//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 2010 EDuke32 developers and contributors This file is part of EDuke32. EDuke32 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "duke3d.h" #include "common_game.h" #include "osd.h" #include "player.h" #include "demo.h" #include "enet/enet.h" int32_t lastvisinc; int32_t g_currentweapon; int32_t g_gun_pos; int32_t g_looking_arc; int32_t g_weapon_offset; int32_t g_gs; int32_t g_kb; int32_t g_looking_angSR1; int32_t g_weapon_xoffset; static int32_t g_snum; extern int32_t g_levelTextTime, ticrandomseed; int32_t g_numObituaries = 0; int32_t g_numSelfObituaries = 0; void P_PalFrom(DukePlayer_t *p, uint8_t f, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) { p->pals.f = f; p->pals.r = r; p->pals.g = g; p->pals.b = b; } void P_UpdateScreenPal(DukePlayer_t *p) { int32_t intowater = 0; if (p->heat_on) p->palette = SLIMEPAL; else if (p->cursectnum < 0) p->palette = BASEPAL; else if ((sector[p->cursectnum].ceilingpicnum >= FLOORSLIME)&&(sector[p->cursectnum].ceilingpicnum <=FLOORSLIME+2)) { p->palette = SLIMEPAL; intowater = 1; } else { if (sector[p->cursectnum].lotag == 2) p->palette = WATERPAL; else p->palette = BASEPAL; intowater = 1; } g_restorePalette = 1+intowater; } static void P_IncurDamage(DukePlayer_t *p) { int32_t damage; if (VM_OnEvent(EVENT_INCURDAMAGE, p->i, sprite[p->i].yvel, -1, 0) == 0) { sprite[p->i].extra -= p->extra_extra8>>8; damage = sprite[p->i].extra - p->last_extra; if (damage < 0) { p->extra_extra8 = 0; if (p->inv_amount[GET_SHIELD] > 0) { int32_t shield_damage = damage * (20 + (krand()%30)) / 100; damage -= shield_damage; p->inv_amount[GET_SHIELD] += shield_damage; if (p->inv_amount[GET_SHIELD] < 0) { damage += p->inv_amount[GET_SHIELD]; p->inv_amount[GET_SHIELD] = 0; } } sprite[p->i].extra = p->last_extra + damage; } } } void P_QuickKill(DukePlayer_t *p) { P_PalFrom(p, 48, 48,48,48); sprite[p->i].extra = 0; sprite[p->i].cstat |= 32768; if (ud.god == 0) A_DoGuts(p->i,JIBS6,8); return; } static void A_DoWaterTracers(int32_t x1,int32_t y1,int32_t z1,int32_t x2,int32_t y2,int32_t z2,int32_t n) { int32_t i, xv, yv, zv; int16_t sect = -1; i = n+1; xv = (x2-x1)/i; yv = (y2-y1)/i; zv = (z2-z1)/i; if ((klabs(x1-x2)+klabs(y1-y2)) < 3084) return; for (i=n; i>0; i--) { x1 += xv; y1 += yv; z1 += zv; updatesector(x1,y1,§); if (sect < 0) break; if (sector[sect].lotag == 2) A_InsertSprite(sect,x1,y1,z1,WATERBUBBLE,-32,4+(krand()&3),4+(krand()&3),krand()&2047,0,0,g_player[0].ps->i,5); else A_InsertSprite(sect,x1,y1,z1,SMALLSMOKE,-32,14,14,0,0,0,g_player[0].ps->i,5); } } static void A_HitscanProjTrail(const vec3_t *sv, const vec3_t *dv, int32_t ang, int32_t atwith) { int32_t n, j, i; int16_t sect = -1; vec3_t srcvect; vec3_t destvect; Bmemcpy(&destvect, dv, sizeof(vec3_t)); srcvect.x = sv->x + (sintable[(348+ang+512)&2047]/ProjectileData[atwith].offset); srcvect.y = sv->y + (sintable[(ang+348)&2047]/ProjectileData[atwith].offset); srcvect.z = sv->z + 1024+(ProjectileData[atwith].toffset<<8); n = ((FindDistance2D(srcvect.x-destvect.x,srcvect.y-destvect.y))>>8)+1; destvect.x = ((destvect.x-srcvect.x)/n); destvect.y = ((destvect.y-srcvect.y)/n); destvect.z = ((destvect.z-srcvect.z)/n); srcvect.x += destvect.x>>2; srcvect.y += destvect.y>>2; srcvect.z += (destvect.z>>2); for (i=ProjectileData[atwith].tnum; i>0; i--) { srcvect.x += destvect.x; srcvect.y += destvect.y; srcvect.z += destvect.z; updatesector(srcvect.x,srcvect.y,§); if (sect < 0) break; getzsofslope(sect,srcvect.x,srcvect.y,&n,&j); if (srcvect.z > j || srcvect.z < n) break; j = A_InsertSprite(sect,srcvect.x,srcvect.y,srcvect.z,ProjectileData[atwith].trail,-32, ProjectileData[atwith].txrepeat,ProjectileData[atwith].tyrepeat,ang,0,0,g_player[0].ps->i,0); changespritestat(j, STAT_ACTOR); } } int32_t A_GetHitscanRange(int32_t i) { int32_t zoff = (PN == APLAYER) ? PHEIGHT : 0; hitdata_t hit; SZ -= zoff; hitscan((const vec3_t *)&sprite[i],SECT, sintable[(SA+512)&2047], sintable[SA&2047], 0,&hit,CLIPMASK1); SZ += zoff; return (FindDistance2D(hit.pos.x-SX,hit.pos.y-SY)); } static int32_t A_FindTargetSprite(spritetype *s,int32_t aang,int32_t atwith) { int32_t gotshrinker,gotfreezer; int32_t i, j, a, k, cans; static int32_t aimstats[] = { 10, 13, 1, 2 }; int32_t dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, dx3, dy3, smax, sdist; int32_t xv, yv; if (s->picnum == APLAYER) { if (!g_player[s->yvel].ps->auto_aim) return -1; if (g_player[s->yvel].ps->auto_aim == 2) { if (A_CheckSpriteTileFlags(atwith,SPRITE_PROJECTILE) && (ProjectileData[atwith].workslike & PROJECTILE_RPG)) return -1; else switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(atwith)) { case TONGUE__STATIC: case FREEZEBLAST__STATIC: case SHRINKSPARK__STATIC: case SHRINKER__STATIC: case RPG__STATIC: case FIRELASER__STATIC: case SPIT__STATIC: case COOLEXPLOSION1__STATIC: return -1; default: break; } } } a = s->ang; j = -1; gotshrinker = (s->picnum == APLAYER && *aplWeaponWorksLike[g_player[s->yvel].ps->curr_weapon] == SHRINKER_WEAPON); gotfreezer = (s->picnum == APLAYER && *aplWeaponWorksLike[g_player[s->yvel].ps->curr_weapon] == FREEZE_WEAPON); smax = 0x7fffffff; dx1 = sintable[(a+512-aang)&2047]; dy1 = sintable[(a-aang)&2047]; dx2 = sintable[(a+512+aang)&2047]; dy2 = sintable[(a+aang)&2047]; dx3 = sintable[(a+512)&2047]; dy3 = sintable[a&2047]; for (k=0; k<4; k++) { if (j >= 0) break; for (i=headspritestat[aimstats[k]]; i >= 0; i=nextspritestat[i]) if (sprite[i].xrepeat > 0 && sprite[i].extra >= 0 && (sprite[i].cstat&(257+32768)) == 257) if (A_CheckEnemySprite(&sprite[i]) || k < 2) { if (A_CheckEnemySprite(&sprite[i]) || PN == APLAYER || PN == SHARK) { if (PN == APLAYER && // ud.ffire == 0 && (GTFLAGS(GAMETYPE_PLAYERSFRIENDLY) || (GTFLAGS(GAMETYPE_TDM) && g_player[sprite[i].yvel].ps->team == g_player[s->yvel].ps->team)) && s->picnum == APLAYER && s != &sprite[i]) continue; if (gotshrinker && sprite[i].xrepeat < 30) { if (PN == SHARK) { if (sprite[i].xrepeat < 20) continue; continue; } else if (!(PN >= GREENSLIME && PN <= GREENSLIME+7)) continue; } if (gotfreezer && sprite[i].pal == 1) continue; } xv = (SX-s->x); yv = (SY-s->y); if ((dy1*xv) <= (dx1*yv)) if ((dy2*xv) >= (dx2*yv)) { sdist = mulscale(dx3,xv,14) + mulscale(dy3,yv,14); if (sdist > 512 && sdist < smax) { if (s->picnum == APLAYER) a = (klabs(scale(SZ-s->z,10,sdist)-(g_player[s->yvel].ps->horiz+g_player[s->yvel].ps->horizoff-100)) < 100); else a = 1; if (PN == ORGANTIC || PN == ROTATEGUN) cans = cansee(SX,SY,SZ,SECT,s->x,s->y,s->z-(32<<8),s->sectnum); else cans = cansee(SX,SY,SZ-(32<<8),SECT,s->x,s->y,s->z-(32<<8),s->sectnum); if (a && cans) { smax = sdist; j = i; } } } } } return j; } int32_t A_Shoot(int32_t i,int32_t atwith) { int16_t l, sa, j, k=-1; int32_t vel, zvel = 0, x, oldzvel, dal; hitdata_t hit; vec3_t srcvect; char sizx,sizy; spritetype *s = &sprite[i]; int16_t sect = s->sectnum; const int32_t p = (s->picnum == APLAYER) ? s->yvel : -1; DukePlayer_t *const ps = p >= 0 ? g_player[p].ps : NULL; if (s->picnum == APLAYER) { Bmemcpy(&srcvect,ps,sizeof(vec3_t)); srcvect.z += ps->pyoff+(4<<8); sa = ps->ang; ps->crack_time = 777; } else { sa = s->ang; Bmemcpy(&srcvect,s,sizeof(vec3_t)); srcvect.z -= (((s->yrepeat*tilesizy[s->picnum])<<1)-(4<<8)); if (s->picnum != ROTATEGUN) { srcvect.z -= (7<<8); if (A_CheckEnemySprite(s) && PN != COMMANDER) { srcvect.x += (sintable[(sa+1024+96)&2047]>>7); srcvect.y += (sintable[(sa+512+96)&2047]>>7); } } #ifdef POLYMER if (atwith >= 0) switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(atwith)) { case FIRELASER__STATIC: case SHOTGUN__STATIC: case SHOTSPARK1__STATIC: case CHAINGUN__STATIC: case RPG__STATIC: case MORTER__STATIC: { int32_t x = ((sintable[(s->ang+512)&2047])>>7), y = ((sintable[(s->ang)&2047])>>7); s-> x += x; s-> y += y; G_AddGameLight(0, i, PHEIGHT, 8192, 255+(95<<8),PR_LIGHT_PRIO_MAX_GAME); actor[i].lightcount = 2; s-> x -= x; s-> y -= y; } break; } #endif // POLYMER } if (A_CheckSpriteTileFlags(atwith,SPRITE_PROJECTILE)) { /* Custom projectiles. This is a big hack. */ #ifdef POLYMER if (ProjectileData[atwith].flashcolor) { int32_t x = ((sintable[(s->ang+512)&2047])>>7), y = ((sintable[(s->ang)&2047])>>7); s-> x += x; s-> y += y; G_AddGameLight(0, i, PHEIGHT, 8192, ProjectileData[atwith].flashcolor,PR_LIGHT_PRIO_MAX_GAME); actor[i].lightcount = 2; s-> x -= x; s-> y -= y; } #endif // POLYMER if (ProjectileData[atwith].offset == 0) ProjectileData[atwith].offset = 1; if (ProjectileData[atwith].workslike & PROJECTILE_BLOOD || ProjectileData[atwith].workslike & PROJECTILE_KNEE) { if (ProjectileData[atwith].workslike & PROJECTILE_BLOOD) { sa += 64 - (krand()&127); if (p < 0) sa += 1024; zvel = 1024-(krand()&2047); } if (ProjectileData[atwith].workslike & PROJECTILE_KNEE) { if (p >= 0) { zvel = (100-ps->horiz-ps->horizoff)<<5; srcvect.z += (6<<8); sa += 15; } else if (!(ProjectileData[atwith].workslike & PROJECTILE_NOAIM)) { j = g_player[A_FindPlayer(s,&x)].ps->i; zvel = ((sprite[j].z-srcvect.z)<<8) / (x+1); sa = getangle(sprite[j].x-srcvect.x,sprite[j].y-srcvect.y); } } if (actor[i].shootzvel) zvel = actor[i].shootzvel; hitscan((const vec3_t *)&srcvect,sect, sintable[(sa+512)&2047], sintable[sa&2047],zvel<<6, &hit,CLIPMASK1); if (ProjectileData[atwith].workslike & PROJECTILE_BLOOD) { if (ProjectileData[atwith].range == 0) ProjectileData[atwith].range = 1024; if (FindDistance2D(srcvect.x-hit.pos.x,srcvect.y-hit.pos.y) < ProjectileData[atwith].range) if (FindDistance2D(wall[hit.wall].x-wall[wall[hit.wall].point2].x,wall[hit.wall].y-wall[wall[hit.wall].point2].y) > (mulscale(ProjectileData[atwith].xrepeat+8,tilesizx[ProjectileData[atwith].decal],3))) if (hit.wall >= 0 && wall[hit.wall].overpicnum != BIGFORCE) if ((wall[hit.wall].nextsector >= 0 && hit.sect >= 0 && sector[wall[hit.wall].nextsector].lotag == 0 && sector[hit.sect].lotag == 0 && sector[wall[hit.wall].nextsector].lotag == 0 && (sector[hit.sect].floorz-sector[wall[hit.wall].nextsector].floorz) > (mulscale(ProjectileData[atwith].yrepeat,tilesizy[ProjectileData[atwith].decal],3)<<8)) || (wall[hit.wall].nextsector == -1 && sector[hit.sect].lotag == 0)) if ((wall[hit.wall].cstat&16) == 0) { if (wall[hit.wall].nextsector >= 0) { k = headspritesect[wall[hit.wall].nextsector]; while (k >= 0) { if (sprite[k].statnum == 3 && sprite[k].lotag == 13) return -1; k = nextspritesect[k]; } } if (wall[hit.wall].nextwall >= 0 && wall[wall[hit.wall].nextwall].hitag != 0) return -1; if (wall[hit.wall].hitag == 0) { if (ProjectileData[atwith].decal >= 0) { k = A_Spawn(i,ProjectileData[atwith].decal); if (!A_CheckSpriteFlags(k , SPRITE_DECAL)) actor[k].flags |= SPRITE_DECAL; sprite[k].xvel = -1; sprite[k].ang = getangle(wall[hit.wall].x-wall[wall[hit.wall].point2].x, wall[hit.wall].y-wall[wall[hit.wall].point2].y)+512; Bmemcpy(&sprite[k],&hit.pos,sizeof(vec3_t)); /* sprite[k].x = hit.pos.x; sprite[k].y = hit.pos.y; sprite[k].z = hit.pos.z; */ if (ProjectileData[atwith].workslike & PROJECTILE_RANDDECALSIZE) { int32_t wh = (krand()&ProjectileData[atwith].xrepeat); if (wh < ProjectileData[atwith].yrepeat) wh = ProjectileData[atwith].yrepeat; sprite[k].xrepeat = wh; sprite[k].yrepeat = wh; } else { sprite[k].xrepeat = ProjectileData[atwith].xrepeat; sprite[k].yrepeat = ProjectileData[atwith].yrepeat; } sprite[k].z += sprite[k].yrepeat<<8; // sprite[k].cstat = 16+(krand()&12); sprite[k].cstat = 16; { int32_t wh = (krand()&1); if (wh == 1) sprite[k].cstat |= 4; wh = (krand()&1); if (wh == 1) sprite[k].cstat |= 8; wh = sprite[k].sectnum; sprite[k].shade = sector[wh].floorshade; } sprite[k].x -= mulscale13(1,sintable[(sprite[k].ang+2560)&2047]); sprite[k].y -= mulscale13(1,sintable[(sprite[k].ang+2048)&2047]); A_SetSprite(k,CLIPMASK0); A_AddToDeleteQueue(k); changespritestat(k,5); } // if( PN == OOZFILTER || PN == NEWBEAST ) // sprite[k].pal = 6; } } return -1; } if (hit.sect < 0) return -1; if ((ProjectileData[atwith].range == 0) && (ProjectileData[atwith].workslike & PROJECTILE_KNEE)) ProjectileData[atwith].range = 1024; if ((ProjectileData[atwith].range > 0) && ((klabs(srcvect.x-hit.pos.x)+klabs(srcvect.y-hit.pos.y)) > ProjectileData[atwith].range)) return -1; else { if (hit.wall >= 0 || hit.sprite >= 0) { j = A_InsertSprite(hit.sect,hit.pos.x,hit.pos.y,hit.pos.z,atwith,-15,0,0,sa,32,0,i,4); SpriteProjectile[j].workslike = ProjectileData[sprite[j].picnum].workslike; sprite[j].extra = ProjectileData[atwith].extra; if (ProjectileData[atwith].extra_rand > 0) sprite[j].extra += (krand()&ProjectileData[atwith].extra_rand); if (p >= 0) { if (ProjectileData[atwith].spawns >= 0) { k = A_Spawn(j,ProjectileData[atwith].spawns); sprite[k].z -= (8<<8); actor[k].t_data[6] = hit.wall; actor[k].t_data[7] = hit.sect; actor[k].t_data[8] = hit.sprite; } if (ProjectileData[atwith].sound >= 0) A_PlaySound(ProjectileData[atwith].sound,j); } if (p >= 0 && ps->inv_amount[GET_STEROIDS] > 0 && ps->inv_amount[GET_STEROIDS] < 400) sprite[j].extra += (ps->max_player_health>>2); if (hit.sprite >= 0 && sprite[hit.sprite].picnum != ACCESSSWITCH && sprite[hit.sprite].picnum != ACCESSSWITCH2) { A_DamageObject(hit.sprite,j); if (p >= 0) P_ActivateSwitch(p,hit.sprite,1); } else if (hit.wall >= 0) { if (wall[hit.wall].cstat&2) if (wall[hit.wall].nextsector >= 0) if (hit.pos.z >= (sector[wall[hit.wall].nextsector].floorz)) hit.wall = wall[hit.wall].nextwall; if (hit.wall >= 0 && wall[hit.wall].picnum != ACCESSSWITCH && wall[hit.wall].picnum != ACCESSSWITCH2) { A_DamageWall(j,hit.wall,&hit.pos,atwith); if (p >= 0) P_ActivateSwitch(p,hit.wall,0); } } } else if (p >= 0 && zvel > 0 && sector[hit.sect].lotag == 1) { j = A_Spawn(g_player[p].ps->i,WATERSPLASH2); sprite[j].x = hit.pos.x; sprite[j].y = hit.pos.y; sprite[j].ang = g_player[p].ps->ang; // Total tweek sprite[j].xvel = 32; A_SetSprite(i,CLIPMASK0); sprite[j].xvel = 0; } } return -1; } if (ProjectileData[atwith].workslike & PROJECTILE_HITSCAN) { if (s->extra >= 0) s->shade = ProjectileData[atwith].shade; if (p >= 0) { int32_t angRange=32; int32_t zRange=256; Gv_SetVar(g_iAimAngleVarID,AUTO_AIM_ANGLE,i,p); if (apScriptGameEvent[EVENT_GETAUTOAIMANGLE]) VM_OnEvent(EVENT_GETAUTOAIMANGLE, i, p, -1, 0); j=-1; if (Gv_GetVar(g_iAimAngleVarID,i,p) > 0) { j = A_FindTargetSprite(s, Gv_GetVar(g_iAimAngleVarID,i,p),atwith); } if (j >= 0) { dal = ((sprite[j].yrepeat*tilesizy[sprite[j].picnum])<<1)+(5<<8); if (((sprite[j].picnum >= GREENSLIME)&&(sprite[j].picnum <= GREENSLIME+7))||(sprite[j].picnum ==ROTATEGUN)) { dal -= (8<<8); // return -1; } hit.pos.x = ldist(&sprite[ps->i], &sprite[j]); if (hit.pos.x == 0) hit.pos.x++; zvel = ((sprite[j].z-srcvect.z-dal)<<8) / hit.pos.x; sa = getangle(sprite[j].x-srcvect.x,sprite[j].y-srcvect.y); } Gv_SetVar(g_iAngRangeVarID,angRange, i,p); Gv_SetVar(g_iZRangeVarID,zRange,i,p); if (apScriptGameEvent[EVENT_GETSHOTRANGE]) VM_OnEvent(EVENT_GETSHOTRANGE, i,p, -1, 0); angRange=Gv_GetVar(g_iAngRangeVarID,i,p); zRange=Gv_GetVar(g_iZRangeVarID,i,p); if (ProjectileData[atwith].workslike & PROJECTILE_ACCURATE_AUTOAIM) { if (!ps->auto_aim) { zvel = (100-ps->horiz-ps->horizoff)<<5; if (actor[i].shootzvel) zvel = actor[i].shootzvel; hitscan((const vec3_t *)&srcvect,sect,sintable[(sa+512)&2047],sintable[sa&2047], zvel<<6,&hit,CLIPMASK1); if (hit.sprite != -1) { if (sprite[hit.sprite].statnum == STAT_ACTOR || sprite[hit.sprite].statnum == STAT_ZOMBIEACTOR || sprite[hit.sprite].statnum == STAT_PLAYER || sprite[hit.sprite].statnum == STAT_DUMMYPLAYER) j = hit.sprite; } } if (j == -1) { zvel = (100-ps->horiz-ps->horizoff)<<5; if (!(ProjectileData[atwith].workslike & PROJECTILE_ACCURATE)) { sa += (angRange/2)-(krand()&(angRange-1)); zvel += (zRange/2)-(krand()&(zRange-1)); } } } else { if (j == -1) { // no target zvel = (100-ps->horiz-ps->horizoff)<<5; } if (!(ProjectileData[atwith].workslike & PROJECTILE_ACCURATE)) { sa += (angRange/2)-(krand()&(angRange-1)); zvel += (zRange/2)-(krand()&(zRange-1)); } } srcvect.z -= (2<<8); } else { j = A_FindPlayer(s,&x); srcvect.z -= (4<<8); hit.pos.x = ldist(&sprite[g_player[j].ps->i], s); if (hit.pos.x == 0) hit.pos.x++; zvel = ((g_player[j].ps->pos.z-srcvect.z) <<8) / hit.pos.x; if (s->picnum != BOSS1) { if (!(ProjectileData[atwith].workslike & PROJECTILE_ACCURATE)) { zvel += 128-(krand()&255); sa += 32-(krand()&63); } } else { sa = getangle(g_player[j].ps->pos.x-srcvect.x,g_player[j].ps->pos.y-srcvect.y); if (!