineSky(int32_t const tilenum, int horiz, int lognumtiles, const uint16_t *tileofs, int yoff, int yoff2)
auto sky = tileSetupSky(tilenum);
sky->horizfrac = horiz;
sky->lognumtiles = lognumtiles;
sky->yoffs = yoff;
sky->yoffs2 = yoff2 == 0x7fffffff ? yoff : yoff2;
memcpy(sky->tileofs, tileofs, 2 << lognumtiles);
return sky;
// Get properties of parallaxed sky to draw.
// Returns: pointer to tile offset array. Sets-by-pointer the other three.
const int16_t* getpsky(int32_t picnum, int32_t* dapyscale, int32_t* dapskybits, int32_t* dapyoffs, int32_t* daptileyscale, bool alt)
psky_t const* const psky = getpskyidx(picnum);
if (dapskybits)
*dapskybits = (pskybits_override == -1 ? psky->lognumtiles : pskybits_override);
if (dapyscale)
*dapyscale = (parallaxyscale_override == 0 ? psky->horizfrac : parallaxyscale_override);
if (dapyoffs)
*dapyoffs = (alt? psky->yoffs2 : psky->yoffs) + parallaxyoffs_override;
if (daptileyscale)
*daptileyscale = psky->yscale;
return psky->tileofs;
// initengine
int32_t engineInit(void)
g_visibility = 512;
return 0;
// inside
// See http://fabiensanglard.net/duke3d/build_engine_internals.php,
// "Inside details" for the idea behind the algorithm.
int32_t inside(int32_t x, int32_t y, const sectortype* sect)
if (sect)
unsigned cnt = 0;
vec2_t xy = { x, y };
for(auto& wal : wallsofsector(sect))
vec2_t v1 = wal.pos - xy;
vec2_t v2 = wal.point2Wall()->pos - xy;
// If their signs differ[*], ...
// [*] where '-' corresponds to <0 and '+' corresponds to >=0.
// Equivalently, the branch is taken iff
// y1 != y2 AND y_m <= y < y_M,
// where y_m := min(y1, y2) and y_M := max(y1, y2).
if ((v1.Y^v2.Y) < 0)
cnt ^= (((v1.X^v2.X) >= 0) ? v1.X : (v1.X*v2.Y-v2.X*v1.Y)^v2.Y);
return cnt>>31;
return -1;
int32_t getangle(int32_t xvect, int32_t yvect)
int32_t rv;
if ((xvect | yvect) == 0)
rv = 0;
else if (xvect == 0)
rv = 512 + ((yvect < 0) << 10);
else if (yvect == 0)
rv = ((xvect < 0) << 10);
else if (xvect == yvect)
rv = 256 + ((xvect < 0) << 10);
else if (xvect == -yvect)
rv = 768 + ((xvect > 0) << 10);
else if (abs(xvect) > abs(yvect))
rv = ((radarang[640 + Scale(160, yvect, xvect)] >> 6) + ((xvect < 0) << 10)) & 2047;
else rv = ((radarang[640 - Scale(160, xvect, yvect)] >> 6) + 512 + ((yvect < 0) << 10)) & 2047;
return rv;
// Gets the BUILD unit height and z offset of a sprite.
// Returns the z offset, 'height' may be NULL.
int32_t spriteheightofsptr(uspriteptr_t spr, int32_t *height, int32_t alsotileyofs)
int32_t hei, zofs=0;
const int32_t picnum=spr->picnum, yrepeat=spr->yrepeat;
hei = (tileHeight(picnum)*yrepeat)<<2;
if (height != NULL)
*height = hei;
if (spr->cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_YCENTER)
zofs = hei>>1;
// NOTE: a positive per-tile yoffset translates the sprite into the
// negative world z direction (i.e. upward).
if (alsotileyofs)
zofs -= tileTopOffset(picnum) *yrepeat<<2;
return zofs;
// nextsectorneighborz
// -1: ceiling or up
// 1: floor or down
sectortype* nextsectorneighborzptr(sectortype* sectp, int refz, int topbottom, int direction)
int nextz = (direction==1) ? INT32_MAX : INT32_MIN;
sectortype* sectortouse = nullptr;
for(auto& wal : wallsofsector(sectp))
if (wal.twoSided())
auto ns = wal.nextSector();
const int32_t testz = (topbottom == 1) ? ns->floorz : ns->ceilingz;
const int32_t update = (direction == 1) ?
