// "Build Engine & Tools" Copyright (c) 1993-1997 Ken Silverman // Ken Silverman's official web site: "http://www.advsys.net/ken" // See the included license file "BUILDLIC.TXT" for license info. // // This file has been modified from Ken Silverman's original release // by Jonathon Fowler (jf@jonof.id.au) #include "build.h" #include "compat.h" #include "pragmas.h" #include "osd.h" #include "cache1d.h" #include "editor.h" #include "common.h" #include "baselayer.h" #include "renderlayer.h" #ifdef _WIN32 # include "winbits.h" #endif #include "m32script.h" #define TIMERINTSPERSECOND 120 #define updatecrc16(crc,dat) (crc = (((crc<<8)&65535)^crctable[((((uint16_t)crc)>>8)&65535)^dat])) static int32_t crctable[256]; static char kensig[64]; extern const char *ExtGetVer(void); int8_t m32_clipping=2; static int32_t m32_rotateang = 0; // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // up, down, left, right, lshift, rctrl, lctrl, space // 8 9 10 11 12 13 // a, z, pgdn, pgup, [,], [.] // 14 15 16 17 18 19 // kpenter, enter, =, -, tab, ` uint8_t buildkeys[NUMBUILDKEYS] = { 0xc8,0xd0,0xcb,0xcd,0x2a,0x9d,0x1d,0x39, 0x1e,0x2c,0xd1,0xc9,0x33,0x34, 0x9c,0x1c,0xd,0xc,0xf,0x29 }; // Start position vec3_t startpos; int16_t startang, startsectnum; // Current position vec3_t pos; int32_t horiz = 100; int16_t ang, cursectnum; static int32_t hvel, vel, svel, angvel; int32_t g_doHardcodedMovement = 1; static int32_t mousexsurp = 0, mouseysurp = 0; int32_t grponlymode = 0; int32_t graphicsmode = 0; extern int32_t totalclocklock; int32_t synctics = 0, lockclock = 0; // those ones save the respective 3d video vars while in 2d mode // so that exiting from mapster32 in 2d mode saves the correct ones double vid_gamma_3d=-1, vid_contrast_3d=-1, vid_brightness_3d=-1; int32_t xdim2d = 640, ydim2d = 480, xdimgame = 640, ydimgame = 480, bppgame = 8; int32_t forcesetup = 1; #ifndef GEKKO int32_t g_maxCacheSize = 24<<20; #else int32_t g_maxCacheSize = 8<<20; #endif static int16_t oldmousebstatus = 0; char game_executable[BMAX_PATH] = DEFAULT_GAME_LOCAL_EXEC; int32_t zlock = 0x7fffffff, zmode = 0, kensplayerheight = 32; //int16_t defaultspritecstat = 0; int16_t localartfreq[MAXTILES]; int16_t localartlookup[MAXTILES], localartlookupnum; char tempbuf[4096]; char names[MAXTILES][25]; const char *g_namesFileName = "NAMES.H"; int16_t asksave = 0; int32_t osearchx, osearchy; //old search input int32_t grid = 3, autogrid = 0, gridlock = 1, showtags = 2; int32_t zoom = 768, gettilezoom = 1; int32_t lastpm16time = 0; extern int32_t mapversion; int16_t highlight[MAXWALLS+MAXSPRITES]; int16_t highlightsector[MAXSECTORS], highlightsectorcnt = -1; extern char textfont[128][8]; int32_t tempsectornum = -1; // for auto ceiling/floor alignment int32_t temppicnum, tempcstat, templotag, temphitag, tempextra; uint32_t temppal, tempvis, tempxrepeat, tempyrepeat, tempxpanning=0, tempypanning=0; int32_t tempshade, tempxvel, tempyvel, tempzvel; char somethingintab = 255; // Only valid when highlightsectorcnt>0 and no structural // modifications (deleting/inserting sectors or points, setting new firstwall) // have been made: static int16_t onextwall[MAXWALLS]; // onextwall[i]>=0 implies wall[i].nextwall < 0 static void mkonwvalid(void) { chsecptr_onextwall = onextwall; } static void mkonwinvalid(void) { chsecptr_onextwall = NULL; tempsectornum=-1; } static void mkonwinvalid_keeptempsect(void) { chsecptr_onextwall = NULL; } static int32_t onwisvalid(void) { return chsecptr_onextwall != NULL; } int32_t mlook = 0, mskip=0; int32_t revertCTRL=0,scrollamount=3; int32_t unrealedlook=1, quickmapcycling=1; //PK char program_origcwd[BMAX_PATH]; const char *mapster32_fullpath; char *testplay_addparam = 0; static char boardfilename[BMAX_PATH], selectedboardfilename[BMAX_PATH]; //extern char levelname[BMAX_PATH]; // in astub.c XXX: clean up this mess!!! static fnlist_t fnlist; static CACHE1D_FIND_REC *finddirshigh=NULL, *findfileshigh=NULL; static int32_t currentlist=0; //static int32_t repeatcountx, repeatcounty; static int32_t fillist[640]; // used for fillsector, batch point insertion, backup_highlighted_map static int32_t tempxyar[MAXWALLS][2]; static int32_t mousx, mousy; int16_t prefixtiles[10] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }; uint8_t hlsectorbitmap[MAXSECTORS>>3]; // show2dsector is already taken... static int32_t minhlsectorfloorz, numhlsecwalls; // used for: // - hl_all_bunch_sectors_p // - AlignWalls // - trace_loop static uint8_t visited[MAXWALLS>>3]; typedef struct { int16_t numsectors, numwalls, numsprites; #ifdef YAX_ENABLE int16_t numyaxbunches; int16_t *bunchnum; // [numsectors][2] int16_t *ynextwall; // [numwalls][2] #endif sectortype *sector; walltype *wall; spritetype *sprite; } mapinfofull_t; int32_t g_doScreenShot; #define eitherALT (keystatus[0x38]|keystatus[0xb8]) #define eitherCTRL (keystatus[0x1d]|keystatus[0x9d]) #define eitherSHIFT (keystatus[0x2a]|keystatus[0x36]) #define DOWN_BK(BuildKey) (keystatus[buildkeys[BK_##BuildKey]]) #define CLOCKDIR_CW 0 #define CLOCKDIR_CCW 1 int32_t pk_turnaccel=16; int32_t pk_turndecel=12; int32_t pk_uedaccel=3; int8_t keeptexturestretch = 1; int8_t sideview_reversehrot = 0; char lastpm16buf[156]; //static int32_t checksectorpointer_warn = 0; static int32_t saveboard_savedtags, saveboard_fixedsprites; static int32_t saveboard_canceled; static int32_t backup_highlighted_map(mapinfofull_t *mapinfo); static int32_t restore_highlighted_map(mapinfofull_t *mapinfo, int32_t forreal); static void SaveBoardAndPrintMessage(const char *fn); static int32_t adjustmark(int32_t *xplc, int32_t *yplc, int16_t danumwalls); static void locktogrid(int32_t *dax, int32_t *day); static int32_t checkautoinsert(int32_t dax, int32_t day, int16_t danumwalls); static void keytimerstuff(void); static int32_t clockdir(int16_t wallstart); static void flipwalls(int16_t numwalls, int16_t newnumwalls); static int32_t insertpoint(int16_t linehighlight, int32_t dax, int32_t day, int32_t *mapwallnum); static void deletepoint(int16_t point, int32_t runi); static int32_t deletesector(int16_t sucksect); static int16_t loopinside(int32_t x, int32_t y, int16_t startwall); static int16_t whitelinescan(int16_t sucksect, int16_t dalinehighlight); static void printcoords16(int32_t posxe, int32_t posye, int16_t ange); static void overheadeditor(void); static int32_t getlinehighlight(int32_t xplc, int32_t yplc, int32_t line, int8_t ignore_pointhighlight); static int32_t movewalls(int32_t start, int32_t offs); static int32_t loadnames(const char *namesfile, int8_t root); static void getclosestpointonwall(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t dawall, int32_t *nx, int32_t *ny, int32_t maybe_screen_coord_p); static void initcrc(void); static int32_t menuselect(void); static int32_t menuselect_auto(int32_t); //PK static int32_t insert_sprite_common(int32_t sucksect, int32_t dax, int32_t day); static void correct_ornamented_sprite(int32_t i, int32_t hitw); static int32_t getfilenames(const char *path, const char *kind); // Get basename of BUILD file name (forward slashes as directory separators). static const char *getbasefn(const char *fn) { const char *slash = Bstrrchr(fn, '/'); return slash ? slash+1 : fn; } void clearkeys(void) { Bmemset(keystatus,0,sizeof(keystatus)); } #ifdef USE_OPENGL int32_t osdcmd_restartvid(const osdfuncparm_t *parm) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(parm); if (!in3dmode()) return OSDCMD_OK; resetvideomode(); if (setgamemode(fullscreen,xdim,ydim,bpp)) OSD_Printf("restartvid: Reset failed...\n"); return OSDCMD_OK; } #endif static int32_t osdcmd_vidmode(const osdfuncparm_t *parm) { int32_t newx = xdim, newy = ydim, newbpp = bpp, newfullscreen = fullscreen; #ifdef USE_OPENGL int32_t tmp; #endif switch (parm->numparms) { #ifdef USE_OPENGL case 1: // bpp switch tmp = Batol(parm->parms[0]); if (!(tmp==8 || tmp==16 || tmp==32)) return OSDCMD_SHOWHELP; newbpp = tmp; break; case 4: // fs, res, bpp switch newfullscreen = (Batol(parm->parms[3]) != 0); case 3: // res & bpp switch tmp = Batol(parm->parms[2]); if (!(tmp==8 || tmp==16 || tmp==32)) return OSDCMD_SHOWHELP; newbpp = tmp; #endif case 2: // res switch newx = Batol(parm->parms[0]); newy = Batol(parm->parms[1]); break; default: return OSDCMD_SHOWHELP; } if (!in3dmode()) { qsetmodeany(newx,newy); xdim2d = xdim; ydim2d = ydim; begindrawing(); //{{{ CLEARLINES2D(0, ydim16, 0); enddrawing(); //}}} ydim16 = ydim-STATUS2DSIZ2; return OSDCMD_OK; } if (setgamemode(newfullscreen,newx,newy,newbpp)) OSD_Printf("vidmode: Mode change failed!\n"); xdimgame = newx; ydimgame = newy; bppgame = newbpp; fullscreen = newfullscreen; return OSDCMD_OK; } #ifdef M32_SHOWDEBUG char m32_debugstr[64][128]; int32_t m32_numdebuglines=0; static void M32_drawdebug(void) { int32_t i; int32_t x=4, y=8; #if 0 { static char tstr[128]; Bsprintf(tstr, "search... stat=%d, sector=%d, wall=%d (%d), isbottom=%d, asksave=%d", searchstat, searchsector, searchwall, searchbottomwall, searchisbottom, asksave); printext256(x,y,whitecol,0,tstr,xdimgame>640?0:1); } #endif if (m32_numdebuglines>0) { begindrawing(); for (i=0; i640?0:1); enddrawing(); } m32_numdebuglines=0; } #endif #ifdef YAX_ENABLE // Check whether bunchnum has exactly one corresponding floor and ceiling // and return it in this case. If not 1-to-1, return -1. int32_t yax_is121(int16_t bunchnum, int16_t getfloor) { int32_t i; i = headsectbunch[0][bunchnum]; if (i<0 || nextsectbunch[0][i]>=0) return -1; i = headsectbunch[1][bunchnum]; if (i<0 || nextsectbunch[1][i]>=0) return -1; return headsectbunch[getfloor][bunchnum]; } static int32_t yax_numsectsinbunch(int16_t bunchnum, int16_t cf) { int32_t i, n=0; if (bunchnum<0 || bunchnum>=numyaxbunches) return -1; for (SECTORS_OF_BUNCH(bunchnum, cf, i)) n++; return n; } static void yax_fixreverselinks(int16_t oldwall, int16_t newwall) { int32_t cf, ynw; for (cf=0; cf<2; cf++) { ynw = yax_getnextwall(oldwall, cf); if (ynw >= 0) yax_setnextwall(ynw, !cf, newwall); } } static void yax_tweakwalls(int16_t start, int16_t offs) { int32_t i, nw, cf; for (i=0; i= start) yax_setnextwall(i, cf, nw+offs); } } static void yax_resetbunchnums(void) { int32_t i; for (i=0; i=0 || wall[line].dnwall>=0); #else return !!(wall[line].cstat&YAX_NEXTWALLBITS); #endif } # define DEFAULT_YAX_HEIGHT (2048<<4) #endif static void reset_default_mapstate(void) { pos.x = 32768; //new board! pos.y = 32768; pos.z = 0; ang = 1536; cursectnum = -1; numsectors = 0; numwalls = 0; editorzrange[0] = INT32_MIN; editorzrange[1] = INT32_MAX; initspritelists(); taglab_init(); #ifdef YAX_ENABLE yax_resetbunchnums(); #endif g_loadedMapVersion = -1; } static void m32_keypresscallback(int32_t code, int32_t downp) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(downp); g_iReturnVar = code; VM_OnEvent(EVENT_KEYPRESS, -1); } void M32_ResetFakeRORTiles(void) { #ifdef POLYMER # ifdef YAX_ENABLE // END_TWEAK ceiling/floor fake 'TROR' pics, see BEGIN_TWEAK in engine.c if (getrendermode() == REND_POLYMER && showinvisibility) { int32_t i; for (i=0; i : immediately change the video mode",osdcmd_vidmode); baselayer_osdcmd_vidmode_func = osdcmd_vidmode; #else OSD_RegisterFunction("vidmode","vidmode : immediately change the video mode",osdcmd_vidmode); #endif wm_setapptitle("Mapster32"); editstatus = 1; newaspect_enable = 1; if ((i = ExtPreInit(argc,argv)) < 0) return -1; #ifdef _WIN32 backgroundidle = 1; #endif boardfilename[0] = 0; for (i=1; i>2, 128>>2, 0); for (j=0; j<(signed)sizeof(R); j++) R[j] *= col; Bmemset(newtile, 0, sx*sy); for (j=0; j<8; j++) Bmemcpy(&newtile[32*j], &R[16*j], 16); } #endif Bstrcpy(kensig,"Uses BUILD technology by Ken Silverman"); initcrc(); { const char *defsfile = G_DefFile(); if (!loaddefinitionsfile(defsfile)) initprintf("Definitions file \"%s\" loaded.\n",defsfile); } for (i=0; i < g_defModulesNum; ++i) Bfree (g_defModules[i]); Bfree (g_defModules); g_defModules = NULL; // be defensive... // Here used to be the 'whitecol' calculation #ifdef HAVE_CLIPSHAPE_FEATURE k = clipmapinfo_load(); if (k>0) initprintf("There was an error loading the sprite clipping map (status %d).\n", k); for (i=0; i < g_clipMapFilesNum; ++i) Bfree (g_clipMapFiles[i]); Bfree (g_clipMapFiles); g_clipMapFiles = NULL; #endif taglab_init(); mkonwinvalid(); if (LoadBoard(boardfilename, 1)) reset_default_mapstate(); totalclock = 0; updatesector(pos.x,pos.y,&cursectnum); setkeypresscallback(&m32_keypresscallback); if (cursectnum == -1) { vid_gamma_3d = vid_gamma; vid_brightness_3d = vid_brightness; vid_contrast_3d = vid_contrast; vid_gamma = vid_contrast = 1.0; vid_brightness = 0.0; setbrightness(0,0,0); if (setgamemode(fullscreen, xdim2d, ydim2d, 8) < 0) { ExtUnInit(); uninitengine(); Bprintf("%d * %d not supported in this graphics mode\n",xdim2d,ydim2d); exit(0); } // executed once per init, but after setgamemode so that OSD has the right width OSD_Exec("m32_autoexec.cfg"); overheadeditor(); keystatus[buildkeys[BK_MODE2D_3D]] = 0; vid_gamma = vid_gamma_3d; vid_contrast = vid_contrast_3d; vid_brightness = vid_brightness_3d; vid_gamma_3d = vid_contrast_3d = vid_brightness_3d = -1; setbrightness(GAMMA_CALC,0,0); } else { if (setgamemode(fullscreen, xdimgame, ydimgame, bppgame) < 0) { ExtUnInit(); uninitengine(); Bprintf("%d * %d not supported in this graphics mode\n",xdim,ydim); exit(0); } // executed once per init, but after setgamemode so that OSD has the right width OSD_Exec("m32_autoexec.cfg"); setbrightness(GAMMA_CALC,0,0); } CANCEL: quitflag = 0; while (quitflag == 0) { if (handleevents()) { if (quitevent) { keystatus[1] = 1; quitevent = 0; } } OSD_DispatchQueued(); nextpage(); synctics = totalclock-lockclock; lockclock += synctics; ExtPreCheckKeys(); M32_DrawRoomsAndMasks(); #ifdef M32_SHOWDEBUG if (searchstat>=0 && (searchwall<0 || searchsector<0)) { if (m32_numdebuglines<64) Bsprintf(m32_debugstr[m32_numdebuglines++], "inconsistent search variables!"); searchstat = -1; } M32_drawdebug(); #endif ExtCheckKeys(); if (keystatus[1]) { keystatus[1] = 0; printext256(0,0,whitecol,0,"Are you sure you want to quit?",0); showframe(1); synctics = totalclock-lockclock; lockclock += synctics; while ((keystatus[1]|keystatus[0x1c]|keystatus[0x39]|keystatus[0x31]) == 0) { idle_waitevent(); if (handleevents()) { if (quitevent) { quitflag = 1; break; } } if (keystatus[0x15]||keystatus[0x1c]) // Y or ENTER { keystatus[0x15] = 0; keystatus[0x1c] = 0; quitflag = 1; break; } } while (keystatus[1]) { keystatus[1] = 0; quitevent = 0; goto CANCEL; } } } if (asksave) { i = CheckMapCorruption(4, 0); printext256(0,8,whitecol,0,i<4?"Save changes?":"Map is heavily corrupt. Save changes?",0); showframe(1); while ((keystatus[1]|keystatus[0x1c]|keystatus[0x39]|keystatus[0x31]|keystatus[0x2e]) == 0) { idle_waitevent(); if (handleevents()) { if (quitevent) break; } // like saying no if (keystatus[0x15] || keystatus[0x1c]) // Y or ENTER { keystatus[0x15] = keystatus[0x1c] = 0; SaveBoard(NULL, M32_SB_ASKOV); break; } } while (keystatus[1]||keystatus[0x2e]) { keystatus[1] = keystatus[0x2e] = 0; quitevent = 0; goto CANCEL; } } ExtUnInit(); // clearfilenames(); uninitengine(); return(0); } static int32_t mhk=0; static void loadmhk(int32_t domessage) { char levname[BMAX_PATH]; if (!mhk) return; Bstrcpy(levname, boardfilename); append_ext_UNSAFE(levname, ".mhk"); if (!loadmaphack(levname)) { if (domessage) message("Loaded map hack file \"%s\"",levname); else initprintf("Loaded map hack file \"%s\"\n",levname); } else { mhk=2; if (domessage) message("No maphack found for map \"%s\"",boardfilename); } } // this is spriteon{ceiling,ground}z from astub.c packed into // one convenient function void spriteoncfz(int32_t i, int32_t *czptr, int32_t *fzptr) { int32_t height, zofs; getzsofslope(sprite[i].sectnum, sprite[i].x,sprite[i].y, czptr, fzptr); if ((sprite[i].cstat&48)==32) return; zofs = spriteheightofs(i, &height, 0); *czptr += height - zofs; *fzptr -= zofs; } static void move_and_update(int32_t xvect, int32_t yvect, int32_t addshr) { if (m32_clipping==0) { pos.x += xvect>>(14+addshr); pos.y += yvect>>(14+addshr); updatesector(pos.x,pos.y, &cursectnum); } else { clipmove(&pos,&cursectnum, xvect>>addshr,yvect>>addshr, 128,4<<8,4<<8, (m32_clipping==1) ? 0 : CLIPMASK0); } } static void mainloop_move(void) { int32_t xvect, yvect, doubvel; if (angvel != 0) //ang += angvel * constant { //ENGINE calculates angvel for you //Lt. shift makes turn velocity 50% faster doubvel = (synctics + DOWN_BK(RUN)*(synctics>>1)); ang += ((angvel*doubvel)>>4); ang &= 2047; } if ((vel|svel) != 0) { //Lt. shift doubles forward velocity doubvel = (1+(DOWN_BK(RUN)))*synctics; xvect = 0; yvect = 0; if (vel != 0) { xvect += (vel*doubvel*(int32_t)sintable[(ang+2560)&2047])>>3; yvect += (vel*doubvel*(int32_t)sintable[(ang+2048)&2047])>>3; } if (svel != 0) { xvect += (svel*doubvel*(int32_t)sintable[(ang+2048)&2047])>>3; yvect += (svel*doubvel*(int32_t)sintable[(ang+1536)&2047])>>3; } move_and_update(xvect, yvect, 0); } } static void handle_sprite_in_clipboard(int32_t i) { if (somethingintab == 3) { int32_t j, k; sprite[i].picnum = temppicnum; if (tilesizx[temppicnum] <= 0 || tilesizy[temppicnum] <= 0) { j = 0; for (k=0; k 0 && tilesizy[k] > 0) { j = k; break; } sprite[i].picnum = j; } sprite[i].shade = tempshade; sprite[i].pal = temppal; sprite[i].xrepeat = max(tempxrepeat, 1); sprite[i].yrepeat = max(tempyrepeat, 1); sprite[i].cstat = tempcstat; } } void editinput(void) { int32_t mousz, bstatus; int32_t i, tempint=0; int32_t goalz, xvect, yvect, hiz, loz, oposz; int32_t dax, day, hihit, lohit, omlook=mlook; // 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 57 58 46 // F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 SCROLL mousz = 0; getmousevalues(&mousx,&mousy,&bstatus); mousx = (mousx<<16) + mousexsurp; mousy = (mousy<<16) + mouseysurp; if (unrealedlook && !mskip) { if (mlook==0 && (bstatus&(1|2|4))==2) mlook = 3; else if ((bstatus&(1|2|4))==1) mlook = 3; } { ldiv_t ld; if (mlook) { ld = ldiv(mousx, (int32_t)((1<<16)/(msens*0.5f))); mousx = ld.quot; mousexsurp = ld.rem; ld = ldiv(mousy, (int32_t)((1<<16)/(msens*0.25f))); mousy = ld.quot; mouseysurp = ld.rem; } else { ld = ldiv(mousx, (int32_t)((1<<16)/msens)); mousx = ld.quot; mousexsurp = ld.rem; ld = ldiv(mousy, (int32_t)((1<<16)/msens)); mousy = ld.quot; mouseysurp = ld.rem; } } if (mlook == 3) mlook = omlook; // UnrealEd: // rmb: mouselook // lbm: x:turn y:fwd/back local x // lmb&rmb: x:strafe y:up/dn (move in local yz plane) // mmb: fwd/back in viewing vector if (unrealedlook && !mskip) //PK { if ((bstatus&(1|2|4))==1) { ang += mousx; xvect = -((mousy*(int32_t)sintable[(ang+2560)&2047])<<(3+pk_uedaccel)); yvect = -((mousy*(int32_t)sintable[(ang+2048)&2047])<<(3+pk_uedaccel)); move_and_update(xvect, yvect, 0); } else if (!mlook && (bstatus&(1|2|4))==2) { mlook=2; } else if ((bstatus&(1|2|4))==(1|2)) { zmode = 2; xvect = -((mousx*(int32_t)sintable[(ang+2048)&2047])<>6)* ((int32_t)sintable[(tempint+512)&2047])>>6) <>6)* ((int32_t)sintable[(tempint+512)&2047])>>6) <>(10-pk_uedaccel)); move_and_update(xvect, yvect, 2); } } if (mskip) { // mskip was set in astub.c to not trigger UEd mouse movements. // Reset now. mskip = 0; } else { if (mlook && (unrealedlook==0 || (bstatus&(1|4))==0)) { ang += mousx; horiz -= mousy; /* if (mousy && !(mousy/4)) horiz--; if (mousx && !(mousx/2)) ang++; */ inpclamp(&horiz, -99, 299); if (mlook == 1) { searchx = xdim>>1; searchy = ydim>>1; } osearchx = searchx-mousx; osearchy = searchy-mousy; } else if (unrealedlook==0 || (bstatus&(1|2|4))==0) { osearchx = searchx; osearchy = searchy; searchx += mousx; searchy += mousy; inpclamp(&searchx, 12, xdim-13); inpclamp(&searchy, 12, ydim-13); } } // showmouse(); if (keystatus[0x43]) // F9 { if (mhk) { Bmemset(spriteext, 0, sizeof(spriteext_t) * MAXSPRITES); Bmemset(spritesmooth, 0, sizeof(spritesmooth_t) * (MAXSPRITES+MAXUNIQHUDID)); delete_maphack_lights(); mhk = 0; message("Maphacks disabled"); } else { mhk = 1; loadmhk(1); } keystatus[0x43] = 0; } mainloop_move(); getzrange(&pos,cursectnum, &hiz,&hihit, &loz,&lohit, 128, (m32_clipping==1)?0:CLIPMASK0); /* { int32_t his = !(hihit&32768), los = !