(ProjectileData[atwith].workslike & PROJECTILE_ACCURATE)) { zvel += 128-(krand()&255); sa += 64-(krand()&127); } } } if (ProjectileData[atwith].cstat >= 0) s->cstat &= ~ProjectileData[atwith].cstat; else s->cstat &= ~257; if (actor[i].shootzvel) zvel = actor[i].shootzvel; hitscan((const vec3_t *)&srcvect,sect, sintable[(sa+512)&2047], sintable[sa&2047], zvel<<6,&hit,CLIPMASK1); if (ProjectileData[atwith].cstat >= 0) s->cstat |= ProjectileData[atwith].cstat; else s->cstat |= 257; if (hit.sect < 0) return -1; if ((ProjectileData[atwith].range > 0) && ((klabs(srcvect.x-hit.pos.x)+klabs(srcvect.y-hit.pos.y)) > ProjectileData[atwith].range)) return -1; if (ProjectileData[atwith].trail >= 0) A_HitscanProjTrail(&srcvect,&hit.pos,sa,atwith); if (ProjectileData[atwith].workslike & PROJECTILE_WATERBUBBLES) { if ((krand()&15) == 0 && sector[hit.sect].lotag == 2) A_DoWaterTracers(hit.pos.x,hit.pos.y,hit.pos.z,srcvect.x,srcvect.y,srcvect.z,8-(ud.multimode>>1)); } if (p >= 0) { k = A_InsertSprite(hit.sect,hit.pos.x,hit.pos.y,hit.pos.z,SHOTSPARK1,-15,10,10,sa,0,0,i,4); sprite[k].extra = ProjectileData[atwith].extra; if (ProjectileData[atwith].extra_rand > 0) sprite[k].extra += (krand()%ProjectileData[atwith].extra_rand); sprite[k].yvel = atwith; // this is a hack to allow you to detect which weapon spawned a SHOTSPARK1 actor[k].t_data[6] = hit.wall; actor[k].t_data[7] = hit.sect; actor[k].t_data[8] = hit.sprite; if (hit.wall == -1 && hit.sprite == -1) { if (zvel < 0) { if (sector[hit.sect].ceilingstat&1) { sprite[k].xrepeat = 0; sprite[k].yrepeat = 0; return -1; } else Sect_DamageCeiling(hit.sect); } if (ProjectileData[atwith].spawns >= 0) { int32_t wh=A_Spawn(k,ProjectileData[atwith].spawns); if (ProjectileData[atwith].sxrepeat > 4) sprite[wh].xrepeat=ProjectileData[atwith].sxrepeat; if (ProjectileData[atwith].syrepeat > 4) sprite[wh].yrepeat=ProjectileData[atwith].syrepeat; actor[wh].t_data[6] = hit.wall; actor[wh].t_data[7] = hit.sect; actor[wh].t_data[8] = hit.sprite; } } if (hit.sprite >= 0) { A_DamageObject(hit.sprite,k); if (sprite[hit.sprite].picnum == APLAYER && (ud.ffire == 1 || (!GTFLAGS(GAMETYPE_PLAYERSFRIENDLY) && GTFLAGS(GAMETYPE_TDM) && g_player[sprite[hit.sprite].yvel].ps->team != g_player[sprite[i].yvel].ps->team))) { l = A_Spawn(k,JIBS6); sprite[k].xrepeat = sprite[k].yrepeat = 0; sprite[l].z += (4<<8); sprite[l].xvel = 16; sprite[l].xrepeat = sprite[l].yrepeat = 24; sprite[l].ang += 64-(krand()&127); } else { if (ProjectileData[atwith].spawns >= 0) { int32_t wh=A_Spawn(k,ProjectileData[atwith].spawns); if (ProjectileData[atwith].sxrepeat > 4) sprite[wh].xrepeat=ProjectileData[atwith].sxrepeat; if (ProjectileData[atwith].syrepeat > 4) sprite[wh].yrepeat=ProjectileData[atwith].syrepeat; actor[wh].t_data[6] = hit.wall; actor[wh].t_data[7] = hit.sect; actor[wh].t_data[8] = hit.sprite; } } if (p >= 0 && ( sprite[hit.sprite].picnum == DIPSWITCH || sprite[hit.sprite].picnum == DIPSWITCH+1 || sprite[hit.sprite].picnum == DIPSWITCH2 || sprite[hit.sprite].picnum == DIPSWITCH2+1 || sprite[hit.sprite].picnum == DIPSWITCH3 || sprite[hit.sprite].picnum == DIPSWITCH3+1 || sprite[hit.sprite].picnum == HANDSWITCH || sprite[hit.sprite].picnum == HANDSWITCH+1)) { P_ActivateSwitch(p,hit.sprite,1); return -1; } } else if (hit.wall >= 0) { if (ProjectileData[atwith].spawns >= 0) { int32_t wh=A_Spawn(k,ProjectileData[atwith].spawns); if (ProjectileData[atwith].sxrepeat > 4) sprite[wh].xrepeat=ProjectileData[atwith].sxrepeat; if (ProjectileData[atwith].syrepeat > 4) sprite[wh].yrepeat=ProjectileData[atwith].syrepeat; actor[wh].t_data[6] = hit.wall; actor[wh].t_data[7] = hit.sect; actor[wh].t_data[8] = hit.sprite; } if (CheckDoorTile(wall[hit.wall].picnum) == 1) goto DOSKIPBULLETHOLE; if (p >= 0 && ( wall[hit.wall].picnum == DIPSWITCH || wall[hit.wall].picnum == DIPSWITCH+1 || wall[hit.wall].picnum == DIPSWITCH2 || wall[hit.wall].picnum == DIPSWITCH2+1 || wall[hit.wall].picnum == DIPSWITCH3 || wall[hit.wall].picnum == DIPSWITCH3+1 || wall[hit.wall].picnum == HANDSWITCH || wall[hit.wall].picnum == HANDSWITCH+1)) { P_ActivateSwitch(p,hit.wall,0); return -1; } if (wall[hit.wall].hitag != 0 || (wall[hit.wall].nextwall >= 0 && wall[wall[hit.wall].nextwall].hitag != 0)) goto DOSKIPBULLETHOLE; if (hit.sect >= 0 && sector[hit.sect].lotag == 0) if (wall[hit.wall].overpicnum != BIGFORCE) if ((wall[hit.wall].nextsector >= 0 && sector[wall[hit.wall].nextsector].lotag == 0) || (wall[hit.wall].nextsector == -1 && sector[hit.sect].lotag == 0)) if ((wall[hit.wall].cstat&16) == 0) { if (wall[hit.wall].nextsector >= 0) { l = headspritesect[wall[hit.wall].nextsector]; while (l >= 0) { if (sprite[l].statnum == 3 && sprite[l].lotag == 13) goto DOSKIPBULLETHOLE; l = nextspritesect[l]; } } l = headspritestat[STAT_MISC]; while (l >= 0) { if (sprite[l].picnum == ProjectileData[atwith].decal) if (dist(&sprite[l],&sprite[k]) < (12+(krand()&7))) goto DOSKIPBULLETHOLE; l = nextspritestat[l]; } if (ProjectileData[atwith].decal >= 0) { l = A_Spawn(k,ProjectileData[atwith].decal); if (!A_CheckSpriteFlags(l , SPRITE_DECAL)) actor[l].flags |= SPRITE_DECAL; sprite[l].xvel = -1; sprite[l].ang = getangle(wall[hit.wall].x-wall[wall[hit.wall].point2].x, wall[hit.wall].y-wall[wall[hit.wall].point2].y)+512; if (ProjectileData[atwith].workslike & PROJECTILE_RANDDECALSIZE) { int32_t wh = (krand()&ProjectileData[atwith].xrepeat); if (wh < ProjectileData[atwith].yrepeat) wh = ProjectileData[atwith].yrepeat; sprite[l].xrepeat = wh; sprite[l].yrepeat = wh; } else { sprite[l].xrepeat = ProjectileData[atwith].xrepeat; sprite[l].yrepeat = ProjectileData[atwith].yrepeat; } sprite[l].cstat = 16+(krand()&12); sprite[l].x -= mulscale13(1,sintable[(sprite[l].ang+2560)&2047]); sprite[l].y -= mulscale13(1,sintable[(sprite[l].ang+2048)&2047]); A_SetSprite(l,CLIPMASK0); A_AddToDeleteQueue(l); } } DOSKIPBULLETHOLE: if (wall[hit.wall].cstat&2) if (wall[hit.wall].nextsector >= 0) if (hit.pos.z >= (sector[wall[hit.wall].nextsector].floorz)) hit.wall = wall[hit.wall].nextwall; A_DamageWall(k,hit.wall,&hit.pos,atwith); } } else { k = A_InsertSprite(hit.sect,hit.pos.x,hit.pos.y,hit.pos.z,SHOTSPARK1,-15,24,24,sa,0,0,i,4); sprite[k].extra = ProjectileData[atwith].extra; if (ProjectileData[atwith].extra_rand > 0) sprite[k].extra += (krand()%ProjectileData[atwith].extra_rand); sprite[k].yvel = atwith; // this is a hack to allow you to detect which weapon spawned a SHOTSPARK1 actor[k].t_data[6] = hit.wall; actor[k].t_data[7] = hit.sect; actor[k].t_data[8] = hit.sprite; if (hit.sprite >= 0) { A_DamageObject(hit.sprite,k); if (sprite[hit.sprite].picnum != APLAYER) { if (ProjectileData[atwith].spawns >= 0) { int32_t wh=A_Spawn(k,ProjectileData[atwith].spawns); if (ProjectileData[atwith].sxrepeat > 4) sprite[wh].xrepeat=ProjectileData[atwith].sxrepeat; if (ProjectileData[atwith].syrepeat > 4) sprite[wh].yrepeat=ProjectileData[atwith].syrepeat; actor[wh].t_data[6] = hit.wall; actor[wh].t_data[7] = hit.sect; actor[wh].t_data[8] = hit.sprite; } } else sprite[k].xrepeat = sprite[k].yrepeat = 0; } else if (hit.wall >= 0) A_DamageWall(k,hit.wall,&hit.pos,atwith); } if ((krand()&255) < 4 && ProjectileData[atwith].isound >= 0) S_PlaySound3D(ProjectileData[atwith].isound,k,&hit.pos); return -1; } if (ProjectileData[atwith].workslike & PROJECTILE_RPG) { /* if(ProjectileData[atwith].workslike & PROJECTILE_FREEZEBLAST) sz += (3<<8);*/ if (s->extra >= 0) s->shade = ProjectileData[atwith].shade; vel = ProjectileData[atwith].vel; j = -1; if (p >= 0) { // j = A_FindTargetSprite( s, AUTO_AIM_ANGLE ); // 48 Gv_SetVar(g_iAimAngleVarID,AUTO_AIM_ANGLE,i,p); if (apScriptGameEvent[EVENT_GETAUTOAIMANGLE]) VM_OnEvent(EVENT_GETAUTOAIMANGLE, i, p, -1, 0); j=-1; if (Gv_GetVar(g_iAimAngleVarID,i,p) > 0) j = A_FindTargetSprite(s, Gv_GetVar(g_iAimAngleVarID,i,p),atwith); if (j >= 0) { dal = ((sprite[j].yrepeat*tilesizy[sprite[j].picnum])<<1)+(8<<8); hit.pos.x = ldist(&sprite[ps->i], &sprite[j]); if (hit.pos.x == 0) hit.pos.x++; zvel = ((sprite[j].z-srcvect.z-dal)*vel) / hit.pos.x; if (sprite[j].picnum != RECON) sa = getangle(sprite[j].x-srcvect.x,sprite[j].y-srcvect.y); } // else zvel = (100-ps->horiz-ps->horizoff)*81; else zvel = (100-ps->horiz-ps->horizoff)*(ProjectileData[atwith].vel/8); if (ProjectileData[atwith].sound >= 0) A_PlaySound(ProjectileData[atwith].sound,i); } else { if (!(ProjectileData[atwith].workslike & PROJECTILE_NOAIM)) { j = A_FindPlayer(s,&x); sa = getangle(g_player[j].ps->opos.x-srcvect.x,g_player[j].ps->opos.y-srcvect.y); l = ldist(&sprite[g_player[j].ps->i],s); if (l == 0) l++; zvel = ((g_player[j].ps->opos.z-srcvect.z)*vel) / l; if (A_CheckEnemySprite(s) && (s->hitag&face_player_smart)) sa = s->ang+(krand()&31)-16; } } if (p >= 0 && j >= 0) l = j; else l = -1; if (numplayers > 1 && g_netClient) return -1; /* j = A_InsertSprite(sect, sx+(sintable[(348+sa+512)&2047]/448), sy+(sintable[(sa+348)&2047]/448), sz-(1<<8),atwith,0,14,14,sa,vel,zvel,i,4);*/ if (actor[i].shootzvel) zvel = actor[i].shootzvel; j = A_InsertSprite(sect, srcvect.x+(sintable[(348+sa+512)&2047]/ProjectileData[atwith].offset), srcvect.y+(sintable[(sa+348)&2047]/ProjectileData[atwith].offset), srcvect.z-(1<<8),atwith,0,14,14,sa,vel,zvel,i,4); sprite[j].xrepeat=ProjectileData[atwith].xrepeat; sprite[j].yrepeat=ProjectileData[atwith].yrepeat; if (ProjectileData[atwith].extra_rand > 0) sprite[j].extra += (krand()&ProjectileData[atwith].extra_rand); if (!(ProjectileData[atwith].workslike & PROJECTILE_BOUNCESOFFWALLS)) sprite[j].yvel = l; else { if (ProjectileData[atwith].bounces >= 1) sprite[j].yvel = ProjectileData[atwith].bounces; else sprite[j].yvel = g_numFreezeBounces; // sprite[j].xrepeat >>= 1; // sprite[j].yrepeat >>= 1; sprite[j].zvel -= (2<<4); } /* if(p == -1) { if(!(ProjectileData[atwith].workslike & PROJECTILE_BOUNCESOFFWALLS)) { sprite[j].xrepeat = ProjectileData[atwith].xrepeat; // 30 sprite[j].yrepeat = ProjectileData[atwith].yrepeat; sprite[j].extra >>= 2; } } */ if (ProjectileData[atwith].cstat >= 0) sprite[j].cstat = ProjectileData[atwith].cstat; else sprite[j].cstat = 128; if (ProjectileData[atwith].clipdist != 255) sprite[j].clipdist = ProjectileData[atwith].clipdist; else sprite[j].clipdist = 40; Bmemcpy(&SpriteProjectile[j], &ProjectileData[sprite[j].picnum], sizeof(ProjectileData[sprite[j].picnum])); // sa = s->ang+32-(krand()&63); // zvel = oldzvel+512-(krand()&1023); return j; } } else if (atwith >= 0) { switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(atwith)) { case BLOODSPLAT1__STATIC: case BLOODSPLAT2__STATIC: case BLOODSPLAT3__STATIC: case BLOODSPLAT4__STATIC: sa += 64 - (krand()&127); if (p < 0) sa += 1024; zvel = 1024-(krand()&2047); case KNEE__STATIC: if (atwith == KNEE) { if (p >= 0) { zvel = (100-ps->horiz-ps->horizoff)<<5; srcvect.z += (6<<8); sa += 15; } else { j = g_player[A_FindPlayer(s,&x)].ps->i; zvel = ((sprite[j].z-srcvect.z)<<8) / (x+1); sa = getangle(sprite[j].x-srcvect.x,sprite[j].y-srcvect.y); } } if (actor[i].shootzvel) zvel = actor[i].shootzvel; hitscan((const vec3_t *)&srcvect,sect, sintable[(sa+512)&2047], sintable[sa&2047],zvel<<6, &hit,CLIPMASK1); if (atwith >= BLOODSPLAT1 && atwith <= BLOODSPLAT4) { if (FindDistance2D(srcvect.x-hit.pos.x,srcvect.y-hit.pos.y) < 1024) if (hit.wall >= 0 && wall[hit.wall].overpicnum != BIGFORCE) if ((wall[hit.wall].nextsector >= 0 && hit.sect >= 0 && sector[wall[hit.wall].nextsector].lotag == 0 && sector[hit.sect].lotag == 0 && sector[wall[hit.wall].nextsector].lotag == 0 && (sector[hit.sect].floorz-sector[wall[hit.wall].nextsector].floorz) > (16<<8)) || (wall[hit.wall].nextsector == -1 && sector[hit.sect].lotag == 0)) if ((wall[hit.wall].cstat&16) == 0) { if (wall[hit.wall].nextsector >= 0) { k = headspritesect[wall[hit.wall].nextsector]; while (k >= 0) { if (sprite[k].statnum == 3 && sprite[k].lotag == 13) return -1; k = nextspritesect[k]; } } if (wall[hit.wall].nextwall >= 0 && wall[wall[hit.wall].nextwall].hitag != 0) return -1; if (wall[hit.wall].hitag == 0) { k = A_Spawn(i,atwith); sprite[k].xvel = -12; sprite[k].ang = getangle(wall[hit.wall].x-wall[wall[hit.wall].point2].x, wall[hit.wall].y-wall[wall[hit.wall].point2].y)+512; sprite[k].x = hit.pos.x; sprite[k].y = hit.pos.y; sprite[k].z = hit.pos.z; sprite[k].cstat |= (krand()&4); A_SetSprite(k,CLIPMASK0); setsprite(k,(vec3_t *)&sprite[k]); if (PN == OOZFILTER || PN == NEWBEAST) sprite[k].pal = 6; } } return -1; } if (hit.sect < 0) break; if ((klabs(srcvect.x-hit.pos.x)+klabs(srcvect.y-hit.pos.y)) < 1024) { if (hit.wall >= 0 || hit.sprite >= 0) { j = A_InsertSprite(hit.sect,hit.pos.x,hit.pos.y,hit.pos.z,KNEE,-15,0,0,sa,32,0,i,4); sprite[j].extra += (krand()&7); if (p >= 0) { k = A_Spawn(j,SMALLSMOKE); sprite[k].z -= (8<<8); A_PlaySound(KICK_HIT,j); actor[k].t_data[6] = hit.wall; actor[k].t_data[7] = hit.sect; actor[k].t_data[8] = hit.sprite; } if (p >= 0 && ps->inv_amount[GET_STEROIDS] > 0 && ps->inv_amount[GET_STEROIDS] < 400) sprite[j].extra += (ps->max_player_health>>2); if (hit.sprite >= 0 && sprite[hit.sprite].picnum != ACCESSSWITCH && sprite[hit.sprite].picnum != ACCESSSWITCH2) { A_DamageObject(hit.sprite,j); if (p >= 0) P_ActivateSwitch(p,hit.sprite,1); } else if (hit.wall >= 0) { if (wall[hit.wall].cstat&2) if (wall[hit.wall].nextsector >= 0) if (hit.pos.z >= (sector[wall[hit.wall].nextsector].floorz)) hit.wall = wall[hit.wall].nextwall; if (hit.wall >= 0 && wall[hit.wall].picnum != ACCESSSWITCH && wall[hit.wall].picnum != ACCESSSWITCH2) { A_DamageWall(j,hit.wall,&hit.pos,atwith); if (p >= 0) P_ActivateSwitch(p,hit.wall,0); } } } else if (p >= 0 && zvel > 0 && sector[hit.sect].lotag == 1) { j = A_Spawn(g_player[p].ps->i,WATERSPLASH2); sprite[j].x = hit.pos.x; sprite[j].y = hit.pos.y; sprite[j].ang = g_player[p].ps->ang; // Total tweek sprite[j].xvel = 32; A_SetSprite(i,CLIPMASK0); sprite[j].xvel = 0; } } break; case SHOTSPARK1__STATIC: case SHOTGUN__STATIC: case CHAINGUN__STATIC: if (s->extra >= 0) s->shade = -96; if (p >= 0) { int32_t angRange=32; int32_t zRange=256; Gv_SetVar(g_iAimAngleVarID,AUTO_AIM_ANGLE,i,p); if (apScriptGameEvent[EVENT_GETAUTOAIMANGLE]) VM_OnEvent(EVENT_GETAUTOAIMANGLE, i, p, -1, 0); j=-1; if (Gv_GetVar(g_iAimAngleVarID,i,p) > 0) { j = A_FindTargetSprite(s, Gv_GetVar(g_iAimAngleVarID,i,p),atwith); } if (j >= 0) { dal = ((sprite[j].yrepeat*tilesizy[sprite[j].picnum])<<1)+(5<<8); if (((sprite[j].picnum>=GREENSLIME)&&(sprite[j].picnum<=GREENSLIME+7))||(sprite[j].picnum==ROTATEGUN)) { dal -= (8<<8); } hit.pos.x = ldist(&sprite[ps->i], &sprite[j]); if (hit.pos.x == 0) hit.pos.x++; zvel = ((sprite[j].z-srcvect.z-dal)<<8) / hit.pos.x; sa = getangle(sprite[j].x-srcvect.x,sprite[j].y-srcvect.y); } Gv_SetVar(g_iAngRangeVarID,angRange, i,p); Gv_SetVar(g_iZRangeVarID,zRange,i,p); if (apScriptGameEvent[EVENT_GETSHOTRANGE]) VM_OnEvent(EVENT_GETSHOTRANGE, i,p, -1, 0); angRange=Gv_GetVar(g_iAngRangeVarID,i,p); zRange=Gv_GetVar(g_iZRangeVarID,i,p); if (atwith == SHOTSPARK1__STATIC && !WW2GI && !NAM) { if (!ps->auto_aim) { zvel = (100-ps->horiz-ps->horizoff)<<5; if (actor[i].shootzvel) zvel = actor[i].shootzvel; hitscan((const vec3_t *)&srcvect,sect,sintable[(sa+512)&2047],sintable[sa&2047], zvel<<6,&hit,CLIPMASK1); if (hit.sprite != -1) { if (sprite[hit.sprite].statnum == STAT_ACTOR || sprite[hit.sprite].statnum == STAT_ZOMBIEACTOR || sprite[hit.sprite].statnum == STAT_PLAYER || sprite[hit.sprite].statnum == STAT_DUMMYPLAYER) j = hit.sprite; } } if (j == -1) { sa += (angRange/2)-(krand()&(angRange-1)); zvel = (100-ps->horiz-ps->horizoff)<<5; zvel += (zRange/2)-(krand()&(zRange-1)); } } else { sa += (angRange/2)-(krand()&(angRange-1)); if (j == -1) { // no target zvel = (100-ps->horiz-ps->horizoff)<<5; } zvel += (zRange/2)-(krand()&(zRange-1)); } srcvect.z -= (2<<8); } else { j = A_FindPlayer(s,&x); srcvect.z -= (4<<8); hit.pos.x = ldist(&sprite[g_player[j].ps->i], s); if (hit.pos.x == 0) hit.pos.x++; zvel = ((g_player[j].ps->pos.z-srcvect.z) <<8) / hit.pos.x; if (s->picnum != BOSS1) { zvel += 128-(krand()&255); sa += 32-(krand()&63); } else { zvel += 128-(krand()&255); sa = getangle(g_player[j].ps->pos.x-srcvect.x,g_player[j].ps->pos.y-srcvect.y)+64-(krand()&127); } } s->cstat &= ~257; if (actor[i].shootzvel) zvel = actor[i].shootzvel; hitscan((const vec3_t *)&srcvect,sect, sintable[(sa+512)&2047], sintable[sa&2047], zvel<<6,&hit,CLIPMASK1); s->cstat |= 257; if (hit.sect < 0) return -1; if ((krand()&15) == 0 && sector[hit.sect].lotag == 2) A_DoWaterTracers(hit.pos.x,hit.pos.y,hit.pos.z, srcvect.x,srcvect.y,srcvect.z,8-(ud.multimode>>1)); if (p >= 0) { k = A_InsertSprite(hit.sect,hit.pos.x,hit.pos.y,hit.pos.z,SHOTSPARK1,-15,10,10,sa,0,0,i,4); sprite[k].extra = *actorscrptr[atwith]; sprite[k].extra += (krand()%6); sprite[k].yvel = atwith; // this is a hack to allow you to detect which weapon spawned a SHOTSPARK1 actor[k].t_data[6] = hit.wall; actor[k].t_data[7] = hit.sect; actor[k].t_data[8] = hit.sprite; if (hit.wall == -1 && hit.sprite == -1) { if (zvel < 0) { if (sector[hit.sect].ceilingstat&1) { sprite[k].xrepeat = 0; sprite[k].yrepeat = 0; return -1; } else Sect_DamageCeiling(hit.sect); } l = A_Spawn(k,SMALLSMOKE); actor[l].t_data[6] = hit.wall; actor[l].t_data[7] = hit.sect; actor[l].t_data[8] = hit.sprite; } if (hit.sprite >= 0) { A_DamageObject(hit.sprite,k); if (sprite[hit.sprite].picnum == APLAYER && (ud.ffire == 1 || (!GTFLAGS(GAMETYPE_PLAYERSFRIENDLY) && GTFLAGS(GAMETYPE_TDM) && g_player[sprite[hit.sprite].yvel].ps->team != g_player[sprite[i].yvel].ps->team))) { l = A_Spawn(k,JIBS6); sprite[k].xrepeat = sprite[k].yrepeat = 0; sprite[l].z += (4<<8); sprite[l].xvel = 16; sprite[l].xrepeat = sprite[l].yrepeat = 24; sprite[l].ang += 64-(krand()&127); } else { l = A_Spawn(k,SMALLSMOKE); actor[l].t_data[6] = hit.wall; actor[l].t_data[7] = hit.sect; actor[l].t_data[8] = hit.sprite; } if (p >= 0 && ( sprite[hit.sprite].picnum == DIPSWITCH || sprite[hit.sprite].picnum == DIPSWITCH+1 || sprite[hit.sprite].picnum == DIPSWITCH2 || sprite[hit.sprite].picnum == DIPSWITCH2+1 || sprite[hit.sprite].picnum == DIPSWITCH3 || sprite[hit.sprite].picnum == DIPSWITCH3+1 || sprite[hit.sprite].picnum == HANDSWITCH || sprite[hit.sprite].picnum == HANDSWITCH+1)) { P_ActivateSwitch(p,hit.sprite,1); return -1; } } else if (hit.wall >= 0) { l = A_Spawn(k,SMALLSMOKE); actor[l].t_data[6] = hit.wall; actor[l].t_data[7] = hit.sect; actor[l].t_data[8] = hit.sprite; if (CheckDoorTile(wall[hit.wall].picnum) == 1) goto SKIPBULLETHOLE; if (p >= 0 && ( wall[hit.wall].picnum == DIPSWITCH || wall[hit.wall].picnum == DIPSWITCH+1 || wall[hit.wall].picnum == DIPSWITCH2 || wall[hit.wall].picnum == DIPSWITCH2+1 || wall[hit.wall].picnum == DIPSWITCH3 || wall[hit.wall].picnum == DIPSWITCH3+1 || wall[hit.wall].picnum == HANDSWITCH || wall[hit.wall].picnum == HANDSWITCH+1)) { P_ActivateSwitch(p,hit.wall,0); return -1; } if (wall[hit.wall].hitag != 0 || (wall[hit.wall].nextwall >= 0 && wall[wall[hit.wall].nextwall].hitag != 0)) goto SKIPBULLETHOLE; if (hit.sect >= 0 && sector[hit.sect].lotag == 0) if (wall[hit.wall].overpicnum != BIGFORCE) if ((wall[hit.wall].nextsector >= 0 && sector[wall[hit.wall].nextsector].lotag == 0) || (wall[hit.wall].nextsector == -1 && sector[hit.sect].lotag == 0)) if ((wall[hit.wall].cstat&16) == 0) { if (wall[hit.wall].nextsector >= 0) { l = headspritesect[wall[hit.wall].nextsector]; while (l >= 0) { if (sprite[l].statnum == 3 && sprite[l].lotag == 13) goto SKIPBULLETHOLE; l = nextspritesect[l]; } } l = headspritestat[STAT_MISC]; while (l >= 0) { if (sprite[l].picnum == BULLETHOLE) if (dist(&sprite[l],&sprite[k]) < (12+(krand()&7))) goto SKIPBULLETHOLE; l = nextspritestat[l]; } l = A_Spawn(k,BULLETHOLE); if (!A_CheckSpriteFlags(l , SPRITE_DECAL)) actor[l].flags |= SPRITE_DECAL; sprite[l].xvel = -1; sprite[l].x = hit.pos.x; sprite[l].y = hit.pos.y; sprite[l].z = hit.pos.z; sprite[l].ang = getangle(wall[hit.wall].x-wall[wall[hit.wall].point2].x, wall[hit.wall].y-wall[wall[hit.wall].point2].y)+512; sprite[l].x -= mulscale13(1,sintable[(sprite[l].ang+2560)&2047]); sprite[l].y -= mulscale13(1,sintable[(sprite[l].ang+2048)&2047]); A_SetSprite(l,CLIPMASK0); } SKIPBULLETHOLE: if (wall[hit.wall].cstat&2) if (wall[hit.wall].nextsector >= 0) if (hit.pos.z >= (sector[wall[hit.wall].nextsector].floorz)) hit.wall = wall[hit.wall].nextwall; A_DamageWall(k,hit.wall,&hit.pos,SHOTSPARK1); } } else { k = A_InsertSprite(hit.sect,hit.pos.x,hit.pos.y,hit.pos.z,SHOTSPARK1,-15,24,24,sa,0,0,i,4); sprite[k].extra = *actorscrptr[atwith]; sprite[k].yvel = atwith; // this is a hack to allow you to detect which weapon spawned a SHOTSPARK1 actor[k].t_data[6] = hit.wall; actor[k].t_data[7] = hit.sect; actor[k].t_data[8] = hit.sprite; if (hit.sprite >= 0) { A_DamageObject(hit.sprite,k); if (sprite[hit.sprite].picnum != APLAYER) { l = A_Spawn(k,SMALLSMOKE); actor[l].t_data[6] = hit.wall; actor[l].t_data[7] = hit.sect; actor[l].t_data[8] = hit.sprite; } else sprite[k].xrepeat = sprite[k].yrepeat = 0; } else if (hit.wall >= 0) A_DamageWall(k,hit.wall,&hit.pos,SHOTSPARK1); } if ((krand()&255) < 4) S_PlaySound3D(PISTOL_RICOCHET,k, &hit.pos); return -1; case FIRELASER__STATIC: case SPIT__STATIC: case COOLEXPLOSION1__STATIC: if (s->extra >= 0) s->shade = -96; if (atwith == SPIT) vel = 292; else { if (atwith == COOLEXPLOSION1) { if (s->picnum == BOSS2) vel = 644; else vel = 348; srcvect.z -= (4<<7); } else { vel = 840; srcvect.z -= (4<<7); } } if (p >= 0) { // j = A_FindTargetSprite( s, AUTO_AIM_ANGLE ); Gv_SetVar(g_iAimAngleVarID,AUTO_AIM_ANGLE,i,p); if (apScriptGameEvent[EVENT_GETAUTOAIMANGLE]) VM_OnEvent(EVENT_GETAUTOAIMANGLE, i, p, -1, 0); j=-1; if (Gv_GetVar(g_iAimAngleVarID,i,p) > 0) { j = A_FindTargetSprite(s, Gv_GetVar(g_iAimAngleVarID,i,p),atwith); } if (j >= 0) { dal = ((sprite[j].yrepeat*tilesizy[sprite[j].picnum])<<1)-(12<<8); hit.pos.x = ldist(&sprite[ps->i], &sprite[j]); if (hit.pos.x == 0) hit.pos.x++; zvel = ((sprite[j].z-srcvect.z-dal)*vel) / hit.pos.x; sa = getangle(sprite[j].x-srcvect.x,sprite[j].y-srcvect.y); } else zvel = (100-ps->horiz-ps->horizoff)*98; } else { j = A_FindPlayer(s,&x); // sa = getangle(g_player[j].ps->opos.x-sx,g_player[j].ps->opos.y-sy); sa += 16-(krand()&31); hit.pos.x = ldist(&sprite[g_player[j].ps->i],s); if (hit.pos.x == 0) hit.pos.x++; zvel = ((g_player[j].ps->opos.z - srcvect.z + (3<<8))*vel) / hit.pos.x; } if (actor[i].shootzvel) zvel = actor[i].shootzvel; oldzvel = zvel; if (atwith == SPIT) { sizx = sizy = 18; srcvect.z -= (10<<8); } else if (p >= 0) sizx = sizy = 7; else { if (atwith == FIRELASER) { if (p >= 0) sizx = sizy = 34; else sizx = sizy = 18; } else sizx = sizy = 18; } j = A_InsertSprite(sect,srcvect.x,srcvect.y,srcvect.z, atwith,-127,sizx,sizy,sa,vel,zvel,i,4); sprite[j].extra += (krand()&7); if (atwith == COOLEXPLOSION1) { sprite[j].shade = 0; if (PN == BOSS2) { l = sprite[j].xvel; sprite[j].xvel = 1024; A_SetSprite(j,CLIPMASK0); sprite[j].xvel = l; sprite[j].ang += 128-(krand()&255); } } sprite[j].cstat = 128; sprite[j].clipdist = 4; sa = s->ang+32-(krand()&63); zvel = oldzvel+512-(krand()&1023); return j; case FREEZEBLAST__STATIC: srcvect.z += (3<<8); case RPG__STATIC: if (s->extra >= 0) s->shade = -96; vel = 644; j = -1; if (p >= 0) { // j = A_FindTargetSprite( s, AUTO_AIM_ANGLE ); // 48 Gv_SetVar(g_iAimAngleVarID,AUTO_AIM_ANGLE,i,p); if (apScriptGameEvent[EVENT_GETAUTOAIMANGLE]) VM_OnEvent(EVENT_GETAUTOAIMANGLE, i, p, -1, 0); j=-1; if (Gv_GetVar(g_iAimAngleVarID,i,p) > 0) { j = A_FindTargetSprite(s, Gv_GetVar(g_iAimAngleVarID,i,p),atwith); } if (j >= 0) { dal = ((sprite[j].yrepeat*tilesizy[sprite[j].picnum])<<1)+(8<<8); hit.pos.x = ldist(&sprite[ps->i], &sprite[j]); if (hit.pos.x == 0) hit.pos.x++; zvel = ((sprite[j].z-srcvect.z-dal)*vel) / hit.pos.x; if (sprite[j].picnum != RECON) sa = getangle(sprite[j].x-srcvect.x,sprite[j].y-srcvect.y); } else zvel = (100-ps->horiz-ps->horizoff)*81; if (atwith == RPG) A_PlaySound(RPG_SHOOT,i); } else { j = A_FindPlayer(s,&x); sa = getangle(g_player[j].ps->opos.x-srcvect.x,g_player[j].ps->opos.y-srcvect.y); if (PN == BOSS3) srcvect.z -= (32<<8); else if (PN == BOSS2) { vel += 128; srcvect.z += 24<<8; } l = ldist(&sprite[g_player[j].ps->i],s); if (l == 0) l++; zvel = ((g_player[j].ps->opos.z-srcvect.z)*vel) / l; if (A_CheckEnemySprite(s) && (s->hitag&face_player_smart)) sa = s->ang+(krand()&31)-16; } if (p >= 0 && j >= 0) l = j; else l = -1; if (numplayers > 1 && g_netClient) return -1; if (actor[i].shootzvel) zvel = actor[i].shootzvel; j = A_InsertSprite(sect, srcvect.x+(sintable[(348+sa+512)&2047]/448), srcvect.y+(sintable[(sa+348)&2047]/448), srcvect.z-(1<<8),atwith,0,14,14,sa,vel,zvel,i,4); sprite[j].extra += (krand()&7); if (atwith != FREEZEBLAST) sprite[j].yvel = l; else { sprite[j].yvel = g_numFreezeBounces; sprite[j].xrepeat >>= 1; sprite[j].yrepeat >>= 1; sprite[j].zvel -= (2<<4); } if (p == -1) { if (PN == BOSS3) { if (krand()&1) { sprite[j].x -= sintable[sa&2047]>>6; sprite[j].y -= sintable[(sa+1024+512)&2047]>>6; sprite[j].ang -= 8; } else { sprite[j].x += sintable[sa&2047]>>6; sprite[j].y += sintable[(sa+1024+512)&2047]>>6; sprite[j].ang += 4; } sprite[j].xrepeat = 42; sprite[j].yrepeat = 42; } else if (PN == BOSS2) { sprite[j].x -= sintable[sa&2047]/56; sprite[j].y -= sintable[(sa+1024+512)&2047]/56; sprite[j].ang -= 8+(krand()&255)-128; sprite[j].xrepeat = 24; sprite[j].yrepeat = 24; } else if (atwith != FREEZEBLAST) { sprite[j].xrepeat = 30; sprite[j].yrepeat = 30; sprite[j].extra >>= 2; } } else if (*aplWeaponWorksLike[g_player[p].ps->curr_weapon] == DEVISTATOR_WEAPON) { sprite[j].extra >>= 2; sprite[j].ang += 16-(krand()&31); sprite[j].zvel += 256-(krand()&511); if (g_player[p].ps->hbomb_hold_delay) { sprite[j].x -= sintable[sa&2047]/644; sprite[j].y -= sintable[(sa+1024+512)&2047]/644; } else { sprite[j].x += sintable[sa&2047]>>8; sprite[j].y += sintable[(sa+1024+512)&2047]>>8; } sprite[j].xrepeat >>= 1; sprite[j].yrepeat >>= 1; } sprite[j].cstat = 128; if (atwith == RPG) sprite[j].clipdist = 4; else sprite[j].clipdist = 40; return j; case HANDHOLDINGLASER__STATIC: if (p >= 0) zvel = (100-ps->horiz-ps->horizoff)*32; else zvel = 0; if (actor[i].shootzvel) zvel = actor[i].shootzvel; srcvect.z -= g_player[p].ps->pyoff; hitscan((const vec3_t *)&srcvect,sect, sintable[(sa+512)&2047], sintable[sa&2047], zvel<<6,&hit,CLIPMASK1); srcvect.z += g_player[p].ps->pyoff; j = 0; if (hit.sprite >= 0) break; if (hit.wall >= 0 && hit.sect >= 0) if (((hit.pos.x-srcvect.x)*(hit.pos.x-srcvect.x)+(hit.pos.y-srcvect.y)*(hit.pos.y-srcvect.y)) < (290*290)) { if (wall[hit.wall].nextsector >= 0) { if (sector[wall[hit.wall].nextsector].lotag <= 2 && sector[hit.sect].lotag <= 2) j = 1; } else if (sector[hit.sect].lotag <= 2) j = 1; } if (j == 1) { int32_t lTripBombControl=Gv_GetVarByLabel("TRIPBOMB_CONTROL", TRIPBOMB_TRIPWIRE, g_player[p].ps->i, p); k = A_InsertSprite(hit.sect,hit.pos.x,hit.pos.y,hit.pos.z,TRIPBOMB,-16,4,5,sa,0,0,i,6); if (lTripBombControl & TRIPBOMB_TIMER) { int32_t lLifetime=Gv_GetVarByLabel("STICKYBOMB_LIFETIME", NAM_GRENADE_LIFETIME, g_player[p].ps->i, p); int32_t lLifetimeVar=Gv_GetVarByLabel("STICKYBOMB_LIFETIME_VAR", NAM_GRENADE_LIFETIME_VAR, g_player[p].ps->i, p); // set timer. blows up when at zero.... actor[k].t_data[7]=lLifetime + mulscale(krand(),lLifetimeVar, 14) - lLifetimeVar; actor[k].t_data[6]=1; } else sprite[k].hitag = k; A_PlaySound(LASERTRIP_ONWALL,k); sprite[k].xvel = -20; A_SetSprite(k,CLIPMASK0); sprite[k].cstat = 16; actor[k].t_data[5] = sprite[k].ang = getangle(wall[hit.wall].x-wall[wall[hit.wall].point2].x,wall[hit.wall].y-wall[wall[hit.wall].point2].y)-512; } return j?k:-1; case BOUNCEMINE__STATIC: case MORTER__STATIC: if (s->extra >= 0) s->shade = -96; j = g_player[A_FindPlayer(s,&x)].ps->i; x = ldist(&sprite[j],s); zvel = -x>>1; if (zvel < -4096) zvel = -2048; vel = x>>4; if (actor[i].shootzvel) zvel = actor[i].shootzvel; A_InsertSprite(sect, srcvect.x+(sintable[(512+sa+512)&2047]>>8), srcvect.y+(sintable[(sa+512)&2047]>>8), srcvect.z+(6<<8),atwith,-64,32,32,sa,vel,zvel,i,1); break; case GROWSPARK__STATIC: if (p >= 0) { // j = A_FindTargetSprite( s, AUTO_AIM_ANGLE ); Gv_SetVar(g_iAimAngleVarID,AUTO_AIM_ANGLE,i,p); if (apScriptGameEvent[EVENT_GETAUTOAIMANGLE]) VM_OnEvent(EVENT_GETAUTOAIMANGLE, i, p, -1, 0); j=-1; if (Gv_GetVar(g_iAimAngleVarID,i,p) > 0) { j = A_FindTargetSprite(s, Gv_GetVar(g_iAimAngleVarID,i,p),atwith); } if (j >= 0) { dal = ((sprite[j].yrepeat*tilesizy[sprite[j].picnum])<<1)+(5<<8); if (((sprite[j].picnum >= GREENSLIME)&&(sprite[j].picnum <= GREENSLIME+7))||(sprite[j].picnum ==ROTATEGUN)) { dal -= (8<<8); } hit.pos.x = ldist(&sprite[ps->i], &sprite[j]); if (hit.pos.x == 0) hit.pos.x++; zvel = ((sprite[j].z-srcvect.z-dal)<<8) / hit.pos.x; sa = getangle(sprite[j].x-srcvect.x,sprite[j].y-srcvect.y); } else { sa += 16-(krand()&31); zvel = (100-ps->horiz-ps->horizoff)<<5; zvel += 128-(krand()&255); } srcvect.z -= (2<<8); } else { j = A_FindPlayer(s,&x); srcvect.z -= (4<<8); hit.pos.x = ldist(&sprite[g_player[j].ps->i], s); if (hit.pos.x == 0) hit.pos.x++; zvel = ((g_player[j].ps->pos.z-srcvect.z) <<8) / hit.pos.x; zvel += 128-(krand()&255); sa += 32-(krand()&63); } k = 0; // RESHOOTGROW: if (sect < 0) break; s->cstat &= ~257; if (actor[i].shootzvel) zvel = actor[i].shootzvel; hitscan((const vec3_t *)&srcvect,sect, sintable[(sa+512)&2047], sintable[sa&2047], zvel<<6,&hit,CLIPMASK1); s->cstat |= 257; j = A_InsertSprite(sect,hit.pos.x,hit.pos.y,hit.pos.z,GROWSPARK,-16,28,28,sa,0,0,i,1); sprite[j].pal = 2; sprite[j].cstat |= 130; sprite[j].xrepeat = sprite[j].yrepeat = 1; if (hit.wall == -1 && hit.sprite == -1 && hit.sect >= 0) { if (zvel < 0 && (sector[hit.sect].ceilingstat&1) == 0) Sect_DamageCeiling(hit.sect); } else if (hit.sprite >= 0) A_DamageObject(hit.sprite,j); else if (hit.wall >= 0 && wall[hit.wall].picnum != ACCESSSWITCH && wall[hit.wall].picnum != ACCESSSWITCH2) { /* if(wall[hit.wall].overpicnum == MIRROR && k == 0) { l = getangle( wall[wall[hit.wall].point2].x-wall[hit.wall].x, wall[wall[hit.wall].point2].y-wall[hit.wall].y); sx = hit.pos.x; sy = hit.pos.y; srcvect.z = hit.pos.z; sect = hit.sect; sa = ((l<<1) - sa)&2047; sx += sintable[(sa+512)&2047]>>12; sy += sintable[sa&2047]>>12; k++; goto RESHOOTGROW; } else */ A_DamageWall(j,hit.wall,&hit.pos,atwith); } break; case SHRINKER__STATIC: if (s->extra >= 0) s->shade = -96; if (p >= 0) { // j = A_FindTargetSprite( s, AUTO_AIM_ANGLE ); Gv_SetVar(g_iAimAngleVarID,AUTO_AIM_ANGLE,i,p); if (apScriptGameEvent[EVENT_GETAUTOAIMANGLE]) VM_OnEvent(EVENT_GETAUTOAIMANGLE, i, p, -1, 0); j=-1; if (Gv_GetVar(g_iAimAngleVarID,i,p) > 0) { j = A_FindTargetSprite(s, Gv_GetVar(g_iAimAngleVarID,i,p),atwith); } if (j >= 0) { dal = ((sprite[j].yrepeat*tilesizy[sprite[j].picnum])<<1); hit.pos.x = ldist(&sprite[ps->i], &sprite[j]); if (hit.pos.x == 0) hit.pos.x++; zvel = ((sprite[j].z-srcvect.z-dal-(4<<8))*768) / hit.pos.x; sa = getangle(sprite[j].x-srcvect.x,sprite[j].y-srcvect.y); } else zvel = (100-ps->horiz-ps->horizoff)*98; } else if (s->statnum != 3) { j = A_FindPlayer(s,&x); l = ldist(&sprite[g_player[j].ps->i],s); if (l == 0) l++; zvel = ((g_player[j].ps->opos.z-srcvect.z)*512) / l ; } else zvel = 0; if (actor[i].shootzvel) zvel = actor[i].shootzvel; j = A_InsertSprite(sect, srcvect.x+(sintable[(512+sa+512)&2047]>>12), srcvect.y+(sintable[(sa+512)&2047]>>12), srcvect.z+(2<<8),SHRINKSPARK,-16,28,28,sa,768,zvel,i,4); sprite[j].cstat = 128; sprite[j].clipdist = 32; return j; } } return -1; } //////////////////// HUD WEAPON / MISC. DISPLAY CODE //////////////////// static void P_DisplaySpit(int32_t snum) { int32_t i, a, x, y, z; DukePlayer_t *const ps = g_player[snum].ps; if (ps->loogcnt == 0) return; y = (ps->loogcnt<<2); for (i=0; i<ps->numloogs; i++) { a = klabs(sintable[((ps->loogcnt+i)<<5)&2047])>>5; z = 4096+((ps->loogcnt+i)<<9); x = (-g_player[snum].sync->avel)+(sintable[((ps->loogcnt+i)<<6)&2047]>>10); rotatesprite_fs( (ps->loogiex[i]+x)<<16,(200+ps->loogiey[i]-y)<<16,z-(i<<8),256-a, LOOGIE,0,0,2); } } static int32_t get_hud_pal(const DukePlayer_t *p) { if (sprite[p->i].pal == 1) return 1; if (p->cursectnum >= 0) { int32_t dapal = sector[p->cursectnum].floorpal; if (!g_noFloorPal[dapal]) return dapal; } return 0; } static int32_t P_DisplayFist(int32_t gs,int32_t snum) { int32_t looking_arc,fisti,fistpal; int32_t fistzoom, fistz; int32_t wx[2] = { windowx1, windowx2 }; const DukePlayer_t *const ps = g_player[snum].ps; fisti = ps->fist_incs; if (fisti > 32) fisti = 32; if (fisti <= 0) return 0; looking_arc = klabs(ps->look_ang)/9; fistzoom = 65536 - (sintable[(512+(fisti<<6))&2047]<<2); fistzoom = clamp(fistzoom, 40920, 90612); fistz = 194 + (sintable[((6+fisti)<<7)&2047]>>9); fistpal = get_hud_pal(ps); // XXX: this is outdated, doesn't handle above/below split. if (g_fakeMultiMode && ud.multimode==2) wx[(g_snum==0)] = (wx[0]+wx[1])/2+1; rotatesprite( (-fisti+222+(g_player[snum].sync->avel>>4))<<16, (looking_arc+fistz)<<16, fistzoom,0,FIST,gs,fistpal,2, wx[0],windowy1,wx[1],windowy2); return 1; } #define DRAWEAP_CENTER 262144 static inline int32_t weapsc(int32_t sc) { return scale(sc, ud.weaponscale, 100); } static void G_DrawTileScaled(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t tilenum, int32_t shade, int32_t orientation, int32_t p) { int32_t ang = 0; int32_t xoff = 192; int32_t wx[2] = { windowx1, windowx2 }; int32_t wy[2] = { windowy1, windowy2 }; int32_t yofs = 0; switch (g_currentweapon) { case DEVISTATOR_WEAPON: case TRIPBOMB_WEAPON: xoff = 160; break; default: if (orientation & DRAWEAP_CENTER) { xoff = 160; orientation &= ~DRAWEAP_CENTER; } break; } // for G_DrawTileScaled, bit 4 means "flip x" if (orientation&4) ang = 1024; if (g_fakeMultiMode && ud.multimode==2) { const int32_t sidebyside = (ud.screen_size!=0); // splitscreen HACK orientation &= ~(1024|512|256); if (sidebyside) { orientation &= ~8; wx[(g_snum==0)] = (wx[0]+wx[1])/2 + 2; } else { orientation |= 8; if (g_snum==0) yofs = -(100<<16); wy[(g_snum==0)] = (wy[0]+wy[1])/2 + 2; } } #ifdef USE_OPENGL if (getrendermode() >= 3 && usemodels && md_tilehasmodel(tilenum,p) >= 0) y += (224-weapsc(224)); #endif rotatesprite(weapsc(x<<16) + ((xoff-weapsc(xoff))<<16), weapsc(y<<16) + ((200-weapsc(200))<<16) + yofs, weapsc(65536L),ang,tilenum,shade,p,(2|orientation), wx[0],wy[0], wx[1],wy[1]); } static void G_DrawWeaponTile(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t tilenum, int32_t shade, int32_t orientation, int32_t p, uint8_t slot) { static int32_t shadef[2] = {0, 0}, palf[2] = {0, 0}; // sanity checking the slot value if (slot > 1) slot = 1; // basic fading between player weapon shades if (shadef[slot] != shade && (!p || palf[slot] == p)) { shadef[slot] += (shade-shadef[slot])>>2; if (!((shade-shadef[slot])>>2)) { shadef[slot] += (shade-shadef[slot])>>1; if (!((shade-shadef[slot])>>1)) shadef[slot] = shade; } } else shadef[slot] = shade; palf[slot] = p; switch (ud.drawweapon) { default: return; case 1: G_DrawTileScaled(x,y,tilenum,shadef[slot],orientation,p); return; case 2: { const DukePlayer_t *const ps = g_player[screenpeek].ps; const int32_t sc = scale(65536,ud.statusbarscale,100); switch (g_currentweapon) { case PISTOL_WEAPON: case CHAINGUN_WEAPON: case RPG_WEAPON: case FREEZE_WEAPON: case SHRINKER_WEAPON: case GROW_WEAPON: case DEVISTATOR_WEAPON: case TRIPBOMB_WEAPON: case HANDREMOTE_WEAPON: case HANDBOMB_WEAPON: case SHOTGUN_WEAPON: rotatesprite_win(160<<16,(180+(ps->weapon_pos*ps->weapon_pos))<<16, sc,0,g_currentweapon==GROW_WEAPON?GROWSPRITEICON:WeaponPickupSprites[g_currentweapon], 0,0,2); return; default: return; } } } } static int32_t P_DisplayKnee(int32_t gs,int32_t snum) { static const int8_t knee_y[] = {0,-8,-16,-32,-64,-84,-108,-108,-108,-72,-32,-8}; int32_t looking_arc, pal; const DukePlayer_t *const ps = g_player[snum].ps; if (ps->knee_incs > 11 || ps->knee_incs == 0 || sprite[ps->i].extra <= 0) return 0; looking_arc = knee_y[ps->knee_incs] + klabs(ps->look_ang)/9; looking_arc -= (ps->hard_landing<<3); pal = get_hud_pal(ps); if (pal == 0) pal = ps->palookup; G_DrawTileScaled(105+(g_player[snum].sync->avel>>4)-(ps->look_ang>>1)+(knee_y[ps->knee_incs]>>2), looking_arc+280-((ps->horiz-ps->horizoff)>>4),KNEE,gs,4+DRAWEAP_CENTER,pal); return 1; } static int32_t P_DisplayKnuckles(int32_t gs,int32_t snum) { static const int8_t knuckle_frames[] = {0,1,2,2,3,3,3,2,2,1,0}; int32_t looking_arc, pal; const DukePlayer_t *const ps = g_player[snum].ps; if (ps->knuckle_incs == 0 || sprite[ps->i].extra <= 0) return 0; looking_arc = klabs(ps->look_ang)/9; looking_arc -= (ps->hard_landing<<3); pal = get_hud_pal(ps); G_DrawTileScaled(160+(g_player[snum].sync->avel>>4)-(ps->look_ang>>1), looking_arc+180-((ps->horiz-ps->horizoff)>>4), CRACKKNUCKLES+knuckle_frames[ps->knuckle_incs>>1],gs,4+DRAWEAP_CENTER,pal); return 1; } void P_FireWeapon(DukePlayer_t *p) { int32_t i, snum = sprite[p->i].yvel; if (VM_OnEvent(EVENT_DOFIRE, p->i, snum, -1, 0) == 0) { if (p->weapon_pos != 0) return; if (aplWeaponWorksLike[p->curr_weapon][snum] != KNEE_WEAPON) p->ammo_amount[p->curr_weapon]--; if (aplWeaponFireSound[p->curr_weapon][snum] > 0) A_PlaySound(aplWeaponFireSound[p->curr_weapon][snum],p->i); Gv_SetVar(g_iWeaponVarID,p->curr_weapon,p->i,snum); Gv_SetVar(g_iWorksLikeVarID,aplWeaponWorksLike[p->curr_weapon][snum], p->i, snum); // OSD_Printf("doing %d %d %d\n",aplWeaponShoots[p->curr_weapon][snum],p->curr_weapon,snum); A_Shoot(p->i,aplWeaponShoots[p->curr_weapon][snum]); for (i=aplWeaponShotsPerBurst[p->curr_weapon][snum]-1; i > 0; i--) { if (aplWeaponFlags[p->curr_weapon][snum] & WEAPON_FIREEVERYOTHER) { // this makes the projectiles fire on a delay from player code actor[p->i].t_data[7] = (aplWeaponShotsPerBurst[p->curr_weapon][snum])<<1; } else { if (aplWeaponFlags[p->curr_weapon][snum] & WEAPON_AMMOPERSHOT && aplWeaponWorksLike[p->curr_weapon][snum] != KNEE_WEAPON) { if (p->ammo_amount[p->curr_weapon] > 0) p->ammo_amount[p->curr_weapon]--; else break; } A_Shoot(p->i,aplWeaponShoots[p->curr_weapon][snum]); } } if (!