(nextz > testz && testz > refz) :
(nextz < testz && testz < refz);
if (update)
nextz = testz;
sectortouse = ns;
return sectortouse;
// cansee
int cansee(int x1, int y1, int z1, sectortype* sect1, int x2, int y2, int z2, sectortype* sect2)
if (!sect1 || !sect2) return false;
const int32_t x21 = x2-x1, y21 = y2-y1, z21 = z2-z1;
if (x1 == x2 && y1 == y2)
return (sect1 == sect2);
BFSSectorSearch search(sect1);
while (auto sec = search.GetNext())
uwallptr_t wal;
int cnt;
for (cnt=sec->wallnum,wal=(uwallptr_t)sec->firstWall(); cnt>0; cnt--,wal++)
auto const wal2 = (uwallptr_t)wal->point2Wall();
const int32_t x31 = wal->pos.X-x1, x34 = wal->pos.X-wal2->pos.X;
const int32_t y31 = wal->pos.Y-y1, y34 = wal->pos.Y-wal2->pos.Y;
int32_t x, y, z, t, bot;
int32_t cfz[2];
bot = y21*x34-x21*y34; if (bot <= 0) continue;
t = y21*x31-x21*y31; if ((unsigned)t >= (unsigned)bot) continue;
t = y31*x34-x31*y34;
if ((unsigned)t >= (unsigned)bot)
if (!wal->twoSided() || wal->cstat & CSTAT_WALL_1WAY)
return 0;
t = DivScale(t,bot, 24);
x = x1 + MulScale(x21,t, 24);
y = y1 + MulScale(y21,t, 24);
z = z1 + MulScale(z21,t, 24);
getzsofslopeptr(sec, x,y, &cfz[0],&cfz[1]);
if (z <= cfz[0] || z >= cfz[1])
return 0;
auto nexts = wal->nextSector();
getzsofslopeptr(nexts, x,y, &cfz[0],&cfz[1]);
if (z <= cfz[0] || z >= cfz[1])
return 0;
return search.Check(sect2);
// neartag
void neartag(const vec3_t& sv, sectortype* sect, int ange, HitInfoBase& result, int neartagrange, int tagsearch)
const int32_t vx = MulScale(bcos(ange), neartagrange, 14);
const int32_t vy = MulScale(bsin(ange), neartagrange, 14);
vec3_t hitv = { sv.X+vx, sv.Y+vy, 0 };
result.hitpos.X = 0;
if (!sect || (tagsearch & 3) == 0)
BFSSectorSearch search(sect);
while (auto dasect = search.GetNext())
for (auto& w : wallsofsector(dasect))
auto wal = &w;
auto const wal2 = (uwallptr_t)wal->point2Wall();
const auto nextsect = wal->nextSector();
const int32_t x1 = wal->pos.X, y1 = wal->pos.Y, x2 = wal2->pos.X, y2 = wal2->pos.Y;
int32_t intx, inty, intz, good = 0;
if (wal->twoSided())
if ((tagsearch & 1) && nextsect->lotag) good |= 1;
if ((tagsearch & 2) && nextsect->hitag) good |= 1;
if ((tagsearch & 1) && wal->lotag) good |= 2;
if ((tagsearch & 2) && wal->hitag) good |= 2;
if ((good == 0) && (!wal->twoSided())) continue;
if ((coord_t)(x1 - sv.X) * (y2 - sv.Y) < (coord_t)(x2 - sv.X) * (y1 - sv.Y)) continue;
if (lintersect(sv.X, sv.Y, sv.Z, hitv.X, hitv.Y, hitv.Z, x1, y1, x2, y2, &intx, &inty, &intz) == 1)
if (good != 0)
if (good & 1) result.hitSector = nextsect;
if (good & 2) result.hitWall = wal;
result.hitpos.X = DMulScale(intx - sv.X, bcos(ange), inty - sv.Y, bsin(ange), 14);
hitv.X = intx; hitv.Y = inty; hitv.Z = intz;
if (wal->twoSided())
if (tagsearch & 4)
continue; // skip sprite search
TSectIterator<DCoreActor> it(dasect);
while (auto actor = it.Next())
if (actor->spr.cstat2 & CSTAT2_SPRITE_NOFIND)
if (((tagsearch&1) && actor->spr.lotag) || ((tagsearch&2) && actor->spr.hitag))
if (try_facespr_intersect(&actor->spr, sv, vx, vy, 0, &hitv, 1))
result.hitActor = actor;
result.hitpos.X = DMulScale(hitv.X-sv.X, bcos(ange), hitv.Y-sv.Y, bsin(ange), 14);
/* Different "is inside" predicates.
