#pragma once #include <memory> #include "c_cvars.h" #include "zstring.h" #include "inputstate.h" #include "gamecvars.h" #include "tarray.h" #include "name.h" #include "memarena.h" #include "stats.h" #include "i_time.h" #include "palentry.h" #include "build.h" EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, hud_textfont) extern bool sendsave; extern FString savedescription; extern FString savegamefile; extern FString currentGame; extern FString LumpFilter; extern int PlayClock; class FArgs; extern bool GUICapture; extern bool AppActive; extern cycle_t drawtime, actortime, thinktime, gameupdatetime; extern bool r_NoInterpolate; extern bool crouch_toggle; struct MapRecord; extern MapRecord* g_nextmap; extern int g_nextskill; extern int g_bossexit; extern FStringCVar* const CombatMacros[]; void CONFIG_ReadCombatMacros(); int GameMain(); int GetAutomapZoom(int gZoom); void DrawCrosshair(int deftile, int health, double xdelta, double ydelta, double scale, PalEntry color = 0xffffffff); void updatePauseStatus(); void DeferredStartGame(MapRecord* map, int skill, bool nostopsound = false); void ChangeLevel(MapRecord* map, int skill, bool bossexit = false); void CompleteLevel(MapRecord* map); struct UserConfig { FString gamegrp; FString CommandMap; FString UserDef; FString DefaultDef; FString DefaultCon; FString CommandDemo; FString CommandName; FString CommandIni; std::unique_ptr<FArgs> AddDefs; std::unique_ptr<FArgs> AddCons; std::unique_ptr<FArgs> AddFiles; std::unique_ptr<FArgs> AddFilesPre; //To be added before the main directory. Only for legacy options. std::unique_ptr<FArgs> AddArt; TArray<FString> toBeDeleted; bool nomonsters = false; bool nosound = false; //bool nomusic = false; bool nologo = false; int setupstate = -1; void ProcessOptions(); }; extern UserConfig userConfig; enum { GAMEFLAG_DUKE = 0x00000001, GAMEFLAG_NAM = 0x00000002, GAMEFLAG_NAPALM = 0x00000004, GAMEFLAG_WW2GI = 0x00000008, GAMEFLAG_ADDON = 0x00000010, GAMEFLAG_SHAREWARE = 0x00000020, GAMEFLAG_DUKEBETA = 0x00000060, // includes 0x20 since it's a shareware beta GAMEFLAG_PLUTOPAK = 0x00000080, GAMEFLAG_RR = 0x00000100, GAMEFLAG_RRRA = 0x00000200, GAMEFLAG_RRALL = GAMEFLAG_RR | GAMEFLAG_RRRA, GAMEFLAG_BLOOD = 0x00000800, GAMEFLAG_SW = 0x00001000, GAMEFLAG_POWERSLAVE = 0x00002000, GAMEFLAG_EXHUMED = 0x00004000, GAMEFLAG_PSEXHUMED = GAMEFLAG_POWERSLAVE | GAMEFLAG_EXHUMED, // the two games really are the same, except for the name and the publisher. GAMEFLAG_WORLDTOUR = 0x00008000, GAMEFLAG_DUKEDC = 0x00010000, GAMEFLAG_DUKENW = 0x00020000, GAMEFLAG_DUKEVACA = 0x00040000, GAMEFLAG_BLOODCP = 0x00080000, GAMEFLAG_ROUTE66 = 0x00100000, GAMEFLAG_SWWANTON = 0x00200000, GAMEFLAG_SWTWINDRAG = 0x00400000, GAMEFLAG_DUKECOMPAT = GAMEFLAG_DUKE | GAMEFLAG_NAM | GAMEFLAG_NAPALM | GAMEFLAG_WW2GI | GAMEFLAG_RRALL, GAMEFLAGMASK = 0x0000FFFF, // flags allowed from grpinfo // We still need these for the parsers. GAMEFLAG_FURY = 0, GAMEFLAG_DEER = 0, }; struct GrpInfo { FString name; FString scriptname; FString defname; FString rtsname; FString gamefilter; FString gameid; uint32_t