(aplWeaponFlags[p->curr_weapon][snum] & WEAPON_NOVISIBLE)) { #ifdef POLYMER spritetype *s = &sprite[p->i]; int32_t x = ((sintable[(s->ang+512)&2047])>>7), y = ((sintable[(s->ang)&2047])>>7); s->x += x; s->y += y; G_AddGameLight(0, p->i, PHEIGHT, 8192, aplWeaponFlashColor[p->curr_weapon][snum],PR_LIGHT_PRIO_MAX_GAME); actor[p->i].lightcount = 2; s->x -= x; s->y -= y; #endif // POLYMER lastvisinc = totalclock+32; p->visibility = 0; } } } void P_DoWeaponSpawn(DukePlayer_t *p) { int32_t j, snum = sprite[p->i].yvel; if (aplWeaponSpawn[p->curr_weapon][snum] <= 0) // <=0 : AMC TC beta/RC2 has WEAPONx_SPAWN -1 return; j = A_Spawn(p->i, aplWeaponSpawn[p->curr_weapon][snum]); if ((aplWeaponFlags[p->curr_weapon][snum] & WEAPON_SPAWNTYPE3)) { // like chaingun shells sprite[j].ang += 1024; sprite[j].ang &= 2047; sprite[j].xvel += 32; sprite[j].z += (3<<8); } A_SetSprite(j,CLIPMASK0); } void P_DisplayScuba(int32_t snum) { if (g_player[snum].ps->scuba_on) { int32_t p = get_hud_pal(g_player[snum].ps); g_snum = snum; G_DrawTileScaled(43, (200-tilesizy[SCUBAMASK]), SCUBAMASK, 0, 2+16+DRAWEAP_CENTER, p); G_DrawTileScaled(320-43, (200-tilesizy[SCUBAMASK]), SCUBAMASK, 0, 2+4+16+DRAWEAP_CENTER, p); } } static int32_t P_DisplayTip(int32_t gs,int32_t snum) { int32_t p,looking_arc, i, tipy; static const int16_t tip_y[] = { 0,-8,-16,-32,-64, -84,-108,-108,-108,-108, -108,-108,-108,-108,-108, -108,-96,-72,-64,-32, -16 }; const DukePlayer_t *const ps = g_player[snum].ps; if (ps->tipincs == 0) return 0; looking_arc = klabs(ps->look_ang)/9; looking_arc -= (ps->hard_landing<<3); p = get_hud_pal(ps); /* if(ps->access_spritenum >= 0) p = sprite[ps->access_spritenum].pal; else p = wall[ps->access_wallnum].pal; */ // FIXME? // OOB access of tip_y[] happens in 'Spider Den' of WGR2 SVN r72 i = ps->tipincs; tipy = ((unsigned)i < sizeof(tip_y)/sizeof(tip_y[0])) ? (tip_y[i]>>1) : 0; G_DrawTileScaled(170+(g_player[snum].sync->avel>>4)-(ps->look_ang>>1), tipy+looking_arc+240-((ps->horiz-ps->horizoff)>>4), TIP+((26-ps->tipincs)>>4),gs,DRAWEAP_CENTER,p); return 1; } static int32_t P_DisplayAccess(int32_t gs,int32_t snum) { static const int16_t access_y[] = { 0,-8,-16,-32,-64, -84,-108,-108,-108,-108, -108,-108,-108,-108,-108, -108,-96,-72,-64,-32, -16 }; int32_t looking_arc, p = 0; const DukePlayer_t *const ps = g_player[snum].ps; if (ps->access_incs == 0 || sprite[ps->i].extra <= 0) return 0; looking_arc = access_y[ps->access_incs] + klabs(ps->look_ang)/9 - (ps->hard_landing<<3); if (ps->access_spritenum >= 0) p = sprite[ps->access_spritenum].pal; // else // p = wall[ps->access_wallnum].pal; if ((ps->access_incs-3) > 0 && (ps->access_incs-3)>>3) { guniqhudid = 200; G_DrawTileScaled(170+(g_player[snum].sync->avel>>4)-(ps->look_ang>>1)+(access_y[ps->access_incs]>>2), looking_arc+266-((ps->horiz-ps->horizoff)>>4),HANDHOLDINGLASER+(ps->access_incs>>3), gs,DRAWEAP_CENTER,p); guniqhudid = 0; } else { guniqhudid = 201; G_DrawTileScaled(170+(g_player[snum].sync->avel>>4)-(ps->look_ang>>1)+(access_y[ps->access_incs]>>2), looking_arc+266-((ps->horiz-ps->horizoff)>>4),HANDHOLDINGACCESS,gs,4+DRAWEAP_CENTER,p); guniqhudid = 0; } return 1; } static int32_t fistsign; void P_DisplayWeapon(int32_t snum) { int32_t gun_pos, looking_arc, cw; int32_t weapon_xoffset, i, j; int32_t o = 0,pal = 0; DukePlayer_t *const p = g_player[snum].ps; uint8_t *kb = &p->kickback_pic; int32_t gs; g_snum = snum; looking_arc = klabs(p->look_ang)/9; gs = sprite[p->i].shade; if (gs > 24) gs = 24; if (p->newowner >= 0 || ud.camerasprite >= 0 || p->over_shoulder_on > 0 || (sprite[p->i].pal != 1 && sprite[p->i].extra <= 0) || P_DisplayFist(gs,snum) || P_DisplayKnuckles(gs,snum) || P_DisplayTip(gs,snum) || P_DisplayAccess(gs,snum)) return; P_DisplayKnee(gs,snum); gun_pos = 80-(p->weapon_pos*p->weapon_pos); weapon_xoffset = (160)-90; if (ud.weaponsway) { weapon_xoffset -= (sintable[((p->weapon_sway>>1)+512)&2047]/(1024+512)); if (sprite[p->i].xrepeat < 32) gun_pos -= klabs(sintable[(p->weapon_sway<<2)&2047]>>9); else gun_pos -= klabs(sintable[(p->weapon_sway>>1)&2047]>>10); } else gun_pos -= 16; weapon_xoffset -= 58 + p->weapon_ang; gun_pos -= (p->hard_landing<<3); if (p->last_weapon >= 0) cw = aplWeaponWorksLike[p->last_weapon][snum]; else cw = aplWeaponWorksLike[p->curr_weapon][snum]; g_gun_pos=gun_pos; g_looking_arc=looking_arc; g_currentweapon=cw; g_weapon_xoffset=weapon_xoffset; g_gs=gs; g_kb=*kb; g_looking_angSR1=p->look_ang>>1; if (VM_OnEvent(EVENT_DISPLAYWEAPON, p->i, screenpeek, -1, 0) == 0) { j = 14-p->quick_kick; if (j != 14 || p->last_quick_kick) { pal = get_hud_pal(p); if (pal == 0) pal = p->palookup; guniqhudid = 100; if (j < 6 || j > 12) G_DrawTileScaled(weapon_xoffset+80-(p->look_ang>>1), looking_arc+250-gun_pos,KNEE,gs,o|4|DRAWEAP_CENTER,pal); else G_DrawTileScaled(weapon_xoffset+160-16-(p->look_ang>>1), looking_arc+214-gun_pos,KNEE+1,gs,o|4|DRAWEAP_CENTER,pal); guniqhudid = 0; } if (sprite[p->i].xrepeat < 40) { pal = get_hud_pal(p); if (p->jetpack_on == 0) { i = sprite[p->i].xvel; looking_arc += 32-(i>>1); fistsign += i>>1; } cw = weapon_xoffset; weapon_xoffset += sintable[(fistsign)&2047]>>10; G_DrawTileScaled(weapon_xoffset+250-(p->look_ang>>1), looking_arc+258-(klabs(sintable[(fistsign)&2047]>>8)), FIST,gs,o, pal); weapon_xoffset = cw - (sintable[(fistsign)&2047]>>10); G_DrawTileScaled(weapon_xoffset+40-(p->look_ang>>1), looking_arc+200+(klabs(sintable[(fistsign)&2047]>>8)), FIST,gs,o|4, pal); } else { pal = get_hud_pal(p); switch (cw) { case KNEE_WEAPON: if (VM_OnEvent(EVENT_DRAWWEAPON,g_player[screenpeek].ps->i,screenpeek, -1, 0) == 0) { if ((*kb) > 0) { if (pal == 0) pal = p->palookup; guniqhudid = cw; if ((*kb) < 5 || (*kb) > 9) G_DrawTileScaled(weapon_xoffset+220-(p->look_ang>>1), looking_arc+250-gun_pos,KNEE,gs,o,pal); else G_DrawTileScaled(weapon_xoffset+160-(p->look_ang>>1), looking_arc+214-gun_pos,KNEE+1,gs,o,pal); guniqhudid = 0; } } break; case TRIPBOMB_WEAPON: if (VM_OnEvent(EVENT_DRAWWEAPON,g_player[screenpeek].ps->i,screenpeek, -1, 0) == 0) { weapon_xoffset += 8; gun_pos -= 10; if ((*kb) > 6) looking_arc += ((*kb)<<3); else if ((*kb) < 4) { guniqhudid = cw<<2; G_DrawWeaponTile(weapon_xoffset+142-(p->look_ang>>1), looking_arc+234-gun_pos,HANDHOLDINGLASER+3,gs,o,pal,0); } guniqhudid = cw; G_DrawWeaponTile(weapon_xoffset+130-(p->look_ang>>1), looking_arc+249-gun_pos, HANDHOLDINGLASER+((*kb)>>2),gs,o,pal,0); guniqhudid = cw<<1; G_DrawWeaponTile(weapon_xoffset+152-(p->look_ang>>1), looking_arc+249-gun_pos, HANDHOLDINGLASER+((*kb)>>2),gs,o|4,pal,0); guniqhudid = 0; } break; case RPG_WEAPON: if (VM_OnEvent(EVENT_DRAWWEAPON,g_player[screenpeek].ps->i,screenpeek, -1, 0) == 0) { weapon_xoffset -= sintable[(768+((*kb)<<7))&2047]>>11; gun_pos += sintable[(768+((*kb)<<7))&2047]>>11; if (*kb > 0 && *kb < 8) { G_DrawWeaponTile(weapon_xoffset+164,(looking_arc<<1)+176-gun_pos, RPGGUN+((*kb)>>1),gs,o|512,pal,0); } G_DrawWeaponTile(weapon_xoffset+164,(looking_arc<<1)+176-gun_pos, RPGGUN,gs,o|512,pal,0); } break; case SHOTGUN_WEAPON: if (VM_OnEvent(EVENT_DRAWWEAPON,g_player[screenpeek].ps->i,screenpeek, -1, 0) == 0) { weapon_xoffset -= 8; switch (*kb) { case 1: case 2: guniqhudid = cw<<1; G_DrawWeaponTile(weapon_xoffset+168-(p->look_ang>>1),looking_arc+201-gun_pos, SHOTGUN+2,-128,o,pal,0); case 0: case 6: case 7: case 8: guniqhudid = cw; G_DrawWeaponTile(weapon_xoffset+146-(p->look_ang>>1),looking_arc+202-gun_pos, SHOTGUN,gs,o,pal,0); guniqhudid = 0; break; case 3: case 4: case 5: case 9: case 10: case 11: case 12: if (*kb > 1 && *kb < 5) { gun_pos -= 40; weapon_xoffset += 20; guniqhudid = cw<<1; G_DrawWeaponTile(weapon_xoffset+178-(p->look_ang>>1),looking_arc+194-gun_pos, SHOTGUN+1+((*(kb)-1)>>1),-128,o,pal,0); } guniqhudid = cw; G_DrawWeaponTile(weapon_xoffset+158-(p->look_ang>>1),looking_arc+220-gun_pos, SHOTGUN+3,gs,o,pal,0); guniqhudid = 0; break; case 13: case 14: case 15: guniqhudid = cw; G_DrawWeaponTile(32+weapon_xoffset+166-(p->look_ang>>1),looking_arc+210-gun_pos, SHOTGUN+4,gs,o,pal,0); guniqhudid = 0; break; case 16: case 17: case 18: case 19: guniqhudid = cw; G_DrawWeaponTile(64+weapon_xoffset+170-(p->look_ang>>1),looking_arc+196-gun_pos, SHOTGUN+5,gs,o,pal,0); guniqhudid = 0; break; case 20: case 21: case 22: case 23: guniqhudid = cw; G_DrawWeaponTile(64+weapon_xoffset+176-(p->look_ang>>1),looking_arc+196-gun_pos, SHOTGUN+6,gs,o,pal,0); guniqhudid = 0; break; case 24: case 25: case 26: case 27: guniqhudid = cw; G_DrawWeaponTile(64+weapon_xoffset+170-(p->look_ang>>1),looking_arc+196-gun_pos, SHOTGUN+5,gs,o,pal,0); guniqhudid = 0; break; case 28: case 29: case 30: guniqhudid = cw; G_DrawWeaponTile(32+weapon_xoffset+156-(p->look_ang>>1),looking_arc+206-gun_pos, SHOTGUN+4,gs,o,pal,0); guniqhudid = 0; break; } } break; case CHAINGUN_WEAPON: if (VM_OnEvent(EVENT_DRAWWEAPON,g_player[screenpeek].ps->i,screenpeek, -1, 0) == 0) { if (*kb > 0) { gun_pos -= sintable[(*kb)<<7]>>12; if (sprite[p->i].pal != 1) weapon_xoffset += 1-(rand()&3); } G_DrawWeaponTile(weapon_xoffset+168-(p->look_ang>>1),looking_arc+260-gun_pos, CHAINGUN,gs,o,pal,0); switch (*kb) { case 0: G_DrawWeaponTile(weapon_xoffset+178-(p->look_ang>>1),looking_arc+233-gun_pos, CHAINGUN+1,gs,o,pal,0); break; default: if (*kb > *aplWeaponFireDelay[CHAINGUN_WEAPON] && *kb < *aplWeaponTotalTime[CHAINGUN_WEAPON]) { i = 0; if (sprite[p->i].pal != 1) i = rand()&7; G_DrawWeaponTile(i+weapon_xoffset-4+140-(p->look_ang>>1),i+looking_arc-((*kb)>>1)+208-gun_pos, CHAINGUN+5+((*kb-4)/5),gs,o,pal,0); if (sprite[p->i].pal != 1) i = rand()&7; G_DrawWeaponTile(i+weapon_xoffset-4+184-(p->look_ang>>1),i+looking_arc-((*kb)>>1)+208-gun_pos, CHAINGUN+5+((*kb-4)/5),gs,o,pal,0); } if (*kb < *aplWeaponTotalTime[CHAINGUN_WEAPON]-4) { i = rand()&7; G_DrawWeaponTile(i+weapon_xoffset-4+162-(p->look_ang>>1),i+looking_arc-((*kb)>>1)+208-gun_pos, CHAINGUN+5+((*kb-2)/5),gs,o,pal,0); G_DrawWeaponTile(weapon_xoffset+178-(p->look_ang>>1),looking_arc+233-gun_pos, CHAINGUN+1+((*kb)>>1),gs,o,pal,0); } else G_DrawWeaponTile(weapon_xoffset+178-(p->look_ang>>1),looking_arc+233-gun_pos, CHAINGUN+1,gs,o,pal,0); break; } } break; case PISTOL_WEAPON: if (VM_OnEvent(EVENT_DRAWWEAPON,g_player[screenpeek].ps->i,screenpeek, -1, 0) == 0) { if ((*kb) < *aplWeaponTotalTime[PISTOL_WEAPON]+1) { static uint8_t kb_frames[] = { 0, 1, 2 }; int32_t l = 195-12+weapon_xoffset; if ((*kb) == *aplWeaponFireDelay[PISTOL_WEAPON]) l -= 3; guniqhudid = cw; G_DrawWeaponTile((l-(p->look_ang>>1)),(looking_arc+244-gun_pos),FIRSTGUN+kb_frames[*kb>2?0:*kb],gs,2,pal,0); guniqhudid = 0; } else { if ((*kb) < *aplWeaponReload[PISTOL_WEAPON]-17) { guniqhudid = cw; G_DrawWeaponTile(194-(p->look_ang>>1),looking_arc+230-gun_pos,FIRSTGUN+4,gs,o|512,pal,0); guniqhudid = 0; } else if ((*kb) < *aplWeaponReload[PISTOL_WEAPON]-12) { G_DrawWeaponTile(244-((*kb)<<3)-(p->look_ang>>1),looking_arc+130-gun_pos+((*kb)<<4),FIRSTGUN+6,gs,o|512,pal,0); guniqhudid = cw; G_DrawWeaponTile(224-(p->look_ang>>1),looking_arc+220-gun_pos,FIRSTGUN+5,gs,o|512,pal,0); guniqhudid = 0; } else if ((*kb) < *aplWeaponReload[PISTOL_WEAPON]-7) { G_DrawWeaponTile(124+((*kb)<<1)-(p->look_ang>>1),looking_arc+430-gun_pos-((*kb)<<3),FIRSTGUN+6,gs,o|512,pal,0); guniqhudid = cw; G_DrawWeaponTile(224-(p->look_ang>>1),looking_arc+220-gun_pos,FIRSTGUN+5,gs,o|512,pal,0); guniqhudid = 0; } else if ((*kb) < *aplWeaponReload[PISTOL_WEAPON]-4) { G_DrawWeaponTile(184-(p->look_ang>>1),looking_arc+235-gun_pos,FIRSTGUN+8,gs,o|512,pal,0); guniqhudid = cw; G_DrawWeaponTile(224-(p->look_ang>>1),looking_arc+210-gun_pos,FIRSTGUN+5,gs,o|512,pal,0); guniqhudid = 0; } else if ((*kb) < *aplWeaponReload[PISTOL_WEAPON]-2) { G_DrawWeaponTile(164-(p->look_ang>>1),looking_arc+245-gun_pos,FIRSTGUN+8,gs,o|512,pal,0); guniqhudid = cw; G_DrawWeaponTile(224-(p->look_ang>>1),looking_arc+220-gun_pos,FIRSTGUN+5,gs,o|512,pal,0); guniqhudid = 0; } else if ((*kb) < *aplWeaponReload[PISTOL_WEAPON]) { guniqhudid = cw; G_DrawWeaponTile(194-(p->look_ang>>1),looking_arc+235-gun_pos,FIRSTGUN+5,gs,o|512,pal,0); guniqhudid = 0; } } } break; case HANDBOMB_WEAPON: if (VM_OnEvent(EVENT_DRAWWEAPON,g_player[screenpeek].ps->i,screenpeek, -1, 0) == 0) { guniqhudid = cw; if ((*kb)) { if ((*kb) < (*aplWeaponTotalTime[p->curr_weapon])) { static uint8_t throw_frames[] = {0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2}; if ((*kb) < 7) gun_pos -= 10*(*kb); //D else if ((*kb) < 12) gun_pos += 20*((*kb)-10); //U else if ((*kb) < 20) gun_pos -= 9*((*kb)-14); //D G_DrawWeaponTile(weapon_xoffset+190-(p->look_ang>>1),looking_arc+250-gun_pos,HANDTHROW+throw_frames[(*kb)],gs,o,pal,0); } } else G_DrawWeaponTile(weapon_xoffset+190-(p->look_ang>>1),looking_arc+260-gun_pos,HANDTHROW,gs,o,pal,0); guniqhudid = 0; } break; case HANDREMOTE_WEAPON: if (VM_OnEvent(EVENT_DRAWWEAPON,g_player[screenpeek].ps->i,screenpeek, -1, 0) == 0) { static uint8_t remote_frames[] = {0,1,1,2,1,1,0,0,0,0,0}; weapon_xoffset = -48; guniqhudid = cw; // if ((*kb)) G_DrawWeaponTile(weapon_xoffset+150-(p->look_ang>>1),looking_arc+258-gun_pos,HANDREMOTE+remote_frames[(*kb)],gs,o,pal,0); // else // G_DrawWeaponTile(weapon_xoffset+150-(p->look_ang>>1),looking_arc+258-gun_pos,HANDREMOTE,gs,o,pal,0); guniqhudid = 0; } break; case DEVISTATOR_WEAPON: if (VM_OnEvent(EVENT_DRAWWEAPON,g_player[screenpeek].ps->i,screenpeek, -1, 0) == 0) { if ((*kb) < (*aplWeaponTotalTime[DEVISTATOR_WEAPON]+1) && (*kb) > 0) { static uint8_t cycloidy[] = {0,4,12,24,12,4,0}; i = ksgn((*kb)>>2); if (p->hbomb_hold_delay) { guniqhudid = cw; G_DrawWeaponTile((cycloidy[*kb]>>1)+weapon_xoffset+268-(p->look_ang>>1),cycloidy[*kb]+looking_arc+238-gun_pos,DEVISTATOR+i,-32,o,pal,0); guniqhudid = cw<<1; G_DrawWeaponTile(weapon_xoffset+30-(p->look_ang>>1),looking_arc+240-gun_pos,DEVISTATOR,gs,o|4,pal,0); guniqhudid = 0; } else { guniqhudid = cw<<1; G_DrawWeaponTile(-(cycloidy[*kb]>>1)+weapon_xoffset+30-(p->look_ang>>1),cycloidy[*kb]+looking_arc+240-gun_pos,DEVISTATOR+i,-32,o|4,pal,0); guniqhudid = cw; G_DrawWeaponTile(weapon_xoffset+268-(p->look_ang>>1),looking_arc+238-gun_pos,DEVISTATOR,gs,o,pal,0); guniqhudid = 0; } } else { guniqhudid = cw; G_DrawWeaponTile(weapon_xoffset+268-(p->look_ang>>1),looking_arc+238-gun_pos,DEVISTATOR,gs,o,pal,0); guniqhudid = cw<<1; G_DrawWeaponTile(weapon_xoffset+30-(p->look_ang>>1),looking_arc+240-gun_pos,DEVISTATOR,gs,o|4,pal,0); guniqhudid = 0; } } break; case FREEZE_WEAPON: if (VM_OnEvent(EVENT_DRAWWEAPON,g_player[screenpeek].ps->i,screenpeek, -1, 0) == 0) { if ((*kb) < (aplWeaponTotalTime[p->curr_weapon][snum]+1) && (*kb) > 0) { static uint8_t cat_frames[] = { 0,0,1,1,2,2 }; if (sprite[p->i].pal != 1) { weapon_xoffset += rand()&3; looking_arc += rand()&3; } gun_pos -= 16; guniqhudid = 0; G_DrawWeaponTile(weapon_xoffset+210-(p->look_ang>>1),looking_arc+261-gun_pos,FREEZE+2,-32,o|512,pal,0); guniqhudid = cw; G_DrawWeaponTile(weapon_xoffset+210-(p->look_ang>>1),looking_arc+235-gun_pos,FREEZE+3+cat_frames[*kb%6],-32,o|512,pal,0); guniqhudid = 0; } else { guniqhudid = cw; G_DrawWeaponTile(weapon_xoffset+210-(p->look_ang>>1),looking_arc+261-gun_pos,FREEZE,gs,o|512,pal,0); guniqhudid = 0; } } break; case GROW_WEAPON: if (VM_OnEvent(EVENT_DRAWWEAPON,g_player[screenpeek].ps->i,screenpeek, -1, 0) == 0) { weapon_xoffset += 28; looking_arc += 18; if ((*kb) < aplWeaponTotalTime[p->curr_weapon][snum] && (*kb) > 0) { if (sprite[p->i].pal != 1) { weapon_xoffset += rand()&3; gun_pos += (rand()&3); } guniqhudid = cw<<1; G_DrawWeaponTile(weapon_xoffset+184-(p->look_ang>>1), looking_arc+240-gun_pos,SHRINKER+3+((*kb)&3),-32, o,2,1); guniqhudid = cw; G_DrawWeaponTile(weapon_xoffset+188-(p->look_ang>>1), looking_arc+240-gun_pos,SHRINKER-1,gs,o,pal,0); guniqhudid = 0; } else { guniqhudid = cw<<1; G_DrawWeaponTile(weapon_xoffset+184-(p->look_ang>>1), looking_arc+240-gun_pos,SHRINKER+2, 16-(sintable[p->random_club_frame&2047]>>10), o,2,1); guniqhudid = cw; G_DrawWeaponTile(weapon_xoffset+188-(p->look_ang>>1), looking_arc+240-gun_pos,SHRINKER-2,gs,o,pal,0); guniqhudid = 0; } } break; case SHRINKER_WEAPON: if (VM_OnEvent(EVENT_DRAWWEAPON,g_player[screenpeek].ps->i,screenpeek, -1, 0) == 0) { weapon_xoffset += 28; looking_arc += 18; if (((*kb) > 0) && ((*kb) < aplWeaponTotalTime[p->curr_weapon][snum])) { if (sprite[p->i].pal != 1) { weapon_xoffset += rand()&3; gun_pos += (rand()&3); } guniqhudid = cw<<1; G_DrawWeaponTile(weapon_xoffset+184-(p->look_ang>>1), looking_arc+240-gun_pos,SHRINKER+3+((*kb)&3),-32, o,0,1); guniqhudid = cw; G_DrawWeaponTile(weapon_xoffset+188-(p->look_ang>>1), looking_arc+240-gun_pos,SHRINKER+1,gs,o,pal,0); guniqhudid = 0; } else { guniqhudid = cw<<1; G_DrawWeaponTile(weapon_xoffset+184-(p->look_ang>>1), looking_arc+240-gun_pos,SHRINKER+2, 16-(sintable[p->random_club_frame&2047]>>10), o,0,1); guniqhudid = cw; G_DrawWeaponTile(weapon_xoffset+188-(p->look_ang>>1), looking_arc+240-gun_pos,SHRINKER,gs,o,pal,0); guniqhudid = 0; } } break; } } } P_DisplaySpit(snum); } #define TURBOTURNTIME (TICRATE/8) // 7 #define NORMALTURN 15 #define PREAMBLETURN 5 #define NORMALKEYMOVE 40 #define MAXVEL ((NORMALKEYMOVE*2)+10) #define MAXSVEL ((NORMALKEYMOVE*2)+10) #define MAXANGVEL 127 #define MAXHORIZ 127 int32_t g_myAimMode = 0, g_myAimStat = 0, g_oldAimStat = 0; int32_t mouseyaxismode = -1; int32_t g_emuJumpTics = 0; void getinput(int32_t snum) { int32_t j, daang; static ControlInfo info[2]; static int32_t turnheldtime; //MED static int32_t lastcontroltime; //MED int32_t tics, running; int32_t turnamount; int32_t keymove; int32_t momx = 0,momy = 0; DukePlayer_t *p = g_player[snum].ps; if ((p->gm & (MODE_MENU|MODE_TYPE)) || (ud.pause_on && !KB_KeyPressed(sc_Pause))) { if (!(p->gm&MODE_MENU)) CONTROL_GetInput(&info[0]); Bmemset(&info[1], 0, sizeof(input_t)); Bmemset(&loc, 0, sizeof(input_t)); loc.bits = (((int32_t)g_gameQuit)<<SK_GAMEQUIT); loc.extbits = (g_player[snum].pteam != g_player[snum].ps->team)<<6; loc.extbits |= (1<<7); return; } if (ud.mouseaiming) g_myAimMode = BUTTON(gamefunc_Mouse_Aiming); else { g_oldAimStat = g_myAimStat; g_myAimStat = BUTTON(gamefunc_Mouse_Aiming); if (g_myAimStat > g_oldAimStat) { g_myAimMode ^= 1; P_DoQuote(QUOTE_MOUSE_AIMING_OFF+g_myAimMode,p); } } if (g_myAimMode) j = analog_lookingupanddown; else j = ud.config.MouseAnalogueAxes[1]; if (j != mouseyaxismode) { CONTROL_MapAnalogAxis(1, j, controldevice_mouse); mouseyaxismode = j; } CONTROL_GetInput(&info[0]); if (ud.config.MouseDeadZone) { if (info[0].dpitch > 0) { if (info[0].dpitch > ud.config.MouseDeadZone) info[0].dpitch -= ud.config.MouseDeadZone; else info[0].dpitch = 0; } else if (info[0].dpitch < 0) { if (info[0].dpitch < -ud.config.MouseDeadZone) info[0].dpitch += ud.config.MouseDeadZone; else info[0].dpitch = 0; } if (info[0].dyaw > 0) { if (info[0].dyaw > ud.config.MouseDeadZone) info[0].dyaw -= ud.config.MouseDeadZone; else info[0].dyaw = 0; } else if (info[0].dyaw < 0) { if (info[0].dyaw < -ud.config.MouseDeadZone) info[0].dyaw += ud.config.MouseDeadZone; else info[0].dyaw = 0; } } if (ud.config.MouseBias) { if (klabs(info[0].dyaw) > klabs(info[0].dpitch)) info[0].dpitch /= ud.config.MouseBias; else info[0].dyaw /= ud.config.MouseBias; } tics = totalclock-lastcontroltime; lastcontroltime = totalclock; // running = BUTTON(gamefunc_Run)|ud.auto_run; // JBF: Run key behaviour is selectable if (ud.runkey_mode) running = BUTTON(gamefunc_Run)|ud.auto_run; // classic else running = ud.auto_run^BUTTON(gamefunc_Run); // modern svel = vel = angvel = horiz = 0; if (BUTTON(gamefunc_Strafe)) { svel = -(info[0].dyaw+info[1].dyaw)/8; info[1].dyaw = (info[1].dyaw+info[0].dyaw) % 8; } else { angvel = (info[0].dyaw+info[1].dyaw)/64; info[1].dyaw = (info[1].dyaw+info[0].dyaw) % 64; } if (ud.mouseflip) horiz = -(info[0].dpitch+info[1].dpitch)/(314-128); else horiz = (info[0].dpitch+info[1].dpitch)/(314-128); info[1].dpitch = (info[1].dpitch+info[0].dpitch) % (314-128); svel -= info[0].dx; info[1].dz = info[0].dz % (1<<6); vel = -info[0].dz>>6; // OSD_Printf("running: %d\n", running); if (running) { turnamount = NORMALTURN<<1; keymove = NORMALKEYMOVE<<1; } else { turnamount = NORMALTURN; keymove = NORMALKEYMOVE; } if (BUTTON(gamefunc_Strafe)) { if (BUTTON(gamefunc_Turn_Left) && !