// "Build Engine & Tools" Copyright (c) 1993-1997 Ken Silverman // Ken Silverman's official web site: "http://www.advsys.net/ken" // See the included license file "BUILDLIC.TXT" for license info. // // This file has been modified from Ken Silverman's original release // by Jonathon Fowler (jonof@edgenetwk.com) #include "build.h" #include "compat.h" #include "pragmas.h" #include "osd.h" #include "cache1d.h" #include "editor.h" #include "baselayer.h" #ifdef RENDERTYPEWIN #include "winlayer.h" #endif #define TIMERINTSPERSECOND 120 #define updatecrc16(crc,dat) (crc = (((crc<<8)&65535)^crctable[((((uint16_t)crc)>>8)&65535)^dat])) static int32_t crctable[256]; static char kensig[64]; extern int32_t ExtInit(void); extern int32_t ExtPreInit(int32_t argc,const char **argv); extern void ExtUnInit(void); extern void ExtPreCheckKeys(void); #ifdef SUPERBUILD extern void ExtAnalyzeSprites(void); #endif extern void ExtCheckKeys(void); extern void ExtLoadMap(const char *mapname); extern void ExtSaveMap(const char *mapname); extern const char *ExtGetSectorCaption(int16_t sectnum); extern const char *ExtGetWallCaption(int16_t wallnum); extern const char *ExtGetSpriteCaption(int16_t spritenum); extern void ExtShowSectorData(int16_t sectnum); extern void ExtShowWallData(int16_t wallnum); extern void ExtShowSpriteData(int16_t spritenum); extern void ExtEditSectorData(int16_t sectnum); extern void ExtEditWallData(int16_t wallnum); extern void ExtEditSpriteData(int16_t spritenum); extern const char *ExtGetSectorType(int32_t lotag); extern char spritecol2d[MAXTILES][2]; char noclip=0; int32_t vel, svel, angvel; // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // up, down, left, right, lshift, rctrl, lctrl, space // 8 9 10 11 12 13 // a, z, pgdn, pgup, [,], [.] // 14 15 16 17 18 19 // kpenter, enter, =, -, tab, ` uint8_t buildkeys[NUMBUILDKEYS] = { 0xc8,0xd0,0xcb,0xcd,0x2a,0x9d,0x1d,0x39, 0x1e,0x2c,0xd1,0xc9,0x33,0x34, 0x9c,0x1c,0xd,0xc,0xf,0x29 }; vec3_t pos; int32_t horiz = 100; int32_t mousexsurp = 0, mouseysurp = 0; int16_t ang, cursectnum; int32_t hvel; int32_t grponlymode = 0; extern int32_t editorgridextent; // in engine.c extern double msens; int32_t graphicsmode = 0; extern int32_t xyaspect; extern int32_t totalclocklock; int32_t synctics = 0, lockclock = 0; extern char vgacompatible; extern char picsiz[MAXTILES]; extern int32_t startposx, startposy, startposz; extern int16_t startang, startsectnum; extern int32_t ydim16, halfxdim16, midydim16; extern intptr_t frameplace; int32_t xdim2d = 640, ydim2d = 480, xdimgame = 640, ydimgame = 480, bppgame = 8; int32_t forcesetup = 1; extern int32_t cachesize, artsize; static int16_t oldmousebstatus = 0; int16_t brightness = 0; char game_executable[BMAX_PATH] = DEFAULT_GAME_LOCAL_EXEC; int32_t zlock = 0x7fffffff, zmode = 0, whitecol, kensplayerheight = 32; int16_t defaultspritecstat = 0; int16_t localartfreq[MAXTILES]; int16_t localartlookup[MAXTILES], localartlookupnum; char tempbuf[4096]; char names[MAXTILES][25]; int16_t asksave = 0; extern int16_t editstatus, searchit; extern int32_t searchx, searchy; //search input extern int16_t searchsector, searchwall, searchstat; //search output int32_t osearchx, osearchy; //old search input extern int16_t pointhighlight, linehighlight, highlightcnt; int16_t grid = 3, gridlock = 1, showtags = 1; int32_t zoom = 768, gettilezoom = 1; int32_t lastpm16time = 0; int32_t numsprites; extern int32_t mapversion; int16_t highlight[MAXWALLS]; int16_t highlightsector[MAXSECTORS], highlightsectorcnt = -1; extern char textfont[128][8]; char pskysearch[MAXSECTORS]; int32_t temppicnum, tempcstat, templotag, temphitag, tempextra; uint32_t temppal, tempvis, tempxrepeat, tempyrepeat; int32_t tempshade, tempxvel, tempyvel, tempzvel; char somethingintab = 255; int32_t mlook = 0,mskip=0; int32_t revertCTRL=0,scrollamount=3; int32_t unrealedlook=1, quickmapcycling=1; //PK char program_origcwd[BMAX_PATH]; char *mapster32_fullpath; char *testplay_addparam = 0; static char boardfilename[BMAX_PATH], selectedboardfilename[BMAX_PATH]; static CACHE1D_FIND_REC *finddirs=NULL, *findfiles=NULL, *finddirshigh=NULL, *findfileshigh=NULL; static int32_t numdirs=0, numfiles=0; static int32_t currentlist=0; //static int32_t repeatcountx, repeatcounty; static int32_t fillist[640]; int32_t mousx, mousy; int16_t prefixtiles[16] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }; /* static char scantoasc[128] = { 0,0,'1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0','-','=',0,0, 'q','w','e','r','t','y','u','i','o','p','[',']',0,0,'a','s', 'd','f','g','h','j','k','l',';',39,'`',0,92,'z','x','c','v', 'b','n','m',',','.','/',0,'*',0,32,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'7','8','9','-','4','5','6','+','1', '2','3','0','.',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, }; static char scantoascwithshift[128] = { 0,0,'!','@','#','$','%','^','&','*','(',')','_','+',0,0, 'Q','W','E','R','T','Y','U','I','O','P','{','}',0,0,'A','S', 'D','F','G','H','J','K','L',':',34,'~',0,'|','Z','X','C','V', 'B','N','M','<','>','?',0,'*',0,32,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'7','8','9','-','4','5','6','+','1', '2','3','0','.',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, }; */ int32_t pk_turnaccel=16; int32_t pk_turndecel=12; int32_t pk_uedaccel=3; char lastpm16buf[60]; char changechar(char dachar, int32_t dadir, char smooshyalign, char boundcheck); int32_t adjustmark(int32_t *xplc, int32_t *yplc, int16_t danumwalls); int32_t checkautoinsert(int32_t dax, int32_t day, int16_t danumwalls); void keytimerstuff(void); int32_t clockdir(int16_t wallstart); void flipwalls(int16_t numwalls, int16_t newnumwalls); void insertpoint(int16_t linehighlight, int32_t dax, int32_t day); void deletepoint(int16_t point); int32_t deletesector(int16_t sucksect); int32_t checksectorpointer(int16_t i, int16_t sectnum); void fixrepeats(int16_t i); int16_t loopinside(int32_t x, int32_t y, int16_t startwall); int32_t fillsector(int16_t sectnum, char fillcolor); int16_t whitelinescan(int16_t dalinehighlight); void printcoords16(int32_t posxe, int32_t posye, int16_t ange); void copysector(int16_t soursector, int16_t destsector, int16_t deststartwall, char copystat); void showsectordata(int16_t sectnum); void showwalldata(int16_t wallnum); void showspritedata(int16_t spritenum); int32_t drawtilescreen(int32_t pictopleft, int32_t picbox); void overheadeditor(void); int32_t getlinehighlight(int32_t xplc, int32_t yplc, int32_t line); void fixspritesectors(void); int32_t movewalls(int32_t start, int32_t offs); int32_t loadnames(void); void updatenumsprites(void); void getclosestpointonwall(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t dawall, int32_t *nx, int32_t *ny); void initcrc(void); void AutoAlignWalls(int32_t nWall0, int32_t ply); int32_t gettile(int32_t tilenum); int32_t menuselect(void); int32_t menuselect_pk(int32_t); //PK int32_t getfilenames(char *path, char *kind); void clearfilenames(void); void loadmhk(); extern int32_t map_revision; extern int32_t map_undoredo(int32_t dir); void clearkeys(void) { memset(keystatus,0,sizeof(keystatus)); } static int32_t osdcmd_restartvid(const osdfuncparm_t *parm) { extern int32_t qsetmode; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(parm); if (qsetmode != 200) return OSDCMD_OK; resetvideomode(); if (setgamemode(fullscreen,xdim,ydim,bpp)) OSD_Printf("restartvid: Reset failed...\n"); return OSDCMD_OK; } static int32_t osdcmd_vidmode(const osdfuncparm_t *parm) { int32_t newx = xdim, newy = ydim, newbpp = bpp, newfullscreen = fullscreen; extern int32_t qsetmode; switch (parm->numparms) { case 1: // bpp switch newbpp = Batol(parm->parms[0]); break; case 4: // fs, res, bpp switch newfullscreen = (Batol(parm->parms[3]) != 0); case 3: // res & bpp switch newbpp = Batol(parm->parms[2]); case 2: // res switch newx = Batol(parm->parms[0]); newy = Batol(parm->parms[1]); break; default: return OSDCMD_SHOWHELP; } if (qsetmode != 200) { qsetmodeany(newx,newy); xdim2d = xdim; ydim2d = ydim; begindrawing(); //{{{ clearbuf((char *)(frameplace + (ydim16*bytesperline)), (bytesperline*STATUS2DSIZ2) >> 2, 0x00000000l); clearbuf((char *)frameplace, (ydim16*bytesperline) >> 2, 0L); ydim16 = ydim; // drawline16(0,ydim-STATUS2DSIZ,xdim-1,ydim-STATUS2DSIZ,editorcolors[1]); /* drawline16(0,ydim-1,xdim-1,ydim-1,1); drawline16(0,ydim-STATUS2DSIZ,0,ydim-1,1); drawline16(xdim-1,ydim-STATUS2DSIZ,xdim-1,ydim-1,1); drawline16(0,ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+24,xdim-1,ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+24,1); drawline16(192-24,ydim-STATUS2DSIZ,192-24,ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+24,1); drawline16(0,ydim-1-20,xdim-1,ydim-1-20,1); drawline16(256,ydim-1-20,256,ydim-1,1); */ ydim16 = ydim-STATUS2DSIZ2; enddrawing(); //}}} return OSDCMD_OK; } if (setgamemode(newfullscreen,newx,newy,newbpp)) OSD_Printf("vidmode: Mode change failed!\n"); xdimgame = newx; ydimgame = newy; bppgame = newbpp; fullscreen = newfullscreen; return OSDCMD_OK; } extern int32_t startwin_run(void); extern char *defsfilename; // set in bstub.c int32_t app_main(int32_t argc, const char **argv) { char quitflag, cmdsetup = 0; int32_t i, j, k; pathsearchmode = 1; // unrestrict findfrompath so that full access to the filesystem can be had #ifdef USE_OPENGL OSD_RegisterFunction("restartvid","restartvid: reinitialize the video mode",osdcmd_restartvid); OSD_RegisterFunction("vidmode","vidmode : immediately change the video mode",osdcmd_vidmode); #endif wm_setapptitle("Mapster32"); if ((i = ExtPreInit(argc,argv)) < 0) return -1; #ifdef RENDERTYPEWIN backgroundidle = 1; #endif editstatus = 1; boardfilename[0] = 0; for (i=1; i k) { k = j; whitecol = i; } } for (i=0; i 0) //F11 - brightness { keystatus[0x57] = 0; brightness++; if (brightness >= 16) brightness = 0; setbrightness(brightness,palette,0); } if (keystatus[88] > 0) //F12 { screencapture("captxxxx.tga",keystatus[0x2a]|keystatus[0x36]); keystatus[88] = 0; }*/ mousz = 0; getmousevalues(&mousx,&mousy,&bstatus); mousx = (mousx<<16)+mousexsurp; mousy = (mousy<<16)+mouseysurp; if ((unrealedlook && !mskip) && (((!mlook && (bstatus&2) && !(bstatus&(1|4)))) || ((bstatus&1) && !(bstatus&(2|4))))) mlook = 3; { ldiv_t ld; if (mlook) { ld = ldiv((int32_t)(mousx), (int32_t)((1<<16)/(msens*0.5f))); mousx = ld.quot; mousexsurp = ld.rem; ld = ldiv((int32_t)(mousy), (int32_t)((1<<16)/(msens*0.25f))); mousy = ld.quot; mouseysurp = ld.rem; } else { ld = ldiv((int32_t)(mousx), (int32_t)((1<<16)/msens)); mousx = ld.quot; mousexsurp = ld.rem; ld = ldiv((int32_t)(mousy), (int32_t)((1<<16)/msens)); mousy = ld.quot; mouseysurp = ld.rem; } } if (mlook == 3) mlook = 0; // UnrealEd: // rmb: mouselook // lbm: x:turn y:fwd/back local x // lmb&rmb: x:strafe y:up/dn (move in local yz plane) // mmb: fwd/back in viewing vector if (unrealedlook && !mskip) //PK { if ((bstatus&1) && !(bstatus&(2|4))) { ang += mousx; xvect = -((mousy*(int32_t)sintable[(ang+2560)&2047])<<(3+pk_uedaccel)); yvect = -((mousy*(int32_t)sintable[(ang+2048)&2047])<<(3+pk_uedaccel)); if (noclip) { pos.x += xvect>>14; pos.y += yvect>>14; updatesector(pos.x,pos.y,&cursectnum); } else clipmove(&pos,&cursectnum,xvect,yvect,128L,4L<<8,4L<<8,CLIPMASK0); } else if (!mlook && (bstatus&2) && !(bstatus&(1|4))) { mlook=2; } else if ((bstatus&1) && (bstatus&2) && !(bstatus&4)) { zmode = 2; xvect = -((mousx*(int32_t)sintable[(ang+2048)&2047])<>14; pos.y += yvect>>14; updatesectorz(pos.x,pos.y,pos.z,&cursectnum); } else clipmove(&pos,&cursectnum,xvect,yvect,128L,4L<<8,4L<<8,CLIPMASK0); } else if (bstatus&4) { zmode = 2; // horiz-100 of 200 is viewing at 326.4 build angle units (=atan(200/128)) upward tempint = getangle(128, horiz-100); xvect = -((mousy* ((int32_t)sintable[(ang+2560)&2047]>>6)* ((int32_t)sintable[(tempint+512)&2047])>>6) <>6)* ((int32_t)sintable[(tempint+512)&2047])>>6) <>(10-pk_uedaccel)); pos.z += zvect; if (noclip) { pos.x += xvect>>16; pos.y += yvect>>16; updatesectorz(pos.x,pos.y,pos.z,&cursectnum); } else clipmove(&pos,&cursectnum,xvect>>2,yvect>>2,128L,4L<<8,4L<<8,CLIPMASK0); } } if (mskip) mskip=0; else { if (mlook && !(unrealedlook && bstatus&(1|4))) { ang += mousx; horiz -= mousy; // if (mousy && !(mousy/4)) // horiz--; // if (mousx && !(mousx/2)) // ang++; if (horiz > 299) horiz = 299; if (horiz < -99) horiz = -99; if (mlook == 1) { searchx = xdim>>1; searchy = ydim>>1; } osearchx = searchx-mousx; osearchy = searchy-mousy; } else if (!