#pragma once #include "coreactor.h" BEGIN_BLD_NS class DBloodActor; struct SPRITEHIT { // These must use read barriers as they can live longer and need proper GC maintenance. Collision hit, ceilhit, florhit; }; class DBloodActor : public DCoreActor { DECLARE_CLASS(DBloodActor, DCoreActor) HAS_OBJECT_POINTERS public: int dudeSlope; vec3_t vel; bool hasx; XSPRITE xspr; SPRITEHIT hit; DUDEEXTRA dudeExtra; SPRITEMASS spriteMass; GENDUDEEXTRA genDudeExtra; TObjPtr prevmarker; // needed by the nnext marker code. This originally hijacked targetX in XSPRITE TObjPtr ownerActor; // was previously stored in the sprite's owner field. DVector3 basePoint; EventObject condition[2]; bool explosionhackflag; // this originally hijacked the target field which is not safe when working with pointers. // transient data (not written to savegame) int cumulDamage; bool interpolated; DBloodActor() = default; void Serialize(FSerializer& arc) override; size_t PropagateMark() override; bool hasX() { return hasx; } void addX() { hasx = true; } void SetOwner(DBloodActor* own) { ownerActor = own; } DBloodActor* GetOwner() { return ownerActor; } void SetTarget(DBloodActor* own) { xspr.target = own; } DBloodActor* GetTarget() { return xspr.target; } bool ValidateTarget(const char* func) { if (GetTarget() == nullptr) { Printf(PRINT_HIGH | PRINT_NOTIFY, "%s: invalid target in calling actor\n", func); return false; } return true; } void SetBurnSource(DBloodActor* own) { xspr.burnSource = own; } DBloodActor* GetBurnSource() { return xspr.burnSource; } void SetSpecialOwner() // nnext hackery { ownerActor = nullptr; spr.intowner = kMagicOwner; } bool GetSpecialOwner() { return ownerActor == nullptr && (spr.intowner == kMagicOwner); } bool IsPlayerActor() { return spr.type >= kDudePlayer1 && spr.type <= kDudePlayer8; } bool IsDudeActor() { return spr.type >= kDudeBase && spr.type < kDudeMax; } bool IsItemActor() { return spr.type >= kItemBase && spr.type < kItemMax; } bool IsWeaponActor() { return spr.type >= kItemWeaponBase && spr.type < kItemWeaponMax; } bool IsAmmoActor() { return spr.type >= kItemAmmoBase && spr.type < kItemAmmoMax; } void ZeroVelocity() { vel = { 0,0,0 }; } bool isActive() { if (!hasX()) return false; switch (xspr.aiState->stateType) { case kAiStateIdle: case kAiStateGenIdle: case kAiStateSearch: case kAiStateMove: case kAiStateOther: return false; default: return true; } } }; // subclassed to add a game specific actor() method extern HitInfo gHitInfo; // Iterator wrappers that return an actor pointer, not an index. using BloodStatIterator = TStatIterator; using BloodSectIterator = TSectIterator; using BloodSpriteIterator = TSpriteIterator; inline void GetActorExtents(DBloodActor* actor, int* top, int* bottom) { GetSpriteExtents(&actor->spr, top, bottom); } inline void GetActorExtents(DBloodActor* actor, double* top, double* bottom) { int t, b; GetSpriteExtents(&actor->spr, &t, &b); *top = t * zinttoworld; *bottom = b * zinttoworld; } inline bool CheckSector(const BitArray& bits, DBloodActor* act) { return bits[act->sectno()]; } inline bool IsTargetTeammate(DBloodActor* pSource, DBloodActor* pTarget) { if (!pSource->IsPlayerActor()) return false; PLAYER* pSourcePlayer = &gPlayer[pSource->spr.type - kDudePlayer1]; return IsTargetTeammate(pSourcePlayer, pTarget); } END_BLD_NS