#include "errorwindow.h" #include "version.h" #include "v_font.h" #include "printf.h" #include #include #include bool ErrorWindow::ExecModal(const std::string& text, const std::string& log) { Size screenSize = GetScreenSize(); double windowWidth = 1200.0; double windowHeight = 700.0; auto window = std::make_unique(); window->SetText(text, log); window->SetFrameGeometry((screenSize.width - windowWidth) * 0.5, (screenSize.height - windowHeight) * 0.5, windowWidth, windowHeight); window->Show(); DisplayWindow::RunLoop(); return window->Restart; } ErrorWindow::ErrorWindow() : Widget(nullptr, WidgetType::Window) { FStringf caption("Fatal Error - " GAMENAME " %s (%s)", GetVersionString(), GetGitTime()); SetWindowTitle(caption.GetChars()); SetWindowBackground(Colorf::fromRgba8(51, 51, 51)); SetWindowBorderColor(Colorf::fromRgba8(51, 51, 51)); SetWindowCaptionColor(Colorf::fromRgba8(33, 33, 33)); SetWindowCaptionTextColor(Colorf::fromRgba8(226, 223, 219)); LogView = new LogViewer(this); ClipboardButton = new PushButton(this); RestartButton = new PushButton(this); ClipboardButton->OnClick = [=]() { OnClipboardButtonClicked(); }; RestartButton->OnClick = [=]() { OnRestartButtonClicked(); }; ClipboardButton->SetText("Copy to clipboard"); RestartButton->SetText("Restart"); LogView->SetFocus(); } void ErrorWindow::SetText(const std::string& text, const std::string& log) { LogView->SetText(text, log); clipboardtext.clear(); clipboardtext.reserve(log.size() + text.size() + 100); // Strip the color escapes from the log const uint8_t* cptr = (const uint8_t*)log.data(); while (int chr = GetCharFromString(cptr)) { if (chr != TEXTCOLOR_ESCAPE) { // The bar characters, most commonly used to indicate map changes if (chr >= 0x1D && chr <= 0x1F) { chr = 0x2550; // Box Drawings Double Horizontal } clipboardtext += MakeUTF8(chr); } } clipboardtext += "\nExecution could not continue.\n"; clipboardtext += text; clipboardtext += "\n"; } void ErrorWindow::OnClipboardButtonClicked() { SetClipboardText(clipboardtext); } void ErrorWindow::OnRestartButtonClicked() { Restart = true; DisplayWindow::ExitLoop(); } void ErrorWindow::OnClose() { Restart = false; DisplayWindow::ExitLoop(); } void ErrorWindow::OnGeometryChanged() { double w = GetWidth(); double h = GetHeight(); double y = GetHeight() - 15.0 - ClipboardButton->GetPreferredHeight(); ClipboardButton->SetFrameGeometry(20.0, y, 170.0, ClipboardButton->GetPreferredHeight()); RestartButton->SetFrameGeometry(GetWidth() - 20.0 - 100.0, y, 100.0, RestartButton->GetPreferredHeight()); y -= 20.0; LogView->SetFrameGeometry(Rect::xywh(0.0, 0.0, w, y)); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LogViewer::LogViewer(Widget* parent) : Widget(parent) { SetNoncontentSizes(8.0, 8.0, 3.0, 8.0); scrollbar = new Scrollbar(this); scrollbar->FuncScroll = [=]() { OnScrollbarScroll(); }; } void LogViewer::SetText(const std::string& text, const std::string& log) { lines.clear(); std::string::size_type start = 0; std::string::size_type end = log.find('\n'); while (end != std::string::npos) { lines.push_back(CreateLineLayout(log.substr(start, end - start))); start = end + 1; end = log.find('\n', start); } lines.push_back(CreateLineLayout(log.substr(start))); // Add an empty line as a bit of spacing lines.push_back(CreateLineLayout({})); SpanLayout