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synced 2025-03-03 15:31:07 +00:00
The main bulk of this is the new start screen code. To make this work in Raze some more work on the startup procedure is needed. What this does provide is support for the DOS end-of-game text screens in Duke and SW on non-Windows systems.
226 lines
8.2 KiB
226 lines
8.2 KiB
#pragma once
// File system I/O functions.
#include "files.h"
#include "tarray.h"
#include "cmdlib.h"
#include "zstring.h"
#include "resourcefile.h"
class FResourceFile;
struct FResourceLump;
class FGameTexture;
union LumpShortName
char String[9];
uint32_t dword; // These are for accessing the first 4 or 8 chars of
uint64_t qword; // Name as a unit without breaking strict aliasing rules
// A lump in memory.
class FileData
FileData ();
FileData (const FileData ©);
FileData &operator= (const FileData ©);
~FileData ();
void *GetMem () { return Block.Len() == 0 ? NULL : (void *)Block.GetChars(); }
size_t GetSize () { return Block.Len(); }
const FString &GetString () const { return Block; }
FileData (const FString &source);
FString Block;
friend class FileSystem;
struct FolderEntry
const char *name;
unsigned lumpnum;
class FileSystem
FileSystem ();
~FileSystem ();
// The wadnum for the IWAD
int GetIwadNum() { return IwadIndex; }
void SetIwadNum(int x) { IwadIndex = x; }
int GetMaxIwadNum() { return MaxIwadIndex; }
void SetMaxIwadNum(int x) { MaxIwadIndex = x; }
void InitSingleFile(const char *filename, bool quiet = false);
void InitMultipleFiles (TArray<FString> &filenames, bool quiet = false, LumpFilterInfo* filter = nullptr, bool allowduplicates = false, FILE* hashfile = nullptr);
void AddFile (const char *filename, FileReader *wadinfo, bool quiet, LumpFilterInfo* filter, FILE* hashfile);
int CheckIfResourceFileLoaded (const char *name) noexcept;
void AddAdditionalFile(const char* filename, FileReader* wadinfo = NULL) {}
const char *GetResourceFileName (int filenum) const noexcept;
const char *GetResourceFileFullName (int wadnum) const noexcept;
int GetFirstEntry(int wadnum) const noexcept;
int GetLastEntry(int wadnum) const noexcept;
int GetEntryCount(int wadnum) const noexcept;
int CheckNumForName (const char *name, int namespc);
int CheckNumForName (const char *name, int namespc, int wadfile, bool exact = true);
int GetNumForName (const char *name, int namespc);
inline int CheckNumForName (const uint8_t *name) { return CheckNumForName ((const char *)name, ns_global); }
inline int CheckNumForName (const char *name) { return CheckNumForName (name, ns_global); }
inline int CheckNumForName (const FString &name) { return CheckNumForName (name.GetChars()); }
inline int CheckNumForName (const uint8_t *name, int ns) { return CheckNumForName ((const char *)name, ns); }
inline int GetNumForName (const char *name) { return GetNumForName (name, ns_global); }
inline int GetNumForName (const FString &name) { return GetNumForName (name.GetChars(), ns_global); }
inline int GetNumForName (const uint8_t *name) { return GetNumForName ((const char *)name); }
inline int GetNumForName (const uint8_t *name, int ns) { return GetNumForName ((const char *)name, ns); }
int CheckNumForFullName (const char *name, bool trynormal = false, int namespc = ns_global, bool ignoreext = false);
int CheckNumForFullName (const char *name, int wadfile);
int GetNumForFullName (const char *name);
int FindFile(const char* name)
return CheckNumForFullName(name);
bool FileExists(const char* name)
return FindFile(name) >= 0;
bool FileExists(const FString& name)
return FindFile(name) >= 0;
bool FileExists(const std::string& name)
return FindFile(name.c_str()) >= 0;
LumpShortName& GetShortName(int i); // may only be called before the hash chains are set up.