(lohit&32768); if (m32_numdebuglines<64) Bsprintf(m32_debugstr[m32_numdebuglines++], "s%d: cf[%s%d, %s%d] z(%d, %d)", cursectnum, his?"s":"w",hihit&16383, los?"s":"w",lohit&16383, hiz,loz); } */ oposz = pos.z; if (zmode == 0) { goalz = loz-(kensplayerheight<<8); //playerheight pixels above floor if (goalz < hiz+(16<<8)) //ceiling&floor too close goalz = (loz+hiz)>>1; goalz += mousz; if (DOWN_BK(MOVEUP)) //A (stand high) { goalz -= (16<<8); if (DOWN_BK(RUN)) goalz -= (24<<8); } if (DOWN_BK(MOVEDOWN)) //Z (stand low) { goalz += (12<<8); if (DOWN_BK(RUN)) goalz += (12<<8); } if (goalz != pos.z) { if (pos.z < goalz) hvel += 64; if (pos.z > goalz) hvel = ((goalz-pos.z)>>3); pos.z += hvel; if (pos.z > loz-(4<<8)) pos.z = loz-(4<<8), hvel = 0; if (pos.z < hiz+(4<<8)) pos.z = hiz+(4<<8), hvel = 0; } } else { goalz = pos.z; if (DOWN_BK(MOVEUP)) //A { if (eitherCTRL) { horiz = max(-100,horiz-((DOWN_BK(RUN)+1)*synctics*2)); } else { if (zmode != 1) goalz -= (8<<8); else { zlock += (4<<8); DOWN_BK(MOVEUP) = 0; } } } if (DOWN_BK(MOVEDOWN)) //Z (stand low) { if (eitherCTRL) { horiz = min(300,horiz+((DOWN_BK(RUN)+1)*synctics*2)); } else { if (zmode != 1) goalz += (8<<8); else if (zlock > 0) { zlock -= (4<<8); DOWN_BK(MOVEDOWN) = 0; } } } if (m32_clipping) inpclamp(&goalz, hiz+(4<<8), loz-(4<<8)); if (zmode == 1) goalz = loz-zlock; if (m32_clipping && (goalz < hiz+(4<<8))) goalz = ((loz+hiz)>>1); //ceiling&floor too close if (zmode == 1) pos.z = goalz; if (goalz != pos.z) { //if (pos.z < goalz) hvel += (32< goalz) hvel -= (32< loz-(4<<8)) pos.z = loz-(4<<8), hvel = 0; if (pos.z < hiz+(4<<8)) pos.z = hiz+(4<<8), hvel = 0; } } else hvel = 0; } { int16_t ocursectnum = cursectnum; updatesectorz(pos.x,pos.y,pos.z, &cursectnum); if (cursectnum<0) { if (zmode != 2) pos.z = oposz; // don't allow to fall into infinity when in void space cursectnum = ocursectnum; } } searchit = 2; if (searchstat >= 0) { if ((bstatus&(1|2|4)) || keystatus[0x39]) // SPACE searchit = 0; if (keystatus[0x1f]) //S (insert sprite) (3D) { hitdata_t hit; dax = 16384; day = divscale14(searchx-(xdim>>1), xdim>>1); rotatepoint(0,0, dax,day, ang, &dax,&day); hitscan((const vec3_t *)&pos,cursectnum, //Start position dax,day,(scale(searchy,200,ydim)-horiz)*2000, //vector of 3D ang &hit,CLIPMASK1); if (hit.sect >= 0) { dax = hit.pos.x; day = hit.pos.y; if (gridlock && grid > 0) { if (AIMING_AT_WALL || AIMING_AT_MASKWALL) hit.pos.z &= 0xfffffc00; else locktogrid(&dax, &day); } i = insert_sprite_common(hit.sect, dax, day); if (i < 0) message("Couldn't insert sprite."); else { int32_t cz, fz; handle_sprite_in_clipboard(i); spriteoncfz(i, &cz, &fz); sprite[i].z = clamp2(hit.pos.z, cz, fz); if (AIMING_AT_WALL || AIMING_AT_MASKWALL) { sprite[i].cstat &= ~48; sprite[i].cstat |= (16+64); correct_ornamented_sprite(i, hit.wall); } else sprite[i].cstat |= (tilesizy[sprite[i].picnum]>=32); correct_sprite_yoffset(i); asksave = 1; VM_OnEvent(EVENT_INSERTSPRITE3D, i); } } keystatus[0x1f] = 0; } if (keystatus[0x3f]||keystatus[0x40]) //F5,F6 { switch (searchstat) { case SEARCH_CEILING: case SEARCH_FLOOR: ExtShowSectorData(searchsector); break; case SEARCH_WALL: case SEARCH_MASKWALL: ExtShowWallData(searchwall); break; case SEARCH_SPRITE: ExtShowSpriteData(searchwall); break; } keystatus[0x3f] = keystatus[0x40] = 0; } if (keystatus[0x41]||keystatus[0x42]) //F7,F8 { switch (searchstat) { case SEARCH_CEILING: case SEARCH_FLOOR: ExtEditSectorData(searchsector); break; case SEARCH_WALL: case SEARCH_MASKWALL: ExtEditWallData(searchwall); break; case SEARCH_SPRITE: ExtEditSpriteData(searchwall); break; } keystatus[0x41] = keystatus[0x42] = 0; } } if (keystatus[buildkeys[BK_MODE2D_3D]]) // Enter { vid_gamma_3d = vid_gamma; vid_contrast_3d = vid_contrast; vid_brightness_3d = vid_brightness; vid_gamma = vid_contrast = 1.0; vid_brightness = 0.0; setbrightness(0,0,0); keystatus[buildkeys[BK_MODE2D_3D]] = 0; overheadeditor(); keystatus[buildkeys[BK_MODE2D_3D]] = 0; vid_gamma = vid_gamma_3d; vid_contrast = vid_contrast_3d; vid_brightness = vid_brightness_3d; vid_gamma_3d = vid_contrast_3d = vid_brightness_3d = -1; setbrightness(GAMMA_CALC,0,0); } } char changechar(char dachar, int32_t dadir, char smooshyalign, char boundcheck) { if (dadir < 0) { if ((dachar > 0) || (boundcheck == 0)) { dachar--; if (smooshyalign > 0) dachar = (dachar&0xf8); } } else if (dadir > 0) { if ((dachar < 255) || (boundcheck == 0)) { dachar++; if (smooshyalign > 0) { if (dachar >= 256-8) dachar = 255; else dachar = ((dachar+7)&0xf8); } } } return(dachar); } ////////////////////// OVERHEADEDITOR ////////////////////// // some 2d mode state static struct overheadstate { // number of backed up drawn walls int32_t bak_wallsdrawn; // state related to line drawing int16_t suckwall, split; int16_t splitsect; int16_t splitstartwall; } ovh; static int32_t inside_editor(const vec3_t *pos, int32_t searchx, int32_t searchy, int32_t zoom, int32_t x, int32_t y, int16_t sectnum) { if (!m32_sideview) return inside(x, y, sectnum); // if in side-view mode, use the screen coords instead { int32_t dst = MAXSECTORS+M32_FIXME_SECTORS-1, i, oi; int32_t srcw=sector[sectnum].wallptr, dstw=MAXWALLS; int32_t ret; if (sector[sectnum].wallnum > M32_FIXME_WALLS) return -1; Bmemcpy(§or[dst], §or[sectnum], sizeof(sectortype)); sector[dst].wallptr = dstw; Bmemcpy(&wall[dstw], &wall[srcw], sector[dst].wallnum*sizeof(walltype)); for (i=dstw, oi=srcw; ix, wall[i].y-pos->y, zoom); wall[i].y += getscreenvdisp(getflorzofslope(sectnum,wall[oi].x,wall[oi].y)-pos->z, zoom); wall[i].x += halfxdim16; wall[i].y += midydim16; } i = numsectors; numsectors = dst+1; ret = inside(searchx, searchy, dst); numsectors = i; return ret; } } int32_t inside_editor_curpos(int16_t sectnum) { // TODO: take care: mous[xy]plc global vs overheadeditor auto return inside_editor(&pos, searchx,searchy, zoom, mousxplc,mousyplc, sectnum); } static inline void drawline16base(int32_t bx, int32_t by, int32_t x1, int32_t y1, int32_t x2, int32_t y2, char col) { drawline16(bx+x1, by+y1, bx+x2, by+y2, col); } void drawsmallabel(const char *text, char col, char backcol, int32_t dax, int32_t day, int32_t daz) { int32_t x1, y1, x2, y2; screencoords(&dax,&day, dax-pos.x,day-pos.y, zoom); if (m32_sideview) day += getscreenvdisp(daz-pos.z, zoom); x1 = halfxdim16+dax-(Bstrlen(text)<<1); y1 = midydim16+day-4; x2 = x1 + (Bstrlen(text)<<2)+2; y2 = y1 + 7; if ((x1 > 3) && (x2 < xdim) && (y1 > 1) && (y2 < ydim16)) { printext16(x1,y1, col,backcol, text,1); drawline16(x1-1,y1-1, x2-3,y1-1, backcol); drawline16(x1-1,y2+1, x2-3,y2+1, backcol); drawline16(x1-2,y1, x1-2,y2, backcol); drawline16(x2-2,y1, x2-2,y2, backcol); drawline16(x2-3,y1, x2-3,y2, backcol); } } static void free_n_ptrs(void **ptrptr, int32_t n) { int32_t i; for (i=0; inew mappings j = 0; k = 0; for (i=0; i>3]&(1<<(i&7))) { #ifdef YAX_ENABLE int16_t bn[2], cf; yax_getbunches(i, &bn[0], &bn[1]); for (cf=0; cf<2; cf++) if (bn[cf] >= 0) numsectsofbunch[bn[cf]]++; #endif otonsect[i] = j++; for (WALLS_OF_SECTOR(i, m)) otonwall[m] = k++; } else { otonsect[i] = -1; for (WALLS_OF_SECTOR(i, m)) otonwall[m] = -1; } } #ifdef YAX_ENABLE j = 0; for (i=0; inumyaxbunches = j; #endif // count walls & sprites for (i=0; isector = (sectortype *)Bmalloc(highlightsectorcnt * sizeof(sectortype)); if (!mapinfo->sector) return -2; ptrs[np++] = mapinfo->wall = (walltype *)Bmalloc(tmpnumwalls * sizeof(walltype)); if (!mapinfo->wall) { free_n_ptrs(ptrs, np-1); return -2; } #ifdef YAX_ENABLE if (mapinfo->numyaxbunches > 0) { ptrs[np++] = mapinfo->bunchnum = (int16_t *)Bmalloc(highlightsectorcnt*2*sizeof(int16_t)); if (!mapinfo->bunchnum) { free_n_ptrs(ptrs, np-1); return -2; } ptrs[np++] = mapinfo->ynextwall = (int16_t *)Bmalloc(tmpnumwalls*2*sizeof(int16_t)); if (!mapinfo->ynextwall) { free_n_ptrs(ptrs, np-1); return -2; } } else { mapinfo->bunchnum = mapinfo->ynextwall = NULL; } #endif if (tmpnumsprites>0) { ptrs[np++] = mapinfo->sprite = (spritetype *)Bmalloc(tmpnumsprites * sizeof(spritetype)); if (!mapinfo->sprite) { free_n_ptrs(ptrs, np-1); return -2; } } else { // would never be accessed because mapinfo->numsprites is 0, but cleaner mapinfo->sprite = NULL; } // copy everything over tmpnumwalls = 0; tmpnumsprites = 0; for (i=0; isector[i], §or[k], sizeof(sectortype)); mapinfo->sector[i].wallptr = tmpnumwalls; #ifdef YAX_ENABLE if (mapinfo->numyaxbunches > 0 || numyaxbunches > 0) { int16_t bn[2]; yax_getbunches(k, &bn[0], &bn[1]); for (j=0; j<2; j++) { // old bunchnum, new bunchnum int32_t obn=bn[j], nbn=(obn>=0) ? otonbunch[obn] : -1; if (mapinfo->numyaxbunches > 0) mapinfo->bunchnum[2*i + j] = nbn; if (obn >= 0 && nbn < 0) { // A bunch was discarded. sectortype *const sec = &mapinfo->sector[i]; # if !defined NEW_MAP_FORMAT uint16_t *const cs = j==YAX_CEILING ? &sec->ceilingstat : &sec->floorstat; uint8_t *const xp = j==YAX_CEILING ? &sec->ceilingxpanning : &sec->floorxpanning; *cs &= ~YAX_BIT; *xp = 0; # else if (j == YAX_CEILING) sec->ceilingbunch = -1; else sec->floorbunch = -1; # endif } } } #endif for (j=0; jwall[tmpnumwalls+j], &wall[m+j], sizeof(walltype)); mapinfo->wall[tmpnumwalls+j].point2 += (tmpnumwalls-m); #ifdef YAX_ENABLE if (mapinfo->numyaxbunches > 0 || numyaxbunches > 0) { int32_t cf; for (cf=0; cf<2; cf++) { const int32_t ynw = yax_getnextwall(m+j, cf); const int32_t nynw = (ynw >= 0) ? otonwall[ynw] : -1; if (mapinfo->numyaxbunches > 0) mapinfo->ynextwall[2*(tmpnumwalls+j) + cf] = nynw; if (ynw >= 0 && nynw < 0) // CLEAR_YNEXTWALLS YAX_PTRNEXTWALL(mapinfo->wall, tmpnumwalls+j, cf) = YAX_NEXTWALLDEFAULT(cf); } } #endif m = mapinfo->wall[tmpnumwalls+j].nextsector; if (m < 0 || otonsect[m] < 0) { mapinfo->wall[tmpnumwalls+j].nextsector = -1; mapinfo->wall[tmpnumwalls+j].nextwall = -1; } else { mapinfo->wall[tmpnumwalls+j].nextsector = otonsect[m]; m = mapinfo->wall[tmpnumwalls+j].nextwall; mapinfo->wall[tmpnumwalls+j].nextwall = otonwall[m]; } } tmpnumwalls += j; m = headspritesect[highlightsector[i]]; while (m != -1) { Bmemcpy(&mapinfo->sprite[tmpnumsprites], &sprite[m], sizeof(spritetype)); mapinfo->sprite[tmpnumsprites].sectnum = otonsect[highlightsector[i]]; m = nextspritesect[m]; tmpnumsprites++; } } mapinfo->numsectors = highlightsectorcnt; mapinfo->numwalls = tmpnumwalls; mapinfo->numsprites = tmpnumsprites; return 0; } static void mapinfofull_free(mapinfofull_t *mapinfo) { Bfree(mapinfo->sector); #ifdef YAX_ENABLE if (mapinfo->numyaxbunches > 0) { Bfree(mapinfo->bunchnum); Bfree(mapinfo->ynextwall); } #endif Bfree(mapinfo->wall); if (mapinfo->numsprites>0) Bfree(mapinfo->sprite); } // restore map saved with backup_highlighted_map, also // frees mapinfo's sector, wall, (sprite) in any case. // return values: // -1: limits exceeded // 0: ok // forreal: if 0, only test if we have enough space (same return values) static int32_t restore_highlighted_map(mapinfofull_t *mapinfo, int32_t forreal) { int32_t i, j, onumsectors=numsectors, newnumsectors, newnumwalls; if (numsectors+mapinfo->numsectors>MAXSECTORS || numwalls+mapinfo->numwalls>MAXWALLS #ifdef YAX_ENABLE || numyaxbunches+mapinfo->numyaxbunches > YAX_MAXBUNCHES #endif || Numsprites+mapinfo->numsprites>MAXSPRITES) { mapinfofull_free(mapinfo); return -1; } if (!forreal) return 0; newnumsectors = numsectors + mapinfo->numsectors; newnumwalls = numwalls + mapinfo->numwalls; // copy sectors & walls Bmemcpy(§or[numsectors], mapinfo->sector, mapinfo->numsectors*sizeof(sectortype)); Bmemcpy(&wall[numwalls], mapinfo->wall, mapinfo->numwalls*sizeof(walltype)); // tweak index members for (i=numwalls; i= 0) { wall[i].nextsector += numsectors; wall[i].nextwall += numwalls; } #ifdef YAX_ENABLE for (j=0; j<2; j++) { if (mapinfo->numyaxbunches > 0) { yax_setnextwall(i, j, mapinfo->ynextwall[2*(i-numwalls) + j]>=0 ? numwalls+mapinfo->ynextwall[2*(i-numwalls) + j] : -1); } else { # if !defined NEW_MAP_FORMAT // XXX: When copying a TROR portion into a non-TROR map (e.g. a // new one), tags denoting ynextwalls are left in place. wall[i].cstat &= ~YAX_NEXTWALLBIT(j); // CLEAR_YNEXTWALLS # else yax_setnextwall(i, j, -1); # endif } } #endif } for (i=numsectors; i>3] |= (1<<(i&7)); #ifdef YAX_ENABLE for (j=0; j<2; j++) { if (mapinfo->numyaxbunches > 0) { int32_t bn = mapinfo->bunchnum[2*(i-onumsectors)+j]; yax_setbunch(i, j, bn>=0 ? numyaxbunches+bn : -2); // -2 clears forward yax-nextwall links. // XXX: still may wrongly reset xpanning. } else Bassert(yax_getbunch(i, j) < 0); } #endif } // insert sprites for (i=0; inumsprites; i++) { const spritetype *srcspr = &mapinfo->sprite[i]; int32_t sect = onumsectors + srcspr->sectnum; j = insertsprite(sect, srcspr->statnum); Bassert(j >= 0); Bmemcpy(&sprite[j], srcspr, sizeof(spritetype)); sprite[j].sectnum = sect; } mapinfofull_free(mapinfo); numwalls = newnumwalls; update_highlightsector(); #ifdef YAX_ENABLE if (mapinfo->numyaxbunches > 0) yax_update(0); #endif yax_updategrays(pos.z); return 0; } static int32_t newnumwalls=-1; void ovh_whiteoutgrab(int32_t restoreredwalls) { int32_t i, j, k, startwall, endwall; #if 0 //def YAX_ENABLE int16_t cb, fb; #endif if (restoreredwalls) { // restore onextwalls first for (i=0; i=0; i--) for (WALLS_OF_SECTOR(highlightsector[i], j)) { if (wall[j].nextwall < 0) continue; k = wall[j].nextsector; if (hlsectorbitmap[k>>3]&(1<<(k&7))) continue; #if 0 //def YAX_ENABLE // internal red walls are kept red yax_getbunches(highlightsector[i], &cb, &fb); if (cb>=0 && yax_getbunch(k, YAX_CEILING)>=0) continue; if (fb>=0 && yax_getbunch(k, YAX_FLOOR)>=0) continue; #endif onextwall[j] = wall[j].nextwall; NEXTWALL(j).nextwall = -1; NEXTWALL(j).nextsector = -1; wall[j].nextwall = -1; wall[j].nextsector = -1; } if (highlightsectorcnt > 0) mkonwvalid(); else mkonwinvalid_keeptempsect(); } static void duplicate_selected_sectors(void) { mapinfofull_t mapinfo; int32_t i, j, onumsectors; #ifdef YAX_ENABLE int32_t onumyaxbunches; #endif int32_t minx=INT32_MAX, maxx=INT32_MIN, miny=INT32_MAX, maxy=INT32_MIN, dx, dy; i = backup_highlighted_map(&mapinfo); if (i < 0) { message("Out of memory!"); return; } i = restore_highlighted_map(&mapinfo, 0); if (i < 0) { // XXX: no, might be another limit too. Better message needed. printmessage16("Copying sectors would exceed sector or wall limit."); return; } // restoring would succeed, tweak things... Bmemset(hlsectorbitmap, 0, sizeof(hlsectorbitmap)); for (i=0; i= 0) checksectorpointer(wall[j].nextwall,wall[j].nextsector); checksectorpointer(j, highlightsector[i]); minx = min(minx, wall[j].x); maxx = max(maxx, wall[j].x); miny = min(miny, wall[j].y); maxy = max(maxy, wall[j].y); } } // displace walls & sprites of new sectors by a small amount: // calculate displacement if (grid>0 && grid<9) dx = max(2048>>grid, 128); else dx = 512; dy = -dx; if (maxx+dx >= editorgridextent) dx*=-1; if (minx+dx <= -editorgridextent) dx*=-1; if (maxy+dy >= editorgridextent) dy*=-1; if (miny+dy <= -editorgridextent) dy*=-1; onumsectors = numsectors; #ifdef YAX_ENABLE onumyaxbunches = numyaxbunches; #endif // restore! this will not fail. restore_highlighted_map(&mapinfo, 1); // displace for (i=onumsectors; i=0; j=nextspritesect[j]) { sprite[j].x += dx; sprite[j].y += dy; } } #ifdef YAX_ENABLE if (numyaxbunches > onumyaxbunches) printmessage16("Sectors duplicated, creating %d new bunches.", numyaxbunches-onumyaxbunches); else #endif printmessage16("Sectors duplicated and stamped."); asksave = 1; #ifdef YAX_ENABLE if (numyaxbunches > onumyaxbunches) yax_update(0); #endif yax_updategrays(pos.z); } static void duplicate_selected_sprites(void) { int32_t i, j, k=0; for (i=0; i= 0) { sprite[i].ang = (getangle(POINT2(hitw).x-wall[hitw].x, POINT2(hitw).y-wall[hitw].y)+512)&2047; //Make sure sprite's in right sector if (inside(sprite[i].x, sprite[i].y, sprite[i].sectnum) != 1) { j = wall[hitw].point2; sprite[i].x -= ksgn(wall[j].y-wall[hitw].y); sprite[i].y += ksgn(wall[j].x-wall[hitw].x); } } } void DoSpriteOrnament(int32_t i) { hitdata_t hit; hitscan((const vec3_t *)&sprite[i],sprite[i].sectnum, sintable[(sprite[i].ang+1536)&2047], sintable[(sprite[i].ang+1024)&2047], 0, &hit,CLIPMASK1); sprite[i].x = hit.pos.x; sprite[i].y = hit.pos.y; sprite[i].z = hit.pos.z; changespritesect(i, hit.sect); correct_ornamented_sprite(i, hit.wall); } void update_highlight(void) { int32_t i; highlightcnt = 0; for (i=0; i>3]&(1<<(i&7))) highlight[highlightcnt++] = i; for (i=0; i>3]&(1<<(i&7))) highlight[highlightcnt++] = i+16384; } else show2dsprite[i>>3] &= ~(1<<(i&7)); if (highlightcnt == 0) highlightcnt = -1; } void update_highlightsector(void) { int32_t i; minhlsectorfloorz = INT32_MAX; numhlsecwalls = 0; highlightsectorcnt = 0; for (i=0; i>3]&(1<<(i&7))) { highlightsector[highlightsectorcnt++] = i; minhlsectorfloorz = min(minhlsectorfloorz, sector[i].floorz); numhlsecwalls += sector[i].wallnum; } if (highlightsectorcnt==0) { minhlsectorfloorz = 0; highlightsectorcnt = -1; } } // Get average point of sectors static void get_sectors_center(const int16_t *sectors, int32_t numsecs, int32_t *cx, int32_t *cy) { int32_t i, j, k=0, dax = 0, day = 0; int32_t startwall, endwall; for (i=0; i 0) { dax /= k; day /= k; } *cx = dax; *cy = day; } static int32_t insert_sprite_common(int32_t sectnum, int32_t dax, int32_t day) { int32_t i, j, k; i = insertsprite(sectnum,0); if (i < 0) return -1; sprite[i].x = dax, sprite[i].y = day; sprite[i].cstat = DEFAULT_SPRITE_CSTAT; sprite[i].shade = 0; sprite[i].pal = 0; sprite[i].xrepeat = 64, sprite[i].yrepeat = 64; sprite[i].xoffset = 0, sprite[i].yoffset = 0; sprite[i].ang = 1536; sprite[i].xvel = 0; sprite[i].yvel = 0; sprite[i].zvel = 0; sprite[i].owner = -1; sprite[i].clipdist = 32; sprite[i].lotag = 0; sprite[i].hitag = 0; sprite[i].extra = -1; Bmemset(localartfreq, 0, sizeof(localartfreq)); for (k=0; k localartfreq[j]) j = k; if (localartfreq[j] > 0) sprite[i].picnum = j; else sprite[i].picnum = 0; return i; } void correct_sprite_yoffset(int32_t i) { int32_t tileyofs = picanm[sprite[i].picnum].yofs; int32_t tileysiz = tilesizy[sprite[i].picnum]; if (klabs(tileyofs) >= tileysiz) { tileyofs *= -1; if (tileyofs == 128) tileyofs = 127; sprite[i].yoffset = tileyofs; } else sprite[i].yoffset = 0; } // keepcol >= 0 && <256: keep that idx-color // keepcol < 0: keep none // keepcol >= 256: 0x00ffffff is mask for 3 colors void fade_editor_screen(int32_t keepcol) { char blackcol=0, greycol=whitecol-25, *cp; int32_t pix, i, threecols = (keepcol >= 256); char cols[3] = {(char)(keepcol&0xff), (char)((keepcol>>8)&0xff), (char)((keepcol>>16)&0xff)}; begindrawing(); cp = (char *)frameplace; for (i=0; i= 0 ? &wall[src] : &nullwall; memset(&nullwall, 0, sizeof(nullwall)); nullwall.yrepeat = 8; nullwall.extra = -1; if (reset_some) { dstwal->cstat = srcwal->cstat; } else { dstwal->cstat &= ~(4+8+256); dstwal->cstat |= (srcwal->cstat&(4+8+256)); } dstwal->shade = srcwal->shade; dstwal->yrepeat = srcwal->yrepeat; fixrepeats(dst); // xrepeat dstwal->picnum = srcwal->picnum; dstwal->overpicnum = srcwal->overpicnum; dstwal->pal = srcwal->pal; dstwal->xpanning = srcwal->xpanning; dstwal->ypanning = srcwal->ypanning; if (reset_some) { dstwal->nextwall = -1; dstwal->nextsector = -1; dstwal->lotag = 0; //srcwal->lotag; dstwal->hitag = 0; //srcwal->hitag; dstwal->extra = -1; //srcwal->extra; #ifdef YAX_ENABLE yax_setnextwall(dst, YAX_CEILING, -1); yax_setnextwall(dst, YAX_FLOOR, -1); #endif } } static void init_new_wall1(int16_t *suckwall_ret, int32_t mousxplc, int32_t mousyplc) { int32_t i; Bmemset(&wall[newnumwalls], 0, sizeof(walltype)); wall[newnumwalls].extra = -1; wall[newnumwalls].x = mousxplc; wall[newnumwalls].y = mousyplc; wall[newnumwalls].nextsector = -1; wall[newnumwalls].nextwall = -1; for (i=0; i= 0) YAX_SKIPWALL(wall[i].nextwall); if (wall[i].x == mousxplc && wall[i].y == mousyplc) *suckwall_ret = i; } wall[newnumwalls].point2 = newnumwalls+1; newnumwalls++; } // helpers for often needed ops: static int32_t do_while_copyloop1(int16_t startwall, int16_t endwall, int16_t *danumwalls, int16_t lastpoint2) { int32_t m = startwall; do { if (*danumwalls >= MAXWALLS + M32_FIXME_WALLS) return 1; Bmemcpy(&wall[*danumwalls], &wall[m], sizeof(walltype)); wall[*danumwalls].point2 = *danumwalls+1; (*danumwalls)++; m = wall[m].point2; } while (m != endwall); if (lastpoint2 >= 0) wall[(*danumwalls)-1].point2 = lastpoint2; return 0; } static void updatesprite1(int16_t i) { setsprite(i, (vec3_t *)&sprite[i]); if (sprite[i].sectnum>=0) { int32_t cz, fz; spriteoncfz(i, &cz, &fz); inpclamp(&sprite[i].z, cz, fz); } } #ifdef YAX_ENABLE // highlighted OR grayed-out sectors: static uint8_t hlorgraysectbitmap[MAXSECTORS>>3]; static int32_t ask_above_or_below(void); #else # define hlorgraysectbitmap hlsectorbitmap #endif // returns: // 0: continue // >0: newnumwalls // <0: error // ignore_ret and refsect_ret are for the 'auto-red-wall' feature static int32_t trace_loop(int32_t j, uint8_t *visitedwall, int16_t *ignore_ret, int16_t *refsect_ret, int16_t trace_loop_yaxcf) { int16_t refsect, ignore; int32_t k, n, refwall; #if 0 //def YAX_ENABLE int32_t yaxp = (ignore_ret==NULL); // bleh #else UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(trace_loop_yaxcf); #endif if (wall[j].nextwall>=0 || (visitedwall[j>>3]&(1<<(j&7)))) return 0; n=2*MAXWALLS; // simple inf loop check refwall = j; k = numwalls; ignore = 0; if (ignore_ret) { refsect = -1; updatesectorexclude(wall[j].x, wall[j].y, &refsect, hlorgraysectbitmap); if (refsect<0) return -1; } do { if (j!=refwall && visitedwall[j>>3]&(1<<(j&7))) ignore = 1; visitedwall[j>>3] |= (1<<(j&7)); if (ignore_ret) { if (inside(wall[j].x, wall[j].y, refsect) != 1) ignore = 1; } if (!ignore) { if (k>=MAXWALLS) { message("Wall limits exceeded while tracing outer loop."); return -2; } if (ignore_ret) // auto-red wall feature onextwall[k] = onextwall[j]; Bmemcpy(&wall[k], &wall[j], sizeof(walltype)); wall[k].point2 = k+1; // TODO: protect lotag/extra; see also hl-sector copying stuff wall[k].nextsector = wall[k].nextwall = wall[k].extra = -1; #ifdef YAX_ENABLE if (trace_loop_yaxcf >= 0) yax_setnextwall(k, trace_loop_yaxcf, j); #endif k++; } j = wall[j].point2; n--; while (wall[j].nextwall>=0 && n>0) { #if 0 //def YAX_ENABLE if (yaxp) { int32_t ns = wall[j].nextsector; if ((hlsectorbitmap[ns>>3]&(1<<(ns&7)))==0) break; } #endif j = wall[wall[j].nextwall].point2; // if (j!=refwall && (visitedwall[j>>3]&(1<<(j&7)))) // ignore = 1; // visitedwall[j>>3] |= (1<<(j&7)); n--; } } while (j!=refwall && n>0); if (j!=refwall) { message("internal error while tracing outer loop: didn't reach refwall"); return -3; } if (ignore_ret) { *ignore_ret = ignore; if (refsect_ret) *refsect_ret = refsect; } return k; } // Backup drawn walls for carrying out other operations in the middle. // 0: back up, set newnumwalls to -1 // 1: restore drawn walls and free mem // 2: only free memory needed for backing up walls but don't restore walls // (use this if the map has been mangled too much for a safe restoration) // Context that needs special treatment: suckwall, splitsect, splitstartwall static int32_t backup_drawn_walls(int32_t restore) { static walltype *tmpwall; // back up if (restore==0) { // ovh.bak_wallsdrawn should be 0 here if (newnumwalls != -1) { if (newnumwalls <= numwalls) // shouldn't happen return 2; Bfree(tmpwall); tmpwall = (walltype *)Bmalloc((newnumwalls-numwalls) * sizeof(walltype)); if (!tmpwall) return 1; ovh.bak_wallsdrawn = newnumwalls-numwalls; Bmemcpy(tmpwall, &wall[numwalls], ovh.bak_wallsdrawn*sizeof(walltype)); newnumwalls = -1; } return 0; } // restore/clear if (tmpwall) { if (restore==1) // really restore { const int32_t nnumwalls = numwalls + ovh.bak_wallsdrawn; if (nnumwalls < MAXWALLS) // else, silently discard drawn walls { int32_t i; Bmemcpy(&wall[numwalls], tmpwall, ovh.bak_wallsdrawn*sizeof(walltype)); newnumwalls = nnumwalls; for (i=numwalls; i>3]; static void collect_sectors1(int16_t *sectlist, uint8_t *sectbitmap, int32_t *numsectptr, int16_t startsec, int32_t alsoyaxnext, int32_t alsoonw) { int32_t j, startwall, endwall, sectcnt; bfirst_search_init(sectlist, sectbitmap, numsectptr, MAXSECTORS, startsec); for (sectcnt=0; sectcnt<*numsectptr; sectcnt++) { for (WALLS_OF_SECTOR(sectlist[sectcnt], j)) { if (wall[j].nextsector >= 0) bfirst_search_try(sectlist, sectbitmap, numsectptr, wall[j].nextsector); else if (alsoonw && onextwall[j]>=0) bfirst_search_try(sectlist, sectbitmap, numsectptr, sectorofwall(onextwall[j])); } if (alsoyaxnext) { int16_t bn[2], cf; yax_getbunches(sectlist[sectcnt], &bn[0], &bn[1]); for (cf=0; cf<2; cf++) if (bn[cf]>=0) { for (SECTORS_OF_BUNCH(bn[cf], !cf, j)) bfirst_search_try(sectlist, sectbitmap, numsectptr, j); } } } } static int32_t sectors_components(int16_t hlsectcnt, const int16_t *hlsectors, int32_t alsoyaxnext, int32_t alsoonw); static int32_t highlighted_sectors_components(int32_t alsoyaxnext, int32_t alsoonw) { return sectors_components(highlightsectorcnt, highlightsector, alsoyaxnext, alsoonw); } // whether all highlighted sectors are in one (returns 1), two (2) // or more (>2) connected components wrt the nextsector relation // -1 means error // alsoyaxnext: also consider "yax-nextsector" relation // alsoonw: also consider "old-nextwall" relation (must be valid) static int32_t sectors_components(int16_t hlsectcnt, const int16_t *hlsector, int32_t alsoyaxnext, int32_t alsoonw) { int32_t j, k, tmp; if (hlsectcnt<1) return 0; collect_sectors1(collsectlist[0], collsectbitmap[0], &collnumsects[0], hlsector[0], alsoyaxnext, alsoonw); for (k=1; k>3]&(1<<(j&7)))==0) { // sector j not collected --> more than 1 conn. comp. collect_sectors1(collsectlist[1], collsectbitmap[1], &collnumsects[1], j, alsoyaxnext, alsoonw); break; } } if (k == hlsectcnt) return 1; for (k=0; k>3]&(1<<(j&7)))!