layout; //layout.AddImage(Image::LoadResource("widgets/erroricon.svg"), -8.0); layout.AddText("Execution could not continue.", largefont, Colorf::fromRgba8(255, 170, 170)); lines.push_back(layout); layout.Clear(); layout.AddText(text, largefont, Colorf::fromRgba8(255, 255, 170)); lines.push_back(layout); scrollbar->SetRanges(0.0, (double)lines.size(), 1.0, 100.0); scrollbar->SetPosition((double)lines.size() - 1.0); Update(); } SpanLayout LogViewer::CreateLineLayout(const std::string& text) { SpanLayout layout; Colorf curcolor = Colorf::fromRgba8(255, 255, 255); std::string curtext; const uint8_t* cptr = (const uint8_t*)text.data(); while (int chr = GetCharFromString(cptr)) { if (chr != TEXTCOLOR_ESCAPE) { // The bar characters, most commonly used to indicate map changes if (chr >= 0x1D && chr <= 0x1F) { chr = 0x2550; // Box Drawings Double Horizontal } curtext += MakeUTF8(chr); } else { EColorRange range = V_ParseFontColor(cptr, CR_UNTRANSLATED, CR_YELLOW); if (range != CR_UNDEFINED) { if (!curtext.empty()) layout.AddText(curtext, font, curcolor); curtext.clear(); PalEntry color = V_LogColorFromColorRange(range); curcolor = Colorf::fromRgba8(color.r, color.g, color.b); } } } curtext.push_back(' '); layout.AddText(curtext, font, curcolor); return layout; } void LogViewer::OnPaintFrame(Canvas* canvas) { double w = GetFrameGeometry().width; double h = GetFrameGeometry().height; Colorf bordercolor = Colorf::fromRgba8(100, 100, 100); canvas->fillRect(Rect::xywh(0.0, 0.0, w, h), Colorf::fromRgba8(38, 38, 38)); //canvas->fillRect(Rect::xywh(0.0, 0.0, w, 1.0), bordercolor); //canvas->fillRect(Rect::xywh(0.0, h - 1.0, w, 1.0), bordercolor); //canvas->fillRect(Rect::xywh(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, h - 0.0), bordercolor); //canvas->fillRect(Rect::xywh(w - 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, h - 0.0), bordercolor); } void LogViewer::OnPaint(Canvas* canvas) { double width = GetWidth() - scrollbar->GetFrameGeometry().width; double y = GetHeight(); size_t start = std::min((size_t)std::round(scrollbar->GetPosition() + 1.0), lines.size()); for (size_t i = start; i > 0 && y > 0.0; i--) { SpanLayout& layout = lines[i - 1]; layout.Layout(canvas, width); layout.SetPosition(Point(0.0, y - layout.GetSize().height)); layout.DrawLayout(canvas); y -= layout.GetSize().height; } } bool LogViewer::OnMouseWheel(const Point& pos, EInputKey key) { if (key == IK_MouseWheelUp) { ScrollUp(4); } else if (key == IK_MouseWheelDown) { ScrollDown(4); } return true; } void LogViewer::OnKeyDown(EInputKey key) { if (key == IK_Home) { scrollbar->SetPosition(0.0f); Update(); } if (key == IK_End) { scrollbar->SetPosition(scrollbar->GetMax()); Update(); } else if (key == IK_PageUp) { ScrollUp(20); } else if (key == IK_PageDown) { ScrollDown(20); } else if (key == IK_Up) { ScrollUp(4); } else if (key == IK_Down) { ScrollDown(4); } } void LogViewer::OnScrollbarScroll() { Update(); } void LogViewer::OnGeometryChanged() { double w = GetWidth(); double h = GetHeight(); double sw = scrollbar->GetPreferredWidth(); scrollbar->SetFrameGeometry(Rect::xywh(w - sw, 0.0, sw, h)); } void LogViewer::ScrollUp(int lines) { scrollbar->SetPosition(std::max(scrollbar->GetPosition() - (double)lines, 0.0)); Update(); } void LogViewer::ScrollDown(int lines) { scrollbar->SetPosition(std::min(scrollbar->GetPosition() + (double)lines, scrollbar->GetMax())); Update(); }