/* ** files.cpp ** Implements classes for reading from files or memory blocks ** **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Copyright 1998-2008 Randy Heit ** Copyright 2005-2008 Christoph Oelckers ** All rights reserved. ** ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ** are met: ** ** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ** 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products ** derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR ** IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ** OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ** IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, ** INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT ** NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF ** THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** */ // Caution: LzmaDec also pulls in windows.h! #define NOMINMAX #include "LzmaDec.h" #include #include #include #include #include "files.h" //========================================================================== // // DecompressionError // // Allows catching errors from the decompressor. The default is just to // return failure from the calling function. // //========================================================================== void DecompressorBase::DecompressionError(const char *error, ...) const { if (exceptions) { va_list argptr; va_start(argptr, error); throw FileSystemException(error, argptr); va_end(argptr); } } long DecompressorBase::Tell () const { DecompressionError("Cannot get position of decompressor stream"); return 0; } long DecompressorBase::Seek (long offset, int origin) { DecompressionError("Cannot seek in decompressor stream"); return 0; } char *DecompressorBase::Gets(char *strbuf, int len) { DecompressionError("Cannot use Gets on decompressor stream"); return nullptr; } void DecompressorBase::SetOwnsReader() { OwnedFile = std::move(*File); File = &OwnedFile; } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== static const char* ZLibError(int zerr) { static const char* const errs[6] = { "Errno", "Stream Error", "Data Error", "Memory Error", "Buffer Error", "Version Error" }; if (zerr >= 0 || zerr < -6) return "Unknown"; else return errs[-zerr - 1]; } //========================================================================== // // DecompressorZ // // The zlib wrapper // reads data from a ZLib compressed stream // //========================================================================== class DecompressorZ : public DecompressorBase { enum { BUFF_SIZE = 4096 }; bool SawEOF = false; z_stream Stream; uint8_t InBuff[BUFF_SIZE]; public: bool Open (FileReader *file, bool zip) { if (File != nullptr) { DecompressionError("File already open"); return false; } int err; File = file; FillBuffer (); Stream.zalloc = Z_NULL; Stream.zfree = Z_NULL; if (!zip) err = inflateInit (&Stream); else err = inflateInit2 (&Stream, -MAX_WBITS); if (err < Z_OK) { DecompressionError ("DecompressorZ: inflateInit failed: %s\n", ZLibError(err)); return false; } return true; } ~DecompressorZ () { inflateEnd (&Stream); } long Read (void *buffer, long len) override { int err; if (File == nullptr) { DecompressionError("File not open"); return 0; } Stream.next_out = (Bytef *)buffer; Stream.avail_out = len; do { err = inflate (&Stream, Z_SYNC_FLUSH); if (Stream.avail_in == 0 && !SawEOF) { FillBuffer (); } } while (err == Z_OK && Stream.avail_out != 0); if (err != Z_OK && err != Z_STREAM_END) { DecompressionError ("Corrupt zlib stream"); return 0; } if (Stream.avail_out != 0) { DecompressionError ("Ran out of data in zlib stream"); return 0; } return len - Stream.avail_out; } void FillBuffer () { auto numread = File->Read (InBuff, BUFF_SIZE); if (numread < BUFF_SIZE) { SawEOF = true; } Stream.next_in = InBuff; Stream.avail_in = (uInt)numread; } }; //========================================================================== // // DecompressorZ // // The bzip2 wrapper // reads data from a libbzip2 compressed stream // //========================================================================== class DecompressorBZ2; static DecompressorBZ2 * stupidGlobal; // Why does that dumb global error callback not pass the decompressor state? // Thanks to that brain-dead interface we have to use a global variable to get the error to the proper handler. class DecompressorBZ2 : public DecompressorBase { enum { BUFF_SIZE = 4096 }; bool SawEOF = false; bz_stream Stream; uint8_t InBuff[BUFF_SIZE]; public: bool Open(FileReader *file) { if (File != nullptr) { DecompressionError("File already open"); return false; } int err; File = file; stupidGlobal = this; FillBuffer (); Stream.bzalloc = NULL; Stream.bzfree = NULL; Stream.opaque = NULL; err = BZ2_bzDecompressInit(&Stream, 0, 0); if (err != BZ_OK) { DecompressionError ("DecompressorBZ2: bzDecompressInit failed: %d\n", err); return false; } return true; } ~DecompressorBZ2 () { stupidGlobal = this; BZ2_bzDecompressEnd (&Stream); } long Read (void *buffer, long len) override { if (File == nullptr) { DecompressionError("File not open"); return 0; } int err; stupidGlobal = this; Stream.next_out = (char *)buffer; Stream.avail_out = len; do { err = BZ2_bzDecompress(&Stream); if (Stream.avail_in == 0 && !SawEOF) { FillBuffer (); } } while (err == BZ_OK && Stream.avail_out != 0); if (err != BZ_OK && err != BZ_STREAM_END) { DecompressionError ("Corrupt bzip2 stream"); return 0; } if (Stream.avail_out != 0) { DecompressionError ("Ran out of data in bzip2 stream"); return 0; } return len - Stream.avail_out; } void FillBuffer () { auto numread = File->Read(InBuff, BUFF_SIZE); if (numread < BUFF_SIZE) { SawEOF = true; } Stream.next_in = (char *)InBuff; Stream.avail_in = (unsigned)numread; } }; //========================================================================== // // bz_internal_error // // libbzip2 wants this, since we build it with BZ_NO_STDIO set. // //========================================================================== extern "C" void bz_internal_error (int errcode) { if (stupidGlobal) stupidGlobal->DecompressionError("libbzip2: internal error number %d\n", errcode); else std::terminate(); } //========================================================================== // // DecompressorLZMA // // The lzma wrapper // reads data from a LZMA compressed stream // //========================================================================== static void *SzAlloc(ISzAllocPtr, size_t size) { return malloc(size); } static void SzFree(ISzAllocPtr, void *address) { free(address); } ISzAlloc g_Alloc = { SzAlloc, SzFree }; // Wraps around a Decompressor to decompress a lzma stream class DecompressorLZMA : public DecompressorBase { enum { BUFF_SIZE = 4096 }; bool SawEOF = false; CLzmaDec Stream; size_t Size; size_t InPos, InSize; size_t OutProcessed; uint8_t InBuff[BUFF_SIZE]; public: bool Open(FileReader *file, size_t uncompressed_size) { if (File != nullptr) { DecompressionError("File already open"); return false; } uint8_t header[4 + LZMA_PROPS_SIZE]; int err; File = file; Size = uncompressed_size; OutProcessed = 0; // Read zip LZMA properties header if (File->Read(header, sizeof(header)) < (long)sizeof(header)) { DecompressionError("DecompressorLZMA: File too short\n"); return false; } if (header[2] + header[3] * 256 != LZMA_PROPS_SIZE) { DecompressionError("DecompressorLZMA: LZMA props size is %d (expected %d)\n", header[2] + header[3] * 256, LZMA_PROPS_SIZE); return false; } FillBuffer(); LzmaDec_Construct(&Stream); err = LzmaDec_Allocate(&Stream, header + 4, LZMA_PROPS_SIZE, &g_Alloc); if (err != SZ_OK) { DecompressionError("DecompressorLZMA: LzmaDec_Allocate failed: %d\n", err); return false; } LzmaDec_Init(&Stream); return true; } ~DecompressorLZMA () { LzmaDec_Free(&Stream, &g_Alloc); } long Read (void *buffer, long len) override { if (File == nullptr) { DecompressionError("File not open"); return 0; } int err; Byte *next_out = (Byte *)buffer; do { ELzmaFinishMode finish_mode = LZMA_FINISH_ANY; ELzmaStatus status; size_t out_processed = len; size_t in_processed = InSize; err = LzmaDec_DecodeToBuf(&Stream, next_out, &out_processed, InBuff + InPos, &in_processed, finish_mode, &status); InPos += in_processed; InSize -= in_processed; next_out += out_processed; len = (long)(len - out_processed); if (err != SZ_OK) { DecompressionError ("Corrupt LZMA stream"); return 0; } if (in_processed == 0 && out_processed == 0) { if (status != LZMA_STATUS_FINISHED_WITH_MARK) { DecompressionError ("Corrupt LZMA stream"); return 0; } } if (InSize == 0 && !SawEOF) { FillBuffer (); } } while (err == SZ_OK && len != 0); if (err != Z_OK && err != Z_STREAM_END) { DecompressionError ("Corrupt LZMA stream"); return 0; } if (len != 0) { DecompressionError ("Ran out of data in LZMA stream"); return 0; } return (long)(next_out - (Byte *)buffer); } void FillBuffer () { auto numread = File->Read(InBuff, BUFF_SIZE); if (numread < BUFF_SIZE) { SawEOF = true; } InPos = 0; InSize = numread; } }; //========================================================================== // // Console Doom LZSS wrapper. // //========================================================================== class DecompressorLZSS : public DecompressorBase { enum { BUFF_SIZE = 4096, WINDOW_SIZE = 4096, INTERNAL_BUFFER_SIZE = 128 }; bool SawEOF; uint8_t InBuff[BUFF_SIZE]; enum StreamState { STREAM_EMPTY, STREAM_BITS, STREAM_FLUSH, STREAM_FINAL }; struct { StreamState State; uint8_t *In; unsigned int AvailIn; unsigned int InternalOut; uint8_t CFlags, Bits; uint8_t Window[WINDOW_SIZE+INTERNAL_BUFFER_SIZE]; const uint8_t *WindowData; uint8_t *InternalBuffer; } Stream; void FillBuffer() { if(Stream.AvailIn) memmove(InBuff, Stream.In, Stream.AvailIn); auto numread = File->Read(InBuff+Stream.AvailIn, BUFF_SIZE-Stream.AvailIn); if (numread < BUFF_SIZE) { SawEOF = true; } Stream.In = InBuff; Stream.AvailIn = (unsigned)numread+Stream.AvailIn; } // Reads a flag byte. void PrepareBlocks() { assert(Stream.InternalBuffer == Stream.WindowData); Stream.CFlags = *Stream.In++; --Stream.AvailIn; Stream.Bits = 0xFF; Stream.State = STREAM_BITS; } // Reads the next chunk in the block. Returns true if successful and // returns false if it ran out of input data. bool UncompressBlock() { if(Stream.CFlags & 1) { // Check to see if we have enough input if(Stream.AvailIn < 2) return false; Stream.AvailIn -= 2; uint16_t pos = fs_private::BigShort(*(uint16_t*)Stream.In); uint8_t len = (pos & 0xF)+1; pos >>= 4; Stream.In += 2; if(len == 1) { // We've reached the end of the stream. Stream.State = STREAM_FINAL; return true; } const uint8_t* copyStart = Stream.InternalBuffer-pos-1; // Complete overlap: Single byte repeated if(pos == 0) memset(Stream.InternalBuffer, *copyStart, len); // No overlap: One copy else if(pos >= len) memcpy(Stream.InternalBuffer, copyStart, len); else { // Partial overlap: Copy in 2 or 3 chunks. do { unsigned int copy = std::min(len, pos+1); memcpy(Stream.InternalBuffer, copyStart, copy); Stream.InternalBuffer += copy; Stream.InternalOut += copy; len -= copy; pos += copy; // Increase our position since we can copy twice as much the next round. } while(len); } Stream.InternalOut += len; Stream.InternalBuffer += len; } else { // Uncompressed byte. *Stream.InternalBuffer++ = *Stream.In++; --Stream.AvailIn; ++Stream.InternalOut; } Stream.CFlags >>= 1; Stream.Bits >>= 1; // If we're done with this block, flush the output if(Stream.Bits == 0) Stream.State = STREAM_FLUSH; return true; } public: bool Open(FileReader *file) { if (File != nullptr) { DecompressionError("File already open"); return false; } File = file; Stream.State = STREAM_EMPTY; Stream.WindowData = Stream.InternalBuffer = Stream.Window+WINDOW_SIZE; Stream.InternalOut = 0; Stream.AvailIn = 0; FillBuffer(); return true; } ~DecompressorLZSS() { } long Read(void *buffer, long len) override { uint8_t *Out = (uint8_t*)buffer; long AvailOut = len; do { while(Stream.AvailIn) { if(Stream.State == STREAM_EMPTY) PrepareBlocks(); else if(Stream.State == STREAM_BITS && !UncompressBlock()) break; else break; } unsigned int copy = std::min(Stream.InternalOut, AvailOut); if(copy > 0) { memcpy(Out, Stream.WindowData, copy); Out += copy; AvailOut -= copy; // Slide our window memmove(Stream.Window, Stream.Window+copy, WINDOW_SIZE+INTERNAL_BUFFER_SIZE-copy); Stream.InternalBuffer -= copy; Stream.InternalOut -= copy; } if(Stream.State == STREAM_FINAL) break; if(Stream.InternalOut == 0 && Stream.State == STREAM_FLUSH) Stream.State = STREAM_EMPTY; if(Stream.AvailIn < 2) FillBuffer(); } while(AvailOut && Stream.State != STREAM_FINAL); assert(AvailOut == 0); return (long)(Out - (uint8_t*)buffer); } }; bool FileReader::OpenDecompressor(FileReader &parent, Size length, int method, bool seekable, bool exceptions) { DecompressorBase* dec = nullptr; try { FileReader* p = &parent; switch (method & ~METHOD_TRANSFEROWNER) { case METHOD_DEFLATE: case METHOD_ZLIB: { auto idec = new DecompressorZ; dec = idec; idec->EnableExceptions(exceptions); if (!idec->Open(p, method == METHOD_DEFLATE)) { delete idec; return false; } break; } case METHOD_BZIP2: { auto idec = new DecompressorBZ2; dec = idec; idec->EnableExceptions(exceptions); if (!idec->Open(p)) { delete idec; return false; } break; } case METHOD_LZMA: { auto idec = new DecompressorLZMA; dec = idec; idec->EnableExceptions(exceptions); if (!idec->Open(p, length)) { delete idec; return false; } break; } case METHOD_LZSS: { auto idec = new DecompressorLZSS; dec = idec; idec->EnableExceptions(exceptions); if (!idec->Open(p)) { delete idec; return false; } break; } // todo: METHOD_IMPLODE, METHOD_SHRINK default: return false; } if (method & METHOD_TRANSFEROWNER) { dec->SetOwnsReader(); } dec->Length = (long)length; if (!seekable) { Close(); mReader = dec; return true; } else { // todo: create a wrapper. for now this fails delete dec; return false; } } catch (...) { if (dec) delete dec; throw; } }