=0) + (((collsectbitmap[1][j>>3]&(1<<(j&7)))!=0)<<1)); if (tmp==3) return -1; // components only weakly connected if (tmp==0) return 3; // sector j not reached } return 2; } static int cmpgeomwal1(const int16_t *w1, const int16_t *w2) { const walltype *wal1 = &wall[*w1]; const walltype *wal2 = &wall[*w2]; if (wal1->x == wal2->x) return wal1->y - wal2->y; return wal1->x - wal2->x; } static void sort_walls_geometrically(int16_t *wallist, int32_t nwalls) { qsort(wallist, nwalls, sizeof(int16_t), (int(*)(const void *, const void *))&cmpgeomwal1); } #endif void SetFirstWall(int32_t sectnum, int32_t wallnum, int32_t alsoynw) { #ifdef YAX_ENABLE int32_t i, j, k=0; #endif const sectortype *sec = §or[sectnum]; if (sec->wallptr == wallnum) { message("Wall %d already first wall of sector %d", wallnum, sectnum); return; } #ifdef YAX_ENABLE if (alsoynw) { // Also consider upper/lower TROR neighbor walls. int32_t startwall, endwall; int16_t cf; for (i=0; i= 0 && (tempsect=yax_is121(bunchnum, cf)) >= 0) { tempwall = yax_getnextwall(tempwall, cf); if (tempwall < 0) break; // corrupt! wall[tempwall].cstat |= (1<<14); } } for (i=0; i. int16_t cb = yax_getbunch(sectnum, YAX_CEILING); int16_t fb = yax_getbunch(sectnum, YAX_FLOOR); if ((cb>=0 && (sec->ceilingstat&2)) || (fb >= 0 && (sec->floorstat&2))) { message("Extended ceilings/floors must not be sloped to set first wall"); return; } } if (k > 0) message("Set first walls (sector[].wallptr) for %d sectors", k+1); if (k == 0) #endif message("This wall now sector %d's first wall (sector[].wallptr)", sectnum); setfirstwall(sectnum, wallnum); mkonwinvalid_keeptempsect(); asksave = 1; } static void handlesecthighlight1(int32_t i, int32_t sub, int32_t nograycheck) { int32_t j; if (sub) { hlsectorbitmap[i>>3] &= ~(1<<(i&7)); for (j=sector[i].wallptr; j= 0) checksectorpointer(wall[j].nextwall,wall[j].nextsector); checksectorpointer(j, i); } } else { if (nograycheck || (graysectbitmap[i>>3]&(1<<(i&7)))==0) hlsectorbitmap[i>>3] |= (1<<(i&7)); } } #ifdef YAX_ENABLE // 1: good, 0: bad static int32_t hl_all_bunch_sectors_p() { uint8_t *const havebunch = visited; int16_t cf, cb, fb; int32_t i, j; if (numyaxbunches > 0) { Bmemset(havebunch, 0, (numyaxbunches+7)>>3); for (i=0; i=0) havebunch[cb>>3] |= (1<<(cb&7)); if (fb>=0) havebunch[fb>>3] |= (1<<(fb&7)); } for (i=0; i>3] & (1<<(i&7)))==0) continue; for (cf=0; cf<2; cf++) for (SECTORS_OF_BUNCH(i,cf, j)) if ((hlsectorbitmap[j>>3]&(1<<(j&7)))==0) return 0; } } return 1; } #endif static int32_t find_nextwall(int32_t sectnum, int32_t sectnum2) { int32_t j, startwall, endwall; if (sectnum<0 || sectnum2<0) return -1; for (WALLS_OF_SECTOR(sectnum, j)) if (wall[j].nextsector == sectnum2) return j; return -1; } static int32_t bakframe_fillandfade(char **origframeptr, int32_t sectnum, const char *querystr) { if (!*origframeptr) { *origframeptr = (char *)Bmalloc(xdim*ydim); if (*origframeptr) { begindrawing(); Bmemcpy(*origframeptr, (char *)frameplace, xdim*ydim); enddrawing(); } } else { begindrawing(); Bmemcpy((char *)frameplace, *origframeptr, xdim*ydim); enddrawing(); } fillsector(sectnum, editorcolors[9]); fade_editor_screen(editorcolors[9]); return ask_if_sure(querystr, 0); } // High-level insert point, handles TROR constrained walls too // onewnumwalls: old numwalls + drawn walls. // : see insertpoint() // Returns: // 0 if wall limit would be reached. // 1 if inserted point on a plain white or 2 points on a plain red wall. // N >= 2 if inserted N points on TROR-constrained wall. // N|(EXPECTED<<16) if inserted N points but EXPECTED walls were expected. static int32_t M32_InsertPoint(int32_t thewall, int32_t dax, int32_t day, int32_t onewnumwalls, int32_t *mapwallnum) { #ifdef YAX_ENABLE int32_t nextw = wall[thewall].nextwall; int32_t i, j, k, m, tmpcf; if (yax_islockedwall(thewall) || (nextw>=0 && yax_islockedwall(nextw))) { // yax'ed wall -- first find out which walls are affected for (i=0; i= 0) for (YAX_ITER_WALLS(nextw, i, tmpcf)) wall[i].cstat |= (1<<14); // round 2 (enough?) for (YAX_ITER_WALLS(thewall, i, tmpcf)) if (wall[i].nextwall >= 0 && (wall[wall[i].nextwall].cstat&(1<<14))==0) wall[wall[i].nextwall].cstat |= (1<<14); if (nextw >= 0) for (YAX_ITER_WALLS(nextw, i, tmpcf)) if (wall[i].nextwall >= 0 && (wall[wall[i].nextwall].cstat&(1<<14))==0) wall[wall[i].nextwall].cstat |= (1<<14); j = 0; for (i=0; i MAXWALLS) { return 0; // no points inserted, would exceed limits } // the actual insertion! m = 0; for (i=0; i= 0) yax_setnextwall(i+1, YAX_CEILING, k+1); k = yax_getnextwall(i+1, YAX_FLOOR); if (k >= 0) yax_setnextwall(i+1, YAX_FLOOR, k+1); } } if (m==j) return m; else return m|(j<<16); } else #endif { insertpoint(thewall, dax,day, mapwallnum); return 1; } } // based on lineintersect in engine.c, but lines are considered as infinitely // extending void inflineintersect(int32_t x1, int32_t y1, int32_t x2, int32_t y2, int32_t x3, int32_t y3, int32_t x4, int32_t y4, int32_t *intx, int32_t *inty, int32_t *sign12, int32_t *sign34) { //p1 to p2 is a line segment int64_t x21, y21, x34, y34, x31, y31, bot, topt, topu, t; x21 = x2-x1; x34 = x3-x4; y21 = y2-y1; y34 = y3-y4; bot = x21*y34 - y21*x34; if (bot >= 0) { if (bot == 0) { *sign12 = *sign34 = 0; return; }; x31 = x3-x1; y31 = y3-y1; topt = x31*y34 - y31*x34; topu = x21*y31 - y21*x31; } else { x31 = x3-x1; y31 = y3-y1; topt = x31*y34 - y31*x34; topu = x21*y31 - y21*x31; } t = (topt*(1<<24))/bot; *intx = x1 + ((x21*t)>>24); *inty = y1 + ((y21*t)>>24); *sign12 = topt < 0 ? -1 : 1; *sign34 = topu < 0 ? -1 : 1; return; } static int32_t lineintersect2v(const vec2_t *p1, const vec2_t *p2, // line segment 1 const vec2_t *q1, const vec2_t *q2, // line segment 2 vec2_t *pint) { int32_t intz; return lineintersect(p1->x, p1->y, 0, p2->x, p2->y, 0, q1->x, q1->y, q2->x, q2->y, &pint->x, &pint->y, &intz); } static int32_t vec2eq(const vec2_t *v1, const vec2_t *v2) { return (v1->x==v2->x && v1->y==v2->y); } // precondition: [numwalls, newnumwalls-1] form a new loop (may be of wrong orientation) // ret_ofirstwallofs: if != NULL, *ret_ofirstwallofs will contain the offset of the old // first wall from the new first wall of the sector k, and the automatic // restoring of the old first wll will not be carried out // returns: // -1, -2: errors // 0, 1: OK, 1 means it was an extended sector and an inner loop has been added automatically static int32_t AddLoopToSector(int32_t k, int32_t *ret_ofirstwallofs) { int32_t extendedSector=0, firstwall, i, j; #ifdef YAX_ENABLE int16_t cbunch, fbunch; int32_t newnumwalls2; yax_getbunches(k, &cbunch, &fbunch); extendedSector = (cbunch>=0 || fbunch>=0); #endif j = newnumwalls-numwalls; #ifdef YAX_ENABLE newnumwalls2 = newnumwalls + j; if (extendedSector) { if ((cbunch>=0 && (sector[k].ceilingstat&2)) || (fbunch>=0 && (sector[k].floorstat&2))) { printmessage16("Sloped extended sectors cannot be subdivided."); newnumwalls--; return -1; } if (newnumwalls + j > MAXWALLS || numsectors+1 > MAXSECTORS) { message("Automatically adding inner sector to new extended sector would exceed limits!"); newnumwalls--; return -2; } } #endif if (clockdir(numwalls) == CLOCKDIR_CW) flipwalls(numwalls,newnumwalls); sector[k].wallnum += j; for (i=k+1; i= firstwall) wall[i].nextwall += j; if (wall[i].point2 >= firstwall) wall[i].point2 += j; } #ifdef YAX_ENABLE yax_tweakwalls(firstwall, j); #endif Bmemmove(&wall[firstwall+j], &wall[firstwall], (newnumwalls-firstwall)*sizeof(walltype)); // add new loop to beginning of sector Bmemmove(&wall[firstwall], &wall[newnumwalls], j*sizeof(walltype)); for (i=firstwall; ilotag; if (lt&2) return spr->hitag; if (lt&4) return spr->extra; if (lt&8) return spr->xvel; if (lt&16) return spr->yvel; if (lt&32) return spr->zvel; if (lt&64) return spr->extra; return INT32_MIN; } static void drawlinebetween(const vec3_t *v1, const vec3_t *v2, int32_t col, uint32_t pat) { // based on m32exec.c/drawline* const int32_t xofs=halfxdim16, yofs=midydim16; const uint32_t opat=drawlinepat; int32_t x1, x2, y1, y2; screencoords(&x1,&y1, v1->x-pos.x,v1->y-pos.y, zoom); screencoords(&x2,&y2, v2->x-pos.x,v2->y-pos.y, zoom); if (m32_sideview) { y1 += getscreenvdisp(v1->z-pos.z,zoom); y2 += getscreenvdisp(v2->z-pos.z,zoom); } drawlinepat = pat; drawline16(xofs+x1,yofs+y1, xofs+x2,yofs+y2, col); drawlinepat = opat; } // world -> screen coords for overhead mode void ovhscrcoords(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t *scrx, int32_t *scry) { *scrx = halfxdim16 + mulscale14(x-pos.x, zoom); *scry = midydim16 + mulscale14(y-pos.y, zoom); } static void draw_cross(int32_t centerx, int32_t centery, int32_t radius, int32_t col) { int32_t dax, day; ovhscrcoords(centerx, centery, &dax, &day); drawline16base(dax, day, -radius,-radius, +radius,+radius, col); drawline16base(dax, day, -radius,+radius, +radius,-radius, col); } static void draw_square(int32_t dax, int32_t day, int32_t ps, int32_t col) { ovhscrcoords(dax, day, &dax, &day); drawline16base(dax, day, -ps,-ps, +ps,-ps, col); drawline16base(dax, day, +ps,-ps, +ps,+ps, col); drawline16base(dax, day, +ps,+ps, -ps,+ps, col); drawline16base(dax, day, -ps,+ps, -ps,-ps, col); } //// Interactive Scaling static struct { int8_t active, rotatep; int32_t pivx, pivy; // pivot point int32_t dragx, dragy; // dragged point int32_t xsc, ysc, ang; } isc; static void isc_transform(int32_t *x, int32_t *y) { if (!isc.rotatep) { *x = isc.pivx + mulscale16(*x-isc.pivx, isc.xsc); *y = isc.pivy + mulscale16(*y-isc.pivy, isc.ysc); } else { rotatepoint(isc.pivx, isc.pivy, *x, *y, isc.ang, x, y); } } #define EDITING_MAP_P() (newnumwalls>=0 || joinsector[0]>=0 || circlewall>=0 || (bstatus&1) || isc.active) #define HLMEMBERX(Hl, Member) (*(((Hl)&16384) ? &sprite[(Hl)&16383].Member : &wall[Hl].Member)) #define HLMEMBER(Hlidx, Member) HLMEMBERX(highlight[Hlidx], Member) void overheadeditor(void) { char buffer[80]; const char *dabuffer; int32_t i, j, k, m=0, mousxplc, mousyplc, firstx=0, firsty=0, oposz, col; int32_t numwalls_bak; int32_t startwall=0, endwall, dax, day, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3; //, x4, y4; int32_t highlightx1, highlighty1, highlightx2, highlighty2; int16_t bad, joinsector[2]; int32_t bstatus, mousewaitmask=0; int16_t circlepoints; int32_t sectorhighlightx=0, sectorhighlighty=0; int16_t cursectorhighlight, sectorhighlightstat; int32_t prefixarg = 0, tsign; int32_t resetsynctics = 0, lasttick=getticks(), waitdelay=totalclock, lastdraw=getticks(); int32_t olen[2]={0,0}, dragwall[2] = {-1, -1}; int16_t linehighlight2; ovh.suckwall = -1; ovh.split = 0; ovh.splitsect = -1; ovh.splitstartwall = -1; qsetmodeany(xdim2d,ydim2d); xdim2d = xdim; ydim2d = ydim; osearchx = searchx; osearchy = searchy; searchx = clamp(scale(searchx,xdim2d,xdimgame), 8, xdim2d-8-1); searchy = clamp(scale(searchy,ydim2d-STATUS2DSIZ2,ydimgame), 8, ydim2d-STATUS2DSIZ-8-1); oposz = pos.z; yax_updategrays(pos.z); begindrawing(); //{{{ CLEARLINES2D(0, ydim, 0); enddrawing(); //}}} ydim16 = ydim-STATUS2DSIZ2; cursectorhighlight = -1; lastpm16time = -1; update_highlightsector(); ovh_whiteoutgrab(0); highlightcnt = -1; Bmemset(show2dwall, 0, sizeof(show2dwall)); //Clear all highlights Bmemset(show2dsprite, 0, sizeof(show2dsprite)); RESET_EDITOR_VARS(); bstatus = 0; while ((keystatus[buildkeys[BK_MODE2D_3D]]>>1) == 0) { int32_t mousx, mousy; if (!((vel|angvel|svel) //DOWN_BK(MOVEFORWARD) || DOWN_BK(MOVEBACKWARD) || DOWN_BK(TURNLEFT) || DOWN_BK(TURNRIGHT) || DOWN_BK(MOVEUP) || DOWN_BK(MOVEDOWN) || keystatus[0x10] || keystatus[0x11] || keystatus[0x48] || keystatus[0x4b] || keystatus[0x4d] || keystatus[0x50] // keypad keys || bstatus || OSD_IsMoving())) { if (totalclock > waitdelay) { uint32_t ms = (highlightsectorcnt>0) ? 75 : 200; // wait for event, timeout after 200 ms - (last loop time) idle_waitevent_timeout(ms - min(getticks()-lasttick, ms)); // have synctics reset to 0 after we've slept to avoid zooming out to the max instantly resetsynctics = 1; } } else waitdelay = totalclock + 30; // should be 250 ms lasttick = getticks(); if (handleevents()) { if (quitevent) { keystatus[1] = 1; quitevent = 0; } } if (resetsynctics) { resetsynctics = 0; lockclock = totalclock; synctics = 0; } OSD_DispatchQueued(); if (totalclock < 120*3) printmessage16("Uses BUILD technology by Ken Silverman."); else if (totalclock < 120*6) { printmessage16("Press F1 for help. This is a test release; always keep backups of your maps."); // printext16(8L,ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+32L,editorcolors[9],-1,kensig,0); } oldmousebstatus = bstatus; getmousevalues(&mousx,&mousy,&bstatus); { int32_t bs = bstatus; bstatus &= ~mousewaitmask; mousewaitmask &= bs; } mousx = (mousx<<16)+mousexsurp; mousy = (mousy<<16)+mouseysurp; { ldiv_t ld; ld = ldiv(mousx, 1<<16); mousx = ld.quot; mousexsurp = ld.rem; ld = ldiv(mousy, 1<<16); mousy = ld.quot; mouseysurp = ld.rem; } searchx += mousx; searchy += mousy; inpclamp(&searchx, 8, xdim-8-1); inpclamp(&searchy, 8, ydim-8-1); mainloop_move(); getpoint(searchx,searchy,&mousxplc,&mousyplc); linehighlight = getlinehighlight(mousxplc, mousyplc, linehighlight, 0); linehighlight2 = getlinehighlight(mousxplc, mousyplc, linehighlight, 1); if (newnumwalls >= numwalls) { // if we're in the process of drawing a wall, set the end point's coordinates dax = mousxplc; day = mousyplc; adjustmark(&dax,&day,numwalls+!ovh.split); wall[newnumwalls].x = dax; wall[newnumwalls].y = day; } ydim16 = ydim;// - STATUS2DSIZ2; midydim16 = ydim>>1; numwalls_bak = numwalls; numwalls = newnumwalls; if (numwalls < 0) numwalls = numwalls_bak; if ((getticks() - lastdraw) >= 5 || (vel|angvel|svel) || DOWN_BK(MOVEUP) || DOWN_BK(MOVEDOWN) || mousx || mousy || bstatus || keystatus[0x10] || keystatus[0x11] || newnumwalls>=0 || OSD_IsMoving()) { lastdraw = getticks(); clear2dscreen(); setup_sideview_sincos(); if (graphicsmode && !m32_sideview) { Bmemset(show2dsector, 0, sizeof(show2dsector)); for (i=0; i>3] |= (1<<(i&7)); } setview(0, 0, xdim-1, ydim16-1); if (graphicsmode == 2) totalclocklock = totalclock; drawmapview(pos.x, pos.y, zoom, 1536); } draw2dgrid(pos.x,pos.y,pos.z,cursectnum,ang,zoom,grid); ExtPreCheckKeys(); { int32_t cx, cy; // Draw brown arrow (start) screencoords(&x2, &y2, startpos.x-pos.x,startpos.y-pos.y, zoom); if (m32_sideview) y2 += getscreenvdisp(startpos.z-pos.z, zoom); cx = halfxdim16+x2; cy = midydim16+y2; if ((cx >= 2 && cx <= xdim-3) && (cy >= 2 && cy <= ydim16-3)) { int16_t angofs = m32_sideview ? m32_sideang : 0; x1 = mulscale11(sintable[(startang+angofs+2560)&2047],zoom) / 768; y1 = mulscale11(sintable[(startang+angofs+2048)&2047],zoom) / 768; i = scalescreeny(x1); j = scalescreeny(y1); begindrawing(); //{{{ drawline16base(cx,cy, x1,j, -x1,-j, editorcolors[2]); drawline16base(cx,cy, x1,j, +y1,-i, editorcolors[2]); drawline16base(cx,cy, x1,j, -y1,+i, editorcolors[2]); enddrawing(); //}}} } } draw2dscreen(&pos,cursectnum,ang,zoom,grid); begindrawing(); //{{{ if (keystatus[0x2a] && (pointhighlight&16384) && highlightcnt<=0) // LShift { // draw lines to linking sprites const int32_t refspritenum = pointhighlight&16383; const int32_t reftag = select_sprite_tag(refspritenum); if (reftag != INT32_MIN) { for (i=0; i= 768) { for (i=0; i= 0) { for (i=newnumwalls; i>=numwalls_bak; i--) wall[i].cstat |= (1<<14); } i = numwalls-1; j = numsectors-1; // might be -1 if empty map! if (newnumwalls >= 0) i = newnumwalls-1; for (; i>=0; i--) { const walltype *wal = &wall[i]; if (j>=0 && sector[j].wallptr > i) j--; if (zoom < 768 && !(wal->cstat & (1<<14))) continue; YAX_SKIPWALL(i); //Get average point of wall // if ((dax > x3) && (dax < x4) && (day > y3) && (day < y4)) { dabuffer = ExtGetWallCaption(i); if (dabuffer[0] == 0) continue; dax = (wal->x+wall[wal->point2].x)>>1; day = (wal->y+wall[wal->point2].y)>>1; drawsmallabel(dabuffer, editorcolors[0], editorcolors[31], dax, day, (i >= numwalls || j<0) ? 0 : getflorzofslope(j, dax,day)); } } if (zoom >= 768) { int32_t alwaysshowgray = get_alwaysshowgray(); for (i=0, k=0; (m32_sideview && k= 0) YAX_SKIPSECTOR(sprite[i].sectnum); dabuffer = ExtGetSpriteCaption(i); if (dabuffer[0] != 0) { int32_t blocking = (sprite[i].cstat&1); col = 3 + 2*blocking; if (spritecol2d[sprite[i].picnum][blocking]) col = spritecol2d[sprite[i].picnum][blocking]; if ((i == pointhighlight-16384) && (totalclock & 32)) col += (2<<2); drawsmallabel(dabuffer, editorcolors[0], editorcolors[col], sprite[i].x, sprite[i].y, sprite[i].z); } } } } // stick this event right between begin- end enddrawing()... // also after the above label stuff so users can redefine them VM_OnEvent(EVENT_DRAW2DSCREEN, -1); printcoords16(pos.x,pos.y,ang); numwalls = numwalls_bak; if (highlightsectorcnt >= 0) { for (i=0; i>3]&(1<<(i&7))) fillsector(i, -1); } if (keystatus[0x2a]) // LShift { if (m32_sideview || highlightcnt <= 0) { drawlinepat = 0x00ff00ff; drawline16(searchx,0, searchx,ydim2d-1, editorcolors[15]); drawline16(0,searchy, xdim2d-1,searchy, editorcolors[15]); drawlinepat = 0xffffffff; _printmessage16("(%d,%d)",mousxplc,mousyplc); } else { // do interactive scaling if (!isc.active) { if (pointhighlight >= 0 && (bstatus&3)) { // initialize by finding pivot point int32_t minx=INT32_MAX, miny=INT32_MAX; int32_t maxx=INT32_MIN, maxy=INT32_MIN; isc.rotatep = ((bstatus&3)==2); bstatus &= ~3; for (i=0; i= 8) xsc = min(klabs(divscale16(mdx, dx)), 1<<18); if (mdy != 0 && dy != 0 && klabs(dy) >= 8) ysc = min(klabs(divscale16(mdy, dy)), 1<<18); if (eitherCTRL) xsc = ysc = max(xsc, ysc); isc.xsc = xsc; isc.ysc = ysc; printmessage16("scale x=%.3f y=%.3f", (double)xsc/65536, (double)ysc/65536); } else { isc.ang = getangle(mdx, mdy) - getangle(dx, dy); printmessage16("rotate ang %d", isc.ang); } for (i=0; ipoint2, hlp=(show2dwall[p2>>3]&(1<<(p2&7))); vec3_t v1 = { x, y, 0 }, v2 = { wall[p2].x, wall[p2].y, 0 }; isc_transform(&v2.x, &v2.y); if (!hlp) { v2.x = wall[p2].x; v2.y = wall[p2].y; } drawlinebetween(&v1, &v2, !hlp ? 8 : editorcolors[wal->nextwall >= 0 ? 33 : 7], 0x11111111); } } } else { // finish interactive scaling isc.active = 0; if ((!isc.rotatep && (isc.xsc!=1<<16 || isc.ysc!=1<<16)) || (isc.rotatep && (isc.ang!=0))) { for (i=0; iang = (spr->ang + isc.ang)&2047; } } if (!isc.rotatep) message("Highlights scaled by x=%.3f y=%.3f", (double)isc.xsc/65536, (double)isc.ysc/65536); else message("Highlights rotated by %d BUILD degrees", isc.ang); asksave = 1; } else printmessage16(" "); } } } } else { if (isc.active) { isc.active = 0; printmessage16("Aborted interactive %s.", isc.rotatep ? "rotation" : "scaling"); bstatus &= ~3; mousewaitmask = 3; pointhighlight = -1; } } drawline16(searchx,0, searchx,8, editorcolors[15]); drawline16(0,searchy, 8,searchy, editorcolors[15]); ////// draw mouse pointer col = editorcolors[15 - 3*gridlock]; if (joinsector[0] >= 0) col = editorcolors[11]; if (numcorruptthings>0) { static char cbuf[64]; if ((pointhighlight&16384)==0) { // If aiming at wall, check whether it is corrupt, and print a // warning message near the mouse pointer if that is the case. for (i=0; i=MAXCORRUPTTHINGS ? ">=":"", numcorruptthings); printext16(8,8, editorcolors[13],editorcolors[0],cbuf,0); } if (highlightsectorcnt==0 || highlightcnt==0) { if (keystatus[0x27] || keystatus[0x28]) // ' and ; { col = editorcolors[14]; drawline16base(searchx+16, searchy-16, -4,0, +4,0, col); if (keystatus[0x28]) drawline16base(searchx+16, searchy-16, 0,-4, 0,+4, col); } if (highlightsectorcnt == 0) if (keystatus[0x36]) printext16(searchx+6, searchy-2+8,editorcolors[12],-1,"ALL",0); if (highlightcnt == 0) { if (eitherCTRL && (highlightx1!=highlightx2 || highlighty1!