(unrealedlook && (bstatus&(1|2|4)))) { osearchx = searchx; osearchy = searchy; searchx += mousx; searchy += mousy; if (searchx < 12) searchx = 12; if (searchy < 12) searchy = 12; if (searchx > xdim-13) searchx = xdim-13; if (searchy > ydim-13) searchy = ydim-13; } } // showmouse(); // if (keystatus[0x3b] > 0) pos.x--; // if (keystatus[0x3c] > 0) pos.x++; // if (keystatus[0x3d] > 0) pos.y--; // if (keystatus[0x3e] > 0) pos.y++; // if (keystatus[0x43] > 0) ang--; // if (keystatus[0x44] > 0) ang++; if (keystatus[0x43]) { mhk=1; loadmhk(); keystatus[0x43] = 0; } if (keystatus[0x44]) { memset(spriteext, 0, sizeof(spriteext_t) * MAXSPRITES); memset(spritesmooth, 0, sizeof(spritesmooth_t) *(MAXSPRITES+MAXUNIQHUDID)); #ifdef POLYMER staticlightcount = 0; #endif mhk=0; initprintf("Maphacks disabled\n"); keystatus[0x44] = 0; } begindrawing(); //{{{ if (mhk)printext256(0,16,whitecol,0,(mhk==1)?"Maphacks ON":"Maphacks ON (not found)",0); enddrawing(); //}}} if (angvel != 0) //ang += angvel * constant { //ENGINE calculates angvel for you doubvel = synctics; if (keystatus[buildkeys[BK_RUN]]) //Lt. shift makes turn velocity 50% faster doubvel += (synctics>>1); ang += ((angvel*doubvel)>>4); ang = (ang+2048)&2047; } if ((vel|svel) != 0) { doubvel = synctics; if (keystatus[buildkeys[BK_RUN]]) //Lt. shift doubles forward velocity doubvel += synctics; xvect = 0, yvect = 0; if (vel != 0) { xvect += ((vel*doubvel*(int32_t)sintable[(ang+2560)&2047])>>3); yvect += ((vel*doubvel*(int32_t)sintable[(ang+2048)&2047])>>3); } if (svel != 0) { xvect += ((svel*doubvel*(int32_t)sintable[(ang+2048)&2047])>>3); yvect += ((svel*doubvel*(int32_t)sintable[(ang+1536)&2047])>>3); } if (noclip) { pos.x += xvect>>14; pos.y += yvect>>14; updatesector(pos.x,pos.y,&cursectnum); } else clipmove(&pos,&cursectnum,xvect,yvect,128L,4L<<8,4L<<8,CLIPMASK0); } getzrange(&pos,cursectnum,&hiz,&hihit,&loz,&lohit,128L,CLIPMASK0); /* if (keystatus[0x3a] > 0) { zmode++; if (zmode == 3) zmode = 0; if (zmode == 1) zlock = (loz-pos.z)&0xfffffc00; keystatus[0x3a] = 0; }*/ if (zmode == 0) { goalz = loz-(kensplayerheight<<8); //playerheight pixels above floor if (goalz < hiz+(16<<8)) //ceiling&floor too close goalz = ((loz+hiz)>>1); goalz += mousz; if (keystatus[buildkeys[BK_MOVEUP]]) //A (stand high) { /* if (keystatus[0x1d]|keystatus[0x9d]) horiz = max(-100,horiz-((keystatus[buildkeys[BK_RUN]]+1)*synctics*2)); else */ { goalz -= (16<<8); if (keystatus[buildkeys[BK_RUN]]) //Either shift key goalz -= (24<<8); } } if (keystatus[buildkeys[BK_MOVEDOWN]]) //Z (stand low) { /* if (keystatus[0x1d]|keystatus[0x9d]) horiz = min(300,horiz+((keystatus[buildkeys[BK_RUN]]+1)*synctics*2)); else */ { goalz += (12<<8); if (keystatus[buildkeys[BK_RUN]]) //Either shift key goalz += (12<<8); } } if (goalz != pos.z) { if (pos.z < goalz) hvel += 64; if (pos.z > goalz) hvel = ((goalz-pos.z)>>3); pos.z += hvel; if (pos.z > loz-(4<<8)) pos.z = loz-(4<<8), hvel = 0; if (pos.z < hiz+(4<<8)) pos.z = hiz+(4<<8), hvel = 0; } } else { goalz = pos.z; if (keystatus[buildkeys[BK_MOVEUP]]) //A { if (keystatus[0x1d]|keystatus[0x9d]) { horiz = max(-100,horiz-((keystatus[buildkeys[BK_RUN]]+1)*synctics*2)); } else { if (zmode != 1) goalz -= (8<<8); else { zlock += (4<<8); keystatus[buildkeys[BK_MOVEUP]] = 0; } } } if (keystatus[buildkeys[BK_MOVEDOWN]]) //Z (stand low) { if (keystatus[0x1d]|keystatus[0x9d]) { horiz = min(300,horiz+((keystatus[buildkeys[BK_RUN]]+1)*synctics*2)); } else { if (zmode != 1) goalz += (8<<8); else if (zlock > 0) { zlock -= (4<<8); keystatus[buildkeys[BK_MOVEDOWN]] = 0; } } } if (!noclip) { if (goalz < hiz+(4<<8)) goalz = hiz+(4<<8); if (goalz > loz-(4<<8)) goalz = loz-(4<<8); } if (zmode == 1) goalz = loz-zlock; if (!noclip && (goalz < hiz+(4<<8))) goalz = ((loz+hiz)>>1); //ceiling&floor too close if (zmode == 1) pos.z = goalz; if (goalz != pos.z) { //if (pos.z < goalz) hvel += (32< goalz) hvel -= (32< goalz) hvel = ((synctics*-192)< loz-(4<<8)) pos.z = loz-(4<<8), hvel = 0; if (pos.z < hiz+(4<<8)) pos.z = hiz+(4<<8), hvel = 0; } } else hvel = 0; } searchit = 2; if (searchstat >= 0) { if ((bstatus&(1|2|4)) > 0) searchit = 0; if (keystatus[0x1f]) //S (insert sprite) (3D) { dax = 16384; day = divscale14(searchx-(xdim>>1),xdim>>1); rotatepoint(0,0,dax,day,ang,&dax,&day); hitscan((const vec3_t *)&pos,cursectnum, //Start position dax,day,(scale(searchy,200,ydim)-horiz)*2000, //vector of 3D ang &hitinfo,CLIPMASK1); if (hitinfo.hitsect >= 0) { dax = hitinfo.pos.x; day = hitinfo.pos.y; if ((gridlock > 0) && (grid > 0)) { if ((searchstat == 0) || (searchstat == 4)) { hitinfo.pos.z = (hitinfo.pos.z&0xfffffc00); } else { dax = ((dax+(1024>>grid))&(0xffffffff<<(11-grid))); day = ((day+(1024>>grid))&(0xffffffff<<(11-grid))); } } i = insertsprite(hitinfo.hitsect,0); sprite[i].x = dax, sprite[i].y = day; sprite[i].cstat = defaultspritecstat; sprite[i].shade = 0; sprite[i].pal = 0; sprite[i].xrepeat = 64, sprite[i].yrepeat = 64; sprite[i].xoffset = 0, sprite[i].yoffset = 0; sprite[i].ang = 1536; sprite[i].xvel = 0; sprite[i].yvel = 0; sprite[i].zvel = 0; sprite[i].owner = -1; sprite[i].clipdist = 32; sprite[i].lotag = 0; sprite[i].hitag = 0; sprite[i].extra = -1; for (k=0; k localartfreq[j]) j = k; if (localartfreq[j] > 0) sprite[i].picnum = j; else sprite[i].picnum = 0; if (somethingintab == 3) { sprite[i].picnum = temppicnum; if ((tilesizx[temppicnum] <= 0) || (tilesizy[temppicnum] <= 0)) { j = 0; for (k=0; k 0) && (tilesizy[k] > 0)) { j = k; break; } sprite[i].picnum = j; } sprite[i].shade = tempshade; sprite[i].pal = temppal; sprite[i].xrepeat = tempxrepeat; sprite[i].yrepeat = tempyrepeat; if (sprite[i].xrepeat < 1) sprite[i].xrepeat = 1; if (sprite[i].yrepeat < 1) sprite[i].yrepeat = 1; sprite[i].cstat = tempcstat; } j = ((tilesizy[sprite[i].picnum]*sprite[i].yrepeat)<<1); if ((sprite[i].cstat&128) == 0) sprite[i].z = min(max(hitinfo.pos.z, getceilzofslope(hitinfo.hitsect,hitinfo.pos.x,hitinfo.pos.y)+(j<<1)), getflorzofslope(hitinfo.hitsect,hitinfo.pos.x,hitinfo.pos.y)); else sprite[i].z = min(max(hitinfo.pos.z, getceilzofslope(hitinfo.hitsect,hitinfo.pos.x,hitinfo.pos.y)+j), getflorzofslope(hitinfo.hitsect,hitinfo.pos.x,hitinfo.pos.y)-j); if ((searchstat == 0) || (searchstat == 4)) { sprite[i].cstat = (sprite[i].cstat&~48)|(16+64); if (hitinfo.hitwall >= 0) sprite[i].ang = ((getangle(wall[wall[hitinfo.hitwall].point2].x-wall[hitinfo.hitwall].x, wall[wall[hitinfo.hitwall].point2].y-wall[hitinfo.hitwall].y)+512)&2047); //Make sure sprite's in right sector if (inside(sprite[i].x,sprite[i].y,sprite[i].sectnum) == 0) { j = wall[hitinfo.hitwall].point2; sprite[i].x -= ksgn(wall[j].y-wall[hitinfo.hitwall].y); sprite[i].y += ksgn(wall[j].x-wall[hitinfo.hitwall].x); } } else { if (tilesizy[sprite[i].picnum] >= 32) sprite[i].cstat |= 1; } updatenumsprites(); asksave = 1; } keystatus[0x1f] = 0; } /* if (keystatus[0xd3] > 0) { if (searchstat == 3) { deletesprite(searchwall); updatenumsprites(); asksave = 1; } keystatus[0xd3] = 0; }*/ if (keystatus[0x3f]||keystatus[0x40]) //F5,F6 { switch (searchstat) { case 1: case 2: ExtShowSectorData(searchsector); break; case 0: case 4: ExtShowWallData(searchwall); break; case 3: ExtShowSpriteData(searchwall); break; } keystatus[0x3f] = 0, keystatus[0x40] = 0; } if (keystatus[0x41]||keystatus[0x42]) //F7,F8 { switch (searchstat) { case 1: case 2: ExtEditSectorData(searchsector); break; case 0: case 4: ExtEditWallData(searchwall); break; case 3: ExtEditSpriteData(searchwall); break; } keystatus[0x41] = 0, keystatus[0x42] = 0; } } if (keystatus[buildkeys[BK_MODE2D_3D]]) // Enter { double gamma = vid_gamma; vid_gamma = 1.0; setbrightness(0,palette,0); overheadeditor(); keystatus[buildkeys[BK_MODE2D_3D]] = 0; vid_gamma = gamma; setbrightness(brightness,palette,0); } } char changechar(char dachar, int32_t dadir, char smooshyalign, char boundcheck) { if (dadir < 0) { if ((dachar > 0) || (boundcheck == 0)) { dachar--; if (smooshyalign > 0) dachar = (dachar&0xf8); } } else if (dadir > 0) { if ((dachar < 255) || (boundcheck == 0)) { dachar++; if (smooshyalign > 0) { if (dachar >= 256-8) dachar = 255; else dachar = ((dachar+7)&0xf8); } } } return(dachar); } void overheadeditor(void) { char buffer[80], *dabuffer, ch; int32_t i, j, k, m=0, mousxplc, mousyplc, firstx=0, firsty=0, oposz, col; int32_t tempint, tempint1, tempint2, doubvel; int32_t startwall=0, endwall, dax, day, daz, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4; int32_t highlightx1, highlighty1, highlightx2, highlighty2, xvect, yvect; int16_t pag, suckwall=0, sucksect, newnumwalls, newnumsectors, split=0, bad; int16_t splitsect=0, danumwalls, secondstartwall, joinsector[2], joinsectnum; int16_t splitstartwall=0, splitendwall, loopnum; int32_t mousx, mousy, bstatus; int32_t centerx, centery, circlerad; int16_t circlepoints, circleang1, circleang2, circleangdir; int32_t sectorhighlightx=0, sectorhighlighty=0; int16_t cursectorhighlight, sectorhighlightstat; walltype *wal; int32_t prefixarg = 0; hitdata_t hitinfo; //qsetmode640480(); qsetmodeany(xdim2d,ydim2d); xdim2d = xdim; ydim2d = ydim; osearchx = searchx; osearchy = searchy; searchx = scale(searchx,xdim2d,xdimgame); searchy = scale(searchy,ydim2d-STATUS2DSIZ2,ydimgame); oposz = pos.z; begindrawing(); //{{{ clearbuf((char *)(frameplace + (ydim16*bytesperline)), (bytesperline*STATUS2DSIZ2) >> 2, 0x00000000l); clearbuf((char *)frameplace, (ydim16*bytesperline) >> 2, 0L); ydim16 = ydim; // drawline16(0,ydim-STATUS2DSIZ2,xdim-1,ydim-STATUS2DSIZ2,editorcolors[1]); /* drawline16(0,ydim-1,xdim-1,ydim-1,1); drawline16(0,ydim-STATUS2DSIZ,0,ydim-1,1); drawline16(xdim-1,ydim-STATUS2DSIZ,xdim-1,ydim-1,1); drawline16(0,ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+24,xdim-1,ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+24,1); drawline16(192-24,ydim-STATUS2DSIZ,192-24,ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+24,1); */ if (totalclock < 120*5) { printmessage16("Press F1 for help. This is a test release, expect bugs!"); printext16(8L,ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+32L,editorcolors[9],-1,kensig,0); } // printmessage16("Version: "VERSION); // drawline16(0,ydim-1-20,xdim-1,ydim-1-20,1); // drawline16(256,ydim-1-20,256,ydim-1,1); ydim16 = ydim-STATUS2DSIZ2; enddrawing(); //}}} pag = 0; highlightcnt = -1; cursectorhighlight = -1; lastpm16time = -1; //White out all bordering lines of grab that are //not highlighted on both sides for (i=highlightsectorcnt-1; i>=0; i--) { startwall = sector[highlightsector[i]].wallptr; endwall = startwall + sector[highlightsector[i]].wallnum; for (j=startwall; j= 0) { for (k=highlightsectorcnt-1; k>=0; k--) if (highlightsector[k] == wall[j].nextsector) break; if (k < 0) { wall[wall[j].nextwall].nextwall = -1; wall[wall[j].nextwall].nextsector = -1; wall[j].nextwall = -1; wall[j].nextsector = -1; } } } } for (i=0; i<(MAXWALLS>>3); i++) //Clear all highlights show2dwall[i] = 0; for (i=0; i<(MAXSPRITES>>3); i++) show2dsprite[i] = 0; sectorhighlightstat = -1; newnumwalls = -1; joinsector[0] = -1; circlewall = -1; circlepoints = 7; bstatus = 0; keystatus[buildkeys[BK_MODE2D_3D]] = 0; while ((keystatus[buildkeys[BK_MODE2D_3D]]>>1) == 0) { if (handleevents()) { if (quitevent) { keystatus[1] = 1; quitevent = 0; } } if (!graphicsmode) idle(); OSD_DispatchQueued(); oldmousebstatus = bstatus; getmousevalues(&mousx,&mousy,&bstatus); mousx = (mousx<<16)+mousexsurp; mousy = (mousy<<16)+mouseysurp; { ldiv_t ld; ld = ldiv((int32_t)(mousx), (1<<16)); mousx = ld.quot; mousexsurp = ld.rem; ld = ldiv((int32_t)(mousy), (1<<16)); mousy = ld.quot; mouseysurp = ld.rem; } searchx += mousx; searchy += mousy; if (searchx < 8) searchx = 8; if (searchx > xdim-8-1) searchx = xdim-8-1; if (searchy < 8) searchy = 8; if (searchy > ydim-8-1) searchy = ydim-8-1; /* if (keystatus[0x3b] > 0) pos.x--, keystatus[0x3b] = 0; if (keystatus[0x3c] > 0) pos.x++, keystatus[0x3c] = 0; if (keystatus[0x3d] > 0) pos.y--, keystatus[0x3d] = 0; if (keystatus[0x3e] > 0) pos.y++, keystatus[0x3e] = 0; if (keystatus[0x43] > 0) ang--, keystatus[0x43] = 0; if (keystatus[0x44] > 0) ang++, keystatus[0x44] = 0; */ if (angvel != 0) //ang += angvel * constant { //ENGINE calculates angvel for you doubvel = synctics; if (keystatus[buildkeys[BK_RUN]]) //Lt. shift makes turn velocity 50% faster doubvel += (synctics>>1); ang += ((angvel*doubvel)>>4); ang = (ang+2048)&2047; } if ((vel|svel) != 0) { doubvel = synctics; if (keystatus[buildkeys[BK_RUN]]) //Lt. shift doubles forward velocity doubvel += synctics; xvect = 0, yvect = 0; if (vel != 0) { xvect += ((vel*doubvel*(int32_t)sintable[(ang+2560)&2047])>>3); yvect += ((vel*doubvel*(int32_t)sintable[(ang+2048)&2047])>>3); } if (svel != 0) { xvect += ((svel*doubvel*(int32_t)sintable[(ang+2048)&2047])>>3); yvect += ((svel*doubvel*(int32_t)sintable[(ang+1536)&2047])>>3); } if (noclip) { pos.x += xvect>>14; pos.y += yvect>>14; updatesector(pos.x,pos.y,&cursectnum); } else clipmove(&pos,&cursectnum,xvect,yvect,128L,4L<<8,4L<<8,CLIPMASK0); } getpoint(searchx,searchy,&mousxplc,&mousyplc); linehighlight = getlinehighlight(mousxplc, mousyplc, linehighlight); if (newnumwalls >= numwalls) { dax = mousxplc; day = mousyplc; adjustmark(&dax,&day,newnumwalls); wall[newnumwalls].x = dax; wall[newnumwalls].y = day; } ydim16 = ydim - STATUS2DSIZ2; tempint = numwalls; numwalls = newnumwalls; if (numwalls < 0) numwalls = tempint; clear2dscreen(); if (graphicsmode) { int32_t ii = xyaspect; i = yxaspect; Bmemset(show2dsector, 255, sizeof(show2dsector)); setview(0, 0, xdim-1, ydim16-1); yxaspect = xyaspect = 65536; if (graphicsmode == 2) totalclocklock = totalclock; drawmapview(pos.x, pos.y + scale((57344/zoom), ydim, 200), zoom, 1536); yxaspect = i; xyaspect = ii; } draw2dgrid(pos.x,pos.y,ang,zoom,grid); ExtPreCheckKeys(); x2 = mulscale14(startposx-pos.x,zoom); //Draw brown arrow (start) y2 = mulscale14(startposy-pos.y,zoom); if (((halfxdim16+x2) >= 2) && ((halfxdim16+x2) <= xdim-3)) if (((midydim16+y2) >= 2) && ((midydim16+y2) <= ydim16-3)) { x1 = mulscale11(sintable[(startang+2560)&2047],zoom) / 768; y1 = mulscale11(sintable[(startang+2048)&2047],zoom) / 768; begindrawing(); //{{{ drawline16((halfxdim16+x2)+x1,(midydim16+y2)+y1,(halfxdim16+x2)-x1,(midydim16+y2)-y1,editorcolors[2]); drawline16((halfxdim16+x2)+x1,(midydim16+y2)+y1,(halfxdim16+x2)+y1,(midydim16+y2)-x1,editorcolors[2]); drawline16((halfxdim16+x2)+x1,(midydim16+y2)+y1,(halfxdim16+x2)-y1,(midydim16+y2)+x1,editorcolors[2]); enddrawing(); //}}} } draw2dscreen(pos.x,pos.y,ang,zoom,grid); begindrawing(); //{{{ if (showtags == 1) { if (zoom >= 768) for (i=0; i startwall) { dax /= (endwall-startwall+1); day /= (endwall-startwall+1); } dax = mulscale14(dax-pos.x,zoom); day = mulscale14(day-pos.y,zoom); x1 = halfxdim16+dax-(Bstrlen(dabuffer)<<1); y1 = midydim16+day-4; x2 = x1 + (Bstrlen(dabuffer)<<2)+2; y2 = y1 + 7; if ((x1 > 3) && (x2 < xdim) && (y1 > 1) && (y2 < ydim16)) { printext16(x1,y1,editorcolors[0],editorcolors[7],dabuffer,1); drawline16(x1-1,y1-1,x2-3,y1-1,editorcolors[7]); drawline16(x1-1,y2+1,x2-3,y2+1,editorcolors[7]); drawline16(x1-2,y1,x1-2,y2,editorcolors[7]); drawline16(x2-2,y1,x2-2,y2,editorcolors[7]); drawline16(x2-3,y1,x2-3,y2,editorcolors[7]); } } } x3 = divscale14(-halfxdim16,zoom)+pos.x; y3 = divscale14(-(midydim16-4),zoom)+pos.y; x4 = divscale14(halfxdim16,zoom)+pos.x; y4 = divscale14(ydim16-(midydim16-4),zoom)+pos.y; if (newnumwalls >= 0) { for (i=newnumwalls; i>=tempint; i--) wall[i].cstat |= (1<<14); } i = numwalls-1; if (newnumwalls >= 0) i = newnumwalls-1; for (wal=&wall[i]; i>=0; i--,wal--) { if (zoom < 768 && !