-- test script for ELua/Lunatic Interpreter -- error=nil -- must not affect "require" local require = require local string = require("string") local bit = require("bit") local math = require("math") local pcall = pcall local DBG_ = require("_LUNATIC_DBG") local gv, sector, wall, sprite, spriteext = gv, sector, wall, sprite, spriteext local actor, player, projectile = actor, player, projectile local gameevent, gameactor = gameevent, gameactor local spritesofsect = spritesofsect local hitscan = hitscan local assert, error, print, tostring = assert, error, print, tostring local D = require("CON.DEFS") print('---=== ELua Test script ===---') local function printf(fmt, ...) print(string.format(fmt, ...)) end local function checkfail(funcstr, expectedmsg) if (DBG_ == nil) then return end local status, errmsg = pcall(DBG_.loadstring(funcstr)) if (status) then print('^21ERROR:^O '..funcstr.." DIDN'T fail") else if (expectedmsg==nil or string.find(errmsg, expectedmsg, 1, true)) then print("^11SUCCESS:^O "..funcstr.." failed: "..errmsg) else -- XXX: beginning with "^10" is counted as error in OSD_Printf() print("^10ERROR*:^O "..funcstr.." failed: "..errmsg.. ", but expected error message was: "..expectedmsg) end end end gameevent { "ENTERLEVEL", function() local vol, lev = gv.currentEpisode(), gv.currentLevel() printf('volume=%d, level=%d', vol, lev) if (vol ~= 4) then -- Tweak some sector pals. print('tweaking sector pals') print('numsectors: ' .. gv.numsectors .. ' of ' .. gv.MAXSECTORS) local SF = sector.STAT for i = 0, gv.numsectors/2 do local sec = sector[i] sec.floorpal = 1; sector[i].floor.shade = sec.floor.shade + 4 sector[i].ceilingpal = 2; local ceil = sec.ceiling ceil.shade = sector[i].ceiling.shade + 8 ceil.statbits:flip(SF.SMOOSH) sec.floorstatbits:flip(SF.SWAPXY) end end if (vol==1 and lev==1) then -- E1L1 print('tweaking some sprites 2') local i = 562 spriteext[i].alpha = 0.5; sprite[i].cstat = bit.bor(sprite[i].cstat, 2+512); spriteext[i].pitch = 128; spriteext[i].roll = 256; i = 107 -- pistol ammo at rooftop spriteext[i].pitch = 128; spriteext[i].roll = 256; for spr in spritesofsect(307) do -- some fence sprites in E1L1 printf('spr %d', spr) sprite[spr].pal = 6 end actor[562].flags = bit.bor(actor[562].flags, 2); -- pal 6 with goggles on front SEENINE end ---[[ if (vol==1 and lev==8) then local havebunch = false for i=0,gv.numsectors-1 do havebunch = havebunch or (sector[i].ceilingbunch >= 0) end if (havebunch) then print('tweaking bunch 1'); -- trueror1.map for i, what in sectorsofbunch(1, gv.BOTH_CF) do sector[i][what].z = sector[i][what].z - 3*1024; end end end --]] end } gameevent { "JUMP", function() print("tweaking forcefield with lotag 34 (E2L1)") for w=0,gv.numwalls-1 do local wal = wall[w] if (wal.overpicnum == D.W_FORCEFIELD or wal.overpicnum == D.W_FORCEFIELD+1) then if (wal.lotag==34) then wal.cstat = wal.cstatbits:test(85) and 0 or 85 end end end end } local unsafe = pcall(function() string.UNSAFE=true; end) checkfail("tostring = nil", "attempt to write into the global environment") --DBG_.printkv('_G in test.elua', _G) -- direct gv array access forbidden checkfail('gv.sprite[0].yrepeat = 100', "access forbidden") checkfail('print(sprite[100000].ceilingpal)', "out-of-bounds