//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 2010-2019 EDuke32 developers and contributors Copyright (C) 2019 Nuke.YKT This file is part of NBlood. NBlood is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "ns.h" // Must come before everything else! #include "build.h" #include "mmulti.h" #include "compat.h" #include "common.h" #include "common_game.h" #include "g_input.h" #include "db.h" #include "blood.h" #include "choke.h" #include "controls.h" #include "dude.h" #include "endgame.h" #include "eventq.h" #include "fx.h" #include "gib.h" #include "globals.h" #include "levels.h" #include "loadsave.h" #include "sectorfx.h" #include "seq.h" #include "sound.h" #include "triggers.h" #include "view.h" #include "misc.h" #include "gameconfigfile.h" #include "gamecontrol.h" #include "m_argv.h" #include "statistics.h" #include "menu.h" #include "raze_sound.h" #include "nnexts.h" #include "secrets.h" #include "gamestate.h" #include "screenjob.h" #include "mapinfo.h" #include "choke.h" #include "d_net.h" #include "v_video.h" BEGIN_BLD_NS void InitCheats(); bool bNoDemo = false; int gNetPlayers; int gChokeCounter = 0; int blood_globalflags; PLAYER gPlayerTemp[kMaxPlayers]; int gHealthTemp[kMaxPlayers]; vec3_t startpos; int16_t startang, startsectnum; void QuitGame(void) { throw CExitEvent(0); } void EndLevel(void) { gViewPos = VIEWPOS_0; sndKillAllSounds(); sfxKillAllSounds(); ambKillAll(); seqKillAll(); } void StartLevel(MapRecord* level) { if (!level) return; gFrameCount = 0; gFrameClock = 0; STAT_Update(0); EndLevel(); gInput = {}; currentLevel = level; if (gGameOptions.nGameType == 0) { /////// gGameOptions.weaponsV10x = gWeaponsV10x; /////// } #if 0 else if (gGameOptions.nGameType > 0 && !(gGameOptions.uGameFlags & GF_AdvanceLevel)) { // todo gBlueFlagDropped = false; gRedFlagDropped = false; } #endif if (gGameOptions.uGameFlags & GF_AdvanceLevel) { for (int i = connecthead; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i]) { memcpy(&gPlayerTemp[i], &gPlayer[i], sizeof(PLAYER)); gHealthTemp[i] = xsprite[gPlayer[i].pSprite->extra].health; } } bVanilla = false; memset(xsprite, 0, sizeof(xsprite)); memset(sprite, 0, kMaxSprites * sizeof(spritetype)); //drawLoadingScreen(); if (dbLoadMap(currentLevel->fileName, (int*)&startpos.x, (int*)&startpos.y, (int*)&startpos.z, &startang, &startsectnum, nullptr)) { I_Error("%s: Unable to load map", level->DisplayName()); } SECRET_SetMapName(currentLevel->DisplayName(), currentLevel->name); STAT_NewLevel(currentLevel->fileName); G_LoadMapHack(currentLevel->fileName); wsrand(dbReadMapCRC(currentLevel->LabelName())); gKillMgr.Clear(); gSecretMgr.Clear(); automapping = 1; int modernTypesErased = 0; for (int i = 0; i < kMaxSprites; i++) { spritetype* pSprite = &sprite[i]; if (pSprite->statnum < kMaxStatus && pSprite->extra > 0) { XSPRITE* pXSprite = &xsprite[pSprite->extra]; if ((pXSprite->lSkill & (1 << gGameOptions.nDifficulty)) || (pXSprite->lS && gGameOptions.nGameType == 0) || (pXSprite->lB && gGameOptions.nGameType == 2) || (pXSprite->lT && gGameOptions.nGameType == 3) || (pXSprite->lC && gGameOptions.nGameType == 1)) { DeleteSprite(i); continue; } #ifdef NOONE_EXTENSIONS if (!gModernMap && nnExtEraseModernStuff(pSprite, pXSprite)) modernTypesErased++; #endif } } #ifdef NOONE_EXTENSIONS if (!gModernMap && modernTypesErased > 0) Printf(PRINT_NONOTIFY, "> Modern types erased: %d.