class DukeTripBomb : DukeActor { enum EMode { // Control flags for WW2GI weapons. TRIPBOMB_TRIPWIRE = 1, TRIPBOMB_TIMER = 2 }; default { pic "TRIPBOMB"; Strength TRIPBOMB_STRENGTH; strength 100; +CHECKSLEEP; +HITRADIUS_FORCEEFFECT; +MOVEFTA_MAKESTANDABLE; +SE24_NOCARRY; +DONTANIMATE; +NOFALLER; +BLOCK_TRIPBOMB; +NOFLOORPAL; +NOTELEPORT; } override void Initialize() { self.scale = (0.0625, 0.078125); ud.bomb_tag = (ud.bomb_tag + 1) & 32767; self.hitag = ud.bomb_tag; self.detail = TRIPBOMB_TRIPWIRE; } override void Tick() { int j; double x; if (self.statnum != STAT_STANDABLE) { return; } int lTripBombControl = self.detail; if (lTripBombControl & TRIPBOMB_TIMER) { // we're on a timer.... if (self.extra >= 0) { self.extra--; if (self.extra == 0) { self.temp_data[2] = 16; self.PlayActorSound("LASERTRIP_ARMING"); } } } if (self.temp_data[2] > 0) { self.temp_data[2]--; if (self.temp_data[2] == 8) { self.PlayActorSound("LASERTRIP_EXPLODE"); for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) self.RandomScrap(); int ex = self.extra; self.hitradius(gs.tripbombblastradius, ex >> 2, ex >> 1, ex - (ex >> 2), ex); let spawned = self.spawn("DukeExplosion2"); if (spawned) { spawned.angle = self.angle; spawned.vel.X = 348 / 16.; spawned.DoMove(CLIPMASK0); } DukeStatIterator it; for(let a1 = it.First(STAT_MISC); a1; a1 = it.Next()) { if (a1 is "DukeLaserLine" && self.hitag == a1.hitag) a1.scale = (0, 0); } self.Destroy(); } return; } else { let ex = self.extra; self.extra = 1; let ang = self.angle; j = self.ifhitbyweapon(); if (j >= 0) { self.temp_data[2] = 16; } self.extra = ex; self.angle = ang; } if (self.counter < 32) { DukePlayer p; double x; [p, x] = self.findplayer(); if (x > 48) self.counter++; else if (self.counter > 16) self.counter++; } if (self.counter == 32) { let ang = self.angle; self.angle = self.temp_angle; self.temp_pos = self.pos; self.pos += self.temp_angle.ToVector() * 2; self.pos.Z -= 3; // Laser fix from EDuke32. let oldSect = self.sector; let curSect = self.sector; curSect = Raze.updatesector(self.pos.XY, curSect, 128); self.ChangeSector(curSect); DukeActor hit; [x, hit] = self.hitasprite(); self.temp_pos2.X = x; self.angle = ang; if (lTripBombControl & TRIPBOMB_TRIPWIRE) { // we're on a trip wire while (x > 0) { let spawned = self.spawn("DukeLaserLine");// LASERLINE); if (spawned) { spawned.SetPosition(spawned.pos); spawned.hitag = self.hitag; spawned.temp_pos.Z = spawned.pos.Z; // doesn't look to be used anywhere... if (x < 64) { spawned.scale.X = (x * (REPEAT_SCALE / 2)); break; } x -= 64; self.pos += self.temp_angle.ToVector() * 64; cursect = Raze.updatesector(self.pos.XY, curSect, 128); if (curSect == nullptr) break; self.ChangeSector(curSect); // this is a hack to work around the laser line sprite's art tile offset spawned.ChangeSector(curSect); } } } self.counter++; self.pos = self.temp_pos; self.ChangeSector(oldSect); self.temp_data[3] = 0; if (hit && lTripBombControl & TRIPBOMB_TRIPWIRE) { self.temp_data[2] = 13; self.PlayActorSound("LASERTRIP_ARMING"); } else self.temp_data[2] = 0; } if (self.counter == 33) { self.temp_data[1]++; self.temp_pos.XY = self.pos.XY; self.pos += self.temp_angle.ToVector() * 2; self.pos.Z -= 3; self.SetPosition(self.pos); x = self.hitasprite(); self.pos.XY = self.temp_pos.XY; self.pos.Z += 