CRC = 0; uint32_t dependencyCRC = 0; size_t size = 0; int flags = 0; bool loaddirectory = false; bool isAddon = false; int index = -1; TArray<FString> mustcontain; TArray<FString> tobedeleted; TArray<FString> loadfiles; TArray<FString> loadart; TArray<FString> exclepisodes; uint32_t FgColor = 0, BgColor = 0; }; struct GrpEntry { FString FileName; GrpInfo FileInfo; }; extern int g_gameType; const char* G_DefaultDefFile(void); const char* G_DefFile(void); void LoadDefinitions(); // game check shortcuts inline bool isNam() { return g_gameType & (GAMEFLAG_NAM | GAMEFLAG_NAPALM); } inline bool isNamWW2GI() { return g_gameType & (GAMEFLAG_NAM | GAMEFLAG_NAPALM |GAMEFLAG_WW2GI); } inline bool isWW2GI() { return g_gameType & (GAMEFLAG_WW2GI); } inline bool isDuke() { return g_gameType & (GAMEFLAG_DUKE); } inline bool isRR() { return g_gameType & (GAMEFLAG_RRALL); } inline bool isRRRA() { return g_gameType & (GAMEFLAG_RRRA); } inline bool isWorldTour() { return g_gameType & GAMEFLAG_WORLDTOUR; } inline bool isPlutoPak() { return g_gameType & GAMEFLAG_PLUTOPAK; } inline bool isShareware() { return g_gameType & GAMEFLAG_SHAREWARE; } inline bool isDukeLike() { return g_gameType & (GAMEFLAG_NAM | GAMEFLAG_NAPALM | GAMEFLAG_WW2GI | GAMEFLAG_DUKE | GAMEFLAG_RRALL); } inline bool isBlood() { return g_gameType & GAMEFLAG_BLOOD; } inline bool isSWALL() { return g_gameType & (GAMEFLAG_SW | GAMEFLAG_SWWANTON | GAMEFLAG_SWTWINDRAG); } inline bool isExhumed() { return g_gameType & GAMEFLAG_PSEXHUMED; } TArray<GrpEntry> GrpScan(); void S_PauseSound(bool notmusic, bool notsfx); void S_ResumeSound(bool notsfx); void S_SetSoundPaused(int state); const int MaxSmoothRatio = FRACUNIT; FString G_GetDemoPath(); enum { PAUSESFX_MENU = 1, PAUSESFX_CONSOLE = 2 }; extern int paused; extern int chatmodeon; extern bool sendPause; extern int lastTic; extern int PlayClock; enum gameaction_t : int { ga_nothing, ga_level, // Switch to play mode without any initialization ga_intro, ga_intermission, ga_startup, // go back to intro after uninitializing the game state ga_mainmenu, // go back to main menu after uninitializing the game state ga_mainmenunostopsound, // Same but doesn't stop playing sounds. ga_creditsmenu, // go to the credits menu after uninitializing the game state ga_newgame, // start a new game ga_recordgame, // start a new demo recording (later) ga_loadgame, // load a savegame and resume play. ga_loadgameplaydemo, // load a savegame and play a demo. ga_autoloadgame, // load last autosave and resume play. ga_savegame, // save the game ga_autosave, // autosave the game (for triggering a save from within the game.) ga_completed, // Level was exited. ga_nextlevel, // Actually start the next level. ga_loadgamehidecon, ga_newgamenostopsound, // start a new game ga_endscreenjob, ga_fullconsole, }; extern gameaction_t gameaction; struct SpawnRec { FName clsname; PClass* cls; int param; PClass* Class() { if (!cls && clsname != NAME_None) cls = PClass::FindClass(clsname); clsname = NAME_None; return cls; } }; using SpawnMap = TMap<int, SpawnRec>; inline SpawnMap spawnMap;