(wal->cstat & (1<<14))) continue; //Get average point of wall dax = ((wal->x+wall[wal->point2].x)>>1); day = ((wal->y+wall[wal->point2].y)>>1); if ((dax > x3) && (dax < x4) && (day > y3) && (day < y4)) { dabuffer = (char *)ExtGetWallCaption(i); if (dabuffer[0] != 0) { dax = mulscale14(dax-pos.x,zoom); day = mulscale14(day-pos.y,zoom); x1 = halfxdim16+dax-(Bstrlen(dabuffer)<<1); y1 = midydim16+day-4; x2 = x1 + (Bstrlen(dabuffer)<<2)+2; y2 = y1 + 7; if ((x1 > 3) && (x2 < xdim) && (y1 > 1) && (y2 < ydim16)) { printext16(x1,y1,editorcolors[0],editorcolors[31],dabuffer,1); drawline16(x1-1,y1-1,x2-3,y1-1,editorcolors[31]); drawline16(x1-1,y2+1,x2-3,y2+1,editorcolors[31]); drawline16(x1-2,y1,x1-2,y2,editorcolors[31]); drawline16(x2-2,y1,x2-2,y2,editorcolors[31]); drawline16(x2-3,y1,x2-3,y2,editorcolors[31]); } } } } i = 0; j = numsprites; if (zoom >= 768) while ((j > 0) && (i < MAXSPRITES)) { if (sprite[i].statnum < MAXSTATUS) { dabuffer = (char *)ExtGetSpriteCaption(i); if (dabuffer[0] != 0) { //Get average point of sprite dax = sprite[i].x; day = sprite[i].y; dax = mulscale14(dax-pos.x,zoom); day = mulscale14(day-pos.y,zoom); x1 = halfxdim16+dax-(Bstrlen(dabuffer)<<1); y1 = midydim16+day-4; x2 = x1 + (Bstrlen(dabuffer)<<2)+2; y2 = y1 + 7; if ((x1 > 3) && (x2 < xdim) && (y1 > 1) && (y2 < ydim16)) { col = 3; if (spritecol2d[sprite[i].picnum][0]) col = spritecol2d[sprite[i].picnum][0]; if ((sprite[i].cstat&1) > 0) { col = 5; if (spritecol2d[sprite[i].picnum][1]) col = spritecol2d[sprite[i].picnum][1]; } if ((i == pointhighlight-16384) && (totalclock & 32)) col += (2<<2); printext16(x1,y1,editorcolors[0],editorcolors[col],dabuffer,1); drawline16(x1-1,y1-1,x2-3,y1-1,editorcolors[col]); drawline16(x1-1,y2+1,x2-3,y2+1,editorcolors[col]); drawline16(x1-2,y1,x1-2,y2,editorcolors[col]); drawline16(x2-2,y1,x2-2,y2,editorcolors[col]); drawline16(x2-3,y1,x2-3,y2,editorcolors[col]); } } j--; } i++; } } printcoords16(pos.x,pos.y,ang); numwalls = tempint; if (highlightsectorcnt > 0) for (i=0; i= 0)col = 11; drawline16(searchx,searchy-8,searchx,searchy-1,editorcolors[col]); drawline16(searchx+1,searchy-8,searchx+1,searchy-1,editorcolors[col]); drawline16(searchx,searchy+2,searchx,searchy+9,editorcolors[col]); drawline16(searchx+1,searchy+2,searchx+1,searchy+9,editorcolors[col]); drawline16(searchx-8,searchy,searchx-1,searchy,editorcolors[col]); drawline16(searchx-8,searchy+1,searchx-1,searchy+1,editorcolors[col]); drawline16(searchx+2,searchy,searchx+9,searchy,editorcolors[col]); drawline16(searchx+2,searchy+1,searchx+9,searchy+1,editorcolors[col]); //Draw the white pixel closest to mouse cursor on linehighlight if (linehighlight>=0) { getclosestpointonwall(mousxplc,mousyplc,(int32_t)linehighlight,&dax,&day); x2 = mulscale14(dax-pos.x,zoom); y2 = mulscale14(day-pos.y,zoom); if (wall[linehighlight].nextsector >= 0) drawline16(halfxdim16+x2,midydim16+y2,halfxdim16+x2,midydim16+y2,editorcolors[15]); else drawline16(halfxdim16+x2,midydim16+y2,halfxdim16+x2,midydim16+y2,editorcolors[5]); } enddrawing(); //}}} OSD_Draw(); ExtCheckKeys(); // TX 20050101, it makes more sense to have this here so keys can be overwritten with new functions in bstub.c // Flip/mirror sector Ed Coolidge if (keystatus[0x2d]) // X (2D) { if (highlightsectorcnt > 0) { k = 0; dax = 0; day = 0; for (i=0; i 0) { dax /= k; day /= k; } k = (keystatus[0x38]|keystatus[0xb8]); //ALT-X mirror sector in x if ((gridlock > 0) && (grid > 0)) { dax = ((dax+(1024>>grid))&(0xffffffff<<(11-grid))); day = ((day+(1024>>grid))&(0xffffffff<<(11-grid))); // dax = ((dax+(GRIDMAX>>grid))&(0xffffffff-(GRIDMAX>>(grid-1))+1)); // day = ((day+(GRIDMAX>>grid))&(0xffffffff-(GRIDMAX>>(grid-1))+1)); } for (i=0; i>1; for (w=1; w<=numtoswap; w++) { Bmemcpy(&tempwall,&wall[startofloop+w],sizeof(walltype)); Bmemcpy(&wall[startofloop+w],&wall[endofloop-w+1],sizeof(walltype)); Bmemcpy(&wall[endofloop-w+1],&tempwall,sizeof(walltype)); } //make point2 point to next wall in loop for (w=startofloop; w 0) { k = 0; dax = 0; day = 0; for (i=0; i 0) { dax /= k; day /= k; } k = (keystatus[0x38]|keystatus[0xb8]); //ALT-Y mirror sectors in y if ((gridlock > 0) && (grid > 0)) { dax = ((dax+(1024>>grid))&(0xffffffff<<(11-grid))); day = ((day+(1024>>grid))&(0xffffffff<<(11-grid))); // dax = ((dax+(GRIDMAX>>grid))&(0xffffffff-(GRIDMAX>>(grid-1))+1)); // day = ((day+(GRIDMAX>>grid))&(0xffffffff-(GRIDMAX>>(grid-1))+1)); } for (i=0; i>1; for (w=1; w<=numtoswap; w++) { Bmemcpy(&tempwall,&wall[startofloop+w],sizeof(walltype)); Bmemcpy(&wall[startofloop+w],&wall[endofloop-w+1],sizeof(walltype)); Bmemcpy(&wall[endofloop-w+1],&tempwall,sizeof(walltype)); } //make point2 point to next wall in loop for (w=startofloop; w= 0) { wall[linehighlight].cstat ^= 1; wall[linehighlight].cstat &= ~64; if ((wall[linehighlight].nextwall >= 0) && ((keystatus[0x2a]|keystatus[0x36]) == 0)) { wall[wall[linehighlight].nextwall].cstat &= ~(1+64); wall[wall[linehighlight].nextwall].cstat |= (wall[linehighlight].cstat&1); } asksave = 1; } keystatus[0x30] = 0; } if (keystatus[0x21]) //F (F alone does nothing in 2D right now) { keystatus[0x21] = 0; if (keystatus[0x38]|keystatus[0xb8]) //ALT-F (relative alignmment flip) { linehighlight = getlinehighlight(mousxplc, mousyplc, linehighlight); if (linehighlight >= 0) { setfirstwall(sectorofwall(linehighlight),linehighlight); asksave = 1; printmessage16("This wall now sector's first wall (sector[].wallptr)"); } } } if (keystatus[0x18]) // O (ornament onto wall) (2D) { keystatus[0x18] = 0; if ((pointhighlight&0xc000) == 16384) { asksave = 1; i = (pointhighlight&16383); hitscan((const vec3_t *)&sprite[i],sprite[i].sectnum, sintable[(sprite[i].ang+2560+1024)&2047], sintable[(sprite[i].ang+2048+1024)&2047], 0,&hitinfo,CLIPMASK1); sprite[i].x = hitinfo.pos.x; sprite[i].y = hitinfo.pos.y; sprite[i].z = hitinfo.pos.z; changespritesect(i,hitinfo.hitsect); if (hitinfo.hitwall >= 0) sprite[i].ang = ((getangle(wall[wall[hitinfo.hitwall].point2].x-wall[hitinfo.hitwall].x,wall[wall[hitinfo.hitwall].point2].y-wall[hitinfo.hitwall].y)+512)&2047); //Make sure sprite's in right sector if (inside(sprite[i].x,sprite[i].y,sprite[i].sectnum) == 0) { j = wall[hitinfo.hitwall].point2; sprite[i].x -= ksgn(wall[j].y-wall[hitinfo.hitwall].y); sprite[i].y += ksgn(wall[j].x-wall[hitinfo.hitwall].x); } } } if (keystatus[0x33] || (bstatus&1 && bstatus&32)) // , (2D) { if (highlightsectorcnt > 0) { k = 0; dax = 0; day = 0; for (i=0; i 0) { dax /= k; day /= k; } k = (keystatus[0x2a]|keystatus[0x36]); if (k == 0) { if ((gridlock > 0) && (grid > 0)) { dax = ((dax+(1024>>grid))&(0xffffffff<<(11-grid))); day = ((day+(1024>>grid))&(0xffffffff<<(11-grid))); } } for (i=0; i= 16384) { i = pointhighlight-16384; if (keystatus[0x2a]|keystatus[0x36]) sprite[i].ang = ((sprite[i].ang+2048-1)&2047); else { sprite[i].ang = ((sprite[i].ang+2048-128)&2047); keystatus[0x33] = 0; } mouseb &= ~32; bstatus &= ~32; clearmidstatbar16(); showspritedata((int16_t)pointhighlight-16384); } } } if (keystatus[0x34] || (bstatus&1 && bstatus&16)) // . (2D) { if (highlightsectorcnt > 0) { k = 0; dax = 0; day = 0; for (i=0; i 0) { dax /= k; day /= k; } k = (keystatus[0x2a]|keystatus[0x36]); if (k == 0) { if ((gridlock > 0) && (grid > 0)) { dax = ((dax+(1024>>grid))&(0xffffffff<<(11-grid))); day = ((day+(1024>>grid))&(0xffffffff<<(11-grid))); } } for (i=0; i= 16384) { i = pointhighlight-16384; if (keystatus[0x2a]|keystatus[0x36]) sprite[i].ang = ((sprite[i].ang+2048+1)&2047); else { sprite[i].ang = ((sprite[i].ang+2048+128)&2047); keystatus[0x34] = 0; } mouseb &= ~16; bstatus &= ~16; clearmidstatbar16(); showspritedata((int16_t)pointhighlight-16384); } } } if (keystatus[0x46]) //Scroll lock (set starting position) { startposx = pos.x; startposy = pos.y; startposz = pos.z; startang = ang; startsectnum = cursectnum; keystatus[0x46] = 0; asksave = 1; } if (keystatus[0x3f]) //F5 { // keystatus[0x3f] = 0; for (i=0; i= 16384) { i = pointhighlight-16384; ydim16 = STATUS2DSIZ; ExtShowSpriteData((int16_t)i); ydim16 = ydim-STATUS2DSIZ2; } else if (linehighlight >= 0) { i = linehighlight; ydim16 = STATUS2DSIZ; ExtShowWallData((int16_t)i); ydim16 = ydim-STATUS2DSIZ2; } } if (keystatus[0x41]) //F7 { keystatus[0x41] = 0; for (i=0; i= 16384) { i = pointhighlight-16384; ydim16 = STATUS2DSIZ; ExtEditSpriteData((int16_t)i); ydim16 = ydim-STATUS2DSIZ2; } else if (linehighlight >= 0) { i = linehighlight; ydim16 = STATUS2DSIZ; ExtEditWallData((int16_t)i); ydim16 = ydim-STATUS2DSIZ2; } } if (keystatus[0x23]) //H (Hi 16 bits of tag) { keystatus[0x23] = 0; if (keystatus[0x1d]|keystatus[0x9d]) //Ctrl-H { pointhighlight = getpointhighlight(mousxplc, mousyplc, pointhighlight); linehighlight = getlinehighlight(mousxplc, mousyplc, linehighlight); if ((pointhighlight&0xc000) == 16384) { sprite[pointhighlight&16383].cstat ^= 256; asksave = 1; } else if (linehighlight >= 0) { wall[linehighlight].cstat ^= 64; if ((wall[linehighlight].nextwall >= 0) && ((keystatus[0x2a]|keystatus[0x36]) == 0)) { wall[wall[linehighlight].nextwall].cstat &= ~64; wall[wall[linehighlight].nextwall].cstat |= (wall[linehighlight].cstat&64); } asksave = 1; } } else if (keystatus[0x38]|keystatus[0xb8]) //ALT { if (pointhighlight >= 16384) { i = pointhighlight-16384; Bsprintf(buffer,"Sprite (%d) Hi-tag: ",i); sprite[i].hitag = getnumber16(buffer,sprite[i].hitag,65536L,0); clearmidstatbar16(); showspritedata((int16_t)i); } else if (linehighlight >= 0) { i = linehighlight; Bsprintf(buffer,"Wall (%d) Hi-tag: ",i); wall[i].hitag = getnumber16(buffer,wall[i].hitag,65536L,0); clearmidstatbar16(); showwalldata((int16_t)i); } } else { for (i=0; i= 16384) { i = pointhighlight-16384; Bsprintf(buffer,"Sprite (%d) Status list: ",i); changespritestat(i,getnumber16(buffer,sprite[i].statnum,65536L,0)); clearmidstatbar16(); showspritedata((int16_t)i); } // printmessage16(""); keystatus[0x12] = 0; } if (highlightsectorcnt < 0) { if (keystatus[0x36]) //Right shift (point highlighting) { if (highlightcnt == 0) { highlightx2 = searchx, highlighty2 = searchy; ydim16 = ydim-STATUS2DSIZ2; drawline16(highlightx2,highlighty1,highlightx1,highlighty1,editorcolors[5]); drawline16(highlightx2,highlighty2,highlightx1,highlighty2,editorcolors[5]); drawline16(highlightx1,highlighty2,highlightx1,highlighty1,editorcolors[5]); drawline16(highlightx2,highlighty2,highlightx2,highlighty1,editorcolors[5]); } if (highlightcnt != 0) { highlightx1 = searchx; highlighty1 = searchy; highlightx2 = searchx; highlighty2 = searchx; highlightcnt = 0; for (i=0; i<(MAXWALLS>>3); i++) //Clear all highlights show2dwall[i] = 0; for (i=0; i<(MAXSPRITES>>3); i++) show2dsprite[i] = 0; } } else { if (highlightcnt == 0) { getpoint(highlightx1,highlighty1,&highlightx1,&highlighty1); getpoint(highlightx2,highlighty2,&highlightx2,&highlighty2); if (highlightx1 > highlightx2) { tempint = highlightx1; highlightx1 = highlightx2; highlightx2 = tempint; } if (highlighty1 > highlighty2) { tempint = highlighty1; highlighty1 = highlighty2; highlighty2 = tempint; } if (keystatus[0x1d]|keystatus[0x9d]) { if ((linehighlight >= 0) && (linehighlight < MAXWALLS)) { i = linehighlight; do { highlight[highlightcnt++] = i; show2dwall[i>>3] |= (1<<(i&7)); for (j=0; j>3] |= (1<<(j&7)); } i = wall[i].point2; } while (i != linehighlight); } } else { for (i=0; i= highlightx1) && (wall[i].x <= highlightx2)) if ((wall[i].y >= highlighty1) && (wall[i].y <= highlighty2)) { highlight[highlightcnt++] = i; show2dwall[i>>3] |= (1<<(i&7)); } for (i=0; i= highlightx1) && (sprite[i].x <= highlightx2)) if ((sprite[i].y >= highlighty1) && (sprite[i].y <= highlighty2)) { highlight[highlightcnt++] = i+16384; show2dsprite[i>>3] |= (1<<(i&7)); } } if (highlightcnt <= 0) highlightcnt = -1; } } } if (highlightcnt < 0) { if (keystatus[0xb8]) //Right alt (sector highlighting) { if (highlightsectorcnt == 0) { highlightx2 = searchx, highlighty2 = searchy; ydim16 = ydim-STATUS2DSIZ2; begindrawing(); //{{{ drawline16(highlightx2,highlighty1,highlightx1,highlighty1,editorcolors[10]); drawline16(highlightx2,highlighty2,highlightx1,highlighty2,editorcolors[10]); drawline16(highlightx1,highlighty2,highlightx1,highlighty1,editorcolors[10]); drawline16(highlightx2,highlighty2,highlightx2,highlighty1,editorcolors[10]); enddrawing(); //}}} } if (highlightsectorcnt != 0) { for (i=0; i= 0) checksectorpointer(wall[j].nextwall,wall[j].nextsector); checksectorpointer((int16_t)j,highlightsector[i]); } } highlightx1 = searchx; highlighty1 = searchy; highlightx2 = searchx; highlighty2 = searchx; highlightsectorcnt = 0; } } else { if (highlightsectorcnt == 0) { getpoint(highlightx1,highlighty1,&highlightx1,&highlighty1); getpoint(highlightx2,highlighty2,&highlightx2,&highlighty2); if (highlightx1 > highlightx2) { tempint = highlightx1; highlightx1 = highlightx2; highlightx2 = tempint; } if (highlighty1 > highlighty2) { tempint = highlighty1; highlighty1 = highlighty2; highlighty2 = tempint; } for (i=0; i highlightx2) bad = 1; if (wall[j].y < highlighty1) bad = 1; if (wall[j].y > highlighty2) bad = 1; if (bad == 1) break; } if (bad == 0) highlightsector[highlightsectorcnt++] = i; } if (highlightsectorcnt <= 0) highlightsectorcnt = -1; //White out all bordering lines of grab that are //not highlighted on both sides for (i=highlightsectorcnt-1; i>=0; i--) { startwall = sector[highlightsector[i]].wallptr; endwall = startwall + sector[highlightsector[i]].wallnum; for (j=startwall; j= 0) { for (k=highlightsectorcnt-1; k>=0; k--) if (highlightsector[k] == wall[j].nextsector) break; if (k < 0) { wall[wall[j].nextwall].nextwall = -1; wall[wall[j].nextwall].nextsector = -1; wall[j].nextwall = -1; wall[j].nextsector = -1; } } } } } } } if (((bstatus&1) < (oldmousebstatus&1)) && (highlightsectorcnt < 0)) //after dragging { int32_t wallsdrawn = newnumwalls-numwalls; if (newnumwalls != -1) { newnumwalls = -1; Bmemcpy(&wall[MAXWALLS-wallsdrawn],&wall[numwalls],sizeof(walltype) * wallsdrawn); } else wallsdrawn = -1; j = 1; if (highlightcnt > 0) for (i=0; i=0; i--) //delete points { if (wall[i].x == wall[wall[i].point2].x) if (wall[i].y == wall[wall[i].point2].y) if (sector[sectorofwall((int16_t)i)].wallnum > 3) if (sector[sectorofwall(wall[i].point2)].wallnum > 3) if (!