//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 2010-2019 EDuke32 developers and contributors Copyright (C) 2019 sirlemonhead, Nuke.YKT This file is part of PCExhumed. PCExhumed is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "ns.h" #include "compat.h" #include "build.h" #include "exhumed.h" #include "names.h" #include "engine.h" #include "c_bind.h" #include "status.h" #include "sound.h" #include "names.h" #include "input.h" #include "view.h" #include "raze_sound.h" #include "v_2ddrawer.h" #include "v_font.h" #include "texturemanager.h" #include "gamestate.h" #include "multipatchtexture.h" #include "screenjob.h" #include "sequence.h" #include "v_draw.h" #include "m_random.h" #include "gstrings.h" #include "gamefuncs.h" #include "c_bind.h" #include "vm.h" #include "razefont.h" #include #include BEGIN_PS_NS //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DrawAbs(int tile, double x, double y, int shade = 0) { DrawTexture(twod, tileGetTexture(tile), x, y, DTA_FullscreenScale, FSMode_Fit320x200, DTA_TopLeft, true, DTA_Color, shadeToLight(shade), TAG_DONE); } void DrawRel(int tile, double x, double y, int shade) { // This is slightly different than what the backend does here, but critical for some graphics. int offx = (tileWidth(tile) >> 1) + tileLeftOffset(tile); int offy = (tileHeight(tile) >> 1) + tileTopOffset(tile); DrawAbs(tile, x - offx, y - offy, shade); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // this might be static within the DoPlasma function? static uint8_t* PlasmaBuffer; static int nPlasmaTile = kTile4092; static int nSmokeBottom; static int nSmokeRight; static int nSmokeTop; static int nSmokeLeft; static int nextPlasmaTic; static int plasma_A[5] = { 0 }; static int plasma_B[5] = { 0 }; static int plasma_C[5] = { 0 }; static FRandom rnd_plasma; enum { kPlasmaWidth = 320, kPlasmaHeight = 80, }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void menu_DoPlasma() { auto nLogoTile = GameLogo(); int lw = tileWidth(nLogoTile); int lh = tileHeight(nLogoTile); int ptile = nPlasmaTile; int pclock = I_GetBuildTime(); if (pclock >= nextPlasmaTic || !PlasmaBuffer) { nextPlasmaTic = pclock + 4; if (!PlasmaBuffer) { auto pixels = TileFiles.tileCreate(kTile4092, kPlasmaWidth, kPlasmaHeight); memset(pixels, 96, kPlasmaWidth * kPlasmaHeight); PlasmaBuffer = TileFiles.tileCreate(kTile4093, kPlasmaWidth, kPlasmaHeight); memset(PlasmaBuffer, 96, kPlasmaWidth * kPlasmaHeight); nSmokeLeft = 160 - lw / 2; nSmokeRight = nSmokeLeft + lw; nSmokeTop = 40 - lh / 2; nSmokeBottom = nSmokeTop + lh - 1; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { int logoWidth = lw; plasma_C[i] = IntToFixed(nSmokeLeft + rand() % logoWidth); plasma_B[i] = (rnd_plasma.GenRand32() % 327680) + 0x10000; if (rnd_plasma.GenRand32()&1) { plasma_B[i] = -plasma_B[i]; } plasma_A[i] = rnd_plasma.GenRand32() & 1; } } uint8_t* plasmapix = tileData(nPlasmaTile); uint8_t* r_ebx = plasmapix + 81; const uint8_t* r_edx = tileData(nPlasmaTile ^ 1) + 81; // flip between value of 4092 and 4093 with xor for (int x = 0; x < kPlasmaWidth - 2; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < kPlasmaHeight - 2; y++) { uint8_t al = *r_edx; if (al != 96) { if (al > 158) { *r_ebx = al - 1; } else { *r_ebx = 96; } } else { if (rnd_plasma.GenRand32() & 1) { *r_ebx = *r_edx; } else { uint8_t al = *(r_edx + 1); uint8_t cl = *(r_edx - 1); if (al <= cl) { al = cl; } cl = al; al = *(r_edx - 80); if (cl <= al) { cl = al; } al = *(r_edx + 80); if (cl <= al) { cl = al; } al = *(r_edx + 80); if (cl <= al) { cl = al; } al = *(r_edx + 80); if (cl <= al) { cl = al; } al = *(r_edx - 79); if (cl > al) { al = cl; } cl = *(r_edx - 81); if (al <= cl) { al = cl; } cl = al; if (al <= 159) { *r_ebx = 96; } else { if (!(rnd_plasma.GenRand32() & 1)) { cl--; } *r_ebx = cl; } } } // before restarting inner loop r_edx++; r_ebx++; } // before restarting outer loop r_edx += 2; r_ebx += 2; } auto logopix = tilePtr(nLogoTile); for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { int pB = plasma_B[j]; int pC = plasma_C[j]; int badOffset = FixedToInt(pC) < nSmokeLeft || FixedToInt(pC) >= nSmokeRight; const uint8_t* ptr3 = (logopix + (FixedToInt(pC) - nSmokeLeft) * lh); plasma_C[j] += plasma_B[j]; if ((pB > 0 && FixedToInt(plasma_C[j]) >= nSmokeRight) || (pB < 0 && FixedToInt(plasma_C[j]) <= nSmokeLeft)) { int esi = plasma_A[j]; plasma_B[j] = -plasma_B[j]; plasma_A[j] = esi == 