=highlighty2)) printext16(searchx+6,searchy-6-8,editorcolors[12],-1,"SPR ONLY",0); #ifdef YAX_ENABLE if (keystatus[0xcf]) // End printext16(searchx+6,searchy-2+8,editorcolors[12],-1,"ALL",0); #endif } } drawline16base(searchx,searchy, +0,-8, +0,-1, col); drawline16base(searchx,searchy, +1,-8, +1,-1, col); drawline16base(searchx,searchy, +0,+2, +0,+9, col); drawline16base(searchx,searchy, +1,+2, +1,+9, col); drawline16base(searchx,searchy, -8,+0, -1,+0, col); drawline16base(searchx,searchy, -8,+1, -1,+1, col); drawline16base(searchx,searchy, +2,+0, +9,+0, col); drawline16base(searchx,searchy, +2,+1, +9,+1, col); ////// Draw the white pixel closest to mouse cursor on linehighlight if (linehighlight>=0) { char col = wall[linehighlight].nextsector >= 0 ? editorcolors[15] : editorcolors[5]; if (m32_sideview) { getclosestpointonwall(searchx,searchy, linehighlight, &dax,&day, 1); drawline16base(dax,day, 0,0, 0,0, col); } else { getclosestpointonwall(mousxplc,mousyplc, linehighlight, &dax,&day, 0); ovhscrcoords(dax, day, &x2, &y2); drawline16base(x2, y2, 0,0, 0,0, col); } } enddrawing(); //}}} OSD_Draw(); } VM_OnEvent(EVENT_PREKEYS2D, -1); ExtCheckKeys(); // TX 20050101, it makes more sense to have this here so keys can be overwritten with new functions in bstub.c // Flip/mirror sector Ed Coolidge if (keystatus[0x2d] || keystatus[0x15]) // X or Y (2D) { int32_t about_x=keystatus[0x2d]; int32_t doMirror = eitherALT; // mirror walls and wall/floor sprites #ifdef YAX_ENABLE if (highlightsectorcnt > 0 && !hl_all_bunch_sectors_p()) { printmessage16("To flip extended sectors, all sectors of a bunch must be selected"); keystatus[0x2d] = keystatus[0x15] = 0; } else #endif if (highlightsectorcnt > 0) { int16_t *const otonwall = onextwall; // OK, since we make old-nextwalls invalid mkonwinvalid(); keystatus[0x2d] = keystatus[0x15] = 0; for (j=0; j 0) locktogrid(&dax, &day); for (i=0; i>1; for (w=1; w<=numtoswap; w++) { Bmemcpy(&tempwall, &wall[startofloop+w], sizeof(walltype)); Bmemcpy(&wall[startofloop+w], &wall[endofloop-w+1], sizeof(walltype)); Bmemcpy(&wall[endofloop-w+1], &tempwall, sizeof(walltype)); otonwall[startofloop+w] = endofloop-w+1; otonwall[endofloop-w+1] = startofloop+w; } //make point2 point to next wall in loop for (w=startofloop; w= 0) wall[j].nextwall = otonwall[wall[j].nextwall]; #ifdef YAX_ENABLE { int32_t cf, ynw; for (cf=0; cf<2; cf++) if ((ynw = yax_getnextwall(j, cf)) >= 0) yax_setnextwall(j, cf, otonwall[ynw]); } #endif } } printmessage16("Selected sector(s) flipped"); asksave = 1; } } // end edit for sector flip if (keystatus[88]) //F12 { keystatus[88] = 0; //__clearscreen_beforecapture__ Bsprintf(tempbuf, "Mapster32 %s", ExtGetVer()); screencapture("captxxxx.tga", eitherSHIFT, tempbuf); showframe(1); } if (keystatus[0x30]) // B (clip Blocking xor) (2D) { pointhighlight = getpointhighlight(mousxplc, mousyplc, pointhighlight); linehighlight = getlinehighlight(mousxplc, mousyplc, linehighlight, 0); if ((pointhighlight&0xc000) == 16384) { sprite[pointhighlight&16383].cstat ^= 1; sprite[pointhighlight&16383].cstat &= ~256; sprite[pointhighlight&16383].cstat |= ((sprite[pointhighlight&16383].cstat&1)<<8); asksave = 1; } else if (linehighlight >= 0) { wall[linehighlight].cstat ^= 1; wall[linehighlight].cstat &= ~64; if ((wall[linehighlight].nextwall >= 0) && !eitherSHIFT) { NEXTWALL(linehighlight).cstat &= ~(1+64); NEXTWALL(linehighlight).cstat |= (wall[linehighlight].cstat&1); } asksave = 1; } keystatus[0x30] = 0; } if (keystatus[0x21]) //F (F alone does nothing in 2D right now) { keystatus[0x21] = 0; if (eitherALT) //ALT-F (relative alignmment flip) { linehighlight = getlinehighlight(mousxplc, mousyplc, linehighlight, 0); if (linehighlight >= 0) SetFirstWall(sectorofwall(linehighlight), linehighlight, 1); } } if (keystatus[0x18]) // O (ornament onto wall) (2D) { keystatus[0x18] = 0; if ((pointhighlight&0xc000) == 16384) { asksave = 1; DoSpriteOrnament(pointhighlight&16383); } } tsign = 0; if (keystatus[0x33] || (bstatus&33)==33) // , (2D) tsign = +1; if (keystatus[0x34] || (bstatus&17)==17) // . (2D) tsign = -1; if (tsign) { #ifdef YAX_ENABLE if (highlightsectorcnt > 0 && !hl_all_bunch_sectors_p()) { printmessage16("To rotate ext. sectors, all sectors of a bunch must be selected"); } else #endif if (highlightsectorcnt > 0) { int32_t smoothRotation = eitherSHIFT, manualAngle = eitherALT; if (manualAngle) { tsign = getnumber16("Rotation BUILD angle: ", 0, 2047, 1); if (tsign==0) { printmessage16(" "); goto rotate_hlsect_out; } printmessage16("Rotated highlighted sectors by %d BUILD degrees", tsign); tsign &= 2047; smoothRotation = 1; } get_sectors_center(highlightsector, highlightsectorcnt, &dax, &day); if (!smoothRotation) { if (gridlock && grid > 0) locktogrid(&dax, &day); tsign *= 512; } for (i=0; i= 16384) { i = pointhighlight-16384; if (eitherSHIFT) sprite[i].ang = (sprite[i].ang-tsign)&2047; else { sprite[i].ang = (sprite[i].ang-128*tsign)&2047; keystatus[0x33] = keystatus[0x34] = 0; } mouseb &= ~(16|32); bstatus &= ~(16|32); } } } if (keystatus[0x46]) //Scroll lock (set starting position) { startpos = pos; startang = ang; startsectnum = cursectnum; keystatus[0x46] = 0; asksave = 1; } #if 1 if (keystatus[0x3f]) //F5 { ExtShowSectorData(0); } if (keystatus[0x40]) //F6 { if (pointhighlight >= 16384) ExtShowSpriteData(pointhighlight-16384); else if (linehighlight >= 0) ExtShowWallData(linehighlight); else ExtShowWallData(0); } if (keystatus[0x41]) //F7 { keystatus[0x41] = 0; for (i=0; i= 16384) ExtEditSpriteData(pointhighlight-16384); else if (linehighlight >= 0) ExtEditWallData(linehighlight); } #endif if (keystatus[0x23]) //H (Hi 16 bits of tag) { keystatus[0x23] = 0; if (eitherCTRL) //Ctrl-H { pointhighlight = getpointhighlight(mousxplc, mousyplc, pointhighlight); linehighlight = getlinehighlight(mousxplc, mousyplc, linehighlight, 0); if ((pointhighlight&0xc000) == 16384) { sprite[pointhighlight&16383].cstat ^= 256; asksave = 1; } else if (linehighlight >= 0) { wall[linehighlight].cstat ^= 64; if ((wall[linehighlight].nextwall >= 0) && !eitherSHIFT) { NEXTWALL(linehighlight).cstat &= ~64; NEXTWALL(linehighlight).cstat |= (wall[linehighlight].cstat&64); } asksave = 1; } } else if (eitherALT) //ALT { if (pointhighlight >= 16384) { i = pointhighlight-16384; j = taglab_linktags(1, i); j = 2*(j&2); Bsprintf(buffer, "Sprite (%d) Hi-tag: ", i); sprite[i].hitag = getnumber16(buffer, sprite[i].hitag, BTAG_MAX, 0+j); } else if (linehighlight >= 0) { i = linehighlight; j = taglab_linktags(1, i); j = 2*(j&2); Bsprintf(buffer, "Wall (%d) Hi-tag: ", i); wall[i].hitag = getnumber16(buffer, wall[i].hitag, BTAG_MAX, 0+j); } } else { for (i=0; i= 16384) { i = pointhighlight-16384; Bsprintf(buffer, "Sprite (%d) Status list: ", i); changespritestat(i, getnumber16(buffer, sprite[i].statnum, MAXSTATUS-1, 0)); } } #ifdef YAX_ENABLE else if (highlightsectorcnt > 0 && newnumwalls < 0) { ////////// YAX ////////// static const char *cfs[2] = {"ceiling", "floor"}; int32_t cf, thez, ulz[2]={0,0}; int16_t bn, sandwichbunch=-1; if (numyaxbunches==YAX_MAXBUNCHES) { message("Bunch limit of %d reached, cannot extend", YAX_MAXBUNCHES); goto end_yax; } if (highlighted_sectors_components(0,0) != 1) { message("Sectors to extend must be in one connected component"); goto end_yax; } cf = ask_above_or_below(); if (cf==-1) goto end_yax; thez = SECTORFLD(highlightsector[0],z, cf); for (i=0; i= 0 && bn!=sandwichbunch) { message("When sandwiching extension, must select only sectors of one bunch"); goto end_yax; } if (bn >= 0) { if (cf==YAX_FLOOR) { if (sandwichbunch < 0 && i!=0) { message("When sandwiching extension, must select only sectors of the bunch"); goto end_yax; } sandwichbunch = bn; } else { message("Sector %d's %s is already extended", highlightsector[i], cfs[cf]); goto end_yax; } } if (SECTORFLD(highlightsector[i],z, cf) != thez) { message("Sector %d's %s height doesn't match sector %d's", highlightsector[i], cfs[cf], highlightsector[0]); goto end_yax; } if ((sandwichbunch>=0 || highlightsectorcnt>1) && SECTORFLD(highlightsector[i],stat, cf)&2) { message("Sector %ss must not be sloped%s", cfs[cf], sandwichbunch>=0 ? "" : "if extending more than one"); goto end_yax; } } if (sandwichbunch >= 0) { // cf==YAX_FLOOR here int32_t tempz, oldfz, swsecheight = DEFAULT_YAX_HEIGHT/4; // highest floor z of lower sectors, lowest ceiling z of these sectors int32_t minfloorz = INT32_MAX, maxceilz = INT32_MIN; // some preparation for making the sandwich if (highlightsectorcnt != yax_numsectsinbunch(sandwichbunch, YAX_FLOOR)) { message("When sandwiching extension, must select all sectors of the bunch"); goto end_yax; } // "for i in sectors of sandwichbunch(floor)" is now the same as // "for i in highlighted sectors" oldfz = sector[highlightsector[0]].floorz; // check if enough room in z for (SECTORS_OF_BUNCH(sandwichbunch, YAX_CEILING, i)) for (WALLS_OF_SECTOR(i, j)) { tempz = getflorzofslope(i, wall[j].x, wall[j].y); minfloorz = min(minfloorz, tempz); } for (SECTORS_OF_BUNCH(sandwichbunch, YAX_FLOOR, i)) for (WALLS_OF_SECTOR(i, j)) { tempz = getceilzofslope(i, wall[j].x, wall[j].y); maxceilz = max(maxceilz, tempz); } if (minfloorz - maxceilz < 2*swsecheight) { message("Too little z headroom for sandwiching, need at least %d", 2*swsecheight); goto end_yax; } if (maxceilz >= oldfz || oldfz >= minfloorz) { message("Internal error while sandwiching: oldfz out of bounds"); goto end_yax; } // maxceilz ---| // ^ | // ulz[0] ^ // ^ oldfz // ulz[1] ^ // ^ | // minfloorz ---| ulz[0] = (int32_t)(oldfz - swsecheight*((double)(oldfz-maxceilz)/(minfloorz-maxceilz))); ulz[0] &= ~255; ulz[1] = ulz[0] + swsecheight; if (maxceilz >= ulz[0] || ulz[1] >= minfloorz) { message("Too little z headroom for sandwiching"); goto end_yax; } } m = numwalls; Bmemset(visited, 0, sizeof(visited)); // construct! for (i=0; i= 0) { if (YAX_NEXTWALL(j, cf) < 0) { message("Internal error while sandwiching (2): " "YAX_NEXTWALL(%d, %d)<0!", j, cf); numwalls = m; goto end_yax; } } } for (i=m; i= 0) { int16_t oynw = YAX_NEXTWALL(j, cf); yax_setnextwall(j, cf, i); yax_setnextwall(i, cf, oynw); yax_setnextwall(oynw, !cf, i); } else { yax_setnextwall(j, cf, i); } } // create new sector based on first highlighted one i = highlightsector[0]; Bmemcpy(§or[numsectors], §or[i], sizeof(sectortype)); sector[numsectors].wallptr = m; sector[numsectors].wallnum = numwalls-m; if (sandwichbunch < 0) { if (SECTORFLD(i,stat, cf)&2) setslope(numsectors, !cf, SECTORFLD(i,heinum, cf)); else setslope(numsectors, !cf, 0); setslope(numsectors, cf, 0); SECTORFLD(numsectors,z, !cf) = SECTORFLD(i,z, cf); SECTORFLD(numsectors,z, cf) = SECTORFLD(i,z, cf) - (1-2*cf)*DEFAULT_YAX_HEIGHT; } else { for (SECTORS_OF_BUNCH(sandwichbunch, cf, i)) sector[i].floorz = ulz[0]; sector[numsectors].ceilingz = ulz[0]; sector[numsectors].floorz = ulz[1]; for (SECTORS_OF_BUNCH(sandwichbunch, !cf, i)) sector[i].ceilingz = ulz[1]; } newnumwalls = numwalls; numwalls = m; SECTORFLD(numsectors,stat, !cf) &= ~1; // no plax // restore red walls of the selected sectors for (i=0; i 0) { /// 'punch' wall loop through extension int32_t loopstartwall = -1, numloopwalls, cf; int32_t srcsect, dstsect, ofirstwallofs; int16_t cb, fb, bunchnum; if (EDITING_MAP_P()) { printmessage16("Must not be editing map to punch loop"); goto end_yax; } if (numyaxbunches >= YAX_MAXBUNCHES) { message("TROR bunch limit reached, cannot punch loop"); goto end_yax; } // determine start wall for (i=0; i0 && wall[j-1].point2==j) continue; if (clockdir(j)==CLOCKDIR_CCW) { YAX_SKIPWALL(j); if (loopstartwall >= 0) { message("Must have a unique highlighted CCW loop to punch"); goto end_yax; } loopstartwall = j; } } if (loopstartwall == -1) { message("Didn't find any non-grayed out CCW loop start walls"); goto end_yax; } // determine sector srcsect = sectorofwall(loopstartwall); yax_getbunches(srcsect, &cb, &fb); if (cb < 0 && fb < 0) { message("Ceiling or floor must be extended to punch loop"); goto end_yax; } /// determine c/f cf = -1; if (fb < 0) cf = YAX_CEILING; else if (cb < 0) cf = YAX_FLOOR; fade_editor_screen(-1); // query top/bottom if (cf == -1) { char dachars[2] = {'a', 'z'}; cf = editor_ask_function("Punch loop above (a) or below (z)?", dachars, 2); if (cf == -1) goto end_yax; } else { // ask even if only one choice -- I find it more // consistent with 'extend sector' this way if (-1 == editor_ask_function(cf==YAX_CEILING ? "Punch loop above (a)?" : "Punch loop below (z)?", cf==YAX_CEILING?"a":"z", 1)) goto end_yax; } bunchnum = (cf==YAX_CEILING) ? cb : fb; // check 1 j = loopstartwall; // will be real start wall of loop numloopwalls = 1; // will be number of walls in loop for (i=wall[loopstartwall].point2; i!=loopstartwall; i=wall[i].point2) { numloopwalls++; if (i < j) j = i; if ((show2dwall[i>>3]&(1<<(i&7)))==0) { message("All loop points must be highlighted to punch"); goto end_yax; } if (yax_getnextwall(loopstartwall, cf) >= 0 || yax_getnextwall(i, cf) >= 0) { // somewhat redundant, since it would also be caught by check 2 message("Loop walls must not already have TROR neighbors"); goto end_yax; } if (wall[loopstartwall].nextwall < 0 || wall[i].nextwall < 0) { message("INTERNAL ERROR: All loop walls are expected to be red"); goto end_yax; } } loopstartwall = j; if (numwalls + 2*numloopwalls > MAXWALLS || numsectors+1 > MAXSECTORS) { message("Punching loop through extension would exceed limits"); goto end_yax; } // get other-side sector, j==loopstartwall dstsect = yax_getneighborsect(wall[j].x, wall[j].y, srcsect, cf); if (dstsect < 0) { message("Punch loop INTERNAL ERROR: dstsect < 0. Map corrupt?"); goto end_yax; } // check 2 i = loopstartwall; do { j = wall[i].point2; for (WALLS_OF_SECTOR(dstsect, k)) { vec2_t pint; if (lineintersect2v((vec2_t *)&wall[i], (vec2_t *)&wall[j], (vec2_t *)&wall[k], (vec2_t *)&POINT2(k), &pint)) { message("Loop lines must not intersect any destination sector's walls"); goto end_yax; } } } while ((i = j) != loopstartwall); // construct new loop and (dummy yet) sector Bmemcpy(&wall[numwalls], &wall[loopstartwall], numloopwalls*sizeof(walltype)); newnumwalls = numwalls+numloopwalls; for (i=numwalls; iouter nextwall links for (i=loopstartwall; i= 0 here! Assumption: we collect exactly // one connected component of sectors collect_sectors1(collsectlist[0], collsectbitmap[0], &collnumsects[0], oneinnersect, 0, 0); // set new bunchnums for (i=0; iouter nextwall links for (i=loopstartwall; i=0) ? "" : " (ERRORS)"); } mkonwinvalid(); asksave = 1; yax_update(0); yax_updategrays(pos.z); } end_yax: ; #endif } if (highlightsectorcnt < 0) { if (keystatus[0x36]) //Right shift (point highlighting) { if (highlightcnt == 0) { int32_t xx[] = { highlightx1, highlightx1, searchx, searchx, highlightx1 }; int32_t yy[] = { highlighty1, searchy, searchy, highlighty1, highlighty1 }; highlightx2 = searchx; highlighty2 = searchy; ydim16 = ydim-STATUS2DSIZ2; plotlines2d(xx, yy, 5, editorcolors[5]); } else { highlightcnt = 0; highlightx1 = searchx; highlighty1 = searchy; highlightx2 = searchx; highlighty2 = searchy; } } else { if (highlightcnt == 0) { int32_t add=keystatus[0x28], sub=(!add && keystatus[0x27]), setop=(add||sub); if (!m32_sideview) { getpoint(highlightx1,highlighty1, &highlightx1,&highlighty1); getpoint(highlightx2,highlighty2, &highlightx2,&highlighty2); } if (highlightx1 > highlightx2) swaplong(&highlightx1, &highlightx2); if (highlighty1 > highlighty2) swaplong(&highlighty1, &highlighty2); // Ctrl+RShift: select all wall-points of highlighted wall's loop: if (eitherCTRL && highlightx1==highlightx2 && highlighty1==highlighty2) { if (!setop) { Bmemset(show2dwall, 0, sizeof(show2dwall)); Bmemset(show2dsprite, 0, sizeof(show2dsprite)); } if (linehighlight >= 0 && linehighlight < MAXWALLS) { i = linehighlight; do { if (!sub) show2dwall[i>>3] |= (1<<(i&7)); else show2dwall[i>>3] &= ~(1<<(i&7)); // XXX: this selects too many walls, need something more like // those of dragpoint() -- could be still too many for // loop punching though for (j=0; j>3] |= (1<<(j&7)); else show2dwall[j>>3] &= ~(1<<(j&7)); } i = wall[i].point2; } while (i != linehighlight); } update_highlight(); } else { int32_t tx, ty, onlySprites=eitherCTRL; int32_t accum_dragged_verts = 0; if (!setop) { Bmemset(show2dwall, 0, sizeof(show2dwall)); Bmemset(show2dsprite, 0, sizeof(show2dsprite)); } for (i=0; i= highlightx1 && tx <= highlightx2 && ty >= highlighty1 && ty <= highlighty2) { if (!sub) { if (numgraysects > 0 || m32_sideview) { // Only called to find out which walls would get dragged: dragpoint(i, wall[i].x, wall[i].y, accum_dragged_verts); accum_dragged_verts = 1; } else show2dwall[i>>3] |= (1<<(i&7)); } else show2dwall[i>>3] &= ~(1<<(i&7)); } } if (!sub && (numgraysects > 0 || m32_sideview)) { for (i=0; i>3] |= (1<<(i&7)); } for (i=0; i= highlightx1 && tx <= highlightx2 && ty >= highlighty1 && ty <= highlighty2) { if (!sub) { if (sprite[i].sectnum >= 0) // don't allow to select sprites in null space show2dsprite[i>>3] |= (1<<(i&7)); } else show2dsprite[i>>3] &= ~(1<<(i&7)); } } update_highlight(); for (i=0; i>3; i++) hlorgraysectbitmap[i] = hlsectorbitmap[i]|graysectbitmap[i]; #endif for (i=0; i= 0) // checksectorpointer(wall[j].nextwall,wall[j].nextsector); if (wall[j].nextwall < 0) didmakered |= !!checksectorpointer(j, highlightsector[i]); if (!didmakered) { updatesectorexclude(wall[j].x, wall[j].y, &tmpsect, hlorgraysectbitmap); if (tmpsect<0) hadouterpoint = 1; } } #ifdef YAX_ENABLE { int16_t cb, fb; yax_getbunches(highlightsector[i], &cb, &fb); if (cb>=0 || fb>=0) { // TROR stuff in the pasted sectors would really // complicate things, so don't allow this didmakered=1; } } #endif } if (!didmakered && !hadouterpoint && newnumwalls<0) { // fade the screen to have the user's attention fade_editor_screen(-1); didmakered |= !ask_if_sure("Insert outer loop and make red walls? (Y/N)", 0); clearkeys(); } if (!didmakered && !hadouterpoint && newnumwalls<0) { int16_t ignore, refsect; int32_t n; #ifdef YAX_ENABLE int16_t refsectbn[2]={-1,-1}; int32_t refextcf=-1; #endif Bmemset(visited, 0, sizeof(visited)); for (i=0; i=0 || refsectbn[1]>=0) { if (refsectbn[0]>=0 && refsectbn[1]>=0) { // at least one of ceiling/floor must be non-extended didmakered = 1; } else { // ... and the other must be non-sloped refextcf = (refsectbn[1]>=0); if (SECTORFLD(refsect,stat, !refextcf)&2) didmakered = 1; } } if (didmakered) goto end_autoredwall; if (refextcf >= 0) { int32_t refz = SECTORFLD(refsect,z, refextcf), tmpsect; int32_t neededzofs=0; // the reference sector is extended on one side // (given by refextcf) and non-sloped on the other if (highlighted_sectors_components(0,0) != 1) { message("Highlighted sectors must be in one connected component"); goto end_autoredwall; } for (m=0; m 0) { neededzofs += ksgn(neededzofs)*(512<<4); neededzofs &= ~((256<<4)-1); if (refextcf==1) neededzofs *= -1; for (m=0; m= begwalltomove) wall[m].nextwall += n; } #ifdef YAX_ENABLE yax_tweakwalls(begwalltomove, n); #endif for (m=refsect+1; m 0) if (onwwasvalid && onextwall[wall[m].nextwall]>=0) { //initprintf("%d %d\n", m, onextwall[wall[m].nextwall]); copy_some_wall_members(m, onextwall[wall[m].nextwall], 0); } #ifndef YAX_ENABLE message("Attached new inner loop to sector %d", refsect); #else { const char *cfstr[2] = {"ceiling","floor"}; message("Attached new inner loop to %s%ssector %d", refextcf>=0 ? cfstr[refextcf] : "", refextcf>=0 ? "-extended " : "", refsect); } asksave = 1; if (refextcf >= 0) { yax_update(0); goto end_autoredwall; } #endif } } } end_autoredwall: newnumwalls = -1; #ifdef YAX_ENABLE yax_updategrays(pos.z); #endif } highlightx1 = searchx; highlighty1 = searchy; highlightx2 = searchx; highlighty2 = searchy; highlightsectorcnt = 0; } } else { if (highlightsectorcnt == 0) { int32_t add=keystatus[0x28], sub=(!add && keystatus[0x27]), setop=(add||sub); int32_t tx,ty, pointsel = eitherCTRL; #ifdef YAX_ENABLE // home: ceilings, end: floors int32_t fb, bunchsel = keystatus[0xcf] ? 1 : (keystatus[0xc7] ? 0 : -1); uint8_t bunchbitmap[YAX_MAXBUNCHES>>3]; Bmemset(bunchbitmap, 0, sizeof(bunchbitmap)); #endif if (!m32_sideview) { getpoint(highlightx1,highlighty1, &highlightx1,&highlighty1); getpoint(highlightx2,highlighty2, &highlightx2,&highlighty2); } if (!pointsel) { if (highlightx1 > highlightx2) swaplong(&highlightx1, &highlightx2); if (highlighty1 > highlighty2) swaplong(&highlighty1, &highlighty2); } if (!setop) Bmemset(hlsectorbitmap, 0, sizeof(hlsectorbitmap)); for (i=0; i highlightx2) bad = 1; if (ty < highlighty1 || ty > highlighty2) bad = 1; if (bad == 1) break; } } if (bad == 0) { #ifdef YAX_ENABLE if (bunchsel!=-1 && (fb = yax_getbunch(i, YAX_FLOOR))>=0) { if ((sub || (graysectbitmap[i>>3]&(1<<(i&7)))==0) && (bunchbitmap[fb>>3]&(1<<(fb&7)))==0) { bunchbitmap[fb>>3] |= (1<<(fb&7)); for (SECTORS_OF_BUNCH(fb, bunchsel, j)) handlesecthighlight1(j, sub, 1); } } else #endif handlesecthighlight1(i, sub, eitherSHIFT); } } update_highlightsector(); ovh_whiteoutgrab(0); } } } if (((bstatus&1) < (oldmousebstatus&1)) && highlightsectorcnt < 0) //after dragging { int32_t runi, numdelpoints=0; int32_t havedrawnwalls = (newnumwalls!