(wall[i].nextwall == -1 || (sector[sectorofwall(wall[i].nextwall)].wallnum > 3 && sector[sectorofwall(wall[wall[i].nextwall].point2)].wallnum > 3))) { printmessage16("Invalid operation, delete or join sector instead."); goto SKIP; } } for (i=numwalls-1; i>=0; i--) //delete points { if (wall[i].x == wall[wall[i].point2].x) if (wall[i].y == wall[wall[i].point2].y) if (sector[sectorofwall((int16_t)i)].wallnum > 3) if (sector[sectorofwall(wall[i].point2)].wallnum > 3) if (wall[i].nextwall == -1 || (sector[sectorofwall(wall[i].nextwall)].wallnum > 3 && sector[sectorofwall(wall[wall[i].nextwall].point2)].wallnum > 3)) { deletepoint((int16_t)i); printmessage16("Point deleted."); asksave = 1; } } for (i=0; i 0) //drag points { if (highlightsectorcnt > 0) { if ((bstatus&1) > (oldmousebstatus&1)) { newnumwalls = -1; sectorhighlightstat = -1; updatesector(mousxplc,mousyplc,&cursectorhighlight); if ((cursectorhighlight >= 0) && (cursectorhighlight < numsectors)) { for (i=0; i 0) && (grid > 0)) { dax = ((dax+(1024>>grid))&(0xffffffff<<(11-grid))); day = ((day+(1024>>grid))&(0xffffffff<<(11-grid))); } sectorhighlightx = dax; sectorhighlighty = day; break; } } } else if (sectorhighlightstat == 1) { dax = mousxplc; day = mousyplc; if ((gridlock > 0) && (grid > 0)) { dax = ((dax+(1024>>grid))&(0xffffffff<<(11-grid))); day = ((day+(1024>>grid))&(0xffffffff<<(11-grid))); } dax -= sectorhighlightx; day -= sectorhighlighty; sectorhighlightx += dax; sectorhighlighty += day; for (i=0; i=0; j=nextspritesect[j]) { sprite[j].x += dax; sprite[j].y += day; } } //for(i=0;i= 0) // checksectorpointer(wall[j].nextwall,wall[j].nextsector); // checksectorpointer((short)j,highlightsector[i]); // } //} asksave = 1; } } else { if ((bstatus&1) > (oldmousebstatus&1)) pointhighlight = getpointhighlight(mousxplc, mousyplc, pointhighlight); if (pointhighlight >= 0) { dax = mousxplc; day = mousyplc; if ((gridlock > 0) && (grid > 0)) { dax = ((dax+(1024>>grid))&(0xffffffff<<(11-grid))); day = ((day+(1024>>grid))&(0xffffffff<<(11-grid))); } j = 1; if (highlightcnt > 0) for (i=0; i= getceilzofslope(i,dax,day)) if (sprite[pointhighlight&16383].z-daz <= getflorzofslope(i,dax,day)) { sprite[pointhighlight&16383].x = dax; sprite[pointhighlight&16383].y = day; if (sprite[pointhighlight&16383].sectnum != i) changespritesect(pointhighlight&16383,(int16_t)i); break; } } } asksave = 1; } } } else { pointhighlight = getpointhighlight(mousxplc, mousyplc, pointhighlight); sectorhighlightstat = -1; } if ((bstatus&6) > 0) { if (keystatus[0x1d]|keystatus[0x9d]) { int16_t cursectornum; for (cursectornum=0; cursectornum= 16384) { i = pointhighlight-16384; ExtEditSpriteData((int16_t)i); } else if ((linehighlight >= 0) && (bstatus&1 || sectorofwall(linehighlight) == cursectornum)) { ExtEditWallData((int16_t)linehighlight); } else if (cursectornum >= 0) { ExtEditSectorData((int16_t)cursectornum); } } bstatus &= ~6; } else { searchx = halfxdim16; searchy = midydim16; pos.x = mousxplc; pos.y = mousyplc; } } if (circlewall != -1 && (keystatus[0x4a] || (bstatus&32 && !(keystatus[0x1d]|keystatus[0x9d])))) // - { if (circlepoints > 1) circlepoints--; keystatus[0x4a] = 0; mouseb &= ~32; bstatus &= ~32; } if (circlewall != -1 && (keystatus[0x4e] || (bstatus&16 && !(keystatus[0x1d]|keystatus[0x9d])))) // + { if (circlepoints < 63) circlepoints++; keystatus[0x4e] = 0; mouseb &= ~16; bstatus &= ~16; } if ((keystatus[buildkeys[BK_MOVEUP]] || (bstatus&16)) && (zoom < 16384)) { zoom += synctics*(zoom>>4); if (zoom < 24) zoom += 2; if (bstatus&16 && (keystatus[0x38] || keystatus[0xb8])) { searchx = halfxdim16; searchy = midydim16; pos.x = mousxplc; pos.y = mousyplc; } if (zoom > 16384) zoom = 16384; _printmessage16("Zoom: %d",zoom); } if ((keystatus[buildkeys[BK_MOVEDOWN]] || (bstatus&32)) && (zoom > 8)) { zoom -= synctics*(zoom>>4); if (bstatus&32 && (keystatus[0x38] || keystatus[0xb8])) { searchx = halfxdim16; searchy = midydim16; pos.x = mousxplc; pos.y = mousyplc; } if (zoom < 8) zoom = 8; _printmessage16("Zoom: %d",zoom); } if (keystatus[0x22]) // G (grid on/off) { grid++; if (grid == 7) grid = 0; keystatus[0x22] = 0; } if (keystatus[0x26]) // L (grid lock) { gridlock = 1-gridlock, keystatus[0x26] = 0; if (gridlock == 0) printmessage16("Grid locking off"); else printmessage16("Grid locking on"); } if (keystatus[0x24]) // J (join sectors) { if (joinsector[0] >= 0) { joinsector[1] = -1; for (i=0; i= endwall && i != joinsector[0]) { _printmessage16("Join non-adjacent sectors? (Y/N)"); showframe(1); bflushchars(); ch = 0; while (keystatus[1] == 0) { if (handleevents()) { if (quitevent) { quitevent = 0; } } idle(); ch = bgetchar(); if (ch == 'Y' || ch == 'y') { joinsector[1] = i; break; } else if (ch == 'N' || ch == 'n' || ch == 13 || ch == ' ') { joinsector[1] = joinsector[0]; break; } } break; } else { joinsector[1] = i; break; } } } if ((joinsector[1] >= 0) && (joinsector[0] != joinsector[1])) { newnumwalls = numwalls; for (k=0; k<2; k++) { startwall = sector[joinsector[k]].wallptr; endwall = startwall + sector[joinsector[k]].wallnum - 1; for (j=startwall; j<=endwall; j++) { if (wall[j].cstat == 255) continue; joinsectnum = k; if (wall[j].nextsector == joinsector[1-joinsectnum]) { wall[j].cstat = 255; continue; } i = j; m = newnumwalls; do { Bmemcpy(&wall[newnumwalls],&wall[i],sizeof(walltype)); wall[newnumwalls].point2 = newnumwalls+1; newnumwalls++; wall[i].cstat = 255; i = wall[i].point2; if (wall[i].nextsector == joinsector[1-joinsectnum]) { i = wall[wall[i].nextwall].point2; joinsectnum = 1 - joinsectnum; } } while ((wall[i].cstat != 255) && (wall[i].nextsector != joinsector[1-joinsectnum])); wall[newnumwalls-1].point2 = m; } } if (newnumwalls > numwalls) { Bmemcpy(§or[numsectors],§or[joinsector[0]],sizeof(sectortype)); sector[numsectors].wallptr = numwalls; sector[numsectors].wallnum = newnumwalls-numwalls; //fix sprites for (i=0; i<2; i++) { j = headspritesect[joinsector[i]]; while (j != -1) { k = nextspritesect[j]; changespritesect(j,numsectors); j = k; } } numsectors++; for (i=numwalls; i= 0) { wall[wall[i].nextwall].nextwall = i; wall[wall[i].nextwall].nextsector = numsectors-1; } } numwalls = newnumwalls; newnumwalls = -1; for (k=0; k<2; k++) { startwall = sector[joinsector[k]].wallptr; endwall = startwall + sector[joinsector[k]].wallnum - 1; for (j=startwall; j<=endwall; j++) { wall[j].nextwall = -1; wall[j].nextsector = -1; } } deletesector((int16_t)joinsector[0]); if (joinsector[0] < joinsector[1]) joinsector[1]--; deletesector((int16_t)joinsector[1]); printmessage16("Sectors joined."); } } else { printmessage16("No sectors joined."); } joinsector[0] = -1; } else { joinsector[0] = -1; for (i=0; i= 0) && (wall[linehighlight].nextwall == -1)) { if ((newnumwalls = whitelinescan(linehighlight)) < numwalls) { printmessage16("Can't make a sector out there."); } else { for (i=numwalls; i= 0) { dax = mousxplc; day = mousyplc; if ((gridlock > 0) && (grid > 0)) { dax = ((dax+(1024>>grid))&(0xffffffff<<(11-grid))); day = ((day+(1024>>grid))&(0xffffffff<<(11-grid))); } i = insertsprite(sucksect,0); sprite[i].x = dax, sprite[i].y = day; sprite[i].cstat = defaultspritecstat; sprite[i].shade = 0; sprite[i].pal = 0; sprite[i].xrepeat = 64, sprite[i].yrepeat = 64; sprite[i].xoffset = 0, sprite[i].yoffset = 0; sprite[i].ang = 1536; sprite[i].xvel = 0; sprite[i].yvel = 0; sprite[i].zvel = 0; sprite[i].owner = -1; sprite[i].clipdist = 32; sprite[i].lotag = 0; sprite[i].hitag = 0; sprite[i].extra = -1; sprite[i].z = getflorzofslope(sucksect,dax,day); if ((sprite[i].cstat&128) != 0) sprite[i].z -= ((tilesizy[sprite[i].picnum]*sprite[i].yrepeat)<<1); for (k=0; k localartfreq[j]) j = k; if (localartfreq[j] > 0) sprite[i].picnum = j; else sprite[i].picnum = 0; // PK if (prefixarg) { sprite[i].picnum = prefixarg; sprite[i].xrepeat = sprite[i].yrepeat = 48; prefixarg = 0; } else if (somethingintab == 3) { sprite[i].picnum = temppicnum; if ((tilesizx[temppicnum] <= 0) || (tilesizy[temppicnum] <= 0)) { j = 0; for (k=0; k 0) && (tilesizy[k] > 0)) { j = k; break; } sprite[i].picnum = j; } sprite[i].shade = tempshade; sprite[i].pal = temppal; sprite[i].xrepeat = tempxrepeat; sprite[i].yrepeat = tempyrepeat; if (sprite[i].xrepeat < 1) sprite[i].xrepeat = 1; if (sprite[i].yrepeat < 1) sprite[i].yrepeat = 1; sprite[i].cstat = tempcstat; } if (tilesizy[sprite[i].picnum] >= 32) sprite[i].cstat |= 1; printmessage16("Sprite inserted."); updatenumsprites(); asksave = 1; } keystatus[0x1f] = 0; } if (keystatus[0x2e]) // C (make circle of points) { if (highlightsectorcnt >= 0) { newnumsectors = numsectors; newnumwalls = numwalls; for (i=0; i= 0) checksectorpointer(wall[j].nextwall,wall[j].nextsector); checksectorpointer((int16_t)j,highlightsector[i]); } highlightsector[i] = numsectors+i; } numsectors = newnumsectors; numwalls = newnumwalls; newnumwalls = -1; newnumsectors = -1; updatenumsprites(); printmessage16("Sectors duplicated and stamped."); asksave = 1; } else if (highlightcnt >= 0) { for (i=0; i= 0) { circlewall = -1; } else { if (linehighlight >= 0) circlewall = linehighlight; } keystatus[0x2e] = 0; } bad = (keystatus[0x39]); //Gotta do this to save lots of 3 spaces! if (circlewall >= 0) { x1 = wall[circlewall].x; y1 = wall[circlewall].y; x2 = wall[wall[circlewall].point2].x; y2 = wall[wall[circlewall].point2].y; x3 = mousxplc; y3 = mousyplc; adjustmark(&x3,&y3,newnumwalls); tempint1 = dmulscale4(x3-x2,x1-x3,y1-y3,y3-y2); tempint2 = dmulscale4(y1-y2,x1-x3,y1-y3,x2-x1); if (tempint2 != 0) { int32_t pointsize = 2; centerx = (((x1+x2) + scale(y1-y2,tempint1,tempint2))>>1); centery = (((y1+y2) + scale(x2-x1,tempint1,tempint2))>>1); dax = mulscale14(centerx-pos.x,zoom); day = mulscale14(centery-pos.y,zoom); drawline16(halfxdim16+dax-2,midydim16+day-2,halfxdim16+dax+2,midydim16+day+2,editorcolors[14]); drawline16(halfxdim16+dax-2,midydim16+day+2,halfxdim16+dax+2,midydim16+day-2,editorcolors[14]); circleang1 = getangle(x1-centerx,y1-centery); circleang2 = getangle(x2-centerx,y2-centery); circleangdir = 1; k = ((circleang2-circleang1)&2047); if (mulscale4(x3-x1,y2-y1) < mulscale4(x2-x1,y3-y1)) { circleangdir = -1; k = -((circleang1-circleang2)&2047); } circlerad = (ksqrt(dmulscale4(centerx-x1,centerx-x1,centery-y1,centery-y1))<<2); for (i=circlepoints; i>0; i--) { j = ((circleang1 + scale(i,k,circlepoints+1))&2047); dax = centerx+mulscale14(sintable[(j+512)&2047],circlerad); day = centery+mulscale14(sintable[j],circlerad); if (dax <= -editorgridextent) dax = -editorgridextent; if (dax >= editorgridextent) dax = editorgridextent; if (day <= -editorgridextent) day = -editorgridextent; if (day >= editorgridextent) day = editorgridextent; if (bad > 0) { m = 0; if (wall[circlewall].nextwall >= 0) if (wall[circlewall].nextwall < circlewall) m = 1; insertpoint(circlewall,dax,day); circlewall += m; } dax = mulscale14(dax-pos.x,zoom); day = mulscale14(day-pos.y,zoom); drawline16(halfxdim16+dax-pointsize,midydim16+day-pointsize,halfxdim16+dax+pointsize,midydim16+day-pointsize,editorcolors[14]); drawline16(halfxdim16+dax+pointsize,midydim16+day-pointsize,halfxdim16+dax+pointsize,midydim16+day+pointsize,editorcolors[14]); drawline16(halfxdim16+dax+pointsize,midydim16+day+pointsize,halfxdim16+dax-pointsize,midydim16+day+pointsize,editorcolors[14]); drawline16(halfxdim16+dax-pointsize,midydim16+day+pointsize,halfxdim16+dax-pointsize,midydim16+day-pointsize,editorcolors[14]); // drawcircle16(halfxdim16+dax, midydim16+day, 3, 14); } if (bad > 0) { bad = 0; keystatus[0x39] = 0; asksave = 1; printmessage16("Circle points inserted."); circlewall = -1; } } } if (bad > 0) //Space bar test { keystatus[0x39] = 0; adjustmark(&mousxplc,&mousyplc,newnumwalls); if (checkautoinsert(mousxplc,mousyplc,newnumwalls) == 1) { printmessage16("You must insert a point there first."); bad = 0; } } if (bad > 0) //Space { if ((newnumwalls < numwalls) && (numwalls < MAXWALLS-1)) { firstx = mousxplc, firsty = mousyplc; //Make first point newnumwalls = numwalls; suckwall = -1; split = 0; //clearbufbyte(&wall[newnumwalls],sizeof(walltype),0L); memset(&wall[newnumwalls],0,sizeof(walltype)); wall[newnumwalls].extra = -1; wall[newnumwalls].x = mousxplc; wall[newnumwalls].y = mousyplc; wall[newnumwalls].nextsector = -1; wall[newnumwalls].nextwall = -1; for (i=0; i>1); day = ((wall[numwalls].y+mousyplc)>>1); for (i=0; i= 0) if ((wall[wall[k].point2].x != mousxplc) || (wall[wall[k].point2].y != mousyplc)) if ((wall[lastwall((int16_t)k)].x != mousxplc) || (wall[lastwall((int16_t)k)].y != mousyplc)) { split = 1; splitsect = i; splitstartwall = m; break; } } } //make new point //make sure not drawing over old red line bad = 0; for (i=0; i= 0) { if ((wall[i].x == mousxplc) && (wall[i].y == mousyplc)) if ((wall[wall[i].point2].x == wall[newnumwalls-1].x) && (wall[wall[i].point2].y == wall[newnumwalls-1].y)) bad = 1; if ((wall[i].x == wall[newnumwalls-1].x) && (wall[i].y == wall[newnumwalls-1].y)) if ((wall[wall[i].point2].x == mousxplc) && (wall[wall[i].point2].y == mousyplc)) bad = 1; } } if (bad == 0) { //clearbufbyte(&wall[newnumwalls],sizeof(walltype),0L); memset(&wall[newnumwalls],0,sizeof(walltype)); wall[newnumwalls].extra = -1; wall[newnumwalls].x = mousxplc; wall[newnumwalls].y = mousyplc; wall[newnumwalls].nextsector = -1; wall[newnumwalls].nextwall = -1; for (i=0; i= numwalls+3)) { wall[newnumwalls-1].point2 = numwalls; if (suckwall == -1) //if no connections to other sectors { k = -1; for (i=0; i= suckwall) wall[i].nextwall += j; if (wall[i].point2 >= suckwall) wall[i].point2 += j; } for (i=newnumwalls-1; i>=suckwall; i--) Bmemcpy(&wall[i+j],&wall[i],sizeof(walltype)); for (i=0; inumwalls; j--) { Bmemcpy(&wall[danumwalls],&wall[j],sizeof(walltype)); wall[danumwalls].nextwall = -1; wall[danumwalls].nextsector = -1; wall[danumwalls].point2 = danumwalls+1; danumwalls++; } m = splitstartwall; //copy rest of loop next while (m != splitendwall) { Bmemcpy(&wall[danumwalls],&wall[m],sizeof(walltype)); wall[danumwalls].point2 = danumwalls+1; danumwalls++; m = wall[m].point2; } wall[danumwalls-1].point2 = secondstartwall; //Add other loops for 2nd sector loopnum = loopnumofsector(splitsect,splitstartwall); i = loopnum; for (j=startwall; j<=endwall; j++) { k = loopnumofsector(splitsect,(int16_t)j); if ((k != i) && (k != loopnum)) { i = k; if (loopinside(wall[j].x,wall[j].y,secondstartwall) == 1) { m = j; //copy loop k = danumwalls; do { Bmemcpy(&wall[danumwalls],&wall[m],sizeof(walltype)); wall[danumwalls].point2 = danumwalls+1; danumwalls++; m = wall[m].point2; } while (m != j); wall[danumwalls-1].point2 = k; } } } //fix all next pointers on old sector line for (j=numwalls; j= 0) { wall[wall[j].nextwall].nextwall = j; if (j < secondstartwall) wall[wall[j].nextwall].nextsector = numsectors; else wall[wall[j].nextwall].nextsector = numsectors+1; } } //set all next pointers on split for (j=numwalls; j= 0) checksectorpointer(wall[j].nextwall,wall[j].nextsector); checksectorpointer((int16_t)j,sectorofwall((int16_t)j)); } //k now safe to use as temp for (m=numsectors-2; mnumwalls; j--) { Bmemcpy(&wall[danumwalls],&wall[j],sizeof(walltype)); wall[danumwalls].nextwall = -1; wall[danumwalls].nextsector = -1; wall[danumwalls].point2 = danumwalls+1; danumwalls++; } m = splitstartwall; //copy rest of loop next do { Bmemcpy(&wall[danumwalls],&wall[m],sizeof(walltype)); wall[danumwalls].point2 = danumwalls+1; danumwalls++; m = wall[m].point2; } while (m != splitstartwall); wall[danumwalls-1].point2 = numwalls; //Add other loops to sector loopnum = loopnumofsector(splitsect,splitstartwall); i = loopnum; for (j=startwall; j<=endwall; j++) { k = loopnumofsector(splitsect,(int16_t)j); if ((k != i) && (k != loopnumofsector(splitsect,splitstartwall)) && (k != loopnumofsector(splitsect,splitendwall))) { i = k; m = j; k = danumwalls; //copy loop do { Bmemcpy(&wall[danumwalls],&wall[m],sizeof(walltype)); wall[danumwalls].point2 = danumwalls+1; danumwalls++; m = wall[m].point2; } while (m != j); wall[danumwalls-1].point2 = k; } } //fix all next pointers on old sector line for (j=numwalls; j= 0) { wall[wall[j].nextwall].nextwall = j; wall[wall[j].nextwall].nextsector = numsectors; } } //copy sector attributes & fix wall pointers Bmemcpy(§or[numsectors],§or[splitsect],sizeof(sectortype)); sector[numsectors].wallptr = numwalls; sector[numsectors].wallnum = danumwalls-numwalls; //fix sprites j = headspritesect[splitsect]; while (j != -1) { k = nextspritesect[j]; changespritesect(j,numsectors); j = k; } numsectors++; //Back of number of walls of new sector for later k = danumwalls-numwalls; //clear out old sector's next pointers for clean deletesector numwalls = danumwalls; for (j=startwall; j<=endwall; j++) { wall[j].nextwall = -1; wall[j].nextsector = -1; } deletesector(splitsect); //Check pointers for (j=numwalls-k; j= 0) checksectorpointer(wall[j].nextwall,wall[j].nextsector); checksectorpointer((int16_t)j,numsectors-1); } newnumwalls = -1; printmessage16("Loops joined."); break; } } } } } if (keystatus[0x1c]) //Left Enter { keystatus[0x1c] = 0; if (keystatus[0x2a]&keystatus[0x1d]) { printmessage16("CHECKING ALL POINTERS!"); for (i=0; i=0; i--) sector[i].wallnum = sector[i+1].wallptr-sector[i].wallptr; sector[numsectors-1].wallnum = numwalls-sector[numsectors-1].wallptr; for (i=0; i= 0) { checksectorpointer(linehighlight,sectorofwall(linehighlight)); printmessage16("Highlighted line pointers checked."); asksave = 1; } } } if (keystatus[0x0e]) //Backspace { if (newnumwalls >= numwalls) { if (newnumwalls > numwalls) { newnumwalls--; asksave = 1; keystatus[0x0e] = 0; } if (newnumwalls == numwalls) { newnumwalls = -1; asksave = 1; keystatus[0x0e] = 0; } } else { if (keystatus[buildkeys[BK_RUN]] || keystatus[0x36]) { if (--graphicsmode < 0) graphicsmode = 2; } else { if (++graphicsmode > 2) graphicsmode = 0; } printmessage16("2D mode textures %s", (graphicsmode == 2)?"enabled w/ animation":graphicsmode?"enabled":"disabled"); keystatus[0x0e] = 0; } } if (keystatus[0xd3] && (keystatus[0x1d]||keystatus[0x9d]) && (numwalls >= 0)) { //sector delete keystatus[0xd3] = 0; sucksect = -1; for (i=0; i= 0) for (j=0; j=0; j--) { deletesector(highlightsector[j]); for (k=j-1; k>=0; k--) if (highlightsector[k] >= highlightsector[j]) highlightsector[k]--; } printmessage16("Highlighted sectors deleted."); newnumwalls = -1; k = 1; highlightsectorcnt = -1; break; } if (k == 0) { deletesector((int16_t)i); highlightsectorcnt = -1; printmessage16("Sector deleted."); } newnumwalls = -1; asksave = 1; break; } } if (keystatus[0xd3] && (pointhighlight >= 0)) { if ((pointhighlight&0xc000) == 16384) //Sprite Delete { deletesprite(pointhighlight&16383); printmessage16("Sprite deleted."); updatenumsprites(); asksave = 1; } keystatus[0xd3] = 0; } if (keystatus[0xd2] || keystatus[0x17]) //InsertPoint { if (highlightsectorcnt >= 0) { newnumsectors = numsectors; newnumwalls = numwalls; for (i=0; i= 0) checksectorpointer(wall[j].nextwall,wall[j].nextsector); checksectorpointer((int16_t)j,highlightsector[i]); } highlightsector[i] = numsectors+i; } numsectors = newnumsectors; numwalls = newnumwalls; newnumwalls = -1; newnumsectors = -1; updatenumsprites(); printmessage16("Sectors duplicated and stamped."); asksave = 1; } else if (highlightcnt >= 0) { for (i=0; i= 0) { int32_t wallsdrawn = newnumwalls-numwalls; if (newnumwalls != -1) { newnumwalls = -1; Bmemcpy(&wall[MAXWALLS-wallsdrawn],&wall[numwalls],sizeof(walltype) * wallsdrawn); } else wallsdrawn = -1; getclosestpointonwall(mousxplc,mousyplc,(int32_t)linehighlight,&dax,&day); adjustmark(&dax,&day,newnumwalls); insertpoint(linehighlight,dax,day); printmessage16("Point inserted."); j = 0; //Check to see if point was inserted over another point for (i=numwalls-1; i>=0; i--) //delete points if (wall[i].x == wall[wall[i].point2].x) if (wall[i].y == wall[wall[i].point2].y) { deletepoint((int16_t)i); j++; } for (i=0; i>1); // day = ((wall[linehighlight].y + wall[wall[linehighlight].point2].y)>>1); // if ((dax != wall[linehighlight].x) || (day != wall[linehighlight].y)) // if ((dax != wall[wall[linehighlight].point2].x) || (day != wall[wall[linehighlight].point2].y)) // { // insertpoint(linehighlight,dax,day); // printmessage16("Point inserted at midpoint."); // } //} if (wallsdrawn != -1) { Bmemcpy(&wall[numwalls],&wall[MAXWALLS-wallsdrawn],sizeof(walltype) * wallsdrawn); newnumwalls = numwalls + wallsdrawn; for (i=numwalls; i=0;i--) updatecrc16(j,kensig[i]); if ((j&0xffff) != 0xebf) { printf("Don't screw with my name.\n"); exit(0); }*/ //printext16(9L,336+9L,4,-1,kensig,0); //printext16(8L,336+8L,12,-1,kensig,0); showframe(1); synctics = totalclock-lockclock; lockclock += synctics; if (keystatus[buildkeys[BK_MODE2D_3D]]) { updatesector(pos.x,pos.y,&cursectnum); if (cursectnum >= 0) keystatus[buildkeys[BK_MODE2D_3D]] = 2; else printmessage16("Arrow must be inside a sector before entering 3D mode."); } // vvv PK ------------------------------------ (LShift) Ctrl-X: (prev) next map // this is copied from 'L' (load map), but without copying the highlighted sectors if (quickmapcycling && (keystatus[0x2d] > 0)) //X { if ((keystatus[0x1d]|keystatus[0x9d]) > 0) //Ctrl { nextmap: // bad = 0; i = menuselect_pk(keystatus[0x2a]>0 ? 0:1); // Left Shift: prev map if (i < 0) { if (i == -2) printmessage16("No .MAP files found."); else if (i == -3) printmessage16("Load map first!"); } else { Bstrcpy(boardfilename, selectedboardfilename); highlightcnt = -1; sectorhighlightstat = -1; newnumwalls = -1; joinsector[0] = -1; circlewall = -1; circlepoints = 7; for (i=0; i= 0) {keystatus[1]=0; joinsector[0]=-1;} if (keystatus[1]) { keystatus[1] = 0; _printmessage16("(N)ew, (L)oad, (S)ave, save (A)s, (T)est map, (U)ndo, (R)edo, (Q)uit"); showframe(1); bflushchars(); bad = 1; while (bad == 1) { if (handleevents()) { if (quitevent) { quitevent = 0; } } idle(); ch = bgetchar(); if (keystatus[1]) { keystatus[1] = 0; bad = 0; // printmessage16(""); } else if (ch == 'n' || ch == 'N') //N { bad = 0; _printmessage16("Are you sure you want to start a new board? (Y/N)"); showframe(1); bflushchars(); ch = 0; while (keystatus[1] == 0) { if (handleevents()) { if (quitevent) { quitevent = 0; } } idle(); ch = bgetchar(); if (ch == 'Y' || ch == 'y') { highlightsectorcnt = -1; highlightcnt = -1; for (i=0; i<(MAXWALLS>>3); i++) //Clear all highlights show2dwall[i] = 0; for (i=0; i<(MAXSPRITES>>3); i++) show2dsprite[i] = 0; for (i=0; i= 0) { j = 0; k = 0; for (i=0; i MAXSECTORS) || (numwalls+j > MAXWALLS) || (numsprites+k > MAXSPRITES)) { highlightsectorcnt = -1; } else { //Put sectors&walls to end of lists j = MAXWALLS; for (i=0; i=0; i--) if (sprite[i].statnum < MAXSTATUS) { k = sprite[i].sectnum; for (j=0; j= 0) { if ((numsectors+highlightsectorcnt > MAXSECTORS) || (sector[MAXSECTORS-highlightsectorcnt].wallptr < numwalls)) { highlightsectorcnt = -1; } else { //Re-attach sectors&walls for (i=0; i= 0) checksectorpointer(wall[j].nextwall,wall[j].nextsector); checksectorpointer((int16_t)j,highlightsector[i]); } } } } if (mapversion < 7) printmessage16("Map %s loaded successfully and autoconverted to V7!",boardfilename); else printmessage16("Map %s loaded successfully.",boardfilename); } updatenumsprites(); startposx = pos.x; //this is same startposy = pos.y; startposz = pos.z; startang = ang; startsectnum = cursectnum; } showframe(1); keystatus[0x1c] = 0; } else if (ch == 'a' || ch == 'A') //A { bad = 0; Bstrcpy(selectedboardfilename, boardfilename); if (Bstrrchr(boardfilename, '/')) Bstrcpy(boardfilename, Bstrrchr(boardfilename, '/')+1); i = 0; while ((boardfilename[i] != 0) && (i < 64)) i++; if (boardfilename[i-4] == '.') i -= 4; boardfilename[i] = 0; bflushchars(); while (bad == 0) { Bsprintf(buffer,"Save as: ^011%s", boardfilename); if (totalclock & 32) Bstrcat(buffer,"_"); _printmessage16(buffer); showframe(1); if (handleevents()) { if (quitevent) quitevent = 0; } idle(); ch = bgetchar(); if (keystatus[1]) bad = 1; else if (ch == 13) bad = 2; else if (ch > 0) { if (i > 0 && (ch == 8 || ch == 127)) { i--; boardfilename[i] = 0; } else if (i < 40 && ch > 32 && ch < 128) { boardfilename[i++] = ch; boardfilename[i] = 0; } } } if (bad == 1) { Bstrcpy(boardfilename, selectedboardfilename); keystatus[1] = 0; printmessage16("Operation cancelled"); showframe(1); } if (bad == 2) { char *f; int32_t res; keystatus[0x1c] = 0; boardfilename[i] = '.'; boardfilename[i+1] = 'm'; boardfilename[i+2] = 'a'; boardfilename[i+3] = 'p'; boardfilename[i+4] = 0; if (Bstrrchr(selectedboardfilename,'/')) Bstrcpy(Bstrrchr(selectedboardfilename, '/')+1, boardfilename); else Bstrcpy(selectedboardfilename, boardfilename); if (pathsearchmode) f = selectedboardfilename; else { // virtual filesystem mode can't save to directories so drop the file into // the current directory f = strrchr(selectedboardfilename, '/'); if (!f) f = selectedboardfilename; else f++; } Bsprintf(buffer,"Saving to %s...",f); _printmessage16(buffer); showframe(1); fixspritesectors(); //Do this before saving! updatesector(startposx,startposy,&startsectnum); ExtPreSaveMap(); res=saveboard(f,&startposx,&startposy,&startposz,&startang,&startsectnum); ExtSaveMap(f); printmessage16((res==0)?"Board saved.":"Saving board failed."); Bstrcpy(boardfilename, selectedboardfilename); } bad = 0; } else if (ch == 's' || ch == 'S') //S { char *f; int32_t res; bad = 0; _printmessage16("Saving board..."); showframe(1); fixspritesectors(); //Do this before saving! updatesector(startposx,startposy,&startsectnum); if (pathsearchmode) f = boardfilename; else { // virtual filesystem mode can't save to directories so drop the file into // the current directory f = strrchr(boardfilename, '/'); if (!f) f = boardfilename; else f++; } ExtPreSaveMap(); res=saveboard(f,&startposx,&startposy,&startposz,&startang,&startsectnum); ExtSaveMap(f); printmessage16((res==0)?"Board saved.":"Saving board failed."); showframe(1); } else if (ch == 't' || ch == 'T') { test_map(0); } else if (ch == 'u' || ch == 'U') { bad = 0; if (map_undoredo(0)) printmessage16("Nothing to undo!"); else printmessage16("Revision %d undone",map_revision); } else if (ch == 'r' || ch == 'R') { bad = 0; if (map_undoredo(1)) printmessage16("Nothing to redo!"); else printmessage16("Restored revision %d",map_revision-1); } else if (ch == 'q' || ch == 'Q') //Q { bad = 0; _printmessage16("Are you sure you want to quit?"); showframe(1); bflushchars(); while ((keystatus[1]|keystatus[0x2e]) == 0) { if (handleevents()) { if (quitevent) quitevent = 0; } idle(); ch = bgetchar(); if (ch == 'y' || ch == 'Y') { //QUIT! _printmessage16("Save changes?"); showframe(1); while ((keystatus[1]|keystatus[0x2e]) == 0) { if (handleevents()) { if (quitevent) break; // like saying no } idle(); ch = bgetchar(); if (ch == 'y' || ch == 'Y') { char *f; fixspritesectors(); //Do this before saving! updatesector(startposx,startposy,&startsectnum); ExtPreSaveMap(); if (pathsearchmode) f = boardfilename; else { // virtual filesystem mode can't save to directories so drop the file into // the current directory f = strrchr(boardfilename, '/'); if (!f) f = boardfilename; else f++; } saveboard(f,&startposx,&startposy,&startposz,&startang,&startsectnum); ExtSaveMap(f); break; } else if (ch == 'n' || ch == 'N' || ch == 13 || ch == ' ') { break; } } while (keystatus[1] || keystatus[0x2e]) { keystatus[1] = 0; keystatus[0x2e] = 0; quitevent = 0; printmessage16("Operation cancelled"); showframe(1); goto CANCEL; } clearfilenames(); uninittimer(); uninitinput(); ExtUnInit(); uninitengine(); exit(0); } else