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836 lines
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836 lines
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-- LuaJIT x86/x64 disassembler module.
-- Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Mike Pall. All rights reserved.
-- Released under the MIT license. See Copyright Notice in luajit.h
-- This is a helper module used by the LuaJIT machine code dumper module.
-- Sending small code snippets to an external disassembler and mixing the
-- output with our own stuff was too fragile. So I had to bite the bullet
-- and write yet another x86 disassembler. Oh well ...
-- The output format is very similar to what ndisasm generates. But it has
-- been developed independently by looking at the opcode tables from the
-- Intel and AMD manuals. The supported instruction set is quite extensive
-- and reflects what a current generation Intel or AMD CPU implements in
-- 32 bit and 64 bit mode. Yes, this includes MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3,
-- SSE4.1, SSE4.2, SSE4a and even privileged and hypervisor (VMX/SVM)
-- instructions.
-- Notes:
-- * The (useless) a16 prefix, 3DNow and pre-586 opcodes are unsupported.
-- * No attempt at optimization has been made -- it's fast enough for my needs.
-- * The public API may change when more architectures are added.
local type = type
local sub, byte, format = string.sub, string.byte, string.format
local match, gmatch, gsub = string.match, string.gmatch, string.gsub
local lower, rep = string.lower, string.rep
-- Map for 1st opcode byte in 32 bit mode. Ugly? Well ... read on.
local map_opc1_32 = {
[0]="addBmr","addVmr","addBrm","addVrm","addBai","addVai","push es","pop es",
"orBmr","orVmr","orBrm","orVrm","orBai","orVai","push cs","opc2*",
"adcBmr","adcVmr","adcBrm","adcVrm","adcBai","adcVai","push ss","pop ss",
"sbbBmr","sbbVmr","sbbBrm","sbbVrm","sbbBai","sbbVai","push ds","pop ds",
"nop*xchgVaR|pause|xchgWaR|repne nop","xchgVaR","xchgVaR","xchgVaR",
"sz*cbw,cwde,cdqe","sz*cwd,cdq,cqo","call farViw","wait",
"callVj","jmpVj","jmp farViw","jmpBj","inBad","inVad","outBda","outVda",
assert(#map_opc1_32 == 255)
-- Map for 1st opcode byte in 64 bit mode (overrides only).
local map_opc1_64 = setmetatable({
[0x06]=false, [0x07]=false, [0x0e]=false,
[0x16]=false, [0x17]=false, [0x1e]=false, [0x1f]=false,
[0x27]=false, [0x2f]=false, [0x37]=false, [0x3f]=false,
[0x60]=false, [0x61]=false, [0x62]=false, [0x63]="movsxdVrDmt", [0x67]="a32:",
[0x40]="rex*", [0x41]="rex*b", [0x42]="rex*x", [0x43]="rex*xb",
[0x44]="rex*r", [0x45]="rex*rb", [0x46]="rex*rx", [0x47]="rex*rxb",
[0x48]="rex*w", [0x49]="rex*wb", [0x4a]="rex*wx", [0x4b]="rex*wxb",
[0x4c]="rex*wr", [0x4d]="rex*wrb", [0x4e]="rex*wrx", [0x4f]="rex*wrxb",
[0x82]=false, [0x9a]=false, [0xc4]=false, [0xc5]=false, [0xce]=false,
[0xd4]=false, [0xd5]=false, [0xd6]=false, [0xea]=false,
}, { __index = map_opc1_32 })
-- Map for 2nd opcode byte (0F xx). True CISC hell. Hey, I told you.
-- Prefix dependent MMX/SSE opcodes: (none)|rep|o16|repne, -|F3|66|F2
local map_opc2 = {
"push fs","pop fs","cpuid","btVmr","shldVmru","shldVmrc",nil,nil,
"push gs","pop gs","rsm","btsVmr","shrdVmru","shrdVmrc","fxsave!Dmp","imulVrm",
assert(map_opc2[255] == "ud")
-- Map for three-byte opcodes. Can't wait for their next invention.
local map_opc3 = {
["38"] = { -- [66] 0f 38 xx
[0xf0] = "|||crc32TrBmt",[0xf1] = "|||crc32TrVmt",
["3a"] = { -- [66] 0f 3a xx
[0x40] = "||dppsXrmu",
[0x41] = "||dppdXrmu",
[0x42] = "||mpsadbwXrmu",
[0x60] = "||pcmpestrmXrmu",[0x61] = "||pcmpestriXrmu",
[0x62] = "||pcmpistrmXrmu",[0x63] = "||pcmpistriXrmu",
-- Map for VMX/SVM opcodes 0F 01 C0-FF (sgdt group with register operands).
local map_opcvm = {
-- Map for FP opcodes. And you thought stack machines are simple?
local map_opcfp = {
-- D8-DF 00-BF: opcodes with a memory operand.