(g_player[snum].ps->movement_lock&4)) svel -= -keymove; if (BUTTON(gamefunc_Turn_Right) && !(g_player[snum].ps->movement_lock&8)) svel -= keymove; } else { if (BUTTON(gamefunc_Turn_Left)) { turnheldtime += tics; if (turnheldtime>=TURBOTURNTIME) angvel -= turnamount; else angvel -= PREAMBLETURN; } else if (BUTTON(gamefunc_Turn_Right)) { turnheldtime += tics; if (turnheldtime>=TURBOTURNTIME) angvel += turnamount; else angvel += PREAMBLETURN; } else turnheldtime=0; } if (BUTTON(gamefunc_Strafe_Left) && !(g_player[snum].ps->movement_lock&4)) svel += keymove; if (BUTTON(gamefunc_Strafe_Right) && !(g_player[snum].ps->movement_lock&8)) svel += -keymove; if (BUTTON(gamefunc_Move_Forward) && !(g_player[snum].ps->movement_lock&1)) vel += keymove; if (BUTTON(gamefunc_Move_Backward) && !(g_player[snum].ps->movement_lock&2)) vel += -keymove; if (vel < -MAXVEL) vel = -MAXVEL; if (vel > MAXVEL) vel = MAXVEL; if (svel < -MAXSVEL) svel = -MAXSVEL; if (svel > MAXSVEL) svel = MAXSVEL; if (angvel < -MAXANGVEL) angvel = -MAXANGVEL; if (angvel > MAXANGVEL) angvel = MAXANGVEL; if (horiz < -MAXHORIZ) horiz = -MAXHORIZ; if (horiz > MAXHORIZ) horiz = MAXHORIZ; j=0; if (BUTTON(gamefunc_Weapon_1)) j = 1; if (BUTTON(gamefunc_Weapon_2)) j = 2; if (BUTTON(gamefunc_Weapon_3)) j = 3; if (BUTTON(gamefunc_Weapon_4)) j = 4; if (BUTTON(gamefunc_Weapon_5)) j = 5; if (BUTTON(gamefunc_Weapon_6)) j = 6; if (BUTTON(gamefunc_Weapon_7)) j = 7; if (BUTTON(gamefunc_Weapon_8)) j = 8; if (BUTTON(gamefunc_Weapon_9)) j = 9; if (BUTTON(gamefunc_Weapon_10)) j = 10; if (BUTTON(gamefunc_Previous_Weapon) || (BUTTON(gamefunc_Dpad_Select) && vel < 0)) j = 11; if (BUTTON(gamefunc_Next_Weapon) || (BUTTON(gamefunc_Dpad_Select) && vel > 0)) j = 12; if (BUTTON(gamefunc_Jump) && p->on_ground) g_emuJumpTics = 4; loc.bits = (g_emuJumpTics > 0 || BUTTON(gamefunc_Jump))<<SK_JUMP; if (g_emuJumpTics > 0) g_emuJumpTics--; loc.bits |= BUTTON(gamefunc_Crouch)<<SK_CROUCH; loc.bits |= BUTTON(gamefunc_Fire)<<SK_FIRE; loc.bits |= (BUTTON(gamefunc_Aim_Up) || (BUTTON(gamefunc_Dpad_Aiming) && vel > 0))<<SK_AIM_UP; loc.bits |= (BUTTON(gamefunc_Aim_Down) || (BUTTON(gamefunc_Dpad_Aiming) && vel < 0))<<SK_AIM_DOWN; if (ud.runkey_mode) loc.bits |= (ud.auto_run | BUTTON(gamefunc_Run))<<SK_RUN; else loc.bits |= (BUTTON(gamefunc_Run) ^ ud.auto_run)<<SK_RUN; loc.bits |= BUTTON(gamefunc_Look_Left)<<SK_LOOK_LEFT; loc.bits |= BUTTON(gamefunc_Look_Right)<<SK_LOOK_RIGHT; loc.bits |= j<<SK_WEAPON_BITS; loc.bits |= BUTTON(gamefunc_Steroids)<<SK_STEROIDS; loc.bits |= BUTTON(gamefunc_Look_Up)<<SK_LOOK_UP; loc.bits |= BUTTON(gamefunc_Look_Down)<<SK_LOOK_DOWN; loc.bits |= BUTTON(gamefunc_NightVision)<<SK_NIGHTVISION; loc.bits |= BUTTON(gamefunc_MedKit)<<SK_MEDKIT; loc.bits |= BUTTON(gamefunc_Center_View)<<SK_CENTER_VIEW; loc.bits |= BUTTON(gamefunc_Holster_Weapon)<<SK_HOLSTER; loc.bits |= (BUTTON(gamefunc_Inventory_Left) || (BUTTON(gamefunc_Dpad_Select) && (svel > 0 || angvel < 0))) <<SK_INV_LEFT; loc.bits |= KB_KeyPressed(sc_Pause)<<SK_PAUSE; loc.bits |= BUTTON(gamefunc_Quick_Kick)<<SK_QUICK_KICK; loc.bits |= g_myAimMode<<SK_AIMMODE; loc.bits |= BUTTON(gamefunc_Holo_Duke)<<SK_HOLODUKE; loc.bits |= BUTTON(gamefunc_Jetpack)<<SK_JETPACK; loc.bits |= (((int32_t)g_gameQuit)<<SK_GAMEQUIT); loc.bits |= (BUTTON(gamefunc_Inventory_Right) || (BUTTON(gamefunc_Dpad_Select) && (svel < 0 || angvel > 0))) <<SK_INV_RIGHT; loc.bits |= BUTTON(gamefunc_TurnAround)<<SK_TURNAROUND; loc.bits |= BUTTON(gamefunc_Open)<<SK_OPEN; loc.bits |= BUTTON(gamefunc_Inventory)<<SK_INVENTORY; loc.bits |= KB_KeyPressed(sc_Escape)<<SK_ESCAPE; if (BUTTON(gamefunc_Dpad_Select)) vel = svel = angvel = 0; if (BUTTON(gamefunc_Dpad_Aiming)) vel = 0; if (aplWeaponFlags[g_player[snum].ps->curr_weapon][snum] & WEAPON_SEMIAUTO && BUTTON(gamefunc_Fire)) CONTROL_ClearButton(gamefunc_Fire); loc.extbits = 0; loc.extbits |= (BUTTON(gamefunc_Move_Forward) || (vel > 0)); loc.extbits |= (BUTTON(gamefunc_Move_Backward) || (vel < 0))<<1; loc.extbits |= (BUTTON(gamefunc_Strafe_Left) || (svel > 0))<<2; loc.extbits |= (BUTTON(gamefunc_Strafe_Right) || (svel < 0))<<3; if (apScriptGameEvent[EVENT_PROCESSINPUT] || apScriptGameEvent[EVENT_TURNLEFT]) loc.extbits |= BUTTON(gamefunc_Turn_Left)<<4; if (apScriptGameEvent[EVENT_PROCESSINPUT] || apScriptGameEvent[EVENT_TURNRIGHT]) loc.extbits |= BUTTON(gamefunc_Turn_Right)<<5; // used for changing team loc.extbits |= (g_player[snum].pteam != g_player[snum].ps->team)<<6; if (ud.scrollmode && ud.overhead_on) { ud.folfvel = vel; ud.folavel = angvel; loc.fvel = loc.svel = loc.avel = loc.horz = 0; return; } daang = p->ang; momx = mulscale9(vel,sintable[(daang+2560)&2047]); momy = mulscale9(vel,sintable[(daang+2048)&2047]); momx += mulscale9(svel,sintable[(daang+2048)&2047]); momy += mulscale9(svel,sintable[(daang+1536)&2047]); momx += fricxv; momy += fricyv; loc.fvel = momx; loc.svel = momy; loc.avel = angvel; loc.horz = horiz; } static int32_t P_DoCounters(DukePlayer_t *p) { int32_t snum = sprite[p->i].yvel; // j = g_player[snum].sync->avel; // p->weapon_ang = -(j/5); if (snum < 0) return 1; if (p->invdisptime > 0) p->invdisptime--; if (p->tipincs > 0) p->tipincs--; if (p->last_pissed_time > 0) { switch (--p->last_pissed_time) { case GAMETICSPERSEC*219: { A_PlaySound(FLUSH_TOILET,p->i); if (snum == screenpeek || GTFLAGS(GAMETYPE_COOPSOUND)) A_PlaySound(DUKE_PISSRELIEF,p->i); } break; case GAMETICSPERSEC*218: { p->holster_weapon = 0; p->weapon_pos = 10; } break; } } if (p->crack_time > 0) { if (--p->crack_time == 0) { p->knuckle_incs = 1; p->crack_time = 777; } } if (p->inv_amount[GET_STEROIDS] > 0 && p->inv_amount[GET_STEROIDS] < 400) { if (--p->inv_amount[GET_STEROIDS] == 0) P_SelectNextInvItem(p); if (!(p->inv_amount[GET_STEROIDS]&7)) if (snum == screenpeek || GTFLAGS(GAMETYPE_COOPSOUND)) A_PlaySound(DUKE_HARTBEAT,p->i); } if (p->heat_on && p->inv_amount[GET_HEATS] > 0) { if (--p->inv_amount[GET_HEATS] == 0) { p->heat_on = 0; P_SelectNextInvItem(p); A_PlaySound(NITEVISION_ONOFF,p->i); P_UpdateScreenPal(p); } } if (p->holoduke_on >= 0) { if (--p->inv_amount[GET_HOLODUKE] <= 0) { A_PlaySound(TELEPORTER,p->i); p->holoduke_on = -1; P_SelectNextInvItem(p); } } if (p->jetpack_on && p->inv_amount[GET_JETPACK] > 0) { if (--p->inv_amount[GET_JETPACK] <= 0) { p->jetpack_on = 0; P_SelectNextInvItem(p); A_PlaySound(DUKE_JETPACK_OFF,p->i); S_StopEnvSound(DUKE_JETPACK_IDLE,p->i); S_StopEnvSound(DUKE_JETPACK_ON,p->i); } } if (p->quick_kick > 0 && sprite[p->i].pal != 1) { p->last_quick_kick = p->quick_kick+1; if (--p->quick_kick == 8) A_Shoot(p->i,KNEE); } else if (p->last_quick_kick > 0) p->last_quick_kick--; if (p->access_incs && sprite[p->i].pal != 1) { p->access_incs++; if (sprite[p->i].extra <= 0) p->access_incs = 12; if (p->access_incs == 12) { if (p->access_spritenum >= 0) { P_ActivateSwitch(snum,p->access_spritenum,1); switch (sprite[p->access_spritenum].pal) { case 0: p->got_access &= (0xffff-0x1); break; case 21: p->got_access &= (0xffff-0x2); break; case 23: p->got_access &= (0xffff-0x4); break; } p->access_spritenum = -1; } else { P_ActivateSwitch(snum,p->access_wallnum,0); switch (wall[p->access_wallnum].pal) { case 0: p->got_access &= (0xffff-0x1); break; case 21: p->got_access &= (0xffff-0x2); break; case 23: p->got_access &= (0xffff-0x4); break; } } } if (p->access_incs > 20) { p->access_incs = 0; p->weapon_pos = 10; p->kickback_pic = 0; } } if (p->cursectnum >= 0 && p->scuba_on == 0 && sector[p->cursectnum].lotag == 2) { if (p->inv_amount[GET_SCUBA] > 0) { p->scuba_on = 1; p->inven_icon = 6; P_DoQuote(QUOTE_SCUBA_ON,p); } else { if (p->airleft > 0) p->airleft--; else { p->extra_extra8 += 32; if (p->last_extra < (p->max_player_health>>1) && (p->last_extra&3) == 0) A_PlaySound(DUKE_LONGTERM_PAIN,p->i); } } } else if (p->inv_amount[GET_SCUBA] > 0 && p->scuba_on) { p->inv_amount[GET_SCUBA]--; if (p->inv_amount[GET_SCUBA] == 0) { p->scuba_on = 0; P_SelectNextInvItem(p); } } if (p->knuckle_incs) { if (++p->knuckle_incs == 10) { if (totalclock > 1024) if (snum == screenpeek || GTFLAGS(GAMETYPE_COOPSOUND)) { if (rand()&1) A_PlaySound(DUKE_CRACK,p->i); else A_PlaySound(DUKE_CRACK2,p->i); } A_PlaySound(DUKE_CRACK_FIRST,p->i); } else if (p->knuckle_incs == 22 || TEST_SYNC_KEY(g_player[snum].sync->bits, SK_FIRE)) p->knuckle_incs=0; return 1; } return 0; } int16_t WeaponPickupSprites[MAX_WEAPONS] = { KNEE__STATIC, FIRSTGUNSPRITE__STATIC, SHOTGUNSPRITE__STATIC, CHAINGUNSPRITE__STATIC, RPGSPRITE__STATIC, HEAVYHBOMB__STATIC, SHRINKERSPRITE__STATIC, DEVISTATORSPRITE__STATIC, TRIPBOMBSPRITE__STATIC, FREEZESPRITE__STATIC, HEAVYHBOMB__STATIC, SHRINKERSPRITE__STATIC }; // this is used for player deaths void P_DropWeapon(DukePlayer_t *p) { int32_t snum = sprite[p->i].yvel, cw = aplWeaponWorksLike[p->curr_weapon][snum]; if ((unsigned)cw >= MAX_WEAPONS) return; if (krand()&1) A_Spawn(p->i, WeaponPickupSprites[cw]); else switch (cw) { case RPG_WEAPON: case HANDBOMB_WEAPON: A_Spawn(p->i, EXPLOSION2); break; } } void P_AddAmmo(int32_t weapon,DukePlayer_t *p,int32_t amount) { p->ammo_amount[weapon] += amount; if (p->ammo_amount[weapon] > p->max_ammo_amount[weapon]) p->ammo_amount[weapon] = p->max_ammo_amount[weapon]; } void P_AddWeaponNoSwitch(DukePlayer_t *p, int32_t weapon) { int32_t snum = sprite[p->i].yvel; if ((p->gotweapon & (1<<weapon)) == 0) { p->gotweapon |= (1<<weapon); if (weapon == SHRINKER_WEAPON) p->gotweapon |= (1<<GROW_WEAPON); } if (aplWeaponSelectSound[p->curr_weapon][snum] > 0) S_StopEnvSound(aplWeaponSelectSound[p->curr_weapon][snum],p->i); if (aplWeaponSelectSound[weapon][snum] > 0) A_PlaySound(aplWeaponSelectSound[weapon][snum],p->i); } void P_AddWeapon(DukePlayer_t *p,int32_t weapon) { int32_t snum = sprite[p->i].yvel; P_AddWeaponNoSwitch(p, weapon); if (p->reloading) return; p->random_club_frame = 0; if (p->weapon_pos == 0) p->weapon_pos = -1; else p->weapon_pos = -9; p->last_weapon = p->curr_weapon; if (p->holster_weapon) { p->weapon_pos = 10; p->holster_weapon = 0; p->last_weapon = -1; } p->kickback_pic = 0; if (p->curr_weapon != weapon && apScriptGameEvent[EVENT_CHANGEWEAPON]) VM_OnEvent(EVENT_CHANGEWEAPON,p->i, snum, -1, 0); p->curr_weapon = weapon; Gv_SetVar(g_iWeaponVarID,p->curr_weapon, p->i, snum); Gv_SetVar(g_iWorksLikeVarID, (unsigned)p->curr_weapon < MAX_WEAPONS ? aplWeaponWorksLike[p->curr_weapon][snum] : -1, p->i, snum); } void P_SelectNextInvItem(DukePlayer_t *p) { if (p->inv_amount[GET_FIRSTAID] > 0) p->inven_icon = 1; else if (p->inv_amount[GET_STEROIDS] > 0) p->inven_icon = 2; else if (p->inv_amount[GET_JETPACK] > 0) p->inven_icon = 4; else if (p->inv_amount[GET_HOLODUKE] > 0) p->inven_icon = 3; else if (p->inv_amount[GET_HEATS] > 0) p->inven_icon = 5; else if (p->inv_amount[GET_SCUBA] > 0) p->inven_icon = 6; else if (p->inv_amount[GET_BOOTS] > 0) p->inven_icon = 7; else p->inven_icon = 0; } void P_CheckWeapon(DukePlayer_t *p) { int32_t i, snum, weap; if (p->reloading) return; if (p->wantweaponfire >= 0) { weap = p->wantweaponfire; p->wantweaponfire = -1; if (weap == p->curr_weapon) return; if ((p->gotweapon & (1<<weap)) && p->ammo_amount[weap] > 0) { P_AddWeapon(p,weap); return; } } weap = p->curr_weapon; if ((p->gotweapon & (1<<weap)) && (p->ammo_amount[weap] > 0 || !(p->weaponswitch & 2))) return; snum = sprite[p->i].yvel; for (i=0; i<10; i++) { weap = g_player[snum].wchoice[i]; if (VOLUMEONE && weap > 6) continue; if (weap == 0) weap = 9; else weap--; if (weap == 0 || ((p->gotweapon & (1<<weap)) && p->ammo_amount[weap] > 0)) break; } if (i == 10) weap = 0; // Found the weapon p->last_weapon = p->curr_weapon; p->random_club_frame = 0; p->curr_weapon = weap; Gv_SetVar(g_iWeaponVarID,p->curr_weapon, p->i, snum); Gv_SetVar(g_iWorksLikeVarID, (unsigned)p->curr_weapon < MAX_WEAPONS ? aplWeaponWorksLike[p->curr_weapon][snum] : -1, p->i, snum); if (apScriptGameEvent[EVENT_CHANGEWEAPON]) VM_OnEvent(EVENT_CHANGEWEAPON,p->i, snum, -1, 0); p->kickback_pic = 0; if (p->holster_weapon == 1) { p->holster_weapon = 0; p->weapon_pos = 10; } else p->weapon_pos = -1; } void P_CheckTouchDamage(DukePlayer_t *p, int32_t obj) { if ((obj = VM_OnEvent(EVENT_CHECKTOUCHDAMAGE, p->i, sprite[p->i].yvel, -1, obj)) == -1) return; if ((obj&49152) == 49152) { obj &= (MAXSPRITES-1); if (sprite[obj].picnum == CACTUS) { if (p->hurt_delay < 8) { sprite[p->i].extra -= 5; p->hurt_delay = 16; P_PalFrom(p, 32, 32,0,0); A_PlaySound(DUKE_LONGTERM_PAIN,p->i); } } return; } if ((obj&49152) != 32768) return; obj &= (MAXWALLS-1); if (p->hurt_delay > 0) p->hurt_delay--; else if (wall[obj].cstat&85) { int32_t switchpicnum = wall[obj].overpicnum; if ((switchpicnum>W_FORCEFIELD)&&(switchpicnum<=W_FORCEFIELD+2)) switchpicnum=W_FORCEFIELD; switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(switchpicnum)) { case W_FORCEFIELD__STATIC: // case W_FORCEFIELD+1: // case W_FORCEFIELD+2: sprite[p->i].extra -= 5; p->hurt_delay = 16; P_PalFrom(p, 32, 32,0,0); p->vel.x = -(sintable[(p->ang+512)&2047]<<8); p->vel.y = -(sintable[(p->ang)&2047]<<8); A_PlaySound(DUKE_LONGTERM_PAIN,p->i); { vec3_t davect; davect.x = p->pos.x+(sintable[(p->ang+512)&2047]>>9); davect.y = p->pos.y+(sintable[p->ang&2047]>>9); davect.z = p->pos.z; A_DamageWall(p->i,obj,&davect,-1); } break; case BIGFORCE__STATIC: p->hurt_delay = GAMETICSPERSEC; { vec3_t davect; davect.x = p->pos.x+(sintable[(p->ang+512)&2047]>>9); davect.y = p->pos.y+(sintable[p->ang&2047]>>9); davect.z = p->pos.z; A_DamageWall(p->i,obj,&davect,-1); } break; } } } int32_t P_CheckFloorDamage(DukePlayer_t *p, int32_t tex) { spritetype *s = &sprite[p->i]; if ((unsigned)(tex = VM_OnEvent(EVENT_CHECKFLOORDAMAGE, p->i, sprite[p->i].yvel, -1, tex)) >= MAXTILES) return 0; switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(tex)) { case HURTRAIL__STATIC: if (rnd(32)) { if (p->inv_amount[GET_BOOTS] > 0) return 1; else { if (!A_CheckSoundPlaying(p->i,DUKE_LONGTERM_PAIN)) A_PlaySound(DUKE_LONGTERM_PAIN,p->i); P_PalFrom(p, 32, 64,64,64); s->extra -= 1+(krand()&3); if (!A_CheckSoundPlaying(p->i,SHORT_CIRCUIT)) A_PlaySound(SHORT_CIRCUIT,p->i); return 0; } } break; case FLOORSLIME__STATIC: if (rnd(16)) { if (p->inv_amount[GET_BOOTS] > 0) return 1; else { if (!A_CheckSoundPlaying(p->i,DUKE_LONGTERM_PAIN)) A_PlaySound(DUKE_LONGTERM_PAIN,p->i); P_PalFrom(p, 32, 0,8,0); s->extra -= 1+(krand()&3); return 0; } } break; case FLOORPLASMA__STATIC: if (rnd(32)) { if (p->inv_amount[GET_BOOTS] > 0) return 1; else { if (!A_CheckSoundPlaying(p->i,DUKE_LONGTERM_PAIN)) A_PlaySound(DUKE_LONGTERM_PAIN,p->i); P_PalFrom(p, 32, 8,0,0); s->extra -= 1+(krand()&3); return 0; } } break; } return 0; } int32_t P_FindOtherPlayer(int32_t p,int32_t *d) { int32_t j, closest_player = p; int32_t x, closest = 0x7fffffff; for (TRAVERSE_CONNECT(j)) if (p != j && sprite[g_player[j].ps->i].extra > 0) { x = klabs(g_player[j].ps->opos.x-g_player[p].ps->pos.x) + klabs(g_player[j].ps->opos.y-g_player[p].ps->pos.y) + (klabs(g_player[j].ps->opos.z-g_player[p].ps->pos.z)>>4); if (x < closest) { closest_player = j; closest = x; } } *d = closest; return closest_player; } void P_FragPlayer(int32_t snum) { DukePlayer_t *p = g_player[snum].ps; spritetype *s = &sprite[p->i]; if (g_netServer || g_netClient) randomseed = ticrandomseed; if (s->pal != 1) { P_PalFrom(p, 63, 63,0,0); p->pos.z -= (16<<8); s->z -= (16<<8); p->dead_flag = (512-((krand()&1)<<10)+(krand()&255)-512)&2047; if (p->dead_flag == 0) p->dead_flag++; if (g_netServer) { packbuf[0] = PACKET_FRAG; packbuf[1] = snum; packbuf[2] = p->frag_ps; packbuf[3] = actor[p->i].picnum; *(int32_t *)&packbuf[4] = ticrandomseed; packbuf[8] = myconnectindex; enet_host_broadcast(g_netServer, CHAN_GAMESTATE, enet_packet_create(packbuf, 9, ENET_PACKET_FLAG_RELIABLE)); } } p->jetpack_on = 0; p->holoduke_on = -1; S_StopEnvSound(DUKE_JETPACK_IDLE,p->i); if (p->scream_voice > FX_Ok) { FX_StopSound(p->scream_voice); S_Cleanup(); // S_TestSoundCallback(DUKE_SCREAM); p->scream_voice = -1; } if (s->pal != 1 && (s->cstat&32768) == 0) s->cstat = 0; if ((g_netServer || ud.multimode > 1) && (s->pal != 1 || (s->cstat&32768))) { if (p->frag_ps != snum) { if (GTFLAGS(GAMETYPE_TDM) && g_player[p->frag_ps].ps->team == g_player[snum].ps->team) g_player[p->frag_ps].ps->fraggedself++; else { g_player[p->frag_ps].ps->frag++; g_player[p->frag_ps].frags[snum]++; g_player[snum].frags[snum]++; // deaths } if (snum == screenpeek) { Bsprintf(ScriptQuotes[QUOTE_RESERVED],"Killed by %s",&g_player[p->frag_ps].user_name[0]); P_DoQuote(QUOTE_RESERVED,p); } else { Bsprintf(ScriptQuotes[QUOTE_RESERVED2],"Killed %s",&g_player[snum].user_name[0]); P_DoQuote(QUOTE_RESERVED2,g_player[p->frag_ps].ps); } if (ud.obituaries) { Bsprintf(tempbuf,ScriptQuotes[OBITQUOTEINDEX+(krand()%g_numObituaries)], &g_player[p->frag_ps].user_name[0], &g_player[snum].user_name[0]); G_AddUserQuote(tempbuf); } else krand(); } else { if (actor[p->i].picnum != APLAYERTOP) { p->fraggedself++; if (A_CheckEnemyTile(sprite[p->wackedbyactor].picnum)) Bsprintf(tempbuf,ScriptQuotes[OBITQUOTEINDEX+(krand()%g_numObituaries)],"A monster",&g_player[snum].user_name[0]); else if (actor[p->i].picnum == NUKEBUTTON) Bsprintf(tempbuf,"^02%s^02 tried to leave",&g_player[snum].user_name[0]); else { // random suicide death string Bsprintf(tempbuf,ScriptQuotes[SUICIDEQUOTEINDEX+(krand()%g_numSelfObituaries)],&g_player[snum].user_name[0]); } } else