0; } if (badOffset) continue; int nSmokeOffset = 0; if (plasma_A[j]) { nSmokeOffset = nSmokeTop; while (nSmokeOffset < nSmokeBottom) { uint8_t al = *ptr3; if (al != TRANSPARENT_INDEX && al != 96) { break; } nSmokeOffset++; ptr3++; } } else { nSmokeOffset = nSmokeBottom; ptr3 += lh - 1; while (nSmokeOffset > nSmokeTop) { uint8_t al = *ptr3; if (al != TRANSPARENT_INDEX && al != 96) { break; } nSmokeOffset--; ptr3--; } } uint8_t* v28 = plasmapix + (80 * FixedToInt(plasma_C[j])); v28[nSmokeOffset] = 175; } TileFiles.InvalidateTile(nPlasmaTile); // flip between tile 4092 and 4093 if (nPlasmaTile == kTile4092) { nPlasmaTile = kTile4093; } else if (nPlasmaTile == kTile4093) { nPlasmaTile = kTile4092; } } DrawAbs(ptile, 0, 0); DrawRel(nLogoTile, 160, 40); // draw the fire urn/lamp thingies int dword_9AB5F = (pclock / 16) & 3; DrawRel(kTile3512 + dword_9AB5F, 50, 150); DrawRel(kTile3512 + ((dword_9AB5F + 2) & 3), 270, 150); } DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(_Exhumed, DrawPlasma) { menu_DoPlasma(); return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // text overlay (native version still needed for Ramses texts. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TextOverlay::Create(const FString& text, int pal) { lastclock = 0; FString ttext = GStrings(text); font = PickSmallFont(ttext); screentext = ttext.Split("\n"); ComputeCinemaText(); } void TextOverlay::Start(double starttime) { lastclock = starttime; } void TextOverlay::ComputeCinemaText() { int i = 0; for (auto &line : screentext) { int nWidth = SmallFont->StringWidth(line); nLeft[i++] = 160 - nWidth / 2; } nCrawlY = 199; nHeight = screentext.Size() * 10; } void TextOverlay::ReadyCinemaText(const char* nVal) { FString label = nVal[0] == '$'? GStrings(nVal +1) : nVal; screentext = label.Split("\n"); ComputeCinemaText(); } void TextOverlay::DisplayText() { if (nHeight + nCrawlY > 0) { double y = nCrawlY; unsigned int i = 0; while (i < screentext.Size() && y <= 199) { if (y >= -10) { DrawText(twod, font, CR_NATIVEPAL, nLeft[i], y, screentext[i], DTA_FullscreenScale, FSMode_Fit320x200, DTA_TranslationIndex, TRANSLATION(Translation_BasePalettes, currentCinemaPalette), TAG_DONE); } i++; y += 10; } } } bool TextOverlay::AdvanceCinemaText(double clock) { if (nHeight + nCrawlY > 0 || CDplaying()) { nCrawlY-= (clock - lastclock) / 15.; // do proper interpolation. lastclock = clock; return true; } return false; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // cinema // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static const char * const cinpalfname[] = { "3454.pal", "3452.pal", "3449.pal", "3445.pal", "set.pal", "3448.pal", "3446.pal", "hsc1.pal", "2972.pal", "2973.pal", "2974.pal", "2975.pal", "2976.pal", "heli.pal", "2978.pal", "terror.pal" }; void uploadCinemaPalettes() { for (unsigned i = 0; i < countof(cinpalfname); i++) { uint8_t palette[768] = {}; auto hFile = fileSystem.OpenFileReader(cinpalfname[i]); if (hFile.isOpen()) hFile.Read(palette, 768); for (auto& c : palette) c <<= 2; paletteSetColorTable(ANIMPAL+i, palette, false, true); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // this accesses the tile data and needs to remain native. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int DoStatic(int a, int b) { TileFiles.tileMakeWritable(kTileLoboLaptop); auto tex = dynamic_cast(tileGetTexture(kTileLoboLaptop)->GetTexture()->GetImage()); if (tex) tex->Reload(); auto pixels = TileFiles.tileMakeWritable(kTileLoboLaptop); int y = 160 - a / 2; int left = 81 - b / 2; int bottom = y + a; int right = left + b; auto pTile = (pixels + (200 * y)) + left; TileFiles.InvalidateTile(kTileLoboLaptop); for(;y < bottom; y++) { uint8_t* pixel = pTile; pTile += 200; for (int x = left; x < right; x++) { *pixel++ = RandomBit() * 16; } } return tileGetTexture(kTileLoboLaptop)->GetID().GetIndex(); } static int UndoStatic() { auto tex = dynamic_cast(tileGetTexture(kTileLoboLaptop)->GetTexture()->GetImage()); if (tex) tex->Reload(); TileFiles.InvalidateTile(kTileLoboLaptop); return tileGetTexture(kTileLoboLaptop)->GetID().GetIndex(); } DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_NATIVE(DLastLevelCinema, DoStatic, DoStatic) { PARAM_PROLOGUE; PARAM_INT(x); PARAM_INT(y); ACTION_RETURN_INT(DoStatic(x, y)); } DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_NATIVE(DLastLevelCinema, UndoStatic, UndoStatic) { ACTION_RETURN_INT(UndoStatic()); } END_PS_NS