-- D8
-- DA
-- DB
"fildDm","fisttpDm","fistDm","fistpDm",nil,"fld twordFmp",nil,"fstp twordFmp",
-- DC
-- DD
-- DE
-- DF
"fbld twordFmp","fildQm","fbstp twordFmp","fistpQm",
-- xx C0-FF: opcodes with a pseudo-register operand.
-- D8
-- D9
-- DA
-- DB
-- DC
"fadd toFf","fmul toFf",nil,nil,
"fsub toFf","fsubr toFf","fdivr toFf","fdiv toFf",
-- DD
-- DE
-- DF
nil,nil,nil,nil,{"fnstsw ax"},"fucomipFf","fcomipFf",nil,
assert(map_opcfp[126] == "fcomipFf")
-- Map for opcode groups. The subkey is sp from the ModRM byte.
local map_opcgroup = {
arith = { "add", "or", "adc", "sbb", "and", "sub", "xor", "cmp" },
shift = { "rol", "ror", "rcl", "rcr", "shl", "shr", "sal", "sar" },
testb = { "testBmi", "testBmi", "not", "neg", "mul", "imul", "div", "idiv" },
testv = { "testVmi", "testVmi", "not", "neg", "mul", "imul", "div", "idiv" },
incb = { "inc", "dec" },
incd = { "inc", "dec", "callUmp", "$call farDmp",
"jmpUmp", "$jmp farDmp", "pushUm" },
sldt = { "sldt", "str", "lldt", "ltr", "verr", "verw" },
sgdt = { "vm*$sgdt", "vm*$sidt", "$lgdt", "vm*$lidt",
"smsw", nil, "lmsw", "vm*$invlpg" },
bt = { nil, nil, nil, nil, "bt", "bts", "btr", "btc" },
cmpxchg = { nil, "sz*,cmpxchg8bQmp,cmpxchg16bXmp", nil, nil,
nil, nil, "vmptrld|vmxon|vmclear", "vmptrst" },
pshiftw = { nil, nil, "psrlw", nil, "psraw", nil, "psllw" },
pshiftd = { nil, nil, "psrld", nil, "psrad", nil, "pslld" },
pshiftq = { nil, nil, "psrlq", nil, nil, nil, "psllq" },
pshiftdq = { nil, nil, "psrlq", "psrldq", nil, nil, "psllq", "pslldq" },
fxsave = { "$fxsave", "$fxrstor", "$ldmxcsr", "$stmxcsr",
nil, "lfenceDp$", "mfenceDp$", "sfenceDp$clflush" },
prefetch = { "prefetch", "prefetchw" },
prefetcht = { "prefetchnta", "prefetcht0", "prefetcht1", "prefetcht2" },
-- Maps for register names.
local map_regs = {
B = { "al", "cl", "dl", "bl", "ah", "ch", "dh", "bh",
"r8b", "r9b", "r10b", "r11b", "r12b", "r13b", "r14b", "r15b" },
B64 = { "al", "cl", "dl", "bl", "spl", "bpl", "sil", "dil",
"r8b", "r9b", "r10b", "r11b", "r12b", "r13b", "r14b", "r15b" },
W = { "ax", "cx", "dx", "bx", "sp", "bp", "si", "di",
"r8w", "r9w", "r10w", "r11w", "r12w", "r13w", "r14w", "r15w" },
D = { "eax", "ecx", "edx", "ebx", "esp", "ebp", "esi", "edi",
"r8d", "r9d", "r10d", "r11d", "r12d", "r13d", "r14d", "r15d" },
Q = { "rax", "rcx", "rdx", "rbx", "rsp", "rbp", "rsi", "rdi",
"r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12", "r13", "r14", "r15" },
M = { "mm0", "mm1", "mm2", "mm3", "mm4", "mm5", "mm6", "mm7",
"mm0", "mm1", "mm2", "mm3", "mm4", "mm5", "mm6", "mm7" }, -- No x64 ext!