Bsprintf(tempbuf,"^02%s^02 switched to team %d",&g_player[snum].user_name[0],p->team+1); if (ud.obituaries) G_AddUserQuote(tempbuf); } p->frag_ps = snum; pus = NUMPAGES; } } void P_ProcessWeapon(int32_t snum) { DukePlayer_t *p = g_player[snum].ps; uint8_t *kb = &p->kickback_pic; int32_t shrunk = (sprite[p->i].yrepeat < 32); uint32_t sb_snum = g_player[snum].sync->bits; int32_t i, j, k; switch (p->weapon_pos) { case -9: if (p->last_weapon >= 0) { p->weapon_pos = 10; p->last_weapon = -1; } else if (p->holster_weapon == 0) p->weapon_pos = 10; break; case 0: break; default: p->weapon_pos--; break; } if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(sb_snum, SK_FIRE)) { Gv_SetVar(g_iWeaponVarID,p->curr_weapon,p->i,snum); Gv_SetVar(g_iWorksLikeVarID,aplWeaponWorksLike[p->curr_weapon][snum],p->i,snum); if (VM_OnEvent(EVENT_PRESSEDFIRE, p->i, snum, -1, 0) != 0) sb_snum &= ~BIT(SK_FIRE); } if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(sb_snum, SK_HOLSTER)) // 'Holster Weapon { Gv_SetVar(g_iWeaponVarID,p->curr_weapon,p->i,snum); Gv_SetVar(g_iWorksLikeVarID,aplWeaponWorksLike[p->curr_weapon][snum],p->i,snum); if (VM_OnEvent(EVENT_HOLSTER, p->i, snum, -1, 0) == 0) { if (*aplWeaponWorksLike[p->curr_weapon] != KNEE_WEAPON) { if (p->holster_weapon == 0 && p->weapon_pos == 0) { p->holster_weapon = 1; p->weapon_pos = -1; P_DoQuote(QUOTE_WEAPON_LOWERED,p); } else if (p->holster_weapon == 1 && p->weapon_pos == -9) { p->holster_weapon = 0; p->weapon_pos = 10; P_DoQuote(QUOTE_WEAPON_RAISED,p); } } if (aplWeaponFlags[p->curr_weapon][snum] & WEAPON_HOLSTER_CLEARS_CLIP) { if (p->ammo_amount[p->curr_weapon] > aplWeaponClip[p->curr_weapon][snum] && (p->ammo_amount[p->curr_weapon] % aplWeaponClip[p->curr_weapon][snum]) != 0) { p->ammo_amount[p->curr_weapon]-= p->ammo_amount[p->curr_weapon] % aplWeaponClip[p->curr_weapon][snum] ; (*kb) = aplWeaponTotalTime[p->curr_weapon][snum]; sb_snum &= ~BIT(SK_FIRE); // not firing... } return; } } } if (aplWeaponFlags[p->curr_weapon][snum] & WEAPON_GLOWS) { p->random_club_frame += 64; // Glowing if (p->kickback_pic == 0) { spritetype *s = &sprite[p->i]; int32_t x = ((sintable[(s->ang+512)&2047])>>7), y = ((sintable[(s->ang)&2047])>>7); int32_t r = 1024+(sintable[p->random_club_frame&2047]>>3); s->x += x; s->y += y; G_AddGameLight(0, p->i, PHEIGHT, max(r, 0), aplWeaponFlashColor[p->curr_weapon][snum],PR_LIGHT_PRIO_HIGH_GAME); actor[p->i].lightcount = 2; s->x -= x; s->y -= y; } } // this is a hack for WEAPON_FIREEVERYOTHER if (actor[p->i].t_data[7]) { actor[p->i].t_data[7]--; if (p->last_weapon == -1 && actor[p->i].t_data[7] != 0 && ((actor[p->i].t_data[7] & 1) == 0)) { if (aplWeaponFlags[p->curr_weapon][snum] & WEAPON_AMMOPERSHOT) { if (p->ammo_amount[p->curr_weapon] > 0) p->ammo_amount[p->curr_weapon]--; else { actor[p->i].t_data[7] = 0; P_CheckWeapon(p); } } if (actor[p->i].t_data[7] != 0) A_Shoot(p->i,aplWeaponShoots[p->curr_weapon][snum]); } } if (p->rapid_fire_hold == 1) { if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(sb_snum, SK_FIRE)) return; p->rapid_fire_hold = 0; } if (shrunk || p->tipincs || p->access_incs) sb_snum &= ~BIT(SK_FIRE); else if (shrunk == 0 && (sb_snum&(1<<2)) && (*kb) == 0 && p->fist_incs == 0 && p->last_weapon == -1 && (p->weapon_pos == 0 || p->holster_weapon == 1)) { p->crack_time = 777; if (p->holster_weapon == 1) { if (p->last_pissed_time <= (GAMETICSPERSEC*218) && p->weapon_pos == -9) { p->holster_weapon = 0; p->weapon_pos = 10; P_DoQuote(QUOTE_WEAPON_RAISED,p); } } else { Gv_SetVar(g_iWeaponVarID,p->curr_weapon,p->i,snum); Gv_SetVar(g_iWorksLikeVarID,aplWeaponWorksLike[p->curr_weapon][snum],p->i,snum); if (VM_OnEvent(EVENT_FIRE, p->i, snum, -1, 0) == 0) { if (apScriptGameEvent[EVENT_FIREWEAPON]) // this event is deprecated VM_OnEvent(EVENT_FIREWEAPON, p->i, snum, -1, 0); switch (aplWeaponWorksLike[p->curr_weapon][snum]) { case HANDBOMB_WEAPON: p->hbomb_hold_delay = 0; if (p->ammo_amount[p->curr_weapon] > 0) { (*kb)=1; if (aplWeaponInitialSound[p->curr_weapon][snum] > 0) A_PlaySound(aplWeaponInitialSound[p->curr_weapon][snum], p->i); } break; case HANDREMOTE_WEAPON: p->hbomb_hold_delay = 0; (*kb) = 1; if (aplWeaponInitialSound[p->curr_weapon][snum] > 0) A_PlaySound(aplWeaponInitialSound[p->curr_weapon][snum], p->i); break; case SHOTGUN_WEAPON: if (p->ammo_amount[p->curr_weapon] > 0 && p->random_club_frame == 0) { (*kb)=1; if (aplWeaponInitialSound[p->curr_weapon][snum] > 0) A_PlaySound(aplWeaponInitialSound[p->curr_weapon][snum], p->i); } break; case TRIPBOMB_WEAPON: if (p->ammo_amount[p->curr_weapon] > 0) { hitdata_t hit; hitscan((const vec3_t *)p, p->cursectnum, sintable[(p->ang+512)&2047], sintable[p->ang&2047], (100-p->horiz-p->horizoff)*32, &hit,CLIPMASK1); if (hit.sect < 0 || hit.sprite >= 0) break; if (hit.wall >= 0 && sector[hit.sect].lotag > 2) break; if (hit.wall >= 0 && wall[hit.wall].overpicnum >= 0) if (wall[hit.wall].overpicnum == BIGFORCE) break; j = headspritesect[hit.sect]; while (j >= 0) { if (sprite[j].picnum == TRIPBOMB && klabs(sprite[j].z-hit.pos.z) < (12<<8) && ((sprite[j].x-hit.pos.x)*(sprite[j].x-hit.pos.x)+ (sprite[j].y-hit.pos.y)*(sprite[j].y-hit.pos.y)) < (290*290)) break; j = nextspritesect[j]; } if (j == -1 && hit.wall >= 0 && (wall[hit.wall].cstat&16) == 0) if ((wall[hit.wall].nextsector >= 0 && sector[wall[hit.wall].nextsector].lotag <= 2) || (wall[hit.wall].nextsector == -1 && sector[hit.sect].lotag <= 2)) if (((hit.pos.x-p->pos.x)*(hit.pos.x-p->pos.x) + (hit.pos.y-p->pos.y)*(hit.pos.y-p->pos.y)) < (290*290)) { p->pos.z = p->opos.z; p->vel.z = 0; (*kb) = 1; if (aplWeaponInitialSound[p->curr_weapon][snum] > 0) { A_PlaySound(aplWeaponInitialSound[p->curr_weapon][snum], p->i); } } } break; case PISTOL_WEAPON: case CHAINGUN_WEAPON: case SHRINKER_WEAPON: case GROW_WEAPON: case FREEZE_WEAPON: case RPG_WEAPON: if (p->ammo_amount[p->curr_weapon] > 0) { (*kb) = 1; if (aplWeaponInitialSound[p->curr_weapon][snum] > 0) A_PlaySound(aplWeaponInitialSound[p->curr_weapon][snum], p->i); } break; case DEVISTATOR_WEAPON: if (p->ammo_amount[p->curr_weapon] > 0) { (*kb) = 1; p->hbomb_hold_delay = !p->hbomb_hold_delay; if (aplWeaponInitialSound[p->curr_weapon][snum] > 0) A_PlaySound(aplWeaponInitialSound[p->curr_weapon][snum], p->i); } break; case KNEE_WEAPON: if (p->quick_kick == 0) { (*kb) = 1; if (aplWeaponInitialSound[p->curr_weapon][snum] > 0) A_PlaySound(aplWeaponInitialSound[p->curr_weapon][snum], p->i); } break; } } } } else if (*kb) { if (aplWeaponWorksLike[p->curr_weapon][snum] == HANDBOMB_WEAPON) { if (aplWeaponHoldDelay[p->curr_weapon][snum] && ((*kb) == aplWeaponFireDelay[p->curr_weapon][snum]) && TEST_SYNC_KEY(sb_snum, SK_FIRE)) { p->rapid_fire_hold = 1; return; } if (++(*kb) == aplWeaponHoldDelay[p->curr_weapon][snum]) { int32_t lPipeBombControl; p->ammo_amount[p->curr_weapon]--; if (numplayers < 2 || g_netServer) { if (p->on_ground && TEST_SYNC_KEY(sb_snum, SK_CROUCH)) { k = 15; i = ((p->horiz+p->horizoff-100)*20); } else { k = 140; i = -512-((p->horiz+p->horizoff-100)*20); } j = A_InsertSprite(p->cursectnum, p->pos.x+(sintable[(p->ang+512)&2047]>>6), p->pos.y+(sintable[p->ang&2047]>>6), p->pos.z,aplWeaponShoots[p->curr_weapon][snum],-16,9,9, p->ang,(k+(p->hbomb_hold_delay<<5)),i,p->i,1); lPipeBombControl=Gv_GetVarByLabel("PIPEBOMB_CONTROL", PIPEBOMB_REMOTE, -1, snum); if (lPipeBombControl & PIPEBOMB_TIMER) { int32_t lv=Gv_GetVarByLabel("GRENADE_LIFETIME_VAR", NAM_GRENADE_LIFETIME_VAR, -1, snum); actor[j].t_data[7]= Gv_GetVarByLabel("GRENADE_LIFETIME", NAM_GRENADE_LIFETIME, -1, snum) + mulscale(krand(),lv, 14) - lv; actor[j].t_data[6]=1; } else actor[j].t_data[6]=2; if (k == 15) { sprite[j].yvel = 3; sprite[j].z += (8<<8); } if (A_GetHitscanRange(p->i) < 512) { sprite[j].ang += 1024; sprite[j].zvel /= 3; sprite[j].xvel /= 3; } } p->hbomb_on = 1; } else if ((*kb) < aplWeaponHoldDelay[p->curr_weapon][snum] && TEST_SYNC_KEY(sb_snum, SK_FIRE)) p->hbomb_hold_delay++; else if ((*kb) > aplWeaponTotalTime[p->curr_weapon][snum]) { (*kb) = 0; p->weapon_pos = 10; if (Gv_GetVarByLabel("PIPEBOMB_CONTROL", PIPEBOMB_REMOTE, -1, snum) == PIPEBOMB_REMOTE) { p->curr_weapon = HANDREMOTE_WEAPON; p->last_weapon = -1; } else P_CheckWeapon(p); } } else if (aplWeaponWorksLike[p->curr_weapon][snum] == HANDREMOTE_WEAPON) { if (++(*kb) == aplWeaponFireDelay[p->curr_weapon][snum]) { if (aplWeaponFlags[p->curr_weapon][snum] & WEAPON_BOMB_TRIGGER) p->hbomb_on = 0; if (aplWeaponShoots[p->curr_weapon][snum] != 0) { if (!(aplWeaponFlags[p->curr_weapon][snum] & WEAPON_NOVISIBLE)) { lastvisinc = totalclock+32; p->visibility = 0; } Gv_SetVar(g_iWeaponVarID,p->curr_weapon,p->i,snum); Gv_SetVar(g_iWorksLikeVarID,aplWeaponWorksLike[p->curr_weapon][snum], p->i, snum); A_Shoot(p->i, aplWeaponShoots[p->curr_weapon][snum]); } } if ((*kb) >= aplWeaponTotalTime[p->curr_weapon][snum]) { (*kb) = 0; if ((p->ammo_amount[HANDBOMB_WEAPON] > 0) && Gv_GetVarByLabel("PIPEBOMB_CONTROL", PIPEBOMB_REMOTE, -1, snum) == PIPEBOMB_REMOTE) P_AddWeapon(p,HANDBOMB_WEAPON); else P_CheckWeapon(p); } } else { // the basic weapon... (*kb)++; if (aplWeaponFlags[p->curr_weapon][snum] & WEAPON_CHECKATRELOAD) { if (aplWeaponWorksLike[p->curr_weapon][snum] == TRIPBOMB_WEAPON) { if ((*kb) >= aplWeaponTotalTime[p->curr_weapon][snum]) { (*kb) = 0; P_CheckWeapon(p); p->weapon_pos = -9; } } else if (*kb >= aplWeaponReload[p->curr_weapon][snum]) P_CheckWeapon(p); } else if (aplWeaponWorksLike[p->curr_weapon][snum]!=KNEE_WEAPON && *kb >= aplWeaponFireDelay[p->curr_weapon][snum]) P_CheckWeapon(p); if (aplWeaponFlags[p->curr_weapon][snum] & WEAPON_STANDSTILL && *kb < (aplWeaponFireDelay[p->curr_weapon][snum]+1)) { p->pos.z = p->opos.z; p->vel.z = 0; } if (*kb == aplWeaponSound2Time[p->curr_weapon][snum]) if (aplWeaponSound2Sound[p->curr_weapon][snum] > 0) A_PlaySound(aplWeaponSound2Sound[p->curr_weapon][snum],p->i); if (*kb == aplWeaponSpawnTime[p->curr_weapon][snum]) P_DoWeaponSpawn(p); if ((*kb) >= aplWeaponTotalTime[p->curr_weapon][snum]) { if (/*!(aplWeaponFlags[p->curr_weapon][snum] & WEAPON_CHECKATRELOAD) && */ p->reloading == 1 || (aplWeaponReload[p->curr_weapon][snum] > aplWeaponTotalTime[p->curr_weapon][snum] && p->ammo_amount[p->curr_weapon] > 0 && (aplWeaponClip[p->curr_weapon][snum]) && (((p->ammo_amount[p->curr_weapon]%(aplWeaponClip[p->curr_weapon][snum]))==0)))) { int32_t i = aplWeaponReload[p->curr_weapon][snum] - aplWeaponTotalTime[p->curr_weapon][snum]; p->reloading = 1; if ((*kb) != (aplWeaponTotalTime[p->curr_weapon][snum])) { if ((*kb) == (aplWeaponTotalTime[p->curr_weapon][snum]+1)) { if (aplWeaponReloadSound1[p->curr_weapon][snum] > 0) A_PlaySound(aplWeaponReloadSound1[p->curr_weapon][snum],p->i); } else if (((*kb) == (aplWeaponReload[p->curr_weapon][snum] - (i/3)) && !(aplWeaponFlags[p->curr_weapon][snum] & WEAPON_RELOAD_TIMING)) || ((*kb) == (aplWeaponReload[p->curr_weapon][snum] - i+4) && (aplWeaponFlags[p->curr_weapon][snum] & WEAPON_RELOAD_TIMING))) { if (aplWeaponReloadSound2[p->curr_weapon][snum] > 0) A_PlaySound(aplWeaponReloadSound2[p->curr_weapon][snum],p->i); } else if ((*kb) >= (aplWeaponReload[p->curr_weapon][snum])) { *kb=0; p->reloading = 0; } } } else { if (aplWeaponFlags[p->curr_weapon][snum] & WEAPON_AUTOMATIC && (aplWeaponWorksLike[p->curr_weapon][snum]==KNEE_WEAPON?1:p->ammo_amount[p->curr_weapon] > 0)) { if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(sb_snum, SK_FIRE)) { if (aplWeaponFlags[p->curr_weapon][snum] & WEAPON_RANDOMRESTART) *kb = 1+(krand()&3); else *kb=1; } else *kb = 0; } else *kb = 0; if (aplWeaponFlags[p->curr_weapon][snum] & WEAPON_RESET && ((aplWeaponWorksLike[p->curr_weapon][snum] == KNEE_WEAPON)?1:p->ammo_amount[p->curr_weapon] > 0)) { if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(sb_snum, SK_FIRE)) *kb = 1; else *kb = 0; } } } else if (*kb >= aplWeaponFireDelay[p->curr_weapon][snum] && (*kb) < aplWeaponTotalTime[p->curr_weapon][snum] && ((aplWeaponWorksLike[p->curr_weapon][snum] == KNEE_WEAPON)?1:p->ammo_amount[p->curr_weapon] > 0)) { if (aplWeaponFlags[p->curr_weapon][snum] & WEAPON_AUTOMATIC) { if (!(aplWeaponFlags[p->curr_weapon][snum] & WEAPON_SEMIAUTO)) { if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(sb_snum, SK_FIRE) == 0 && aplWeaponFlags[p->curr_weapon][snum] & WEAPON_RESET) *kb = 0; if (aplWeaponFlags[p->curr_weapon][snum] & WEAPON_FIREEVERYTHIRD) { if (((*(kb))%3) == 0) { P_FireWeapon(p); P_DoWeaponSpawn(p); } } else if (aplWeaponFlags[p->curr_weapon][snum] & WEAPON_FIREEVERYOTHER) { P_FireWeapon(p); P_DoWeaponSpawn(p); } else { if (*kb == aplWeaponFireDelay[p->curr_weapon][snum]) { P_FireWeapon(p); // P_DoWeaponSpawn(p); } } if (aplWeaponFlags[p->curr_weapon][snum] & WEAPON_RESET && (*kb) > aplWeaponTotalTime[p->curr_weapon][snum]-aplWeaponHoldDelay[p->curr_weapon][snum] && ((aplWeaponWorksLike[p->curr_weapon][snum] == KNEE_WEAPON) || p->ammo_amount[p->curr_weapon] > 0)) { if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(sb_snum, SK_FIRE)) *kb = 1; else *kb = 0; } } else { if (aplWeaponFlags[p->curr_weapon][snum] & WEAPON_FIREEVERYOTHER) { P_FireWeapon(p); P_DoWeaponSpawn(p); } else { if (*kb == aplWeaponFireDelay[p->curr_weapon][snum]) { P_FireWeapon(p); // P_DoWeaponSpawn(p); } } } } else if (*kb == aplWeaponFireDelay[p->curr_weapon][snum]) P_FireWeapon(p); } } } } int32_t P_DoFist(DukePlayer_t *p) { // the fist punching NUKEBUTTON if (++p->fist_incs == 28) { if (ud.recstat == 1) G_CloseDemoWrite(); S_PlaySound(PIPEBOMB_EXPLODE); P_PalFrom(p, 48, 64,64,64); } if (p->fist_incs > 42) { int32_t i; for (TRAVERSE_CONNECT(i)) g_player[i].ps->gm = MODE_EOL; if (p->buttonpalette && ud.from_bonus == 0) { ud.from_bonus = ud.level_number+1; if (ud.secretlevel > 0 && ud.secretlevel <= MAXLEVELS) ud.level_number = ud.secretlevel-1; ud.m_level_number = ud.level_number; } else { if (ud.from_bonus) { ud.m_level_number = ud.level_number = ud.from_bonus; ud.from_bonus = 0; } else { if (ud.level_number == ud.secretlevel && ud.from_bonus > 0) ud.level_number = ud.from_bonus; else ud.level_number++; if (ud.level_number > MAXLEVELS-1) ud.level_number = 0; ud.m_level_number = ud.level_number; } } p->fist_incs = 0; return 1; } return 0; } #ifdef YAX_ENABLE static void getzsofslope_player(int16_t sectnum, int32_t dax, int32_t day, int32_t *ceilz, int32_t *florz) { int32_t i, didceil=0, didflor=0; if ((sector[sectnum].ceilingstat&512)==0) { i = yax_getneighborsect(dax, day, sectnum, YAX_CEILING, NULL); if (i >= 0) { *ceilz = getceilzofslope(i, dax,day); didceil = 1; } } if ((sector[sectnum].floorstat&512)==0) { i = yax_getneighborsect(dax, day, sectnum, YAX_FLOOR, NULL); if (i >= 0) { *florz = getflorzofslope(i, dax,day); didflor = 1; } } if (!didceil || !didflor) { int32_t cz, fz; getzsofslope(sectnum, dax, day, &cz, &fz); if (!didceil) *ceilz = cz; if (!didflor) *florz = fz; } } #endif void P_ProcessInput(int32_t snum) { DukePlayer_t *const p = g_player[snum].ps; spritetype *const s = &sprite[p->i]; uint32_t sb_snum = g_player[snum].sync->bits; int32_t j, i, k, doubvel = TICSPERFRAME, shrunk; int32_t fz, cz, hz, lz, truefdist, x, y, psectlotag; uint8_t *kb = &p->kickback_pic; int16_t tempsect; if (g_player[snum].playerquitflag == 0) return; p->player_par++; VM_OnEvent(EVENT_PROCESSINPUT, p->i, snum, -1, 0); if (p->cheat_phase > 0) sb_snum = 0; if (p->cursectnum == -1) { if (s->extra > 0 && ud.noclip == 0) { P_QuickKill(p); A_PlaySound(SQUISHED,p->i); } p->cursectnum = 0; } psectlotag = sector[p->cursectnum].lotag; p->spritebridge = p->sbs = 0; shrunk = (s->yrepeat < 32); getzrange((vec3_t *)p,p->cursectnum,&cz,&hz,&fz,&lz,163L,CLIPMASK0); #ifdef YAX_ENABLE getzsofslope_player(p->cursectnum,p->pos.x,p->pos.y,&p->truecz,&p->truefz); #else getzsofslope(p->cursectnum,p->pos.x,p->pos.y,&p->truecz,&p->truefz); #endif j = p->truefz; truefdist = klabs(p->pos.z-j); if ((lz&49152) == 16384 && psectlotag == 1 && truefdist > PHEIGHT+(16<<8)) psectlotag = 0; actor[p->i].floorz = fz; actor[p->i].ceilingz = cz; p->ohoriz = p->horiz; p->ohorizoff = p->horizoff; // calculates automatic view angle for playing without a mouse if (p->aim_mode == 0 && p->on_ground && psectlotag != 2 && (sector[p->cursectnum].floorstat&2)) { x = p->pos.x+(sintable[(p->ang+512)&2047]>>5); y = p->pos.y+(sintable[p->ang&2047]>>5); tempsect = p->cursectnum; updatesector(x,y,&tempsect); if (tempsect >= 0) { k = getflorzofslope(p->cursectnum,x,y); if (p->cursectnum == tempsect) p->horizoff += mulscale16(j-k,160); else if (klabs(getflorzofslope(tempsect,x,y)-k) <= (4<<8)) p->horizoff += mulscale16(j-k,160); } } if (p->horizoff > 0) p->horizoff -= ((p->horizoff>>3)+1); else if (p->horizoff < 0) p->horizoff += (((-p->horizoff)>>3)+1); if (hz >= 0 && (hz&49152) == 49152) { hz &= (MAXSPRITES-1); if (sprite[hz].statnum == STAT_ACTOR && sprite[hz].extra >= 0) { hz = 0; cz = p->truecz; } } if (lz >= 0 && (lz&49152) == 49152) { j = lz&(MAXSPRITES-1); if ((sprite[j].cstat&33) == 33 || (sprite[j].cstat&17) == 17) { psectlotag = 0; p->footprintcount = 0; p->spritebridge = 1; p->sbs = j; } else if (A_CheckEnemySprite(&sprite[j]) && sprite[j].xrepeat > 24 && klabs(s->z-sprite[j].z) < (84<<8)) { // I think this is what makes the player slide off enemies... might be a good sprite flag to add later j = getangle(sprite[j].x-p->pos.x,sprite[j].y-p->pos.y); p->vel.x -= sintable[(j+512)&2047]<<4; p->vel.y -= sintable[j&2047]<<4; } } if (s->extra > 0) P_IncurDamage(p); else { s->extra = 0; p->inv_amount[GET_SHIELD] = 0; } p->last_extra = s->extra; if (p->loogcnt > 0) p->loogcnt--; else p->loogcnt = 0; if (p->fist_incs && P_DoFist(p)) return; if (p->timebeforeexit > 1 && p->last_extra > 0) { if (--p->timebeforeexit == GAMETICSPERSEC*5) { FX_StopAllSounds(); S_ClearSoundLocks(); if (p->customexitsound >= 0) { S_PlaySound(p->customexitsound); P_DoQuote(QUOTE_WEREGONNAFRYYOURASS,p); } } else if (p->timebeforeexit == 1) { for (TRAVERSE_CONNECT(i)) g_player[i].ps->gm = MODE_EOL; ud.m_level_number = ud.level_number++; if (ud.from_bonus) { ud.m_level_number = ud.level_number = ud.from_bonus; ud.from_bonus = 0; } return; } } if (p->pals.f > 0) p->pals.f--; if (p->fta > 0 && --p->fta == 0) { pub = pus = NUMPAGES; p->ftq = 0; } if (g_levelTextTime > 0) g_levelTextTime--; if (s->extra <= 0) { if (ud.recstat == 1 && (!g_netServer && ud.multimode < 2)) G_CloseDemoWrite(); if ((numplayers < 2 || g_netServer) && p->dead_flag == 0) P_FragPlayer(snum); if (psectlotag == 2) { if (p->on_warping_sector == 0) { if (klabs(p->pos.z-fz) > (PHEIGHT>>1)) p->pos.z += 348; } else { s->z -= 512; s->zvel = -348; } clipmove((vec3_t *)p,&p->cursectnum, 0,0,164L,(4L<<8),(4L<<8),CLIPMASK0); // p->bobcounter += 32; } Bmemcpy(&p->opos.x, &p->pos.x, sizeof(vec3_t)); p->oang = p->ang; p->opyoff = p->pyoff; p->horiz = 100; p->horizoff = 0; updatesector(p->pos.x,p->pos.y,&p->cursectnum); pushmove((vec3_t *)p,&p->cursectnum,128L,(4L<<8),(20L<<8),CLIPMASK0); if (fz > cz+(16<<8) && s->pal != 1) p->rotscrnang = (p->dead_flag + ((fz+p->pos.z)>>7))&2047; p->on_warping_sector = 0; return; } if (p->transporter_hold > 0) { p->transporter_hold--; if (p->transporter_hold == 0 && p->on_warping_sector) p->transporter_hold = 2; } else if (p->transporter_hold < 0) p->transporter_hold++; if (p->newowner >= 0) { i = p->newowner; p->pos.x = SX; p->pos.y = SY; p->pos.z = SZ; p->ang = SA; p->vel.x = p->vel.y = s->xvel = 0; p->look_ang = 0; p->rotscrnang = 0; P_DoCounters(p); if (*aplWeaponWorksLike[p->curr_weapon] == HANDREMOTE_WEAPON) P_ProcessWeapon(snum); return; } p->rotscrnang -= (p->rotscrnang>>1); if (p->rotscrnang && !