Copyright (C) 2010 EDuke32 developers and contributors

This file is part of EDuke32.

EDuke32 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
as published by the Free Software Foundation.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

#ifndef actors_h_
#define actors_h_

#include "player.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#define MAXSLEEPDIST        16384
#define SLEEPTIME           1536
#define ZOFFSET             (1<<8)
#define ZOFFSET2            (16<<8)
#define ZOFFSET3            (8<<8)
#define ZOFFSET4            (12<<8)
#define ZOFFSET5            (32<<8)
#define ZOFFSET6            (4<<8)

#define ACTOR_ONWATER_ADDZ (24<<8)

// KEEPINSYNC lunatic/con_lang.lua
#define STAT_DEFAULT        0
#define STAT_ACTOR          1
#define STAT_EFFECTOR       3
#define STAT_PROJECTILE     4
#define STAT_MISC           5
#define STAT_STANDABLE      6
#define STAT_LOCATOR        7
#define STAT_ACTIVATOR      8
#define STAT_TRANSPORT      9
#define STAT_PLAYER         10
#define STAT_FX             11
#define STAT_FALLER         12
#define STAT_DUMMYPLAYER    13
#define STAT_LIGHT          14

// Defines the motion characteristics of an actor
enum amoveflags_t
    face_player       = 1,
    geth              = 2,
    getv              = 4,
    random_angle      = 8,
    face_player_slow  = 16,
    spin              = 32,
    face_player_smart = 64,
    fleeenemy         = 128,
    jumptoplayer_only = 256,
    jumptoplayer_bits = 257,  // NOTE: two bits set!
    seekplayer        = 512,
    furthestdir       = 1024,
    dodgebullet       = 4096

// Defines for 'useractor' keyword
enum uactortypes_t

// These macros are there to give names to the t_data[]/T*/vm.g_t[] indices
// when used with actors. Greppability of source code is certainly a virtue.
#define AC_COUNT(t) ((t)[0])  /* the actor's count */
/* The ID of the actor's current move. In C-CON, the bytecode offset to the
 * move composite: */
#define AC_MOVE_ID(t) ((t)[1])
#define AC_ACTION_COUNT(t) ((t)[2])  /* the actor's action count */
#define AC_CURFRAME(t) ((t)[3])  /* the actor's current frame offset */
/* The ID of the actor's current action. In C-CON, the bytecode offset to the
 * action composite: */
#define AC_ACTION_ID(t) ((t)[4])
#define AC_AI_ID(t) ((t)[5])  /* the ID of the actor's current ai */

enum actionparams

enum actionflags
    AF_VIEWPOINT = 1u<<0u,

#ifdef LUNATIC
struct action
    // These members MUST be in this exact order because FFI cdata of this type
    // can be initialized by passing a table with numeric indices (con.action).
    int16_t startframe, numframes;
    int16_t viewtype, incval, delay;
    uint16_t flags;

struct move
    // These members MUST be in this exact order.
    int16_t hvel, vvel;

#pragma pack(push,1)
typedef struct { int32_t id; struct move mv; } con_move_t;
typedef struct { int32_t id; struct action ac; } con_action_t;
#pragma pack(pop)

// Select an actor's actiontics and movflags locations depending on
// whether we compile the Lunatic build.
// <spr>: sprite pointer
// <a>: actor_t pointer
#ifdef LUNATIC
# define AC_ACTIONTICS(spr, a) ((a)->actiontics)
# define AC_MOVFLAGS(spr, a) ((a)->movflags)
# define AC_ACTIONTICS(spr, a) ((spr)->lotag)
# define AC_MOVFLAGS(spr, a) ((spr)->hitag)

// (+ 40 16 16 4 8 6 8 6 4 20)
typedef struct
    int32_t t_data[10];  // 40b sometimes used to hold offsets to con code

#ifdef LUNATIC
    // total: 18b
    struct move   mv;
    struct action ac;
    // Gets incremented by TICSPERFRAME on each A_Execute() call:
    uint16_t actiontics;

    int32_t flags;                             // 4b
    vec3_t  bpos;                              // 12b
    int32_t floorz, ceilingz, lastvx, lastvy;  // 16b
    int32_t lasttransport;                     // 4b
    int16_t picnum, ang, extra, owner;         // 8b
    int16_t movflag, tempang, timetosleep;     // 6b

    // NOTE: 'dispicnum' is updated locally, not in sync with the game!
    int16_t  actorstayput, dispicnum;
#if !defined LUNATIC
    // NOTE: shootzvel is not used any more.
    int16_t shootzvel_;
    // Movement flags, sprite[i].hitag in C-CON:
    uint16_t movflags;
    int16_t cgg;
    int16_t lightId, lightcount, lightmaxrange;  // 6b
#ifdef POLYMER
    _prlight *lightptr;  // 4b/8b
    void *   lightptr;

