//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 1996, 2003 - 3D Realms Entertainment Copyright (C) 2000, 2003 - Matt Saettler (EDuke Enhancements) Copyright (C) 2020 - Christoph Oelckers This file is part of Enhanced Duke Nukem 3D version 1.5 - Atomic Edition Duke Nukem 3D is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Original Source: 1996 - Todd Replogle Prepared for public release: 03/21/2003 - Charlie Wiederhold, 3D Realms EDuke enhancements integrated: 04/13/2003 - Matt Saettler Note: EDuke source was in transition. Changes are in-progress in the source as it is released. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "ns.h" // Must come before everything else! #include "g_input.h" #include "duke3d.h" #include "dukeactor.h" #include "raze_music.h" #include "mapinfo.h" #include "raze_sound.h" #include "gamestate.h" #include "i_music.h" #include "vm.h" #include "s_music.h" CVAR(Bool, wt_forcemidi, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG) // quick hack to disable the oggs, which are of lower quality than playing the MIDIs with a good synth and sound font. CVAR(Bool, wt_forcevoc, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG) // The same for sound effects. The re-recordings are rather poor and disliked CVAR(Bool, wt_commentary, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG) BEGIN_DUKE_NS int32_t g_cdTrack = -1; static FSoundID currentCommentarySound; void UnmuteSounds() { soundEngine->EnumerateChannels([](FSoundChan* chan) { if (chan->UserData == 1) soundEngine->SetVolume(chan, chan->Volume * 4.f); chan->UserData = 0; return 0; }); } void MuteSounds() { soundEngine->EnumerateChannels([](FSoundChan* chan) { if (chan->UserData == 0) soundEngine->SetVolume(chan, chan->Volume * 0.25f); chan->UserData = 1; return 0; }); } void setSpritesetImage(DDukeActor* self, unsigned int index); class DukeSoundEngine : public RazeSoundEngine { // client specific parts of the sound engine go in this class. void CalcPosVel(int type, const void* source, const float pt[3], int channum, int chanflags, FSoundID chanSound, FVector3* pos, FVector3* vel, FSoundChan* chan) override; public: DukeSoundEngine() { S_Rolloff.RolloffType = ROLLOFF_Doom; // Seems like Duke uses the same rolloff type as Doom. S_Rolloff.MinDistance = 144; // was originally 576 which looks like a bug and sounds like crap. S_Rolloff.MaxDistance = 1088; } void StopChannel(FSoundChan* chan) override { if (chan && chan->SysChannel != NULL && !(chan->ChanFlags & CHANF_EVICTED) && chan->SourceType == SOURCE_Actor) { chan->Source = NULL; chan->SourceType = SOURCE_Unattached; } auto sndid = chan->SoundID; SoundEngine::StopChannel(chan); } void SoundDone(FISoundChannel* ichan) override { FSoundChan* schan = static_cast(ichan); if (schan != NULL && schan->SoundID == currentCommentarySound) { UnloadSound(schan->SoundID.index()); currentCommentarySound = NO_SOUND; if (currentCommentarySprite) setSpritesetImage(currentCommentarySprite, 0); I_SetRelativeVolume(1.0f); UnmuteSounds(); } SoundEngine::SoundDone(schan); } }; void GameInterface::StartSoundEngine() { soundEngine = new DukeSoundEngine; } static FSoundID GetReplacementSound(FSoundID soundNum) { if (wt_forcevoc && isWorldTour() && soundEngine->isValidSoundId(soundNum)) { auto const* snd = soundEngine->GetUserData(soundNum); if (snd == nullptr) { auto S_sfx = soundEngine->GetSfx(soundNum); if (!S_sfx->bRandomHeader && S_sfx->link != sfxinfo_t::NO_LINK) { snd = soundEngine->GetUserData(S_sfx->link); if (snd == nullptr) return soundNum; } } int sndx = snd[kWorldTourMapping]; if (sndx > 0) soundNum = FSoundID::fromInt(sndx); } return soundNum; } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== int