X = { "xmm0", "xmm1", "xmm2", "xmm3", "xmm4", "xmm5", "xmm6", "xmm7",
"xmm8", "xmm9", "xmm10", "xmm11", "xmm12", "xmm13", "xmm14", "xmm15" },
local map_segregs = { "es", "cs", "ss", "ds", "fs", "gs", "segr6", "segr7" }
-- Maps for size names.
local map_sz2n = {
B = 1, W = 2, D = 4, Q = 8, M = 8, X = 16,
local map_sz2prefix = {
B = "byte", W = "word", D = "dword",
Q = "qword",
M = "qword", X = "xword",
F = "dword", G = "qword", -- No need for sizes/register names for these two.
-- Output a nicely formatted line with an opcode and operands.
local function putop(ctx, text, operands)
local code, pos, hex = ctx.code, ctx.pos, ""
local hmax = ctx.hexdump
if hmax > 0 then
for i=ctx.start,pos-1 do
hex = hex..format("%02X", byte(code, i, i))
if #hex > hmax then hex = sub(hex, 1, hmax)..". "
else hex = hex..rep(" ", hmax-#hex+2) end
if operands then text = text.." "..operands end
if ctx.o16 then text = "o16 "..text; ctx.o16 = false end
if ctx.a32 then text = "a32 "..text; ctx.a32 = false end
if ctx.rep then text = ctx.rep.." "..text; ctx.rep = false end
if ctx.rex then
local t = (ctx.rexw and "w" or "")..(ctx.rexr and "r" or "")..
(ctx.rexx and "x" or "")..(ctx.rexb and "b" or "")
if t ~= "" then text = "rex."..t.." "..text end
ctx.rexw = false; ctx.rexr = false; ctx.rexx = false; ctx.rexb = false
ctx.rex = false
if ctx.seg then
local text2, n = gsub(text, "%[", "["..ctx.seg..":")
if n == 0 then text = ctx.seg.." "..text else text = text2 end
ctx.seg = false
if ctx.lock then text = "lock "..text; ctx.lock = false end
local imm = ctx.imm
if imm then
local sym = ctx.symtab[imm]
if sym then text = text.."\t->"..sym end
ctx.out(format("%08x %s%s\n", ctx.addr+ctx.start, hex, text))
ctx.mrm = false
ctx.start = pos
ctx.imm = nil
-- Clear all prefix flags.
local function clearprefixes(ctx)
ctx.o16 = false; ctx.seg = false; ctx.lock = false; ctx.rep = false
ctx.rexw = false; ctx.rexr = false; ctx.rexx = false; ctx.rexb = false
ctx.rex = false; ctx.a32 = false
-- Fallback for incomplete opcodes at the end.
local function incomplete(ctx)
ctx.pos = ctx.stop+1
return putop(ctx, "(incomplete)")
-- Fallback for unknown opcodes.
local function unknown(ctx)
return putop(ctx, "(unknown)")
-- Return an immediate of the specified size.
local function getimm(ctx, pos, n)
if pos+n-1 > ctx.stop then return incomplete(ctx) end
local code = ctx.code
if n == 1 then
local b1 = byte(code, pos, pos)
return b1
elseif n == 2 then
local b1, b2 = byte(code, pos, pos+1)
return b1+b2*256
local b1, b2, b3, b4 = byte(code, pos, pos+3)
local imm = b1+b2*256+b3*65536+b4*16777216
ctx.imm = imm
return imm
-- Process pattern string and generate the operands.