FString& GetLongName(int i); // may only be called before the hash chains are set up.
void RenameFile(int num, const char* fn);
bool CreatePathlessCopy(const char* name, int id, int flags);
inline int CheckNumForFullName(const FString &name, bool trynormal = false, int namespc = ns_global) { return CheckNumForFullName(name.GetChars(), trynormal, namespc); }
inline int CheckNumForFullName (const FString &name, int wadfile) { return CheckNumForFullName(name.GetChars(), wadfile); }
inline int GetNumForFullName (const FString &name) { return GetNumForFullName(name.GetChars()); }
void SetLinkedTexture(int lump, FGameTexture *tex);
FGameTexture *GetLinkedTexture(int lump);
void ReadFile (int lump, void *dest);
TArray<uint8_t> GetFileData(int lump, int pad = 0); // reads lump into a writable buffer and optionally adds some padding at the end. (FileData isn't writable!)
FileData ReadFile (int lump);
FileData ReadFile (const char *name) { return ReadFile (GetNumForName (name)); }
inline TArray<uint8_t> LoadFile(const char* name, int padding = 0)
auto lump = FindFile(name);
if (lump < 0) return TArray<uint8_t>();
return GetFileData(lump, padding);
FileReader OpenFileReader(int lump); // opens a reader that redirects to the containing file's one.
FileReader ReopenFileReader(int lump, bool alwayscache = false); // opens an independent reader.
FileReader OpenFileReader(const char* name);
int FindLump (const char *name, int *lastlump, bool anyns=false); // [RH] Find lumps with duplication
int FindLumpMulti (const char **names, int *lastlump, bool anyns = false, int *nameindex = NULL); // same with multiple possible names
int FindLumpFullName(const char* name, int* lastlump, bool noext = false);
bool CheckFileName (int lump, const char *name); // [RH] True if lump's name == name
int FindFileWithExtensions(const char* name, const char* const* exts, int count);
int FindResource(int resid, const char* type, int filenum = -1) const noexcept;
int GetResource(int resid, const char* type, int filenum = -1) const;
static uint32_t LumpNameHash (const char *name); // [RH] Create hash key from an 8-char name
int FileLength (int lump) const;
int GetFileOffset (int lump); // [RH] Returns offset of lump in the wadfile
int GetFileFlags (int lump); // Return the flags for this lump
void GetFileShortName (char *to, int lump) const; // [RH] Copies the lump name to to using uppercopy
void GetFileShortName (FString &to, int lump) const;
const char* GetFileShortName(int lump) const;
const char *GetFileFullName (int lump, bool returnshort = true) const; // [RH] Returns the lump's full name
FString GetFileFullPath (int lump) const; // [RH] Returns wad's name + lump's full name
int GetFileContainer (int lump) const; // [RH] Returns wadnum for a specified lump
int GetFileNamespace (int lump) const; // [RH] Returns the namespace a lump belongs to
void SetFileNamespace(int lump, int ns);
int GetResourceId(int lump) const; // Returns the RFF index number for this lump
const char* GetResourceType(int lump) const;
bool CheckFileName (int lump, const char *name) const; // [RH] Returns true if the names match
unsigned GetFilesInFolder(const char *path, TArray<FolderEntry> &result, bool atomic) const;
int GetNumEntries() const
return NumEntries;
int GetNumWads() const
return Files.Size();
void AddLump(FResourceLump* lump);
int AddExternalFile(const char *filename);
int AddFromBuffer(const char* name, const char* type, char* data, int size, int id, int flags);
FileReader* GetFileReader(int wadnum); // Gets a FileReader object to the entire WAD
void InitHashChains();
FResourceLump* GetFileAt(int no);
struct LumpRecord;
TArray<FResourceFile *> Files;
TArray<LumpRecord> FileInfo;
TArray<uint32_t> Hashes; // one allocation for all hash lists.
uint32_t *FirstLumpIndex; // [RH] Hashing stuff moved out of lumpinfo structure
uint32_t *NextLumpIndex;
uint32_t *FirstLumpIndex_FullName; // The same information for fully qualified paths from .zips
uint32_t *NextLumpIndex_FullName;
uint32_t *FirstLumpIndex_NoExt; // The same information for fully qualified paths from .zips
uint32_t *NextLumpIndex_NoExt;
uint32_t* FirstLumpIndex_ResId; // The same information for fully qualified paths from .zips
uint32_t* NextLumpIndex_ResId;
uint32_t NumEntries = 0; // Not necessarily the same as FileInfo.Size()
uint32_t NumWads;
int IwadIndex = -1;
int MaxIwadIndex = -1;
void DeleteAll();
void MoveLumpsInFolder(const char *);
extern FileSystem fileSystem;