S_GetUserFlags(FSoundID soundid) { if (!soundEngine->isValidSoundId(soundid)) return 0; auto const* snd = soundEngine->GetSfx(soundid); if (!snd) return 0; return snd->UserVal; } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== int S_DefineSound(unsigned index, const char *filename, int minpitch, int maxpitch, int priority, int type, int distance, float volume) { FSoundID s_index = soundEngine->FindSoundByResIDNoHash(index); // cannot use the hash while editing. if (!s_index.isvalid()) { // If the slot isn't defined, give it a meaningful name containing the index. s_index = soundEngine->FindSoundTentative(FStringf("ConSound@%04d", index)); } auto sfx = soundEngine->GetWritableSfx(s_index); // Check if we are allowed to override this sound. // If it is still tentative, it's ok. Otherwise check if SF_CONDEFINED is set, This means it was defined by CON and may be overwritten. // If the sound was defined by other means we leave it alone, but set the flags to defaults, if they are not present. bool settable = sfx->bTentative; if (!settable) { if (sfx->UserData.Size() >= kMaxUserData) { auto& sndinf = sfx->UserData; settable = sfx->bExternal; } } if (!settable) { if (sfx->UserData.Size() < kMaxUserData) { // sound is defined but has no userdata. // This means it was defined through SNDINFO without setting extended properties and should not be overwritten. // Set everything to 0 to have default handling. sfx->UserData.Resize(kMaxUserData); auto& sndinf = sfx->UserData; sndinf[kVolAdjust] = 0; sndinf[kWorldTourMapping] = 0; sfx->UserVal = 0; } } sfx->ResourceId = index; sfx->UserData.Resize(kMaxUserData); sfx->bExternal = true; sfx->UserVal = (type & SF_CON_MASK); // Take care of backslashes in sound names. Also double backslashes which occur in World Tour. FString fn = filename; fn.Substitute("\\\\", "\\"); FixPathSeperator(fn); sfx->lumpnum = S_LookupSound(fn); // For World Tour allow falling back on the classic sounds if the Oggs cannot be found if (isWorldTour() && sfx->lumpnum == -1) { fn.ToLower(); fn.Substitute("sound/", ""); fn.Substitute(".ogg", ".voc"); sfx->lumpnum = S_LookupSound(fn); } if (minpitch != 0 || maxpitch != 0) { sfx->DefPitch = (float)pow(2, clamp(minpitch, INT16_MIN, INT16_MAX) / 1200.); sfx->DefPitchMax = (float)pow(2, clamp(maxpitch, INT16_MIN, INT16_MAX) / 1200.); } sfx->UserData[kVolAdjust] = clamp(distance, INT16_MIN, INT16_MAX); sfx->UserData[kWorldTourMapping] = 0; sfx->Volume = volume; sfx->bTentative = false; return 0; } inline bool S_IsAmbientSFX(DDukeActor* actor) { return (issoundcontroller(actor) && actor->spr.lotag < 999); } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== static int GetPositionInfo(DDukeActor* actor, FSoundID soundid, sectortype* sect, const DVector3 &cam, const DVector3 &pos, int *distPtr, FVector3 *sndPos) { // There's a lot of hackery going on here that could be mapped to rolloff and attenuation parameters. // However, ultimately rolloff would also just reposition the sound source so this can remain as it is. int orgsndist = 0, sndist = 0; auto const* sfx = soundEngine->GetSfx(soundid); int userflags = sfx->UserVal; int dist_adjust = sfx->UserData.Size() ? sfx->UserData[kVolAdjust] : 0; FVector3 sndorg = GetSoundPos(pos); FVector3 campos = GetSoundPos(cam); if (!actor->isPlayer() || actor->PlayerIndex() != screenpeek) { orgsndist = sndist = int(16 * (sndorg - campos).Length()); if ((userflags & (SF_GLOBAL | SF_DTAG)) != SF_GLOBAL && issoundcontroller(actor) && actor->spr.lotag < 999 && (actor->sector()->lotag & 0xff) < ST_9_SLIDING_ST_DOOR) sndist = DivScale(sndist, actor->spr.hitag + 1, 14); } sndist += dist_adjust; if (sndist < 0) sndist = 0; if (sect!