=-1), restorestat=1; // restorestat is set to 2 whenever the drawn walls should NOT be // restored afterwards int32_t err = backup_drawn_walls(0); if (err) { message("Error backing up drawn walls (code %d)!", err); goto end_after_dragging; } j = 1; for (i=0; i= 0) { k = getlenbyrep(olen[i], wall[nw].xrepeat); fixxrepeat(nw, k); } } } } } else if ((pointhighlight&0xc000) == 16384) { dax = sprite[pointhighlight&16383].x; day = sprite[pointhighlight&16383].y; } dragwall[0] = dragwall[1] = -1; // attempt to delete some points for (runi=0; runi<3; runi++) // check, tweak, carry out for (i=numwalls-1; i>=0; i--) { if (runi==0) wall[i].cstat &= ~(1<<14); if (wall[i].x == POINT2(i).x && wall[i].y == POINT2(i).y) { if (havedrawnwalls) { if (i==ovh.suckwall || (ovh.split && i==ovh.splitstartwall)) { // if we're about to delete a wall that participates // in splitting, discard the already drawn walls restorestat = 2; } else if (runi == 1) { // correct drawn wall anchors if (ovh.suckwall > i) ovh.suckwall--; if (ovh.split && ovh.splitstartwall > i) ovh.splitstartwall--; } } if (runi == 0) { int32_t sectnum = sectorofwall(i); if (sector[sectnum].wallnum <= 3) { message("Deleting wall %d would leave sector %d with %d walls.", i, sectnum, sector[sectnum].wallnum-1); goto end_after_dragging; } sectnum = wall[i].nextsector; if (sectnum >= 0 && sector[sectnum].wallnum <= 3) { message("Deleting wall %d would leave sector %d with %d walls.", i, sectnum, sector[sectnum].wallnum-1); goto end_after_dragging; } } else { deletepoint(i, runi); if (runi==2) numdelpoints++; } } } if (numdelpoints) { if (numdelpoints > 1) message("Deleted %d points%s", numdelpoints, (havedrawnwalls && restorestat==2) ? " and cleared drawn walls":""); else printmessage16("Point deleted%s", (havedrawnwalls && restorestat==2) ? ", cleared drawn walls":""); asksave = 1; } else { for (i=0; i 0) //drag points { if (highlightsectorcnt > 0) { if ((bstatus&1) > (oldmousebstatus&1)) { newnumwalls = -1; sectorhighlightstat = -1; // updatesector(mousxplc,mousyplc,&cursectorhighlight); cursectorhighlight = -1; for (i=0; i= 0 && cursectorhighlight < numsectors) { //You clicked inside one of the flashing sectors! sectorhighlightstat = 1; dax = mousxplc; day = mousyplc; if (gridlock && grid > 0) locktogrid(&dax, &day); sectorhighlightx = dax; sectorhighlighty = day; } } else if (sectorhighlightstat == 1) { dax = mousxplc; day = mousyplc; if (gridlock && grid > 0) locktogrid(&dax, &day); dax -= sectorhighlightx; day -= sectorhighlighty; sectorhighlightx += dax; sectorhighlighty += day; #ifdef YAX_ENABLE if (!hl_all_bunch_sectors_p()) printmessage16("To drag extended sectors, all sectors of a bunch must be selected"); else #endif for (i=0; i=0; j=nextspritesect[j]) { sprite[j].x += dax; sprite[j].y += day; } } //for(i=0;i= 0) // checksectorpointer(wall[j].nextwall,wall[j].nextsector); // checksectorpointer((short)j,highlightsector[i]); // } //} asksave = 1; } } else //if (highlightsectorcnt <= 0) { if ((bstatus&1) > (oldmousebstatus&1)) { pointhighlight = getpointhighlight(mousxplc, mousyplc, pointhighlight); if (pointhighlight >= 0 && (pointhighlight&0xc000)==0) { dragwall[0] = lastwall(pointhighlight); dragwall[1] = pointhighlight; olen[0] = wallength(dragwall[0]); olen[1] = wallength(dragwall[1]); } } if (pointhighlight >= 0 && (!m32_sideview || m32_sideelev>=32)) { if (m32_sideview) { int32_t dz; if (pointhighlight>=16384) dz = sprite[pointhighlight&16383].z - pos.z; else dz = getflorzofslope(sectorofwall(pointhighlight), wall[pointhighlight].x, wall[pointhighlight].y) - pos.z; getinvdisplacement(&dax,&day, -dz); dax += mousxplc; day += mousyplc; } else { dax = mousxplc; day = mousyplc; } if (gridlock && grid > 0) locktogrid(&dax, &day); j = 1; if (highlightcnt > 0) for (i=0; ix += dax; daspr->y += day; setspritez(daspr-sprite, (const vec3_t *)daspr); } } } else { if ((pointhighlight&0xc000) == 0) { if (newnumwalls >= numwalls && wall[pointhighlight].x==firstx && wall[pointhighlight].y==firsty) { printmessage16("Can't drag point where drawing started."); goto end_point_dragging; } dragpoint(pointhighlight,dax,day,2); wall[lastwall(pointhighlight)].cstat |= (1<<14); } else if ((pointhighlight&0xc000) == 16384) { int32_t daspr=pointhighlight&16383; int16_t osec=sprite[daspr].sectnum, nsec=osec; vec3_t vec, ovec; Bmemcpy(&ovec, (vec3_t *)&sprite[daspr], sizeof(vec3_t)); vec.x = dax; vec.y = day; vec.z = sprite[daspr].z; if (setspritez(daspr, &vec) == -1 && osec>=0) { updatesectorbreadth(dax, day, &nsec); if (nsec >= 0) { sprite[daspr].x = dax; sprite[daspr].y = day; // z updating is after we released the mouse button if (sprite[daspr].sectnum != nsec) changespritesect(daspr, nsec); } else Bmemcpy(&sprite[daspr], &ovec, sizeof(vec3_t)); } } } asksave = 1; } } } else //if ((bstatus&1) == 0) { pointhighlight = getpointhighlight(mousxplc, mousyplc, pointhighlight); sectorhighlightstat = -1; } end_point_dragging: if (bstatus&(2|4)) // change arrow position { if (eitherCTRL) { int16_t cursectornum; for (cursectornum=0; cursectornum= 16384) ExtEditSpriteData(pointhighlight-16384); else if ((linehighlight >= 0) && ((bstatus&1) || sectorofwall(linehighlight) == cursectornum)) ExtEditWallData(linehighlight); else if (cursectornum >= 0) ExtEditSectorData(cursectornum); } bstatus &= ~6; } else { if (m32_sideview && (bstatus&4)) { pos.z += divscale18(searchy-midydim16,zoom); getpoint(searchx,midydim16, &pos.x, &pos.y); #ifdef YAX_ENABLE yax_updategrays(pos.z); #endif } else { pos.x = mousxplc; pos.y = mousyplc; } if (m32_sideview) { int32_t opat=drawlinepat; y1 = INT32_MAX; for (i=0; i 0) updatesectorz(pos.x,pos.y,pos.z,&cursectnum); if (circlewall != -1 && (keystatus[0x4a] || ((bstatus&32) && !eitherCTRL))) // -, mousewheel down { if (circlepoints > 1) circlepoints--; keystatus[0x4a] = 0; mouseb &= ~32; bstatus &= ~32; } if (circlewall != -1 && (keystatus[0x4e] || ((bstatus&16) && !eitherCTRL))) // +, mousewheel up { if (circlepoints < 63) circlepoints++; keystatus[0x4e] = 0; mouseb &= ~16; bstatus &= ~16; } if (keystatus[0x3d]) // F3 { keystatus[0x3d]=0; if (!m32_sideview && EDITING_MAP_P()) message("Must not be editing map while switching to side view mode."); else { m32_sideview = !m32_sideview; printmessage16("Side view %s", m32_sideview?"enabled":"disabled"); } } if (m32_sideview && (keystatus[0x10] || keystatus[0x11])) { if (eitherCTRL) { if (m32_sideang&63) { m32_sideang += (1-2*keystatus[0x10])*(1-2*sideview_reversehrot)*32; m32_sideang &= (2047&~63); } else { m32_sideang += (1-2*keystatus[0x10])*(1-2*sideview_reversehrot)*64; m32_sideang &= 2047; } keystatus[0x10] = keystatus[0x11] = 0; } else { m32_sideang += (1-2*keystatus[0x10])*(1-2*sideview_reversehrot)*synctics<<(eitherSHIFT*2); m32_sideang &= 2047; } _printmessage16("Sideview angle: %d", (int32_t)m32_sideang); } if (m32_sideview && (eitherSHIFT || (bstatus&(16|32)))) { if ((DOWN_BK(MOVEUP) || (bstatus&16)) && m32_sideelev < 512) { m32_sideelev += synctics<<(1+!!(bstatus&16)); if (m32_sideelev > 512) m32_sideelev = 512; _printmessage16("Sideview elevation: %d", m32_sideelev); } if ((DOWN_BK(MOVEDOWN) || (bstatus&32)) && m32_sideelev > 0) { m32_sideelev -= synctics<<(1+!!(bstatus&32)); if (m32_sideelev < 0) m32_sideelev = 0; _printmessage16("Sideview elevation: %d", m32_sideelev); } } else { int32_t didzoom=0; if ((DOWN_BK(MOVEUP) || (bstatus&16)) && zoom < 65536) { zoom += synctics*(zoom>>4); if (zoom < 24) zoom += 2; didzoom = 1; } if ((DOWN_BK(MOVEDOWN) || (bstatus&32)) && zoom > 8) { zoom -= synctics*(zoom>>4); didzoom = 1; } if (didzoom) { if (eitherALT) { searchx = halfxdim16; searchy = midydim16; pos.x = mousxplc; pos.y = mousyplc; } zoom = clamp(zoom, 8, 65536); _printmessage16("Zoom: %d",zoom); } } if (keystatus[0x22]) // G (grid on/off) { keystatus[0x22] = 0; grid++; if (grid == 7) grid = 0; } if (keystatus[0x26]) // L (grid lock) { keystatus[0x26] = 0; gridlock = !gridlock; printmessage16("Grid locking %s", gridlock?"on":"off"); } if (keystatus[0x24]) // J (join sectors) { keystatus[0x24] = 0; if (newnumwalls >= 0) { printmessage16("Can't join sectors while editing."); goto end_join_sectors; } #ifdef YAX_ENABLE if (highlightsectorcnt > 0 && eitherCTRL) { // [component][ceiling(0) or floor(1)] // compstat: &1: "has extension", &2: "differ in z", &4: "sloped", -1: "uninited" int32_t cf, comp, compstat[2][2]={{-1,-1},{-1,-1}}, compcfz[2][2]; // joinstat: join what to what? // &1: ceil(comp 0) <-> flor(comp 1), &2: flor(comp 0) <-> ceil(comp 1) // (doesn't yet say which is stationary) // movestat: which component can be displaced? // &1: first, &2: second int32_t askres, joinstat, needsdisp, moveonwp; int32_t movestat, dx=0,dy=0,dz, delayerr=0; int32_t numouterwalls[2] = {0,0}, numowals; static int16_t outerwall[2][MAXWALLS]; const walltype *wal0, *wal1, *wal0p2, *wal1p2; // join sector ceilings/floors to a new bunch if (numyaxbunches==YAX_MAXBUNCHES) { message("Bunch limit of %d reached, cannot join", YAX_MAXBUNCHES); goto end_join_sectors; } // first, see whether we have exactly two connected components // wrt wall[].nextsector if (highlighted_sectors_components(0,0) != 2) { message("Sectors must be partitioned in two components to join"); goto end_join_sectors; } for (k=0; k>3]&(1<<(j&7))); for (cf=0; cf<2; cf++) { if (compstat[comp][cf]==-1) { compstat[comp][cf] = 0; compcfz[comp][cf] = SECTORFLD(j,z, cf); } if (yax_getbunch(j, cf)>=0) compstat[comp][cf] |= 1; if (SECTORFLD(j,z, cf) != compcfz[comp][cf]) compstat[comp][cf] |= 2; if (SECTORFLD(j,stat, cf)&2) compstat[comp][cf] |= 4; compcfz[comp][cf] = SECTORFLD(j,z, cf); } } // check for consistency joinstat = 0; if (!compstat[0][YAX_CEILING] && !compstat[1][YAX_FLOOR]) joinstat |= 1; if (!compstat[0][YAX_FLOOR] && !compstat[1][YAX_CEILING]) joinstat |= 2; if (joinstat==0) { message("No consistent joining combination found"); OSD_Printf("comp0: c=%d,f=%d; comp1: c=%d,f=%d (1:extended, 2:z mismatch, 4:sloped)\n", compstat[0][YAX_CEILING], compstat[0][YAX_FLOOR], compstat[1][YAX_CEILING], compstat[1][YAX_FLOOR]); //for (i=0; i<2; i++) for (j=0; j<2; j++) message("%d", compstat[i][j]); goto end_join_sectors; } if (joinstat==3) { if (compcfz[0][YAX_CEILING] != compstat[1][YAX_FLOOR]) joinstat &= 1; if (compcfz[0][YAX_CEILING] != compstat[1][YAX_FLOOR]) joinstat &= 2; if (joinstat == 0) joinstat = 3; // we couldn't disambiguate } for (comp=0; comp<2; comp++) for (k=0; k0 && numouterwalls[1]>0) delayerr = 1; else goto end_join_sectors; } numowals = min(numouterwalls[0], numouterwalls[1]); // now sort outer walls 'geometrically' for (comp=0; comp<2; comp++) sort_walls_geometrically(outerwall[comp], numouterwalls[comp]); for (k=0; kpoint2]; wal1p2 = &wall[wal1->point2]; if (k==0) { dx = wal1->x - wal0->x; dy = wal1->y - wal0->y; } if (wal1->x - wal0->x != dx || wal1->y - wal0->y != dy || wal1p2->x - wal0p2->x != dx || wal1p2->y - wal0p2->y != dy) { pos.x = wal0->x + (wal0p2->x - wal0->x)/4; pos.y = wal0->y + (wal0p2->y - wal0->y)/4; pos.z = getflorzofslope(sectorofwall(wal0-wall), pos.x, pos.y); if (!delayerr) message("Outer wall coordinates must coincide for both components"); OSD_Printf_nowarn("wal0:%d (%d,%d)--(%d,%d)\n",(int)(wal0-wall), TrackerCast(wal0->x),TrackerCast(wal0->y), TrackerCast(wal0p2->x),TrackerCast(wal0p2->y)); OSD_Printf_nowarn("wal1:%d (%d,%d)--(%d,%d)\n",(int)(wal1-wall), TrackerCast(wal1->x),TrackerCast(wal1->y), TrackerCast(wal1p2->x),TrackerCast(wal1p2->y)); goto end_join_sectors; } } if (delayerr) goto end_join_sectors; if (joinstat == 3) { char askchars[2] = {'1', 'v'}; // now is a good time to ask... for (comp=0; comp<2; comp++) for (k=0; kflor(1), 1:ceil(1)<->flor(0) dz = compcfz[1][!joinstat] - compcfz[0][joinstat]; needsdisp = (dx || dy || dz); if (needsdisp) { // a component is more likely to be displaced if it's not // extended on the non-joining side movestat = (!(compstat[0][!joinstat]&1)) | ((!(compstat[1][joinstat]&1))<<1); if (!movestat) { movestat = 3; // message("Internal error while TROR-joining: movestat inconsistent!"); // goto end_join_sectors; } if (movestat==3) { char askchars[2] = {'y', 'b'}; for (comp=0; comp<2; comp++) for (k=0; k>3]; int16_t ocollnumsects=collnumsects[movestat], tmpsect; Bmemcpy(ocollsectlist, collsectlist[movestat], ocollnumsects*sizeof(int16_t)); Bmemset(tcollbitmap, 0, sizeof(tcollbitmap)); for (k=0; k>3; m++) tcollbitmap[m] |= collsectbitmap[0][m]; moveonwp = 1; } if (moveonwp) { int32_t movecol = movestat==0 ? 159 : editorcolors[11]; for (i=0; i>3]&(1<<(i&7))) fillsector(i, editorcolors[12]); fade_editor_screen(editorcolors[12] | (movecol<<8)); moveonwp = ask_if_sure("Also move formerly wall-connected sectors?",0); if (moveonwp==-1) goto end_join_sectors; } } // now need to collect them wrt. the nextsector but also // the yax-nextsector relation if (highlighted_sectors_components(1,moveonwp) != 2) { message("Must not have TROR connections between the two components"); goto end_join_sectors; } // displace! for (k=0; k=0; j=nextspritesect[j]) { sprite[j].x += dx; sprite[j].y += dy; sprite[j].z += dz; } } // restore old components, i.e. only the bunch sectors highlighted_sectors_components(0,0); } // end if (needsdisp) /*** construct the YAX connection! ***/ for (comp=0; comp<2; comp++) { // walls for (j=0; j 1) { if (!bakframe_fillandfade(&origframe, i, "Use this as first joining sector? (Y/N)")) continue; } joinsector[0] = i; printmessage16("Join sector - press J again on sector to join with."); break; } } if (origframe) Bfree(origframe); } else { int32_t joink, s1to0wall, s0to1wall; #ifdef YAX_ENABLE int16_t jbn[2][2]; // [join index][c/f] int32_t uneqbn; // unequal bunchnums (bitmap): 1:above, 2:below #endif char *origframe = NULL; int32_t numjoincandidates = 0; joinsector[1] = -1; for (i=0; i 1) { if (!bakframe_fillandfade(&origframe, i, "Use this as second joining sector? (Y/N)")) continue; if (origframe) { Bfree(origframe); origframe = NULL; } } s1to0wall = find_nextwall(i, joinsector[0]); s0to1wall = wall[s1to0wall].nextwall; joinsector[1] = i; #ifdef YAX_ENABLE for (k=0; k<2; k++) yax_getbunches(joinsector[k], &jbn[k][YAX_CEILING], &jbn[k][YAX_FLOOR]); #endif // pressing J into the same sector is the same as saying 'no' // v----------------v if (s1to0wall == -1 && i != joinsector[0]) { int32_t good = 1; #ifdef YAX_ENABLE if (jbn[0][0]>=0 || jbn[0][1]>=0 || jbn[1][0]>=0 || jbn[1][1]>=0) { message("Joining non-adjacent extended sectors not allowed!"); good = 0; } #endif if (!m32_script_expertmode) { message("Joining non-adjacent disabled in non-expert mode"); good = 0; } if (!good) { joinsector[0] = joinsector[1] = -1; goto end_join_sectors; } { fillsector(i, editorcolors[9]); fillsector(joinsector[0], editorcolors[9]); fade_editor_screen(editorcolors[9]); if (!ask_if_sure("Really join non-adjacent sectors? (Y/N)", 0)) joinsector[1] = joinsector[0]; } } #ifdef YAX_ENABLE uneqbn = (jbn[0][YAX_CEILING]!=jbn[1][YAX_CEILING]) | ((jbn[0][YAX_FLOOR]!=jbn[1][YAX_FLOOR])<<1); if (uneqbn) { const int32_t cf=YAX_FLOOR; int32_t whybad=0, jsynw[2]; if (uneqbn == 1) { OSD_Printf("Can't join two sectors with different ceiling bunchnums." " To make them equal, join their upper neighbor's floors.\n"); printmessage16("Can't join two sectors with different ceiling bunchnums. See OSD"); joinsector[0] = joinsector[1] = -1; goto end_join_sectors; } if (s0to1wall < 0) { printmessage16("INTERNAL ERROR: nextwalls inconsistent!"); joinsector[0] = joinsector[1] = -1; goto end_join_sectors; } // both must be extended if (jbn[0][cf]<0 || jbn[1][cf]<0) uneqbn &= ~(1<=0 && jbn[1][cf]<0) { // 1st join sector extended, 2nd not... let's see // if the latter is inner to the former one int32_t lowerstartsec = yax_vnextsec(s0to1wall, cf); m = (lowerstartsec < 0)<<1; for (WALLS_OF_SECTOR(joinsector[1], k)) { if (m) break; m |= (wall[k].nextsector>=0 && wall[k].nextsector != joinsector[0]); m |= (wall[k].nextwall>=0 && yax_vnextsec(wall[k].nextwall, cf)!=lowerstartsec)<<1; } if (m==0) { yax_setbunch(joinsector[1], YAX_FLOOR, jbn[0][cf]); yax_update(0); yax_updategrays(pos.z); asksave = 1; printmessage16("Added sector %d's floor to bunch %d", joinsector[1], jbn[0][cf]); } else { if (m&1) { message("Can't add sector %d's floor to bunch %d: not inner to sector %d", joinsector[1], jbn[0][cf], joinsector[0]); } else // if (m&2) { message("Can't add sector %d's floor to bunch %d: must have lower neighbor", joinsector[1], jbn[0][cf]); } } } else #endif { if (whybad&1) message("Can't make floor bunchnums equal: both floors must be extended"); else if (whybad&2) message("Can't make floor bunchnums equal: both floors must be non-sloped"); else if (whybad&4) message("Can't make floor bunchnums equal: both floors must have equal height"); else if (whybad&8) message("Can't make floor bunchnums equal: INTERNAL ERROR"); else if (whybad&16) message("Can't make floor bunchnums equal: lower neighbors must be linked"); } } else { int32_t vcf, newbn, ynw; // we're good to go for making floor bunchnums equal for (SECTORS_OF_BUNCH(jbn[1][cf], YAX_FLOOR, k)) yax_setbunch(k, YAX_FLOOR, jbn[0][cf]); for (SECTORS_OF_BUNCH(jbn[1][cf], YAX_CEILING, k)) yax_setbunch(k, YAX_CEILING, jbn[0][cf]); yax_update(0); // now we can iterate the sectors with the new bunchnums newbn = yax_getbunch(joinsector[0], cf); // clear all yax-nextwall links on walls that are inside the bunch for (vcf=0; vcf<2; vcf++) for (SECTORS_OF_BUNCH(newbn, vcf, k)) for (WALLS_OF_SECTOR(k, m)) { ynw = yax_getnextwall(m, vcf); if (ynw < 0 || wall[m].nextsector < 0) continue; if (yax_getbunch(wall[m].nextsector, vcf) == newbn) { yax_setnextwall(ynw, !vcf, -1); yax_setnextwall(m, vcf, -1); } } // shouldn't be needed again for the editor, but can't harm either: yax_update(0); yax_updategrays(pos.z); printmessage16("Made sector %d and %d floor bunchnums equal", joinsector[0], joinsector[1]); asksave = 1; } joinsector[0] = joinsector[1] = -1; goto end_join_sectors; } #endif break; } } if (joinsector[1] < 0 || joinsector[0] == joinsector[1]) { printmessage16("No sectors joined."); joinsector[0] = -1; goto end_join_sectors; } for (i=0; i= MAXWALLS + M32_FIXME_WALLS) { message("Joining sectors failed: not enough space beyond wall[]"); joinsector[0] = -1; newnumwalls = -1; for (i=0; i0 && ((wall[i].cstat & (1<<14))==0) && (wall[i].nextsector != joinsector[1-joink])); wall[newnumwalls-1].point2 = m; if (loopnum==0) { message("internal error while joining sectors: infloop!"); newnumwalls = -1; } } } if (newnumwalls > numwalls) { Bmemcpy(§or[numsectors], §or[joinsector[0]], sizeof(sectortype)); sector[numsectors].wallptr = numwalls; sector[numsectors].wallnum = newnumwalls-numwalls; //fix sprites for (i=0; i<2; i++) { j = headspritesect[joinsector[i]]; while (j != -1) { k = nextspritesect[j]; changespritesect(j, numsectors); j = k; } } numsectors++; for (i=numwalls; i= 0) { NEXTWALL(i).nextwall = i; NEXTWALL(i).nextsector = numsectors-1; } } numwalls = newnumwalls; newnumwalls = -1; // clean out nextwall links for deletesector for (k=0; k<2; k++) for (WALLS_OF_SECTOR(joinsector[k], j)) { wall[j].nextwall = wall[j].nextsector = -1; #ifdef YAX_ENABLE yax_setnextwall(j, YAX_CEILING, -1); yax_setnextwall(j, YAX_FLOOR, -1); #endif } deletesector(joinsector[0]); if (joinsector[0] < joinsector[1]) joinsector[1]--; deletesector(joinsector[1]); printmessage16("Sectors joined."); mkonwinvalid(); asksave = 1; #ifdef YAX_ENABLE yax_update(0); yax_updategrays(pos.z); #endif } joinsector[0] = -1; } } end_join_sectors: // PK for (i=0x02; i<=0x0b; i++) // keys '1' to '0' on the upper row if (keystatus[i]) { prefixarg = prefixtiles[i-2]; break; } if (eitherALT && keystatus[0x1f]) //ALT-S { keystatus[0x1f] = 0; if (linehighlight >= 0 && wall[linehighlight].nextwall == -1) { newnumwalls = whitelinescan(sectorofwall(linehighlight), linehighlight); if (newnumwalls < numwalls) { printmessage16("Can't make a sector out there."); newnumwalls = -1; } else if (newnumwalls > MAXWALLS) { printmessage16("Making new sector from inner loop would exceed wall limits."); newnumwalls = -1; } else { for (i=numwalls; i= 0) { dax = mousxplc; day = mousyplc; if (gridlock && grid > 0) locktogrid(&dax, &day); i = insert_sprite_common(sucksect, dax, day); if (i < 0) printmessage16("Couldn't insert sprite."); else { sprite[i].z = getflorzofslope(sucksect,dax,day); // PK if (prefixarg) { sprite[i].picnum = prefixarg; sprite[i].xrepeat = sprite[i].yrepeat = 48; prefixarg = 0; } else handle_sprite_in_clipboard(i); if (tilesizy[sprite[i].picnum] >= 32) sprite[i].cstat |= 1; correct_sprite_yoffset(i); printmessage16("Sprite inserted."); asksave = 1; VM_OnEvent(EVENT_INSERTSPRITE2D, i); } } } if (keystatus[0x2e]) // C (make circle of points) { if (highlightsectorcnt > 0) duplicate_selected_sectors(); else if (highlightcnt > 0) duplicate_selected_sprites(); else if (circlewall >= 0) { circlewall = -1; } else if (!m32_sideview) { if (linehighlight >= 0) { #if 0 //def YAX_ENABLE j = linehighlight; if (yax_islockedwall(j) || (wall[j].nextwall >= 0 && yax_islockedwall(wall[j].nextwall))) printmessage16("Can't make circle in wall constrained by sector extension."); else #endif circlewall = linehighlight; } } keystatus[0x2e] = 0; } bad = keystatus[0x39] && !m32_sideview; //Gotta do this to save lots of 3 spaces! if (circlewall >= 0) { int32_t tempint1, tempint2; x1 = wall[circlewall].x; y1 = wall[circlewall].y; x2 = POINT2(circlewall).x; y2 = POINT2(circlewall).y; x3 = mousxplc; y3 = mousyplc; adjustmark(&x3,&y3,newnumwalls); tempint1 = dmulscale4(x3-x2,x1-x3, y1-y3,y3-y2); tempint2 = dmulscale4(y1-y2,x1-x3, y1-y3,x2-x1); if (tempint2 != 0) { int32_t goodtogo, err=0; const int32_t centerx = ((x1+x2) + scale(y1-y2,tempint1,tempint2))>>1; const int32_t centery = ((y1+y2) + scale(x2-x1,tempint1,tempint2))>>1; const int32_t circlerad = ksqrt(dmulscale4(centerx-x1,centerx-x1, centery-y1,centery-y1))<<2; const int32_t circleang1 = getangle(x1-centerx,y1-centery); const int32_t circleang2 = getangle(x2-centerx,y2-centery); const int32_t redw = (int32_t)(wall[circlewall].nextwall >= 0); int32_t insdpoints = 0; draw_cross(centerx, centery, 2, editorcolors[14]); k = ((circleang2-circleang1)&2047); if (mulscale4(x3-x1,y2-y1) < mulscale4(x2-x1,y3-y1)) { k = -((circleang1-circleang2)&2047); } // XXX: Still too permissive for TROR insertion goodtogo = (numwalls+(1+redw)*circlepoints <= MAXWALLS); if (bad > 0 && goodtogo) { err = backup_drawn_walls(0); if (err) { message("Error backing up drawn walls (code %d)!", err); goodtogo = 0; } } for (i=circlepoints; i>0; i--) { const int32_t ps = 2; j = (circleang1 + scale(i,k,circlepoints+1))&2047; dax = centerx + mulscale14(sintable[(j+512)&2047],circlerad); day = centery + mulscale14(sintable[j],circlerad); inpclamp(&dax, -editorgridextent, editorgridextent); inpclamp(&day, -editorgridextent, editorgridextent); if (bad > 0 && goodtogo) { int32_t inspts = M32_InsertPoint(circlewall, dax,day, -1, &circlewall); if (inspts==0) { message("Wall limit exceeded while inserting points."); goto end_circle_insertion; } else if (inspts >= 65536) { message("ERR: Inserted %d points for constr. wall (exp. %d; %d already ins'd)", inspts&65535, inspts>>16, insdpoints); goto end_circle_insertion; } insdpoints += inspts; } draw_square(dax, day, ps, editorcolors[14]); } if (bad > 0 && goodtogo) backup_drawn_walls(1); if (bad > 0) { if (goodtogo) { asksave = 1; printmessage16("Circle points inserted."); end_circle_insertion: circlewall = -1; mkonwinvalid(); } else printmessage16("Inserting circle points would exceed wall limit."); } } bad = 0; keystatus[0x39] = 0; } if (bad > 0) //Space bar test { keystatus[0x39] = 0; adjustmark(&mousxplc,&mousyplc,newnumwalls); if (checkautoinsert(mousxplc,mousyplc,newnumwalls) == 1) { printmessage16("You must insert a point there first."); bad = 0; } } if (bad > 0) //Space { if (newnumwalls < numwalls) // starting wall drawing { if (numwalls >= MAXWALLS-1) { // whatever we do, we will need at least two new walls printmessage16("Can't start sector drawing: wall limit reached."); goto end_space_handling; } if (numsectors >= MAXSECTORS) { printmessage16("Can't start sector drawing: sector limit reached."); goto end_space_handling; } firstx = mousxplc; firsty = mousyplc; //Make first point newnumwalls = numwalls; ovh.suckwall = -1; ovh.split = 0; init_new_wall1(&ovh.suckwall, mousxplc, mousyplc); printmessage16("Sector drawing started."); } else // 2nd point and up... { //if not back to first point if (firstx != mousxplc || firsty != mousyplc) //nextpoint { if (newnumwalls>=MAXWALLS) { printmessage16("Inserting another point would exceed wall limit."); goto end_space_handling; } j = 0; for (i=numwalls; i>1; day = (wall[numwalls].y+mousyplc)>>1; for (i=0; i=0 && (POINT2(k).x != mousxplc || POINT2(k).y != mousyplc)) if (wall[lastwall(k)].x != mousxplc || wall[lastwall(k)].y != mousyplc) { ovh.split = 1; ovh.splitsect = i; ovh.splitstartwall = m; break; } } } //make new point //make sure not drawing over old red line bad = 0; for (i=0; i= 0) { int32_t lastwalx = wall[newnumwalls-1].x; int32_t lastwaly = wall[newnumwalls-1].y; YAX_SKIPWALL(wall[i].nextwall); if (wall[i].x == mousxplc && wall[i].y == mousyplc) if (POINT2(i).x == lastwalx && POINT2(i).y == lastwaly) bad = 1; if (wall[i].x == lastwalx && wall[i].y == lastwaly) if (POINT2(i).x == mousxplc && POINT2(i).y == mousyplc) bad = 1; } } if (bad == 0) { init_new_wall1(&ovh.suckwall, mousxplc, mousyplc); } else { printmessage16("You can't draw new lines over red lines."); goto end_space_handling; } } } ////////// newnumwalls is at most MAXWALLS here ////////// //if not split and back to first point if (!ovh.split && newnumwalls >= numwalls+3 && firstx==mousxplc && firsty==mousyplc) { wall[newnumwalls-1].point2 = numwalls; if (ovh.suckwall == -1) //if no connections to other sectors { k = -1; for (i=0; i 0) printmessage16("Added inner loop to sector %d and made new inner sector", k); else #endif printmessage16("Added inner loop to sector %d", k); mkonwinvalid(); asksave = 1; } } else // if connected to at least one other sector { int16_t sucksect; //add new sector with connections if (clockdir(numwalls) == CLOCKDIR_CCW) flipwalls(numwalls,newnumwalls); for (i=numwalls; i 0) { // if new red line, prefer the other-side wall as base ovh.suckwall = wall[i].nextwall; } } sucksect = sectorofwall(ovh.suckwall); if (numsectors != sucksect) Bmemcpy(§or[numsectors], §or[sucksect], sizeof(sectortype)); sector[numsectors].wallptr = numwalls; sector[numsectors].wallnum = newnumwalls-numwalls; sector[numsectors].extra = -1; sector[numsectors].lotag = sector[numsectors].hitag = 0; setslope(numsectors, YAX_CEILING, 0); setslope(numsectors, YAX_FLOOR, 0); sector[numsectors].ceilingpal = sector[numsectors].floorpal = 0; #ifdef YAX_ENABLE yax_setbunches(numsectors, -1, -1); #endif headspritesect[numsectors] = -1; numsectors++; numwalls = newnumwalls; newnumwalls = -1; message("Created new sector %d based on sector %d", numsectors-1, sucksect); } asksave = 1; #ifdef YAX_ENABLE yax_update(0); yax_updategrays(pos.z); #endif goto end_space_handling; } ////////// split sector ////////// else if (ovh.split == 1) { int16_t danumwalls, splitendwall, doSectorSplit; int16_t secondstartwall=-1; // used only with splitting int32_t expectedNumwalls = numwalls+2*(newnumwalls-numwalls-1), loopnum; int32_t firstwallflag; #ifdef YAX_ENABLE int16_t cb, fb; #endif startwall = sector[ovh.splitsect].wallptr; endwall = startwall + sector[ovh.splitsect].wallnum - 1; firstwallflag = (startwall==ovh.splitstartwall || startwall==lastwall(ovh.splitstartwall)); // OSD_Printf("numwalls: %d, newnumwalls: %d\n", numwalls, newnumwalls); i = -1; for (k=startwall; k<=endwall; k++) if (wall[k].x == wall[newnumwalls-1].x && wall[k].y == wall[newnumwalls-1].y) { i = k; break; } // vvvv shouldn't happen, but you never know... if (i==-1 || k==ovh.splitstartwall) goto end_space_handling; splitendwall = k; doSectorSplit = (loopnumofsector(ovh.splitsect,ovh.splitstartwall) == loopnumofsector(ovh.splitsect,splitendwall)); if (expectedNumwalls > MAXWALLS) { printmessage16("%s would exceed wall limit.", bad==0 ? "Splitting sector" : "Joining sector loops"); newnumwalls--; goto end_space_handling; } #ifdef YAX_ENABLE yax_getbunches(ovh.splitsect, &cb, &fb); if ((cb>=0 && (sector[ovh.splitsect].ceilingstat&2)) || (fb>=0 && (sector[ovh.splitsect].floorstat&2))) { printmessage16("Sloped extended sectors cannot be split."); newnumwalls--; goto end_space_handling; } #endif ////////// common code for splitting/loop joining ////////// newnumwalls--; //first fix up the new walls for (i=numwalls; inumwalls; j--) { Bmemcpy(&wall[danumwalls], &wall[j], sizeof(walltype)); wall[danumwalls].nextwall = -1; wall[danumwalls].nextsector = -1; wall[danumwalls].point2 = danumwalls+1; #ifdef YAX_ENABLE yax_setnextwall(danumwalls,YAX_CEILING, -1); yax_setnextwall(danumwalls,YAX_FLOOR, -1); #endif danumwalls++; } //copy rest of loop next if (doSectorSplit) { if (do_while_copyloop1(ovh.splitstartwall, splitendwall, &danumwalls, secondstartwall)) goto split_not_enough_walls; } else { if (do_while_copyloop1(ovh.splitstartwall, ovh.splitstartwall, &danumwalls, numwalls)) goto split_not_enough_walls; } //Add other loops for 2nd sector i = loopnum = loopnumofsector(ovh.splitsect,ovh.splitstartwall); for (j=startwall; j<=endwall; j++) { k = loopnumofsector(ovh.splitsect, j); if (k==i) continue; if (doSectorSplit && k==loopnum) continue; if (!doSectorSplit && (k == loopnumofsector(ovh.splitsect,ovh.splitstartwall) || k == loopnumofsector(ovh.splitsect,splitendwall))) continue; i = k; // was loopinside(... , secondstartwall) != 1, but this way there are // no duplicate or left-out loops (can happen with convoluted geometry) if (doSectorSplit && (loopinside(wall[j].x,wall[j].y, numwalls) != 0)) continue; if (do_while_copyloop1(j, j, &danumwalls, danumwalls)) goto split_not_enough_walls; } //fix all next pointers on old sector line for (j=numwalls; j= 0) { NEXTWALL(j).nextwall = j; if (!doSectorSplit || j < secondstartwall) NEXTWALL(j).nextsector = numsectors; else NEXTWALL(j).nextsector = numsectors+1; } } //copy sector attributes & fix wall pointers Bmemcpy(§or[numsectors], §or[ovh.splitsect], sizeof(sectortype)); sector[numsectors].wallptr = numwalls; sector[numsectors].wallnum = (doSectorSplit?secondstartwall:danumwalls) - numwalls; if (doSectorSplit) { //set all next pointers on split for (j=numwalls; j= 0) checksectorpointer(wall[j].nextwall, wall[j].nextsector); checksectorpointer(j, sectorofwall(j)); } //k now safe to use as temp if (numwalls==expectedNumwalls) { if (doSectorSplit && cb<0 && fb<0) { if (firstwallflag) { int32_t rhsnew1stwall = sector[numsectors-2].wallptr; int32_t lhsotherwall = wall[rhsnew1stwall].nextwall; Bassert(lhsotherwall >= 0); setfirstwall(numsectors-2, lastwall(rhsnew1stwall)); setfirstwall(numsectors-1, wall[lhsotherwall].point2); } } message("%s", doSectorSplit ? "Sector split." : "Loops joined."); } else { message("%s WARNING: CREATED %d MORE WALLS THAN EXPECTED!", doSectorSplit ? "Sector split." : "Loops joined.", numwalls-expectedNumwalls); // this would display 'num* out of bounds' but this corruption // is almost as bad... (shouldn't happen anymore) if (numcorruptthings < MAXCORRUPTTHINGS) corruptthings[numcorruptthings++] = 0; corruptlevel = 5; } if (0) { split_not_enough_walls: message("%s failed: not enough space beyond wall[]", doSectorSplit ? "Splitting sectors" : "Joining loops"); } newnumwalls = -1; asksave = 1; mkonwinvalid(); #ifdef YAX_ENABLE yax_update(0); yax_updategrays(pos.z); #endif } } } end_space_handling: if (keystatus[0x1c]) //Left Enter { keystatus[0x1c] = 0; if (keystatus[0x2a] && keystatus[0x1d]) // LCtrl+LShift { #ifdef YAX_ENABLE if (numyaxbunches == 0 || (fade_editor_screen(-1), ask_if_sure("Really check all wall pointers in TROR map?", 0))) #endif { printmessage16("CHECKING ALL POINTERS!"); for (i=0; i wall[j].point2) startwall = wall[j].point2; sector[i].wallptr = startwall; } for (i=numsectors-2; i>=0; i--) sector[i].wallnum = sector[i+1].wallptr-sector[i].wallptr; sector[numsectors-1].wallnum = numwalls-sector[numsectors-1].wallptr; for (i=0; i numwalls) // batch insert points { const int32_t numdrawnwalls = newnumwalls-numwalls; vec2_t *point = (vec2_t *)tempxyar; // [MAXWALLS][2] int32_t insdpoints = 0; // back up the points of the line strip for (i=0; i=0; j--) /* j may be modified in loop */ { vec2_t pint; int32_t inspts; YAX_SKIPWALL(j); if (!lineintersect2v((vec2_t *)&wall[j], (vec2_t *)&POINT2(j), &point[i], &point[i+1], &pint)) continue; if (vec2eq(&pint, (vec2_t *)&wall[j]) || vec2eq(&pint, (vec2_t *)&POINT2(j))) continue; inspts = M32_InsertPoint(j, pint.x, pint.y, -1, &j); /* maybe modify j */ if (inspts==0) { printmessage16("Wall limit exceeded while inserting points."); goto end_batch_insert_points; } else if (inspts >= 65536) { message("ERR: Inserted %d points for constr. wall (exp. %d; %d already ins'd)", inspts&65535, inspts>>16, insdpoints); goto end_batch_insert_points; } insdpoints += inspts; } } message("Batch-inserted %d points in total", insdpoints); end_batch_insert_points: if (insdpoints != 0) { #ifdef YAX_ENABLE yax_updategrays(pos.z); #endif mkonwinvalid_keeptempsect(); asksave = 1; } } else if (linehighlight >= 0) { checksectorpointer(linehighlight,sectorofwall(linehighlight)); printmessage16("Checked pointers of highlighted line."); asksave = 1; } } } { static int32_t backspace_last = 0; if (keystatus[0x0e]) //Backspace { keystatus[0x0e] = 0; if (newnumwalls >= numwalls) { backspace_last = 1; if (newnumwalls == numwalls+1 || keystatus[0x1d]) // LCtrl: delete all newly drawn walls newnumwalls = -1; else newnumwalls--; } else if (backspace_last==0) { graphicsmode += (1-2*(DOWN_BK(RUN) || keystatus[0x36]))+3; graphicsmode %= 3; printmessage16("2D mode textures %s", (graphicsmode == 2)?"enabled w/ animation":graphicsmode?"enabled":"disabled"); } } else backspace_last = 0; } if (keystatus[0xd3] && eitherCTRL && numwalls > 0) //sector delete { int32_t numdelsectors = 0; char *origframe=NULL; #ifdef YAX_ENABLE int16_t cb, fb; uint8_t bunchbitmap[YAX_MAXBUNCHES>>3]; Bmemset(bunchbitmap, 0, sizeof(bunchbitmap)); #endif keystatus[0xd3] = 0; for (i=0; i 0) { // LShift: force highlighted sector deleting if (keystatus[0x2a] || (hlsectorbitmap[i>>3]&(1<<(i&7)))) { for (j=highlightsectorcnt-1; j>=0; j--) { #ifdef YAX_ENABLE yax_getbunches(highlightsector[j], &cb, &fb); if (cb>=0) bunchbitmap[cb>>3] |= (1<<(cb&7)); if (fb>=0) bunchbitmap[fb>>3] |= (1<<(fb&7)); #endif deletesector(highlightsector[j]); for (k=j-1; k>=0; k--) if (highlightsector[k] >= highlightsector[j]) highlightsector[k]--; } printmessage16("Highlighted sectors deleted."); mkonwinvalid(); k = 1; } } if (k == 0) { if (numdelsectors > 1) { if (!bakframe_fillandfade(&origframe, i, "Delete this sector? (Y/N)")) continue; } #ifdef YAX_ENABLE yax_getbunches(i, &cb, &fb); if (cb>=0) bunchbitmap[cb>>3] |= (1<<(cb&7)); if (fb>=0) bunchbitmap[fb>>3] |= (1<<(fb&7)); #endif deletesector(i); mkonwinvalid(); printmessage16("Sector deleted."); } if (origframe) Bfree(origframe); #ifdef YAX_ENABLE for (j=0; j=0 && (bunchbitmap[cb>>3] & (1<<(cb&7)))) yax_setbunch(j, YAX_CEILING, -1); if (fb>=0 && (bunchbitmap[fb>>3] & (1<<(fb&7)))) yax_setbunch(j, YAX_FLOOR, -1); } #endif reset_highlightsector(); reset_highlight(); newnumwalls = -1; asksave = 1; #ifdef YAX_ENABLE yax_update(0); yax_updategrays(pos.z); #endif break; } } if (keystatus[0xd3] && (pointhighlight >= 0)) { if ((pointhighlight&0xc000) == 16384) //Sprite Delete { deletesprite(pointhighlight&16383); printmessage16("Sprite deleted."); update_highlight(); asksave = 1; } keystatus[0xd3] = 0; } if (keystatus[0xd2] || keystatus[0x17]) //InsertPoint { if (highlightsectorcnt > 0) duplicate_selected_sectors(); else if (highlightcnt > 0) duplicate_selected_sprites(); else if (linehighlight2 >= 0) { int32_t onewnumwalls = newnumwalls; int32_t wallis2sided = (wall[linehighlight2].nextwall>=0); int32_t err = backup_drawn_walls(0); if (err) { message("Error backing up drawn walls (code %d)!", err); } else if (max(numwalls,onewnumwalls) >= MAXWALLS-wallis2sided) { printmessage16("Inserting point would exceed wall limit."); } else { getclosestpointonwall(m32_sideview?searchx:mousxplc, m32_sideview?searchy:mousyplc, linehighlight2, &dax,&day, 1); i = linehighlight2; if (m32_sideview) { int32_t y_p, d, dx, dy, frac; dx = dax - m32_wallscreenxy[i][0]; dy = day - m32_wallscreenxy[i][1]; d = max(dx, dy); y_p = (dy>dx); if (d==0) goto point_not_inserted; frac = divscale24(d, m32_wallscreenxy[wall[i].point2][y_p]-m32_wallscreenxy[i][y_p]); dax = POINT2(i).x - wall[i].x; day = POINT2(i).y - wall[i].y; dax = wall[i].x + mulscale24(dax,frac); day = wall[i].y + mulscale24(day,frac); } adjustmark(&dax,&day, newnumwalls); if ((wall[i].x == dax && wall[i].y == day) || (POINT2(i).x == dax && POINT2(i).y == day)) { point_not_inserted: printmessage16("Point not inserted."); } else { int32_t insdpoints = M32_InsertPoint(linehighlight2, dax, day, onewnumwalls, NULL); if (insdpoints == 0) { printmessage16("Inserting points would exceed wall limit."); goto end_insert_points; } else if (insdpoints == 1) { printmessage16("Point inserted."); } else if (insdpoints > 1 && insdpoints < 65536) { message("Inserted %d points for constrained wall.", insdpoints); } else // insdpoints >= 65536 { message("Inserted %d points for constrained wall (expected %d, WTF?).", insdpoints&65535, insdpoints>>16); } #ifdef YAX_ENABLE yax_updategrays(pos.z); #endif mkonwinvalid_keeptempsect(); } } end_insert_points: backup_drawn_walls(1); asksave = 1; } keystatus[0xd2] = keystatus[0x17] = 0; } /*j = 0; for(i=22-1;i>=0;i--) updatecrc16(j,kensig[i]); if ((j&0xffff) != 0xebf) { printf("Don't screw with my name.\n"); exit(0); }*/ //printext16(9L,336+9L,4,-1,kensig,0); //printext16(8L,336+8L,12,-1,kensig,0); showframe(1); synctics = totalclock-lockclock; lockclock += synctics; if (keystatus[buildkeys[BK_MODE2D_3D]]) { updatesector(pos.x,pos.y,&cursectnum); if (cursectnum >= 0) keystatus[buildkeys[BK_MODE2D_3D]] = 2; else printmessage16("Arrow must be inside a sector before entering 3D mode."); } // vvv PK ------------------------------------ (LShift) Ctrl-X: (prev) next map // this is copied from 'L' (load map), but without copying the highlighted sectors if (quickmapcycling && keystatus[0x2d]) //X { if (eitherCTRL) //Ctrl { nextmap: // bad = 0; i = menuselect_auto(keystatus[0x2a] ? 0:1); // LShift: prev map if (i < 0) { if (i == -1) message("No more map files."); else if (i == -2) message("No .MAP files found."); } else { if (LoadBoard(NULL, 4)) goto nextmap; RESET_EDITOR_VARS(); oposz = pos.z; } showframe(1); keystatus[0x1c] = 0; keystatus[0x2d]=keystatus[0x13]=0; } } // ^^^ PK ------------------------------------ if (keystatus[1] && joinsector[0] >= 0) { keystatus[1]=0; joinsector[0]=-1; printmessage16("No sectors joined."); } CANCEL: if (keystatus[1]) { keystatus[1] = 0; #if M32_UNDO _printmessage16("(N)ew, (L)oad, (S)ave, save (A)s, (T)est map, (U)ndo, (R)edo, (Q)uit"); #else _printmessage16("(N)ew, (L)oad, (S)ave, save (A)s, (T)est map, (Q)uit"); #endif printext16(16*8, ydim-STATUS2DSIZ2-12, editorcolors[15], -1, GetSaveBoardFilename(NULL), 0); showframe(1); bflushchars(); bad = 1; while (bad == 1) { char ch; if (handleevents()) { if (quitevent) quitevent = 0; } idle(); ch = bgetchar(); if (keystatus[1]) { keystatus[1] = 0; bad = 0; // printmessage16(""); } else if (ch == 'n' || ch == 'N') //N { bad = 0; if (!ask_if_sure("Are you sure you want to start a new board? (Y/N)", 0)) break; else { int32_t bakstat=-1; mapinfofull_t bakmap; if (highlightsectorcnt > 0) bakstat = backup_highlighted_map(&bakmap); // Bmemset(hlsectorbitmap, 0, sizeof(hlsectorbitmap)); // highlightsectorcnt = -1; highlightcnt = -1; //Clear all highlights Bmemset(show2dwall, 0, sizeof(show2dwall)); Bmemset(show2dsprite, 0, sizeof(show2dsprite)); for (i=0; i 0) bakstat = backup_highlighted_map(&bakmap); ret = LoadBoard(NULL, 4); if (ret) { message("^13Invalid map format, nothing loaded (code %d).", ret); if (bakstat==0) mapinfofull_free(&bakmap); } else { RESET_EDITOR_VARS(); oposz = pos.z; if (bakstat==0) { bakstat = restore_highlighted_map(&bakmap, 1); if (bakstat == -1) message("Can't copy highlighted portion of old map: limits exceeded."); } } } showframe(1); keystatus[0x1c] = 0; } else if (ch == 'a' || ch == 'A') //A { int32_t corrupt = CheckMapCorruption(4, 0); bad = 0; // Back up full name. Bstrcpy(selectedboardfilename, boardfilename); // Get base name. { const char *basefn = getbasefn(boardfilename); if (basefn != boardfilename) Bmemmove(boardfilename, basefn, Bstrlen(basefn)+1); } i = 0; while (boardfilename[i] != 0 && i < 64) i++; if (boardfilename[i-4] == '.') i -= 4; boardfilename[i] = 0; bflushchars(); while (bad == 0) { _printmessage16("%sSave as: ^011%s%s", corrupt>=4?"(map corrupt) ":"", boardfilename, (totalclock&32)?"_":""); showframe(1); if (handleevents()) quitevent = 0; idle(); ch = bgetchar(); if (keystatus[1]) bad = 1; else if (ch == 13) bad = 2; else if (ch > 0) { if (i > 0 && (ch == 8 || ch == 127)) { i--; boardfilename[i] = 0; } else if (i < 40 && ch > 32 && ch < 128) { boardfilename[i++] = ch; boardfilename[i] = 0; } } } if (bad == 1) { Bstrcpy(boardfilename, selectedboardfilename); keystatus[1] = 0; printmessage16("Operation cancelled"); showframe(1); } else if (bad == 2) { char *slash; keystatus[0x1c] = 0; Bstrcpy(&boardfilename[i], ".map"); // Update full name with new basename. slash = Bstrrchr(selectedboardfilename,'/'); Bstrcpy(slash ? slash+1 : selectedboardfilename, boardfilename); SaveBoardAndPrintMessage(selectedboardfilename); Bstrcpy(boardfilename, selectedboardfilename); ExtSetupMapFilename(boardfilename); } bad = 0; } else if (ch == 's' || ch == 'S') //S { bad = 0; if (CheckMapCorruption(4, 0)>=4) { fade_editor_screen(-1); if (!ask_if_sure("Map is corrupt. Are you sure you want to save? (Y/N)", 0)) break; } SaveBoardAndPrintMessage(NULL); showframe(1); } else if (ch == 't' || ch == 'T') { test_map(0); } #if M32_UNDO else if (ch == 'u' || ch == 'U') { bad = 0; if (map_undoredo(0)) printmessage16("Nothing to undo!"); else printmessage16("Revision %d undone",map_revision); } else if (ch == 'r' || ch == 'R') { bad = 0; if (map_undoredo(1)) printmessage16("Nothing to redo!"); else printmessage16("Restored revision %d",map_revision-1); } #endif else if (ch == 'q' || ch == 'Q') //Q { bad = 0; if (ask_if_sure("Are you sure you want to quit?", 0)) { //QUIT! int32_t corrupt = CheckMapCorruption(4, 0); if (ask_if_sure(corrupt<4?"Save changes?":"Map corrupt. Save changes?", 2+(corrupt>=4))) SaveBoard(NULL, M32_SB_ASKOV); while (keystatus[1] || keystatus[0x2e]) { keystatus[1] = 0; keystatus[0x2e] = 0; quitevent = 0; printmessage16("Operation cancelled"); showframe(1); goto CANCEL; } ExtUnInit(); // clearfilenames(); uninitengine(); exit(0); } // printmessage16(""); showframe(1); } } clearkeys(); } VM_OnEvent(EVENT_KEYS2D, -1); //nextpage(); } for (i=0; i= 0) checksectorpointer(wall[j].nextwall, wall[j].nextsector); checksectorpointer(j, highlightsector[i]); } } mkonwinvalid_keeptempsect(); fixspritesectors(); if (setgamemode(fullscreen,xdimgame,ydimgame,bppgame) < 0) { initprintf("%d * %d not supported in this graphics mode\n",xdim,ydim); ExtUnInit(); // clearfilenames(); uninitengine(); exit(1); } setbrightness(GAMMA_CALC,0,0); pos.z = oposz; searchx = clamp(scale(searchx,xdimgame,xdim2d), 8, xdimgame-8-1); searchy = clamp(scale(searchy,ydimgame,ydim2d-STATUS2DSIZ), 8, ydimgame-8-1); VM_OnEvent(EVENT_ENTER3DMODE, -1); } // flags: // 1: quit_is_yes // 2: don't clear keys on return int32_t ask_if_sure(const char *query, uint32_t flags) { char ch; int32_t ret=-1; if (!query) _printmessage16("Are you sure?"); else _printmessage16("%s", query); showframe(1); bflushchars(); while ((keystatus[1]|keystatus[0x2e]) == 0 && ret==-1) { if (handleevents()) { if (quitevent) { if (flags&1) return 1; else quitevent = 0; } } idle(); ch = bgetchar(); if (ch == 'y' || ch == 'Y') ret = 1; else if (ch == 'n' || ch == 'N' || ch == 13 || ch == ' ') ret = 0; } if ((flags&2)==0) clearkeys(); if (ret >= 0) return ret; return 0; } int32_t editor_ask_function(const char *question, const char *dachars, int32_t numchars) { char ch; int32_t i, ret=-1; _printmessage16("%s", question); showframe(1); bflushchars(); // 'c' is cancel too, but can be overridden while ((keystatus[1]|keystatus[0x2e]) == 0 && ret==-1) { if (handleevents()) quitevent = 0; idle(); ch = bgetchar(); for (i=0; i=10 && g_loadedMapVersion != -1 && g_loadedMapVersion < mapversion) { char question[128]; // XXX: This message is potentially confusing if the user is "Saving // As" to a new file name. Bsnprintf(question, sizeof(question), "Are you sure to overwrite a version " "V%d map with a V%d map-text one?", g_loadedMapVersion, mapversion); if (AskIfSure(question)) { message("Cancelled saving board"); saveboard_canceled = 1; return NULL; } } #endif saveboard_savedtags = 0; saveboard_fixedsprites = ExtPreSaveMap(); ret = saveboard(f, &startpos, startang, startsectnum); if ((flags&M32_SB_NOEXT)==0) { ExtSaveMap(f); saveboard_savedtags = !taglab_save(f); } return (ret==0) ? f : NULL; } // flags: 1: for running on Mapster32 init // 4: passed to loadboard flags (no polymer_loadboard); implies no maphack loading // returns: // 0 on success, // <0 on failure. int32_t LoadBoard(const char *filename, uint32_t flags) { int32_t i, tagstat; const int32_t loadingflags = (!pathsearchmode && grponlymode) ? 2 : 0; if (!filename) filename = selectedboardfilename; editorzrange[0] = INT32_MIN; editorzrange[1] = INT32_MAX; ExtPreLoadMap(); i = loadboard(filename, (flags&4)|loadingflags, &pos, &ang, &cursectnum); if (i == -2) i = loadoldboard(filename,loadingflags, &pos, &ang, &cursectnum); if (i < 0) { // printmessage16("Invalid map format."); return i; } // Success, so copy the file name. if (filename != boardfilename) Bstrcpy(boardfilename, filename); mkonwinvalid(); highlightcnt = -1; Bmemset(show2dwall, 0, sizeof(show2dwall)); //Clear all highlights Bmemset(show2dsprite, 0, sizeof(show2dsprite)); if ((flags&4)==0) loadmhk(0); tagstat = taglab_load(boardfilename, loadingflags); ExtLoadMap(boardfilename); { char msgtail[64]; const int32_t ci = CheckMapCorruption(4, 0); if (ci == 5) Bstrcpy(msgtail, "^12(EXTREME corruption)"); else if (ci == 4) Bstrcpy(msgtail, "^12(HEAVY corruption)"); else if (i > 0) Bsprintf(msgtail, "^14(removed %d sprites)", i); else if (ci >= 1 && ci < 4) Bstrcpy(msgtail, "^14(moderate corruption)"); else Bstrcpy(msgtail, "successfully"); message("Loaded V%d map %s%s %s", g_loadedMapVersion, boardfilename, tagstat==0?" w/tags":"", msgtail); } startpos = pos; //this is same startang = ang; startsectnum = cursectnum; return 0; } void getpoint(int32_t searchxe, int32_t searchye, int32_t *x, int32_t *y) { inpclamp(&pos.x, -editorgridextent, editorgridextent); inpclamp(&pos.y, -editorgridextent, editorgridextent); searchxe -= halfxdim16; searchye -= midydim16; if (m32_sideview) { if (m32_sidesin!