sprite[] read access") checkfail('print(gv.sprite[0])', "access forbidden") -- set metatable forbidden checkfail('setmetatable(sprite, {})', "attempt to read undeclared variable 'setmetatable'") gameevent { "ENTERLEVEL", function() -- OOB write access. -- Note that indexing ("reading") sector fails, even if the user wants to -- assign to a sector member. Potentially confusing error message. checkfail('sector[-1].ceilingpal = 4', "out-of-bounds sector[] read access") -- wallnum member is read-only checkfail('sector[0].wallnum = 0', "attempt to write to constant location") -- this comes from LJ/FFI -- direct sector write access forbidden checkfail('sector[4] = sector[6]', "cannot write directly to sector[]") -- creating new keys forbidden... handled by LuaJIT checkfail('wall[4].QWE = 123', "has no member named 'QWE'") -- no pointer arithmetic! checkfail('local spr = sprite[0]; local x=spr+1', "attempt to perform arithmetic on") -- actor[].t_data[] is not accessible for now checkfail('local i = actor[0].t_data[15]', "has no member named 't_data'") -- sprite.picnum may happen as a thinko/typo kind of error (spr.picnum was meant) checkfail("local pic = sprite.picnum", "invalid access to static data") checkfail("require('engine').setshadetab(200, nil)", "setshadetab() may be run only while LUNATIC_FIRST_TIME is true") checkfail("sprite[0]:set_picnum(-10)", "invalid tile number") end } -- gv.numsectors is read-only checkfail('gv.numsectors = 4', "attempt to write to constant location") -- cannot create new fields in 'gv' checkfail('gv.QWE = 4', "write access forbidden") -- that would be horrible... checkfail('sprite._nextspritesect[4] = -666', "cannot write directly to nextspritesect[]") -- we're indexing a plain array! checkfail('print(sprite._nextspritesect[4].whatfield)', "attempt to index a number value") -- our 'require' has only safe stuff --checkfail("require('os')") -- gamevars are created using a special different mechanism checkfail("new_global = 345", "attempt to write into the global environment") -- Can't reassign to existing vars either assert(actor ~= nil) checkfail("actor = 345", "attempt to write into the global environment") -- can't redefine constants in 'gv' checkfail('gv.CEILING = 3', "attempt to write to constant location") -- string.dump is unavailable checkfail('local s=require[[string]]; local tmp=s.dump(gameevent)', "attempt to call field 'dump' (a nil value)") if (not unsafe) then -- changing base module tables is disallowed checkfail('local s=require[[string]]; s.format=nil', "modifying base module table forbidden") else print('WARNING: RUNNING WITH UNPROTECTED BASE MODULES') end print('') -- This is problematic, even though pretty much every access will yield a -- "missing declaration" error. -- See http://luajit.org/ext_ffi_api.html#ffi_C about what stuff ffi.C contains. checkfail('gv.luaJIT_setmode(nil, 0, 0)', "missing declaration for symbol 'luaJIT_setmode'") checkfail('gv.luaJIT_BC_con_lang', "attempt to call a nil value") checkfail('gv.gethiticks = nil', "attempt to write to constant location") checkfail('gameactor{1680, 0}', "must provide a function with last numeric arg or .func") checkfail("do local