//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 2020 - Christoph Oelckers This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "ns.h" #include "global.h" BEGIN_DUKE_NS //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Dispatcher for functions where different variants exist for the two families of games. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool isadoorwall_d(int dapic); bool isadoorwall_r(int dapic); void animatewalls_d(void); void animatewalls_r(void); void operaterespawns_d(int low); void operaterespawns_r(int low); void operateforcefields_r(int s, int low); void operateforcefields_d(int s, int low); bool checkhitswitch_d(int snum, int w, int switchtype); bool checkhitswitch_r(int snum, int w, int switchtype); void activatebysector_d(int sect, int j); void activatebysector_r(int sect, int j); void checkhitwall_d(int spr, int dawallnum, int x, int y, int z, int atwith); void checkhitwall_r(int spr, int dawallnum, int x, int y, int z, int atwith); void checkplayerhurt_d(struct player_struct* p, int j); void checkplayerhurt_r(struct player_struct* p, int j); bool checkhitceiling_d(int sn); bool checkhitceiling_r(int sn); void checkhitsprite_d(int i, int sn); void checkhitsprite_r(int i, int sn); void checksectors_d(int snum); void checksectors_r(int snum); bool ceilingspace_d(int sectnum); bool ceilingspace_r(int sectnum); bool floorspace_d(int sectnum); bool floorspace_r(int sectnum); void addweapon_d(struct player_struct *p, int weapon); void addweapon_r(struct player_struct *p, int weapon); void hitradius_d(short i, int r, int hp1, int hp2, int hp3, int hp4); void hitradius_r(short i, int r, int hp1, int hp2, int hp3, int hp4); int movesprite_d(short spritenum, int xchange, int ychange, int zchange, unsigned int cliptype); int movesprite_r(short spritenum, int xchange, int ychange, int zchange, unsigned int cliptype); void lotsofmoney_d(spritetype *s, short n); void lotsofmail_d(spritetype *s, short n); void lotsofpaper_d(spritetype *s, short n); void lotsoffeathers_r(spritetype *s, short n); void guts_d(spritetype* s, short gtype, short n, short p); void guts_r(spritetype* s, short gtype, short n, short p); void gutsdir_d(spritetype* s, short gtype, short n, short p); void gutsdir_r(spritetype* s, short gtype, short n, short p); int ifhitsectors_d(int sectnum); int ifhitsectors_r(int sectnum); int ifhitbyweapon_r(int sn); int ifhitbyweapon_d(int sn); void fall_d(int g_i, int g_p); void fall_r(int g_i, int g_p); bool spawnweapondebris_d(int picnum, int dnum); bool spawnweapondebris_r(int picnum, int dnum); void respawnhitag_d(spritetype* g_sp); void respawnhitag_r(spritetype* g_sp); void checktimetosleep_d(int g_i); void checktimetosleep_r(int g_i); void move_d(int g_i, int g_p, int g_x); void move_r(int g_i, int g_p, int g_x); Dispatcher fi; void SetDispatcher() { if (!isRR()) { fi = { isadoorwall_d, animatewalls_d, operaterespawns_d, operateforcefields_d, checkhitswitch_d, activatebysector_d, checkhitwall_d, checkplayerhurt_d, checkhitceiling_d, checkhitsprite_d, checksectors_d, ceilingspace_d, floorspace_d, addweapon_d, hitradius_d, movesprite_d, lotsofmoney_d, lotsofmail_d, lotsofpaper_d, guts_d, gutsdir_d, ifhitsectors_d, ifhitbyweapon_d, fall_d, spawnweapondebris_d, respawnhitag_d, checktimetosleep_d, move_d }; } else { fi = { isadoorwall_r, animatewalls_r, operaterespawns_r, operateforcefields_r, checkhitswitch_r, activatebysector_r, checkhitwall_r, checkplayerhurt_r, checkhitceiling_r, checkhitsprite_r, checksectors_r, ceilingspace_r, floorspace_r, addweapon_r, hitradius_r, movesprite_r, lotsoffeathers_r, lotsoffeathers_r, lotsoffeathers_r, guts_r, gutsdir_r, ifhitsectors_r, ifhitbyweapon_r, fall_r, spawnweapondebris_r, respawnhitag_r, checktimetosleep_r, move_r, }; } } END_DUKE_NS