// pad struct to 128 bytes
#if !defined UINTPTR_MAX
# error Need UINTPTR_MAX define to select between 32- and 64-bit structs
#if UINTPTR_MAX == 0xffffffff
    /* 32-bit */
# if !defined LUNATIC
    int8_t filler[20];
# else
    int8_t filler[4];
# endif
    /* 64-bit */
# if !defined LUNATIC
    int8_t filler[16];
# else
    /* no padding */
} actor_t;

#pragma pack(push, 1)
// this struct needs to match the beginning of actor_t above
typedef struct
    int32_t t_data[10];  // 40b sometimes used to hold offsets to con code

#ifdef LUNATIC
    struct move   mv;
    struct action ac;
    uint16_t      actiontics;

    int32_t flags;                             // 4b
    vec3_t  bpos;                              // 12b
    int32_t floorz, ceilingz, lastvx, lastvy;  // 16b
    int32_t lasttransport;                     // 4b
    int16_t picnum, ang, extra, owner;         // 8b
    int16_t movflag, tempang, timetosleep;     // 6b

    int16_t  actorstayput, dispicnum;
#if !defined LUNATIC
    int16_t  shootzvel_;
    uint16_t movflags;
    int16_t    cgg;
    spritetype sprite;
    int16_t    netIndex;
} netactor_t;
#pragma pack(pop)

typedef struct
#if !defined  LUNATIC
    intptr_t *execPtr;  // pointer to CON script for this tile, formerly actorscrptr
    intptr_t *loadPtr;  // pointer to load time CON script, formerly actorLoadEventScrPtr or something
    uint32_t      flags;       // formerly SpriteFlags, ActorType
    int32_t       cacherange;  // formerly SpriteCache
    projectile_t *proj;
    projectile_t *defproj;
} tiledata_t;

// KEEPINSYNC lunatic/con_lang.lua
enum sflags_t
    SFLAG_SHADOW        = 0x00000001,
    SFLAG_NVG           = 0x00000002,
    SFLAG_NOSHADE       = 0x00000004,
    SFLAG_PROJECTILE    = 0x00000008,
    SFLAG_DECAL         = 0x00000010,
    SFLAG_BADGUY        = 0x00000020,
    SFLAG_NOPAL         = 0x00000040,
    SFLAG_NOEVENTCODE   = 0x00000080,
    SFLAG_NOLIGHT       = 0x00000100,
    SFLAG_USEACTIVATOR  = 0x00000200,
    SFLAG_NULL          = 0x00000400,  // null sprite in multiplayer
    SFLAG_NOCLIP        = 0x00000800,  // clipmove it with cliptype 0
    SFLAG_NOFLOORSHADOW = 0x00001000,  // for temp. internal use, per-tile flag not checked
    SFLAG_SMOOTHMOVE    = 0x00002000,
    SFLAG_NOTELEPORT    = 0x00004000,
    SFLAG_BADGUYSTAYPUT = 0x00008000,
    SFLAG_CACHE         = 0x00010000,
    // rotation-fixed wrt a pivot point to prevent position diverging due to
    // roundoff error accumulation:
    SFLAG_ROTFIXED         = 0x00020000,
    SFLAG_HARDCODED_BADGUY = 0x00040000,
    SFLAG_DIDNOSE7WATER    = 0x00080000,  // used temporarily
    SFLAG_NODAMAGEPUSH     = 0x00100000,
    SFLAG_NOWATERDIP       = 0x00200000,
    SFLAG_HURTSPAWNBLOOD   = 0x00400000,
    SFLAG_GREENSLIMEFOOD   = 0x00800000,
    SFLAG_REALCLIPDIST     = 0x01000000,
    SFLAG_WAKEUPBADGUYS    = 0x02000000

// Custom projectiles "workslike" flags.
// XXX: Currently not predefined from CON.
enum pflags_t
    PROJECTILE_HITSCAN           = 0x00000001,
    PROJECTILE_RPG               = 0x00000002,
    PROJECTILE_KNEE              = 0x00000010,
    PROJECTILE_WATERBUBBLES      = 0x00000020,
    PROJECTILE_TIMED             = 0x00000040,
    PROJECTILE_SPIT              = 0x00000100,
    PROJECTILE_COOLEXPLOSION1    = 0x00000200,
    PROJECTILE_BLOOD             = 0x00000400,
    PROJECTILE_LOSESVELOCITY     = 0x00000800,
    PROJECTILE_NOAIM             = 0x00001000,
    PROJECTILE_RANDDECALSIZE     = 0x00002000,
    PROJECTILE_RPG_IMPACT        = 0x00008000,
    PROJECTILE_RADIUS_PICNUM     = 0x00010000,
    PROJECTILE_FORCEIMPACT       = 0x00040000,
    PROJECTILE_REALCLIPDIST      = 0x00080000,
    PROJECTILE_ACCURATE          = 0x00100000,
    PROJECTILE_MOVED             = 0x80000000,  // internal flag, do not document

