class DukeActor : CoreActor native { enum EStatnums { STAT_DEFAULT = 0, STAT_ACTOR = 1, STAT_ZOMBIEACTOR = 2, STAT_EFFECTOR = 3, STAT_PROJECTILE = 4, STAT_MISC = 5, STAT_STANDABLE = 6, STAT_LOCATOR = 7, STAT_ACTIVATOR = 8, STAT_TRANSPORT = 9, STAT_PLAYER = 10, STAT_FX = 11, STAT_FALLER = 12, STAT_DUMMYPLAYER = 13, STAT_LIGHT = 14, STAT_RAROR = 15, STAT_DESTRUCT = 100, STAT_BOWLING = 105, }; native void SetSpritesetImage(int index); native DukeActor ownerActor, hitOwnerActor; native uint8 cgg; native uint8 spriteextra; // moved here for easier maintenance. This was originally a hacked in field in the sprite structure called 'filler'. native int16 /*attackertype, hitang,*/ hitextra, movflag; native int16 tempval; /*, dispicnum;*/ native int16 timetosleep; native double floorz, ceilingz; native int saved_ammo; native int palvals; native int temp_data[6]; native private int flags1, flags2; native walltype temp_walls[2]; native sectortype temp_sect, actorstayput; native DukeActor temp_actor, seek_actor; flagdef Inventory: flags1, 0; flagdef ShrinkAutoaim: flags1, 1; flagdef Badguy: flags1, 2; flagdef ForceAutoaim: flags1, 3; flagdef Boss: flags1, 4; flagdef Badguystayput: flags1, 5; flagdef GreenSlimeFood: flags1, 6; flagdef NoDamagePush: flags1, 7; flagdef NoWaterDrip: flags1, 8; flagdef InternalBadguy: flags1, 9; flagdef Killcount: flags1, 10; flagdef NoCanSeeCheck: flags1, 11; flagdef HitRadiusCheck: flags1, 12; flagdef MoveFTA_CheckSee: flags1, 13; flagdef MoveFTA_MakeStandable: flags1, 14; flagdef TriggerIfHitSector: flags1, 15; //flagdef MoveFTA_WakeupCheck: flags1, 16; // this one needs to be auto-set for RR, not for Duke, should not be exposed unless the feature becomes generally available. flagdef CheckSeeWithPal8: flags1, 17; flagdef NoShadow: flags1, 18; flagdef SE24_NoFloorCheck: flags1, 19; flagdef NoInterpolate: flags1, 20; native void getglobalz(); native DukePlayer findplayer(); native int ifhitbyweapon(); native int domove(int clipmask); native void PlayActorSound(int snd); native DukeActor spawn(Name type); native DukeActor spawnweaponorammo(int type); native void lotsofglass(int count); native void makeitfall(); virtual void BeginPlay() {} virtual void Initialize() {} virtual void Tick() {} virtual void onHit(DukeActor hitter) {} virtual void onUse(DukePlayer user) {} virtual bool animate(tspritetype tspr) { return false; } virtual void RunState() {} // this is the CON function. // temporary flag accessors - need to be eliminated once we can have true actor flags native int actorflag1(int mask); native int actorflag2(int mask); native int attackerflag1(int mask); native int attackerflag2(int mask); } extend struct _ { native @DukeGameInfo gs; native DukeLevel dlevel; } // The level struct is a wrapper to group all level related global variables and static functions into one object. // On the script side we do not really want scattered global data that is publicly accessible. struct DukeLevel { } struct DukeStatIterator { private DukeActor nextp; native DukeActor Next(); native DukeActor First(int stat); } struct DukeSectIterator { private DukeActor nextp; native DukeActor Next(); native DukeActor First(sectortype sect); } struct DukeSpriteIterator { private DukeActor nextp; private int stat; native DukeActor Next(); native DukeActor First(); } // this is only temporary. We cannot check the actor flags as long as we still need to deal with internal actors whose picnum defines their type. enum sflags_t { SFLAG_INVENTORY = 0x00000001, SFLAG_SHRINKAUTOAIM = 0x00000002, SFLAG_BADGUY = 0x00000004, SFLAG_FORCEAUTOAIM = 0x00000008, SFLAG_BOSS = 0x00000010, SFLAG_BADGUYSTAYPUT = 0x00000020, SFLAG_GREENSLIMEFOOD = 0x00800040, SFLAG_NODAMAGEPUSH = 0x00000080, SFLAG_NOWATERDIP = 0x00000100, SFLAG_INTERNAL_BADGUY = 0x00000200, // a separate flag is needed for the internal ones because SFLAG_BADGUY has additional semantics. SFLAG_KILLCOUNT = 0x00000400, SFLAG_NOCANSEECHECK = 0x00000800, SFLAG_HITRADIUSCHECK = 0x00001000, SFLAG_MOVEFTA_CHECKSEE = 0x00002000, SFLAG_MOVEFTA_MAKESTANDABLE = 0x00004000, SFLAG_TRIGGER_IFHITSECTOR = 0x00008000, SFLAG_MOVEFTA_WAKEUPCHECK = 0x00010000, SFLAG_MOVEFTA_CHECKSEEWITHPAL8 = 0x00020000, // let's hope this can be done better later. For now this was what blocked merging the Duke and RR variants of movefta SFLAG_NOSHADOW = 0x00040000, SFLAG_SE24_NOCARRY = 0x00080000, SFLAG_NOINTERPOLATE = 0x00100000, SFLAG_FALLINGFLAMMABLE = 0x00200000, SFLAG_FLAMMABLEPOOLEFFECT = 0x00400000, SFLAG_INFLAME = 0x00800000, SFLAG_NOFLOORFIRE = 0x01000000, SFLAG_HITRADIUS_FLAG1 = 0x02000000, SFLAG_HITRADIUS_FLAG2 = 0x04000000, SFLAG_CHECKSLEEP = 0x08000000, SFLAG_NOTELEPORT = 0x10000000, SFLAG_SE24_REMOVE = 0x20000000, SFLAG_BLOCK_TRIPBOMB = 0x40000000, SFLAG_NOFALLER = 0x80000000, }; enum sflags2_t { SFLAG2_USEACTIVATOR = 0x00000001, SFLAG2_NOROTATEWITHSECTOR = 0x00000002, SFLAG2_SHOWWALLSPRITEONMAP = 0x00000004, SFLAG2_NOFLOORPAL = 0x00000008, SFLAG2_EXPLOSIVE = 0x00000010, SFLAG2_BRIGHTEXPLODE = 0x00000020, SFLAG2_DOUBLEDMGTHRUST = 0x00000040, SFLAG2_BREAKMIRRORS = 0x00000080, SFLAG2_CAMERA = 0x00000100, SFLAG2_DONTANIMATE = 0x00000200, SFLAG2_INTERPOLATEANGLE = 0x00000400, };