= nullptr && sndist && !issoundcontroller(actor) && !cansee(cam.plusZ(-24), sect, actor->spr.pos.plusZ(-24), actor->sector())) sndist += sndist >> (isRR() ? 2 : 5); // Here the sound distance was clamped to a minimum of 144*4. // It's better to handle rolloff in the backend instead of whacking the sound origin here. // That way the lower end can be made customizable instead of losing all precision right here at the source. if (sndist < 0) sndist = 0; if (distPtr) { *distPtr = sndist; } if (sndPos) { // Now calculate the virtual position in sound system coordinates. FVector3 sndvec = sndorg - campos; if (orgsndist > 0) { float scale = float(sndist) / orgsndist; // adjust by what was calculated above; *sndPos = campos + sndvec * scale; } else *sndPos = campos; } return false; } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void S_GetCamera(DVector3* c, DAngle* ca, sectortype** cs) { if (ud.cameraactor == nullptr) { auto p = &ps[screenpeek]; auto pact = p->GetActor(); if (c) { if (pact) *c = pact->getPosWithOffsetZ(); else c->Zero(); } if (cs) *cs = p->cursector; if (ca) { if (pact) *ca = pact->spr.Angles.Yaw; else *ca = nullAngle; } } else { if (c) *c = ud.cameraactor->spr.pos; if (cs) *cs = ud.cameraactor->sector(); if (ca) *ca = ud.cameraactor->spr.Angles.Yaw; } } //========================================================================= // // CalcPosVel // // The game specific part of the sound updater. // //========================================================================= void DukeSoundEngine::CalcPosVel(int type, const void* source, const float pt[3], int channum, int chanflags, FSoundID chanSound, FVector3* pos, FVector3* vel, FSoundChan* chan) { if (pos != nullptr) { DVector3 campos; sectortype* camsect; S_GetCamera(&campos, nullptr, &camsect); if (vel) vel->Zero(); if (type == SOURCE_Unattached) { pos->X = pt[0]; pos->Y = pt[1]; pos->Z = pt[2]; } else if (type == SOURCE_Actor) { auto aactor = (DDukeActor*)source; if (aactor != nullptr) { GetPositionInfo(aactor, chanSound, camsect, campos, aactor->spr.pos, nullptr, pos); /* if (vel) // DN3D does not properly maintain this. { vel->X = float(actor->Vel.X * TICRATE); vel->Y = float(actor->Vel.Z * TICRATE); vel->Z = float(actor->Vel.Y * TICRATE); } */ } } if ((chanflags & CHANF_LISTENERZ) && type != SOURCE_None) { pos->Y = (float)campos.Z / 256.f; } } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void GameInterface::UpdateSounds(void) { SoundListener listener; DVector3 c; DAngle ca; sectortype* cs; if (isRR() && !Mus_IsPlaying() && !paused && gamestate == GS_LEVEL) S_PlayRRMusic(); S_GetCamera(&c, &ca, &cs); listener.angle = -float(ca.Radians()); listener.velocity.Zero(); listener.position = GetSoundPos(c); listener.underwater = false; // This should probably use a real environment instead of the pitch hacking in S_PlaySound3D. // listenactor->waterlevel == 3; //assert(primaryLevel->Zones.Size() > listenactor->Sector->ZoneNumber); listener.Environment = 0;// primaryLevel->Zones[listenactor->Sector->ZoneNumber].Environment; listener.valid = true; listener.ListenerObject = ud.cameraactor == nullptr ? nullptr : ud.cameraactor.Get(); soundEngine->SetListener(listener); } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== int S_PlaySound3D(FSoundID soundid, DDukeActor* actor, const DVector3& pos, int channel, EChanFlags flags) { auto const pl = &ps[myconnectindex]; if (!soundEngine->isValidSoundId(soundid) || !SoundEnabled() || actor == nullptr || !playrunning() || (pl->timebeforeexit > 0 && pl->timebeforeexit <= REALGAMETICSPERSEC * 3)) return -1; if (flags & CHANF_LOCAL && actor != ps[screenpeek].GetActor() && !ud.coop) return -1; // makes no sense... soundid = GetReplacementSound(soundid); int userflags = S_GetUserFlags(soundid); if ((userflags & (SF_DTAG | SF_GLOBAL)) == SF_DTAG) { // Duke-Tag sound does not play in 3D. return S_PlaySound(soundid); } if (userflags & SF_TALK) { if (snd_speech == 0 || (ud.multimode > 1 && actor->isPlayer() && actor->PlayerIndex() != screenpeek && ud.coop != 1)) return -1; bool foundone = soundEngine->EnumerateChannels([&](FSoundChan* chan) { auto sid = chan->OrgID; auto flags = S_GetUserFlags(sid); return !!