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// Base services interface declaration
// for the Build Engine
// by Jonathon Fowler (jonof@edgenetwk.com)
#ifndef __baselayer_h__
#define __baselayer_h__
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
extern int _buildargc;
extern char **_buildargv;
extern char quitevent, appactive;
extern char *startwin_labeltext;
// video
extern long xres, yres, bpp, fullscreen, bytesperline, imageSize, frameplace;
extern char offscreenrendering;
extern void (*baselayer_onvideomodechange)(int);
struct glinfo {
const char *vendor;
const char *renderer;
const char *version;
const char *extensions;
float maxanisotropy;
char bgra, clamptoedge, texcompr, texnpot;
extern struct glinfo glinfo;
extern char inputdevices;
// keys
#define KEYFIFOSIZ 64
extern char keystatus[256], keyfifo[KEYFIFOSIZ], keyfifoplc, keyfifoend;
extern unsigned char keyasciififo[KEYFIFOSIZ], keyasciififoplc, keyasciififoend;
// mouse
extern long mousex, mousey, mouseb;
// joystick
extern long *joyaxis, *joyhat, joyb;
extern char joyisgamepad, joynumaxes, joynumbuttons, joynumhats;
extern long joyaxespresent;
int initsystem(void);
void uninitsystem(void);
void initprintf(const char *, ...);
void debugprintf(const char *,...);
int handleevents(void);
typedef void (*KeyPressCallback)(long,long);
typedef void (*MousePressCallback)(long,long);
typedef void (*JoyPressCallback)(long,long);
int initinput(void);
void uninitinput(void);
void releaseallbuttons(void);
void setkeypresscallback(void (*callback)(long,long));
void setmousepresscallback(void (*callback)(long,long));
void setjoypresscallback(void (*callback)(long,long));
const unsigned char *getkeyname(int num);
const unsigned char *getjoyname(int what, int num); // what: 0=axis, 1=button, 2=hat
unsigned char bgetchar(void);
int bkbhit(void);
void bflushchars(void);
int initmouse(void);
void uninitmouse(void);
void grabmouse(char a);
void readmousexy(long *x, long *y);
void readmousebstatus(long *b);
void setjoydeadzone(int axis, unsigned short dead, unsigned short satur);
void getjoydeadzone(int axis, unsigned short *dead, unsigned short *satur);
int inittimer(int);
void uninittimer(void);
void sampletimer(void);
unsigned long getticks(void);
int gettimerfreq(void);
void (*installusertimercallback(void (*callback)(void)))(void);
int checkvideomode(int *x, int *y, int c, int fs);
int setvideomode(int x, int y, int c, int fs);
void getvalidmodes(void);
void resetvideomode(void);
void begindrawing(void);
void enddrawing(void);
void showframe(int);
int setpalette(int start, int num, char *dapal);
//int getpalette(int start, int num, char *dapal);
int setgamma(float ro, float go, float bo);
int switchrendermethod(int,int); // 0 = software, 1 = opengl | bool = reinit
int wm_msgbox(char *name, char *fmt, ...);
int wm_ynbox(char *name, char *fmt, ...);
void wm_setapptitle(char *name);
// baselayer.c
int baselayer_init();
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // __baselayer_h__