(p->rotscrnang>>1)) p->rotscrnang -= ksgn(p->rotscrnang); p->look_ang -= (p->look_ang>>2); if (p->look_ang && !(p->look_ang>>2)) p->look_ang -= ksgn(p->look_ang); if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(sb_snum, SK_LOOK_LEFT)) { // look_left if (VM_OnEvent(EVENT_LOOKLEFT,p->i,snum, -1, 0) == 0) { p->look_ang -= 152; p->rotscrnang += 24; } } if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(sb_snum, SK_LOOK_RIGHT)) { // look_right if (VM_OnEvent(EVENT_LOOKRIGHT,p->i,snum, -1, 0) == 0) { p->look_ang += 152; p->rotscrnang -= 24; } } if (p->on_crane >= 0) goto HORIZONLY; j = ksgn(g_player[snum].sync->avel); if (s->xvel < 32 || p->on_ground == 0 || p->bobcounter == 1024) { if ((p->weapon_sway&2047) > (1024+96)) p->weapon_sway -= 96; else if ((p->weapon_sway&2047) < (1024-96)) p->weapon_sway += 96; else p->weapon_sway = 1024; } else p->weapon_sway = p->bobcounter; // NOTE: This silently wraps if the difference is too great, e.g. used to do // that when teleported by silent SE7s. s->xvel = ksqrt(uhypsq(p->pos.x-p->bobposx, p->pos.y-p->bobposy)); if (p->on_ground) p->bobcounter += sprite[p->i].xvel>>1; if (ud.noclip == 0 && ((uint16_t)p->cursectnum >= MAXSECTORS || sector[p->cursectnum].floorpicnum == MIRROR)) { p->pos.x = p->opos.x; p->pos.y = p->opos.y; } else { p->opos.x = p->pos.x; p->opos.y = p->pos.y; } p->bobposx = p->pos.x; p->bobposy = p->pos.y; p->opos.z = p->pos.z; p->opyoff = p->pyoff; p->oang = p->ang; if (p->one_eighty_count < 0) { p->one_eighty_count += 128; p->ang += 128; } // Shrinking code i = 40; if (psectlotag == 2) { // under water p->jumping_counter = 0; p->pycount += 32; p->pycount &= 2047; p->pyoff = sintable[p->pycount]>>7; if (!A_CheckSoundPlaying(p->i,DUKE_UNDERWATER)) A_PlaySound(DUKE_UNDERWATER,p->i); if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(sb_snum, SK_JUMP)) { if (VM_OnEvent(EVENT_SWIMUP,p->i,snum, -1, 0) == 0) { // jump if (p->vel.z > 0) p->vel.z = 0; p->vel.z -= 348; if (p->vel.z < -(256*6)) p->vel.z = -(256*6); } } else if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(sb_snum, SK_CROUCH)) { if (VM_OnEvent(EVENT_SWIMDOWN,p->i,snum, -1, 0) == 0) { // crouch if (p->vel.z < 0) p->vel.z = 0; p->vel.z += 348; if (p->vel.z > (256*6)) p->vel.z = (256*6); } } else { // normal view if (p->vel.z < 0) { p->vel.z += 256; if (p->vel.z > 0) p->vel.z = 0; } if (p->vel.z > 0) { p->vel.z -= 256; if (p->vel.z < 0) p->vel.z = 0; } } if (p->vel.z > 2048) p->vel.z >>= 1; p->pos.z += p->vel.z; if (p->pos.z > (fz-(15<<8))) p->pos.z += ((fz-(15<<8))-p->pos.z)>>1; if (p->pos.z < cz) { p->pos.z = cz; p->vel.z = 0; } if (p->scuba_on && (krand()&255) < 8) { j = A_Spawn(p->i,WATERBUBBLE); sprite[j].x += sintable[(p->ang+512+64-(g_globalRandom&128))&2047]>>6; sprite[j].y += sintable[(p->ang+64-(g_globalRandom&128))&2047]>>6; sprite[j].xrepeat = 3; sprite[j].yrepeat = 2; sprite[j].z = p->pos.z+(8<<8); } } else if (p->jetpack_on) { p->on_ground = 0; p->jumping_counter = 0; p->hard_landing = 0; p->falling_counter = 0; p->pycount += 32; p->pycount &= 2047; p->pyoff = sintable[p->pycount]>>7; if (p->jetpack_on < 11) { p->jetpack_on++; p->pos.z -= (p->jetpack_on<<7); //Goin up } else if (p->jetpack_on == 11 && !A_CheckSoundPlaying(p->i,DUKE_JETPACK_IDLE)) A_PlaySound(DUKE_JETPACK_IDLE,p->i); if (shrunk) j = 512; else j = 2048; if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(sb_snum, SK_JUMP)) //A (soar high) { // jump if (VM_OnEvent(EVENT_SOARUP,p->i,snum, -1, 0) == 0) { p->pos.z -= j; p->crack_time = 777; } } if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(sb_snum, SK_CROUCH)) //Z (soar low) { // crouch if (VM_OnEvent(EVENT_SOARDOWN,p->i,snum, -1, 0) == 0) { p->pos.z += j; p->crack_time = 777; } } if (shrunk == 0 && (psectlotag == 0 || psectlotag == 2)) k = 32; else k = 16; if (psectlotag != 2 && p->scuba_on == 1) p->scuba_on = 0; if (p->pos.z > (fz-(k<<8))) p->pos.z += ((fz-(k<<8))-p->pos.z)>>1; if (p->pos.z < (actor[p->i].ceilingz+(18<<8))) p->pos.z = actor[p->i].ceilingz+(18<<8); } else if (psectlotag != 2) { p->airleft = 15 * GAMETICSPERSEC; // 13 seconds if (p->scuba_on == 1) p->scuba_on = 0; if (psectlotag == 1 && p->spritebridge == 0) { if (shrunk == 0) { i = 34; p->pycount += 32; p->pycount &= 2047; p->pyoff = sintable[p->pycount]>>6; } else i = 12; if (shrunk == 0 && truefdist <= PHEIGHT) { if (p->on_ground == 1) { if (p->dummyplayersprite == -1) p->dummyplayersprite = A_Spawn(p->i,PLAYERONWATER); sprite[p->dummyplayersprite].pal = sprite[p->i].pal; sprite[p->dummyplayersprite].cstat |= 32768; p->footprintcount = 6; if (sector[p->cursectnum].floorpicnum == FLOORSLIME) p->footprintpal = 8; else p->footprintpal = 0; p->footprintshade = 0; } } } else { if (p->footprintcount > 0 && p->on_ground) if (p->cursectnum >= 0 && (sector[p->cursectnum].floorstat&2) != 2) { for (j=headspritesect[p->cursectnum]; j>=0; j=nextspritesect[j]) if (sprite[j].picnum == FOOTPRINTS || sprite[j].picnum == FOOTPRINTS2 || sprite[j].picnum == FOOTPRINTS3 || sprite[j].picnum == FOOTPRINTS4) if (klabs(sprite[j].x-p->pos.x) < 384 && klabs(sprite[j].y-p->pos.y) < 384) break; if (j < 0) { if (p->cursectnum >= 0 && sector[p->cursectnum].lotag == 0 && sector[p->cursectnum].hitag == 0) #ifdef YAX_ENABLE if (yax_getbunch(p->cursectnum, YAX_FLOOR) < 0 || (sector[p->cursectnum].floorstat&512)) #endif { switch (krand()&3) { case 0: j = A_Spawn(p->i,FOOTPRINTS); break; case 1: j = A_Spawn(p->i,FOOTPRINTS2); break; case 2: j = A_Spawn(p->i,FOOTPRINTS3); break; default: j = A_Spawn(p->i,FOOTPRINTS4); break; } sprite[j].pal = p->footprintpal; sprite[j].shade = p->footprintshade; p->footprintcount--; } } } } if (p->pos.z < (fz-(i<<8))) //falling { // not jumping or crouching if (!TEST_SYNC_KEY(sb_snum, SK_JUMP) && !TEST_SYNC_KEY(sb_snum, SK_CROUCH) && p->on_ground && (sector[p->cursectnum].floorstat&2) && p->pos.z >= (fz-(i<<8)-(16<<8))) p->pos.z = fz-(i<<8); else { p->on_ground = 0; p->vel.z += (g_spriteGravity+80); // (TICSPERFRAME<<6); if (p->vel.z >= (4096+2048)) p->vel.z = (4096+2048); if (p->vel.z > 2400 && p->falling_counter < 255) { p->falling_counter++; if (p->falling_counter >= 38 && p->scream_voice <= FX_Ok) p->scream_voice = A_PlaySound(DUKE_SCREAM,p->i); } if ((p->pos.z+p->vel.z) >= (fz-(i<<8)) && p->cursectnum >= 0) // hit the ground if (sector[p->cursectnum].lotag != 1) { if (p->falling_counter > 62) P_QuickKill(p); else if (p->falling_counter > 9) { s->extra -= p->falling_counter-(krand()&3); if (s->extra <= 0) { A_PlaySound(SQUISHED,p->i); // P_PalFrom(p, 63, 63,0,0); } else { A_PlaySound(DUKE_LAND,p->i); A_PlaySound(DUKE_LAND_HURT,p->i); } P_PalFrom(p, 32, 16,0,0); } else if (p->vel.z > 2048) A_PlaySound(DUKE_LAND,p->i); } } } else { p->falling_counter = 0; if (p->scream_voice > FX_Ok) { FX_StopSound(p->scream_voice); S_Cleanup(); p->scream_voice = -1; } if (psectlotag != 1 && psectlotag != 2 && p->on_ground == 0 && p->vel.z > (6144>>1)) p->hard_landing = p->vel.z>>10; p->on_ground = 1; if (i==40) { //Smooth on the ground k = ((fz-(i<<8))-p->pos.z)>>1; if (klabs(k) < 256) k = 0; p->pos.z += k; p->vel.z -= 768; if (p->vel.z < 0) p->vel.z = 0; } else if (p->jumping_counter == 0) { p->pos.z += ((fz-(i<<7))-p->pos.z)>>1; //Smooth on the water if (p->on_warping_sector == 0 && p->pos.z > fz-(16<<8)) { p->pos.z = fz-(16<<8); p->vel.z >>= 1; } } p->on_warping_sector = 0; if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(sb_snum, SK_CROUCH)) { // crouching if (VM_OnEvent(EVENT_CROUCH,p->i,snum, -1, 0) == 0) { p->pos.z += (2048+768); p->crack_time = 777; } } // jumping if (!TEST_SYNC_KEY(sb_snum, SK_JUMP) && p->jumping_toggle == 1) p->jumping_toggle = 0; else if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(sb_snum, SK_JUMP) && p->jumping_toggle == 0) { if (p->jumping_counter == 0) if ((fz-cz) > (56<<8)) { if (VM_OnEvent(EVENT_JUMP,p->i,snum, -1, 0) == 0) { p->jumping_counter = 1; p->jumping_toggle = 1; } } } if (p->jumping_counter && !TEST_SYNC_KEY(sb_snum, SK_JUMP)) p->jumping_toggle = 0; } if (p->jumping_counter) { if (!TEST_SYNC_KEY(sb_snum, SK_JUMP) && p->jumping_toggle == 1) p->jumping_toggle = 0; if (p->jumping_counter < (1024+256)) { if (psectlotag == 1 && p->jumping_counter > 768) { p->jumping_counter = 0; p->vel.z = -512; } else { p->vel.z -= (sintable[(2048-128+p->jumping_counter)&2047])/12; p->jumping_counter += 180; p->on_ground = 0; } } else { p->jumping_counter = 0; p->vel.z = 0; } } p->pos.z += p->vel.z; if ((psectlotag != 2 || cz != sector[p->cursectnum].ceilingz) && p->pos.z < (cz+(4<<8))) { p->jumping_counter = 0; if (p->vel.z < 0) p->vel.x = p->vel.y = 0; p->vel.z = 128; p->pos.z = cz+(4<<8); } } if (p->fist_incs || p->transporter_hold > 2 || p->hard_landing || p->access_incs > 0 || p->knee_incs > 0 || (*aplWeaponWorksLike[p->curr_weapon] == TRIPBOMB_WEAPON && *kb > 1 && *kb < *aplWeaponFireDelay[p->curr_weapon])) { doubvel = 0; p->vel.x = 0; p->vel.y = 0; } else if (g_player[snum].sync->avel) //p->ang += syncangvel * constant { int32_t tempang = g_player[snum].sync->avel<<1; if (psectlotag == 2) p->angvel =(tempang-(tempang>>3))*ksgn(doubvel); else p->angvel = tempang*ksgn(doubvel); p->ang += p->angvel; p->ang &= 2047; p->crack_time = 777; } if (p->spritebridge == 0) { j = sector[s->sectnum].floorpicnum; if (j == PURPLELAVA || sector[s->sectnum].ceilingpicnum == PURPLELAVA) { if (p->inv_amount[GET_BOOTS] > 0) { p->inv_amount[GET_BOOTS]--; p->inven_icon = 7; if (p->inv_amount[GET_BOOTS] <= 0) P_SelectNextInvItem(p); } else { if (!A_CheckSoundPlaying(p->i,DUKE_LONGTERM_PAIN)) A_PlaySound(DUKE_LONGTERM_PAIN,p->i); P_PalFrom(p, 32, 0,8,0); s->extra--; } } if (p->on_ground && truefdist <= PHEIGHT+(16<<8) && P_CheckFloorDamage(p, j)) { P_DoQuote(QUOTE_BOOTS_ON, p); p->inv_amount[GET_BOOTS] -= 2; if (p->inv_amount[GET_BOOTS] <= 0) { p->inv_amount[GET_BOOTS] = 0; P_SelectNextInvItem(p); } } } if (g_player[snum].sync->extbits&(1)) VM_OnEvent(EVENT_MOVEFORWARD,p->i,snum, -1, 0); if (g_player[snum].sync->extbits&(1<<1)) VM_OnEvent(EVENT_MOVEBACKWARD,p->i,snum, -1, 0); if (g_player[snum].sync->extbits&(1<<2)) VM_OnEvent(EVENT_STRAFELEFT,p->i,snum, -1, 0); if (g_player[snum].sync->extbits&(1<<3)) VM_OnEvent(EVENT_STRAFERIGHT,p->i,snum, -1, 0); if (g_player[snum].sync->extbits&(1<<4) || g_player[snum].sync->avel < 0) VM_OnEvent(EVENT_TURNLEFT,p->i,snum, -1, 0); if (g_player[snum].sync->extbits&(1<<5) || g_player[snum].sync->avel > 0) VM_OnEvent(EVENT_TURNRIGHT,p->i,snum, -1, 0); if (p->vel.x || p->vel.y || g_player[snum].sync->fvel || g_player[snum].sync->svel) { p->crack_time = 777; k = sintable[p->bobcounter&2047]>>12; if ((truefdist < PHEIGHT+(8<<8)) && (k == 1 || k == 3)) { if (p->walking_snd_toggle == 0 && p->on_ground) { switch (psectlotag) { case 0: if (lz >= 0 && (lz&49152) == 49152) j = sprite[lz&(MAXSPRITES-1)].picnum; else j = sector[p->cursectnum].floorpicnum; switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(j)) { case PANNEL1__STATIC: case PANNEL2__STATIC: A_PlaySound(DUKE_WALKINDUCTS,p->i); p->walking_snd_toggle = 1; break; } break; case 1: if (!p->spritebridge) { if ((krand()&1) == 0) A_PlaySound(DUKE_ONWATER,p->i); p->walking_snd_toggle = 1; } break; } } } else if (p->walking_snd_toggle > 0) p->walking_snd_toggle--; if (p->jetpack_on == 0 && p->inv_amount[GET_STEROIDS] > 0 && p->inv_amount[GET_STEROIDS] < 400) doubvel <<= 1; p->vel.x += ((g_player[snum].sync->fvel*doubvel)<<6); p->vel.y += ((g_player[snum].sync->svel*doubvel)<<6); j = 0; if (psectlotag == 2) j = 0x1400; else if (p->on_ground && (TEST_SYNC_KEY(sb_snum, SK_CROUCH) || (*kb > 10 && aplWeaponWorksLike[p->curr_weapon][snum] == KNEE_WEAPON))) j = 0x2000; p->vel.x = mulscale16(p->vel.x,p->runspeed-j); p->vel.y = mulscale16(p->vel.y,p->runspeed-j); if (klabs(p->vel.x) < 2048 && klabs(p->vel.y) < 2048) p->vel.x = p->vel.y = 0; if (shrunk) { p->vel.x = mulscale16(p->vel.x,p->runspeed-(p->runspeed>>1)+(p->runspeed>>2)); p->vel.y = mulscale16(p->vel.y,p->runspeed-(p->runspeed>>1)+(p->runspeed>>2)); } } HORIZONLY: if (psectlotag == 1 || p->spritebridge == 1) i = (4L<<8); else i = (20L<<8); if (p->cursectnum >= 0 && sector[p->cursectnum].lotag == 2) k = 0; else k = 1; if (ud.noclip) { p->pos.x += p->vel.x>>14; p->pos.y += p->vel.y>>14; updatesector(p->pos.x,p->pos.y,&p->cursectnum); changespritesect(p->i,p->cursectnum); } else { #ifdef YAX_ENABLE int32_t sect = p->cursectnum; int16_t cb, fb; if (sect >= 0) yax_getbunches(sect, &cb, &fb); // this updatesectorz conflicts with Duke3d's way of teleporting through water, // so make it a bit conditional... OTOH, this way we have an ugly z jump when // changing from above water to underwater if (sect >= 0 && !(sector[sect].lotag==1 && p->on_ground && fb>=0)) { if ((fb>=0 && !(sector[sect].floorstat&512)) || (cb>=0 && !(sector[sect].ceilingstat&512))) { p->cursectnum += MAXSECTORS; // skip initial z check, restored by updatesectorz updatesectorz(p->pos.x,p->pos.y,p->pos.z,&p->cursectnum); } } #endif if ((j = clipmove((vec3_t *)p,&p->cursectnum, p->vel.x,p->vel.y,164L,(4L<<8),i,CLIPMASK0))) P_CheckTouchDamage(p, j); } // This makes the player view lower when shrunk. NOTE that it can get the // view below the sector floor (and does, when on the ground). if (p->jetpack_on == 0 && psectlotag != 2 && psectlotag != 1 && shrunk) p->pos.z += 32<<8; if (p->jetpack_on == 0) { if (s->xvel > 16) { if (psectlotag != 1 && psectlotag != 2 && p->on_ground) { p->pycount += 52; p->pycount &= 2047; p->pyoff = klabs(s->xvel*sintable[p->pycount])/1596; } } else if (psectlotag != 2 && psectlotag != 1) p->pyoff = 0; } // RBG*** p->pos.z += PHEIGHT; setsprite(p->i,(vec3_t *)&p->pos.x); p->pos.z -= PHEIGHT; if (p->cursectnum >= 0 && psectlotag < 3) { // p->cursectnum = s->sectnum; if (!ud.noclip && sector[p->cursectnum].lotag == 31) { if (sprite[sector[p->cursectnum].hitag].xvel && actor[sector[p->cursectnum].hitag].t_data[0] == 0) { P_QuickKill(p); return; } } } if (p->cursectnum >= 0 && truefdist < PHEIGHT && p->on_ground && psectlotag != 1 && shrunk == 0 && sector[p->cursectnum].lotag == 1) if (!A_CheckSoundPlaying(p->i,DUKE_ONWATER)) A_PlaySound(DUKE_ONWATER,p->i); if (p->cursectnum >=0 && p->cursectnum != s->sectnum) changespritesect(p->i, p->cursectnum); if (p->cursectnum >= 0 && ud.noclip == 0) { j = (pushmove((vec3_t *)p,&p->cursectnum,164L,(4L<<8),(4L<<8),CLIPMASK0) < 0 && A_GetFurthestAngle(p->i,8) < 512); if (klabs(actor[p->i].floorz-actor[p->i].ceilingz) < (48<<8) || j) { if (!