(flags & SF_TALK); }); // don't play if any Duke talk sounds are already playing if (foundone) return -1; // When in single player, force all talk sounds to originate from the player actor, no matter what is being used to start them. // Fixes a problem with quake06.voc in E3L4. if (ud.multimode == 1) { actor = pl->GetActor(); } } int32_t sndist; FVector3 sndpos; // this is in sound engine space. DVector3 campos; sectortype* camsect; S_GetCamera(&campos, nullptr, &camsect); GetPositionInfo(actor, soundid, camsect, campos, pos, &sndist, &sndpos); auto sfx = soundEngine->GetSfx(soundid); bool explosion = ((userflags & (SF_GLOBAL | SF_DTAG)) == (SF_GLOBAL | SF_DTAG)) || ((sfx->ResourceId == PIPEBOMB_EXPLODE || sfx->ResourceId == LASERTRIP_EXPLODE || sfx->ResourceId == RPG_EXPLODE)); bool underwater = ps[screenpeek].insector() && ps[screenpeek].cursector->lotag == ST_2_UNDERWATER; float pitch = 0; if (!explosion) { if (sndist > 32767 && !issoundcontroller(actor) && (userflags & (SF_LOOP | SF_MSFX)) == 0) return -1; if (underwater && (userflags & SF_TALK) == 0) pitch = 0.64f; } bool is_playing = soundEngine->GetSoundPlayingInfo(SOURCE_Any, nullptr, soundid); if (is_playing && !issoundcontroller(actor)) S_StopSound(soundid, actor); int const repeatp = (userflags & SF_LOOP); if (repeatp && is_playing) { return -1; } // These explosion sounds originally used some distance hackery to make them louder but due to how the rolloff was set up they always played at full volume as a result. // I think it is better to lower their attenuation so that they are louder than the rest but still fade in the distance. // For the original effect, attenuation needs to be set to ATTN_NONE here. float attenuation; if (explosion) attenuation = 0.5f; else attenuation = (userflags & (SF_GLOBAL | SF_DTAG)) == SF_GLOBAL ? ATTN_NONE : ATTN_NORM; if (userflags & SF_LOOP) flags |= CHANF_LOOP; float vol = attenuation == ATTN_NONE ? 0.8f : 1.f; if (currentCommentarySound != NO_SOUND) vol *= 0.25f; auto chan = soundEngine->StartSound(SOURCE_Actor, actor, &sndpos, CHAN_AUTO, flags, soundid, vol, attenuation, nullptr, pitch); if (chan) { if (explosion && underwater) { pitch = float(chan->Pitch? chan->Pitch * 0.55 : 0.55); // todo: fix pitch storage in backend. soundEngine->SetPitch(chan, pitch); } chan->UserData = (currentCommentarySound != NO_SOUND); } return chan ? 0 : -1; } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== int S_PlaySound(FSoundID soundid, int channel, EChanFlags flags, float vol) { if (!soundEngine->isValidSoundId(soundid) || !SoundEnabled()) return -1; soundid = GetReplacementSound(soundid); int userflags = S_GetUserFlags(soundid); if ((!(snd_speech & 1) && (userflags & SF_TALK))) return -1; if (userflags & SF_LOOP) flags |= CHANF_LOOP; if (currentCommentarySound != NO_SOUND) vol *= 0.25f; auto chan = soundEngine->StartSound(SOURCE_None, nullptr, nullptr, channel, flags, soundid, vol, ATTN_NONE, nullptr); if (chan) chan->UserData = (currentCommentarySound != NO_SOUND); return chan ? 