local function putpat(ctx, name, pat)
local operands, regs, sz, mode, sp, rm, sc, rx, sdisp
local code, pos, stop = ctx.code, ctx.pos, ctx.stop
-- Chars used: 1DFGIMPQRSTUVWXacdfgijmoprstuwxyz
for p in gmatch(pat, ".") do
local x = nil
if p == "V" or p == "U" then
if ctx.rexw then sz = "Q"; ctx.rexw = false
elseif ctx.o16 then sz = "W"; ctx.o16 = false
elseif p == "U" and ctx.x64 then sz = "Q"
else sz = "D" end
regs = map_regs[sz]
elseif p == "T" then
if ctx.rexw then sz = "Q"; ctx.rexw = false else sz = "D" end
regs = map_regs[sz]
elseif p == "B" then
sz = "B"
regs = ctx.rex and map_regs.B64 or map_regs.B
elseif match(p, "[WDQMXFG]") then
sz = p
regs = map_regs[sz]
elseif p == "P" then
sz = ctx.o16 and "X" or "M"; ctx.o16 = false
regs = map_regs[sz]
elseif p == "S" then
name = name..lower(sz)
elseif p == "s" then
local imm = getimm(ctx, pos, 1); if not imm then return end
x = imm <= 127 and format("+0x%02x", imm)
or format("-0x%02x", 256-imm)
pos = pos+1
elseif p == "u" then
local imm = getimm(ctx, pos, 1); if not imm then return end
x = format("0x%02x", imm)
pos = pos+1
elseif p == "w" then
local imm = getimm(ctx, pos, 2); if not imm then return end
x = format("0x%x", imm)
pos = pos+2
elseif p == "o" then -- [offset]
if ctx.x64 then
local imm1 = getimm(ctx, pos, 4); if not imm1 then return end
local imm2 = getimm(ctx, pos+4, 4); if not imm2 then return end
x = format("[0x%08x%08x]", imm2, imm1)
pos = pos+8
local imm = getimm(ctx, pos, 4); if not imm then return end
x = format("[0x%08x]", imm)
pos = pos+4
elseif p == "i" or p == "I" then
local n = map_sz2n[sz]
if n == 8 and ctx.x64 and p == "I" then
local imm1 = getimm(ctx, pos, 4); if not imm1 then return end
local imm2 = getimm(ctx, pos+4, 4); if not imm2 then return end
x = format("0x%08x%08x", imm2, imm1)
if n == 8 then n = 4 end
local imm = getimm(ctx, pos, n); if not imm then return end
if sz == "Q" and (imm < 0 or imm > 0x7fffffff) then
imm = (0xffffffff+1)-imm
x = format(imm > 65535 and "-0x%08x" or "-0x%x", imm)
x = format(imm > 65535 and "0x%08x" or "0x%x", imm)
pos = pos+n
elseif p == "j" then
local n = map_sz2n[sz]
if n == 8 then n = 4 end
local imm = getimm(ctx, pos, n); if not imm then return end
if sz == "B" and imm > 127 then imm = imm-256
elseif imm > 2147483647 then imm = imm-4294967296 end
pos = pos+n
imm = imm + pos + ctx.addr
if imm > 4294967295 and not ctx.x64 then imm = imm-4294967296 end
ctx.imm = imm
if sz == "W" then
x = format("word 0x%04x", imm%65536)
elseif ctx.x64 then
local lo = imm % 0x1000000
x = format("0x%02x%06x", (imm-lo) / 0x1000000, lo)
x = format("0x%08x", imm)
elseif p == "R" then
local r = byte(code, pos-1, pos-1)%8
if ctx.rexb then r = r + 8; ctx.rexb = false end
x = regs[r+1]
elseif p == "a" then x = regs[1]
elseif p == "c" then x = "cl"
elseif p == "d" then x = "dx"
elseif p == "1" then x = "1"
if not mode then
mode = ctx.mrm
if not mode then
if pos > stop then return incomplete(ctx) end
mode = byte(code, pos, pos)
pos = pos+1
rm = mode%8; mode = (mode-rm)/8
sp = mode%8; mode = (mode-sp)/8
sdisp = ""
if mode < 3 then
if rm == 4 then
if pos > stop then return incomplete(ctx) end
sc = byte(code, pos, pos)
pos = pos+1
rm = sc%8; sc = (sc-rm)/8
rx = sc%8; sc = (sc-rx)/8
if ctx.rexx then rx = rx + 8; ctx.rexx = false end
