//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 1996, 2003 - 3D Realms Entertainment Copyright (C) 2000, 2003 - Matt Saettler (EDuke Enhancements) Copyright (C) 2020 - Christoph Oelckers This file is part of Enhanced Duke Nukem 3D version 1.5 - Atomic Edition Duke Nukem 3D is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Original Source: 1996 - Todd Replogle Prepared for public release: 03/21/2003 - Charlie Wiederhold, 3D Realms EDuke enhancements integrated: 04/13/2003 - Matt Saettler Note: EDuke source was in transition. Changes are in-progress in the source as it is released. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "ns.h" #include "global.h" #include "gamecontrol.h" #include "v_video.h" #include "dukeactor.h" BEGIN_DUKE_NS //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // handles all HUD related input, i.e. inventory item selection and activation plus weapon selection. // // Note: This doesn't restrict the events to WW2GI - since the other games do // not define any by default there is no harm done keeping the code clean. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void hud_input(int plnum) { int i, k; uint8_t dainv; player_struct* p; p = &ps[plnum]; auto pact = p->GetActor(); i = p->aim_mode; p->aim_mode = !PlayerInput(plnum, SB_AIMMODE); if (p->aim_mode < i) p->sync.actions |= SB_CENTERVIEW; // Backup weapon here as hud_input() is the first function where any one of the weapon variables can change. p->backupweapon(); if (isRR() && (p->sync.actions & SB_CROUCH)) p->sync.actions &= ~SB_JUMP; if ((isRR() && p->drink_amt > 88)) p->sync.actions |= SB_LOOK_LEFT; if ((isRR() && p->drink_amt > 99)) p->sync.actions |= SB_LOOK_DOWN; if (isRR()) { if (PlayerInput(plnum, SB_QUICK_KICK) && p->last_pissed_time == 0) { if (!isRRRA() || p->GetActor()->spr.extra > 0) { p->last_pissed_time = 4000; S_PlayActorSound(437, pact); if (p->GetActor()->spr.extra <= gs.max_player_health - gs.max_player_health / 10) { p->GetActor()->spr.extra += 2; p->last_extra = p->GetActor()->spr.extra; } else if (p->GetActor()->spr.extra < gs.max_player_health) p->GetActor()->spr.extra = gs.max_player_health; } } } else { if (PlayerInput(plnum, SB_QUICK_KICK) && p->quick_kick == 0 && (p->curr_weapon != KNEE_WEAPON || p->kickback_pic == 0)) { SetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, 0, nullptr, plnum); OnEvent(EVENT_QUICKKICK, plnum, nullptr, -1); if (GetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, nullptr, plnum).value() == 0) { p->quick_kick = 14; if (!p->quick_kick_msg && plnum == screenpeek) FTA(QUOTE_MIGHTY_FOOT, p); p->quick_kick_msg = true; } } } if (!PlayerInput(plnum, SB_QUICK_KICK)) p->quick_kick_msg = false; if (!PlayerInputBits(plnum, SB_INTERFACE_BITS)) p->interface_toggle_flag = 0; else if (p->interface_toggle_flag == 0) { p->interface_toggle_flag = 1; // Don't go on if paused or dead. if (paused) return; if (p->GetActor()->spr.extra <= 0) return; // Activate an inventory item. This just forwards to the other inventory bits. If the inventory selector was taken out of the playsim this could be removed. if (PlayerInput(plnum, SB_INVUSE) && p->newOwner == nullptr) { SetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, 0, nullptr, plnum); OnEvent(EVENT_INVENTORY, plnum, nullptr, -1); if (GetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, nullptr, plnum).value() == 