0 : -1; } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== int S_PlayActorSound(FSoundID soundNum, DDukeActor* actor, int channel, EChanFlags flags) { return (actor == nullptr ? S_PlaySound(soundNum, channel, flags) : S_PlaySound3D(soundNum, actor, actor->spr.pos, channel, flags)); } void S_StopSound(FSoundID soundid, DDukeActor* actor, int channel) { soundid = GetReplacementSound(soundid); if (!actor) soundEngine->StopSoundID(soundid); else { if (channel == -1) soundEngine->StopSound(SOURCE_Actor, actor, -1, soundid); else soundEngine->StopSound(SOURCE_Actor, actor, channel); // StopSound kills the actor reference so this cannot be delayed until ChannelEnded gets called. At that point the actor may also not be valid anymore. if (S_IsAmbientSFX(actor) && actor->sector()->lotag < 3) // ST_2_UNDERWATER actor->counter = 0; } } void S_ChangeSoundPitch(FSoundID soundid, DDukeActor* actor, int pitchoffset) { double expitch = pow(2, pitchoffset / 1200.); // I hope I got this right that ASS uses a linear scale where 1200 is a full octave. if (!actor) { soundEngine->ChangeSoundPitch(SOURCE_Unattached, nullptr, CHAN_AUTO, expitch, soundid); } else { soundEngine->ChangeSoundPitch(SOURCE_Actor, actor, CHAN_AUTO, expitch, soundid); } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== int S_CheckActorSoundPlaying(DDukeActor* actor, FSoundID soundid, int channel) { soundid = GetReplacementSound(soundid); if (actor == nullptr) return soundEngine->GetSoundPlayingInfo(SOURCE_Any, nullptr, soundid); return soundEngine->IsSourcePlayingSomething(SOURCE_Actor, actor, channel, soundid); } // Check if actor is playing any sound. int S_CheckAnyActorSoundPlaying(DDukeActor* actor) { if (!actor) return false; return soundEngine->IsSourcePlayingSomething(SOURCE_Actor, actor, CHAN_AUTO); } int S_CheckSoundPlaying(FSoundID soundid) { return soundEngine->GetSoundPlayingInfo(SOURCE_Any, nullptr, soundid); } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void S_MenuSound(void) { static int menunum; static const uint16_t menusnds[] = { LASERTRIP_EXPLODE, DUKE_GRUNT, DUKE_LAND_HURT, CHAINGUN_FIRE, SQUISHED, KICK_HIT, PISTOL_RICOCHET, PISTOL_BODYHIT, PISTOL_FIRE, SHOTGUN_FIRE, BOS1_WALK, RPG_EXPLODE, PIPEBOMB_BOUNCE, PIPEBOMB_EXPLODE, NITEVISION_ONOFF, RPG_SHOOT, SELECT_WEAPON }; int s = isRR() ? 390 : menusnds[menunum++ % countof(menusnds)]; if (s != -1) S_PlaySound(s, CHAN_AUTO, CHANF_UI); } //========================================================================== // // Music // //========================================================================== static bool cd_disabled = false; // This is in case mus_redbook is enabled but no tracks found so that the regular music system can be switched on. static void MusPlay(const char* music, bool loop) { if (isWorldTour()) { if (wt_forcemidi) { FString alternative = music; alternative.Substitute(".ogg", ".mid"); int num = fileSystem.FindFile(alternative); if (num >= 0) { int file = fileSystem.GetFileContainer(num); if (file == 1) { Mus_Play(alternative, loop); return; } } } } int result = Mus_Play(music, loop); // do not remain silent if playing World Tour when the user has deleted the music. if (!result && isWorldTour()) { FString alternative = music; alternative.Substitute(".ogg", ".mid"); Mus_Play(alternative, loop); } } void S_PlayLevelMusic(MapRecord *mi) { if (isRR() && mi->music.IsEmpty() && mus_redbook && !cd_disabled) return; MusPlay(mi->music, true); } void S_PlaySpecialMusic(unsigned int m) { if (isRR() || m >= specialmusic.Size()) return; // Can only be MUS_LOADING, isRR() does not use it. auto& musicfn = specialmusic[m]; if (musicfn.IsNotEmpty()) { MusPlay(musicfn, true); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void S_PlayRRMusic(int newTrack) { if (!isRR() || !mus_redbook || cd_disabled || currentLevel->music.IsNotEmpty()) return; Mus_Stop(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { g_cdTrack = newTrack != -1 ? newTrack : g_cdTrack + 1; if (newTrack != 10 && (g_cdTrack > 9 || g_cdTrack < 2)) g_cdTrack = 2; FStringf filename("redneck%s%02d.ogg", isRRRA()? "rides" : "", g_cdTrack); if (Mus_Play(filename, false)) return; filename.Format("track%02d.ogg", g_cdTrack); if (Mus_Play(filename, false)) return; } // If none of the tracks managed to start, disable the CD music for this session so that regular music can play if defined. cd_disabled = true; } void S_PlayBonusMusic() { if (MusicEnabled() && mus_enabled) S_PlaySound(BONUSMUSIC, CHAN_AUTO, CHANF_UI); } void S_WorldTourMappingsForOldSounds() { // This tries to retrieve the original sounds for World Tour's often inferior replacements. // It's really ironic that despite their low quality they often sound a lot better than the new ones. if (!isWorldTour()) return; unsigned maxsnd = soundEngine->GetNumSounds(); for(unsigned i = 1; i < maxsnd; i++) { auto sfx = soundEngine->GetSfx(FSoundID::fromInt(i)); FString fname = fileSystem.GetFileFullName(sfx->lumpnum); if (!fname.Right(4).CompareNoCase(".ogg")) { // All names here follow the same convention. We must strip the "sound/" folder and replace the extension to get the original VOCs. fname.ToLower(); fname.Substitute("sound/", ""); fname.Substitute(".ogg", ".voc"); int lump = fileSystem.FindFile(fname); // in this case we absolutely do not want the extended lookup that's optionally performed by S_LookupSound. if (lump >= 0) { auto newsfx = soundEngine->AllocateSound(); *newsfx = *sfx; newsfx->ResourceId = -1; newsfx->name = fname; newsfx->lumpnum = lump; sfx->UserData[kWorldTourMapping] = soundEngine->GetNumSounds() - 1; } } } } static TArray Commentaries; void S_ParseDeveloperCommentary() { int lumpnum = fileSystem.FindFile("def/developer_commentary.def"); if (lumpnum < 0) return; FScanner sc; sc.OpenLumpNum(lumpnum); try { sc.SetCMode(true); sc.MustGetStringName("def"); sc.MustGetStringName("developercommentary"); sc.MustGetStringName("{"); while (!sc.CheckString("}")) { FString path; int num = -1; sc.MustGetStringName("def"); sc.MustGetStringName("sound"); sc.MustGetStringName("{"); while (!sc.CheckString("}")) { sc.MustGetString(); if (sc.Compare("path")) { sc.MustGetStringName(":"); sc.MustGetString(); path = sc.String; sc.MustGetStringName(";"); } else if (sc.Compare("num")) { sc.MustGetStringName(":"); sc.MustGetNumber(); num = sc.Number; sc.MustGetStringName(";"); } } sc.MustGetStringName(";"); if (Commentaries.Size() <= (unsigned)num) Commentaries.Resize(num + 1); Commentaries[num] = std::move(path); } //sc.MustGetStringName(";"); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { Printf("Failed to read developer commentary definitions:\n%s", ex.what()); return; } } void StopCommentary() { if (currentCommentarySound.isvalid()) { soundEngine->StopSound(SOURCE_None, nullptr, CHAN_VOICE, currentCommentarySound); } } int StartCommentary(int tag, DDukeActor* actor) { if (wt_commentary && Commentaries.Size() > (unsigned)tag && Commentaries[tag].IsNotEmpty()) { FSoundID id = soundEngine->FindSound(Commentaries[tag]); if (!id.isvalid()) { int lump = fileSystem.FindFile(Commentaries[tag]); if (lump < 0) { Commentaries[tag] = ""; return false; } id = FSoundID(soundEngine->AddSoundLump(Commentaries[tag], lump, 0)); } StopCommentary(); MuteSounds(); soundEngine->StartSound(SOURCE_None, nullptr, nullptr, CHAN_VOICE, CHANF_UI | CHANF_TRANSIENT | CHANF_OVERLAP, id, 1.f, 0.f); currentCommentarySound = id; currentCommentarySprite = actor; I_SetRelativeVolume(0.25f); return true; } return false; } END_DUKE_NS