* NOTE: The redundant bound checks are expected to be optimized away in the
* inlined code. */
/* NOTE: no bound check */
static inline int inside_z_p(int32_t const x, int32_t const y, int32_t const z, int const sectnum)
int32_t cz, fz;
getzsofslopeptr(&sector[sectnum], x, y, &cz, &fz);
return (z >= cz && z <= fz && inside_p(x, y, sectnum));
int32_t getwalldist(vec2_t const in, int const wallnum)
vec2_t closest;
getclosestpointonwall_internal(in, wallnum, &closest);
return abs(closest.X - in.X) + abs(closest.Y - in.Y);
int32_t getwalldist(vec2_t const in, int const wallnum, vec2_t * const out)
getclosestpointonwall_internal(in, wallnum, out);
return abs(out->X - in.X) + abs(out->Y - in.Y);
int32_t getsectordist(vec2_t const in, int const sectnum, vec2_t * const out /*= nullptr*/)
if (inside_p(in.X, in.Y, sectnum))
if (out)
*out = in;
return 0;
int32_t distance = INT32_MAX;
vec2_t closest = {};
for (auto& wal : wallsofsector(sectnum))
vec2_t p;
int32_t const walldist = getwalldist(in, wallnum(&wal), &p);
if (walldist < distance)
distance = walldist;
closest = p;
if (out)
*out = closest;
return distance;
template<class Inside>
void updatesectorneighborz(int32_t const x, int32_t const y, int32_t const z, int* const sectnum, int32_t maxDistance, Inside checker)
int const initialsectnum = *sectnum;
if ((validSectorIndex(initialsectnum)))
if (checker(x, y, z, initialsectnum))
BFSSearch search(sector.Size(), *sectnum);
int iter = 0;
for (unsigned listsectnum; (listsectnum = search.GetNext()) != BFSSearch::EOL;)
if (checker(x, y, z, listsectnum))
*sectnum = listsectnum;
for (auto& wal : wallsofsector(listsectnum))
if (wal.nextsector >= 0 && (iter == 0 || getsectordist({ x, y }, wal.nextsector) <= maxDistance))
*sectnum = -1;
void updatesectorneighbor(int32_t const x, int32_t const y, int* const sectnum, int32_t maxDistance)
updatesectorneighborz(x, y, 0, sectnum, maxDistance, inside_p0);
// updatesector[z]
void updatesector(int32_t const x, int32_t const y, int * const sectnum)
int sect = *sectnum;
updatesectorneighbor(x, y, &sect, MAXUPDATESECTORDIST);
if (sect != -1)
SET_AND_RETURN(*sectnum, sect);
// we need to support passing in a sectnum of -1, unfortunately
for (int i = (int)sector.Size() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
if (inside_p(x, y, i))
SET_AND_RETURN(*sectnum, i);
*sectnum = -1;
void updatesectorz(int32_t const x, int32_t const y, int32_t const z, int* const sectnum)
int sect = *sectnum;
updatesectorneighborz(x, y, z, &sect, MAXUPDATESECTORDIST, inside_z_p);
if (sect != -1)
SET_AND_RETURN(*sectnum, sect);
// we need to support passing in a sectnum of -1, unfortunately
for (int i = (int)sector.Size() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
if (inside_z_p(x, y, z, i))
SET_AND_RETURN(*sectnum, i);
*sectnum = -1;
// rotatepoint
void rotatepoint(vec2_t const pivot, vec2_t p, int16_t const daang, vec2_t * const p2)
int const dacos = bcos(daang);
int const dasin = bsin(daang);
p.X -= pivot.X;
p.Y -= pivot.Y;
p2->X = DMulScale(p.X, dacos, -p.Y, dasin, 14) + pivot.X;
p2->Y = DMulScale(p.Y, dacos, p.X, dasin, 14) + pivot.Y;
// setview
void videoSetViewableArea(int32_t x1, int32_t y1, int32_t x2, int32_t y2)
windowxy1.X = x1;
windowxy1.Y = y1;
windowxy2.X = x2;
windowxy2.Y = y2;
xdimen = (x2-x1)+1;
ydimen = (y2-y1)+1;
fxdimen = (float) xdimen;
fydimen = (float) ydimen;
#include "v_2ddrawer.h"
static int32_t setviewcnt = 0; // interface layers use this now
static int32_t bakxsiz, bakysiz;
static vec2_t bakwindowxy1, bakwindowxy2;
// setviewtotile
FCanvasTexture* renderSetTarget(int16_t tilenume)
auto tex = tileGetTexture(tilenume);
if (!tex || !tex->isHardwareCanvas()) return nullptr;
auto canvas = static_cast<FCanvasTexture*>(tex->GetTexture());
if (!canvas) return nullptr;
int xsiz = tex->GetTexelWidth(), ysiz = tex->GetTexelHeight();
if (setviewcnt > 0 || xsiz <= 0 || ysiz <= 0)
return nullptr;
bakxsiz = xdim; bakysiz = ydim;
bakwindowxy1 = windowxy1;
bakwindowxy2 = windowxy2;
xdim = ysiz;
ydim = xsiz;
return canvas;
// setviewback
void renderRestoreTarget()
if (setviewcnt <= 0) return;
xdim = bakxsiz;
ydim = bakysiz;
int tilehasmodelorvoxel(int const tilenume, int pal)
(mdinited && hw_models && tile2model[Ptile2tile(tilenume, pal)].modelid != -1) ||
(r_voxels && tiletovox[tilenume] != -1);
int sect = 319;
updatesector(1792, 24334, &sect);
int blah = sect;