3; self.SetPosition( self.pos); if (self.temp_pos2.X != x && lTripBombControl & TRIPBOMB_TRIPWIRE) { self.temp_data[2] = 13; self.PlayActorSound("LASERTRIP_ARMING"); } } } } // the map-spawned and player-spawned trip bombs are different so let's spawn two distinct types for them. class DukeTripBombPlaced : DukeTripBomb { override void Initialize() { Super.Initialize(); self.ownerActor = self; self.vel.X = 1; self.DoMove(CLIPMASK0); self.counter = 17; self.temp_data[2] = 0; self.temp_angle = self.angle; self.ChangeStat(STAT_ZOMBIEACTOR); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class DukeLaserLine : DukeActor { default { pic "LASERLINE"; +FULLBRIGHT; +NOROTATEWITHSECTOR; +SHOWWALLSPRITEONMAP; +SE24_NOCARRY; +DONTANIMATE; +NOTELEPORT; +NOFLOORPAL; } override void Initialize() { self.scale = (0.5, 0.09375); if (gs.lasermode == 1) self.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_ALIGNMENT_WALL | CSTAT_SPRITE_TRANSLUCENT; else if (gs.lasermode == 0 || gs.lasermode == 2) self.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_ALIGNMENT_WALL; else { self.scale = (0, 0); } let owner = self.ownerActor; if (owner) self.angle = owner.temp_angle + 90; self.ChangeStat(STAT_MISC); } override bool animate(tspritetype t) { let OwnerAc = self.ownerActor; if (!OwnerAc) return true; if (t.sector.lotag == 2) t.pal = 8; t.pos.Z = OwnerAc.pos.Z - 3; if (gs.lasermode == 2 && Duke.GetViewPlayer().heat_on == 0) t.scale.Y = 0; return true; } } class DukeHandHoldingLaser : DukeActor { default { pic "HANDHOLDINGLASER"; } override bool ShootThis(DukeActor shooter, DukePlayer p, Vector3 pos, double ang) const { let sectp = shooter.sector; double vel = 1024., zvel; int j; HitInfo hit; if (p != null) [vel, zvel] = Raze.setFreeAimVelocity(vel, zvel, p.getPitchWithView(), 16.); else zvel = 0; Raze.hitscan(pos, sectp, (ang.ToVector() * vel, zvel * 64), hit, CLIPMASK1); j = 0; if (hit.hitActor) return true; if (hit.hitWall && hit.hitSector) { if ((hit.hitpos.XY - pos.XY).LengthSquared() < 18.125 * 18.125) { if (hit.hitWall.twoSided()) { if (hit.hitWall.nextSectorp().lotag <= 2 && hit.hitSector.lotag <= 2) j = 1; } else if (hit.hitSector.lotag <= 2) j = 1; } if (j == 1) { let bomb = dlevel.SpawnActor(hit.hitSector, hit.hitpos, "DukeTripBomb", -16, (0.0625, 0.078125), ang, 0., 0., shooter, STAT_STANDABLE); if (!bomb) return true; if (gs.TripBombControl & DukeTripBomb.TRIPBOMB_TIMER) { // set timer. blows up when at zero.... bomb.extra = gs.stickybomb_lifetime + ((random(0, 65535) * gs.stickybomb_lifetime_var) >> 14) - gs.stickybomb_lifetime_var; bomb.detail = DukeTripBomb.TRIPBOMB_TIMER; } else bomb.detail = DukeTripBomb.TRIPBOMB_TRIPWIRE; // this also covers the originally undefined case of tripbombcontrol == 0. // this originally used the sprite index as tag to link the laser segments. // This value is never used again to reference an shooter by index. Decouple this for robustness. ud.bomb_tag = (ud.bomb_tag + 1) & 32767; bomb.hitag = ud.bomb_tag; bomb.PlayActorSound("LASERTRIP_ONWALL"); bomb.vel.X = -1.25; bomb.DoMove(CLIPMASK0); bomb.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_ALIGNMENT_WALL; let delta =; bomb.Angle = delta.Angle() - 90; bomb.temp_angle = bomb.Angle; if (p) p.ammo_amount[DukeWpn.TRIPBOMB_WEAPON]--; // this should be elsewhere. } } return true; } }