=0) searchye = divscale14(searchye, m32_sidesin); rotatepoint(0,0, searchxe,searchye, -m32_sideang, &searchxe,&searchye); } *x = pos.x + divscale14(searchxe,zoom); *y = pos.y + divscale14(searchye,zoom); inpclamp(x, -editorgridextent, editorgridextent); inpclamp(y, -editorgridextent, editorgridextent); } static int32_t getlinehighlight(int32_t xplc, int32_t yplc, int32_t line, int8_t ignore_pointhighlight) { int32_t i, j, dst, dist, closest, x1, y1, x2, y2, nx, ny; int32_t daxplc, dayplc; if (numwalls == 0) return -1; if (mouseb & 1) return line; if (!ignore_pointhighlight && (pointhighlight&0xc000) == 16384) return -1; dist = 1024; if (m32_sideview) { daxplc = searchx; dayplc = searchy; dist = mulscale14(dist, zoom); } else { daxplc = xplc; dayplc = yplc; } closest = -1; for (i=0; i=0 && (j = wall[closest].nextwall) >= 0) #ifdef YAX_ENABLE if (m32_sideview || ((graywallbitmap[j>>3]&(1<<(j&7)))==0)) #endif { //if red line, allow highlighting of both sides if (m32_sideview) { x1 = m32_wallscreenxy[closest][0]; y1 = m32_wallscreenxy[closest][1]; x2 = m32_wallscreenxy[wall[closest].point2][0]; y2 = m32_wallscreenxy[wall[closest].point2][1]; } else { x1 = wall[closest].x; y1 = wall[closest].y; x2 = POINT2(closest).x; y2 = POINT2(closest).y; } i = wall[closest].nextwall; if (!m32_sideview || ((*(int64_t *)m32_wallscreenxy[closest]==*(int64_t *)m32_wallscreenxy[wall[j].point2]) && (*(int64_t *)m32_wallscreenxy[wall[closest].point2]==*(int64_t *)m32_wallscreenxy[j]))) if (dmulscale32(daxplc-x1,y2-y1,-(x2-x1),dayplc-y1) >= 0) closest = j; } return closest; } int32_t getpointhighlight(int32_t xplc, int32_t yplc, int32_t point) { int32_t i, j, dst, dist = 512, closest = -1; int32_t dax,day; int32_t alwaysshowgray = get_alwaysshowgray(); if (numwalls == 0) return -1; if (mouseb & 1) return point; if (grid < 1) dist = 0; for (i=0; i= xdim || midydim16+day < 0 || midydim16+day >= ydim) continue; dst = klabs(halfxdim16+dax-searchx) + klabs(midydim16+day-searchy); } if (dst <= dist) { // prefer white walls if (dst=0)-(wall[closest].nextwall>=0) <= 0) dist = dst, closest = j; } } } if (zoom >= 256) for (i=0; i= 0) YAX_SKIPSECTOR(sprite[i].sectnum); if (!m32_sideview) { dst = klabs(xplc-sprite[i].x) + klabs(yplc-sprite[i].y); } else { screencoords(&dax,&day, sprite[i].x-pos.x,sprite[i].y-pos.y, zoom); day += getscreenvdisp(sprite[i].z-pos.z, zoom); if (halfxdim16+dax < 0 || halfxdim16+dax >= xdim || midydim16+day < 0 || midydim16+day >= ydim) continue; dst = klabs(halfxdim16+dax-searchx) + klabs(midydim16+day-searchy); } // was (dst <= dist), but this way, when duplicating sprites, // the selected ones are dragged first if (dst < dist || (dst == dist && (show2dsprite[i>>3]&(1<<(i&7))))) dist = dst, closest = i+16384; } return closest; } static void locktogrid(int32_t *dax, int32_t *day) { *dax = ((*dax+(1024>>grid))&(0xffffffff<<(11-grid))); *day = ((*day+(1024>>grid))&(0xffffffff<<(11-grid))); } static int32_t adjustmark(int32_t *xplc, int32_t *yplc, int16_t danumwalls) { int32_t i, dst, dist, dax, day, pointlockdist; if (danumwalls < 0) danumwalls = numwalls; pointlockdist = 0; if (grid > 0 && gridlock) pointlockdist = (256>>grid); dist = pointlockdist; dax = *xplc; day = *yplc; for (i=0; i 0) locktogrid(&dax, &day); *xplc = dax; *yplc = day; return(0); } static int32_t checkautoinsert(int32_t dax, int32_t day, int16_t danumwalls) { int32_t i, x1, y1, x2, y2; if (danumwalls < 0) danumwalls = numwalls; for (i=0; i= y2 && y1 <= y0) return(0); if (y1 >= y0 && y1 <= y2) return(1); tempint = (x0-x1)*(y2-y1) - (x2-x1)*(y0-y1); if (tempint < 0) return(0); else return(1); } static void flipwalls(int16_t numwalls, int16_t newnumwalls) { int32_t i, j, nume; nume = newnumwalls-numwalls; for (i=numwalls; i>1); i++) { j = numwalls+newnumwalls-i-1; swapshort(&onextwall[i], &onextwall[j]); swaplong(&wall[i].x, &wall[j].x); swaplong(&wall[i].y, &wall[j].y); } } static void do_insertpoint(int32_t w, int32_t dax, int32_t day, int32_t *mapwallnum) { int32_t i; const int32_t sucksect = sectorofwall(w); const uint32_t lenbyrep = getlenbyrep(wallength(w), wall[w].xrepeat); sector[sucksect].wallnum++; for (i=sucksect+1; i= w+1) (*mapwallnum)++; movewalls(w+1, +1); Bmemcpy(&wall[w+1], &wall[w], sizeof(walltype)); #ifdef YAX_ENABLE wall[w+1].cstat &= ~(1<<14); #endif wall[w].point2 = w+1; wall[w+1].x = dax; wall[w+1].y = day; fixxrepeat(w, lenbyrep); AlignWallPoint2(w); fixxrepeat(w+1, lenbyrep); } // Returns number of points inserted (1; or 2 if wall had a nextwall). // *mapwallnum is set to the new wallnum of the former (pre-insertpoint) *mapwallnum // (the new one can only be >= than the old one; ptr may be NULL if we don't care) static int32_t insertpoint(int16_t linehighlight, int32_t dax, int32_t day, int32_t *mapwallnum) { int32_t j = linehighlight; do_insertpoint(j, dax, day, mapwallnum); if (wall[j].nextwall >= 0) { int32_t k = wall[j].nextwall; do_insertpoint(k, dax, day, mapwallnum); j = wall[k].nextwall; wall[j].nextwall = k+1; wall[j+1].nextwall = k; wall[k].nextwall = j+1; wall[k+1].nextwall = j; return 2; } return 1; } // runi: 0=check (forbidden), 1=prepare, 2=do! static void deletepoint(int16_t point, int32_t runi) { int32_t i, j, sucksect; Bassert(runi != 0); if (runi==1) { i = wall[point].nextwall; if (i >= 0) { NEXTWALL(i).nextwall = NEXTWALL(i).nextsector = -1; wall[i].nextwall = wall[i].nextsector = -1; } return; } sucksect = sectorofwall(point); sector[sucksect].wallnum--; for (i=sucksect+1; i= 0) { NEXTWALL(j).nextwall = -1; NEXTWALL(j).nextsector = -1; } if (wall[point].nextwall >= 0) { NEXTWALL(point).nextwall = -1; NEXTWALL(point).nextsector = -1; } #endif movewalls(point, -1); // checksectorpointer(j, sucksect); return; } static int32_t deletesector(int16_t sucksect) { int32_t i, j, k, nextk, startwall, endwall; while (headspritesect[sucksect] >= 0) deletesprite(headspritesect[sucksect]); startwall = sector[sucksect].wallptr; endwall = startwall + sector[sucksect].wallnum - 1; j = sector[sucksect].wallnum; #ifdef YAX_ENABLE yax_setbunches(sucksect, -1, -1); #endif for (i=sucksect; i= 0) { NEXTWALL(i).nextwall = -1; NEXTWALL(i).nextsector = -1; } } movewalls(startwall, -j); for (i=0; i= startwall) wall[i].nextsector--; return(0); } int32_t fixspritesectors(void) { int32_t i; int32_t numfixedsprites = 0, printfirsttime = 0; for (i=numsectors-1; i>=0; i--) if (sector[i].wallnum <= 0 || sector[i].wallptr >= numwalls) { // XXX: This is not the best course of action for // such great corruption. deletesector(i); mkonwinvalid(); initprintf("NOTE: Deleted sector %d which had corrupt .wallnum or .wallptr\n", i); } if (m32_script_expertmode) return 0; for (i=0; i= numsectors+0u) { if (printfirsttime == 0) { initprintf("--------------------\n"); printfirsttime = 1; } initprintf_nowarn("Changed sectnum of sprite #%d from %d to %d\n", i, TrackerCast(sprite[i].sectnum), j); changespritesect(i, j); numfixedsprites++; } break; } } } } return numfixedsprites; } static int32_t movewalls(int32_t start, int32_t offs) { int32_t i; if (offs < 0) //Delete { for (i=start; i 0) //Insert { for (i=numwalls+offs-1; i>=start+offs; i--) Bmemcpy(&wall[i], &wall[i-offs], sizeof(walltype)); if (ovh.bak_wallsdrawn > 0) { if (ovh.suckwall >= start) ovh.suckwall += offs; if (ovh.splitstartwall >= start) ovh.splitstartwall += offs; } } numwalls += offs; for (i=0; i= start) wall[i].nextwall += offs; if (wall[i].point2 >= start) wall[i].point2 += offs; } #ifdef YAX_ENABLE yax_tweakwalls(start, offs); #endif return(0); } int32_t wallength(int16_t i) { int64_t dax = POINT2(i).x - wall[i].x; int64_t day = POINT2(i).y - wall[i].y; #if 1 //def POLYMOST int64_t hypsq = dax*dax + day*day; if (hypsq > (int64_t)INT32_MAX) return (int32_t)sqrt((double)hypsq); else return ksqrt((uint32_t)hypsq); #else return ksqrt(dax*dax + day*day); #endif } void fixrepeats(int16_t i) { int32_t dist = wallength(i); int32_t day = wall[i].yrepeat; wall[i].xrepeat = clamp(mulscale10(dist,day), 1, 255); } uint32_t getlenbyrep(int32_t len, int32_t repeat) { if (repeat <= 0) return ((uint32_t)len)<<12; return divscale12(len, repeat); } void fixxrepeat(int16_t wallnum, uint32_t lenrepquot) // lenrepquot: divscale12(wallength,xrepeat) { if (lenrepquot != 0) { uint32_t res = (((wallength(wallnum)<<12)+(1<<11))/lenrepquot); wall[wallnum].xrepeat = clamp(res, 1, 255); } } int32_t overridepm16y = -1; void clearmidstatbar16(void) { int32_t y = overridepm16y<0 ? STATUS2DSIZ : overridepm16y; begindrawing(); CLEARLINES2D(ydim-y+25, STATUS2DSIZ+2-(25<<1), 0); enddrawing(); } static void clearministatbar16(void) { int32_t i, col = whitecol - 21; // static const char *tempbuf = "Mapster32" " " VERSION; begindrawing(); for (i=ydim-STATUS2DSIZ2; i= 800) { Bsprintf(tempbuf, "Mapster32 %s", ExtGetVer()); printext16(xdim2d-(Bstrlen(tempbuf)<<3)-3, ydim2d-STATUS2DSIZ2+10, editorcolors[4],-1, tempbuf, 0); printext16(xdim2d-(Bstrlen(tempbuf)<<3)-2, ydim2d-STATUS2DSIZ2+9, editorcolors[12],-1, tempbuf, 0); } enddrawing(); } // startwall has to be the starting wall of a loop! static int16_t loopinside(int32_t x, int32_t y, int16_t startwall) { int32_t x1, y1, x2, y2; int16_t i, cnt; cnt = clockdir(startwall); i = startwall; do { x1 = wall[i].x; x2 = POINT2(i).x; if (x1 >= x || x2 >= x) { y1 = wall[i].y; y2 = POINT2(i).y; if (y1 > y2) { swaplong(&x1, &x2); swaplong(&y1, &y2); } if (y1 <= y && y2 > y) if (x1*(y-y2)+x2*(y1-y) <= x*(y1-y2)) cnt ^= 1; } i = wall[i].point2; } while (i != startwall); return(cnt); } #if 0 static int32_t numloopsofsector(int16_t sectnum) { int32_t i, numloops, startwall, endwall; numloops = 0; startwall = sector[sectnum].wallptr; endwall = startwall + sector[sectnum].wallnum; for (i=startwall; i= '0' && ch <= '9') { int64_t nbig; if (danum >= 0) { nbig = ((int64_t)danum*10)+(ch-'0'); if (nbig <= (int64_t)maxnumber) danum = nbig; } else if (sign) // this extra check isn't hurting anything { nbig = ((int64_t)danum*10)-(ch-'0'); if (nbig >= (int64_t)(-maxnumber)) danum = nbig; } } else if (ch == 8 || ch == 127) // backspace { danum /= 10; } else if (ch == 13) { return 1; } else if (ch == '-' && sign) // negate { danum = -danum; } *danumptr = danum; return 0; } int32_t getnumber_autocomplete(const char *namestart, char ch, int32_t *danum, int32_t flags) { if (flags!=1 && flags!=2) return 0; if (flags==2 && *danum<0) return 0; if (isalpha(ch)) { char b[2]; const char *gotstr; int32_t i, diddel; b[0] = ch; b[1] = 0; gotstr = getstring_simple(namestart, b, (flags==1)?sizeof(names[0])-1:TAGLAB_MAX-1, flags); if (!gotstr || !gotstr[0]) return 0; if (flags==1) { for (i=0; i 0) { *danum = i; return 1; } else { // insert new tag if (*danum > 0 && *danum<32768) { diddel = taglab_add(gotstr, *danum); message("Added label \"%s\" for tag %d%s%s", gotstr, *danum, diddel?", deleting old ":"", (!diddel)?"":(diddel==1?"label":"tag")); return 1; } else if (*danum==0) { i = taglab_getnextfreetag(); if (i >= 1) { *danum = i; diddel = taglab_add(gotstr, *danum); message("%sadded label \"%s\" for tag %d%s%s", diddel?"Auto-":"Automatically ", gotstr, *danum, diddel?", deleting old ":"", (!diddel)?"":(diddel==1?"label":"tag")); return 1; } } } } } return 0; } // sign is now used for more than one flag (also _getnumber256): // 1: sign // 2: autocomplete names // 4: autocomplete taglabels // 8: return -1 if cancelled int32_t _getnumber16(const char *namestart, int32_t num, int32_t maxnumber, char sign, void *(func)(int32_t)) { char buffer[80], ournamestart[80-17], ch; int32_t n, danum, oldnum; uint8_t flags = (sign&(2|4|8))>>1; sign &= 1; danum = num; oldnum = danum; // need to have 4+11+2==17 chars room at the end // ("^011", max. string length of an int32, "_ ") Bstrncpyz(ournamestart, namestart, sizeof(ournamestart)); bflushchars(); while (keystatus[0x1] == 0) { if (handleevents()) quitevent = 0; idle(); ch = bgetchar(); Bsprintf(buffer, "%s^011%d", ournamestart, danum); n = Bstrlen(buffer); // maximum is 62+4+11 == 77 if (totalclock & 32) Bstrcat(buffer,"_ "); // max strlen now 79 _printmessage16("%s", buffer); if (func != NULL) { Bsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s", (char *)func(danum)); // printext16(200L-24, ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+20L, editorcolors[9], editorcolors[0], buffer, 0); printext16(n<<3, ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+128, editorcolors[11], -1, buffer,0); } showframe(1); n = 0; if (getnumber_internal1(ch, &danum, maxnumber, sign) || (n=getnumber_autocomplete(ournamestart, ch, &danum, flags&(1+2)))) { if (flags==1 || n==0) printmessage16("%s", buffer); if (danum != oldnum) asksave = 1; oldnum = danum; break; } } if (keystatus[0x1] && (flags&4)) oldnum = -1; clearkeys(); return oldnum; } static void getnumber_clearline(void) { char cbuf[128]; int32_t i; for (i=0; i>3, (signed)sizeof(cbuf)-1); i++) cbuf[i] = ' '; cbuf[i] = 0; printext256(0, 0, whitecol, 0, cbuf, 0); } // sign: |16: don't draw scene int32_t _getnumber256(const char *namestart, int32_t num, int32_t maxnumber, char sign, void *(func)(int32_t)) { char buffer[80], ournamestart[80-13], ch; int32_t danum, oldnum; uint8_t flags = (sign&(2|4|8|16))>>1; sign &= 1; danum = num; oldnum = danum; // need to have 11+2==13 chars room at the end // (max. string length of an int32, "_ ") Bstrncpyz(ournamestart, namestart, sizeof(ournamestart)); bflushchars(); while (keystatus[0x1] == 0) { if (handleevents()) quitevent = 0; if ((flags&8)==0) M32_DrawRoomsAndMasks(); ch = bgetchar(); if (keystatus[0x1]) break; clearkeys(); mouseb = 0; searchx = osearchx; searchy = osearchy; if ((flags&8)==0) ExtCheckKeys(); getnumber_clearline(); Bsprintf(buffer,"%s%d",ournamestart,danum); // max strlen now 66+11==77 if (totalclock & 32) Bstrcat(buffer,"_ "); // max strlen now 79 printmessage256(0, 0, buffer); if (func != NULL) { Bsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s", (char *)func(danum)); printmessage256(0, 9, buffer); } showframe(1); if (getnumber_internal1(ch, &danum, maxnumber, sign) || getnumber_autocomplete(ournamestart, ch, &danum, flags&(1+2))) { if (danum != oldnum) asksave = 1; oldnum = danum; break; } } if (keystatus[0x1] && (flags&4)) oldnum = -1; clearkeys(); lockclock = totalclock; //Reset timing return oldnum; } // querystr: e.g. "Name: ", must be !=NULL // defaultstr: can be NULL // NO overflow checks are done when copying them! // maxlen: maximum length of entry string, if ==1, enter single char // completion: 0=none, 1=names[][], 2=taglabels const char *getstring_simple(const char *querystr, const char *defaultstr, int32_t maxlen, int32_t completion) { static char buf[128]; int32_t ei=0, qrylen=0, maxidx, havecompl=0; char ch; bflushchars(); clearkeys(); Bmemset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); qrylen = Bstrlen(querystr); Bmemcpy(buf, querystr, qrylen); if (maxlen==0) maxlen = 64; maxidx = min((signed)sizeof(buf), xdim>>3); ei = qrylen; if (defaultstr) { int32_t deflen = Bstrlen(defaultstr); Bmemcpy(&buf[ei], defaultstr, deflen); ei += deflen; } buf[ei] = '_'; buf[ei+1] = 0; while (1) { if (in3dmode()) getnumber_clearline(); if (in3dmode()) printext256(0, 0, whitecol, 0, buf, 0); else _printmessage16("%s", buf); showframe(1); if (handleevents()) quitevent = 0; idle(); ch = bgetchar(); if (ch==13) { if (maxlen != 1) buf[ei] = 0; break; } else if (keystatus[1]) { clearkeys(); return completion ? NULL : defaultstr; } if (maxlen!=1) { // blink... if (totalclock&32) { buf[ei] = '_'; buf[ei+1] = 0; } else { buf[ei] = 0; } if (ei>qrylen && (ch==8 || ch==127)) { buf[ei--] = 0; buf[ei] = '_'; havecompl = 0; } else if (eiqrylen && ch==9) || havecompl)) // tab: maybe do auto-completion { char cmpbuf[128]; char completions[3][16]; const char *cmpstr; int32_t len=ei-qrylen, i, j, k=len, first=1, numcompl=0; Bmemcpy(cmpbuf, &buf[qrylen], len); cmpbuf[len] = 0; for (i=(completion!=1); i<((completion==1)?MAXTILES:32768); i++) { cmpstr = (completion==1) ? names[i] : taglab_getlabel(i); if (!cmpstr) continue; if (Bstrncasecmp(cmpbuf, cmpstr, len) || Bstrlen(cmpstr)==(unsigned)len) // compare the prefix continue; if (ch==9) { if (first) { Bstrncpy(cmpbuf+len, cmpstr+len, sizeof(cmpbuf)-len); cmpbuf[sizeof(cmpbuf)-1] = 0; first = 0; } else { for (k=len; cmpstr[k] && cmpbuf[k] && Btolower(cmpstr[k])==Btolower(cmpbuf[k]); k++) /* nop */; cmpbuf[k] = 0; } } if (numcompl<3) { Bstrncpyz(completions[numcompl], cmpstr+len, sizeof(completions[0])); for (k=0; completions[numcompl][k]; k++) completions[numcompl][k] = Btolower(completions[numcompl][k]); numcompl++; } for (k=len; cmpbuf[k]; k++) cmpbuf[k] = Btolower(cmpbuf[k]); } ei = qrylen; for (i=0; i0) // no chars autocompleted/completion request { buf[ei] = '{'; buf[ei+1] = 0; i = ei+1; for (k=0; knext) if (!Bstrcmp(findfileshigh->name, boardbasename)) break; if (!findfileshigh) findfileshigh = fnlist.findfiles; } // vvv PK ------------------------------------ // copied off menuselect static int32_t menuselect_auto(int32_t direction) // 20080104: jump to next (direction!=0) or prev (direction==0) file { Bstrcpy(selectedboardfilename, g_oldpath); tweak_sboardfilename(); getfilenames(selectedboardfilename, "*.map"); if (fnlist.numfiles==0) return -2; menuselect_try_findlast(); if (direction) { if (findfileshigh->next) findfileshigh=findfileshigh->next; else return -1; } else { if (findfileshigh->prev) findfileshigh=findfileshigh->prev; else return -1; } Bstrcat(selectedboardfilename, findfileshigh->name); return 0; } // ^^^ PK ------------------------------------ static int32_t menuselect(void) { int32_t listsize; int32_t i; char ch, buffer[96]; const int32_t bakpathsearchmode = pathsearchmode; Bstrcpy(selectedboardfilename, g_oldpath); tweak_sboardfilename(); getfilenames(selectedboardfilename, "*.map"); menuselect_try_findlast(); _printmessage16("Select map file with arrow keys and enter."); ydim16 = ydim-STATUS2DSIZ2; listsize = (ydim16-32)/9; do { begindrawing(); //{{{ CLEARLINES2D(0, ydim16, 0); if (pathsearchmode) Bstrcpy(buffer,"Local filesystem mode. Ctrl-F: game filesystem"); else Bsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "Game filesystem %smode. Ctrl-F: local filesystem, Ctrl-G: %s", grponlymode?"GRP-only ":"", grponlymode?"all files":"GRP contents only"); printext16(halfxdim16-(8*Bstrlen(buffer)/2), 4, editorcolors[12],editorcolors[0],buffer,0); Bsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "(%d dirs, %d files) %s", fnlist.numdirs, fnlist.numfiles, selectedboardfilename); printext16(8,ydim16-8-1,editorcolors[8],editorcolors[0],buffer,0); if (finddirshigh) { const CACHE1D_FIND_REC *dir = finddirshigh; for (i=(listsize/2)-1; i>=0; i--) { if (!dir->prev) break; else dir=dir->prev; } for (i=0; ((inext) { int32_t c = (dir->type == CACHE1D_FIND_DIR ? 2 : 3); //PK Bmemset(buffer,0,sizeof(buffer)); Bstrncpy(buffer,dir->name,25); if (Bstrlen(buffer) == 25) buffer[21] = buffer[22] = buffer[23] = '.', buffer[24] = 0; if (dir == finddirshigh) { if (currentlist == 0) printext16(8,16+9*i,editorcolors[c|8],editorcolors[0],"->",0); printext16(32,16+9*i,editorcolors[c|8],editorcolors[0],buffer,0); } else { printext16(32,16+9*i,editorcolors[c],editorcolors[0],buffer,0); } } } if (findfileshigh) { const CACHE1D_FIND_REC *dir = findfileshigh; for (i=(listsize/2)-1; i>=0; i--) { if (!dir->prev) break; else dir=dir->prev; } for (i=0; (inext) { if (dir == findfileshigh) { if (currentlist == 1) printext16(240,16+9*i,editorcolors[7|8],editorcolors[0],"->",0); printext16(240+24,16+9*i,editorcolors[7|8],editorcolors[0],dir->name,0); } else { printext16(240+24,16+9*i,editorcolors[7],editorcolors[0],dir->name,0); } } } enddrawing(); //}}} showframe(1); keystatus[0xcb] = 0; keystatus[0xcd] = 0; keystatus[0xc8] = 0; keystatus[0xd0] = 0; keystatus[0x1c] = 0; //enter keystatus[0xf] = 0; //tab keystatus[1] = 0; //esc ch = 0; //Interesting fakery of ch = getch() while (ch == 0) { if (handleevents()) if (quitevent) { keystatus[1] = 1; quitevent = 0; } idle(); ch = bgetchar(); { // JBF 20040208: seek to first name matching pressed character CACHE1D_FIND_REC *seeker = currentlist ? fnlist.findfiles : fnlist.finddirs; if (keystatus[0xc7]||keystatus[0xcf]) // home/end { while (keystatus[0xcf]?seeker->next:seeker->prev) seeker = keystatus[0xcf]?seeker->next:seeker->prev; if (seeker) { if (currentlist) findfileshigh = seeker; else finddirshigh = seeker; } ch = keystatus[0xcf]?80:72; keystatus[0xc7] = keystatus[0xcf] = 0; } else if (keystatus[0xc9]|keystatus[0xd1]) // page up/down { seeker = currentlist?findfileshigh:finddirshigh; i = (ydim2d-STATUS2DSIZ2-48)>>5/*3*/; //PK while (i>0) { if (keystatus[0xd1]?seeker->next:seeker->prev) seeker = keystatus[0xd1]?seeker->next:seeker->prev; i--; } if (seeker) { if (currentlist) findfileshigh = seeker; else finddirshigh = seeker; } ch = keystatus[0xd1]?80:72; keystatus[0xc9] = keystatus[0xd1] = 0; } else { char ch2; if (ch > 0 && ((ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || (ch=='_'))) { #ifdef _WIN32 if (ch >= 'a') ch -= ('a'-'A'); #endif while (seeker) { ch2 = seeker->name[0]; #ifdef _WIN32 if (ch2 >= 'a' && ch2 <= 'z') ch2 -= ('a'-'A'); #endif if (ch2 == ch) break; seeker = seeker->next; } if (seeker) { if (currentlist) findfileshigh = seeker; else finddirshigh = seeker; continue; } } } } if (keystatus[0xcb]) ch = 9; // left arr if (keystatus[0xcd]) ch = 9; // right arr if (keystatus[0xc8]) ch = 72; // up arr if (keystatus[0xd0]) ch = 80; // down arr } if (ch==6) // Ctrl-F { currentlist = 0; pathsearchmode = 1-pathsearchmode; if (pathsearchmode) { Bstrcpy(selectedboardfilename, ""); Bcanonicalisefilename(selectedboardfilename, 0); } else Bstrcpy(selectedboardfilename, "/"); getfilenames(selectedboardfilename, "*.map"); Bstrcpy(g_oldpath, selectedboardfilename); } else if (ch==7) // Ctrl-G { if (!pathsearchmode) { grponlymode = 1-grponlymode; getfilenames(selectedboardfilename, "*.map"); Bstrcpy(g_oldpath, selectedboardfilename); } } else if (ch == 9) { if ((currentlist == 0 && fnlist.findfiles) || (currentlist == 1 && fnlist.finddirs)) currentlist = 1-currentlist; } else if (keystatus[0xc8] /*(ch == 75) || (ch == 72)*/) { if (currentlist == 0) { if (finddirshigh && finddirshigh->prev) finddirshigh = finddirshigh->prev; } else { if (findfileshigh && findfileshigh->prev) findfileshigh = findfileshigh->prev; } } else if (keystatus[0xd0] /*(ch == 77) || (ch == 80)*/) { if (currentlist == 0) { if (finddirshigh && finddirshigh->next) finddirshigh = finddirshigh->next; } else { if (findfileshigh && findfileshigh->next) findfileshigh = findfileshigh->next; } } else if (ch == 13 && currentlist == 0) { if (finddirshigh->type == CACHE1D_FIND_DRIVE) Bstrcpy(selectedboardfilename, finddirshigh->name); else Bstrcat(selectedboardfilename, finddirshigh->name); Bstrcat(selectedboardfilename, "/"); tweak_sboardfilename(); Bstrcpy(g_oldpath, selectedboardfilename); //printf("Changing directories to: %s\n", selectedboardfilename); getfilenames(selectedboardfilename, "*.map"); ch = 0; begindrawing(); CLEARLINES2D(0, ydim16, 0); enddrawing(); showframe(1); } if (ch == 13 && !findfileshigh) ch = 0; } while (ch != 13 && ch != 27); if (ch == 13) { Bstrcat(selectedboardfilename, findfileshigh->name); //printf("Selected file: %s\n", selectedboardfilename); return 0; } pathsearchmode = bakpathsearchmode; return -1; } static inline int32_t imod(int32_t a, int32_t b) { if (a >= 0) return a%b; return ((a+1)%b)+b-1; } int32_t fillsector(int16_t sectnum, int32_t fillcolor) { int32_t x1, x2, y1, y2, sy, y, daminy; int32_t lborder, rborder, uborder, dborder, miny, maxy, dax; int16_t z, zz, startwall, endwall, fillcnt; char col; if (fillcolor < 0) col = 159-klabs(sintable[((totalclock<<3)&2047)]>>11); else col = fillcolor; lborder = 0; rborder = xdim; y = OSD_GetRowsCur(); uborder = (y>=0)?