bt=require'test.test_bitar'; bt.QWE=1; end", "modifying module table forbidden") -- the cdata returned by player[] can't be made into a pointer! checkfail("do local pl=player[0]; i=pl[1]; end") checkfail("do local ud=gv.ud.camerasprite; end", "access forbidden") -- test for proper decl() checkfail("gv.g_sizes_of=nil; print(gv.g_sizes_of[0])", "write access forbidden") checkfail("gv.cam.sect=-1", "invalid sector number") checkfail("local flag=gv.SFLAG_NULL", "missing declaration") -- NOTE: player[0] is forbidden at file scope, this is just for testing purposes. player[0].wackedbyactor = -1 -- should succeed checkfail("player[0].curr_weapon = -1", "Invalid weapon ID") player[0].curr_weapon = 1 checkfail("local w = player[0].weapon[-1]", "out-of-bounds weapon read access") -- XXX: This gives a very strange error message: "attempt to write to constant location". Why? -- (note how I forgot to index weapon with a weapon index or name) --player[0].weapon.firesound = 1e5 checkfail("player[0].weapon.SHOTGUN.firesound = 1e5", "invalid sound number") checkfail("player[0].weapon.SHOTGUN.firesound = 0/0", "must be a non-NaN number") checkfail("player[0].weapon.SHOTGUN.firesound = 1/0", "invalid sound number") checkfail("gameactor{1680, action=require('con').action{numframes=-10}, function() end}", "action has negative number of frames") -- NOTE: It should only be relied on that setting e.g. .firesound to -1 sets it -- to 0, not other negative values. player[0].weapon.SHOTGUN.firesound = -1/0 assert(player[0].weapon.SHOTGUN.firesound == 0) gameevent{gv.EVENT_JUMP, function(actori, playeri, dist) printf("jump i=%d p=%d d=%d", actori, playeri, dist) error("greetings from EVENT_JUMP") end } --[[ gameevent { "PROCESSINPUT", -- Input test. -- NOTE: I don't think that exposing g_player[].sync (aka "input") is a good idea... func = function(actori, playeri, dist) local IB = player._INPUT_BITS local input = player[playeri]._input if (bit.band(input.bits, IB.JUMP) ~= 0) then print("JUMPED") -- ... because for example this doesn't work -- (P_HandleSharedKeys, where the JETPACK bit is tested, runs -- before P_ProcessInput): input.bits = bit.bor(input.bits, IB.JETPACK) end end } --]] local WEAPON = gv.WEAPON -- Bad hack to test out pitch/roll: EVENT_GAME is discouraged from Lunatic. local PITCH_PICNUM = { [D.SEENINE]=true, } gameevent{ "GAME", function(aci) local spr = sprite[aci] if (PITCH_PICNUM[spr.picnum]) then local height = spr:getheightofs() local sexy = spriteext[aci] sexy.pitch = gv.totalclock sexy.mdoff.x = -height/16 -- test xoff + pitch sexy.mdoff.z = -height -- test zoff + pitch -- Test roll + yoff sexy.roll = gv.totalclock sexy.mdoff.y = -height/16 end end } -- test event chaining gameevent { "JUMP", flags = actor.FLAGS.chain_beg, function(actori, playeri, dist) local ps = player[playeri] print("\n--- I'm first!") -- DBG_.oom() local pistol = ps.weapon.PISTOL if (pistol.shoots ~= D.RPG) then pistol.shoots = D.RPG else pistol.shoots = D.SHOTSPARK1 end ps.weapon[WEAPON.PISTOL].firesound = D.LIGHTNING_SLAP -- This succeeds, because sound2time is a time, not a sound. ps.weapon.SHOTGUN.sound2time = 5000 printf("set shotgun's sound2time to %d", ps.weapon.SHOTGUN.sound2time) -- Set pipebomb and tripbomb