\n", modernTypesErased); #endif startpos.z = getflorzofslope(startsectnum, startpos.x, startpos.y); for (int i = 0; i < kMaxPlayers; i++) { gStartZone[i].x = startpos.x; gStartZone[i].y = startpos.y; gStartZone[i].z = startpos.z; gStartZone[i].sectnum = startsectnum; gStartZone[i].ang = startang; #ifdef NOONE_EXTENSIONS // Create spawn zones for players in teams mode. if (gModernMap && i <= kMaxPlayers / 2) { gStartZoneTeam1[i].x = startpos.x; gStartZoneTeam1[i].y = startpos.y; gStartZoneTeam1[i].z = startpos.z; gStartZoneTeam1[i].sectnum = startsectnum; gStartZoneTeam1[i].ang = startang; gStartZoneTeam2[i].x = startpos.x; gStartZoneTeam2[i].y = startpos.y; gStartZoneTeam2[i].z = startpos.z; gStartZoneTeam2[i].sectnum = startsectnum; gStartZoneTeam2[i].ang = startang; } #endif } InitSectorFX(); warpInit(); actInit(false); evInit(); for (int i = connecthead; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i]) { if (!(gGameOptions.uGameFlags & GF_AdvanceLevel)) { if (numplayers == 1) { gProfile[i].skill = gSkill; } playerInit(i, 0); } playerStart(i, 1); } if (gGameOptions.uGameFlags & GF_AdvanceLevel) { for (int i = connecthead; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i]) { PLAYER* pPlayer = &gPlayer[i]; pPlayer->pXSprite->health &= 0xf000; pPlayer->pXSprite->health |= gHealthTemp[i]; pPlayer->weaponQav = gPlayerTemp[i].weaponQav; pPlayer->curWeapon = gPlayerTemp[i].curWeapon; pPlayer->weaponState = gPlayerTemp[i].weaponState; pPlayer->weaponAmmo = gPlayerTemp[i].weaponAmmo; pPlayer->qavCallback = gPlayerTemp[i].qavCallback; pPlayer->qavLoop = gPlayerTemp[i].qavLoop; pPlayer->weaponTimer = gPlayerTemp[i].weaponTimer; pPlayer->nextWeapon = gPlayerTemp[i].nextWeapon; } } gGameOptions.uGameFlags &= ~(GF_AdvanceLevel|GF_EndGame); PreloadCache(); InitMirrors(); trInit(); if (!bVanilla && !gMe->packSlots[1].isActive) // if diving suit is not active, turn off reverb sound effect sfxSetReverb(0); ambInit(); Net_ClearFifo(); gChokeCounter = 0; M_ClearMenus(); // viewSetMessage(""); viewSetErrorMessage(""); paused = 0; levelTryPlayMusic(); gChoke.reset(); Printf(TEXTCOLOR_GOLD "%s: %s\n", level->LabelName(), level->DisplayName()); } void NewLevel(MapRecord *sng, int skill) { auto completion = [=](bool = false) { if (skill != -1) gGameOptions.nDifficulty = skill; gSkill = skill; cheatReset(); StartLevel(sng); gameaction = ga_level; }; bool startedCutscene = false; if (!(sng->flags & MI_USERMAP)) { int episode = volfromlevelnum(sng->levelNumber); int level = mapfromlevelnum(sng->levelNumber); if (gEpisodeInfo[episode].cutALevel == level && gEpisodeInfo[episode].cutsceneAName[0]) { levelPlayIntroScene(episode, completion); startedCutscene = true; } } if (!startedCutscene) completion(false); } void GameInterface::NewGame(MapRecord *sng, int skill) { gGameOptions.uGameFlags = 0; NewLevel(sng, skill); } void GameInterface::NextLevel(MapRecord *map, int skill) { gGameOptions.uGameFlags = GF_AdvanceLevel; NewLevel(map, skill); } void GameInterface::Ticker() { for (int i = connecthead; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i]) { auto& inp = gPlayer[i].input; auto oldactions = inp.actions; inp = playercmds[i].ucmd; inp.actions |= oldactions & ~(SB_BUTTON_MASK | SB_RUN | SB_WEAPONMASK_BITS); // should be everything non-button and non-weapon int newweap = inp.getNewWeapon(); if (newweap > 0 && newweap < WeaponSel_MaxBlood) gPlayer[i].newWeapon = newweap; } viewClearInterpolations(); if (!(paused || (gGameOptions.nGameType == 0 && M_Active()))) { thinktime.Reset(); thinktime.Clock(); for (int i = connecthead; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i]) { viewBackupView(i); playerProcess(&gPlayer[i]); } trProcessBusy(); evProcess(gFrameClock); seqProcess(4); DoSectorPanning(); actortime.Reset(); actortime.Clock(); actProcessSprites(); actPostProcess(); actortime.Unclock(); viewCorrectPrediction(); ambProcess(); viewUpdateDelirium(); viewUpdateShake(); gi->UpdateSounds(); if (gMe->hand == 1) { const int CHOKERATE = 8; const int COUNTRATE = 30; gChokeCounter += CHOKERATE; while (gChokeCounter >= COUNTRATE) { gChoke.at1c(gMe); gChokeCounter -= COUNTRATE; } } thinktime.Unclock(); gFrameCount++; gFrameClock += 4; if (gFrameClock == 8) gameaction = ga_autosave; // let the game run for 1 frame before saving. for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { dword_21EFD0[i] = dword_21EFD0[i] -= 4; if (dword_21EFD0[i] < 0) dword_21EFD0[i] = 0; } if ((gGameOptions.uGameFlags & GF_AdvanceLevel) != 0) { seqKillAll(); if (gGameOptions.uGameFlags & GF_EndGame) { STAT_Update(true); if (gGameOptions.nGameType == 0) { auto completion = [](bool) { gGameOptions.uGameFlags &= ~(GF_AdvanceLevel|GF_EndGame); gameaction = ga_creditsmenu; }; if (gGameOptions.uGameFlags & GF_PlayCutscene) { levelPlayEndScene(volfromlevelnum(currentLevel->levelNumber), completion); } else completion(false); } else { gGameOptions.uGameFlags &= ~(GF_AdvanceLevel|GF_EndGame); } } else { STAT_Update(false); EndLevel(); Mus_Stop(); // Fixme: Link maps, not episode/level pairs. int ep = volfromlevelnum(currentLevel->levelNumber); auto map = FindMapByLevelNum(levelnum(ep, gNextLevel)); CompleteLevel(map); } } r_NoInterpolate = false; } else r_NoInterpolate = true; } void GameInterface::DrawBackground() { twod->ClearScreen(); DrawTexture(twod, tileGetTexture(2518, true), 0, 0, DTA_FullscreenEx, FSMode_ScaleToFit43, TAG_DONE); } void ReadAllRFS(); void GameInterface::app_init() { InitCheats(); memcpy(&gGameOptions, &gSingleGameOptions, sizeof(GAMEOPTIONS)); gGameOptions.nMonsterSettings = !userConfig.nomonsters; ReadAllRFS(); HookReplaceFunctions(); Printf(PRINT_NONOTIFY, "Initializing Build 3D engine\n"); engineInit(); Printf(PRINT_NONOTIFY, "Loading tiles\n"); if (!tileInit(0, NULL)) I_FatalError("TILES###.ART files not found"); levelLoadDefaults(); loaddefinitionsfile(BLOODWIDESCREENDEF); const char* defsfile = G_DefFile(); uint32_t stime = I_msTime(); if (!loaddefinitionsfile(defsfile)) { uint32_t etime = I_msTime(); Printf(PRINT_NONOTIFY, "Definitions file \"%s\" loaded in %d ms.\n", defsfile, etime - stime); } TileFiles.SetBackup(); powerupInit(); Printf(PRINT_NONOTIFY, "Loading cosine table\n"); trigInit(); Printf(PRINT_NONOTIFY, "Initializing view subsystem\n"); viewInit(); Printf(PRINT_NONOTIFY, "Initializing dynamic fire\n"); FireInit(); Printf(PRINT_NONOTIFY, "Initializing weapon animations\n"); WeaponInit(); LoadSaveSetup(); myconnectindex = connecthead = 0; gNetPlayers = numplayers = 1; connectpoint2[0] = -1; gGameOptions.nGameType = 0; UpdateNetworkMenus(); Printf(PRINT_NONOTIFY, "Initializing sound system\n"); sndInit(); registerosdcommands(); gChoke.init(518, sub_84230); UpdateDacs(0, true); enginecompatibility_mode = ENGINECOMPATIBILITY_19960925;//bVanilla; } static void gameInit() { //RESTART: gViewIndex = myconnectindex; gMe = gView = &gPlayer[myconnectindex]; PROFILE* pProfile = &gProfile[myconnectindex]; strcpy(pProfile->name, playername); pProfile->skill = gSkill; UpdateNetworkMenus(); if (gGameOptions.nGameType > 0) { inputState.ClearAllInput(); } } void GameInterface::Startup() { gameInit(); if (userConfig.CommandMap.IsNotEmpty()) { } else { if (!userConfig.nologo && gGameOptions.nGameType == 0) playlogos(); else { gameaction = ga_mainmenu; } } } void GameInterface::Render() { drawtime.Reset(); drawtime.Clock(); viewDrawScreen(); drawtime.Unclock(); } void sndPlaySpecialMusicOrNothing(int nMusic) { if (!Mus_Play(nullptr, quoteMgr.GetQuote(nMusic), true)) { Mus_Stop(); } } extern IniFile* BloodINI; void GameInterface::FreeGameData() { if (BloodINI) delete BloodINI; } void GameInterface::FreeLevelData() { EndLevel(); ::GameInterface::FreeLevelData(); } ReservedSpace GameInterface::GetReservedScreenSpace(int viewsize) { int top = 0; if (gGameOptions.nGameType > 0 && gGameOptions.nGameType <= 3) { top = (tilesiz[2229].y * ((gNetPlayers + 3) / 4)); } return { top, 25 }; } ::GameInterface* CreateInterface() { return new GameInterface; } END_BLD_NS