extern tiledata_t   g_tile[MAXTILES];
extern actor_t      actor[MAXSPRITES];
extern int32_t      block_deletesprite;
extern int32_t      g_noEnemies;
extern int32_t      otherp;
extern int32_t      ticrandomseed;
extern projectile_t SpriteProjectile[MAXSPRITES];

int  A_CheckNoSE7Water(uspritetype const *const pSprite, int sectNum, int sectLotag, int32_t *pOther);
int  A_CheckSwitchTile(int spriteNum);
int  A_IncurDamage(int spriteNum);
void A_AddToDeleteQueue(int spriteNum);
void A_DeleteSprite(int spriteNum);
void A_DoGuts(int spriteNum, int tileNum, int spawnCnt);
void A_DoGutsDir(int spriteNum, int tileNum, int spawnCnt);
void A_MoveCyclers(void);
void A_MoveDummyPlayers(void);
void A_MoveSector(int i);
void A_PlayAlertSound(int spriteNum);
void A_RadiusDamage(int spriteNum, int blastRadius, int dmg1, int dmg2, int dmg3, int dmg4);
void A_SpawnMultiple(int spriteNum, int tileNum, int spawnCnt);

int  G_SetInterpolation(int32_t *const posptr);
void G_AddGameLight(int lightRadius, int spriteNum, int zOffset, int lightRange, int lightColor, int lightPrio);
void G_ClearCameraView(DukePlayer_t *ps);
void G_DoInterpolations(int smoothRatio);
void G_MoveWorld(void);
void G_RefreshLights(void);
void G_StopInterpolation(int32_t *const posptr);

// PK 20110701: changed input argument: int32_t i (== sprite, whose sectnum...) --> sectnum directly
void                Sect_ToggleInterpolation(int sectnum, int doset);
FORCE_INLINE void   Sect_ClearInterpolation(int sectnum) { Sect_ToggleInterpolation(sectnum, 0); }
FORCE_INLINE void   Sect_SetInterpolation(int sectnum) { Sect_ToggleInterpolation(sectnum, 1); }

#ifdef LUNATIC
int32_t G_ToggleWallInterpolation(int32_t w, int32_t doset);

# define ACTOR_INLINE __fastcall
# define ACTOR_INLINE_HEADER extern __fastcall

extern int32_t A_MoveSpriteClipdist(int32_t spritenum, vec3_t const * const change, uint32_t cliptype, int32_t clipdist);
ACTOR_INLINE_HEADER int A_CheckEnemyTile(int32_t pn);
ACTOR_INLINE_HEADER int32_t A_SetSprite(int32_t i,uint32_t cliptype);
ACTOR_INLINE_HEADER int32_t A_MoveSprite(int32_t spritenum, vec3_t const * const change, uint32_t cliptype);

EXTERN_INLINE_HEADER int32_t G_CheckForSpaceCeiling(int32_t sectnum);
EXTERN_INLINE_HEADER int32_t G_CheckForSpaceFloor(int32_t sectnum);

EXTERN_INLINE_HEADER int A_CheckEnemySprite(void const * const s);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#if defined actors_c_ || !defined DISABLE_INLINING

# if !KRANDDEBUG || (KRANDDEBUG && defined actors_c_)

ACTOR_INLINE int A_CheckEnemyTile(int32_t pn)
    return ((g_tile[pn].flags & (SFLAG_HARDCODED_BADGUY | SFLAG_BADGUY)) != 0);

ACTOR_INLINE int32_t A_SetSprite(int32_t i,uint32_t cliptype)
    vec3_t davect = {(sprite[i].xvel*(sintable[(sprite[i].ang+512)&2047]))>>14,
    return (A_MoveSprite(i,&davect,cliptype)==0);

ACTOR_INLINE int32_t A_MoveSprite(int32_t spritenum, vec3_t const * const change, uint32_t cliptype)
    return A_MoveSpriteClipdist(spritenum, change, cliptype, -1);

# endif

# include "namesdyn.h"

EXTERN_INLINE int32_t G_CheckForSpaceCeiling(int32_t sectnum)
    return ((sector[sectnum].ceilingstat&1) && sector[sectnum].ceilingpal == 0 &&
            (sector[sectnum].ceilingpicnum==MOONSKY1 || sector[sectnum].ceilingpicnum==BIGORBIT1));

EXTERN_INLINE int32_t G_CheckForSpaceFloor(int32_t sectnum)
    return ((sector[sectnum].floorstat&1) && sector[sectnum].ceilingpal == 0 &&
            (sector[sectnum].floorpicnum==MOONSKY1 || sector[sectnum].floorpicnum==BIGORBIT1));

EXTERN_INLINE int A_CheckEnemySprite(void const * const pSprite)
    return A_CheckEnemyTile(((uspritetype const *) pSprite)->picnum);