to timed mode. -- XXX: Provide either named constants or methods? -- XXX: These are probably reset to default on new game. ps.pipebombControl = 2 ps.tripbombControl = 2 -- Test of INTERNAL member _pals. -- NOTE: setting colors partially is bad! E.g. after an item is -- picked up, col[0] and col[1] remain and tint everything greenish. if (DBG_ ~= nil) then ps._pals[2] = 20 ps._pals.f = 30 end end } local xmath = require "xmath" gameevent { gv.EVENT_ENTERLEVEL, function() if (DBG_ ~= nil) then DBG_.testmembread() end -- NOTE: times are for helixhorned (Core2Duo 3GHz) local i local N = 1e6 local t = gv.gethiticks() for i=3,N do gv.gethiticks() end t = gv.gethiticks()-t -- x86_64: 35ns/call, x86: 280 ns/call -- Windows 32-bit: about 1 us/call? printf("%d gethiticks() calls took %.03f ms (%.03f us/call)", N, t, (t*1000)/N) local sum=0 t = gv.gethiticks() for i=1,N do sum = sum+gv.ksqrt(i) end t = gv.gethiticks()-t -- x86_64: 14ns/call printf("%d ksqrt() calls took %.03f ms (%.03f us/call) [sum=%f]", N, t, (t*1000)/N, sum) sum=0 t = gv.gethiticks() for i=1,N do sum = sum+math.sqrt(i) end t = gv.gethiticks()-t -- x86_64: 7ns/call printf("%d math.sqrt() calls took %.03f ms (%.03f us/call) [sum=%f]", N, t, (t*1000)/N, sum) printf("sqrt(0xffffffff) = %f(ksqrt) %f(math.sqrt)", gv.ksqrt(0xffffffff), math.sqrt(0xffffffff)) local pl = player[0] -- MAX < current is "allowed" pl.max_ammo_amount[WEAPON.RPG] = 17 pl:give_weapon(WEAPON.RPG) pl.ammo_amount[WEAPON.RPG] = 54 pl:give_weapon(WEAPON.SHRINKER) -- This looks much prettier: pl.ammo_amount.SHRINKER = 2 -- MORTER2 from test/weaponvars.con player[0].weapon.SHOTGUN.shoots = 1653 local proj = projectile[1653] proj.drop = 0 proj:set_trail(D.SMALLSMOKE) if (gv._LUNATIC_STRICT == 0) then t = gv.gethiticks() local N=1 for n=1,N do for i=0,gv.MAXSPRITES-1 do sprite[i].blend = 1 end for i=gv.MAXSPRITES-1,0,-1 do sprite[i].shade = 1 end for i=0,gv.MAXSPRITES-1 do sprite[i].xoffset = 0 end for i=gv.MAXSPRITES-1,0,-1 do sprite[i].yoffset = 1 end end t = gv.gethiticks()-t printf("%d x four 0..MAXSPRITES-1 iterations took %.03f us per outer iteration", N, (1000*t)/N) -- Results on x86: -- N=1: 480-1000 us (too large variance) -- N=10: 190-210 us * 10 = 1.9-2.1 ms -- N=100: about 160 us * 100 = about 16 ms end -- Make the DUKECAR in E1L1 into a zombie actor (temporarily) -- NOTE: Use static value (not the one from 'D'). if (sprite[24].picnum==2491) then sprite.changestat(24, actor.STAT.ZOMBIEACTOR) end checkfail("gameevent('GAME', function() print('qwe') end)", "must be called from top level") -- Test vec3 + wall. Pseudo wall member 'z' will be accessed. local mpos = xmath.vec3() for i=0,gv.numwalls-1 do mpos = mpos + wall[i] end mpos = mpos/gv.numwalls local impos = xmath.ivec3(mpos)^20 -- test ivec3 with dvec3 arg, test '^' op assert(impos.z == -20) printf("Map center point: (%d,%f)", mpos.x, impos.y) end } gameevent{"LOADACTOR", function(i) local spr = sprite[i] if (i==614 and spr.picnum==930) then -- "police line" ribbon in E1L1 -- clear the hitag so that it doesn't spawn as FALLER from premap -- Rather a HACK: relies on an implementation detail (A_Spawn() -- "hard-wired" code). spr.hitag = 0 end end} gameactor { -- "police line" ribbon 