(sector[s->sectnum].lotag&0x8000) && (isanunderoperator(sector[s->sectnum].lotag) || isanearoperator(sector[s->sectnum].lotag))) G_ActivateBySector(s->sectnum,p->i); if (j) { P_QuickKill(p); return; } } else if (klabs(fz-cz) < (32<<8) && isanunderoperator(sector[p->cursectnum].lotag)) G_ActivateBySector(p->cursectnum,p->i); } i = 0; if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(sb_snum, SK_CENTER_VIEW) || p->hard_landing) if (VM_OnEvent(EVENT_RETURNTOCENTER,p->i,snum, -1, 0) == 0) p->return_to_center = 9; if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(sb_snum, SK_LOOK_UP)) { if (VM_OnEvent(EVENT_LOOKUP,p->i,snum, -1, 0) == 0) { p->return_to_center = 9; if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(sb_snum, SK_RUN)) p->horiz += 12; p->horiz += 12; i++; } } if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(sb_snum, SK_LOOK_DOWN)) { if (VM_OnEvent(EVENT_LOOKDOWN,p->i,snum, -1, 0) == 0) { p->return_to_center = 9; if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(sb_snum, SK_RUN)) p->horiz -= 12; p->horiz -= 12; i++; } } if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(sb_snum, SK_AIM_UP)) { if (VM_OnEvent(EVENT_AIMUP,p->i,snum, -1, 0) == 0) { if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(sb_snum, SK_RUN)) p->horiz += 6; p->horiz += 6; i++; } } if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(sb_snum, SK_AIM_DOWN)) { if (VM_OnEvent(EVENT_AIMDOWN,p->i,snum, -1, 0) == 0) { if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(sb_snum, SK_RUN)) p->horiz -= 6; p->horiz -= 6; i++; } } if (p->return_to_center > 0 && !TEST_SYNC_KEY(sb_snum, SK_LOOK_UP) && !TEST_SYNC_KEY(sb_snum, SK_LOOK_DOWN)) { p->return_to_center--; p->horiz += 33-(p->horiz/3); i++; } if (p->hard_landing > 0) { p->hard_landing--; p->horiz -= (p->hard_landing<<4); } if (i) { if (p->horiz > 95 && p->horiz < 105) p->horiz = 100; if (p->horizoff > -5 && p->horizoff < 5) p->horizoff = 0; } p->horiz += g_player[snum].sync->horz; if (p->horiz > HORIZ_MAX) p->horiz = HORIZ_MAX; else if (p->horiz < HORIZ_MIN) p->horiz = HORIZ_MIN; //Shooting code/changes if (p->show_empty_weapon > 0) { p->show_empty_weapon--; if (p->show_empty_weapon == 0 && (p->weaponswitch & 2) && p->ammo_amount[p->curr_weapon] <= 0) { if (p->last_full_weapon == GROW_WEAPON) p->subweapon |= (1<<GROW_WEAPON); else if (p->last_full_weapon == SHRINKER_WEAPON) p->subweapon &= ~(1<<GROW_WEAPON); P_AddWeapon(p, p->last_full_weapon); return; } } if (p->knee_incs > 0) { p->horiz -= 48; p->return_to_center = 9; if (++p->knee_incs > 15) { p->knee_incs = 0; p->holster_weapon = 0; p->weapon_pos = klabs(p->weapon_pos); if (p->actorsqu >= 0 && sprite[p->actorsqu].statnum != MAXSTATUS && dist(&sprite[p->i],&sprite[p->actorsqu]) < 1400) { A_DoGuts(p->actorsqu,JIBS6,7); A_Spawn(p->actorsqu,BLOODPOOL); A_PlaySound(SQUISHED,p->actorsqu); switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(sprite[p->actorsqu].picnum)) { case FEM1__STATIC: case FEM2__STATIC: case FEM3__STATIC: case FEM4__STATIC: case FEM5__STATIC: case FEM6__STATIC: case FEM7__STATIC: case FEM8__STATIC: case FEM9__STATIC: case FEM10__STATIC: case PODFEM1__STATIC: case NAKED1__STATIC: case STATUE__STATIC: if (sprite[p->actorsqu].yvel) G_OperateRespawns(sprite[p->actorsqu].yvel); A_DeleteSprite(p->actorsqu); break; case APLAYER__STATIC: P_QuickKill(g_player[sprite[p->actorsqu].yvel].ps); g_player[sprite[p->actorsqu].yvel].ps->frag_ps = snum; break; default: if (A_CheckEnemySprite(&sprite[p->actorsqu])) p->actors_killed++; A_DeleteSprite(p->actorsqu); break; } } p->actorsqu = -1; } else if (p->actorsqu >= 0) p->ang += G_GetAngleDelta(p->ang,getangle(sprite[p->actorsqu].x-p->pos.x,sprite[p->actorsqu].y-p->pos.y))>>2; } if (P_DoCounters(p)) return; P_ProcessWeapon(snum); } #if 0 //UPDATE THIS FILE OVER THE OLD GETSPRITESCORE/COMPUTERGETINPUT FUNCTIONS static int32_t getspritescore(int32_t snum, int32_t dapicnum) { switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(dapicnum)) { case FIRSTGUNSPRITE__STATIC: return(20); case CHAINGUNSPRITE__STATIC: return(50); case RPGSPRITE__STATIC: return(200); case FREEZESPRITE__STATIC: return(25); case SHRINKERSPRITE__STATIC: return(80); case HEAVYHBOMB__STATIC: return(60); case TRIPBOMBSPRITE__STATIC: return(50); case SHOTGUNSPRITE__STATIC: return(120); case DEVISTATORSPRITE__STATIC: return(120); case FREEZEAMMO__STATIC: if (g_player[snum].ps->ammo_amount[FREEZE_WEAPON] < g_player[snum].ps->max_ammo_amount[FREEZE_WEAPON]) return(10); return(1); case AMMO__STATIC: if (g_player[snum].ps->ammo_amount[PISTOL_WEAPON] < g_player[snum].ps->max_ammo_amount[PISTOL_WEAPON]) return(10); return(1); case BATTERYAMMO__STATIC: if (g_player[snum].ps->ammo_amount[CHAINGUN_WEAPON] < g_player[snum].ps->max_ammo_amount[CHAINGUN_WEAPON]) return(20); return(1); case DEVISTATORAMMO__STATIC: if (g_player[snum].ps->ammo_amount[DEVISTATOR_WEAPON] < g_player[snum].ps->max_ammo_amount[DEVISTATOR_WEAPON]) return(25); return(1); case RPGAMMO__STATIC: if (g_player[snum].ps->ammo_amount[RPG_WEAPON] < g_player[snum].ps->max_ammo_amount[RPG_WEAPON]) return(50); return(1); case CRYSTALAMMO__STATIC: if (g_player[snum].ps->ammo_amount[SHRINKER_WEAPON] < g_player[snum].ps->max_ammo_amount[SHRINKER_WEAPON]) return(10); return(1); case HBOMBAMMO__STATIC: if (g_player[snum].ps->ammo_amount[HANDBOMB_WEAPON] < g_player[snum].ps->max_ammo_amount[HANDBOMB_WEAPON]) return(30); return(1); case SHOTGUNAMMO__STATIC: if (g_player[snum].ps->ammo_amount[SHOTGUN_WEAPON] < g_player[snum].ps->max_ammo_amount[SHOTGUN_WEAPON]) return(25); return(1); case COLA__STATIC: if (sprite[g_player[snum].ps->i].extra < g_player[snum].ps->max_player_health) return(10); return(1); case SIXPAK__STATIC: if (sprite[g_player[snum].ps->i].extra < g_player[snum].ps->max_player_health) return(30); return(1); case FIRSTAID__STATIC: if (g_player[snum].ps->inv_amount[GET_FIRSTAID] < g_player[snum].ps->max_player_health) return(100); return(1); case SHIELD__STATIC: if (g_player[snum].ps->inv_amount[GET_SHIELD] < g_player[snum].ps->max_shield_amount) return(50); return(1); case STEROIDS__STATIC: if (g_player[snum].ps->inv_amount[GET_STEROIDS] < 400) return(30); return(1); case AIRTANK__STATIC: if (g_player[snum].ps->inv_amount[GET_SCUBA] < 6400) return(30); return(1); case JETPACK__STATIC: if (g_player[snum].ps->inv_amount[GET_JETPACK] < 1600) return(100); return(1); case HEATSENSOR__STATIC: if (g_player[snum].ps->inv_amount[GET_HEATS] < 1200) return(5); return(1); case ACCESSCARD__STATIC: return(1); case BOOTS__STATIC: if (g_player[snum].ps->inv_amount[GET_BOOTS] < 200) return(15); return(1); case ATOMICHEALTH__STATIC: if (sprite[g_player[snum].ps->i].extra < g_player[snum].ps->max_player_health<<1) return(50); return(1); case HOLODUKE__STATIC: if (g_player[snum].ps->inv_amount[GET_HOLODUKE] < 2400) return(5); return(1); case MUSICANDSFX__STATIC: return(1); } return(0); } static int32_t fdmatrix[12][12] = { //KNEE PIST SHOT CHAIN RPG PIPE SHRI DEVI WALL FREE HAND EXPA { 128, -1, -1, -1, 128, -1, -1, -1, 128, -1, 128, -1 }, //KNEE { 1024,1024,1024,1024,2560, 128,2560,2560,1024,2560,2560,2560 }, //PIST { 512, 512, 512, 512,2560, 128,2560,2560,1024,2560,2560,2560 }, //SHOT { 512, 512, 512, 512,2560, 128,2560,2560,1024,2560,2560,2560 }, //CHAIN { 2560,2560,2560,2560,2560,2560,2560,2560,2560,2560,2560,2560 }, //RPG { 512, 512, 512, 512,2048, 512,2560,2560, 512,2560,2560,2560 }, //PIPE { 128, 128, 128, 128,2560, 128,2560,2560, 128, 128, 128, 128 }, //SHRI { 1536,1536,1536,1536,2560,1536,1536,1536,1536,1536,1536,1536 }, //DEVI { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 }, //WALL { 128, 128, 128, 128,2560, 128,2560,2560, 128, 128, 128, 128 }, //FREE { 2560,2560,2560,2560,2560,2560,2560,2560,2560,2560,2560,2560 }, //HAND { 128, 128, 128, 128,2560, 128,2560,2560, 128, 128, 128, 128 } //EXPA }; static int32_t goalx[MAXPLAYERS], goaly[MAXPLAYERS], goalz[MAXPLAYERS]; static int32_t goalsect[MAXPLAYERS], goalwall[MAXPLAYERS], goalsprite[MAXPLAYERS], goalspritescore[MAXPLAYERS]; static int32_t goalplayer[MAXPLAYERS], clipmovecount[MAXPLAYERS]; static int16_t searchsect[MAXSECTORS], searchparent[MAXSECTORS]; static char dashow2dsector[(MAXSECTORS+7)>>3]; void computergetinput(int32_t snum, input_t *syn) { int32_t i, j, k, l, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, dx, dy; int32_t dist, daang, zang, fightdist, damyang, damysect; int32_t startsect, endsect, splc, send, startwall, endwall; hitdata_t hit; DukePlayer_t *p = g_player[snum].ps; walltype *wal; syn->fvel = 0; syn->svel = 0; syn->avel = 0; syn->horz = 0; syn->bits = 0; syn->extbits = 0; x1 = sprite[p->i].x; y1 = sprite[p->i].y; z1 = sprite[p->i].z; damyang = sprite[p->i].ang; damysect = sprite[p->i].sectnum; if ((numplayers >= 2) && (snum == myconnectindex)) { x1 = my.x; y1 = my.y; z1 = my.z+PHEIGHT; damyang = myang; damysect = mycursectnum; } if (!(numframes&7)) { x2 = sprite[g_player[goalplayer[snum]].ps->i].x; y2 = sprite[g_player[goalplayer[snum]].ps->i].y; z2 = sprite[g_player[goalplayer[snum]].ps->i].z; if (!cansee(x1,y1,z1-(48<<8),damysect,x2,y2,z2-(48<<8),sprite[g_player[goalplayer[snum]].ps->i].sectnum)) goalplayer[snum] = snum; } if ((goalplayer[snum] == snum) || (g_player[goalplayer[snum]].ps->dead_flag != 0)) { j = 0x7fffffff; for (TRAVERSE_CONNECT(i)) if (i != snum && !(GTFLAGS(GAMETYPE_TDM) && g_player[snum].ps->team == g_player[i].ps->team)) { const spritetype *const pspr = &sprite[g_player[i].ps->i]; dist = ksqrt(uhypsq(pspr->x-x1, pspr->y-y1)); x2 = sprite[g_player[i].ps->i].x; y2 = sprite[g_player[i].ps->i].y; z2 = sprite[g_player[i].ps->i].z; if (!cansee(x1,y1,z1-(48<<8),damysect,x2,y2,z2-(48<<8),sprite[g_player[i].ps->i].sectnum)) dist <<= 1; if (dist < j) { j = dist; goalplayer[snum] = i; } } } x2 = sprite[g_player[goalplayer[snum]].ps->i].x; y2 = sprite[g_player[goalplayer[snum]].ps->i].y; z2 = sprite[g_player[goalplayer[snum]].ps->i].z; if (p->dead_flag) syn->bits |= BIT(SK_OPEN); if ((p->inv_amount[GET_FIRSTAID] > 0) && (p->last_extra < 100)) syn->bits |= BIT(SK_MEDKIT); for (j=headspritestat[STAT_PROJECTILE]; j>=0; j=nextspritestat[j]) { switch (DYNAMICTILEMAP(sprite[j].picnum)) { case TONGUE__STATIC: k = 4; break; case FREEZEBLAST__STATIC: k = 4; break; case SHRINKSPARK__STATIC: k = 16; break; case RPG__STATIC: k = 16; break; default: k = 0; break; } if (k) { x3 = sprite[j].x; y3 = sprite[j].y; z3 = sprite[j].z; for (l=0; l<=8; l++) { if (tmulscale11(x3-x1,x3-x1,y3-y1,y3-y1,(z3-z1)>>4,(z3-z1)>>4) < 3072) { dx = sintable[(sprite[j].ang+512)&2047]; dy = sintable[sprite[j].ang&2047]; if ((x1-x3)*dy > (y1-y3)*dx) i = -k*512; else i = k*512; syn->fvel -= mulscale17(dy,i); syn->svel += mulscale17(dx,i); } if (l < 7) { x3 += (mulscale14(sprite[j].xvel,sintable[(sprite[j].ang+512)&2047])<<2); y3 += (mulscale14(sprite[j].xvel,sintable[sprite[j].ang&2047])<<2); z3 += (sprite[j].zvel<<2); } else { hitscan((const vec3_t *)&sprite[j],sprite[j].sectnum, mulscale14(sprite[j].xvel,sintable[(sprite[j].ang+512)&2047]), mulscale14(sprite[j].xvel,sintable[sprite[j].ang&2047]), (int32_t)sprite[j].zvel, &hit,CLIPMASK1); x3 = hit.pos.x; y3 = hit.pos.y; z3 = hit.pos.z; } } } } if ((g_player[goalplayer[snum]].ps->dead_flag == 0) && ((cansee(x1,y1,z1,damysect,x2,y2,z2,sprite[g_player[goalplayer[snum]].ps->i].sectnum)) || (cansee(x1,y1,z1-(24<<8),damysect,x2,y2,z2-(24<<8),sprite[g_player[goalplayer[snum]].ps->i].sectnum)) || (cansee(x1,y1,z1-(48<<8),damysect,x2,y2,z2-(48<<8),sprite[g_player[goalplayer[snum]].ps->i].sectnum)))) { syn->bits |= BIT(SK_FIRE); if ((p->curr_weapon == HANDBOMB_WEAPON) && (!(rand()&7))) syn->bits &= ~BIT(SK_FIRE); if (p->curr_weapon == TRIPBOMB_WEAPON) syn->bits |= ((rand()%MAX_WEAPONS)<<SK_WEAPON_BITS); if (p->curr_weapon == RPG_WEAPON) { vec3_t vect; vect.x = x1; vect.y = y1; vect.z = z1-PHEIGHT; hitscan((const vec3_t *)&vect,damysect,sintable[(damyang+512)&2047],sintable[damyang&2047], (100-p->horiz-p->horizoff)*32,&hit,CLIPMASK1); x3 = hit.pos.x; y3 = hit.pos.y; z3 = hit.pos.z; if ((x3-x1)*(x3-x1)+(y3-y1)*(y3-y1) < 2560*2560) syn->bits &= ~BIT(SK_FIRE); } fightdist = fdmatrix[p->curr_weapon][g_player[goalplayer[snum]].ps->curr_weapon]; if (fightdist < 128) fightdist = 128; dist = ksqrt(uhypsq(x2-x1, y2-y1)); if (dist == 0) dist = 1; daang = getangle(x2+(g_player[goalplayer[snum]].ps->vel.x>>14)-x1,y2+(g_player[goalplayer[snum]].ps->vel.y>>14)-y1); zang = 100-((z2-z1)*8)/dist; fightdist = max(fightdist,(klabs(z2-z1)>>4)); if (sprite[g_player[goalplayer[snum]].ps->i].yrepeat < 32) { fightdist = 0; syn->bits &= ~BIT(SK_FIRE); } if (sprite[g_player[goalplayer[snum]].ps->i].pal == 1) { fightdist = 0; syn->bits &= ~BIT(SK_FIRE); } if (dist < 256) syn->bits |= BIT(SK_QUICK_KICK); x3 = x2+((x1-x2)*fightdist/dist); y3 = y2+((y1-y2)*fightdist/dist); syn->fvel += (x3-x1)*2047/dist; syn->svel += (y3-y1)*2047/dist; //Strafe attack if (fightdist) { j = totalclock+snum*13468; i = sintable[(j<<6)&2047]; i += sintable[((j+4245)<<5)&2047]; i += sintable[((j+6745)<<4)&2047]; i += sintable[((j+15685)<<3)&2047]; dx = sintable[(sprite[g_player[goalplayer[snum]].ps->i].ang+512)&2047]; dy = sintable[sprite[g_player[goalplayer[snum]].ps->i].ang&2047]; if ((x1-x2)*dy > (y1-y2)*dx) i += 8192; else i -= 8192; syn->fvel += ((sintable[(daang+1024)&2047]*i)>>17); syn->svel += ((sintable[(daang+512)&2047]*i)>>17); } syn->avel = min(max((((daang+1024-damyang)&2047)-1024)>>1,-127),127); syn->horz = min(max((zang-p->horiz),-MAXHORIZ),MAXHORIZ); syn->bits |= BIT(SK_AIMMODE); return; } goalsect[snum] = -1; if (goalsect[snum] < 0) { goalwall[snum] = -1; startsect = sprite[p->i].sectnum; endsect = sprite[g_player[goalplayer[snum]].ps->i].sectnum; clearbufbyte(dashow2dsector,(MAXSECTORS+7)>>3,0L); searchsect[0] = startsect; searchparent[0] = -1; dashow2dsector[startsect>>3] |= (1<<(startsect&7)); for (splc=0,send=1; splc<send; splc++) { startwall = sector[searchsect[splc]].wallptr; endwall = startwall + sector[searchsect[splc]].wallnum; for (i=startwall,wal=&wall[startwall]; i<endwall; i++,wal++) { j = wal->nextsector; if (j < 0) continue; dx = ((wall[wal->point2].x+wal->x)>>1); dy = ((wall[wal->point2].y+wal->y)>>1); if ((getceilzofslope(j,dx,dy) > getflorzofslope(j,dx,dy)-(28<<8)) && ((sector[j].lotag < 15) || (sector[j].lotag > 22))) continue; if (getflorzofslope(j,dx,dy) < getflorzofslope(searchsect[splc],dx,dy)-(72<<8)) continue; if ((dashow2dsector[j>>3]&(1<<(j&7))) == 0) { dashow2dsector[j>>3] |= (1<<(j&7)); searchsect[send] = (int16_t)j; searchparent[send] = (int16_t)splc; send++; if (j == endsect) { clearbufbyte(dashow2dsector,(MAXSECTORS+7)>>3,0L); for (k=send-1; k>=0; k=searchparent[k]) dashow2dsector[searchsect[k]>>3] |= (1<<(searchsect[k]&7)); for (k=send-1; k>=0; k=searchparent[k]) if (!searchparent[k]) break; goalsect[snum] = searchsect[k]; startwall = sector[goalsect[snum]].wallptr; endwall = startwall+sector[goalsect[snum]].wallnum; x3 = y3 = 0; for (i=startwall; i<endwall; i++) { x3 += wall[i].x; y3 += wall[i].y; } x3 /= (endwall-startwall); y3 /= (endwall-startwall); startwall = sector[startsect].wallptr; endwall = startwall+sector[startsect].wallnum; l = 0; k = startwall; for (i=startwall; i<endwall; i++) { if (wall[i].nextsector != goalsect[snum]) continue; dx = wall[wall[i].point2].x-wall[i].x; dy = wall[wall[i].point2].y-wall[i].y; //if (dx*(y1-wall[i].y) <= dy*(x1-wall[i].x)) // if (dx*(y2-wall[i].y) >= dy*(x2-wall[i].x)) if ((x3-x1)*(wall[i].y-y1) <= (y3-y1)*(wall[i].x-x1)) if ((x3-x1)*(wall[wall[i].point2].y-y1) >= (y3-y1)*(wall[wall[i].point2].x-x1)) { k = i; break; } dist = ksqrt(uhypsq(dx,dy)); if (dist > l) { l = dist; k = i; } } goalwall[snum] = k; daang = ((getangle(wall[wall[k].point2].x-wall[k].x,wall[wall[k].point2].y-wall[k].y)+1536)&2047); goalx[snum] = ((wall[k].x+wall[wall[k].point2].x)>>1)+(sintable[(daang+512)&2047]>>8); goaly[snum] = ((wall[k].y+wall[wall[k].point2].y)>>1)+(sintable[daang&2047]>>8); goalz[snum] = sector[goalsect[snum]].floorz-(32<<8); break; } } } for (i=headspritesect[searchsect[splc]]; i>=0; i=nextspritesect[i]) if (sprite[i].lotag == 7) { j = sprite[sprite[i].owner].sectnum; if ((dashow2dsector[j>>3]&(1<<(j&7))) == 0) { dashow2dsector[j>>3] |= (1<<(j&7)); searchsect[send] = (int16_t)j; searchparent[send] = (int16_t)splc; send++; if (j == endsect) { clearbufbyte(dashow2dsector,(MAXSECTORS+7)>>3,0L); for (k=send-1; k>=0; k=searchparent[k]) dashow2dsector[searchsect[k]>>3] |= (1<<(searchsect[k]&7)); for (k=send-1; k>=0; k=searchparent[k]) if (!searchparent[k]) break; goalsect[snum] = searchsect[k]; startwall = sector[startsect].wallptr; endwall = startwall+sector[startsect].wallnum; l = 0; k = startwall; for (i=startwall; i<endwall; i++) { dx = wall[wall[i].point2].x-wall[i].x; dy = wall[wall[i].point2].y-wall[i].y; dist = ksqrt(uhypsq(dx,dy)); if ((wall[i].nextsector == goalsect[snum]) && (dist > l)) { l = dist; k = i; } } goalwall[snum] = k; daang = ((getangle(wall[wall[k].point2].x-wall[k].x,wall[wall[k].point2].y-wall[k].y)+1536)&2047); goalx[snum] = ((wall[k].x+wall[wall[k].point2].x)>>1)+(sintable[(daang+512)&2047]>>8); goaly[snum] = ((wall[k].y+wall[wall[k].point2].y)>>1)+(sintable[daang&2047]>>8); goalz[snum] = sector[goalsect[snum]].floorz-(32<<8); break; } } } if (goalwall[snum] >= 0) break; } } if ((goalsect[snum] < 0) || (goalwall[snum] < 0)) { if (goalsprite[snum] < 0 || !cansee(x1,y1,z1-(32<<8),damysect,sprite[goalsprite[snum]].x,sprite[goalsprite[snum]].y,sprite[goalsprite[snum]].z-(4<<8),i)) { int32_t bestsprite = -1, spritescore = 0; for (k=0; k<16; k++) { i = (rand()%numsectors); for (j=headspritesect[i]; j>=0; j=nextspritesect[j]) { if ((sprite[j].xrepeat <= 0) || (sprite[j].yrepeat <= 0)) continue; if (getspritescore(snum,sprite[j].picnum) <= 0) continue; if (cansee(x1,y1,z1-(32<<8),damysect,sprite[j].x,sprite[j].y,sprite[j].z-(4<<8),i)) { if (getspritescore(snum,sprite[j].picnum) > spritescore) { spritescore = getspritescore(snum,sprite[j].picnum); bestsprite = j; } // break; } } } if (bestsprite != -1 && (goalsprite[snum] < 0 || spritescore > goalspritescore[snum])) { goalx[snum] = sprite[bestsprite].x; goaly[snum] = sprite[bestsprite].y; goalz[snum] = sprite[bestsprite].z; goalsprite[snum] = bestsprite; goalspritescore[snum] = spritescore; } } x2 = goalx[snum]; y2 = goaly[snum]; dist = ksqrt(uhypsq(x2-x1, y2-y1)); if (!dist) return; daang = getangle(x2-x1,y2-y1); syn->fvel += (x2-x1)*2047/dist; syn->svel += (y2-y1)*2047/dist; syn->avel = min(max((((daang+1024-damyang)&2047)-1024)>>3,-127),127); } else if (goalsprite[snum] != -1) { if (!cansee(x1,y1,z1-(32<<8),damysect,sprite[goalsprite[snum]].x,sprite[goalsprite[snum]].y,sprite[goalsprite[snum]].z-(4<<8),i)) { goalspritescore[snum] = 0; goalsprite[snum] = -1; } } { vec3_t vect; int16_t dasect = p->cursectnum; Bmemcpy(&vect,p,sizeof(vec3_t)); i = clipmove(&vect,&dasect,p->vel.x,p->vel.y,164L,4L<<8,4L<<8,CLIPMASK0); if (!i) { Bmemcpy(&vect,p,sizeof(vec3_t)); vect.z += (24<<8); dasect = p->cursectnum; i = clipmove(&vect,&dasect,p->vel.x,p->vel.y,164L,4L<<8,4L<<8,CLIPMASK0); } } if (i) { clipmovecount[snum]++; j = 0; if ((i&0xc000) == 32768) //Hit a wall (49152 for sprite) if (wall[i&(MAXWALLS-1)].nextsector >= 0) { if (getflorzofslope(wall[i&(MAXWALLS-1)].nextsector,p->pos.x,p->pos.y) <= p->pos.z+(24<<8)) j |= 1; if (getceilzofslope(wall[i&(MAXWALLS-1)].nextsector,p->pos.x,p->pos.y) >= p->pos.z-(24<<8)) j |= 2; } if ((i&0xc000) == 49152) j = 1; if (j&1) if (clipmovecount[snum] == 4) syn->bits |= BIT(SK_JUMP); if (j&2) syn->bits |= BIT(SK_CROUCH); //Strafe attack daang = getangle(x2-x1,y2-y1); if ((i&0xc000) == 32768) daang = getangle(wall[wall[i&(MAXWALLS-1)].point2].x-wall[i&(MAXWALLS-1)].x,wall[wall[i&(MAXWALLS-1)].point2].y-wall[i&(MAXWALLS-1)].y); j = totalclock+snum*13468; i = sintable[(j<<6)&2047]; i += sintable[((j+4245)<<5)&2047]; i += sintable[((j+6745)<<4)&2047]; i += sintable[((j+15685)<<3)&2047]; syn->fvel += ((sintable[(daang+1024)&2047]*i)>>17); syn->svel += ((sintable[(daang+512)&2047]*i)>>17); if ((clipmovecount[snum]&31) == 2) syn->bits |= BIT(SK_OPEN); if ((clipmovecount[snum]&31) == 17) syn->bits |= BIT(SK_QUICK_KICK); if (clipmovecount[snum] > 32) { goalsect[snum] = -1; goalwall[snum] = -1; clipmovecount[snum] = 0; } if (goalsprite[snum] != -1) { if (!cansee(x1,y1,z1-(32<<8),damysect,sprite[goalsprite[snum]].x,sprite[goalsprite[snum]].y,sprite[goalsprite[snum]].z-(4<<8),i)) { goalsprite[snum] = -1; goalspritescore[snum] = 0; } } } else clipmovecount[snum] = 0; if ((goalsect[snum] >= 0) && (goalwall[snum] >= 0)) { x2 = goalx[snum]; y2 = goaly[snum]; dist = ksqrt(uhypsq(x2-x1, y2-y1)); if (!dist) return; daang = getangle(x2-x1,y2-y1); if ((goalwall[snum] >= 0) && (dist < 4096)) daang = ((getangle(wall[wall[goalwall[snum]].point2].x-wall[goalwall[snum]].x,wall[wall[goalwall[snum]].point2].y-wall[goalwall[snum]].y)+1536)&2047); syn->fvel += (x2-x1)*2047/dist; syn->svel += (y2-y1)*2047/dist; syn->avel = min(max((((daang+1024-damyang)&2047)-1024)>>3,-127),127); } } #endif