0) { if (p->inven_icon > ICON_NONE && p->inven_icon <= ICON_HEATS) PlayerSetItemUsed(plnum, p->inven_icon); } } if (!isRR() && PlayerUseItem(plnum, ICON_HEATS)) { SetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, 0, nullptr, plnum); OnEvent(EVENT_USENIGHTVISION, plnum, nullptr, -1); if (GetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, nullptr, plnum).value() == 0 && p->heat_amount > 0) { p->heat_on = !p->heat_on; p->inven_icon = 5; S_PlayActorSound(NITEVISION_ONOFF, pact); FTA(106 + (!p->heat_on), p); } } if (PlayerUseItem(plnum, ICON_STEROIDS)) { SetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, 0, nullptr, plnum); OnEvent(EVENT_USESTEROIDS, plnum, nullptr, -1); if (GetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, nullptr, plnum).value() == 0) { if (p->steroids_amount == 400) { p->steroids_amount--; S_PlayActorSound(DUKE_TAKEPILLS, pact); p->inven_icon = ICON_STEROIDS; FTA(12, p); } } return; } if (PlayerInput(plnum, SB_INVPREV) || PlayerInput(plnum, SB_INVNEXT)) { p->invdisptime = 26 * 2; if (PlayerInput(plnum, SB_INVNEXT)) k = 1; else k = 0; dainv = p->inven_icon; i = 0; CHECKINV1: if (i < 9) { i++; switch (dainv) { case 4: if (p->jetpack_amount > 0 && i > 1) break; if (k) dainv = 5; else dainv = 3; goto CHECKINV1; case 6: if (p->scuba_amount > 0 && i > 1) break; if (k) dainv = 7; else dainv = 5; goto CHECKINV1; case 2: if (p->steroids_amount > 0 && i > 1) break; if (k) dainv = 3; else dainv = 1; goto CHECKINV1; case 3: if (p->holoduke_amount > 0 && i > 1) break; if (k) dainv = 4; else dainv = 2; goto CHECKINV1; case 0: case 1: if (p->firstaid_amount > 0 && i > 1) break; if (k) dainv = 2; else dainv = 7; goto CHECKINV1; case 5: if (p->heat_amount > 0 && i > 1) break; if (k) dainv = 6; else dainv = 4; goto CHECKINV1; case 7: if (p->boot_amount > 0 && i > 1) break; if (k) dainv = 1; else dainv = 6; goto CHECKINV1; } } else dainv = 0; // These events force us to keep the inventory selector in the playsim as opposed to the UI where it really belongs. if (PlayerInput(plnum, SB_INVPREV)) { SetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, dainv, nullptr, plnum); OnEvent(EVENT_INVENTORYLEFT, plnum, nullptr, -1); dainv = GetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, nullptr, plnum).safeValue(); } if (PlayerInput(plnum, SB_INVNEXT)) { SetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, dainv, nullptr, plnum); OnEvent(EVENT_INVENTORYRIGHT, plnum, nullptr, -1); dainv = GetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, nullptr, plnum).safeValue(); } p->inven_icon = dainv; // Someone must have really hated constant data, doing this with a switch/case (and of course also with literal numbers...) static const uint8_t invquotes[] = { QUOTE_MEDKIT, QUOTE_STEROIDS, QUOTE_HOLODUKE, QUOTE_JETPACK, QUOTE_NVG, QUOTE_SCUBA, QUOTE_BOOTS }; if (dainv >= 1 && dainv < 8) FTA(invquotes[dainv - 1], p); } int weap = PlayerNewWeapon(plnum); if (weap > 1 && p->kickback_pic > 0) p->wantweaponfire = weap - 1; // Here we have to be extra careful that the weapons do not get mixed up, so let's keep the code for Duke and RR completely separate. fi.selectweapon(plnum, weap); if (PlayerInput(plnum, SB_HOLSTER)) { if (p->curr_weapon > KNEE_WEAPON) { if (p->holster_weapon == 0 && p->weapon_pos == 0) { p->holster_weapon = 1; p->weapon_pos = -1; FTA(QUOTE_WEAPON_LOWERED, p); } else if (p->holster_weapon == 1 && p->weapon_pos == -9) { p->holster_weapon = 0; p->weapon_pos = 10; FTA(QUOTE_WEAPON_RAISED, p); } } } if (PlayerUseItem(plnum, ICON_HOLODUKE) && (isRR() || p->newOwner == nullptr)) { SetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, 0, nullptr, plnum); OnEvent(EVENT_HOLODUKEON, plnum, nullptr, -1); if (GetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, nullptr, plnum).value() == 0) { if (!isRR()) { if (p->holoduke_on == nullptr) { if (p->holoduke_amount > 0) { p->inven_icon = 3; auto pactor = CreateActor(p->cursector, p->GetActor()->getPosWithOffsetZ().plusZ(30), DukePlayerPawnClass, -64, DVector2(0, 0), p->GetActor()->spr.Angles.Yaw, 0., 0., nullptr, 10); pactor->temp_data[3] = pactor->temp_data[4] = 0; p->holoduke_on = pactor; pactor->spr.yint = plnum; pactor->spr.extra = 0; FTA(QUOTE_HOLODUKE_ON, p); S_PlayActorSound(TELEPORTER, p->holoduke_on); } else FTA(QUOTE_HOLODUKE_NOT_FOUND, p); } else { S_PlayActorSound(TELEPORTER, p->holoduke_on); p->holoduke_on = nullptr; FTA(QUOTE_HOLODUKE_OFF, p); } } else // In RR this means drinking whiskey. { if (p->holoduke_amount > 0 && p->GetActor()->spr.extra < gs.max_player_health) { p->holoduke_amount -= 400; p->GetActor()->spr.extra += 5; if (p->GetActor()->spr.extra > gs.max_player_health) p->GetActor()->spr.extra = gs.max_player_health; p->drink_amt += 5; p->inven_icon = 3; if (p->holoduke_amount == 0) checkavailinven(p); if (p->drink_amt < 99 && !S_CheckActorSoundPlaying(pact, 425)) S_PlayActorSound(425, pact); } } } } if (isRR() && PlayerUseItem(plnum, ICON_HEATS) && p->newOwner == nullptr) { SetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, 0, nullptr, plnum); OnEvent(EVENT_USENIGHTVISION, plnum, nullptr, -1); if (GetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, nullptr, plnum).value() == 0) { if (p->yehaa_timer == 0) { p->yehaa_timer = 126; S_PlayActorSound(390, pact); p->noise_radius = 1024; madenoise(plnum); if (p->cursector->lotag == 857) { if (p->GetActor()->spr.extra <= gs.max_player_health) { p->GetActor()->spr.extra += 10; if (p->GetActor()->spr.extra >= gs.max_player_health) p->GetActor()->spr.extra = gs.max_player_health; } } else { if (p->GetActor()->spr.extra + 1 <= gs.max_player_health) { p->GetActor()->spr.extra++; } } } } } if (PlayerUseItem(plnum, ICON_FIRSTAID)) { SetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, 0, nullptr, plnum); OnEvent(EVENT_USEMEDKIT, plnum, nullptr, -1); if (GetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, nullptr, plnum).value() == 0) { if (p->firstaid_amount > 0 && p->GetActor()->spr.extra < gs.max_player_health) { if (!isRR()) { int j = gs.max_player_health - p->GetActor()->spr.extra; if (p->firstaid_amount > j) { p->firstaid_amount -= j; p->GetActor()->spr.extra = gs.max_player_health; p->inven_icon = 1; } else { p->GetActor()->spr.extra += p->firstaid_amount; p->firstaid_amount = 0; checkavailinven(p); } S_PlayActorSound(DUKE_USEMEDKIT, pact); } else { int j = 10; if (p->firstaid_amount > j) { p->firstaid_amount -= j; p->GetActor()->spr.extra += j; if (p->GetActor()->spr.extra > gs.max_player_health) p->GetActor()->spr.extra = gs.max_player_health; p->inven_icon = 1; } else { p->GetActor()->spr.extra += p->firstaid_amount; p->firstaid_amount = 0; checkavailinven(p); } if (p->GetActor()->spr.extra > gs.max_player_health) p->GetActor()->spr.extra = gs.max_player_health; p->drink_amt += 10; if (p->drink_amt <= 100 && !S_CheckActorSoundPlaying(pact, DUKE_USEMEDKIT)) S_PlayActorSound(DUKE_USEMEDKIT, pact); } } } } if (PlayerUseItem(plnum, ICON_JETPACK) && (isRR() || p->newOwner == nullptr)) { SetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, 0, nullptr, plnum); OnEvent(EVENT_USEJETPACK, plnum, nullptr, -1); if (GetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, nullptr, plnum).value() == 0) { if (!isRR()) { if (p->jetpack_amount > 0) { p->jetpack_on = !p->jetpack_on; if (p->jetpack_on) { p->inven_icon = 4; S_StopSound(DUKE_SCREAM, pact); // this will stop the falling scream S_PlayActorSound(DUKE_JETPACK_ON, pact); FTA(QUOTE_JETPACK_ON, p); } else { p->hard_landing = 0; p->vel.Z = 0; S_PlayActorSound(DUKE_JETPACK_OFF, pact); S_StopSound(DUKE_JETPACK_IDLE, pact); S_StopSound(DUKE_JETPACK_ON, pact); FTA(QUOTE_JETPACK_OFF, p); } } else FTA(QUOTE_JETPACK_NOT_FOUND, p); } else { // eat cow pie if (p->jetpack_amount > 0 && p->GetActor()->spr.extra < gs.max_player_health) { if (!S_CheckActorSoundPlaying(pact, 429)) S_PlayActorSound(429, pact); p->jetpack_amount -= 100; if (p->drink_amt > 0) { p->drink_amt -= 5; if (p->drink_amt < 0) p->drink_amt = 0; } if (p->eat < 100) { p->eat += 5; if (p->eat > 100) p->eat = 100; } p->GetActor()->spr.extra += 5; p->inven_icon = 4; if (p->GetActor()->spr.extra > gs.max_player_health) p->GetActor()->spr.extra = gs.max_player_health; if (p->jetpack_amount <= 0) checkavailinven(p); } } } } if (PlayerInput(plnum, SB_TURNAROUND) && p->Angles.YawSpin == nullAngle && p->on_crane == nullptr) { SetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, 0, nullptr, plnum); OnEvent(EVENT_TURNAROUND, plnum, nullptr, -1); if (GetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, nullptr, plnum).value() != 0) { p->sync.actions &= ~SB_TURNAROUND; } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- unsigned GameInterface::getCrouchState() { const auto p = &ps[myconnectindex]; const int sectorLotag = p->insector() ? p->cursector->lotag : 0; const int crouchable = sectorLotag != ST_2_UNDERWATER && (sectorLotag != ST_1_ABOVE_WATER || p->spritebridge) && !p->jetpack_on; const int disableToggle = (!crouchable && p->on_ground) || p->jetpack_on || (isRRRA() && (p->OnMotorcycle || p->OnBoat)); return (CS_CANCROUCH * crouchable) | (CS_DISABLETOGGLE * disableToggle); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // External entry point // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void GameInterface::doPlayerMovement(const float scaleAdjust) { auto const p = &ps[myconnectindex]; if (isRRRA() && (p->OnMotorcycle || p->OnBoat)) { static constexpr float VEHICLETURN = (20.f * 360.f / 2048.f); float baseVel, velScale; if (p->OnMotorcycle) { velScale = (3.f / 10.f); baseVel = VEHICLETURN * Sgn(p->MotoSpeed); } else { velScale = !p->NotOnWater? 1.f : (6.f / 19.f); baseVel = VEHICLETURN * velScale; } const auto canMove = p->OnBoat || !p->moto_underwater; const auto canTurn = p->OnMotorcycle || p->MotoSpeed || p->moto_drink; const auto attenuate = p->OnMotorcycle && p->MotoSpeed <= 0; gameInput.processVehicle(&p->Angles, scaleAdjust, baseVel, velScale, canMove, canTurn, attenuate); } else { gameInput.processMovement(&p->Angles, scaleAdjust, p->drink_amt); } } END_DUKE_NS