930, nil, 1, func = function(i) local spr = sprite[i] local r = math.random local d = 20 -- NOTE: __add metamethod is called because of the RHS: local v = spr + xmath.vec3(r(-d,d), r(-d,d)) spr:setpos(v):updatesect() -- Test vec3 constructor with cdata. local tempvec = xmath.vec3(player[0].pos) end } local stat = require("stat") local hs = stat.new() local con = require("con") local AC, MV = con.AC, con.MV local CAC, CMV, CAI = require("CON.ACTION"), require("CON.MOVE"), require("CON.AI") assert(CAC); assert(CMV); assert(CAI) local AC, MV = {}, {} AC.TROOPSTAND = assert(CAC.ATROOPSTAND) -- or con.action{0,1,5,1,1} AC.TROOPFLINTCH = con.action{50, 1, 1, 1, 6} MV.SHRUNKVELS = con.move{hvel=32} con.ai(AC.TROOPFLINTCH, MV.SHRUNKVELS, 0) -- unused; TODO: test local TROOPSTRENGTH = 30 local AF = actor.FLAGS local CS = sprite.CSTAT -- Crosshair sprite. -- NOTE: This ought to be a gamevar -- if a savegame is restored, a new one -- will be spawned. local chair gameactor{ D.APLAYER, AF.chain_end, function(aci, pli) if (chair == nil) then chair = con.spawn(555, aci) printf("Spawned our crosshair: sprite %d", chair) local spr = sprite[chair] -- Set to STAT_MISC because otherwise interpolation goes crazy (old -- value never updated; dunno why...) sprite.changestat(chair, actor.STAT.MISC) spr.xrepeat, spr.yrepeat = 96, 96 spr.cstatbits:set(CS.CENTER) end local ps = player[pli] local ray = xmath.kangvec(ps.ang, -(ps.horiz-100)*2048) local hit = hitscan(ps.pos, ps.cursectnum, ray, 0) if (hit.sector >= 0) then sprite[chair]:setpos(hit.pos) sprite.changesect(chair, hit.sector) end end } -- Add NODAMAGEPUSH flag to NEWBEAST. gameactor { D.NEWBEAST, AF.chain_end + AF.NODAMAGEPUSH, function() end } -- Also test actor code chaining: strength is doubled. gameactor { D.LIZTROOP, AF.chain_end+AF.enemy, 2*TROOPSTRENGTH, action = AC.TROOPSTAND, func = function(i, playeri, dist) sprite[i].pal = math.random(32) -- sprite[i].ang = bit.band(sprite[i].ang-20, 2047) local spr = sprite[i] local t = gv.gethiticks() local hit = hitscan(spr, spr.sectnum, {x=10, y=10, z=0}, gv.CLIPMASK0) hs:add(1000*(gv.gethiticks()-t)) if (hs.n == 300) then printf("hitscan: %s", hs:getstatstr()) hs:reset() error("greetings from LIZTROOP actor") end local actr = actor[i] if (actr:get_count() % 30 == 0) then spr.cstatbits:flip(CS.YFLIP) end -- Test of bitint's ":test()" for actor[].flags. actr.flagsbits:test(AF.NVG) if (dist < 4096) then -- Duke Vader / Anakin Nukewalker? actor[i]:set_action(AC.TROOPFLINTCH) actor[i]:set_move(MV.SHRUNKVELS) if (dist < 1024) then con.killit() end end if (actr:has_action(CAC.ATROOPWALKING)) then if (actr:get_count() % 50 == 0) then actr.movflagsbits:flip(actor.MOVFLAGS.spin) end end end, -- NOTE: the animate callback is not yet documented and thus not official API! animate = function(tspr) local tspr2 = tspr:dup() if (tspr2) then tspr2.x = tspr2.x + 512*math.cos(gv.totalclock/60) tspr2.y = tspr2.y + 512*math.sin(gv.totalclock/60) tspr2.cstatbits:set(CS.TRANS_BITMASK) end -- XXX: inserted tsprites have floor shadow in classic! (r_shadow) -- G_DoSpriteAnimations() is passed as callback to the engine on occasion, -- in other words, created tsprites may be fed back to G_DoSpriteAnimations()! -- classic: shows shadow for both "ghost" liztroop and aim "reticle" -- Polymost: only for "ghost" -- Polymer: none local aimv = 256*xmath.bangvec(tspr.ang) local hit = hitscan(tspr^(16*256), tspr.sectnum, aimv, gv.CLIPMASK1) if (hit.wall >= 0) then local aimtspr = tspr:dup() if (aimtspr) then aimtspr.pal = 2 aimtspr:set_picnum(555) aimtspr:setpos(hit.pos, hit.sector) end end end, } gameactor { 1275, -- newspaper, E4L6 sprite #513 action = con.action{0, 4, delay=20}, -- Same as {0, 4, 1, 1, 20} move = 1, -- so that the ID is nonzero and it will move func = function(aci) local a = actor[aci] local delay = math.sin(0.1 * 2*math.pi*gv.totalclock/120) a:set_action_delay(20 + 10*delay) if (sprite[aci].pal ~= 0) then a:set_hvel(1024/30) a:set_vvel(-1024/30) else a:set_hvel(50*delay) end a.movflags = actor.MOVFLAGS.geth + actor.MOVFLAGS.getv end, } gameevent { "DISPLAYROOMS", function(aci, pli) local ps = player[pli] local cam = gv.cam if (ps.newowner < 0) then cam.pos.z = cam.pos.z + 64*16*math.sin(gv.totalclock/30) end if (ps.cursectnum >= 0) then local hit = sector[ps.cursectnum]:zrangeat(cam.pos) if (gv.totalclock%200==0) then printf("hit %s %d at z=%d, %s %d at z=%d", hit.c.spritep and "sprite" or "sector", hit.c.num, hit.c.z, hit.f.spritep and "sprite" or "sector", hit.f.num, hit.f.z) end end end } gameevent { "DISPLAYREST", function() for i=0,10 do for j=1,100 do -- XXX: This is slower in the Polymodes than with classic! -- con._gametext(2822, j, i, 12, 0, 0, 16, 0,0,gv.xdim,gv.ydim,8192) end end -- Clear showing every sector with the pavement floor tile. (Unless we're -- in such a sector or an adjoining one.) -- XXX: We need a better place to do this, maybe an event in -- G_DisplayRest() where show2dsector[] is tweaked? -- NOT YET OFFICIAL API. local show2dsector = sector.showbitmap for i=0,gv.numsectors-1 do if (sector[i].floorpicnum==815) then show2dsector:set0(i) end end end } gameactor { D.APLAYER, actor.FLAGS.chain_beg, function(aci, pli) if (con._squished(aci, pli)) then printf("Squished LunaCON test") end end } gameactor { -- Innocent sign, similar to test/weaponvars.con actor 909 (tree trunk) 1211, actor.FLAGS.replace, function(aci, pli) local a = actor[aci] if (a:get_count() >= 120) then local i = con.spawn(D.TRANSPORTERSTAR, aci) sprite[i].z = sprite[i].z - 1024*16 con.shoot(D.MORTER, aci, -4096) a:set_count(0) end end } local function testbit(num, b) return bit.band(num,b)~=0 and 1 or 0 end local FADE_SPEED = { [WEAPON.KNEE] = 1/2.5, 1/128, 1/5, 1/3, 1/2, 1, -- pipebomb: ~1 sec 2, 3, 5, 127, -- freezer; such a fast fade is not visible, but it clears any -- existing one (if of higher priority) [WEAPON.GROW] = 9.9, -- test banker's rounding -- should be like 10 } -- Test player[]:fadecol(), a better palfrom. gameevent { "CHANGEWEAPON", function (aci, pli) local ps = player[pli] local neww, curw = gv.RETURN, ps.curr_weapon local r, g, b = testbit(neww, 1), testbit(neww, 2), testbit(neww, 4) local speed = FADE_SPEED[neww] or 1 player[pli]:fadecol(0.5, r, g, b, speed, neww-5) end } -- Time the above p:fadecol() test for verification of the <speed> argument. local last_f, last_t = 0, 0 local last_secs = nil gameevent { "DISPLAYREST", function(aci, pli) local ps = player[pli] -- WARNING: _pals in INTERNAL and off-limits to users! local curf = ps._pals.f if (curf > last_f) then -- Starting a tint last_secs = nil last_f = curf last_t = gv.getticks() elseif (last_t > 0 and curf==0) then -- Fade has ended last_secs = (gv.getticks()-last_t)/1000 last_f, last_t = 0, 0 end if (last_secs ~= nil) then con.minitext(10, 10, string.format("Last fade time: %.03f s (%.03f gametics)", last_secs, last_secs*30)) end end, } printf("EVENT_INIT = %d", gv.EVENT_INIT) -- tests default defines local bittest = require "test.test_bitar" bittest.sieve() require("test.test_geom", 123123) require("test.test_rotspr") do -- Test ksin vs. sinb local xmath = require "xmath" local sum = 0 local N = 1000 local t = gv.gethiticks() for i=0,N*2048-1 do sum = sum+xmath.ksin(i) end t = gv.gethiticks()-t sum = sum*1e12 printf("ksin: sum*1e12=%.03f, %.03fus per 0-2047 cycle", sum, t) sum = 0 local t = gv.gethiticks() for i=0,N*2048-1 do sum = sum+xmath.sinb(i) end t = gv.gethiticks()-t sum = sum*1e12 printf("sinb: sum*1e12=%.03f, %.03fus per 0-2047 cycle", sum, t) -- Results (helixhorned x86): -- ksin: sum*1e12=0.000, 3.801us per 0-2047 cycle -- sinb: sum*1e12=0.052, 2.886us per 0-2047 cycle end do -- Test getflorzofslopeptr()/sector[]:floorzat() local N = 100 local t = gv.gethiticks() for n=1,N do for i=0,gv.numsectors-1 do local sec = sector[i] local w1 = sec.wallptr sec:floorzat(wall[w1]) end end printf("%d x %d floorzat: %.03f us", N, gv.numsectors, (gv.gethiticks()-t)*1000) -- Results for 100 x 325 floorzat (helixhorned x86): -- cdecl getflorzofslope(): 572.165 us -- __fastcall getflorzofslope(): 830.147 us (sic, but tested only once!) end print('---=== END TEST SCRIPT ===---') --[[ function check_sector_idx() error("bla") end spritesofsect(0) --]] --DBG_.oom() -- This will complain about wrong usage of 'error'. In particular, -- the nil must not propagate to C! checkfail('error(nil)', "error using 'error': error message must be a string") local D = require("CON.DEFS") checkfail('require("CON.DEFS").APLAYER=123', "modifying base module table forbidden") -- Test with lunatic/test/rotfixed_actor.con. print("DUKECAR="..tostring(D.DUKECAR)) do print('---------- getangle test') local function CreateGetAngFunc(roundfunc) return function(x, y) local ang = (1024/math.pi)*math.atan2(y, x) -- note the swapped args return bit.band(roundfunc(ang), 2047) end end local ourgetang = CreateGetAngFunc(math.ceil) local ourgetangf = CreateGetAngFunc(math.floor) local function printang(x, y) printf('%4d,%4d: %13d, %16d, %16d', x, y, gv.getangle(x, y), ourgetang(x, y), ourgetangf(x, y)) end print " x, y: getangle(x, y) | math.atan2/ceil | math.atan2/floor" printang(10, 100) printang(10, -100) printang(-10, -100) printang(-10, 100) printang(0, 0) printang(1, 0) printang(0, 1) printang(-1, 0) printang(0, -1) local N=1e5 local r = 0 local t = gv.gethiticks() for i=1,N do r = r + gv.getangle(10, i) end local t1 = gv.gethiticks()-t r = 0 t = gv.gethiticks() for i=1,N do r = r + ourgetang(10, i) end local t2 = gv.gethiticks()-t printf('Time for %d runs: getangle: %.03f ms, math.atan2: %.03f ms', N, t1, t2) print('----------') end if (LUNATIC_FIRST_TIME) then require("test.shadexfog").test_create0() end