// Wrapper for all Windows headers. // No include guard for this file. #ifndef _WIN32_IE # define _WIN32_IE 0x0501 #endif #ifndef _WIN32_WINNT # define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501 #endif #ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN # define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #endif #ifndef NOMINMAX # define NOMINMAX #endif #ifdef UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER # undef UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER #endif #ifdef NEED_WINSOCK2_H # include <winsock2.h> # undef NEED_WINSOCK2_H #endif #include <windows.h> #ifdef NEED_WINDOWSX_H # include <windowsx.h> # undef NEED_WINDOWSX_H #endif #ifdef NEED_PROCESS_H # include <process.h> # undef NEED_PROCESS_H #endif #ifdef NEED_SHELLAPI_H # include <shellapi.h> # undef NEED_SHELLAPI_H #endif #ifdef NEED_SHLWAPI_H # include <shlwapi.h> # undef NEED_SHLWAPI_H #endif #ifdef NEED_SHLOBJ_H # include <shlobj.h> # undef NEED_SHLOBJ_H #endif #ifdef NEED_WS2TCPIP_H # include <ws2tcpip.h> # undef NEED_WS2TCPIP_H #endif #ifdef NEED_COMMCTRL_H # include <commctrl.h> # undef NEED_COMMCTRL_H #endif #ifdef NEED_MMSYSTEM_H # include <mmsystem.h> # undef NEED_MMSYSTEM_H #endif #ifdef NEED_DDRAW_H # define DIRECTDRAW_VERSION 0x0600 # ifndef CINTERFACE # define CINTERFACE # endif # include <ddraw.h> # undef NEED_DDRAW_H #endif #ifdef NEED_DINPUT_H # define INITGUID # define DIRECTINPUT_VERSION 0x0700 # ifndef CINTERFACE # define CINTERFACE # endif # include <dinput.h> # undef NEED_DINPUT_H # if defined (_MSC_VER) || !defined(__cplusplus) # define bDIPROP_BUFFERSIZE MAKEDIPROP(1) # define bDIPROP_DEADZONE MAKEDIPROP(5) # define bDIPROP_SATURATION MAKEDIPROP(6) # else # define bMAKEDIPROP(prop) ((REFGUID)(prop)) # define bDIPROP_BUFFERSIZE bMAKEDIPROP(1) # define bDIPROP_DEADZONE bMAKEDIPROP(5) # define bDIPROP_SATURATION bMAKEDIPROP(6) # endif # if defined (_MSC_VER) && defined(__cplusplus) # define bREFGUID (REFGUID) # define bREFIID (REFIID) # else # define bREFGUID & # define bREFIID & # endif # ifndef DIK_PAUSE # define DIK_PAUSE 0xC5 # endif #endif #ifdef NEED_DSOUND_H # define DIRECTSOUND_VERSION 0x0800 # ifndef CINTERFACE # define CINTERFACE # endif # include <dsound.h> # undef NEED_DSOUND_H #endif #ifdef NEED_CRTDBG_H # include <crtdbg.h> # undef NEED_CRTDBG_H #endif #ifdef NEED_DBGHELP_H # if defined _MSC_VER && _MSC_VER < 1300 # define DECLSPEC_DEPRECATED // VC6: change this path to your Platform SDK headers. // must be XP version of file // # include "M:\\dev7\\vs\\devtools\\common\\win32sdk\\include\\dbghelp.h" # error "VC6 needs an updated dbghelp.h; see source" # else // VC7: ships with updated headers # include <dbghelp.h> # endif # undef NEED_DBGHELP_H #endif #ifndef UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER # define UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(x) (x) = (x) #endif