if (ch == 'n' || ch == 'N' || ch == 13 || ch == ' ') { break; } } // printmessage16(""); showframe(1); } } clearkeys(); } //nextpage(); } for (i=0; i= 0) checksectorpointer(wall[j].nextwall,wall[j].nextsector); checksectorpointer((int16_t)j,highlightsector[i]); } } fixspritesectors(); if (setgamemode(fullscreen,xdimgame,ydimgame,bppgame) < 0) { ExtUnInit(); uninitinput(); uninittimer(); initprintf("%d * %d not supported in this graphics mode\n",xdim,ydim); uninitsystem(); clearfilenames(); exit(0); } setbrightness(brightness,palette,0); pos.z = oposz; searchx = scale(searchx,xdimgame,xdim2d); searchy = scale(searchy,ydimgame,ydim2d-STATUS2DSIZ); } void getpoint(int32_t searchxe, int32_t searchye, int32_t *x, int32_t *y) { if (pos.x <= -editorgridextent) pos.x = -editorgridextent; if (pos.x >= editorgridextent) pos.x = editorgridextent; if (pos.y <= -editorgridextent) pos.y = -editorgridextent; if (pos.y >= editorgridextent) pos.y = editorgridextent; *x = pos.x + divscale14(searchxe-halfxdim16,zoom); *y = pos.y + divscale14(searchye-midydim16,zoom); if (*x <= -editorgridextent) *x = -editorgridextent; if (*x >= editorgridextent) *x = editorgridextent; if (*y <= -editorgridextent) *y = -editorgridextent; if (*y >= editorgridextent) *y = editorgridextent; } int32_t getlinehighlight(int32_t xplc, int32_t yplc, int32_t line) { int32_t i, dst, dist, closest, x1, y1, x2, y2, nx, ny; if (numwalls == 0) return(-1); if (mouseb & 1) return line; dist = 1024; closest = -1; for (i=0; i=0 && wall[closest].nextwall >= 0) { //if red line, allow highlighting of both sides x1 = wall[closest].x; y1 = wall[closest].y; x2 = wall[wall[closest].point2].x; y2 = wall[wall[closest].point2].y; if (dmulscale32(xplc-x1,y2-y1,-(x2-x1),yplc-y1) >= 0) closest = wall[closest].nextwall; } if ((pointhighlight&0xc000) == 16384) return (-1); return(closest); } int32_t getpointhighlight(int32_t xplc, int32_t yplc, int32_t point) { int32_t i, dst, dist = 512, closest = -1; if (numwalls == 0) return(-1); if (mouseb & 1) return point; if (grid < 1) dist = 0; for (i=0; i= 256) for (i=0; i>3]&(1<<(i&7))))) dist = dst, closest = i+16384; } return(closest); } int32_t adjustmark(int32_t *xplc, int32_t *yplc, int16_t danumwalls) { int32_t i, dst, dist, dax, day, pointlockdist; if (danumwalls < 0) danumwalls = numwalls; pointlockdist = 0; if ((grid > 0) && (gridlock > 0)) pointlockdist = (128>>grid); dist = pointlockdist; dax = *xplc; day = *yplc; for (i=0; i 0) && (grid > 0)) { dax = ((dax+(1024>>grid))&(0xffffffff<<(11-grid))); day = ((day+(1024>>grid))&(0xffffffff<<(11-grid))); } *xplc = dax; *yplc = day; return(0); } int32_t checkautoinsert(int32_t dax, int32_t day, int16_t danumwalls) { int32_t i, x1, y1, x2, y2; if (danumwalls < 0) danumwalls = numwalls; for (i=0; i= y2) && (y1 <= y0)) return(0); if ((y1 >= y0) && (y1 <= y2)) return(1); tempint = (x0-x1)*(y2-y1) - (x2-x1)*(y0-y1); if (tempint < 0) return(0); else return(1); } void flipwalls(int16_t numwalls, int16_t newnumwalls) { int32_t i, j, nume, tempint; nume = newnumwalls-numwalls; for (i=numwalls; i>1); i++) { j = numwalls+newnumwalls-i-1; tempint = wall[i].x; wall[i].x = wall[j].x; wall[j].x = tempint; tempint = wall[i].y; wall[i].y = wall[j].y; wall[j].y = tempint; } } void insertpoint(int16_t linehighlight, int32_t dax, int32_t day) { int16_t sucksect; int32_t i, j, k; j = linehighlight; sucksect = sectorofwall((int16_t)j); sector[sucksect].wallnum++; for (i=sucksect+1; i= 0) { k = wall[j].nextwall; sucksect = sectorofwall((int16_t)k); sector[sucksect].wallnum++; for (i=sucksect+1; i= 0) { wall[wall[j].nextwall].nextwall = -1; wall[wall[j].nextwall].nextsector = -1; } if (wall[point].nextwall >= 0) { wall[wall[point].nextwall].nextwall = -1; wall[wall[point].nextwall].nextsector = -1; } movewalls((int32_t)point,-1L); checksectorpointer((int16_t)j,(int16_t)sucksect); } int32_t deletesector(int16_t sucksect) { int32_t i, j, k, nextk, startwall, endwall; while (headspritesect[sucksect] >= 0) deletesprite(headspritesect[sucksect]); updatenumsprites(); startwall = sector[sucksect].wallptr; endwall = startwall + sector[sucksect].wallnum - 1; j = sector[sucksect].wallnum; for (i=sucksect; i= startwall) wall[i].nextsector--; return(0); } void fixspritesectors(void) { int32_t i, j, dax, day, daz; for (i=numsectors-1; i>=0; i--) if ((sector[i].wallnum <= 0) || (sector[i].wallptr >= numwalls)) deletesector((int16_t)i); for (i=0; i= getceilzofslope(j,dax,day)) if (sprite[i].z-daz <= getflorzofslope(j,dax,day)) { changespritesect((int16_t)i,(int16_t)j); break; } } } } int32_t movewalls(int32_t start, int32_t offs) { int32_t i; if (offs < 0) //Delete { for (i=start; i 0) //Insert { for (i=numwalls+offs-1; i>=start+offs; i--) Bmemcpy(&wall[i],&wall[i-offs],sizeof(walltype)); } numwalls += offs; for (i=0; i= start) wall[i].nextwall += offs; if (wall[i].point2 >= start) wall[i].point2 += offs; } return(0); } int32_t checksectorpointer(int16_t i, int16_t sectnum) { int32_t j, k, startwall, endwall, x1, y1, x2, y2; x1 = wall[i].x; y1 = wall[i].y; x2 = wall[wall[i].point2].x; y2 = wall[wall[i].point2].y; if (wall[i].nextwall >= 0) //Check for early exit { k = wall[i].nextwall; if ((wall[k].x == x2) && (wall[k].y == y2)) if ((wall[wall[k].point2].x == x1) && (wall[wall[k].point2].y == y1)) return(0); } wall[i].nextsector = -1; wall[i].nextwall = -1; for (j=0; j> 2, 0x08080808l); if (overridepm16y < 0) clearbuf((char *)(frameplace + (bytesperline*(ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+25L))),(bytesperline*(STATUS2DSIZ+2-(25<<1))) >> 2, 0x00000000l); else clearbuf((char *)(frameplace + (bytesperline*(ydim-overridepm16y+25L))),(bytesperline*(overridepm16y+2-(25<<1))) >> 2, 0x00000000l); /* drawline16(0,ydim-STATUS2DSIZ,0,ydim-1,editorcolors[7]); drawline16(xdim-1,ydim-STATUS2DSIZ,xdim-1,ydim-1,editorcolors[7]); */ ydim16 = ydim-STATUS2DSIZ2; enddrawing(); } void clearministatbar16(void) { int32_t i, col = whitecol - 16; char tempbuf[32]; begindrawing(); for (i=ydim-STATUS2DSIZ2; i= x) || (x2 >= x)) { y1 = wall[i].y; y2 = wall[wall[i].point2].y; if (y1 > y2) { tempint = x1, x1 = x2, x2 = tempint; tempint = y1, y1 = y2, y2 = tempint; } if ((y1 <= y) && (y2 > y)) if (x1*(y-y2)+x2*(y1-y) <= x*(y1-y2)) cnt ^= 1; } i = wall[i].point2; } while (i != startwall); return(cnt); } int32_t numloopsofsector(int16_t sectnum) { int32_t i, numloops, startwall, endwall; numloops = 0; startwall = sector[sectnum].wallptr; endwall = startwall + sector[sectnum].wallnum; for (i=startwall; i= '0' && ch <= '9') { if (danum >= 0) { n = (danum*10)+(ch-'0'); if (n <= maxnumber) danum = n; } else if (sign) // this extra check isn't hurting anything { n = (danum*10)-(ch-'0'); if (n >= -maxnumber) danum = n; } } else if (ch == 8 || ch == 127) // backspace { danum /= 10; } else if (ch == 13) { oldnum = danum; asksave = 1; printmessage16(buffer); break; } else if (ch == '-' && sign) // negate { danum = -danum; } } clearkeys(); return(oldnum); } int32_t _getnumber256(char *namestart, int32_t num, int32_t maxnumber, char sign, void *(func)(int32_t)) { char buffer[80], ch; int32_t n, danum, oldnum; danum = num; oldnum = danum; bflushchars(); while (keystatus[0x1] == 0) { if (handleevents()) { if (quitevent) quitevent = 0; } drawrooms(pos.x,pos.y,pos.z,ang,horiz,cursectnum); #ifdef SUPERBUILD ExtAnalyzeSprites(); #endif drawmasks(); ch = bgetchar(); if (keystatus[0x1]) break; clearkeys(); mouseb = 0; searchx = osearchx; searchy = osearchy; ExtCheckKeys(); Bsprintf(buffer,"%s%d",namestart,danum); if (totalclock & 32) Bstrcat(buffer,"_ "); printmessage256(0, 0, buffer); if (func != NULL) { Bsprintf(buffer,"%s",(char *)func((int32_t)danum)); printmessage256(0, 9, buffer); } showframe(1); if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { if (danum >= 0) { n = (danum*10)+(ch-'0'); if (n <= maxnumber) danum = n; } else if (sign) { n = (danum*10)-(ch-'0'); if (n >= -maxnumber) danum = n; } } else if (ch == 8 || ch == 127) // backspace { danum /= 10; } else if (ch == 13) { oldnum = danum; asksave = 1; break; } else if (ch == '-' && sign) // negate { danum = -danum; } } clearkeys(); lockclock = totalclock; //Reset timing return(oldnum); } void clearfilenames(void) { klistfree(finddirs); klistfree(findfiles); finddirs = findfiles = NULL; numfiles = numdirs = 0; } int32_t getfilenames(char *path, char *kind) { CACHE1D_FIND_REC *r; clearfilenames(); finddirs = klistpath(path,"*",CACHE1D_FIND_DIR|CACHE1D_FIND_DRIVE|(!pathsearchmode&&grponlymode?CACHE1D_OPT_NOSTACK:0)); findfiles = klistpath(path,kind,CACHE1D_FIND_FILE|(!pathsearchmode&&grponlymode?CACHE1D_OPT_NOSTACK:0)); for (r = finddirs; r; r=r->next) numdirs++; for (r = findfiles; r; r=r->next) numfiles++; finddirshigh = finddirs; findfileshigh = findfiles; currentlist = 0; if (findfileshigh) currentlist = 1; return(0); } // vvv PK ------------------------------------ // copied off menuselect const char *g_oldpath=NULL; int32_t menuselect_pk(int32_t direction) // 20080104: jump to next (direction!=0) or prev (direction==0) file { const char *chptr; if (!g_oldpath) return -3; else Bmemcpy(selectedboardfilename, g_oldpath, BMAX_PATH); if (pathsearchmode) Bcanonicalisefilename(selectedboardfilename, 1); // clips off the last token and compresses relative path else Bcorrectfilename(selectedboardfilename, 1); getfilenames(selectedboardfilename, "*.map"); chptr = strrchr(boardfilename,'/'); // PK if (!chptr) chptr=boardfilename; else chptr++; for (; findfileshigh; findfileshigh=findfileshigh->next) { if (!Bstrcmp(findfileshigh->name,chptr)) break; } if (!findfileshigh) findfileshigh=findfiles; if (direction) { if (findfileshigh->next) findfileshigh=findfileshigh->next; } else { if (findfileshigh->prev) findfileshigh=findfileshigh->prev; } Bstrcat(selectedboardfilename, findfileshigh->name); return(0); } // ^^^ PK ------------------------------------ int32_t menuselect(void) { int32_t listsize = (ydim16-32)/8; int32_t i; char ch, buffer[96], /*PK*/ *chptr; static char oldpath[BMAX_PATH]; CACHE1D_FIND_REC *dir; int32_t bakpathsearchmode = pathsearchmode; g_oldpath=oldpath; //PK: need it in menuselect_pk Bstrcpy(selectedboardfilename, oldpath); if (pathsearchmode) Bcanonicalisefilename(selectedboardfilename, 1); // clips off the last token and compresses relative path else Bcorrectfilename(selectedboardfilename, 1); getfilenames(selectedboardfilename, "*.map"); // PK 20080103: start with last selected map chptr = strrchr(boardfilename,'/'); if (!chptr) chptr=boardfilename; else chptr++; for (; findfileshigh; findfileshigh=findfileshigh->next) { if (!Bstrcmp(findfileshigh->name,chptr)) break; } if (!findfileshigh) findfileshigh=findfiles; begindrawing(); _printmessage16("Select map file with arrow keys and enter."); enddrawing(); ydim16 = ydim-STATUS2DSIZ2; do { begindrawing(); clearbuf((char *)frameplace, (bytesperline*ydim16) >> 2, 0l); if (pathsearchmode) { strcpy(buffer,"Local filesystem mode; press F for game filesystem."); } else { Bsprintf(buffer,"Game filesystem %smode; press F for local filesystem or G for %s.", grponlymode?"GRP-only ":"", grponlymode?"all files":"GRP contents only"); } printext16(halfxdim16-(8*strlen(buffer)/2), 4, editorcolors[12],editorcolors[0],buffer,0); Bsnprintf(buffer,sizeof(buffer)-1,"(%d dirs, %d files) %s",numdirs,numfiles,selectedboardfilename); buffer[sizeof(buffer)-1] = 0; printext16(8,ydim16-8-1,editorcolors[8],editorcolors[0],buffer,0); if (finddirshigh) { dir = finddirshigh; for (i=(listsize/2)-1; i>=0; i--) { if (!dir->prev) break; else dir=dir->prev; } for (i=0; ((inext) { int32_t c = (dir->type == CACHE1D_FIND_DIR ? 2 : 3); //PK memset(buffer,0,sizeof(buffer)); Bstrncpy(buffer,dir->name,25); if (strlen(buffer) == 25) buffer[21] = buffer[22] = buffer[23] = '.', buffer[24] = 0; if (dir == finddirshigh) { if (currentlist == 0) printext16(8,16+8*i,editorcolors[c|8],editorcolors[0],"->",0); printext16(32,16+8*i,editorcolors[c|8],editorcolors[0],buffer,0); } else { printext16(32,16+8*i,editorcolors[c],editorcolors[0],buffer,0); } } } if (findfileshigh) { dir = findfileshigh; for (i=(listsize/2)-1; i>=0; i--) { if (!dir->prev) break; else dir=dir->prev; } for (i=0; ((inext) { if (dir == findfileshigh) { if (currentlist == 1) printext16(240,16+8*i,editorcolors[7|8],editorcolors[0],"->",0); printext16(240+24,16+8*i,editorcolors[7|8],editorcolors[0],dir->name,0); } else { printext16(240+24,16+8*i,editorcolors[7],editorcolors[0],dir->name,0); } } } enddrawing(); showframe(1); keystatus[0xcb] = 0; keystatus[0xcd] = 0; keystatus[0xc8] = 0; keystatus[0xd0] = 0; keystatus[0x1c] = 0; //enter keystatus[0xf] = 0; //tab keystatus[1] = 0; //esc ch = 0; //Interesting fakery of ch = getch() while (ch == 0) { if (handleevents()) { if (quitevent) { keystatus[1] = 1; quitevent = 0; } } idle(); ch = bgetchar(); { // JBF 20040208: seek to first name matching pressed character CACHE1D_FIND_REC *seeker = currentlist ? findfiles : finddirs; if (keystatus[0xc7]||keystatus[0xcf]) // home/end { while (keystatus[0xcf]?seeker->next:seeker->prev) seeker = keystatus[0xcf]?seeker->next:seeker->prev; if (seeker) { if (currentlist) findfileshigh = seeker; else finddirshigh = seeker; } ch = keystatus[0xcf]?80:72; keystatus[0xc7] = keystatus[0xcf] = 0; } else if (keystatus[0xc9]|keystatus[0xd1]) // page up/down { seeker = currentlist?findfileshigh:finddirshigh; i = (ydim2d-STATUS2DSIZ2-48)>>5/*3*/; //PK while (i>0) { if (keystatus[0xd1]?seeker->next:seeker->prev) seeker = keystatus[0xd1]?seeker->next:seeker->prev; i--; } if (seeker) { if (currentlist) findfileshigh = seeker; else finddirshigh = seeker; } ch = keystatus[0xd1]?80:72; keystatus[0xc9] = keystatus[0xd1] = 0; } else { char ch2; if (ch > 0 && ((ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9'))) { if (ch >= 'a') ch -= ('a'-'A'); while (seeker) { ch2 = seeker->name[0]; if (ch2 >= 'a' && ch2 <= 'z') ch2 -= ('a'-'A'); if (ch2 == ch) break; seeker = seeker->next; } if (seeker) { if (currentlist) findfileshigh = seeker; else finddirshigh = seeker; continue; } } } } if (keystatus[0xcb]) ch = 9; // left arr if (keystatus[0xcd]) ch = 9; // right arr if (keystatus[0xc8]) ch = 72; // up arr if (keystatus[0xd0]) ch = 80; // down arr } if (ch == 'f' || ch == 'F') { currentlist = 0; pathsearchmode = 1-pathsearchmode; if (pathsearchmode) { strcpy(selectedboardfilename, ""); Bcanonicalisefilename(selectedboardfilename, 0); } else strcpy(selectedboardfilename, "/"); getfilenames(selectedboardfilename, "*.map"); Bstrcpy(oldpath,selectedboardfilename); } else if (ch == 'g' || ch == 'G') { if (!pathsearchmode) { grponlymode = 1-grponlymode; getfilenames(selectedboardfilename, "*.map"); Bstrcpy(oldpath,selectedboardfilename); } } else if (ch == 9) { if ((currentlist == 0 && findfiles) || (currentlist == 1 && finddirs)) currentlist = 1-currentlist; } else if (keystatus[0xc8] /*(ch == 75) || (ch == 72)*/) { if (currentlist == 0) { if (finddirshigh && finddirshigh->prev) finddirshigh = finddirshigh->prev; } else { if (findfileshigh && findfileshigh->prev) findfileshigh = findfileshigh->prev; } } else if (keystatus[0xd0] /*(ch == 77) || (ch == 80)*/) { if (currentlist == 0) { if (finddirshigh && finddirshigh->next) finddirshigh = finddirshigh->next; } else { if (findfileshigh && findfileshigh->next) findfileshigh = findfileshigh->next; } } else if ((ch == 13) && (currentlist == 0)) { if (finddirshigh->type == CACHE1D_FIND_DRIVE) { strcpy(selectedboardfilename, finddirshigh->name); } else { strcat(selectedboardfilename, finddirshigh->name); } strcat(selectedboardfilename, "/"); if (pathsearchmode) Bcanonicalisefilename(selectedboardfilename, 1); else Bcorrectfilename(selectedboardfilename, 1); Bstrcpy(oldpath,selectedboardfilename); //printf("Changing directories to: %s\n", selectedboardfilename); getfilenames(selectedboardfilename, "*.map"); ch = 0; begindrawing(); clearbuf((char *)frameplace, (bytesperline*ydim16) >> 2, 0l); enddrawing(); showframe(1); } if (ch == 13 && !findfileshigh) ch = 0; } while ((ch != 13) && (ch != 27)); if (ch == 13) { Bstrcat(selectedboardfilename, findfileshigh->name); //printf("Selected file: %s\n", selectedboardfilename); return(0); } pathsearchmode = bakpathsearchmode; return(-1); } int32_t fillsector(int16_t sectnum, char fillcolor) { int32_t x1, x2, y1, y2, sy, y, tempint; int32_t lborder, rborder, uborder, dborder, miny, maxy, dax; int16_t z, zz, startwall, endwall, fillcnt; lborder = 0; rborder = xdim; uborder = 0; dborder = ydim16; if (sectnum == -1) return(0); miny = dborder-1; maxy = uborder; startwall = sector[sectnum].wallptr; endwall = startwall + sector[sectnum].wallnum - 1; for (z=startwall; z<=endwall; z++) { y1 = (((wall[z].y-pos.y)*zoom)>>14)+midydim16; y2 = (((wall[wall[z].point2].y-pos.y)*zoom)>>14)+midydim16; if (y1 < miny) miny = y1; if (y2 < miny) miny = y2; if (y1 > maxy) maxy = y1; if (y2 > maxy) maxy = y2; } if (miny < uborder) miny = uborder; if (maxy >= dborder) maxy = dborder-1; for (sy=miny+((totalclock>>2)&3); sy<=maxy; sy+=3) // JBF 20040116: numframes%3 -> (totalclock>>2)&3 { y = pos.y+(((sy-midydim16)<<14)/zoom); fillist[0] = lborder; fillcnt = 1; for (z=startwall; z<=endwall; z++) { x1 = wall[z].x; x2 = wall[wall[z].point2].x; y1 = wall[z].y; y2 = wall[wall[z].point2].y; if (y1 > y2) { tempint = x1; x1 = x2; x2 = tempint; tempint = y1; y1 = y2; y2 = tempint; } if ((y1 <= y) && (y2 > y)) //if (x1*(y-y2) + x2*(y1-y) <= 0) { dax = x1+scale(y-y1,x2-x1,y2-y1); dax = (((dax-pos.x)*zoom)>>14)+halfxdim16; if (dax >= lborder) fillist[fillcnt++] = dax; } } if (fillcnt > 0) { for (z=1; z rborder) break; if (fillist[z+1] > rborder) fillist[z+1] = rborder; drawline16(fillist[z],sy,fillist[z+1],sy,editorcolors[fillcolor]); } } } return(0); } int16_t whitelinescan(int16_t dalinehighlight) { int32_t i, j, k; int16_t sucksect, newnumwalls; sucksect = sectorofwall(dalinehighlight); Bmemcpy(§or[numsectors],§or[sucksect],sizeof(sectortype)); sector[numsectors].wallptr = numwalls; sector[numsectors].wallnum = 0; i = dalinehighlight; newnumwalls = numwalls; do { j = lastwall((int16_t)i); if (wall[j].nextwall >= 0) { j = wall[j].point2; for (k=0; k= 1) { if (a > 1) if (buffer[a-2] == '\r') buffer[a-2] = 0; if (buffer[a-1] == '\n') buffer[a-1] = 0; } p = buffer; line++; while (*p == 32) p++; if (*p == 0) continue; // blank line if (*p == '#' && !comment) { p++; while (*p == 32) p++; if (*p == 0) continue; // null directive if (!Bstrncmp(p, "define ", 7)) { // #define_... p += 7; while (*p == 32) p++; if (*p == 0) { initprintf("Error: Malformed #define at line %d\n", line-1); continue; } name = p; while (*p != 32 && *p != 0) p++; if (*p == 32) { *(p++) = 0; while (*p == 32) p++; if (*p == 0) // #define_NAME with no number { initprintf("Error: No number given for name \"%s\" (line %d)\n", name, line-1); continue; } number = p; while (*p != 0) p++; if (*p != 0) *p = 0; // add to list num = Bstrtol(number, &endptr, 10); if (*endptr != 0) { p = endptr; goto badline; } //printf("Grokked \"%s\" -> \"%d\"\n", name, num); if (num < 0 || num >= MAXTILES) { initprintf("Error: Constant %d for name \"%s\" out of range (line %d)\n", num, name, line-1); continue; } if (Bstrlen(name) > 24) initprintf("Warning: Name \"%s\" longer than 24 characters (line %d). Truncating.\n", name, line-1); Bstrncpy(names[num], name, 24); names[num][24] = 0; syms++; continue; } else // #define_NAME with no number { initprintf("Error: No number given for name \"%s\" (line %d)\n", name, line-1); continue; } } else goto badline; } else if (*p == '/') { if (*(p+1) == '*') {comment++; continue;} if (*(p+1) == '/') continue; // comment } else if (*p == '*' && p[1] == '/') { comment--; continue; } else if (comment)continue; badline: initprintf("Error: Invalid statement found at character %d on line %d\n", (p-buffer), line-1); } initprintf("Read %d lines, loaded %d names.\n", line, syms); Bfclose(fp); return 0; } void printcoords16(int32_t posxe, int32_t posye, int16_t ange) { char snotbuf[80]; int32_t i,m; Bsprintf(snotbuf,"x:%d y:%d ang:%d r%d",posxe,posye,ange,map_revision-1); i = 0; while ((snotbuf[i] != 0) && (i < 33)) i++; while (i < 33) { snotbuf[i] = 32; i++; } snotbuf[33] = 0; clearministatbar16(); printext16(8, ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+128, whitecol, -1, snotbuf,0); m = (numsectors > MAXSECTORSV7 || numwalls > MAXWALLSV7 || numsprites > MAXSPRITESV7); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"%d/%d sect. %d/%d walls %d/%d spri.", numsectors,m?MAXSECTORSV8:MAXSECTORSV7, numwalls,m?MAXWALLSV8:MAXWALLSV7, numsprites,m?MAXSPRITESV8:MAXSPRITESV7); i = 0; while ((snotbuf[i] != 0) && (i < 46)) i++; while (i < 46) { snotbuf[i] = 32; i++; } snotbuf[46] = 0; printext16(264, ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+128, m?editorcolors[10]:whitecol, -1, snotbuf,0); } void updatenumsprites(void) { int32_t i; numsprites = 0; for (i=0; i= 0) { wall[newnumwalls].nextwall += deststartwall-startwall; wall[newnumwalls].nextsector += destsector-soursector; } newnumwalls++; } //for(j=deststartwall;j= 0) // checksectorpointer(wall[j].nextwall,wall[j].nextsector); // checksectorpointer((short)j,destsector); //} if (newnumwalls > deststartwall) { //duplicate sectors Bmemcpy(§or[destsector],§or[soursector],sizeof(sectortype)); sector[destsector].wallptr = deststartwall; sector[destsector].wallnum = newnumwalls-deststartwall; if (copystat == 1) { //duplicate sprites j = headspritesect[soursector]; while (j >= 0) { k = nextspritesect[j]; m = insertsprite(destsector,sprite[j].statnum); Bmemcpy(&sprite[m],&sprite[j],sizeof(spritetype)); sprite[m].sectnum = destsector; //Don't let memcpy overwrite sector! j = k; } } } } void showsectordata(int16_t sectnum) { char snotbuf[80]; int32_t col = 1, row = 0; int32_t mode = (sectnum & 16384); int32_t color = mode?whitecol:editorcolors[11]; if (mode) { int32_t i; row = 2; begindrawing(); col = whitecol - 16; for (i=ydim-(row*96)-STATUS2DSIZ+16; i 0) col--; } enddrawing(); col = 1; } sectnum &= ~16384; Bsprintf(snotbuf,"^10Sector %d",sectnum); if (mode) Bstrcat(snotbuf," ^O(F7 to edit)"); printext16(8,ydim-(row*96)-STATUS2DSIZ+32,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"Firstwall: %d",sector[sectnum].wallptr); printext16(8,ydim-(row*96)-STATUS2DSIZ+48,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"Numberofwalls: %d",sector[sectnum].wallnum); printext16(8,ydim-(row*96)-STATUS2DSIZ+56,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"Firstsprite: %d",headspritesect[sectnum]); printext16(8,ydim-(row*96)-STATUS2DSIZ+64,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"Tags: %d, %d",sector[sectnum].hitag,sector[sectnum].lotag); printext16(8,ydim-(row*96)-STATUS2DSIZ+72,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf," (0x%x), (0x%x)",sector[sectnum].hitag,sector[sectnum].lotag); printext16(8,ydim-(row*96)-STATUS2DSIZ+80,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"Extra: %d",sector[sectnum].extra); printext16(8,ydim-(row*96)-STATUS2DSIZ+88,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"Visibility: %d",sector[sectnum].visibility); printext16(8,ydim-(row*96)-STATUS2DSIZ+96,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"Pixel height: %d",(sector[sectnum].floorz-sector[sectnum].ceilingz)>>8); printext16(8,ydim-(row*96)-STATUS2DSIZ+104,color,-1,snotbuf,0); if (mode) row--; else col++; printext16(8+((col-1)*200),ydim-(row*96)-STATUS2DSIZ+32,color,-1,"^10CEILING:^O",0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"Flags (hex): %x",sector[sectnum].ceilingstat); printext16(8+((col-1)*200),ydim-(row*96)-STATUS2DSIZ+48,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"(X,Y)pan: %d, %d",sector[sectnum].ceilingxpanning,sector[sectnum].ceilingypanning); printext16(8+((col-1)*200),ydim-(row*96)-STATUS2DSIZ+56,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"Shade byte: %d",sector[sectnum].ceilingshade); printext16(8+((col-1)*200),ydim-(row*96)-STATUS2DSIZ+64,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"Z-coordinate: %d",sector[sectnum].ceilingz); printext16(8+((col-1)*200),ydim-(row*96)-STATUS2DSIZ+72,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"Tile number: %d",sector[sectnum].ceilingpicnum); printext16(8+((col-1)*200),ydim-(row*96)-STATUS2DSIZ+80,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"Ceiling heinum: %d",sector[sectnum].ceilingheinum); printext16(8+((col-1)*200),ydim-(row*96)-STATUS2DSIZ+88,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"Palookup number: %d",sector[sectnum].ceilingpal); printext16(8+((col-1)*200),ydim-(row*96)-STATUS2DSIZ+96,color,-1,snotbuf,0); if (mode) row--; else col++; printext16(8+((col-1)*200),ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+32,color,-1,"^10FLOOR:^O",0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"Flags (hex): %x",sector[sectnum].floorstat); printext16(8+((col-1)*200),ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+48,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"(X,Y)pan: %d, %d",sector[sectnum].floorxpanning,sector[sectnum].floorypanning); printext16(8+((col-1)*200),ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+56,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"Shade byte: %d",sector[sectnum].floorshade); printext16(8+((col-1)*200),ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+64,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"Z-coordinate: %d",sector[sectnum].floorz); printext16(8+((col-1)*200),ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+72,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"Tile number: %d",sector[sectnum].floorpicnum); printext16(8+((col-1)*200),ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+80,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"Floor heinum: %d",sector[sectnum].floorheinum); printext16(8+((col-1)*200),ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+88,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"Palookup number: %d",sector[sectnum].floorpal); printext16(8+((col-1)*200),ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+96,color,-1,snotbuf,0); } void showwalldata(int16_t wallnum) { int32_t dax, day, dist; char snotbuf[80]; int32_t col = 1, row = 0; int32_t mode = (wallnum & 16384); int32_t color = mode?whitecol:editorcolors[11]; if (mode) { int32_t i; row = 2; begindrawing(); col = whitecol - 16; for (i=ydim-(row*80)-STATUS2DSIZ+16; i 0) col--; } enddrawing(); col = 1; } wallnum &= ~16384; Bsprintf(snotbuf,"^10Wall %d",wallnum); if (mode) Bstrcat(snotbuf," ^O(F8 to edit)"); printext16(8,ydim-(row*80)-STATUS2DSIZ+32,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"X-coordinate: %d",wall[wallnum].x); printext16(8,ydim-(row*80)-STATUS2DSIZ+48,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"Y-coordinate: %d",wall[wallnum].y); printext16(8,ydim-(row*80)-STATUS2DSIZ+56,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"Point2: %d",wall[wallnum].point2); printext16(8,ydim-(row*80)-STATUS2DSIZ+64,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"Sector: ^010%d",sectorofwall(wallnum)); printext16(8,ydim-(row*80)-STATUS2DSIZ+72,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"Tags: %d, %d",wall[wallnum].hitag,wall[wallnum].lotag); printext16(8,ydim-(row*80)-STATUS2DSIZ+88,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf," (0x%x), (0x%x)",wall[wallnum].hitag,wall[wallnum].lotag); printext16(8,ydim-(row*80)-STATUS2DSIZ+96,color,-1,snotbuf,0); if (mode) row--; else col++; Bsprintf(snotbuf,"^10%s^O",names[wall[wallnum].picnum]); printext16(8+((col-1)*200),ydim-(row*80)-STATUS2DSIZ+32,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"Flags (hex): %x",wall[wallnum].cstat); printext16(8+((col-1)*200),ydim-(row*80)-STATUS2DSIZ+48,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"Shade: %d",wall[wallnum].shade); printext16(8+((col-1)*200),ydim-(row*80)-STATUS2DSIZ+56,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"Pal: %d",wall[wallnum].pal); printext16(8+((col-1)*200),ydim-(row*80)-STATUS2DSIZ+64,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"(X,Y)repeat: %d, %d",wall[wallnum].xrepeat,wall[wallnum].yrepeat); printext16(8+((col-1)*200),ydim-(row*80)-STATUS2DSIZ+72,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"(X,Y)pan: %d, %d",wall[wallnum].xpanning,wall[wallnum].ypanning); printext16(8+((col-1)*200),ydim-(row*80)-STATUS2DSIZ+80,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"Tile number: %d",wall[wallnum].picnum); printext16(8+((col-1)*200),ydim-(row*80)-STATUS2DSIZ+88,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"OverTile number: %d",wall[wallnum].overpicnum); printext16(8+((col-1)*200),ydim-(row*80)-STATUS2DSIZ+96,color,-1,snotbuf,0); if (mode) row--; else col++; Bsprintf(snotbuf,"nextsector: %d",wall[wallnum].nextsector); printext16(8+((col-1)*200),ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+48-(mode?16:0),color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"nextwall: %d",wall[wallnum].nextwall); printext16(8+((col-1)*200),ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+56-(mode?16:0),color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"Extra: %d",wall[wallnum].extra); printext16(8+((col-1)*200),ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+72-(mode?16:0),color,-1,snotbuf,0); dax = wall[wallnum].x-wall[wall[wallnum].point2].x; day = wall[wallnum].y-wall[wall[wallnum].point2].y; dist = ksqrt(dax*dax+day*day); // TX 20050102 I'm not sure what unit dist<<4 is supposed to be, but dist itself is correct in terms of game coordinates as one would expect Bsprintf(snotbuf,"Wall length: %d",dist); printext16(8+((col-1)*200),ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+96-(mode?16:0),color,-1,snotbuf,0); dax = (int32_t)sectorofwall(wallnum); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"Pixel height: %d",(sector[dax].floorz-sector[dax].ceilingz)>>8); printext16(8+((col-1)*200),ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+104-(mode?16:0),color,-1,snotbuf,0); } void showspritedata(int16_t spritenum) { char snotbuf[80]; int32_t col = 1, row = 0; int32_t mode = (spritenum & 16384); int32_t color = mode?whitecol:editorcolors[11]; if (mode) { int32_t i; row = 2; begindrawing(); col = whitecol - 16; for (i=ydim-(row*80)-STATUS2DSIZ+16; i 0) col--; } enddrawing(); col = 1; } spritenum &= ~16384; Bsprintf(snotbuf,"^10Sprite %d",spritenum); if (mode) Bstrcat(snotbuf," ^O(F8 to edit)"); printext16(8,ydim-(row*80)-STATUS2DSIZ+32,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"X-coordinate: %d",sprite[spritenum].x); printext16(8,ydim-(row*80)-STATUS2DSIZ+48,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"Y-coordinate: %d",sprite[spritenum].y); printext16(8,ydim-(row*80)-STATUS2DSIZ+56,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"Z-coordinate: %d",sprite[spritenum].z); printext16(8,ydim-(row*80)-STATUS2DSIZ+64,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"Sectnum: ^010%d",sprite[spritenum].sectnum); printext16(8,ydim-(row*80)-STATUS2DSIZ+72,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"Statnum: %d",sprite[spritenum].statnum); printext16(8,ydim-(row*80)-STATUS2DSIZ+80,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"Tags: %d, %d",sprite[spritenum].hitag,sprite[spritenum].lotag); printext16(8,ydim-(row*80)-STATUS2DSIZ+96,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf," (0x%x), (0x%x)",sprite[spritenum].hitag,sprite[spritenum].lotag); printext16(8,ydim-(row*80)-STATUS2DSIZ+104,color,-1,snotbuf,0); if (mode) row--; else col++; Bsprintf(snotbuf,"^10%s^O",names[sprite[spritenum].picnum]); printext16(8+((col-1)*200),ydim-(row*72)-STATUS2DSIZ+32,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"Flags (hex): %x",sprite[spritenum].cstat); printext16(8+((col-1)*200),ydim-(row*72)-STATUS2DSIZ+48,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"Shade: %d",sprite[spritenum].shade); printext16(8+((col-1)*200),ydim-(row*72)-STATUS2DSIZ+56,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"Pal: %d",sprite[spritenum].pal); printext16(8+((col-1)*200),ydim-(row*72)-STATUS2DSIZ+64,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"(X,Y)repeat: %d, %d",sprite[spritenum].xrepeat,sprite[spritenum].yrepeat); printext16(8+((col-1)*200),ydim-(row*72)-STATUS2DSIZ+72,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"(X,Y)offset: %d, %d",sprite[spritenum].xoffset,sprite[spritenum].yoffset); printext16(8+((col-1)*200),ydim-(row*72)-STATUS2DSIZ+80,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"Tile number: %d",sprite[spritenum].picnum); printext16(8+((col-1)*200),ydim-(row*72)-STATUS2DSIZ+88,color,-1,snotbuf,0); if (mode) row--; else col++; Bsprintf(snotbuf,"Angle (2048 degrees): %d",sprite[spritenum].ang); printext16(8+((col-1)*200),ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+48,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"X-Velocity: %d",sprite[spritenum].xvel); printext16(8+((col-1)*200),ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+56,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"Y-Velocity: %d",sprite[spritenum].yvel); printext16(8+((col-1)*200),ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+64,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"Z-Velocity: %d",sprite[spritenum].zvel); printext16(8+((col-1)*200),ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+72,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"Owner: %d",sprite[spritenum].owner); printext16(8+((col-1)*200),ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+80,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"Clipdist: %d",sprite[spritenum].clipdist); printext16(8+((col-1)*200),ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+88,color,-1,snotbuf,0); Bsprintf(snotbuf,"Extra: %d",sprite[spritenum].extra); printext16(8+((col-1)*200),ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+96,color,-1,snotbuf,0); } void keytimerstuff(void) { static int32_t ltotalclock=0; if (totalclock == ltotalclock) return; ltotalclock=totalclock; if (keystatus[buildkeys[BK_STRAFE]] == 0) { // PK: With GCC and Polymost, keyboard turning lags if (keystatus[buildkeys[BK_TURNLEFT]]) angvel = max(angvel-pk_turnaccel /* 16 */,-128); if (keystatus[buildkeys[BK_TURNRIGHT]]) angvel = min(angvel+pk_turnaccel /* 16 */,127); } else { if (keystatus[buildkeys[BK_TURNLEFT]]) svel = min(svel+16,255); // svel and vel aren't even chars... if (keystatus[buildkeys[BK_TURNRIGHT]]) svel = max(svel-16,-256); } if (keystatus[buildkeys[BK_MOVEFORWARD]]) vel = min(vel+16,255); if (keystatus[buildkeys[BK_MOVEBACKWARD]]) vel = max(vel-16,-256); /* if (keystatus[buildkeys[BK_STRAFELEFT]]) svel = min(svel+8,127); if (keystatus[buildkeys[BK_STRAFERIGHT]]) svel = max(svel-8,-128); */ if (angvel < 0) angvel = min(angvel+pk_turndecel /*12*/,0); if (angvel > 0) angvel = max(angvel-pk_turndecel /*12*/,0); if (svel < 0) svel = min(svel+6,0); if (svel > 0) svel = max(svel-6,0); if (vel < 0) vel = min(vel+6,0); if (vel > 0) vel = max(vel-6,0); /* if(mlook) pos.z -= (horiz-101)*(vel/40); */ } void _printmessage16(const char *fmt, ...) { int32_t i, ybase; char snotbuf[100]; char tmpstr[104]; va_list va; va_start(va, fmt); Bvsnprintf(tmpstr, 104, fmt, va); va_end(va); i = 0; while ((tmpstr[i] != 0) && (i < 94)) { snotbuf[i] = tmpstr[i]; i++; } snotbuf[i] = 0; if (lastpm16time == totalclock) Bstrcpy(lastpm16buf, snotbuf); clearministatbar16(); begindrawing(); // ybase = (overridepm16y >= 0) ? ydim-overridepm16y : ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+128-8; ybase = ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+128-8; printext16(/*(overridepm16y >= 0) ? 200L-24 :*/ 8, ybase+8L, whitecol, -1, snotbuf, 0); enddrawing(); } void printmessage256(int32_t x, int32_t y, char *name) { char snotbuf[64]; int32_t i; i = 0; while ((name[i] != 0) && (i < 62)) { snotbuf[i] = name[i]; i++; } while (i < 62) { snotbuf[i] = 32; i++; } snotbuf[62] = 0; printext256(x+2,y+2,0,-1,snotbuf,0); printext256(x,y,whitecol,-1,snotbuf,0); } //Find closest point (*dax, *day) on wall (dawall) to (x, y) void getclosestpointonwall(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t dawall, int32_t *nx, int32_t *ny) { walltype *wal; int64 i, j, dx, dy; wal = &wall[dawall]; dx = wall[wal->point2].x-wal->x; dy = wall[wal->point2].y-wal->y; i = dx*(x-wal->x) + dy*(y-wal->y); if (i <= 0) { *nx = wal->x; *ny = wal->y; return; } j = dx*dx+dy*dy; if (i >= j) { *nx = wal->x+dx; *ny = wal->y+dy; return; } i=((i<<15)/j)<<15; *nx = wal->x + ((dx*i)>>30); *ny = wal->y + ((dy*i)>>30); } void initcrc(void) { int32_t i, j, k, a; for (j=0; j<256; j++) //Calculate CRC table { k = (j<<8); a = 0; for (i=7; i>=0; i--) { if (((k^a)&0x8000) > 0) a = ((a<<1)&65535) ^ 0x1021; //0x1021 = genpoly else a = ((a<<1)&65535); k = ((k<<1)&65535); } crctable[j] = (a&65535); } } static char visited[MAXWALLS]; int32_t GetWallZPeg(int32_t nWall) { int32_t z=0, nSector, nNextSector; nSector = sectorofwall((int16_t)nWall); nNextSector = wall[nWall].nextsector; if (nNextSector == -1) { //1-sided wall if (wall[nWall].cstat&4) z = sector[nSector].floorz; else z = sector[nSector].ceilingz; } else { //2-sided wall if (wall[nWall].cstat&4) z = sector[nSector].ceilingz; else { if (sector[nNextSector].ceilingz > sector[nSector].ceilingz) z = sector[nNextSector].ceilingz; //top step if (sector[nNextSector].floorz < sector[nSector].floorz) z = sector[nNextSector].floorz; //bottom step } } return(z); } void AlignWalls(int32_t nWall0, int32_t z0, int32_t nWall1, int32_t z1, int32_t nTile) { int32_t n; //do the x alignment wall[nWall1].cstat &= ~0x0108; //Set to non-flip wall[nWall1].xpanning = (uint8_t)((wall[nWall0].xpanning+(wall[nWall0].xrepeat<<3))%tilesizx[nTile]); z1 = GetWallZPeg(nWall1); for (n=(picsiz[nTile]>>4); ((1<>(n+3))); } void AutoAlignWalls(int32_t nWall0, int32_t ply) { int32_t z0, z1, nTile, nWall1, branch, visible, nNextSector, nSector; nTile = wall[nWall0].picnum; branch = 0; if (ply == 0) { //clear visited bits memset(visited,0,sizeof(visited)); visited[nWall0] = 1; } z0 = GetWallZPeg(nWall0); nWall1 = wall[nWall0].point2; //loop through walls at this vertex in CCW order while (1) { //break if this wall would connect us in a loop if (visited[nWall1]) break; visited[nWall1] = 1; //break if reached back of left wall if (wall[nWall1].nextwall == nWall0) break; if (wall[nWall1].picnum == nTile) { z1 = GetWallZPeg(nWall1); visible = 0; nNextSector = wall[nWall1].nextsector; if (nNextSector < 0) visible = 1; else { //ignore two sided walls that have no visible face nSector = wall[wall[nWall1].nextwall].nextsector; if (getceilzofslope((int16_t)nSector,wall[nWall1].x,wall[nWall1].y) < getceilzofslope((int16_t)nNextSector,wall[nWall1].x,wall[nWall1].y)) visible = 1; if (getflorzofslope((int16_t)nSector,wall[nWall1].x,wall[nWall1].y) > getflorzofslope((int16_t)nNextSector,wall[nWall1].x,wall[nWall1].y)) visible = 1; } if (visible) { branch++; AlignWalls(nWall0,z0,nWall1,z1,nTile); //if wall was 1-sided, no need to recurse if (wall[nWall1].nextwall < 0) { nWall0 = nWall1; z0 = GetWallZPeg(nWall0); nWall1 = wall[nWall0].point2; branch = 0; continue; } else AutoAlignWalls(nWall1,ply+1); } } if (wall[nWall1].nextwall < 0) break; nWall1 = wall[wall[nWall1].nextwall].point2; } } void test_map(int32_t mode) { if (!mode) updatesector(pos.x, pos.y, &cursectnum); else updatesector(startposx, startposy, &startsectnum); if ((!mode && cursectnum >= 0) || (mode && startsectnum >= 0)) { char *param = " -map autosave.map -noinstancechecking"; char *fullparam; char current_cwd[BMAX_PATH]; int32_t slen = 0; BFILE *fp; if ((program_origcwd[0] == '\0') || !getcwd(current_cwd, BMAX_PATH)) current_cwd[0] = '\0'; else // Before we check if file exists, for the case there's no absolute path. chdir(program_origcwd); fp = fopen(game_executable, "rb"); // File exists? if (fp != NULL) fclose(fp); else { #ifdef _WIN32 fullparam = Bstrrchr(mapster32_fullpath, '\\'); #else fullparam = Bstrrchr(mapster32_fullpath, '/'); #endif if (fullparam) { slen = fullparam-mapster32_fullpath+1; Bstrncpy(game_executable, mapster32_fullpath, slen); // game_executable is now expected to not be NULL-terminated! Bstrcpy(game_executable+slen, DEFAULT_GAME_EXEC); } else Bstrcpy(game_executable, DEFAULT_GAME_LOCAL_EXEC); } if (current_cwd[0] != '\0') // Temporarily changing back, chdir(current_cwd); // after checking if file exists. if (testplay_addparam) slen = Bstrlen(testplay_addparam); // Considering the NULL character, quatation marks // and a possible extra space not in testplay_addparam, // the length should be Bstrlen(game_executable)+Bstrlen(param)+(slen+1)+2+1. fullparam = Bmalloc(Bstrlen(game_executable)+Bstrlen(param)+slen+4); Bsprintf(fullparam,"\"%s\"",game_executable); if (testplay_addparam) { Bstrcat(fullparam, " "); Bstrcat(fullparam, testplay_addparam); } Bstrcat(fullparam, param); fixspritesectors(); //Do this before saving! ExtPreSaveMap(); if (mode) saveboard("autosave.map",&startposx,&startposy,&startposz,&startang,&startsectnum); else saveboard("autosave.map",&pos.x,&pos.y,&pos.z,&ang,&cursectnum); _printmessage16("Board saved to AUTOSAVE.MAP. Starting the game..."); showframe(1); uninitmouse(); #ifdef _WIN32 { STARTUPINFO si; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; ZeroMemory(&si,sizeof(si)); ZeroMemory(&pi,sizeof(pi)); si.cb = sizeof(si); if (!CreateProcess(NULL,fullparam,NULL,NULL,0,0,NULL,NULL,&si,&pi)) printmessage16("Error launching the game!"); else WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess,INFINITE); } #else if (current_cwd[0] != '\0') { chdir(program_origcwd); system(fullparam); // message("Error launching the game!"); chdir(current_cwd); } else system(fullparam); #endif printmessage16("Game process exited"); initmouse(); Bfree(fullparam); } else printmessage16("Position must be in valid player space to test map!"); }