(y+1)*8:0; dborder = ydim16-STATUS2DSIZ2; if (sectnum == -1) return 0; miny = dborder-1; maxy = uborder; startwall = sector[sectnum].wallptr; endwall = startwall + sector[sectnum].wallnum - 1; for (z=startwall; z<=endwall; z++) { screencoords(&x1,&y1, wall[z].x-pos.x,wall[z].y-pos.y, zoom); if (m32_sideview) y1 += getscreenvdisp(getflorzofslope(sectnum,wall[z].x,wall[z].y)-pos.z, zoom); x1 += halfxdim16; y1 += midydim16; if (m32_sideview) { tempxyar[z][0] = x1; tempxyar[z][1] = y1; } miny = min(miny, y1); maxy = max(maxy, y1); } if (miny < uborder) miny = uborder; if (maxy >= dborder) maxy = dborder-1; daminy = miny+2 - imod(miny+2,3); if (sector[sectnum].floorz > minhlsectorfloorz) daminy++; //+((totalclock>>2)&3) for (sy=daminy; sy<=maxy; sy+=3) // JBF 20040116: numframes%3 -> (totalclock>>2)&3 { y = pos.y + ((sy-midydim16)<<14)/zoom; fillist[0] = lborder; fillcnt = 1; for (z=startwall; z<=endwall; z++) { if (m32_sideview) { x1 = tempxyar[z][0]; y1 = tempxyar[z][1]; x2 = tempxyar[wall[z].point2][0]; y2 = tempxyar[wall[z].point2][1]; if (y1 > y2) { swaplong(&x1, &x2); swaplong(&y1, &y2); } if (y1 <= sy && sy < y2) { if (fillcnt == sizeof(fillist)/sizeof(fillist[0])) break; x1 += scale(sy-y1, x2-x1, y2-y1); fillist[fillcnt++] = x1; } } else { x1 = wall[z].x; x2 = POINT2(z).x; y1 = wall[z].y; y2 = POINT2(z).y; if (y1 > y2) { swaplong(&x1, &x2); swaplong(&y1, &y2); } if (y1 <= y && y < y2) //if (x1*(y-y2) + x2*(y1-y) <= 0) { dax = x1 + scale(y-y1, x2-x1, y2-y1); dax = halfxdim16 + (((dax-pos.x)*zoom)>>14); if (dax >= lborder) { if (fillcnt == sizeof(fillist)/sizeof(fillist[0])) break; fillist[fillcnt++] = dax; } } } } if (fillcnt > 0) { for (z=1; z rborder) break; if (fillist[z+1] > rborder) fillist[z+1] = rborder; drawline16(fillist[z]+1,sy, fillist[z+1]-1,sy, col); //editorcolors[fillcolor] } } } return(0); } static int16_t whitelinescan(int16_t sucksect, int16_t dalinehighlight) { int32_t i, j, k; int16_t tnewnumwalls; if (numsectors >= MAXSECTORS) return MAXWALLS+1; Bmemcpy(§or[numsectors], §or[sucksect], sizeof(sectortype)); sector[numsectors].wallptr = numwalls; sector[numsectors].wallnum = 0; i = dalinehighlight; tnewnumwalls = numwalls; do { if (tnewnumwalls >= MAXWALLS) return MAXWALLS+1; j = lastwall(i); if (wall[j].nextwall >= 0) { j = wall[j].point2; for (k=0; k= 1) { if (a > 1) if (buffer[a-2] == '\r') buffer[a-2] = 0; if (buffer[a-1] == '\n') buffer[a-1] = 0; } p = buffer; line++; while (*p == 32) p++; // 32 == 0x20 == space if (*p == 0) continue; // blank line if (*p == '#') // make '#' optional for compatibility p++; if (*p == '/') { if (*(p+1) == '/') continue; // comment if (*(p+1) == '*') {comment++; continue;} /* comment */ } else if (*p == '*' && p[1] == '/') { comment--; continue; } else if (comment) continue; else if (!comment) { while (*p == 32) p++; if (*p == 0) continue; // null directive if (!Bstrncmp(p, "define ", 7)) { // #define_... p += 7; while (*p == 32) p++; if (*p == 0) { initprintf("Error: Malformed #define at line %d\n", line-1); continue; } name = p; while (*p != 32 && *p != 0) p++; if (*p == 32) { *(p++) = 0; while (*p == 32) p++; if (*p == 0) // #define_NAME with no number { initprintf("Error: No number given for name \"%s\" (line %d)\n", name, line-1); continue; } number = p; while (*p != 0 && *p != 32) p++; *p = 0; // add to list num = Bstrtol(number, &endptr, 10); if (*endptr != 0) { p = endptr; goto badline; } //printf("Grokked \"%s\" -> \"%d\"\n", name, num); if (num < 0 || num >= MAXTILES) { initprintf("Error: Constant %d for name \"%s\" out of range (line %d)\n", num, name, line-1); continue; } if (Bstrlen(name) > 24) initprintf("Warning: Name \"%s\" longer than 24 characters (line %d). Truncating.\n", name, line-1); Bstrncpyz(names[num], name, 25); syms++; continue; } else // #define_NAME with no number { initprintf("Error: No number given for name \"%s\" (line %d)\n", name, line-1); continue; } } else if (!Bstrncmp(p, "include ", 8)) { // #include_... p += 8; while (*p == 32) p++; if (*p == 0) { initprintf("Error: Malformed #include at line %d\n", line-1); continue; } if (*p == '\"') { quotes = 1; p++; } else if (*p == '<') { anglebrackets = 1; p++; } name = p; if (quotes == 1) { while (*p != '\"' && *p != 0) p++; quotes = 0; if (*p == 0) { initprintf("Error: Missing \'\"\' in #include at line %d\n", line-1); continue; } *p = 0; } else if (anglebrackets == 1) { while (*p != '>' && *p != 0) p++; anglebrackets = 0; if (*p == 0) { initprintf("Error: Missing \'>\' in #include at line %d\n", line-1); continue; } *p = 0; } else { while (*p != 32 && *p != 0) p++; *p = 0; } loadnames(name, 0); continue; } } badline: initprintf("Error: Invalid statement found at character %d on line %d\n", (int32_t)(p-buffer), line-1); } if (root) initprintf("Loaded %d names.\n", syms); Bfclose(fp); return 0; } void printcoords16(int32_t posxe, int32_t posye, int16_t ange) { char snotbuf[128]; int32_t i, m; int32_t v8 = (numsectors > MAXSECTORSV7 || numwalls > MAXWALLSV7 || Numsprites > MAXSPRITESV7 || numyaxbunches > 0); #if M32_UNDO Bsprintf(snotbuf,"x:%d y:%d ang:%d r%d",posxe,posye,ange,map_revision-1); #else Bsprintf(snotbuf,"x:%d y:%d ang:%d",posxe,posye,ange); #endif i = 0; while ((snotbuf[i] != 0) && (i < 33)) i++; while (i < 33) { snotbuf[i] = 32; i++; } snotbuf[33] = 0; clearministatbar16(); printext16(8, ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+128, whitecol, -1, snotbuf,0); if (highlightcnt<=0 && highlightsectorcnt<=0) { m = Bsprintf(snotbuf,"%d/%d %s. %d", numsectors, v8?MAXSECTORSV8:MAXSECTORSV7, numyaxbunches>0 ? "SEC":"sec", numwalls); if (numyaxbunches > 0) { if (xdim >= 800) Bsprintf(&snotbuf[m], "/%d wal. %d/16k spr. %d/256 bn.", MAXWALLSV8, Numsprites, numyaxbunches); else Bsprintf(&snotbuf[m], " wal. %d spr. %d/256 bn.", Numsprites, numyaxbunches); } else { if (xdim >= 800) Bsprintf(&snotbuf[m], "/%d wal. %d/%d spr.", v8?MAXWALLSV8:MAXWALLSV7, Numsprites, v8?MAXSPRITESV8:MAXSPRITESV7); else Bsprintf(&snotbuf[m], "/%dk wal. %d/%dk spr.", (v8?MAXWALLSV8:MAXWALLSV7)/1000, Numsprites, (v8?MAXSPRITESV8:MAXSPRITESV7)/1000); } } else { if (highlightcnt>0) { m = 0; for (i=0; i0) { int32_t ii=Bsprintf(snotbuf, "%d sectors with a total of %d walls selected", highlightsectorcnt, numhlsecwalls); if (m32_rotateang) Bsprintf(&snotbuf[ii], " (ang=%d)", m32_rotateang); } else { snotbuf[0] = 0; } v8 = 1; // yellow color } m = xdim/8 - 264/8; m = clamp(m, 1, (signed)sizeof(snotbuf)-1); i = 0; while (snotbuf[i] && i < m) i++; while (i < m) { snotbuf[i] = 32; i++; } snotbuf[m] = 0; printext16(264, ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+128, v8?editorcolors[10]:whitecol, -1, snotbuf,0); } #define DOPRINT(Yofs, fmt, ...) do { \ Bsprintf_nowarn(snotbuf, fmt, ## __VA_ARGS__); \ printext16(8+col*200, ydim/*-(row*96)*/-STATUS2DSIZ+Yofs, color, -1, snotbuf, 0); \ } while (0) void showsectordata(int16_t sectnum, int16_t small) { sectortype *sec; char snotbuf[80]; int32_t col=0; //,row = 0; int32_t color = small ? whitecol : editorcolors[11]; sec = §or[sectnum]; if (small) { _printmessage16("^10Sector %d %s ^O(F7 to edit)", sectnum, ExtGetSectorCaption(sectnum)); return; } DOPRINT(32, "^10Sector %d", sectnum); DOPRINT(48, "Firstwall: %d", TrackerCast(sec->wallptr)); DOPRINT(56, "Numberofwalls: %d", TrackerCast(sec->wallnum)); DOPRINT(64, "Firstsprite: %d", headspritesect[sectnum]); DOPRINT(72, "Tags: %d, %d", TrackerCast(sec->hitag), TrackerCast(sec->lotag)); DOPRINT(80, " (0x%x), (0x%x)", TrackerCast(sec->hitag), TrackerCast(sec->lotag)); DOPRINT(88, "Extra: %d", TrackerCast(sec->extra)); DOPRINT(96, "Visibility: %d", TrackerCast(sec->visibility)); DOPRINT(104, "Pixel height: %d", (sec->floorz-sec->ceilingz)>>8); col++; DOPRINT(32, "^10CEILING:^O"); DOPRINT(48, "Flags (hex): %x", TrackerCast(sec->ceilingstat)); { int32_t xp=sec->ceilingxpanning, yp=sec->ceilingypanning; #ifdef YAX_ENABLE__COMPAT if (yax_getbunch(searchsector, YAX_CEILING) >= 0) xp = yp = 0; #endif DOPRINT(56, "(X,Y)pan: %d, %d", xp, yp); } DOPRINT(64, "Shade byte: %d", TrackerCast(sec->ceilingshade)); DOPRINT(72, "Z-coordinate: %d", TrackerCast(sec->ceilingz)); DOPRINT(80, "Tile number: %d", TrackerCast(sec->ceilingpicnum)); DOPRINT(88, "Ceiling heinum: %d", TrackerCast(sec->ceilingheinum)); DOPRINT(96, "Palookup number: %d", TrackerCast(sec->ceilingpal)); #ifdef YAX_ENABLE DOPRINT(104, "Bunch number: %d", yax_getbunch(sectnum, YAX_CEILING)); #endif col++; DOPRINT(32, "^10FLOOR:^O"); DOPRINT(48, "Flags (hex): %x", TrackerCast(sec->floorstat)); { int32_t xp=sec->floorxpanning, yp=sec->floorypanning; #ifdef YAX_ENABLE__COMPAT if (yax_getbunch(searchsector, YAX_FLOOR) >= 0) xp = yp = 0; #endif DOPRINT(56, "(X,Y)pan: %d, %d", xp, yp); } DOPRINT(64, "Shade byte: %d", TrackerCast(sec->floorshade)); DOPRINT(72, "Z-coordinate: %d", TrackerCast(sec->floorz)); DOPRINT(80, "Tile number: %d", TrackerCast(sec->floorpicnum)); DOPRINT(88, "Floor heinum: %d", TrackerCast(sec->floorheinum)); DOPRINT(96, "Palookup number: %d", TrackerCast(sec->floorpal)); #ifdef YAX_ENABLE DOPRINT(104, "Bunch number: %d", yax_getbunch(sectnum, YAX_FLOOR)); #endif } void showwalldata(int16_t wallnum, int16_t small) { walltype *wal; int32_t sec; char snotbuf[80]; int32_t col=0; //, row = 0; int32_t color = small ? whitecol : editorcolors[11]; wal = &wall[wallnum]; if (small) { _printmessage16("^10Wall %d %s ^O(F8 to edit)", wallnum, ExtGetWallCaption(wallnum)); return; } DOPRINT(32, "^10Wall %d", wallnum); DOPRINT(48, "X-coordinate: %d", TrackerCast(wal->x)); DOPRINT(56, "Y-coordinate: %d", TrackerCast(wal->y)); DOPRINT(64, "Point2: %d", TrackerCast(wal->point2)); DOPRINT(72, "Sector: ^010%d", sectorofwall(wallnum)); DOPRINT(88, "Tags: %d, %d", TrackerCast(wal->hitag), TrackerCast(wal->lotag)); DOPRINT(96, " (0x%x), (0x%x)", TrackerCast(wal->hitag), TrackerCast(wal->lotag)); col++; DOPRINT(32, "^10%s^O", (wal->picnum>=0 && wal->picnumpicnum] : "!INVALID!"); DOPRINT(48, "Flags (hex): %x", TrackerCast(wal->cstat)); DOPRINT(56, "Shade: %d", TrackerCast(wal->shade)); DOPRINT(64, "Pal: %d", TrackerCast(wal->pal)); DOPRINT(72, "(X,Y)repeat: %d, %d", TrackerCast(wal->xrepeat), TrackerCast(wal->yrepeat)); DOPRINT(80, "(X,Y)pan: %d, %d", TrackerCast(wal->xpanning), TrackerCast(wal->ypanning)); DOPRINT(88, "Tile number: %d", TrackerCast(wal->picnum)); DOPRINT(96, "OverTile number: %d", TrackerCast(wal->overpicnum)); col++; DOPRINT(48-(small?16:0), "nextsector: %d", TrackerCast(wal->nextsector)); DOPRINT(56-(small?16:0), "nextwall: %d", TrackerCast(wal->nextwall)); DOPRINT(72-(small?16:0), "Extra: %d", TrackerCast(wal->extra)); // TX 20050102 I'm not sure what unit dist<<4 is supposed to be, but dist itself is correct in terms of game coordinates as one would expect DOPRINT(96-(small?16:0), "Wall length: %d", wallength(wallnum)); sec = sectorofwall(wallnum); DOPRINT(104-(small?16:0), "Pixel height: %d", (sector[sec].floorz-sector[sec].ceilingz)>>8); } void showspritedata(int16_t spritenum, int16_t small) { spritetype *spr; char snotbuf[80]; int32_t col=0; //, row = 0; int32_t color = small ? whitecol : editorcolors[11]; spr = &sprite[spritenum]; if (small) { _printmessage16("^10Sprite %d %s ^O(F8 to edit)",spritenum, ExtGetSpriteCaption(spritenum)); return; } DOPRINT(32, "^10Sprite %d", spritenum); DOPRINT(48, "X-coordinate: %d", TrackerCast(spr->x)); DOPRINT(56, "Y-coordinate: %d", TrackerCast(spr->y)); DOPRINT(64, "Z-coordinate: %d", TrackerCast(spr->z)); DOPRINT(72, "Sectnum: ^010%d", TrackerCast(spr->sectnum)); DOPRINT(80, "Statnum: %d", TrackerCast(spr->statnum)); DOPRINT(96, "Tags: %d, %d", TrackerCast(spr->hitag), TrackerCast(spr->lotag)); DOPRINT(104, " (0x%x), (0x%x)", TrackerCast(spr->hitag), TrackerCast(spr->lotag)); col++; DOPRINT(32, "^10,0 ^O"); // 24 blanks DOPRINT(32, "^10%s^O", (spr->picnum>=0 && spr->picnumpicnum] : "!INVALID!"); DOPRINT(48, "Flags (hex): %x", TrackerCast(spr->cstat)); DOPRINT(56, "Shade: %d", TrackerCast(spr->shade)); DOPRINT(64, "Pal: %d", TrackerCast(spr->pal)); DOPRINT(72, "(X,Y)repeat: %d, %d", TrackerCast(spr->xrepeat), TrackerCast(spr->yrepeat)); DOPRINT(80, "(X,Y)offset: %d, %d", TrackerCast(spr->xoffset), TrackerCast(spr->yoffset)); DOPRINT(88, "Tile number: %d", TrackerCast(spr->picnum)); col++; DOPRINT(48, "Angle (2048 degrees): %d", TrackerCast(spr->ang)); DOPRINT(56, "X-Velocity: %d", TrackerCast(spr->xvel)); DOPRINT(64, "Y-Velocity: %d", TrackerCast(spr->yvel)); DOPRINT(72, "Z-Velocity: %d", TrackerCast(spr->zvel)); DOPRINT(80, "Owner: %d", TrackerCast(spr->owner)); DOPRINT(88, "Clipdist: %d", TrackerCast(spr->clipdist)); DOPRINT(96, "Extra: %d", TrackerCast(spr->extra)); } #undef DOPRINT // gets called once per totalclock increment since last call static void keytimerstuff(void) { if (!g_doHardcodedMovement) return; if (DOWN_BK(STRAFE) == 0) { if (DOWN_BK(TURNLEFT)) angvel = max(angvel-pk_turnaccel, -128); if (DOWN_BK(TURNRIGHT)) angvel = min(angvel+pk_turnaccel, 127); } else { if (DOWN_BK(TURNLEFT)) svel = min(svel+16, 255); // svel and vel aren't even chars... if (DOWN_BK(TURNRIGHT)) svel = max(svel-16, -256); } if (DOWN_BK(MOVEFORWARD)) vel = min(vel+16, 255); if (DOWN_BK(MOVEBACKWARD)) vel = max(vel-16, -256); /* if (DOWN_BK(STRAFELEFT)) svel = min(svel+8, 127); if (DOWN_BK(STRAFERIGHT)) svel = max(svel-8, -128); */ if (angvel < 0) angvel = min(angvel+pk_turndecel, 0); if (angvel > 0) angvel = max(angvel-pk_turndecel, 0); if (svel < 0) svel = min(svel+6, 0); if (svel > 0) svel = max(svel-6, 0); if (vel < 0) vel = min(vel+6, 0); if (vel > 0) vel = max(vel-6, 0); /* if(mlook) pos.z -= (horiz-101)*(vel/40); */ } #if 0 int32_t snfillprintf(char *outbuf, size_t bufsiz, int32_t fill, const char *fmt, ...) { char tmpstr[256]; int32_t nwritten, ofs; va_list va; va_start(va, fmt); nwritten = Bvsnprintf(tmpstr, bufsiz, fmt, va); va_end(va); ofs = min(nwritten, (signed)bufsiz-1); Bmemset(outbuf, fill, bufsiz-ofs); return ofs; } #endif void _printmessage16(const char *fmt, ...) { int32_t i, ybase; char snotbuf[156]; char tmpstr[160]; va_list va; va_start(va, fmt); Bvsnprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), fmt, va); va_end(va); i = 0; while (tmpstr[i] && i < 146) { snotbuf[i] = tmpstr[i]; i++; } snotbuf[i] = 0; if (lastpm16time == totalclock) Bstrcpy(lastpm16buf, snotbuf); clearministatbar16(); ybase = ydim-STATUS2DSIZ+128-8; printext16(8, ybase+8, whitecol, -1, snotbuf, 0); } void printmessage256(int32_t x, int32_t y, const char *name) { char snotbuf[80]; int32_t i; i = 0; while (name[i] && i < 62) { snotbuf[i] = name[i]; i++; } while (i < 62) { snotbuf[i] = 32; i++; } snotbuf[62] = 0; printext256(x+2,y+2,0,-1,snotbuf,0); printext256(x,y,whitecol,-1,snotbuf,0); } //Find closest point (*dax, *day) on wall (dawall) to (x, y) static void getclosestpointonwall(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t dawall, int32_t *nx, int32_t *ny, int32_t maybe_screen_coord_p) { int64_t i, j, wx,wy, wx2,wy2, dx, dy; if (m32_sideview && maybe_screen_coord_p) { wx = m32_wallscreenxy[dawall][0]; wy = m32_wallscreenxy[dawall][1]; wx2 = m32_wallscreenxy[wall[dawall].point2][0]; wy2 = m32_wallscreenxy[wall[dawall].point2][1]; } else { wx = wall[dawall].x; wy = wall[dawall].y; wx2 = POINT2(dawall).x; wy2 = POINT2(dawall).y; } dx = wx2 - wx; dy = wy2 - wy; i = dx*(x-wx) + dy*(y-wy); if (i <= 0) { *nx = wx; *ny = wy; return; } j = dx*dx + dy*dy; if (i >= j) { *nx = wx2; *ny = wy2; return; } i=((i<<15)/j)<<15; *nx = wx + ((dx*i)>>30); *ny = wy + ((dy*i)>>30); } static void initcrc(void) { int32_t i, j, k, a; for (j=0; j<256; j++) //Calculate CRC table { k = (j<<8); a = 0; for (i=7; i>=0; i--) { if (((k^a)&0x8000) > 0) a = ((a<<1)&65535) ^ 0x1021; //0x1021 = genpoly else a = ((a<<1)&65535); k = ((k<<1)&65535); } crctable[j] = (a&65535); } } static int32_t GetWallBaseZ(int32_t wallnum) { int32_t z=0; const int32_t sectnum = sectorofwall(wallnum); const int32_t nextsec = wall[wallnum].nextsector; if (nextsec == -1) //1-sided wall { if (wall[wallnum].cstat&4) // floor-aligned z = sector[sectnum].floorz; else z = sector[sectnum].ceilingz; } else //2-sided wall { if (wall[wallnum].cstat&4) z = sector[sectnum].ceilingz; else { if (sector[nextsec].ceilingz > sector[sectnum].ceilingz) z = sector[nextsec].ceilingz; //top step if (sector[nextsec].floorz < sector[sectnum].floorz) z = sector[nextsec].floorz; //bottom step } } return z; } ////////// AUTOMATIC WALL ALIGNMENT ////////// static void AlignWalls(int32_t w0, int32_t z0, int32_t w1, int32_t z1, int32_t doxpanning) { int32_t n; int32_t tilenum = wall[w0].picnum; if (tilesizx[tilenum]==0 || tilesizy[tilenum]==0) return; //do the x alignment if (doxpanning) wall[w1].xpanning = (uint8_t)((wall[w0].xpanning + (wall[w0].xrepeat<<3))%tilesizx[tilenum]); for (n=picsiz[tilenum]>>4; (1<>(n+3))); } void AlignWallPoint2(int32_t w0) { int32_t w1 = wall[w0].point2; AlignWalls(w0,GetWallBaseZ(w0), w1,GetWallBaseZ(w1), 1); } #define ALIGN_WALLS_CSTAT_MASK (4+8+256) // flags: // 1: more than once // 2: (unused) // 4: carry pixel width from first wall over to the rest // 8: align TROR nextwalls // 16: iterate lastwall()s (point2 in reverse) int32_t AutoAlignWalls(int32_t w0, uint32_t flags, int32_t nrecurs) { static int32_t numaligned, wall0, cstat0; static uint32_t lenrepquot; const int32_t totheleft = flags&16; int32_t z0 = GetWallBaseZ(w0); int32_t w1 = totheleft ? lastwall(w0) : wall[w0].point2; const int32_t tilenum = wall[w0].picnum; if (nrecurs == 0) { //clear visited bits Bmemset(visited, 0, sizeof(visited)); visited[w0>>3] |= (1<<(w0&7)); numaligned = 0; lenrepquot = getlenbyrep(wallength(w0), wall[w0].xrepeat); wall0 = w0; cstat0 = wall[w0].cstat & ALIGN_WALLS_CSTAT_MASK; // top/bottom orientation; x/y-flip } //loop through walls at this vertex in point2 order while (1) { //break if this wall would connect us in a loop if (visited[w1>>3]&(1<<(w1&7))) break; visited[w1>>3] |= (1<<(w1&7)); #ifdef YAX_ENABLE if (flags&8) { int32_t cf, ynw; for (cf=0; cf<2; cf++) { ynw = yax_getnextwall(w0, cf); if (ynw >= 0 && wall[ynw].picnum==tilenum && (visited[ynw>>3]&(1<<(ynw&7)))==0) { wall[ynw].xrepeat = wall[w0].xrepeat; wall[ynw].xpanning = wall[w0].xpanning; AlignWalls(w0,z0, ynw,GetWallBaseZ(ynw), 0); // initial vertical alignment // AutoAlignWalls(ynw, flags&~8, nrecurs+1); // recurse once } } } #endif //break if reached back of left wall if (wall[w1].nextwall == w0) break; if (wall[w1].picnum == tilenum) { int32_t visible = 1; const int32_t nextsec = wall[w1].nextsector; if (nextsec >= 0) { int32_t cz,fz, czn,fzn; const int32_t sectnum = NEXTWALL(w1).nextsector; //ignore two sided walls that have no visible face // TODO: can be more precise (i.e. taking into account the wall face) // ... needs to be factored out from some engine code maybe... // as is the whole "z base" determination. getzsofslope(sectnum, wall[w1].x,wall[w1].y, &cz, &fz); getzsofslope(nextsec, wall[w1].x,wall[w1].y, &czn, &fzn); if (czn <= cz && fzn >= fz) visible = 0; } if (visible) { const int32_t z1 = GetWallBaseZ(w1); if ((flags&4) && w1!=wall0) fixxrepeat(w1, lenrepquot); AlignWalls(w0,z0, w1,z1, 1); wall[w1].cstat &= ~ALIGN_WALLS_CSTAT_MASK; wall[w1].cstat |= cstat0; numaligned++; if ((flags&1)==0) return 1; //if wall was 1-sided, no need to recurse if (wall[w1].nextwall < 0) { w0 = w1; z0 = GetWallBaseZ(w0); w1 = totheleft ? lastwall(w0) : wall[w0].point2; continue; } AutoAlignWalls(w1, flags, nrecurs+1); } } if (wall[w1].nextwall < 0) break; w1 = totheleft ? lastwall(wall[w1].nextwall) : NEXTWALL(w1).point2; } return numaligned; } #define PLAYTEST_MAPNAME "autosave_playtest.map" void test_map(int32_t mode) { if (!mode) updatesector(pos.x, pos.y, &cursectnum); else updatesector(startpos.x, startpos.y, &startsectnum); #ifdef _WIN32 if (fullscreen) { printmessage16("Must be in windowed mode to test map!"); return; } #endif if ((!mode && cursectnum >= 0) || (mode && startsectnum >= 0)) { char *param = " -map " PLAYTEST_MAPNAME " -noinstancechecking"; char *fullparam; char current_cwd[BMAX_PATH]; int32_t slen = 0; BFILE *fp; if ((program_origcwd[0] == '\0') || !getcwd(current_cwd, BMAX_PATH)) current_cwd[0] = '\0'; else // Before we check if file exists, for the case there's no absolute path. chdir(program_origcwd); fp = fopen(game_executable, "rb"); // File exists? if (fp != NULL) fclose(fp); else { #ifdef _WIN32 fullparam = (char *)Bstrrchr(mapster32_fullpath, '\\'); #else fullparam = (char *)Bstrrchr(mapster32_fullpath, '/'); #endif if (fullparam) { slen = fullparam-mapster32_fullpath+1; Bstrncpy(game_executable, mapster32_fullpath, slen); // game_executable is now expected to not be NULL-terminated! Bstrcpy(game_executable+slen, DEFAULT_GAME_EXEC); } else Bstrcpy(game_executable, DEFAULT_GAME_LOCAL_EXEC); } if (current_cwd[0] != '\0') // Temporarily changing back, chdir(current_cwd); // after checking if file exists. if (testplay_addparam) slen = Bstrlen(testplay_addparam); // Considering the NULL character, quatation marks // and a possible extra space not in testplay_addparam, // the length should be Bstrlen(game_executable)+Bstrlen(param)+(slen+1)+2+1. fullparam = (char *)Bmalloc(Bstrlen(game_executable)+Bstrlen(param)+slen+4); Bsprintf(fullparam,"\"%s\"",game_executable); if (testplay_addparam) { Bstrcat(fullparam, " "); Bstrcat(fullparam, testplay_addparam); } Bstrcat(fullparam, param); ExtPreSaveMap(); if (mode) saveboard(PLAYTEST_MAPNAME, &startpos, startang, startsectnum); else saveboard(PLAYTEST_MAPNAME, &pos, ang, cursectnum); message("Board saved to " PLAYTEST_MAPNAME ". Starting the game..."); OSD_Printf("...as `%s'\n", fullparam); showframe(1); uninitmouse(); #ifdef _WIN32 { STARTUPINFO si; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; ZeroMemory(&si,sizeof(si)); ZeroMemory(&pi,sizeof(pi)); si.cb = sizeof(si); if (!CreateProcess(NULL,fullparam,NULL,NULL,0,0,NULL,NULL,&si,&pi)) message("Error launching the game!"); else WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess,INFINITE); } #else if (current_cwd[0] != '\0') { chdir(program_origcwd); if (system(fullparam)) message("Error launching the game!"); chdir(current_cwd); } else system(fullparam); #endif printmessage16("Game process exited"); initmouse(); clearkeys(); Bfree(fullparam); } else printmessage16("Position must be in valid player space to test map!"); }