if rx == 4 then rx = nil end
if mode > 0 or rm == 5 then
local dsz = mode
if dsz ~= 1 then dsz = 4 end
local disp = getimm(ctx, pos, dsz); if not disp then return end
if mode == 0 then rm = nil end
if rm or rx or (not sc and ctx.x64 and not ctx.a32) then
if dsz == 1 and disp > 127 then
sdisp = format("-0x%x", 256-disp)
elseif disp >= 0 and disp <= 0x7fffffff then
sdisp = format("+0x%x", disp)
sdisp = format("-0x%x", (0xffffffff+1)-disp)
sdisp = format(ctx.x64 and not ctx.a32 and
not (disp >= 0 and disp <= 0x7fffffff)
and "0xffffffff%08x" or "0x%08x", disp)
pos = pos+dsz
if rm and ctx.rexb then rm = rm + 8; ctx.rexb = false end
if ctx.rexr then sp = sp + 8; ctx.rexr = false end
if p == "m" then
if mode == 3 then x = regs[rm+1]
local aregs = ctx.a32 and map_regs.D or ctx.aregs
local srm, srx = "", ""
if rm then srm = aregs[rm+1]
elseif not sc and ctx.x64 and not ctx.a32 then srm = "rip" end
ctx.a32 = false
if rx then
if rm then srm = srm.."+" end
srx = aregs[rx+1]
if sc > 0 then srx = srx.."*"..(2^sc) end
x = format("[%s%s%s]", srm, srx, sdisp)
if mode < 3 and
(not match(pat, "[aRrgp]") or match(pat, "t")) then -- Yuck.
x = map_sz2prefix[sz].." "..x
elseif p == "r" then x = regs[sp+1]
elseif p == "g" then x = map_segregs[sp+1]
elseif p == "p" then -- Suppress prefix.
elseif p == "f" then x = "st"..rm
elseif p == "x" then
if sp == 0 and ctx.lock and not ctx.x64 then
x = "CR8"; ctx.lock = false
x = "CR"..sp
elseif p == "y" then x = "DR"..sp
elseif p == "z" then x = "TR"..sp
elseif p == "t" then
error("bad pattern `"..pat.."'")
if x then operands = operands and operands..", "..x or x end
ctx.pos = pos
return putop(ctx, name, operands)
-- Forward declaration.
local map_act
-- Fetch and cache MRM byte.
local function getmrm(ctx)
local mrm = ctx.mrm
if not mrm then
local pos = ctx.pos
if pos > ctx.stop then return nil end
mrm = byte(ctx.code, pos, pos)
ctx.pos = pos+1
ctx.mrm = mrm
return mrm
-- Dispatch to handler depending on pattern.
local function dispatch(ctx, opat, patgrp)
if not opat then return unknown(ctx) end
if match(opat, "%|") then -- MMX/SSE variants depending on prefix.
local p
if ctx.rep then
p = ctx.rep=="rep" and "%|([^%|]*)" or "%|[^%|]*%|[^%|]*%|([^%|]*)"
ctx.rep = false
elseif ctx.o16 then p = "%|[^%|]*%|([^%|]*)"; ctx.o16 = false
else p = "^[^%|]*" end
opat = match(opat, p)
if not opat then return unknown(ctx) end
-- ctx.rep = false; ctx.o16 = false
--XXX fails for 66 f2 0f 38 f1 06 crc32 eax,WORD PTR [esi]
--XXX remove in branches?
if match(opat, "%$") then -- reg$mem variants.
local mrm = getmrm(ctx); if not mrm then return incomplete(ctx) end
opat = match(opat, mrm >= 192 and "^[^%$]*" or "%$(.*)")
if opat == "" then return unknown(ctx) end
if opat == "" then return unknown(ctx) end
local name, pat = match(opat, "^([a-z0-9 ]*)(.*)")
if pat == "" and patgrp then pat = patgrp end
return map_act[sub(pat, 1, 1)](ctx, name, pat)
-- Get a pattern from an opcode map and dispatch to handler.
local function dispatchmap(ctx, opcmap)
local pos = ctx.pos
local opat = opcmap[byte(ctx.code, pos, pos)]
pos = pos + 1
ctx.pos = pos
return dispatch(ctx, opat)
-- Map for action codes. The key is the first char after the name.
map_act = {
-- Simple opcodes without operands.
[""] = function(ctx, name, pat)
return putop(ctx, name)
-- Operand size chars fall right through.
B = putpat, W = putpat, D = putpat, Q = putpat,
V = putpat, U = putpat, T = putpat,
M = putpat, X = putpat, P = putpat,
F = putpat, G = putpat,
-- Collect prefixes.
[":"] = function(ctx, name, pat)
ctx[pat == ":" and name or sub(pat, 2)] = name
if ctx.pos - ctx.start > 5 then return unknown(ctx) end -- Limit #prefixes.
-- Chain to special handler specified by name.
["*"] = function(ctx, name, pat)
return map_act[name](ctx, name, sub(pat, 2))
-- Use named subtable for opcode group.
["!"] = function(ctx, name, pat)
local mrm = getmrm(ctx); if not mrm then return incomplete(ctx) end
return dispatch(ctx, map_opcgroup[name][((mrm-(mrm%8))/8)%8+1], sub(pat, 2))
-- o16,o32[,o64] variants.
sz = function(ctx, name, pat)
if ctx.o16 then ctx.o16 = false
pat = match(pat, ",(.*)")
if ctx.rexw then
local p = match(pat, ",(.*)")
if p then pat = p; ctx.rexw = false end
pat = match(pat, "^[^,]*")
return dispatch(ctx, pat)
-- Two-byte opcode dispatch.
opc2 = function(ctx, name, pat)
return dispatchmap(ctx, map_opc2)
-- Three-byte opcode dispatch.
opc3 = function(ctx, name, pat)
return dispatchmap(ctx, map_opc3[pat])
-- VMX/SVM dispatch.
vm = function(ctx, name, pat)
return dispatch(ctx, map_opcvm[ctx.mrm])
-- Floating point opcode dispatch.
fp = function(ctx, name, pat)
local mrm = getmrm(ctx); if not mrm then return incomplete(ctx) end
local rm = mrm%8
local idx = pat*8 + ((mrm-rm)/8)%8
if mrm >= 192 then idx = idx + 64 end
local opat = map_opcfp[idx]
if type(opat) == "table" then opat = opat[rm+1] end
return dispatch(ctx, opat)
-- REX prefix.
rex = function(ctx, name, pat)
if ctx.rex then return unknown(ctx) end -- Only 1 REX prefix allowed.
for p in gmatch(pat, ".") do ctx["rex"..p] = true end
ctx.rex = true
-- Special case for nop with REX prefix.
nop = function(ctx, name, pat)
return dispatch(ctx, ctx.rex and pat or "nop")
-- Disassemble a block of code.
local function disass_block(ctx, ofs, len)
if not ofs then ofs = 0 end
local stop = len and ofs+len or #ctx.code
ofs = ofs + 1
ctx.start = ofs
ctx.pos = ofs
ctx.stop = stop
ctx.imm = nil
ctx.mrm = false
while ctx.pos <= stop do dispatchmap(ctx, ctx.map1) end
if ctx.pos ~= ctx.start then incomplete(ctx) end
-- Extended API: create a disassembler context. Then call ctx:disass(ofs, len).
local function create_(code, addr, out)
local ctx = {}
ctx.code = code
ctx.addr = (addr or 0) - 1
ctx.out = out or io.write
ctx.symtab = {}
ctx.disass = disass_block
ctx.hexdump = 16
ctx.x64 = false
ctx.map1 = map_opc1_32
ctx.aregs = map_regs.D
return ctx
local function create64_(code, addr, out)
local ctx = create_(code, addr, out)
ctx.x64 = true
ctx.map1 = map_opc1_64
ctx.aregs = map_regs.Q
return ctx
-- Simple API: disassemble code (a string) at address and output via out.
local function disass_(code, addr, out)
create_(code, addr, out):disass()
local function disass64_(code, addr, out)
create64_(code, addr, out):disass()
-- Return register name for RID.
local function regname_(r)
if r < 8 then return map_regs.D[r+1] end
return map_regs.X[r-7]
local function regname64_(r)
if r < 16 then return map_regs.Q[r+1] end
return map_regs.X[r-15]
-- Public module functions.
create = create_
create64 = create64_
disass = disass_
disass64 = disass64_
regname = regname_
regname64 = regname64_